1991-02-18 RM Exhibits t' ., ..~ -.. .' . MEMORANDUM TO: Allen O'Neal County Manager FROM: Patricia J. Raynor tJ ~ Collec tor of Revenue V / U /l.. SUBJ: Release of Taxes Barred by G.S. 105-378 i..'\::. DATE: February 6, 1991 As the above-referenced statute does not allow force collection of any taxes after ten years from the date due, request the following 1980 charges be released: New Hanover County City of Wilmington Wrightsville Beach Carolina Beach Kure Beach Total $74,247.41 41,459.71 3,882.75 2,338.97 248.17 $122,177.01 . These uncollected amounts are .51% of the combined tax levies for the County and the municipalities charged in 1980 in the amount of $24,058,402.76. A total o~ 191 accounts amount to $100.00 or more. I request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting on February 18, 1991, as the Commissioners have approved these releases in the past. /pjr cc: R. Register A. Atkinson D. Harrell G. Rose D. Ralston F. Jones B. Shell . . '~North Carolina Pe{lartment ,of Transportation' Public Tr~sportation Division .' FY 1990-91/FY 1991-92 Section 18 Program Addendum for Current Recipients* .'-., .' .....77:.. <:",:.....':.~. - ..._- DRAET Applicant: New Hanover County Service Area: . New Hanover County Total Funding: $61,320 Section 18: $ 36.792 State: $ 12,264 Local: $ 1/ ')(iIJ. I. Transmittal Letter A. Attach Transmittal Letter to the front of the application. . B. Resolution "Seeking Permission to Amend FY 1990-91/ FY 1991-92 Application for Section 18 Funding" attached as Appendix A. ll. Project Supporting Documentation A. Project Description 1. Describe current and any proposed new or restructured service to be provided under the project labeled as Appendix B. Include in the description services for the general public and special efforts to meet the needs of the elderly and handicapped. 2. Complete as Appendix C "Vehicle Inventory Chart". 3. Provide a copy of current general public fare policy as Appendix D if changed since the 1990-91 Section 18 Application submittal. B. Project Coordination Complete Appendix E "Human Service Agency Coordination". C. Public Involvement Complete copies of the following labeled-as Appendix F: (1) copy of the public hearing notice affadavit of publication; (2) minutes of the public hearing; and (3) a description of how the applicant addressed comments received. D. Private Participation 1. Verify Appendix G "Surface Public Transportation Providers." 2. Provide a description of private participation activities as Appendix H that have occmed since the filing of the FY 1990-91 Section 18 application. . .Note: When submitting the Section 18 Application, applicants are requested to provide a document with original signatures and one copy. . . E. Project Budget . 1. Complete UPTAS Budget Forms as Appendix I. 2. Complete summary of project expenditures and revenues for period July 1 - December 31, 1990 as Appendix 1. . F. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Include as Appendix K a DBE Plan for programs anticipating receiving Federal Section 18 Assistance in excess of $250,000. G. Biennial Assurances 1. Execute Special Section 13(c) Warranty as Appendix L. 2. Describe, if applicable, any lawsuits or complaints alleging discrimination on the basis of color, or national origin filed against the applicant within the past year together with statement of status or outcome of each complaint or law suit labeled as Appendix M 3. Describe, if applicable, any intent to provide charter service during FY 1990-91 labeled as Appendix N. 4. Execute "Certification of Equival~nt Service" as Appendix 0, if applicable. H. One TIDle Assurance Execute" Assurance of Compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilation Act of 1973, as Amended and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990" as Appendix ~ . . , . Appendix A . RESOLUTION Seeking Permission To Amend FY 1990-91 / FY 1991-92 Application For Section 18 Funding. A motion was made by and seconded (Board Member's Name) by for the adoption of the following (Board Member's Name) resolution, and upon being put to .a vote was duly adopted. WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has received a grant from the US Department of Transportation authorized by Section 18 of Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, to provide assistance for rural public transportation projects; and . . WHEREAS, the purpose of these transportation funds is to provide grant monies to local agencies for the provision of rural public transP9rtation services; and WHEREAS, Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor of North Carolina have. designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as the agency responsible for administering funds received through Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964; and . WHEREAS, New Hanover County . has assured and certified (Applicant's Name) to the NCDOT that it will comply with the Federal Statutes, regulations, executive orders, the Special Section 13 (c) Warranty, and all administrative requirements which relate to the applications made to and grants received from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration, as well as the provisions of Section 1001 of Title 18, U.s.C. . . . NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the *(Authorized Official's Title) of is hereby authorized to submit' a grant (Name 0{ Local Governing Board) application amendment for funding under Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964. ....************************************ I "(CertifYing Oflic:ial'. Name) (Title of CertifYing Official) do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of the the . day of , duly held on (Name 0{ Local Governing Board) "' 19_. "(Signature DeCertifYing omcial) (Name of Local Goveming Board) ......********************************* Subscribed and sworn to me this day of , 19 (Seal) "Notary Public My commission expires AddreM * Note that the official authorized to submit the grant application, certifying official, and notary public should be three (3) separate individuals. . . . APPENDIX B PROJECT DESCRIPTION New Hanover County began a system of coordinated human service transportation on september 24, 1990, serving clients of five agencies. The participating agencies initially included the Department of Aging, Department of social Services, Health Department, Girl"s Inc., and Southeastern Center for Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities/Substance Abuse Services. The system is operated by means of a contract with CTS Management, a private operator. In addition, a pilot project to provide lift-equipped service for handicapped persons who reside outside the Wilmington city limits is included in the design of the system. New and expanded medical and social development transportation have also been provided to elderly persons through the coordination of services. The handicapped transportation service and the additional services for the elderly have been supported by the Elderly and Handicapped Transportation Assistance program. Service for the general public can be accessed on a space available basis along existing routes, according to the same fee structure as is charged the participating agencies. Efforts are currently underway to include additional human service agencies in the system. Interested agencies have been invited to attend meetings of the Human Services Transportation Advisory Board in order to learn about the coordinated system. Also, discussions have been held with administrators of several agencies, including Vocational Rehabilitation, the sheltered workshop, the Association for Retarded citizens, and the United Cerebral palsy preschool. DATE / LOCATION / AREA MANAGER C T' 5 MANAGEMENT COMPANY Vehicle Inventory . CTSV100 . - heet Vehicle Type Lift Nwnber of Vehicle Identification Odometer Reading Number and Model Year Equipped? Passengers Nwnber . as of .2..J.91 (moly i1617 GMC 1985 NO 11 1GOFG35L9F7511617 78,321 16848 FORD 1989 NO 12 1FBHE21H8KHC26848 29,718 55580 FORD 1989 NO 12 1FBHE21H9KHB55580 49,255 80730 CHEV 1987 NO 11 1GAFG35K6H7180730 67,305 84383 DODGE 1990 YES 13 2B7KB31281k784383 6,758 84384 DODGE 1990 NO 14 2KB7KB312XLK784384 18,071 .5 DODGE 1990 YES 13 2B7KB3121LK784385 7,866 91942 FORD 1983 NO 11 1FBHS31G2DHA91942 126,256 , .. **. Indicates spare or backup vehicle. .. I ndicates vehIcles I1Q1 purchased with UMTA funds, list primary source at funds. Indi~ates vehIcles rehabililated or scheduled for rehablfilatlon through the Section 16(b)(2) Program. IndIcates vehicles recommended for disposal. . # . . . APPENDIX D GENERAL PUBLIC FARE POLICY Transportation services will be provided by the coordinated human service transportation system to the general public on a space available basis along established routes. Fares will be charged to the general public under the same rate structure that exists for transportation service provided to human service agencies. The fare structure for the general public will not exceed the amount charged to human service agencies. . . . Appendix E HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY COORDINATION Agency Name (1) Current Service Contract (2) Proposed Service Contract (3) $ 201,600 f ~~ $ 263.906 #ofo~~ #0 . pass. Dept. of Aging 19,712 17,600 40,250 35,000 Dept. of Social Services 56,000 50,000 91,596 79,649 Health Department 1 ,568 1,400 - - Southeastern Center 86,240 77,000 90,390 78,600 G i r l' s I nc. 5,600 5,000 6,670 5,800 Handicapped Project 32,480 29,000 22,000 17,391 Elderly (T.A.P. Project) 13,000 11 ,304 . , Totals (4) $ $ 201,6000 180,000 263,906 227,744 1. List all human service agencies in service area that either provide or receive transportation services. 2. Indicate the amount of each service contract and the number of passenger trips for the current year. 3. Indicate the amount of each service contract and the number of passenger trips proposed in the application. 4. Total amount of service contract(s) and number of passenger trips for current and proposed years. 5. Provide a brief description of your efforts to coordinate with human service agencies listed in (1) above for which no service contract exists. *Note that Column 3 figures should be the same as figures given in the revenue section of the project budget. -35- t .~~~ >i ,. .~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened l)y the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 5th day of February, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut street, Wilmingtoll, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for One (1) 1991 Gelleral Motors Suburban for the Emergency Management Department, Bid # 91-0040: Bobby Murray Chevrolet, Inc. Neil Johnson Buick-GMC, Inc.-Quote A Neil Johnson Buick-GMC, Inc.-Quote B Neil Johnson Buick-GMC, Inc.-Quote C $24,000.00 $22,756.07 $26,371.62 $22,500.00 AND WHEREAS, the bids received from Neil Johnson Buick-GMC, Inc. of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina did not meet the bid specifications as stated in the bid package and therefore cannot be considered a responsible bidder; AND WHEREAS, the Emergency Management Department, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Bobby Murray Chevrolet, Inc. of Raleigh, North carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Twenty-four Thousand Dollars($24,OOO.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in or will be available in subsequent y~ar's budget in Account No. 110-433-4330-3000-5940 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for One (1) 1991 General Motors Suburban for the Emergency Management Department, Bid # 91-0040 be awarded to Bobby Murray Chevrolet, Inc. in the amount of Twenty-four Thousand Dollars ($24,000.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. ~: f~ ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the' bid deposits to the unsuccessful bidders. This of February, 1991. ~f:ti: Chairman, Board of County Commissioners 2 ., NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE / ) / ~MEMO ~ ~>>~~::.. ::;:::~::;~~~~~::~:~~~:;:~~:;~::~:j::~:::::1~~$:::::::~::::~:::::::::::~-:::.:-:::"*::~~~:~::::::.N.~:::.:::::::;.. -::.....:"-:~~:: :-: ..;~~:>>......~ ~~.~..... ~~ TO: Allen O'Neal County Manager FROM: Patricia J. Raynor ~ f7'\) Collector of Revenue -' -~) l/ SUBJECT: Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property DATE: February 7, 1991 In accordance with G.S. 105-369, this is to advise the Board of the out- standing real estate taxes for 1990. The outstanding amounts, as of January 31, 1991 are: Governing Jurisdiction Delinquent Taxes Total - All Jurisdictions $ 2,362,877.05 56,883.87 930,319.27 74,566.09 138,600.60 26,041. 71 $ 3,589,288.59 . New Hanover County New Hanover Co. Fire District City of Wilmington Town of Wrightsville Beach Town of Carolina Beach Town of Kure Beach It is necessary that the Board order the advertisement of the tax liens. I recommend that the advertisement be published on March 9, 1991. I request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioner's meeting of February 18, 1991. PJR:sw Copy: R. Register Tax Administrator . ~ Back Taxes - Real Estate and Personal Property "Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 2,588,328.96 20,881.29 2,567,447.67 538,230.68 $ 2,029,216.99 20.96% ~, ; ~I '''':'.-'4' .~,!,~~~;:.:>,>:. ", . 1 '. . , , " .. , t' ..0;. ~ ;l.:.:!\\' , t-!-}, ,~. .j:~ i' \ ~:i tl. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Colle~tions; thru January 31, 1991 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy , .Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected 1990 $ 34,610,078.89 . 2,523,901.35 90,126.99 $ 37,043,853.25 " 78,820.13 $ 37,122,673.38 33,882,571.55 $ 3,240,101.83 91. 27% , . !.., ,.. 1. 'I' Room Occupancy Tax Collections - January - $ 50,001.99- '944,358.91 . -" " . Privilege License Collections - January - $ 50.00'- Fiscal YTD ~ $17'.254. EMS Collections - January -$ 00.00 - Fiscal YTD - $ 00.00 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date ,~ $51,660,440.79. This report is for fiscal year beginning J~ly 1, 1990. ,. , . ; R~ctful~y submitted, -~\..rnc\t\;, Q i ()/l -- ~ Patricia J. Ra~r '.OY"\ Collector of Revenue PJR: sw '! -' .' (, .-...... -NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS ~ Collections thru January 31,')991 .. 1990 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged, Total Levy , ,Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 944,520.45 83,414.59 - 34,623.67 $ 993,311.37 2,081.50 $,995,392.87 -915,070.39, -$ 80,322.48 "j" 91.93% " , ,l :. '...... Back Taxes Real Estate and Personal Property 'Charges Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 45,038.73 151.74 606.21 $ 44,584.26 13,232.39 $ 31,351.87 29.68% This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, i1---hl L~~ -<) ) (l~...,-' Patricia J. Ra~or U Collector of Revenue P JR : sw ;~ ~..:~ 'i~;,;,~'-;'!V'if:/;~~i'l'~4'\~iff;1~~1t~~.:.p~~~~r; CON~ENT ~'AGKNDA:~~~;: DATE':ff.B ~,1"8 ~'9~,'f"~"" . ' < ," .i:" i: ,I) ;..../ '~{ (./f"t~;;1~\\k:W~'?'" ITEM N . \- ,,' p, ;';i.\..,li.~!\:\,.". , O. .". f) \ ""',.'..::",. , ,~ ; ,~{,. .." ',:'~!:r;~~~i;(, ~l '; I 'Ill . ' ,\.0 ,~ v" ..-..... ~! NEW HANOVER'COUNTY CONTRACT POLICY ~ A contract is an agreement between two or more persons which creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing. The terms "contract" and "agreement" are interchangeable. The origin and final disposition of all contracts in which New Hanover County is a party will be in the Legal Department. All contracts shall bear a County contract identification number to be assigned by the Legal Department. ~ Requests for preparation of contracts will be in writing to the Legal Department by memorandum, and will include all of the information necessary to draft the document, along with all supplemental information necessary, such as exhibits, schedules, maps. Requests for review of contracts proposed by another party will also be in writing to the Legal Department by memorandum. The Legal Department will determine whether the provisions, terms and conditions conform to County policy and are in the best interest of the County. Such requests shall be submitted to the Legal Department at least ten: (10) working days prior to the date needed or the Agenda deadline.' ^ Requests for contracts to be included in projects advertised for bid, whether informal or formal, shall be made to the Legal Department at the time the technical specifications are being prepared and prior to advertising for bids. It is of the utmost importance that the terms and conditions of the contract be made available to the bidders, in order that any extraneous costs (i.e. insurance, bonds, etc.) be included in the bid proposal submitted to the County. Informal and formal bidding requirements and procedures are mandated by North Carolina General statutes. A contract for the maintenance of County equipment where the annual maintenance payment does not exceed $5000 does not need legal review and can be signed by the Department Head. Contracts for thi:s same type of maintenance in excess of $5000 and less than $20,000 shall be prepared/reviewed by the Legal Department and will be signed by the County Manager. Contracts for purchases less than $20,000 will be signed by the County Manager. Contracts for Maintenance/Repair projects or Construction less than $50,000 will be signed by the County Manager. A monthly report with details of these contracts will be prepared by the Legal Department for the information and approval of the Board of Commissioners. Contracts for purchases and contracts for maintenance of County Equipment in excess of $20,000 will be placed on the agenda for the approval of the Board of Commissioners. . , New Hanove,r County Contract Policy '. . ."'-- -J Contracts for Maintenance/Repair projects or Construction in excess of $50,000 will be placed on the agenda for the approval of the Board of Commissioners. .. This policy supersedes any and all policies referencing contract procedures heretofore approved. ADOPTED this 18th day of February, 1991. ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~fitL- Fred Retchin, Chairman Board of Commissioners ATTEST: ~J~ Cl rk to the Board 2 ~ ,. '!, NEW HANOVER COUNTY ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE-OFF PROCEDURES =======================================================================~=====: TYPE: EMS (EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES) DESC: AMBULANCE SERVICES FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CONTACT PERSON: LARRY RAY, EMS DIRECTOR 341-4399 BILLING PROCESS: A. ROUTINE BILLS ARE SENT TO CUSTOMER FOR THE FIRST 60 DAYS FROM DATE OF SERVICE, THESE ACCOUNTS ARE NOT CHARGED INTEREST OR LATE CHARGES. B. IF REGULAR MONTHLY PAYMENT IS NOT MADE FOR THE FIRST 60 DAYS BILLING STOPS. IF CUSTOMER IS OUT OF COUNTY THE ACCOUNT IS SENT TO TRANSWORLD COLLECTION AGENCY. TRANSWORLD WILL SEND THREE COLLECTI"ON LETTERS TO THE CUSTOMER AND IF PAYMENT IS NOT MAr TRANSWORLD WILL SUSPEND THE ACCOUNT AND IT IS SENT BACK TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY. C. SELECTED ACCOUNTS ARE TURNED OVER TO LEGAL DEPARTMENT FOR FURTHER COLLECTION EFFORTS. D. ACCOUNTS PAST DUE MORE THAN 180 DAYS AND NO CONTACT ESTABLISHED WITH ACCOUNT WILL BE WRITTEN OFF WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOI OF FINANCE. , I TYPE: INSPECTIONS (TYPE 15) DESC: BUILDING, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, & ELECTRICAL PERMITS CONTACT PERSON: SCHUYLER CONKLIN 341-7172 BILLING PROCESS: A. A MONTHLY BILL IS SENT TO THE CUSTOMER AND IF THAT ACCOUNT FALLS 30 DAYS BEHIND THE INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT WILL NO LONGER ISSUE PERMITS TO THAT CUSTOMER UNTIL THE ACCOUNT IS BROUGHT CURRENT. ALSO AFTER 30 DAYS THE ACCOUNT IS ASSESSED A LATE PENTALTY OF 1.5% MONTHLY ON THE OUTSTANDING BALANCE. B. WHEN THE ACCOUNT REACHES 60-90 DAYS PAST DUE, THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT SENDS A LETTER TO THE CUSTOMER GIVING THEM 10 DAYS TO PAY THE ACCOUNT. IF IT IS NOT PAID LEGAL TAKES THE CUSTOMER TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT. C. ACCOUNTS PAST DUE MORE THAN 180 DAYS AND NO CONTACT ESTABLISHED WITH ACCOUNT WILL BE WRITTEN OFF WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. , I TYPE: LANDFILL TIPPING FEES (TYPE 27) DESC: PER TONAGE CHARGE FOR GARBAGE, CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, ETC. CONTACT PERSON: RAY CHURCH BILLING PROCESS: A. A MONTHLY BILL IS SENT TO THE CUSTOMER, IF THE ACCOUNT IS NOT PAID IN 30 DAYS, A LATE PENALTY IS ASSESSED AT THE RATE OF 1.5% MONTHLY ON THE OUTSTANDING BALANCE. B. WHEN THE ACCOUNT REACHES 60-90 DAYS PAST DUE, THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT SENDS A LETTER TO THE CUSTOMER GIVING THEM 10 DAYS TO PAY THE ACCOUNT. IF IT IS NOT PAID LEGAL TAKES THE CUSTOMER TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT. C. ACCOUNTS PAST DUE MORE THAN 180 DAYS AND NO CONTACT ESTABLISHED WITH ACCOUNT WILL BE WRITTEN OFF WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. TYPE: INCINERATOR (TYPE 29) DESC: PER TONAGE CHARGES FOR GARBAGE, CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, ETC. CONTACT PERSON: RAY CHURCH BILLING PROCESS: A. A MONTHLY BILL IS SENT TO THE CUSTOMER, IF THE ACCOUNT IS NOT PAID IN 30 DAYS, A LATE PENALTY IS ASSESSED AT THE RATE OF 1.5% MONTHLY ON THE OUTSTANDING BALANCE. B. WHEN THE ACCOUNT REACHES 60-90 DAYS PAST DUE, THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT SENDS A LETTER TO THE CUSTOMER GIVING THEM 10 DAYS TO PAY THE ACCOUNT. IF IT IS NOT PAID LEGAL TAKES THE CUSTOMER TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT. C. ACCOUNTS PAST DUE MORE THAN 180 DAYS AND NO CONTACT ESTABLISHED WITH ACCOUNT WILL BE WRITTEN OFF WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. TYPE: LAW ENFORCEMENT-PARKING CITATIONS (TYPE 50) DESC: PARKING CITATIONS ISSUED BY NHC SHERIFF'S DEPT AND THE NHC FINANCE OFFICE CONTACT PERSON: MARY ANTLEY BILLING PROCESS: A. THE CUSTOMER HAS 20 DAYS FROM THE DATE THE TICKET IS ISSUED TO PAY THE FINE. B. IF AFTER 20 DAYS THE FINE IS NOT PAID, IT IS SET UP IN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND A $15.00 PENALTY IS ADDED. C. IF THE ACCOUNT STILL IS NOT PAID 30 DAYS AFTER BEING SET UP ON AIR, A MONTHLY LATE PENALTY IS ADDED-1.5% MONTHLY ON THE OUTSTANDING BALANCE. D. AFTER THE ACCOUNT REACHES 90 DAYS PAST DUE, THE TICKET IS PULLED AND SENT TO THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT FOR FURTHER COLLECTION EFFORTS. E. THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT WILL SEND OUT 1 LETTER TO THE CUSTOMER, IF THE ACCOUNT IS NOT PAID, LEGAL WILL TAKE THE CUSTOMER TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT. F. ACCOUNTS PAST DUE MORE THAN 180 DAYS AND NO CONTACT ESTABLISHED WITH ACCOUNT WILL BE WRITTEN OFF WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. TYPE: CIVIL CITATIONS (TYPE 52) DESC: CITATIONS CAN BE GIVEN BY THE SHERIFF'S DEPT., INSPECTIONS, & WATERISEWER CONTACT PERSON: R.S. REGISTER BILLING PROCESS: A. THE CUSTOMER HAS 20 DAYS FROM THE DATE THE TICKET IS ISSUED TO PAY THE FINE. B. IF AFTER 20 DAYS THE FINE IS NOT PAID IT IS SET UP IN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WITH A $15.00 PENALTY. ZONING CIVIL CITATIONS ARE THE ONLY CITAITONS THAT ARE NOT ASSESSED WITH A $15.00 PENALTY. C. AFTER 30 DAYS IF THE ACCOUNT IS STILL NOT PAID, A MONTHLY LATE PENALTY IS ADDED-1.5% MONTHLY OF THE OUTSTANDING BALANCE. D. AFTER THE ACCOUNT REACHES 90 DAYS PAST DUE, THE TICKET IS PULLED AND SENT TO THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT FOR FURTHER COLLECTION EFFORTS. E. THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT WILL SEND OUT 1 LETTER TO THE CUSTOMER, IF THE ACCOUNT IS NOT PAID, LEGAL WILL TAKE THE CUSTOMER TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT. F. ACCOUNTS PAST DUE MORE THAN 180 DAYS AND NO CONTACT ESTABLISHED WITH ACCOUNT WILL BE WRITTEN OFF WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. TYPE: TAX COLLECTION FEES (TYPE 60) DESC: 2% COLLECTION CHARGE BASED ON TAXES COLLECTED EACH MONTH BY THE COLLECTIONS DEPT. CONTACT PERSON: PAT RAYNOR 341-7105 BILLING PROCESS: A. A MONTHLY BILL IS SENT TO THE CUSTOMER, IF THE ACCOUNT IS NOT PAID IN 30 DAYS, A LATE PENALTY IS ASSESSED AT THE RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH ON THE OUTSTANDING BALANCE. B. IF THE BILL IS STILL NOT PAID A LETTER IS SENT TO THE MUNICIPALITY REQUESTING PAYMENT. C. THESE ACCOUNTS ARE NOT WRITTEN OFF DUE TO THE ACCOUNT BEING A MUNICIPALITY. TYPE: RENT (TYPE 67) DESC: RENT OF VARIOUS BUILDINGS, PARKING SPACES, ETC. CONTACT PERSON: SHERRY PEAY 341-7187 BILLING PROCESS: A. THE GUIDELINES FOR RENT ARE SET BY CONTRACT. B. RENT CUSTOMERS DO NOT RECEIVE A BILL EACH MONTH. C. IF RENT FOR PARKING SPACES IS 30 DAYS PAST DUE, THE PARKING SPACE WILL BE TAKEN AWAY AND GIVEN TO ANOTHER EMPLOYEE. TYPE: DSS-REPAYMENT (TYPE 39) DESC: DSS CLIENTS THAT HAVE RECEIVED EXCESS BENEFIT PAYMENTS AND MUST PAY THESE BACK TO DSS CONTACT PERSON: MELODE LEWIS 341-4700 BILLING PROCESS: A. EACH CLIENT RECEIVES A STATEMENT AT THE END OF EVERY MONTH. B. THE ONLY TIME THAT A CLIENT WILL NOT RECEIVE A BILL IS WHEN THE INVESTIGATIVE UNIT SUPERVISOR EITHER SUSPENDS, TRANSFERS, OR TERMINATES THE ACCOUNT. C. THESE ACCOUNTS ARE NOT WRITTEN OFF DUE TO THEIR NATURE. TYPE: WATER/SEWER DEPOSIT (TYPE 16) DESC: CONTACT PERSON: DIANA WASER 341-7162 BILLING PROCESS: A. THIS DEPOSIT IS A MANDATORY FEE AND THERE IS NO BILL SENT TO THE CUSTOMER. B. IF THE CUSTOMER REFUSES TO PAY THE DEPOSIT, WATER/ SEWER FINANCE WILL ISSUE THE CUSTOMER A CIVIL CITATION. C. BUILDERS THAT CHARGE THIS SERVICE ON THEIR ACCOUNT HAVE 60 DAYS TO PAY. IF AFTER 60 DAYS THE BILL IS NOT PAID, THE CUSTOMER IS NOT ALLOWED TO CHARGE ANYMORE. TYPE: WATER/SEWER ADMINISTRATIVE FEE (TYPE 17) DESC: CONTACT PERSON: DIANA WASER 341-7162 BILLING PROCESS: A. NO BILLS ARE SENT FOR THIS TYPE OF SERVICE. CUSTOMERS MUST PAY FOR THIS SERVICE WHEN THEY COME INTO THE OFFICE. B. IF THEY REFUSE TO PAY THIS CHARGE, THEY CANNOT COMPLETE A SEWER APPLICATION, CANNOT BE CONNECTED TO THE SEWER SYSTEM, OR GET PERMITS. C. BUILDERS THAT CHARGE THIS SERVICE ON THEIR ACCOUNT HAVE 60 DAYS TO PAY. IF AFTER 60 DAYS THE BILL IS NOT PAID, THE CUSTOMER IS NOT ALLOWED TO CHARGE ANYMORE. . ' TYPE: IMPACT FEE (TYPE 18), TAP FEE (TYPE 19), EARLY ALLOCATION-INACTIVE (TYPE 20), METER COSTS (TYPE 21) DESC: CONTACT PERSON: DIANA WASER 341-7162 BILLING PROCESS: A. CUSTOMERS HAVE 30 DAYS TO PAY THESE FEES. IF THE ACCOUNT BECOMES 30 DAYS PAST DUE, WATER/SEWER FINANCE WILL SEND A WARNING LETTER GIVING THE CUSTOMER 10 DAYS TO PAY THE BILL. B. IF THE BILL IS NOT PAID IN 10 DAYS, THE ACCOUNT GOES TO THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT. C. THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT WILL SEND A LETTER GIVING THE CUSTOMER ANOTHER 10 DAYS TO PAY THE BILL. D. IF THE CUSTOMER STILL DOES NOT PAY, LEGAL WILL TAKE THE CUSTOMER TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT. E. BUILDERS THAT CHARGE THIS SERVICE ON THEIR ACCOUNT HAVE 60 DAYS TO PAY. IF AFTER 60 DAYS THE BILL IS NOT PAID, THE CUSTOMER IS NOT ALLOWED TO CHARGE ANYMORE. I .t ;t RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County is the owner / oper a tor of the New Hanover Count.y Sanitary Landfill and owner/operator of the New Hanover County Refuse Fired Steam Generat.ing Facility which are disposal sites for solid waste in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, such solid waste and refuse is discarded material that is no longer suitable for its original intended purpose and some of such discarded material is reduced to scrape or junk, which, when acct~ulated in sufficient quantities, has a cash value when sold as salvaged or recyclable material; and WHEREAS, the sales price and buyers of such salvaged or recyclable material vary greatly, from day to day, necessitating a great deal of flexibility in disposing of such material by sale on the open market; and WHEREAS, the salvage of recyclable material promotes the reduction and reuse of solid waste in lieu of the disposal of such waste and such activity promotes waste reduction and economical recovery of material, all part of the policy of the State of North Carolina to promote methods of solid waste management that are alternatives to disposal in landfills; and WHEREAS, the sale of such discarded material is not a sale of county property as provided for and authorized under Chapter 160A, Article 12 of the North Carolina General Statutes as the salvage and recycling of discarded material is predominant and is t.he prevailing consideration in this undertaking. ,', ..... NOW I 'l'HEH.EFORE BE rr RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, that such portions of discarded material from the solid waste deposited at the New Hanover County Landfill or Refuse Fired Steam Generating Facility that is salvaged and is available as a saleable commodi-ty may be disposed of by private sale by order of t.he County Manager to the Director of Environmental Management, at such time and at such price as is in the best interest of New Hanover County. ADOPTED this 18th day of February, 1991. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Fr~in~~~ Board of Corrrnissioners ATTEST: c~ ,/ ~<<A , Cl rk to the Board - CHANGE ORDER ~ , No. c'89-0006-03 (Instructions on reverse side) , .< '":11 ~" '.: . PROJECT: NEW HANOVER COUNTY DATE OF ISSUANCE: REFUSE FIRED STEAM GENERATION FACILITY OWNER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 3002 U.S. HIGHWAY 421 NORTH (Name, WILMINGTON,'NORTH CAROLINA 28401 Address) JANUARY 7, 1991 CONTRACTOR: VOLUND USA LTD. 900 JORIE BOULEVARD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60521 OWNER's Project No. STE-89-0006 CONTRACT FOR: BOILER/STOKER ENGINEER: STANTON M. PETERS & ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 248 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE 37401 !. ENGINEER's Project No. 88-103 You are directed to make the following changes m the Contract Documents. . >;," Description: RELOCATE PRIMARY AIR DUCT SUPPORTS IN SUB-BASEMENT UNDER BOILER #3. Purpose of Change Order: TO PROVIDE CLEARANCE FOR HVAC DUCT TO BE INSTALLED ALONG WEST WALL OF SUB-BASEMENT. Attachments: (List documents supporting change) VOLUND USA LTD. QUOTATION LETTER OF 12/05/90. . CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: N/A Original Contract Price Origmal Contract Time $ 5,940,000.00 uavs or dalC PrevIous Change Orders No. 01 to No. 02 Net change from prevIous Change Orders $ 22,730.00 Javs Contract Price prior to this Change Order Contract Time Prior to this Change Order $ 5,962,730.00 Javs ur tialc Net Increase (~of thIS Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of thiS Change Order $ 2,640.00 <Jays Contract Price wllh all approved Change Orders Contract Time wllh all approved Change Orders $ 5,965,370.00 Jays ur uale RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: · :::0~ ~y 'Engineer I )W!1Cf APPROVED' by ~L CUnlr.u;lor ElCDe:'-1o 1910-l'!-B (lllX] EditIOn I Pn;parc:u, ~~. [l,H: t.::llijJllca:l'i. JUlIlI lolHur;.u.:1 l..h"'':III1H.:IIl' (, ,'lllllIlIlCL: .ultL ":Ih,h.11 "t,;J ll~ ~ II\: """~"'.h~I.\ol.1k V~U"'IUj> l. ","trnt,;t"". ut Al11cnt.:a. ( , 7,,'/V.lund~~ , .~ ~'V0Iund USA Ltd. ~" --~-i . . . 900 Jorie Boulevard Oak Brook, Illinois 6'0521 708/990-1480 TELEFAX 708/990-5905 · December 5, 1990 SMP Engineers, Inc. P. o. Box 248 Chattanooga, TN 37401 Attention: Malcolm Newsom, Project Manager Subject: New Hanover County Waste-To-Energy Project Contract No. STE-89-0006 Gentlemen: In following up our conversation today, we discussed your request for V~lund to relocate some of the hangers on the primary air duct work system in the sub- basement. The primary air ductwork system, including hangers were installed in accordance with the release for construction drawings numbers M11002, 11040, 11041. We will, however, be able to relocate, redesign, refabricate and reinstall these hangers, per your request upon receiving a written change order authorization. In addition to the primary air ductwork supports, we have also discovered that several embedded plates that were to be installed by the concrete contractor are missing in the areas where we must erect the skiphoist rail support frames. The embedment plates are shown on our drawing numbers S-2148 and S-2149, previously issued for construction. As of this time, the skiphoist erection is on hold as we have proceeded as far as possible with the skiphoist erection without these plates being installed. If you authorize us to modify the primary air duct hanger system, we will also install surface mounted plates for the skiphoist under the same authorization. The total price for the material redesign, modification and erection labor for both the primary air hangers modification and the skiphoist plates is $2,640.00. As you know, we are rapidly coming to the point where our initial scope of work will be completed. We have a limited number of labor resources available at this time. Thus, we are anxious to hear your decision concerning both the primary air hangers and the disposition on the skiphoist support plates so we can work these additional items into our schedule if you wish. We must receive your authorization by December 7, 1990, in order to complete the work within our schedule. Energy-From.Waste Technology . . . ,r~ .. r ( Y!!~!~~ ~ ; f ~; . . Malcolm Ne'lfsom December 5, 1990 Page Two If you have any questions concerning the above items, please do not hesitate to call at the earliest. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the very near future. Sincerely yours, -J}/6M M{ F. J. Pollard Project Manager FJP/jt 120590C.JP . . . .., CHANGE ORDER . ,'t '(Instructions on reveHe side:) . No: \, 90f?010-01 PROJECT: NEW HANOVER COUNTY DATE OF ISSUANCE: JANUARY 18, 1991 REFUSE FIRED STEAM GENERATION FACILITY OWNER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA (Name, 3002 U.S. HIGHWAY 421 NORTH Address) WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 CONTRACTOR: BLUE RIDGE" MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 3502 BROOKFIELD DRIVE GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT FOR: MECHANICAL WORK OWNER's Project No. STE-90-0010 ENGINEER: STANTON M. PETERS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 27404 1237 BROAD STREET CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE 37401 ENGINEER's Project No. 88-103 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents. Description: MISCELLANEOUS MODIFICATIONS AND ADDITIONS PER ATTACHED LISTING. Purpose of Change Order: TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FEATURES REQUIRED BY COUNTY AND ADDITIONAL MODIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT. Attachments: (List documents supporting change) BLUE RIDGE MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. CHANGE ORDER REQUEST NOS. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, and 24. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: N/A Original Contract PrIce Origmal Contract Time $ 1,741,915.00 days or date Previous Change Orders No N/A Net change from previous Change Orders to No. $ 0.00 days Contract Price prior to thiS Change Order Contract Time Prior to thiS Change Order $ 1,741,915.00 days or dale Net Increase (~) of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order $ 19,673.53 days Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Contract Time with all approved Change Orders $ 1. 761. 588 .53 days or date RECOMMENDED' ::7J~OC' APPROVED' L CONTRACTORS by by Owncr EJCDC No \9\0-8-8 (1983 EditIon) Prepared, ~X ttlle EnUJnccrs Jutlll CLHHru..:l UUl.:lIn":111~ l\JIlIII1IlICc anu L:11&JlIf,,,,:d b~ L'III.: ..\:\,u,"'.~lr~~ YUL\lJl'U. L\uunuau", 0" AmC'ri~a. '. . BRM AMOUNT COR # DESCRIPTION REQUESTED ; 01 ADDED DRAIN WTR TRT BLDG $ 255.62 03 ROUTE 4" DRN FROM SCRUBBERS 365.89 05 REVISED UG PIPING @ WTR TRT BLDG 887.80 07 MOVE COND TO ALIGN W/TURBINE 2,606.00 08 RELOCATE LINES TO MISS HATCH 2,272.00 09 CHANGE FLANGES @ COOLING TWR CONN 1,155.00 12 MOVING STEAM & COND IN ELEC RM 102 1,390.00 13 RUN 2" SUMP DISCH FROM TIPPING FLR 576.00 15 RELOCATE PIPE @ EXISING COMPRESSORS 1,202.00 18 EXTEND 6" FIRE PUMP TEST LINE 546.91 20 EXTEND VENTS FROM BACK PRESS TURB 848.00 21 CHANGED DISCH CWS @ PUMPS 10" TO 12" 1,738.00 . 22 CHANGED ROUTING OF SOOT BLOWER PIPING 3,736.24 23 INSTALL 2.5" CWS/R TO GLAND COND 845.85 24 CHANGED PIPING @ STM PREHEATER 1, 248.22 $19,673.53 . . (J C ~J t. Christopher Enterprises, f.Q(' / E r.o. !lox 4543 Grt"('n~h()ru. NC 27~U4 I 3502 flronkfidcJ Df. 27410 11'11'''''11I11': ('JI'I) :.!1I:.!.n:.!)~ 'AX: ('JI~JJ 545.12111 ********.******~****..*******************************;*****~***********************1 CCNI'RAcr /PUOCHASE ORDER NO: ~I ~ - q 0 - 00 I () . JCE JOB NO: -{/;Jon DATE: 1 / ;;z:; } '10 CHAN:;E RmUEST NO: gQ'f"Y", rr 0(") I DESCRIPI'I~ OF OOR!<: ADO€~ ~I'tl"'" t.4...Ji"'TZ:T12-r B()ilo~('\Ci " ,***********************************************************************.*********************** 1. LABOR FI'lTER/WELDER " PLUMBER HELPER FOREMAN pROJD:'l' r-1ANAGER LABOR SUB-'lUl'AL PAYROLL TAX & INSURANCE 28% 'J ~ gO'..... t... ':I LABOR TCJI'AL 2. M.Zl.TERIAL . SALES TAX MATERIAL 'lUl'AL 3. mUIPI1DIT g.lALI., 'lmLS & <:::cNSUMABLES ,0/. mUIPMENl' 'rorAL 4. SUB-carrRACTS SUB-'ID!'AL FEE 15% GRAND rorAL AM:UNT RmUESTED $ 5~\~ $ B 16 ~II $~ " 8,/ (p $~ $ ~ 1 ' $ r?C $ $222.28$ ~ 4P :33,3+s ~ 1f2Ss:,Z$ ~ !\)dJY : 'i2e. Q.....;) e ~ kJ. 6; .10 =: c,.... . 4J SaleS T~ j, Cj } ',' c; \l'" l; E} r.o. ou: 4S4-;'G'r~n'S~;'-1I. ~~ 2?~04'1'3~0'2-ilr~(~klidU D:: 27410 _ '\ ~ 11'I..plllllll': I'H'n ;Z1!:.!.n2 15 .r^X: II) I'l} 54;.12111 .. ....../ ../ ....**....* .... ..-.~.*......********.****...***.*.*..**.*.**.,,*-;..*......**... ****.***...."" *"" *"'" . , . lbOC Olm'Acr/PURCHASE ORDER NO: ~-re - ~O- I"Y?rrJ JCE JOB NO: . CHANGE RmUEST NO: ~ Q Y"(11:f: ()(') ~ DM'E: <1,/ '11 c..n I DESCRIPI'!CN OF ~RK: .*************.****************.*******..*******************************.*******************~****i l. lABOR Ql9, c:,v. q-z5 FTITER/WELDER 1<::1 MANHOORS $ 10 PLtnER MANHOORS $ HELPER MANHOORS $ FOlID-1AN MANHOORS $ pROJEX:T MANAGER MANHOURS $ ~ ) 9./' -0 ?? lABOR SUB-'IUl'AL S /o~ G' 'i . PAYROLL TAX & INSURANCE 28% 'oJ . $ ~I IS 30 I. ~ l?e-...., ..~ ~ 'J.7q{,~ lABOR 'lUl'AL $ 3 s<:, ,,~ / 3 q, 'PI 2. MATERIAL $ b-;~ ~ If . SALES TAX $ 35 t.~~ MATERIAL 'IUl'AL $~' 3. mtJIPMDn' $ g.w..I., 'IOOLS & a:l~StJ1ABLES , Df. $ muIPMENr '!UrAL $ 4. SUB~rrRACTS $ $ --------------. ,1 $b36.3+ $~, SUB-TOl'AL 31 g l' FEE 15% 111 "s, 405"$ ~ "7 ~S ~o GRAND 'lUl'AL AM:UNT RmUES'I'ED 4f 73/.11 $ ~~ Ai t-t c. ~O% $3105,,'10 t3 ~ M SD70 ~3f4$, 89 . Se-e c.. 11' c". c- V\ e?J B~~- f .5 Ale. ES l,.q.)<: ~ 17483 _. _.__ _.., ".......,.,... ..,....... ,~ Vf'l11 nn ~tnT ~J:("l:'IVC iniAl NlJMBEJ~ UI- i"'1'\uc.:>. . (!<c~; J. Christop-her Enf,e~t.!rises, Inc. . . E J PO. Box 4543 Crf?('nsnnrn. NC 27404 I 3502 Bro:1kfit'ld L)r. 27410 ~ l"I"phol1l" I'JIlI) :lilt-ill 1:' (,AX: It) IlJl 545.12111 ****************~*************************************~******************************' ,** a:NrRAcr/PUOCHASE ORDER NO: ~T'; - ~O-I"Y/I 0 JCE JOB NO: 1 b (J (") CHAN;:;E ~ NO: 6 a. Y"Y') 1:;: 005 DATE: ~O . I DESCRIPl'ICN OF ~RK: ~f'F"..."",+ I M d~.rG.("O ~~ L.;,,~~ -b \..oVr(t.. T721 ~C); \ dl\~ I ,*****************************************************************************************~*****'I 1. ~~ . j FITI'ER/WELDER 2. ~ MANHOORS $ I I PLUMBER MANHCURS $ j HELPER MANHOORS $ MANHCURS $ MANHOUF.S $ . FOREMAN PROJECT MANAGER PAYROLL TAX & INSURANCE '28% ~ gcw.. t." ~ LABOR 'lUl'AL 'J I. ; $ $ 3??" 00 LABOR SUB-'lUI'AL $ 11) 2. MATERIAL $ ~04 . SALES TAX $~ 284- MATERIAL 'lUI'AL $ ~~ r; 3. mtJIPMENr $ 4-2 ~ 'lroLS & a:NSll1ABLES ~ 01. $~ muIPMENl' 'lUI'AL $ /0 4. SUB-<XNrnACl'S $ $ ---------------- SUB-'IOI'AL * i72.crJ$ $ IIS.BIJs -tlfJ J. 687.80$~O~ FEE 15% GRAND 'l'OI'AL AM:XJNr RmUESTED NOlc per A \-t~(.,'rt-eJ ~\~~ ~v.~~ 0'(\ SAt..t:S T,4)<. .. 14; 00 . I (Jc'-''^''~J J. Christogher Entergrises, Inc. . " E p.o. 13011 4543 Glf>t'nshom: NC 27404 I 3502 [~runkfi('ld Or. 27410 . .. 11'/l'phlllw:I'JI'Jl2/11.1I:l15 '^X:llJl'JIS4S.12Iil '****1 ~ **************~****.********************************~*******.*********************' OJNTRACT /PURCHASE ORDER NO: ~ _ ~ n _ ~ I ~ Jet JOB NO: !/-;()n . CHANGE RElOUEST NO: ?'12m '* na7 =: I, /30 I.'iQ DESCRIPl'ICN' OF hURl<: Mnvt:' ('J?....,O~t ~f2 i7-l .A1..1c;,~ IIJ/-r:u ~B I uti:: r*********************************************************************************************** 2. MrcrERIAL . SALES TAX MATERIAL 'ID.rAL 3. mUIPl1ENT g.w..L TCXJLS & cn~SU1ABLES ~ 0;' mUIPMENl' '!urAL 4. SUB-carrRACTS $ $ $ S ~~~ $ $ ~Y?, $ $ ------------_. SUB-'IU1'AL $ 2.?-00 1 Q, s 33'1'; ~ $ '1, fn() ro ! , ~ FEE IS% GRAND '!UrAL AM:UNT ~ . 5 -e. e. A 'r\ ~(,...'MG D "\3c...d< - vr II 0 T4x ~ . BLJe ei~ec.t'CI(' C4L-- :1-:-811 ;~to . liter~ . ascs, mE. . ( J. C E)' P.G. Bod 543 G,...,n,ho"'. NC 27 404 I 3502 ll,onkHoId Do. 27410 ~ l('ll'phlll1l'" (IJll') :1/I:l.1l:l1 ~ I AX: (I) 1'J1 545.12111 *************~*************************************+****************************** 1** . CCNrAACr/PURCHASE ORDER NO: c;,T~ -Q 0 .Ot) I 0 JCE JOB NO: 1& 00 CHANGE ~ NO: ?,(2fY1 ^I~ 9.., DATE: , I J 01 J 9;" , l DESCRIPI'ICN OF WORK: -;2~ r o.A~ 12,..A k' --'LU2;,.c. ,4rrcu-J Ac'~~ O{~ :~, ;" Bt4~:, r************************************************************.*******************~****~**********i SUB-'!UrAL 197 iJ, $ 1/)1?; 3 2~~ $ :29~ ~ ~ 72.$ ~ ~e~ FEE 15 % GRAND TOl'AL AM:UNT REX:lUESTED Nc~'. ~Qv~\-~~ by ?rYI f' . See A"t.h:::~.C-\'-ed Bc.c~-tJD 41d2. -r ICA)C fI' ~ ! ~ \'.:../.......c.. ~.v"'=- '............JC;;..nl(...<:::.\.- ~rTf\:]':-/ +:-Ehristo ~terf-:'ise~. i ~ P.t). Box 454] GfE'enSn()fu. NC 27404 I 3502 !1ruok{idu Or. 27410 I' ~ ll'lc'J1hlllll': ('JI'II 2112-11215 r^x: (I) I'JI 545.1211! **1 *************~*************************************+***************************** ..... CHANGE RmUES'l' NO: ::t Bi<m q CONTRACT /PUOCHASE ORDER NO: .::;r ~ . <; 0 - (':)n I () JCE JOB NO: I t-flO DATE: , () 117./ q 0 I I , DESCRIPrICN OF OORK: Ivs+.R !Jirre: /4" :<erJoc/rc ~14f, ~ cAe Cco/lnc; 7::iw~/Z. '*********************************************************************************************** 1. LABOR F ~T.l:t:NWELDER 40 PLUMBER HELPER FOREMAN PRO.nX:T MANAGER IJ\BOR SUB-TCTAL PAYROLL TAX & INSURANCE 28% 'J . I ~ ~""""l'-+" IABOR 'IUI'AL 2. MATERIAL . SALES TAX MATERIAL '!orAL 3. mtJIPMENr So!ALL 'ICOLS & COOSUMABLES ~ of. mtJIPMENl' TOrAL 4. SUB~ SUB-'roI'AL FEE 15% GRAND TCTAL N-OJNT RmUESTED MANHOORS $ MANHOORS $ MANHOORS $ 54 'J.. 5 0 MANHCURS $ MANHOURS $ S S4 J... so $ c. qO I~I $ 6tff 4 $ ?..O2 $ IO()o '2,02. $ 1'/,1"'1 r~ ~ $ ;::::,~ 00 ~ ;:::~ 00 $ - .., $ 100 cc s s ------.. joo+ $ -1; t-. 4f J 51 $ ~ ~ 1 15"5 $ 1 ! ~~ I , ~e~~ 12ea-.Jest ed b'1 '?((I.p · T~~o -- (JC ~J 1- LnnstQpner tnterpnses, Inc. , E r.o. l30x 454] G(f'('nshulCl.l:'/C 274q4 I 3502 I3rookli('kl Dr. 27410 11'1"plllll1l': ('JI") 21\2.1l:l1~ '^X: (I) I')) .54).12111 **************~*************************************~******************************'I ro-rrRACl' / PUOCHASE ORDER NO: . ~ - f1 0 . f"7>-l \ () JCE JOB NO: lhrn . 0iANGE RmUEST NO: ~rf') "# 12., DATE: l1'r~)qO . I ,. DESCRIPrICN OF OORK: f'er".,ff.? eQ,( ',~t-i"~ f(/ ~ :2./1 '='if"n I Co'" O. 'Q,.,.,:t- 'O~ . . : ,*************************************************** ****************.***************************, . See 13 c...c..k" - Qr Ex:. ce f'+~~ "0; smy. NO -rrt~ (jc- r ~ter[ljs~ E)) PO. !3ux 4543 Crt"t'nsnmn, NC 27404 I 3502 Bruokfil'Ic.l Or. 27410 . . ~ ll'fl'phlll1t': ('JI')) 21\;l.l\:l1;, rAX: (I) I')) :;45.1:lIH **************~*************************************~*************************.**** ,** . ". CCNl'RACT /PUR:HASE ORDER NO: ~ OiANGE ~ NO: _P {2 fYi 1 ~ JCE JOB NO: I (,.,~ ('I DATE: t I ( "2.IJ 1t10 I DESCRIPI'ICN OF WORK: Lldc::;\lZ"DflA;" U('\e rlZoN1 ~P.lt'\ \iooi~ FLi< . r*******************************************************************~*****~********************** l. LABOR nTl'ER/WELDER 1'2. PLUMBER See A ~AC lied HELPER ~Ac..K' -vp FO~ PROJEX:T ~ LABOR SUB-TOI'.AL PAYROLL TAX & INSURANCE '28% ~.J ~ ~e-J\ I r.ot ~ LABOR 'roI'AL 2. MATERIAL . SALES TAX MATERIAL 'roI'AL 3. mUIPMENr s>w..r.. 'ICOLS & COOSUMABLES ~ DI. mUIPMENT '!UrAL 4. SUB-ccNl'AACl'S SUB-'IOl'AL FEE 15% GRAND TOrAL AM:UNT RmUESTED No l~: \2 -e.6<,..;1 e ~ \-~) by Srn P -r ~~ ~ ( t . ~ - '. ?L;:':'.SE S.;L!.. (,?1,?)34l-J.:372 IF YCU DO NUl i'<t:'...c.!vt:. :UI....1.. '"'..II''C~.''' ...;- --\::..._. @ "'cUe ..... 'u, <. '" oc,,", f\ \ '- "....... . .' -h::C-hristouher-E-nte~-nri5€s ,1flC-;- . [J C E J r.o. Bux 4543 Gret'nshof(l, NC 27404 I 3502 Bro"kfi("kJ Dr. 27410 ll"ll"phlllw: (IJI'1) 2111.n:z 15 lAX: (I) I~) 545.12()1 '***~~1**' **************~*************************************~****************************** I . CCNrRACT/PUIOiASE OlIDER NO: -SIt:.. c,f" - f"'lr:>i ("J JCE JOB NO: 11) (II"', 0iANGE ~ NO: '6 'iZ >""'" ~ \ r::, DATE: I"::' , f". I C(() DESCRIPI'ICN O~ OORK: lZ::>l~('r..-\-e V~("16l.)~ L:r'\~~ Airl Cor-nore.~ ~tY\ c.€l<lS tl'",<;J ' ,********************************************************************~***************************i MANHOORS $ MANHOOPS $ MANHOOPS $ 5(~() MANHOORS $ I~ sa MANHOURS $ $ , -"7" {,', i "" ~C' $ , () ~ "30 r 7../f' 'i" $ 9.&,n'6r... $ ~~C,3 $ ~ "3 ~.q; $ ~ I . $ ~'+ I r:::" -::. C(,l:: I $ i J .... I $ t;C i 1A-; I $ $ FEE 15% 1P \04-5.53$ I~Y /57 $ . If I $/202 $.d~~ I I I SUB-TOl'AL GRAND TOl'AL AMOUNT RmUESTED NolC: Qe G'-JE'<:l t- e"d b..t ~ m P '1a.)I.~I~ . . ...... - -- ~ .._,......,~ -......... ...... . ~ ou.,~ 'kl~ MEC..l'r~'-"CA\.. J::-€hrls1o~-Enter...,~~ ~ --ffic. . ( J.C EJ r.Q. Box 4543 Grt't'nshorll. NC 27404 I 3502 Brookfi('!IJDr. 27410 '1'll'llhllfll': (I) 1111 2112.11215 rAX: (I) II)) S45.12111 *************~*************************************P*****************************~ CCNrRACT/Pt.JR:HASE ORDER NO: '"irE:. - or. _ "'(:'11"'1 .JCE .JOB NO: I L-oe CHANGE RE)'JUEST NO: , - ... t:'. e. r-.,l ,~ \ T, DATE: ~01v,(' DESC1UPl'ICNOFw)RK: S~l~"') C:"r::ii!.P OJ,,,,{) +~+ iif'-'2,. ovt-siOq i1t?uJl/~'.F....:la''-CJ ,- r*********************************************************************************************-** 00 Ie : - . MANHOORS $ MANHCURS $ MANHCURS $ MANHCURS $ MANHQURS $ $ $ -;'~9 SD ~,7. 3 0 E., .5 \..; ~ S 5''-1 $~4 ! r.tJ v I $ ~(,7 47 .....t"') $ ~..... zt,..41 $ ~~ r~ &C; $ ~':2 ~ .J _/ $ 'J4V<.f $ 5r) c.,-: $ $ SUB-rorAL ~ 4-75:51$ 4~'; 1/~34- $~ Sf/', L);, $ ~:q l: FEE 15% GRAND '!orAL AMJUNT RmtJESTED Qe Q.ve'? ~ ~ ~lYl? .. \;~ 1c..~ . (J C )J t. Christopher Ent~.'..,ri5es;-ffi€. . .' t r.o. \lox 454] G(t>('n!otx"~l. NC 27404 ..1.;)02 Bronk(idd Or. 27410 1"/"lIhlll\l*: (c}lc" 2114!.U4!15 lAX: (~IYI545.12.111 . .,........., ...., .... * '** *.... '* 11......- '* ~.. * * * * * * '** * * * '** **..*.. ************.. ****. +.. **......'*... ..11.. *.. ***.. '** *** * * *.. 1< JCE JOB NO: , (.,;/J () . '" DATE: ! I , ':2 D !CJ () DESCRIPI'ICJI1 OF OORK: o.T~ftd Y@I1 ~ ;:-~ 2>?r Tdllv /Jew "7V-Re. 8 (/,'/el;l1t:; . ,. ,*******.****************************.*********************************************************' SUB-TarA!.. -, 31. OJ $ ~~ IlO ,55 $ ff' .~ - ~ Lt' ~ -+ :q DJ. ~'" . $ ~1 ~4-B FEE 15% GRAND 'IOrAL AM:XJNT RmUESTED NoTe: .....- ~~ g(Z.l"Yl G: tte>("., I(qOO-O I ~ IbOO-IO Smp ~ ~:5c... A<; a-e~ eX+~ I.A,;)O~K. . \O\~ \O~ ,. " (In -~J ~er-Enlf=;:'risei, 1ft€." ; . v _ r.o. l3ux 4543 Gr(>('nshmu. 'NC 27404 i ..1502 Rrookfidd 0,. 27410 \ _ .. ',.I"phfll1f-: (I'"'' 1111-n1 1~ 'AX: (I) 1'))'54 5.120! .~ **I'******************~*************************************.***************************** CCNl'AACl'!PUlO1ASE ORDER NO: 5TF: - '10- (}()r () JCE JOB NO: I c,()() . " ~ ~ NO: ~Krn ~Jn ;;;ll DATE: "/~!~ () I .. DESCRIPl'ICN OF WORK: 1':.11A~P~ v;~li. OI'CI~ FtJ.-OM CotlDe?f)"/( OJ~()!. IOI'+iJ Ii" j 1******************************************************* ****************~****~****************~ SUB-'rol'AL .. - (.'- .JJ t ~/ 3,,78 $ !-:- I Z~_'i ~51. "1 $ 2ft/; / .I 'fCf 24.c55 $ /, qqt) ~\ I FEE 15% GRAND 'lUl'AL AM:UNT RmUFSI'ED . ~ C\.)(. UA:. (i; ru- Te,: 77 ~ \ \ _ ____ ~~~ 'V1Z.rn \..~ ~~ \"'00-0 \ ~ \koo- ~ ~~p 4. u~c. A~ <?').+re.. v-JottK . I (J~ C' 'J). -Ji€hristo-piTertntf"ur~ '- p.o, l3ux 4543 GrE't'nshorl). NC 27404 . ...502 (lrunkfi('ld Or, 27410 . . V 11'1l'Jllu ""': ('JI'1) l/ll-llll'j I AX: (~P)I 54 s.t;?() I .********.***~.************************************+**************************** ,1f:.l. CCNI'RACT/PUIOiASE ORDER NO: ~TiJ -,0.0010 JCE JOB NO: I bOO . CHANGE RmUEST NO: '; Q m rJ 0 2 2. DATE: If J '.6 0 / c, 0 I ! DESCRIPl'ICN OF \\OR!<: f7p/2ovfe 5..c1 8f..a.vaz. p/p/f'"I~ ' ' .************************************************************~********************************* 1. ~R /It.! (,0 it? FITmRlWEI.nER MANHOORS $ 1,'j/7 PLUMBER MANHOORS $ HELPER MANHOORS S FOREMAN /""' MANHOORS S :Z'" .::::. ^ 0..... ...; PROm:T MANAGER MANHOURS S UBOR SUB-TOrAL $ I. 5t.f2 1!) I .... 43?. Q/ PAYROLL TAX & INSURANCE 28% I. S ~ ~e-'^lr...~ /, f7L/ : LABOR 'IOl'AL S I 2. MATERIAL S I; ~ L/4c' . SALES TAX $ ~l:)~ M.rcrERIAL TOrAL s +-/37 ~ 1/H /II"~ 'ma"h,l1e U tlt:'1:) 3. WJIPHENT S 84 S-1ALL 'ImLS & ca~SU-W3LES ~ 0/. $ / 0 5 '1~ mUIPHENT 'IOl'AL $ /87' 4. SUB-<XNI'AACI'S $ S SUB-'IOl'AL ; -Zlt- 8..C,D s d-,~ I 481. 34 $ ..ffS ~ 13"- 24 $ b; 'Iff FEE 15% GP.AND 'IOI'AL Ar-OJN'l' RmUES'I'ED l\J o"'f' e. '. \Z ~ ~ G a.. VV'\ \.~ ~ It.>. I {qoo- 0 \ Ai, \ ~o - \ 0 ~ \'Y\ P ~ lJ"1 c.. ,A.&a...e~ ~ --\- -(' C, W c::>~ 's::' · ICo\~ ~S+,'J5 e~~~ '-' -- - . ..,,~ ' - ., ,~ '\-,.r\ ... . ,t-Ehristofthgr ~ntf-uriscs, ~. [J C ~) ..0. Bo, 4543 G....nslxn... NC 21404 . ,50211<0<,,/;<1.1 0.. 21410 J '1'11',,11111"': ('}I'" 1111.11~n;, I^X: (I) I'll 545.121l1 ****.*.***********~****.*****************..*************p*****....**.*****..********** CCNl'AACI'/PUIOiASE ORDER NO: 5i1:: -<::f() - mlO JCE JOB NO: 'Fr ,..,/,,'11" 1& ro .' ~ OiANGE RmUEST NO: CZ r2M /-Jt) '2"2, DATE: ~ q D .. .. I " '\ DE:SCRIPl'ICN OF ~RK: '21'z.. C'..LYS k Q -1 0 ~L.1'f"rvj Uv\ 04t'\~.' .*****.***************************************************************************************** N.....~ - )2~~ S 1'2 YY"\ ~ rl~~,> \ bOO- 0 \ t:. \ (ro 0 - \ 0 N~C. "OS ('Y) P A&(L~~ Ex.+rc... \.c.,)ort.K . fG\.~ ~.~2- 1. " ('/'~""''''~) 1*fti ;sto-~-;rlse!: ~c.- ; ( J C c.] r.o. l30x 454) Gr('('nshmi), NC 2'1'404 ) ....502 ~lronk{j(,/d Dr, 27410 . l I,. _ ., 11'11'phlll1l': ('JI'" iIIl.Ull'i lAX: (~''J'545.UIlI ..*~.*7;....***.*..**.*.~****...*.*********..*****..*********.?**..*..********.**.**.*....*~ t3 lZn1 CCNl'RACT/PUfOiASE ORDER NO: ~if: -c, 0 -00'0 dGE JOB NO: I (; Or) . CHANGE RmUEST NO: ~ f2rn "-10 24 DATE: --U.l "'!.o..!1 0 DESClUPI'IcN OF WORK: C>VAN"l~' ~T~_ O,'D;- m Ore ~c{- ef~ I**********************************.****~*************************************.**************** l. LABoR 4'7 75 5 4'1 I; FITl'ER/WELDER MANHOORS $ PLUMBER MANHCURS $ HELPER MANHOORS $ FOIm1AN 4 7'> MANHOORS $ $3c1.0? PRO.1EX:T MANAGER MANHOURS $ LABOR SUB-'IUl'AL $ 6 3 B /7' PAl'ROLL . TAX Ii. lNSURANCE 28% .... I. $ 17 ~ ;1 . ~ ~e-... I t." ~ S g It t LABOR 'IUl'AL 2. MATERIAL $ I '-10 "0 ! . SALES TAX $ ~ l+tJ,,/'O MATERIAL 'rorAL S ~ /lJ~/J/~ ( Z cJ,"'; fC.4 ~Q 3. mtJIPt-!ENI' n1 ~ ~h /'r.--e. $ S1ALL TOOLS & ~SU1ABLES ,0;' $ 1-3 93 mUIPHENT TOl'AL $ /17 4. SUB-ca-rrRACl'S $ $ ----. SUB-TOrAL 1085:4-1 $ ~. I FEE 15% 1 ~2.~1 $ ~ GRAND 'IUI'AL Ar-O.JNT RmUESTED J 2.4~;2. ~$ J;t:~5'C ~O"'E " . Rc: ;:-~ j; 14l""'" \...e-t+ ~f2.~ m'~.o I~OO-O\ ~ \("CO-tO '5 m (.1 ~ /'oJ ~ c.. ^' 6>~e~ a:.+Y"~ wot2..K -r~ 1,,3 . . . CHANGE ORDER '4\ 90-00'07 -02 No. \Instructions Qi'l reverse- side) :., ! :=." PROJECT. NEW HANOVER COUNTY DATE OF ISSUANCE: JANUARY 17, 1991 REFUSE FIRED STEAM GENERATION FACILITY OWNER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 3002 U.S. HIGHWAY 421 NORTH (Name, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 - Address) .. .;. .." CONTRACTOR: CLANCY & THEYS CONSTRUCTION CO.OWNER's Project No. STE-90-0007 2250 SHIPYARD BOULEVARD, SUITE ONE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA ENGINEER: 28406 SITE WORK, FOUNDATIONS and STRUCTURES #3 CONTRACT FOR: STANTON M. PETERS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1237 BROAD STREET CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE 37401 ENGINEER's Project No. 88-103 You are directed to make the follOWing changes In the Contract Documents. Description: Miscellaneous modifications and additions per attached listing. Purpose of Change Order: To add features requested by the County and modify design to accommodate equipment features not previously known. Attachments: (LIst documents supporting change) Clancy & Theys Construction Company change order request nos. 0010-017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 030, CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: N/A Original Contract Pnce Original Contr..lct Time $ 1,647,840.00 Jays '-Ir oatc Previous Change Orders No. 01 Net change from prevIOus Change Orders to No. $ 41,114.00 days Contract Price prIor to this Change Order Contract Time PrIor to this Change Order $ 1,688,954.00 days or (hue Net Increase ~ of thiS Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order $ 34,405.00 Jays Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Contract Time with all approved Change Orders $ 1,723,359.00 Jays or dale RECOMMENDED, STANT9 M. PETERS & APPROVED' by I )\Nnc:r by by EJCDC No. 1910.~-B (19H3 EditIOn I Pn:pan:rJ, ~\o' [I,ll: L::1I~1I11:c:r~ hU1l1 t... UlIlr;.u,.:1 UUI.: 1I11U.: II I , l. dlllll1"h.:\.: .111LL I.:lh,llIl ",\.:d lJ'y L hI.: ,\-,,,,,,~,",,,,,U,~..1i ~...n.U""I'~~) L\mu'u,"tuf'X ut' Anl\ni~~.. . . . CLANCY & THEYS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C.O. REQUEST NO. DESCRIPTION AMXlNI' ~ ~ 0010-017 FABRICATE & INSTALL 4 DUCT SUPPORTS FOR $12,825.00 54" SQ. DUCT 0010-018 GROUTING AT BASE OF STACK 292.00 0010-019 INSTALL SUMP PIT WITHIN TIPPING FLOOR 1,583.00 0010-020 ADD CONCRETE PIER FOR FAN SUPPORT 806.00 0010-021 INCREASE SIZE OF ELECT. SWITCHGEAR CONCRETE 136.00 PAD 0010-022 ADD 8 ADDITIONAL ANCHOR BOLTS IN FABRIC 4~.00 FILTER AREA 0010-023 CONNECTION OF FLOOR DRAINS IN TURBINE AREA 1,555.00 0010-024 INSTALL CONCRETE PAD FOR ELECT. EQUIP. 229.00 AT EL. 37.0 0010-025 MODIFY GIRT TO ALLOW FOR EXPANSION OF VOLUND PIPING 0010-026 MODIFY ROOMS 207 & 208 0010-027 INCREASE OPENING AT ELECT. RM. 062 0010-028 INCREASE HEIGHT OF WATER BLDG. 0010-030 ADD FDN. & STAIRS NEXT TO SCRUBBER #3 0010-031 ADD 100' OF 4" SEWER LINE TO CONNECT ,SEPTIC TANK AT S.E. CORNER 0010-032 INSTALL CERAMIC TILE IN SHOWER, WATERPROOF 0010-033 INSTALL PROTECTIVE BOLLARD AT SUMP PIT AT NEW TIPPING FLOOR 0010-036 INSTALL 2 3'x4'x4' PRECAST CONCRETE VAULTS 0010-037 INSTALL METAL CLOSURES TOTAL 982.00 1,000.00 1,013.00 4,886.00 1,585.00 1,554.00 1,870.00 206.00 1,730.00 1, 738.00 $34,405.00 fJ;... . .." , . i , r- CLANCY I&THEYS CCNSTRJC'TIONCaFAHY - GENERAl cpNTRACTORS . November 29, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order No. 0010-017 Dear Mr. Peters: Upon your request, the cost to fabricate and install the four duct supportS for the 54" square duct for United McGill at this project will be ~13,31S 00: 121825.00 . Enclosed please find our estimate sheet substantiating this cost. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, CIANCY & THEYS CONSTRUCTION CO. ~J$4ltJf David F. Michael Senior Project Manager Df<.. ~FM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown . SUITE ONE/22S0 SHIPYARD BLVD.lP.O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (919)392-5220 .y . . . CLANCY I&THEYS CONSTRlJC'T1ON ct:MFAHY Ge4ERAL CONTRACTORS December 3, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-019 Dear Mr. Peters: Enclosed please find my estimate sheet to install the sump pit within the tipping floor. The cost of this work is $.1,eB.e(;}t lS8.3.0o Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, CLANCY & TIiEYS CONSTRUCTION CO. ~.g~; Act{ bK Senior Project Manager DFM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown SUITE ONEf2250 SHIPY ARDBL VD.lP O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (919}392-5220 . . . ~ . CLANCY I&THEYS CONSlRJCT1ONCONPANY GENERAL CONTRAClORS December 3, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-018 Dear Mr. Peters: , The cost to perform the grouting of the base of the stack is indicated below. Grout Sales Tax @ 5% Labor 10 x (7.5 + 5) Payroll Taxes @ 23% Subtotal Bond @ 1% Profit & Overhead @ 15% $ 97.00 ~ O.CO 125.00 29.00 Z 'e.OO 251.00 3.00 J9.80- 38.00 Total 42~8.()O Zq,z.OO Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, ClANCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. l~111kq oK Sen,ior Project Manager DFM/abs cc: Drew Brown SUITE ONE!2250 SHIPY ARO BL VO.!P O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28406 (919}392-5220 *~; ~~JI ~ 1r Y' . . . CLANCY I&THEYS CONSTFlJCTlONCCMFAHY GENERAL CON'TRACTORS December 10, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875/New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-022 Dear Mr. Peters: As indicated by our enclosed estimate sheet, the cost to add the eight additional anchor bolts in the fabric filter area is ~lLO~. 415".00 Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, ClANCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. ~ th: /feeL{ Senior Project Manager oK DFM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPYARD BLVD.lP O. BOX 41S9/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28406 (9191392-5220 g,t..'\o~\ ... 1':. ~~~' ~ .~ . . '. CLANCY I&THEYS CONSTRUC'T1ON COMPANY GENERAL CONTRACTORS December 10, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875/New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-031 Dear Mr. Peters: Indicated below is the cost to add approximately 100 linear feet of four inch sewer line to connect to the septic tank at the southwest corner of this project. e~.,i Subcontractor (see enclosure) $1,338 Bond @ 1% 13 Profit & Overhead @ 15% 203 TOTAL $1,554 Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, DK. CLANCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. t!::~;}(4 Senior Project Manager DFM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPYARD BLVD.lP.O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28406 (919)392-5220 A\ . . . CLANCY . &THEYS CONS'TRJC'T1ON COMP/INV GENERAL CONTRACTORS December 10, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875/New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-023 Dear Mr. Peters; Upon your request, the cost to perform the connection of the floor drains in the turbine area is indicated below: Subcontractor (see enclosure) Layout Subtotal Bond @ 1% Profit & Overhead @ 15% TOTAL $1,264 75 1,339 13 203 $1,555 Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, ClANCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. d:: ~~;/t(4 Senior Project Manager DFM/abs Enclosure cc: ,r Drew Brown D/~ SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPYARD BL VD.lP O. BOX 41 a9/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28406 (919)392-5220 *~j \;~$' ~ y- .".. ClANCY I&THEYS CONSTRJCTION CJ:MFAHY GENERAL CONTRACTORS '. . December 10, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875/New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-021 Dear Mr. Peters: As indicated by our enclosed estimate sheet, the cost to increase the size of the electrical switch gear concrete pad is $13:.0@. l3~.OO . Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, CIANCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. ~/J./k(~ David F. Michael Senior Project Manager eJl( DFM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown . SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPYARD BLVD.lPO. BOX 41B9/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28406 (9191392-5220 ~ (M} ~~~, ~ ~~ ~ . r"' . . . . CLANCY I&THEYS CONSTRJCTION CJ:MFAHY GENERAL CONTRACTORS December 10, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875/New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-020 Dear Mr. Peters: As indicated by our enclosed estimate sheet, the cost to add the concrete pier for the fan support for United McGill is J82l.0o.. BOlD. DO Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, b(<. CIANCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. ~c:: if' ;!rc4 Senior Project Manager DFM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPYARD BLVD.lP O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (9191392-5220 ~ . . . CLANCY I&THEYS CONSiRJCi1ON COMPANY GENERAL cONTRACTORS December 10, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875/New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-024 f /f1'J; i L Dear Mr. Peters: f7 (;; c.. As indicated on the enclosed estimate sheet, the cost to install the concrete pad for the electrical equipment @ elevation 37.0 in the boiler area is S233.00. ZZ~.oo Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, CLANCY & THEYS CONSTRUCTION CO. ~jJs:A{4 David F. Michael Semor Project Manager of- DFMjabs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown SUITE ONE!2250 SHIPYARD BL VD.lP O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLJNA 28406 (919}392-5220 r. ",. . . . CLANCY, I&THEYS CONS'1'RJC'T1ON CONPAHY GENEFW. ~CTORS December 10, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875/New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-025 Dear Mr. Peters: As indicated on the enclosed estimate sheet, the cost to modify the girt to allow for expansion ofVolunds Piping is IJ,OQ'1. Also, please find the engineers recommendation enclo~ed. q~Z.CO Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. ' Respectfully submitted, CLANCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. !~.t,!.;Ir{~ 01< Senior Project Manager DFM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown SUITE ONE!2250 SHIPYARD BLVD.lPO. BOX 4189!WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (919)392-5220 ~m'''~' KI,~~; ~'f~'.A ~ Ir ~ . . . CLANCY I&THEYS CONSTRJCTlON COMPAHY GENERAL CONTRACTORS .' December 10, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875/New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-026 Dear Mr. Peters: As indicated on the enclosed estimate sheet, the cost to modify room ~mbers 207 & 208 as described on the enclosure from]. Johnson will cost $3,26~.60. I &?Ov Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, CUNCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. ~-/J.;/t(4 David F. Michael Senior Project Manager DFM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown t)~ SUITE ONE!2250 SHIPYARD BL VD.lP O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (919)392-5220 ~ . . .. CLANCY I&THEYS CONS'TRJC1lON c:J:MI'ANY GENERAL CONTRACTORS .. December 13, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875!New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-027 Dear Mr. Peters: Indicated below is our cost breakdown to increase the size of the opening at the new eleen-al room number 062. Material & Equipment Sales Tax @ 5% Labor Payroll Taxes @ 23% Form & Pour Curb Subtotal Bond @ 1% Profit & Overhead @ 15% TOTAL S 414 ~ o.~o 251 58 150 ~8iS.oO 9 ~ 13\.00 -$l,V~c:Y \ D\S.O:> Please find copies of the Time and Material ReportS for the work with the exception of the curb. o~ SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPYARD BLVD.lPO. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (919}392-5220 rY : ~ CLANCY I&THEYS CONS'TRJC1lON c:J:MI'ANY GENERAL CONTRACTORS . December 13, 1990 '- Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875!New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #0010-028 Dear Mr. Peters: Indicated below is the cost to increase the height of the water building. . Labor S 435 Payroll Taxes @ 23% 100 Material & Equipment 1,976 Sales Tax @ 5% ~ o.oD Subcontract 1. 700 Subtotal ~31{}- 4Z\\.00 Bond @ 1% 43 Profit & Overhead @ 15% ~33 1.:,3Z.dJ TOTAL ",QQ(; 486lo.0D cOf- . SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPYARD BLVD.lP.O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28406 (919}392-5220 r \ . CLANCY I&THEYS CONSTRUC'T1ON cc:lfIFAHY GENERAL CONTRACTORS December 10, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: 1875/New Hanover County Steam Plant Stanton M. Peters Change Order #030 Dear Mr. Peters: As indicated on the enclosed estimate sheet, the cost to add the foundation and pad at the stairs next to scrubber no. 3 is n.-eU . Of); \5.85".00 . Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, JlC vi< - 0""'- f S S /;u'- ClANCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. ;:fCM:/ ftftrq , David F. Michael Senior Project Manager DFM/abs Enclosure ~ cc: Drew Brown . SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPY ARO BL VO.!P O. BOX 41 a9/WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28406 (919)392-5220 . . . \ " ( CLA1~CY I~ GENERAL CON'TRACTORS r .I December 31, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 ChattaIiooga. Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Scm Peters Reference: SMP Change Order #0010-032 Dear Mr. Peters: Indicated below is the cost to install ceramic tile in the showers, waterproof the showers' and install base along the wail where ceramic tile floor is scheduled. Subcontractor Bond @ 1% Profit & Overhead @ 15% $1,610 16 244 TOT..-\.L $1,870 Should you have any questions or require additional information, pie:lSe do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfuily submitted, ..., CUN & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. a~/t L! ;1t{Jcu/ Senior Project Manager DFMI abs cc: Drew Brown Bill Lyons SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPYARD 8LVD.lP O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (9191392-5220 I~m~ (~ ~ \i I,~ #/ ~ ~. , ( CLA1~CY I~ GENERAL CONTRACTORS r . December 31, 1990 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga. Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Scm Peters Reference: SMP Change Order #0010-033 Dear Mr. Peters: Indicated below is the cost to instail a protective boilard at the sump pit at the new. tipping floor. Material $ 97 Sales Tax @ ;% ~ 0.00 . Labor 65 Payroil Taxes @ 23% -12 Subtotal -=18Z- 'Ii. OC;J Bond @ 1% 2 Profit & Overhead @ 15% ~ 27.bO TOTAL ~ Z!Xc.CO Should you have any questions or require additional information, piease do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfuily submitted, CLANf & ~ CONSTRI.]CTIf" d~L!A(~ Senior Project .Y1:anager DFM/abs . cc: Drew Brown Bill Lyons SUITE ONE/2250 SHIPYARD BL VD.I PO. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (919)392-5220 I~mi:!"'~ ~.I':l .... $ .J"'~ I I\\~l . . . . CLAl~CY I&THEYS CONSTRJC'TlONCOMPAHY GENERAL CONTRACTORS January 7, 1991 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga. Tennessee 37401-0248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: New Hanover County Steam Plant SMP Change Order #0010-037 Dear Mr. Peters: Upon your request. we have priced the installation of some metal closures to stop rodents from entering certain areas. We have priced only 300 linear feet; if more or less is required adjusnnents can be made. The cost of this work is $1,738 and our estimate is enclosed. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted, ClANCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. JCMf,f/Jz(~ David F. Michael Senior Project .Y1:anager DFM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown Bill Lyons SUITE ONEi2250 SHIPYARO BLVO.lP O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (9191392-5220 ,~ i~m% ,... . ! \~ ~ ~ ~ " .' . . . CLAl~CY I&THEYS CONSl'RUC'nOHCOMPAHY GENERAl CONTRACTORS I~i" \..I\~ January 7, 1991 Stanton M. Peters & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 248 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-D248 Attention: Stan Peters Reference: New Hanover County Steam Plant SMP Change Order IF 0010-036 Dear Mr. Peters: Upon your request. the cost to install the two 3' :t 4 :t 4' precast concrete vaults as described by J. Johnsons Fax No. 90-D007-080 is $1,730. Enclosed please find our estimate sheet for this work. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully submitted. CUNCY & TREYS CONSTRUCTION CO. J:: La?/Jtt~ Senior Project Manager DFM/abs Enclosure cc: Drew Brown Bill Lyons SUITE ONE: 2250 SHIPYARD BLVD.lP O. BOX 4189/WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROUNA 28406 (919}392-5220 ;m'~~"'\ '- 1':1 \~ '#J ~ r' ~, . :: ,'""'--~ ~.A .!. e -- e rebruary 11, 1991 Hr. Allen O'Neal County Mana;er Hew Hanover County 320 Che.~nut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4093 ael Hew Hanover County North Carolina Refuse Pired Steam Generation Facility Expansion Site Work, roundations & Structure. No. 2 Contract No. STB-90-0001 Change Order No. 90-0007-02 Dear Hr. O'Neall Inclosed you will find, for your approval, three copies of the above-referenced Chanqe Order as signed by Stanton K. Peters & Aelociat.. and the Contractor. This Chanq. Order covers 18 chanqa order reque.ts from Clancy & Theys Construction Company a8 listed on our Change Order A'ttachments. W. feel that the.. changes ue necessary addi tione to the contract price and are mainly due to the nature of a -Fast Track" project which forcel us to sametime. proceed with the work without all of, the pertinent detail. 1n hand. Followinq is brief explanation of.' the items I , Clancy & Thevl! Chanqe Oml; ~equ.est Ko. 0010-017 for Duct SutmOrt&i for Baapquse Ductworkl The duct supports for the ductwork which connects the baqhouse to the I.D. fan and stack on the new boiler Btoker were not included by United MCGill in their proposal. The design of t.he duct. was not completed until the structural contract with Clancy & Theys was awarded. This Chanqe Order is to provide the fow: st.ruct.ural steel supports to hold. this 54" square d.uct approximat.ely 25 feet above the roadway. This could not have been included in their oriqinal contract because of a lack of d.esign infor.mation at that time. Clanqy , ~YB Chanaa Order R8Q>>li~ KgB. 0010-018. 020. 021. 022~ D2J. 024. 025. 027. 030. 031. 036 and 0311 'rhese items are all relatively minor changes and additions reqardinq .qu.ipm.n~ foundations, supports and drains, details of whioh were not known at the time of iS8ue of Bite contract. Stanton M. Peters & Associates. Inc. SMP ENGINEERS, INC. . P.O. Box 248 -1237 Broad St. . Chattanooga, TN 37401-0248 615-266-2821 . FAX 615-266-2822 c0"d S~33NI9N3 dWS 16/1: 1/C0 1.t7:1.1 ,J :.!~ e It e ( ,~- ~..,.... .. Hr. Allen 0' Neal Pebruary 11, 1991 PaC;8 -2.. clancy & Theyw Cpange Or~er Re~e.~ Ko. 0010-028. The heiqh't of the proce.. w..~. water etoraqe taDk w:a. no1: known at the t.1m. of d..icp1 of the wate: build.ing'. When ~htI tank drawin;EI were received it was d.1lcovered tha't it. would. be necessary to ad.d two row. of cement. blockl ~o the .1.1:82: buil<i1nq heiqh~. If you have any que.tion. or comments, please do not he.itate to call. Your. very truly, STAm'ON K. PETERS I: ASSOCIA'rES, INC. '1f7'"it71~ Malcolm G. Newsom, P.I. Project Manager JIGN I km enclo.ures . [0"d S(j33NI9N3 dWS L.v:L.1 16/1: 1/G0