1992-10-05 RM Exhibits / (- II NOR!tB CAROLINA Sf!A'J:B DEPAR.7!MBN'Z OF 'J'RANSPOa7!A!tION REQ'USS!t FOR ADDI7.'ION 'J:O S'J!A'J!B NllIlr.rAIWD SBCONDARY ROAD SrSrlGM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Descriptionl HBNDENHALL DRIVE H8ERSAS, tbe attacbed petition has been filed with tbe Board of County COlfllflJ.ssJ.oners ot the County ot New Hanover requesting tbat the abo'l7e described road(s}, tbe location of which bas been indicated J.n red on the attacbed map, be added to the Secondary Road system; and WllBRBAS, the Board of County Commissioners .:ts of the op.:tn:J.oD that tbe above described road (B) sbould be added to tlJe secondary Road system, if the road (s) meets min1mum standards and criter.:ta establisbed by the Division of Highways of the Department ot ~ranspo.rtation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, 'J.'llEREFORS, be ;J:t resolved by the Board of comm:l.ss.!oners of the county of New Hanover that the Division or Higbways is hereby requested to review "tbe above described road(s}, and to take over tbe road(s} for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CBR~:C'ICA~B !l'he foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the county or New Hanover at a meeting on the 5th day of October , 2992. "r'l'NBfJfl-JU~ hand and official seal this the S..PV ~ ' 1992. day of Form SR-2 .Please Not(JI 1'0rwtJrd direct to the Distdct Engineer, Di.vidon of Highways. resoluts.wp , H",:p9)' ".: ;": ',' '. -r.:. ,:.' ' . "0 . ':, .. , . ~. . .. I ~ I'. ~. . ':: ~ ............................................................................................................ .~~ lir-r. t .._____.__ -,' . ~, ' , . ~ 'l ~T,t '" .-:,. ..... " .' , \ I d'\1' . . .' b. rO' .' U .' . N.ew Jtannu~r <1rlluntU iSourb of .<!.tnmmilIlIinnttn tlroclamation NATIONAL DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT 'A W ARENESS MONTII with the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act of >:, 1990, we are striving to~ard full opportunity for people with disabilities in all aspects of our society during this last decade,. of the 20th century. To begin this process, we must realize the" ideal that every citizen must be allowed and encouraged to contribute his or her talents and abilities for us to compete ~nd flourish in the changing world economy. Support of current activities, as well as creative and innovative programs and 'pOlicies, are needed to hire qual if ied citizens who wish t~ lead active and productive lives and help us compete in the global marketplace. We commend the progress made in employing disabl~d citizens, giving them dignity, equality and independence. . Yet we know that two-thirds of 'working-age disabled citizens are unemployed and others are under-employed. We must continue to work to remove the attitudinal and physical barriers that obstruct them. . NOW, THEREFORE, I, E. L. MATHEWS, JR., Chairman, New Hanover County commissioners~ do hereby proclaim October, 1992, as "NATIONAL DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT AWARENESS MONTHu in New Hanover County I with the theme "Working Together for Change. If I further encourage all" public officials, leaders in business, industry, labor and all private citizens to recognize the activities and programs that promote the employment of qualified persons with disabilities. Adopted this the 5th day of October 1992 ~ . > ..: :,: .' i . . ~I . . . ~.: . . .:.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ," : I . . . .' ' . . . '" . " : ~' I . . . . . . . . .,' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...'oL, It . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' · ~t;.. . ~~ . ~ _, ,!'1- ;. ;':'!1\ )., ,~.~~~.._-_._.__.----- -- - ----..--. - ~~~ I. ~;==~.~~~..!..!'~~!~........ .... .......... .... ......... ........ ..... ...... ......~~~.~,~.~-~_._...!'.~~ . ~ ((-V '. : RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 2:00 p.m. on the 10th day of September, 1992, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Removal and Transportation of Ash for the Waste-to-Energy Facility, RFP # 93-0108: Proposals in Accordance with Existing Requirements Monthly Minimum Rate for Excess Ton MCO Transport, Inc. Proposal # 1A $22,975.00 $ 6.08/Ton Proposal # 1B $15,700.00 $ 3.97/Ton Proposal # 1C $ 9,218.00 $ 3.83/Ton Waste Industries Proposal # 1 $13,860.00 $ .94/Ton Proposal # 2 $ 5,680.00 $ 2.00/Ton A&B Trash Service $17,280.00 $ 4.00/Ton *Windfish Disposal $50.00/hour $85.00/haul Proposals in Accordance with Wet Ash System Requirements Monthly Minimum Rate for Excess Ton MCO Transport, Inc. Proposal # 2A Proposal # 2B Proposal # 2C $ 9,580.00 $10,868.25 $13,574.32 $ 4.79/Ton $ 3.04/Ton $ 1.73/Ton Waste Industries Proposal # 1 ( same as above) $13,860.00 $ .94/Ton Proposal # 2 (same as above) $ 5,680.00 $ 2.00/Ton A&B Trash Service (same as above) $17,280.00 $ 4.00/Ton *Windfish Disposal $50.00/hour $85.00/haul *The proposal received from Windfish Disposal was not responsive and was therefore not considered. /I-V '. .. AND WHEREAS, the proposals received were higher than anticipated and staff desires to review and restructure Request for Proposals as necessary to reduce cost; AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that all bids be rejected; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the proposals for the contract for Removal and Transporting of Ash Waste-to-Energy Facility, RFP # 93-0108, be rejected. County received for the 1992. (SEAL) Commissioners //-~ New Hanover County Waste-To-Energy Facility Synopsis of Ash Handling Bids September 10, 1992 I. Windfish Disposal A. Proposal 24 hr/day Labor = 24 hr/day x $50.00/hr = $1,250/day x 365 dav/vr $438,000/yr Hauls = $85.00/haul x 10/day x 365 day/yr. = $310,250.00 Total = $748,250.00 ----------- ----------- B. Proposal 8 hr/day Labor = 8 hr x $50.00/hr = $400.00/day x 365 dav/vr $146,000/yr Hauls = $85.00/haul x 10/day x 365 day/yr = $310,250.00 Total = $ 456,250.00 ------------ ------------ Contractor Provides - roll-off containers - roll-off trucks - all labor County Provides - front-end loader Comments - not in bid format of cost/ton ~F II. Waste Industries A. Proposal 24 hrjday Base Bid $13,860 per month x 12 monthsjyr = $166,320.00 Add on over base bid $.94 x 1,000 tons x 12 monthsjyr = $11,280.00 Total $177,600jyr -------- -------- Contractor provides - roll-off containers - site truck for staging - transportation wjstand by County provides - wet down of ash - reload of ash (labor & front-end loader) B. Proposal 8 hrjday Base bid $5,680jmth x 12 mthjyr = $68,160 Add-on $2.00jton x 1,000 ton x 12 month 24,000 Total $92,160jyr. ------- ------- Contractor provides - roll-off containers - roll-off trucks - transportation & labor 8-4:30 County provides - trucks to move ash from ash area to tip floor - switching of containers - wet down & reloading of ash ~-& III. A & B Trash Service A. Proposal 24 hrjday Base Bid $17,280jmth x 12 mthjyr = $207,360jyr Add on $4.00jton x 1,000 ton x 12 mth = $48,000 $255,360jyr Contractor provides - all containers - all transportation & labor - all equipment & labor - total service bid County provides - no requirements on County ?~2e :L'?~:S.E II: 3:d ,A: At. in:l~5!Ve Ai L~~or ~raVI'JeQ E! E~U1D~ent ?rov!dt:: : !: ..... A; ~dD0[ ?rJvI:td. ~q~;DOe~( ?raVlCt~. 3!D ~OR ~EMOVAL & TRANSPORTATION 0f ASH ~Ew HANOVER COUNTY. N.C. BID 193-0108 SEPEMBE? iO. 1992 fRO~ ,~CO TRAliS?'JRT. [He WILMINGTON. II.C. :x:st,ng slste~: ?ro~ :sh !oadlng SIre t~ the fae: i; [V :i==!ng f[oJr, ,e' [:~ [nere. :oaded alter ~oo!down and transported to secure Landf::: en ilgnia; ;2l No rt h. Jne ':) ?ersoD. 2j ho~rs per dav. 365 days ~er year. [hIs "erson to ~o" "S~ fro] ioad:nz sIte [0 tIPPIng fleor. and fro] tIPPIng floor reioad an" tr~ns=ar: to i.andf:ll ! - One'! I rande~ ~rUCK to be use~ in plant for moveilien: 01 ash:o "" floor - One f!) over the ;oad. conventional ~ractor lor tne ~07emen~ Ji d~1 _: LandfI:L 0re Ii! ~~J~c:0rT rral fer fer the ~ove~errt of ~sh tJ :anafl :!. ~ - 0ee : f ~a[efpI liar ~J6 wheel loader. or eqUivalent, for the .oa"!~? ," tr~c~ ~nd rralier for illO'lell:ent ro Landfill. Two wav radIOS to communicate with personnel at the ias,e ~o ene~;y f ac II: ['i Ra~~ at 10u!) ton ~1~1=~: Rare lor excess tons: -r.+c-....( Scie;5 A above. but labor coverage only durIng an ergnt hour ;e~!0d One!), ;e~son. 3 hours per day. 365 days per year. ThIS persoe :0 3c~e as" free :oadrog SIte to tippIng iloor. and from rIPPing floor reload ~nd tf:DSDcrr asn to Landfll!. 1 - une:! I Tandem truck for !ovement oi ash to tipPIng floor. une ,; i uver the ioad ~onventlonai tractor for movement oi :sh to LandfIll. 3 - One: I I "Ejector" traIler ior movement of ash to LandiIII. ~ - Or. e 11 I~ at e r p 1 [ I a r Q] 0 lI' he e I i 0 a de r fa r t r u c K i 0 ad I n g . '- TiC .av ~ad:cs [0 ~or.mur.!cate WIth iaste to energy iae: [r:, Rate at :000 ton mI[:~U~: Rate for excess lens BV\-se-. - g~d ,4dJ- '-"""'- / /- I/- 4/;1.75' 7crD ~ I ~2:;-: Ii: S ':; , j ~ i . ;;..z; 72,9(.,0 - tJ s'f'i5' Gr.O ~ J i ~ : 7 Cl v , ~ .; itri)~ '-laD ~ I .It 47 fD Lfu ~ " ..Jf ,;l.. 3 6 0 '-{"J ~ I /1- I PAGE 1 CONTINUED BID fOR RE~0VAL & 7RANS?ORTATION 0f ASH NEI HANOVER C0UNTY. N,C. a I D 19 3 - ij I 08 fP.u~: ~I~O TRANSPOii.T. Ilie. ilL.~I11GTON. N.C, 31 d 1 C: Same ~s 'A above. but labor ~overage only jur:~g ~n eIght (8) hour perIO~. ln~ no whee: .cader providd, Trm: loadIng by County personnel. A) Labor ?rov!oec: One ~ I) person 8 hours per day, 365 days per year. T~ls person to ~cv; ~S:. fro~ Ioadlr.g SIte to tlpp:ng floor, and from tIPPIng floor. reload anc ~ransF~r: ash to Landfl ~ t. County to furnIsh loader, lIC0 Transport. Inc. to toad trum, B) Equlpment ?roYliea: 1 - Jne' 1) Tandem tr~ck for moverner.t of ash to tipPIng floor. 2 - One 1 i ')ver the road convent lonal tractor for movement of ash to Ll::ii: i j. J - One i) 'Ejector' tral ler for movement of ash to Landfi i l, d - Two iav radIOS to co~munIcate WIth waste to energy faCIlIty. 1 - All ~alnrenance anc :uel for eqUIpment furnrsnea 9Y contractor. 2 - Spare traliers In ~ase oi weather or other emergency. 1 - Contractor to stage all trucKS lhen :abor coverage IS provIded. j - Spare :ande~ truck ana/or truck trailer as may be reqUIred, 5 - Two .a~ radIOS for ~om~unlc~t!On WIth ;!ant person~el. Rate at 200U ton ~ln]~~:: Rate for eIcess tons: i>~S'~.{'~d Md - u-.- -t;J +"""'{ 392::..'0 TEE AB~VE ALSO :~C[~J~: i J.~] 7~= Sr//,) ~ ~ / ~ it <-IS I '7 r..ZJ :;:...--- ..:# / S''' I <,; 7 (, 5!!:- PAGE ] CONTINUED PROPOSAL 12: BId 2A: A) Labor ProvIded: BI EquIpment ProvIded: Bid 2B: AI Labor ProvIded: B) EquIpment ProvIded: )/- -s BID FOR REMOVAL & TRANSPORTATION OF ASH NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. BID 193-0108 SEPTEMBER 10, 1992 FROM NCO TRANSPORT, INC. WILMINGTON, N.C. "Wet Ash System" Sir (6) traIlers for ash contaInment, traIler capacIty at 20 ton, and double aIle, with watertight taIlgates. One (I) person, 8 hours per day, 365 days per year, Person to drive trucks and stage equIpment at incinerator. 1 - SiI (6) traIlers of length not to eIceed 22 feet for direct loading of ash from chute. 2 - One (I) "In Plant" tractor for movement and staging of trailers by County personnel durIng shifts contractor labor is not provided. 3 - One (1) Road truck for movement of ash to Landfi I!. ") 4-S e. 'b <. J It 111+) 9 t. 0 ~ ~dd,,,,^ g >'7, y~O ~ --r;- -f~ -if ('7 2 I 'i<(D ~ Overhead bIn of sufficient capacity to hold maIimum daily generation of ash, with the required belt conveyor for loadIng of bin. EquIpment to be completely mobile, for quick movement within one (I) hour, 200 Foot conveyor equIpped wIth 45 H.P. electrical motor, in accordance wIth specifications of the County. Electricity to be furnished by the County at no cost to contractor, MaIntenance and repaIrs by contractor. Rate at 2000 ton mInImum: Rate for eIcess tons: $9580.00 $ 4.79/T.Jr. One (I) person, 8 hours per day, 365 days per year, for movement of ash to Land fill. 1 - Overhead bin, 190 cubic yard capacity, with Inside liners for quick dIscharge, and gate at bottom for loading. 2 - Conveyor, of length not to eIceed 200 feet, and width not to eIceed 36 inches. 3 - "Ejector" trailer for movement of ash to Landfill, with watertight tailgates. 4 - Road tractor for movement of ash to Landfill. 5 - Spare trailer for loadIng of ash should mechanical downtIme on bin and conveyor occur. l? A--5e.. IS;-- j fLJJ - O'V'- -ft'f'+/ It I 3D I Lj-J '1 ~ it ~ ~ J Lf ~o ~ f.( I (pfp ~ Cf ~ ~ ) $10858.25 $ J.04/Ton Rate at 2000 ton minImum: Rate for eIcess tons: / 1- f< PAGE 4 CONTINUED BID FOR REMOVAL & TRANSPORTATION OF ASH NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. BID #93-0108 FRON: IICO TRANSPORT, INC. WILMINGTON, N.C. Bid 2C: Powerscreen to separate non-combustibles such as metals and concrete for recycling. Overhead bin and conveyor for loading and storage of ash. EqUipment to be completely mobile for quick movement within two (2) hours. All equIpment to run on electricity furnIshed at no cost to contractor by County. AI Labor PrOVided: One (1) person, 8 hours per day, 365 days per year for maIntenance and repaIr of equIpment I and movement of ash to the Landfi I 1. B) EqUIpment PrOVided: 1 - One (1) Road truck for movement of ash to the Landfill. 2 - One (1) "Ejector" traIler for movement of ash to Landfj I 1. 3 - One (1) overhead bin, with capacity of no less than 190 cubic yards for holding of ash. 4 - One (1) powergrid/power screen for separation of non-combustibles from ash. 5 - Two (2) trailers, one for backup should mechanical downtime occur, another for the collectIon of non-combustibles for recycling. '1 J\-5.Q 'i3:-- ~ fI, (., 2-, 8'1 I . ~ ~~l _ ~ .if:J.p 7 ~" . aD I Rate at 2000 ton mInImu~: Rate for eIcess tons: S 13574,32 ~ 1.73/Ton ~-ttYl it t ,}!3 (PSlk 8Lf I THE ABOVE iLSO INCLUDE: 1 - All maintenance and fuel for equIpment furnIshed by contractor. 2 - Spare traIlers in case of weather or other emergency. 3 - Contractor to stage all trucks when iabor coverage is provided. 4 - Spare tandem truck and/or truck traIler as may be requIred. 5 - Two way radios for communIcatIon with plant personnel. . . . /;'-L .. !t.: it RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 4:00 p.m. on the 16th day of September, 1992, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the attached bids were received for Mechanical/Electrical and Instrumentation Services for the Waste-to-Energy Facility, RFP # 93-0106; AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Scope Mechanical Contractors, a Michigan Corporation with an office located in Richmond, Virginia, the lowest responsible bidder, at the prices quoted by Contractor as wages, rates and rentals; AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-480-4192-3920 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Mechanical/Electrical and Instrumentation Services for the Waste-to-Energy Facility, RFP # 93-0106 be awarded to Scope Mechanical Contractors at the prices quoted by Contractor as wages, rates and rentals; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 5th day of October, 1992. to ,. " " >-j ':J lJ:l 'U H ~ H ;0 .-. >-j t) 0 .~ [11 [11 '0 'I" 0 ell -t:.. :v t" C) "l 0 ':l :u 3: .J:) ~ ?\ r ~ ~ rt- } J ;;0 (l) 'd Ii (l) J VI (l) ;j r1 f-" ;j I/Q Z (l) ~ ::I: IU / ;j o < (l) Ii n o 9 r1 '-< \ll r1 CD f-" P- o '0 (l) ~ f-" ~ OQ ,- ~W t-\ 8 t:1 ~ \-\ ~ -.,- ~t:> ':' ~ ::. ....~-...... - -<' ~~- ~ ~(~ ~ f"' V-' ~ g ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~\:l"'J D ~ ~ ~ E ~ :J:- ~ -. r ;to ,.,. ~ :r ~ ~ [-' I~' ~ r;' :b ~ f/)' * \ ~ is;: Q, ~ r. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ + I ~ ~ ~ . -r-- ~ b= ~ ~ ~. l.4-- t p;;-- r-:- ,., '" . P-., ~ ('0 ~ ~~ tJo ~~ ".....p I~ t> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '1l :t: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ () '& ~ & () ~ ~ - ~. ~ () \1\ D () (> ,~ ~ \ () 0 () C> ~.. ) --.. ..... ~~ ~ ~ - .... ...... ..... .... - ..... -- --.. -- "i. ~ -- ..... " .... ..... "- ..... -- ..... " I{'_. I:;;'fl ~ K ~ ~ ~ ~ ""- -.. ........ .....", ........ ...... ~ ?:i ~ +1/1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ... ~L/I ~ ~. ;l ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ -..t) C;{b ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;:-1 f~ -:..... - "f.' -...... ........ I~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :?~ ~ ,.:., ~ CS:>. (f '& ~ I~ <3' ,~ ~ ~ 't ,1 t '.J ~ ~ ~ - '" ....... ~ ~ ~ -... ~ ~ ....... -- R> ~ ~~ ~i\ ~ ::N ~ ~ ~ .9-) ~ " pO ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ () ~ C> ~ .. - ~~ ~ I..N ~ ~ i"''5 " " +-"\ ~ \0 9\ e ~ ~ ~ ~ t\) ~ ~ ~ ~ ;:~ ~~ V\ "):.. ~ N I~ ~ ,-1\ ~ ~ ~ ()o ~ ' r ~ "-.:l ~ ~, ~ ~ it '''\- ~ -. - ~ ?1 ~ 5' fj ..... l<.., ~ ~ I~ f~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , " ()'-. ~ ~ ........ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8; ~ Fv LK ~ ~ \J\ \)J I~ C> -l....", ~ ~ RJ \}oI ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ \N ~ Q ~s {;'. '" :- :- ~ :;::> ~ ~ ~. ;'~ ~~ is I~ .... 3 ~~ ~ s> eN ~ ~ ~ ~ -.' \Sh ... r Cr\ ~ () V) I t~ , ~ ~ r~ .. ., Q ,... >-? ~ ~ 13 ~~ r '1 ~~ ,,~ ~ rJ ~ -, ''S ~ ;-~ ) i i- r... ~~, {'! ,~ ~i " t~ ~ 0. 1il PO" j ') 'i 0..--- - -'--- - II. , / /- H. . IOJ I.... 10 I-J lpo IOJ . Ie It"'" lpo I-J tH 10 IZ . I! - /1; / r.... AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Supplement the language in Sections 51-2, 52-2, 52.5-2, and 53.2 "The maximum allowable height for piling supported structures which are located in Coastal High Hazard, V Zones and/or Ocean Hazard Areas as defined by the Coastal Resources Commission shall be 44 feet. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabi tants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 5th day of October 1992. r-- airman II-{) AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Amend Table of Permitted Uses Fabricated Rubber Products AI P Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabi tants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 5th day of October 1992. ..- Attest: ~ - ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 16th day of September, 1992, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the attached bids were received for Refractory and Insulation Services for the Waste-to-Energy Facility, RFP # 93-0105; AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Republic Industries, Inc. a North Carolina corporation, located in Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, at the prices quoted by Contractor as wages, rates, rentals, travel and per diem; AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-480-4192-3920 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Refractory and Insulation Services for the Waste-to-Energy Facility, RFP # 93-0105 be awarded to Republic Industries, Inc. at the prices quoted by Contractor as wages, rates, rentals, travel and per diem; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. October, 1992. (SEAL) Ch , Commissioners !. '* >-3 ~ M :J :l:' >-3 M to '0 H ;0 '=' 0 '0 '." '0 CIl ;1.>l t"' .J) >Tj i,1 .:> \...N :u r;- ..() {'J i O~ ~ ~ r p <:: r- ~ H .J Ij\ r' r ,..- ~ g '1 " i .". - . P If\ IU rt t:O ~, P- O 'U (l) ::l ~, ::l QQ I ~H~o/~10 ~ r~ :>> 0- ~ -!; ~ ~ J. ((" ,,(S -, R> t,..,,:;... ~ (\i * Z i~ (~ ~. ? \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;t ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ifl ~ :s ~~~~~RJ:t~~ ..f'~'\~' ~~-~ ~...." \}J ~ -..1;) ~?-~ ci-- "0 'N ~ " ~ ~. ~5:.~~~~ ~V\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :i'~ ~ '" ~~~ ~")~ ::-.... '- ,~ : ~~~~~~t:t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~{~ "",~ R.. ~ ~ ~~ \~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ?3: ~ "\ CS \J\ \J\ lS\ ~ ~ ~ !~ III ~. . ri ;-~ ~ i .. ;-~ ~.~ ~ ~~ tT' ... "'If r~ r~ ... ., . . Itt! IH 10 l-i I;J> Itt! Ie: It"' I;J> l-i IH 10 IZ '-~ ?-f: " ~ 13 " ,; ~1 ., ~~ '"'~ ~ t1 ~q; .. f~ l :t... ~ ~ 7'i "\ .... ~~ ;i t~ ~ . 0- f" ~-~ 1\