1991-03-25 RM Exhibits .~ ~ RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the various Boards, Departments, Agencies, and Committees appointed or funded by New Hanover County regularly contract for services and make purchases of supplies and equipment, and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has an abundance of locally qualified professionals and businesses that can supply these services, supplies, and equipment, and WHEREAS, the New Hanover C9unty Board of Commissioners l desires to retain tax dollars within New Hanove+ County; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that it encourages all Boards, Departments, Agencies, and Committees appointed or funded by New Hanover County to utilize the services of local professionals and to purchase supplies and equipment from local businesses to the maximum extent possible whenever quality, price, and availability are equal to that of services, supplies, and equipment outside New Hanover County. ......---. ADOPTED this O?~~ day of ~..A /. NEW HANOVER COUNTY , 1991. ~ RdfL- Fred Retchin, Chairman Board of Commissioners ATTEST: ~d~d~ , C~ rk to the Board ~ ~ CITY OF WILMINGTON AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY NOTICE OF CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY BY PRIVATE SALE Please take notice that the Wilmington City Council adopted a resolution dated April 16, 1991 and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County adopted a resolution on March 25, 1991 authorizing the conveyance by private sale to the Historic Wilmington Foundation, a non-profit corporation, of the City's interest in the following described property: Address 410 Grace Street Parcel No. 048-17-003-006.000 This conveyance is made public purpose of preserving not be consummated until ten notice. pursuant to the authority of 160A-279 for the an historic building. The conveyance shall (10) days after the publication of this Claire Hughes, City Clerk City of Wilmington Lucie Harrell, County Clerk New Hanover County Published: April 26, 1991 !~ ~~ ADVERTISEMENT FOR UPSET BID ~ SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON AND/OR NEW HANOVER / COUNTY BY By resolutions duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Wilmington and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County proposes to accept an offer to purchase a certain parcel of real property located in New Hanover County owned by the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County. The identification of the offer is as follows: TAX PARCEL NO: R0054-10-009-022.000 ADDRESS: 1306 Castle Street OFFEROR: James B. and Patsy A. Stevens AMOUNT OF OFFER: $4,530.00 The offer to purchase is subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) That the offers are unconditional and may not be revoked. (2) That the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County shall retain as liquidated damages any deposit posted if any offeror fails to pay the balance due in cash and secure the deed within 10 days of notice by certified mail or if returned undelivered within 10 days of the last attempted delivery. (3) That all sales are subject to final approval by the City Council of the City of Wilmington and/or the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. (4) That the use of the property and construction of any structures improvements, changes or additions shall at all times comply with all applicable federal, state or local laws, rules and regulations. The proposed sale of this property is being conducted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-269 and is subject to upset bid. The public will take notice that within ten days after publications of this advertisement, any person may raise the bid by not less than 10% of the first $1,000 and 5% of the remainder. Upset bids may be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk, accompanied by a deposit of 5% of the total increased bid. The deposit must be by cash, cashier's check, certified check or bid bond. Upon receipt of an upset bid, the City Clerk shall readvertise the offer at the increased bid and otherwise follow the statutory procedures until no further qualifying upset bids are received. When no further qualifying bids are received, the City Council and/or Board of Commissioners may accept the offer and sell the property to the highest bidder for cash. The City Council of the City of Wilmington and/or the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County reserve the right to reject any and all offers at any time. The proposed sale is made subject to the above conditions together with all outstanding taxes, liens or other encumbrances, if any; title shall be conveyed by bargain and sale deed without warranty; ~ " ~ " and the property will be sold in its present condition "as is" without any improvements by the city. The city Council of the City of Wilmington and/or the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County intend to decide whether it will accept or reject the highest offer within a reasonable time not to exceed thirty days from the date of the published advertisement. Any and all deposits shall be forfeited if a bid is accepted by the City and then withdrawn by the bidder. This the 25th day of April, 1991. 't CLAIRE HUGHES, CITY CLERK LUCIE HARRELL, COUNTY CLERK Published: April 25, 1991 ~t! , .I. ~;:t~':.:" { RESOLUTION OF ~'HE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, by deed dated the tenth day of April, 1925, New Hanover County acquired the one hundred one and one half acre tract of land known and designated Hugh MacRae Park, said deed recorded in Book 162, Pag~ 162, New Hanover Registry; and WHEREAS, Carolina Power and Light Company, Ine., has requested a blanket easement for present and future electric service throughout the Park as needed; and WHEREAS, that it is in the execu tion of such a County Contract # 91 the Board of Count.y Commissioners believes best interest of the public to authorize blanket easement identified as New Hanover - 0099. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of Board of ~ommissioners of New Hanover County is authorized to execute an electric power easement to Carolina Power and Light Company for installation of electric lines to provide electric service at any point on Hugh MacRae Park as the need for electric service develops; said electric line to be installed at locations mutually sui table to the County and Carolina Power and Light Company. t./7~ ADOPTED at. a Regular f/ F-f-{J/z ~ , 1991. Meet.ing on the c?.5.4J day of NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~~ Board of Co~nissioners New Hanover County Contract # 91 - 0099 COUNTY OF / KNOt,.l ALL HEN BY THESE PlmSENTS, TIIa t of tiE state of N:rth carolira hereinafter called "Grantor", in consideration of the SUIll or' 1.80 ,in hand paid by CAROLINA POHER & LIGHT CO~1PANY, the receip t whereof is hereby acknowledged, . hereby grants unto said CAROLINA l'mUm [. LIGIIT CmIPANY, hereinar ter called "Company", its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and easement to go in and upon that certain tract or lot of land situated in Wilmington Township in said County and State, containing 101.5 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of being the land described in a Deed dated April 10. 1925 and recorded in Df'en Book 162, Page 162, New Hanover County~istrv. . and to construct, maintain and operate in, upon, and through said premises, in a matter suitable to it, with poles, wires, cables, underground conduits, and other necessary apparatus and appliances, a line, or lines for the purpose of transmitting power by electricity, together \-lith the right at all times to enter upon said premises [or the purpose of inspecting said lines and making necessary repairs and alterations thereon; and the right to permit the attachment o[ and/or carry in conduit wires and cables of any other company or person; together with the right at all times to cut away and keep clear of said lines all trees and other obstructions that may, in any way, endanger the proper maintenance and operation of the same. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, it is understood and agreed that: (1) the right of way herein granted is for a system of electric lines to provide electric service at any point where needed on tile above described land, portions of which system may be installed immediately, and other portions installed in the future as the need for electric service develops; and (2) said electric lines shall be installed at locations mutually s~itable to the parties hereto. New lIanover ) ) ) f.nn: OF NORTH CAROLIN^ ~ ~~.. New Hanover County, a .rnlitica1 st.i:di.visim TO llAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid right, privilege and easement unto Carolina I Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, New Hanover County has caused this instrument to be iil executed by its Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, attested by its Clerk , ~ and its official seal to be affix lursuant to a resolution of its governing body, < this Of?~ day of , 19 ~. ~ ATTEST: 1 8 . J3 ( Conunissioners 13 ll:::::-:~:::::~------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW HANOVER COUNTY On this day of , 19 __, personally came before me , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, -.Erp-d Rprrhin , who, being by me duly Slvorn, says that he is Chairman of the Board o[ COlTlmissioners of New Hanover County, and that Lucie F. Harrell , is the Clerk of said Board, that the seal afE ixed to the foregoing ins trument was signed by him as Chairman of the Board of Conunissioners of said County and by the Clerk of said Board, \.Jho affixed the official seal of New Hanover County to said instrument; and that the said Fred Retchin ' Chairman of the Board of Conunissioners, acknowledged said ins trumellt to be the ac t and deed oE New Hanover County, North Carolina. Witnes's illY hand and no tarial seal, this day or , 19 Notary Public Ny Commission Expires: NORTH CAlWLINA The foregoing cer tif ica te COUNTY of NotarCy) (ies) Public, Ear registration at Book ; Page This is (are) certified to be correct. Th1s instrument \.Jas filed 0' clock ___N., and recorded in this office in ----- day of I 19 Register of Deeds .--..,.. '-. '...._...__...~.._"".~._--_..----::--~'-....--~ NC1U lial10Uer QlountU mOar!} of illnmutinninn.ern -~roclamation WHEREAS, Governor James G. Martin has proclaimed the week of April 14 through 20, 1991 as Public health Week in North Carolina; and ,I 11. WHEREAS, the public health facilities in New Hanover County serve thousands of our citizens each year; and yffiEREAS, public health assures a cleaner, safer, more wholesome environment in which to live; and WIfEREAS, healthful living is the major prevention of the financial burden of disease and chronic illness; and ~ I \iHEREAS, concerned, informed, and active citizens will ensure a healthy future for New Hanover County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim the week of April 14 through 20, 1991, as "PUBLIC HEALTH WEEK IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY. I' " , . . . Adopted this the 25th day of March, 1991. .I il ;1 1:1 ~. ~. ~ /Jt_;...~_l.,,; ~:,f__;. fi!~r#::~ >~Jf'#) {~]~:~0~~.;" ~~ a;~~~ ... .. ;-~~-;-~ .~~~~~~~.~_~~;-;-. -." -,. .. . . .. .. .. . .~~~_~_~!..~~~~~~.._~~~~.....~a~~_~~~_.. .. II .!..~ .. .. .. .~~~-~-~-~~r~~1 q::t!~;f~ R~SOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the New Ha.nover County Sheriff's Department has obtained custody of certain vehicles through various criminal proceedings; and WHEREAS, these vehicles are inoperable and of no value except for parts; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff desires .to dispose of these vehicles by private sale pursuant to G.S. 160A-267. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the following vehicles will be sold by the Sheriff by private sale: 1 Chevrolet Monte Carlo 1 Chevrolet Van 1 Ford 1 Chrysler 1 Brown Moped , 1991. .ADOPTED this c:.?sk day of NEW BANO COUNTY .1fLtrRL- Fr Retchin, Chairman Board of Commissioners ~v(~~ Cerk to the Board Co NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of Npw H.=m(")\TPr> Road Description Road" in Nort'h(,'h.:=1C::P f)p\Tplnpmpnt- ('amhr>lrlgP Sllhrll\Tlslnn G HClY'nAt:t: Point Subdivision (Div. File #661-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Npw H.=mO\TAY' requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the oplnlon that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the Sys tem. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Npw H.=mO\TAY' that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeti ng on the 25th day of March 1991 day of ~, 199; WITNESS my hand and official seal this the o?~~ rY2_,v~ ~~oard of Commissioners County of N€Hl Hanover Form SR-2 (7-77) PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways ..i JAMES G MARTIN GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-343-0440 March 5, 1991 DIVISION OF'HIGHWAYS THOMAS J HARRELSON SECRETARY WILLIAM G MARLEY, JR., P E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Division 3, District 3 New Hanover County New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Resolution Request Request for Addition to the State Highway System Roads in Northchase Development Cambridge Subdivision and Harnett Pointe Subdivision CDiv. File No. 661-N) Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of subject roads in Cambridge and Harnett pointe Subdi vis ion, CDi v. File :j:j: 661-N) to the state system. After your consideration, if you concur please furnish this office with your resolution for our further handling. Very truly yours, ~ J. P. Cook District Engineer JPC:psj cc: Highway Maintenance Engineer An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer ~-- ---.-.-...---..-.-..-.---.....----..----.-.-...--------.-...---..--.---.-..--.---.----......... - -.. / ,..----- / ,,/ .YC --._~...----_.-... , 'Y~"'" \ ~ ~ ~.~ ~/i~ ~ ~i II! NO 1'/$ ~ 1J1f.77 f?~/tJle. PlAP SIC.. t, ~. 8S" CAAf 8.e IDal:! . e- ~(1K. ~~~ C!~prali!:,lpt;.(j' N~.Dn"- .'1'74' C1" ~:l'J;."".1! I' p~. S4 /.ZG-,o to S t!:(C?: Z ~ ,. ._, . - ! ~'''''' " "- . ". :--.. ~:. '. ~...~ )Wl ..'" till ..0 ? ::;&St.:,., ~~. ~"';.. ~ ...~llIl ~7.3 NQ 0 Al'c: M'" 'P$'fON.6 rJ'" ud C. If,.(/AiM 6.1tou':" ;;'.2'V~ -. .~.- _...y._......__._.......'"_._......JT...-~~..~........- .... .' ~. .. / "" . ';" :'~ I'" " //' \ ; --~.. .,,,, ".".: '. '; ('. ...--------- :':.'- '. , .' ( , '9'V~"", /' '",1 \ r) Sl:J.; .~ ~.- ~--' >>-.UO-' "- -.--- "'-. :J..&w :J{anover County 'Board of Commissioners 1\f-so[ution )8 II'. II ~! " WHEREAS, New Hanover County has been required to respond to federal and state funding cuts; and WHEREAS, Congress and the State Legislature continue to mandate programs without providing funding; and WHEREAS, County services, infrastructure and capital needs continue to increase; and WHEREAS, the County recognizes the need to reduce its funding dependency on the ad valorem property tax, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners in an effort to reduce the ad valorem property tax is seeking alternative sources of revenue to meet the growing demands of county government and at the same time not adversely impact on the lower income members of the community. Adopted this the 25th day of March, 1991. Attest: ~ ,"J,:.,; . -----,-~----~-----_...~...~._--_.__...~._..~..,_.~_._.-.-..~ . . .. ... l;' ,I :J: ~ ~" ,~~~ ,;. . ,;. ...~ \, ;': '~. . ~ ,~.i"f i ~ . ~ 1" "';.. . ~ ~ ~.J,; :~ "( .. ._...... .~~.:.............. .~~ ~"';~.... ~.,..,.... .,. Ill.......: II............ .,:............ I!............ ~................. ~:...~. ~ ~~\ ".: .' ~ tu,' ~a~!lutrQJ:!luntti '.,'" " '., .., . \~ ,';~ . .~ V.... ...;. ~~ .... " . "1Boaril of (!Inmtni.aninn.ef.a " \ o."P~:1~'s~X~:" . ..,' ;'~:'j torI it ma ti dri~' . ',; , NOR:~~;!~;\:t!1\'(i; , . . ;' /,,' ',.,:~, ~;~ "j':~~ ,',>" .. ;:~:t:~.!~;.;,",.P~!i~j r' ~ ..' :" ',I .,~~:,,:~f; ,~~...;, :: - t' .. _.~, , . WHEREAS ~ The New Hanover County, Commissioners' and the' Cape (>>::', , Fear~ United Way,acknowledge and appreciate.the achievements or;?: .,~ i, volunteers ,.~in ','the community;. ';and,-~,':~." " !.~- ':~- ....... '~:iSj~.:' ." . . I:: :.L,:J'.,~:<: ,_ ," ':' ,y~;;:0:" ~.;<." ',' :'..' <- 'i:' ~-.'_ '~ . Y~~\/,,~f "":~'r::' WHEREAS;'.volunteers are recognized: for,,:: their' contributionsi toward a better life for.: all citizens of the ,Cape ,Fear , Area; .:, :,':~:\:1~~~~~ a~d WHE~AS;;N~tional VOlunte:r' Week is;cele~rate~' annUal~y':~~I~~~, indi viduals~~~_." ~~~~ni ties; ,,' ;~, !'i::<~~~;t(~~~i: - . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha tthe New Hanover County ..:f-:tf ~~a~~r~~g~~n:~,~~~~~~:s d~~~~~~~y~~~~~~~o~h~~~~ of APr,i~,~',,:,"~':~<i;~~ ,:'''~ t "AdOP_~:~ '~~~~.;.th~;25th q,~:y',"~~ March, ~9~~~'."" '-'i:"::':~':~~~~~;;~:;:'"" .- ~"/ , '/ ..' ;,.:~: ~:.;~~, ;:J!il~. " ~;:f'J:i~~~ 10.; ~:.~.;{ ~ ~< ;', . .,: ';~~ .." , ,.: - .. , ";~\;.t.,:..; ,_t '!~. ;~. '" < J~:~j'::~':'i'" ~-~ . .- ;;~Z~U: ~. .... .. . .. . ... . . . . ....... . . ....... ... . .. . ... . . .. .. .. ... .. . .. . . . . . .. ...... ...... .... .. ........... .. ... . . . ..... ... ~ \~~ . ';;',~V~V,~; . c.. . ")1< t"\>: " ..~. ~. (.. '. ..,',~'':' -,: "- .. ~' , '" : .~ 7 ~. RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the various contractors, consultants, and suppliers involved in the terminal project have made both express and implied warranties and performance guarantees to the County; and WHEREAS, the County desires to utilize the services of the New Hanover County Airport Authority for purposes of enforcing any and all warranty rights and entitlements pertaining to the terminal project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That New Hanover County hereby designates the New Hanover County Airport Authority as its agent for all purposes of warranty compliance and enforcement undertaken pursuant, to any contract or purchase order the County may have with terminal contractors, consultants, and suppliers. ADOPTED this6(S;a day of ~) NEW HANOV COUNTY , 1991. Bl(^~b- Board of Commissioners ~)\//~ CI~~k to the Board 1,~~~--~ ;-;-~ !-;-~,;-;-;;-; ;'. ~-.~~ ;;,;_~"; ~;:.;-;,~=; ;;;Y,; ;-;-; ~;; ~~-.-.; ~ ;:';,;;;; ;,;'; ;,;-;;' ;_; ;';.; ,; ;.. ;.; ,;";;;; ;';;; ;-;-.~;;-.;;;,;;;~; ;-;-;--;~ ~-;~ ,~~~ i \,;ii:rt:-: . --. --'- , -- -, ,--p- , -'':''~~':';;;j~(l''; " ,- . . N'~ ( .J' \, . ~j\'; {~( OVE "~ ,: ~\'-.t\ R C. :1 NcUJ 1fIuuuucr ([ountl1 ~,\ "" ,o~ i I' I ~ :1 'I :i "1 I ~ I I ~ I \'1 :1 1:1 \:1 'I ~ l ~ i :1 :1 ~ I '1 . . . '/" " , .~ ,'; ;,~.;,~;... ',; ::";'.'h;_;';__;~__:'; ;,:~,;;; ;'.;~;~.. .';;~~.;;;;;,; ;;;.;..~.;,;.,.;;;;; ;;;~.;~:~~11\ :, illottru of QIOUUl1iUll iUl1crn iJroc{nulution il WHEREAS, county government lS the oldest form of local government in the Uni ted States and 98 percent of the nation 's populatlon reside in counties; and :' WHEREAS, county government In North Carolina has been a major partner in providing services to citizens since 1663, and today the 100 counties of our state are involved in providing dozens of services to our people; and ~ I :1 ~ I ,I -I :1 :1 :t :1 ~ I ~ I :1 WHEREAS, counties are on the front line of addressing many of our nation I s most critical issues including: environmental protection; indigent health care; special assistance for the elderly and handicapped; job training; child welfare; and drug/alcohol abuse; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County is a major partner in the public education system, having provided $15,161,016 in 1990-91 to elementary/secondary schools and $953,016 to Cape Fear Community College; and WHEREAS, serving as an elected qr appointed county official today requires dedication, hard work and a strong sense of purpose. The mission of New Hanover C'ounty government is to meet the needs of our ci tizens wi thout placing an undue burden on local taxpayers, and to find solutions which are of benefi t to all of us. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim the week of April 7-13, 1991, as "NATIONAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT T,vEEK" and urges all citizens to be more involved in and a\vare of issues affecting county government. Adopted this the 25th day of March, 1991. ~~ Fred Retchin, Chairman ~". (~J!4t': 1~:?G~---;~.;- I I ~ g..{g,w J{anover County :Board of Commissioners 1\!-so{ution WHEREAS, Congress has increased local taxes by mandating programs without providing funding for such mandated programs, and thus has avoided political responsibility for said tax increases; and WHEREAS, state and local governments have been required to respond to federal funding cuts by either increasing taxes or reducing services to citizens; and WHEREAS, mandated programs now account for approximately 50 plus percent of local tax expenditures; and WHEREAS, funding of mandated programs through local tax dollars limits the ability of the County to provide needed services, infrastructure and capital needs; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners believes that it is in the best interests of the citizens of New Hanover County to prohibit legislation which mandates local services without providing adequate funding for said services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the Board respectfully requests the North Carolina General Assembly and the United States Congress to consider constitutional amendments to prohibit federal legislation that mandates local funding of programs or services without providing funding for said programs and services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be forwarded to the following: 1. To each of the 99 County Boards of Commissioners in North Carolina; 2. To the National Association of Counties and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. This the 25th day of March, 1991. ----' , . II", NEW HANOVER COUNTY TRAVEL POLICY \:; . TRAVEL ADVANCES. AND ~EIMBURSEMENTS In-Town Travel Policy In-town mileage reimbursement for use of private vehicle will be paid as follows: . . 1) If County employee is paid an automobile allowance, NO additional payment will be made for in-County travel. 2) All County employees, except those in #1 above, will be paid a rate per mile reimbursement for any REQUIRED in-County travel when using their private vehicle. The rate of reimbursement will be at the established IRS rate. The same guidelines for determining allowable mileage as used by IRS will be used by the County. Travel from home to work is NOT allowable mileage, unless in a call-back status. Completed mileage sheets with authorized signatures must be attached to the employee's time sheet. Out-of-Town Travel Policy Purpose: This policy establishes employee and employer respon- sibilities related to out-of-town travel of County business and related expenses. General Policy: It is the intent of the County to encourage meaningful out-of-town travel and to pay for reasonable expenses for County employees attending out-of-town training sessions, conferences,- conventions, and other authorized meetings which will, througn knowledge gained by those attending, benefit the County. It is the responsibility of the employee to: 1) Attend all pertinent sessions of conferences or planning sessions. 2) Maintain a receptive attitude. 3) Be a knowledgeable and creditable representative of the County. 4) Spend allotted travel funds in a reasonable manner. 5) Submit all required receipts with travel reimbursement report within seven (7) days of return of trip. The County will assume responsibilities to the employees in providing out-of-town travel by: NEW HANOVER COUNTY ACCOUNTING MANUAL Amended 02/91 III - 1 . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY TRAVEL POLICY 1) sessions, meetings of the Funding out-of~town travel to those training' conferences, conventions, and other ~uthorized which will promote the professional development employee, arid th~refore benefit the County. 2) Adequately funding authorized out-of-town travel so that the employee will not undergo financial hardship from attending conferences and meetings. 3 ) Paying all pertinent providing payment for appropriate expenses. registration and suitable lodging, conference fees, and paying all 4) Providing reimbursement for food in accordance within established guidelines. 5) Providing transportation to and from the conference, and intermediate ground transportation. In-State Travel Policy A. Transportation: The predominant modes of transportation recognized by the County for out-of-town travel are: 1 ) Private vehicle - reimbursement rate will be that as established by the IRS. 2) County vehicle - department budget charged at a rate of .20/mile. Receipt for gas purchases must be presented with expense report. Garage procedures should be followed concerning pickup and return of the vehicle. 3") Airline including accompanying intermediate ground transportation - no first class rates will be paid. Receipt must be submitted to Finance with final expense report. 4) Other travel - taxi fare, bus fare, toll costs, etc., will be reimbursed at actual costs incurred. 5) Parking - actual cost incurred for business related parking. 6) Rental car - should be approved by County Manager in advance, if use is anticipated. Actual cost will be reimbursed. Receipt is required. 7) Miscellaneous - any expenses incurred to repair County vehicle will be reimbursed. Receipt is required. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ACCOUNTING MANUAL Amended 02/91 III - 2 '. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TRAVEL POLICY . In determining the mode of transportation to be. used, the fol- lowing procedures apply: . . 1) Fer travel outside a radius of approximately 500 miles from Wilmington, the County will pay an amount up to the cost of air fare at tourist rate. If you choose to take your personal vehicle, or any other mode, of transportation (i.e., rail), only an amount up to the quoted air fare will be reimbursed. This includes any costs such as additional meals or motel expense. 2) When more than one employee is attending a conference, the department head should determine the most suitable travel mode, based upon factors such as convenience and time. When a private vehicle is chosen for travel, only the owner of the private vehicle is to be reim- bursed the applicable mileage rate. B. Hotel/Motel - Actual cost for the employee will be reim- bursed up to a maximum of $75 plus taxes. Receipt must be presented with expense report. The receipt must show all charges. A receipt for prepayment of the room is not acceptable. C. Tips - For cost of tips on meals see F. below. Any tips for doorman, bell hops, etc., must be covered within the $75 maximum as defined in B above. D. Registration - Actual cost will be reimbursed. A receipt should accompany the expense report. Documentation should be included to show the meals that are included in regis- tration fee. If meals are included, no additional reim- bursement for those meals will be provided. If registration was prepaid, attach copy of prepayment form to final expense report. E. Telephone: Business related - Actual reimbursed. F. Meals: Employees will not be reimbursed for alcoholic beverages. Employee must be in travel status at the following times to be reimbursed for meals: 1. Breakfast 2. Lunch 3. Dinner 7:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Travel Status - When an employee is required to travel to a location more than 50 miles from Wilmington. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ACCOUNTING MANUAL Amended 02/91 III - 3 . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY TRAVEL POLICY Meals will be reimbursed at actual cost to the employee up to a maximUm of' $30 per day including tips. No receipt will be required if the daily maximum amount is not exceeded. Individual amounts for meals still need to be detaileq on the expense-report. If the daily amount of meals exceeds the maximum, justifi- cation must be submitted along with a receipt. A receipt does not guarantee reimbursement. If an employee is not in travel status at the times detailed above, the daily maximum rate will be adjusted based on the following: Breakfast Lunch Dinner $ 5.75 $ 8.00 $16.25 No meal receipts are required as long as the amount charged is no greater than the stated meal allowance. The employee may spend up to the total daily allowance for meals if s/he is in travel status. Individual amounts only apply if employee is in travel status for part of a day. G. Miscellaneous: Any other required business related expen- diture will be reimbursed at actual cost. Receipt and justification must be submitted. H. If a discount air fare is available because travel is on certain weekend days, the employee is still allowed to deduct ~ to the amount of the regular air fare toward personal expenses incurred by early arrival (i.e., hotel and meal expenses). Employee must have prior approval of department head in order for this option to be used. In determining the regular air fare amount, the lowest cost of a coach ticket to arrive at the latest possible time to participate in conference or meeting should be used. Cost comparisons must be made using information from airlines or travel agents attained on the same day. Documentation must be submitted with the expense report. Out-of-State Travel Policy In addition to the above, the following applies to out-of-state travel: At least ten (10) days prior to the trip, and before any County funds are committed, the trip must be approved on Form FO-7 by the County Manager. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ACCOUNTING MANUAL Amended 02/91 III - 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TRAVEL POLICY . Other . . 1 ) If an .empl9yee is traveling and the County from the travel., the employee is entitled bursement for the expenses incurred (within established in the County Travel Policy). prerogative of the department head to put strictions on the employee traveling. is benefitting to FULL reim- the guidelines It is not the addi tional' re- 2) AI1 employee may not choose to attend a conference repre- senting the County unless the department has funds available to fully reimburse the employee for the cost of the confer- ence in accordance with the County's guidelines. It should be remembered that the statement that is signed by the employee says FOR ACTUAL EXPENDITURES "I certify that the foregoing expenses were incurred in the conduct of county business. " Actual expendi tures mean all reimbursable expenses. 3) Travel advances can be requested for any approved travel when the amount involved is anticipated to be more than $75. 4 ) If the rates established are deemed to be inadequate to provide reasonable facilities and meals, then a request for a special waiver should be made to the County Manager in advance (use comment section on Form FO-7). 5) If a family member accompanies a County employee on a business trip, none of the family member's expenses will be paid. The hotel/motel bill will be reimbursed at the single rate only. Approval of Travel Reimbursement Reports Individual travel reports should be approved as follows before submitting for reimbursement: Sheriff Register of Deeds County Attorney Clerk to the Board County Manager No other approval required No other approval required County Manager Chairperson, County Commissioners No other approval required, submits a quarterly recap of travel to County Commissioners In accordance with the organization chart All others These policies apply to all County employees. Exceptions may be authorized by the County Manager at his d~scretion. The County Commissioners ARE NOT required to follow these guidelines. All board members (except Commissioners) are subject to these guide- lines, unless exempted by County Commissioners. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ACCOUNTING MANUAL Amended 02/91 III - 5 . , i - e CONSENT AGENDA DATE: 3-25-91 ITEM No. 15 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru February 28, 1991 .Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage~Collected 1990 $ 34,610,078.89 2,528,836.10 104,313.44 $ 37,034,601.55 78,275.82 $ 37,112,877.37 - 34,732,139.16 $ 2,380,738.21 93.59% Back Taxes -- Real Estate and Personal Property $ Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balanc'e $ Percentage Coliect~d 2,588,328.96 97,891. 66 2,490,437.30 575,079.89 1 , 9 15 , 35 7 . 1+1 23.09% Room Occupancy Tax Collections - February - $ 983,543.12 39,184.21 - Fiscal YTD - $ Privilege License Collections - February - $ .00 - Fiscal YTD - $17,254.74 EMS CQllections - February - $ 00.00 - Fiscal YTD - $ 00.00 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $53,072,~44.12. . This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, 'V ~(3 "- 9r Iln - -.J Patricia J. Rat9o; ~ Collector of Revenue . PJR:sw I ' . e e . r CO'NSENT AGENDA DATE: 3-25-91 ITEM No. 16 .NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRErDISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS . , , Collections thru February 28, 1991 1990 i Orkginal Tax Levy Per Scroll D~scoveries Added Le'ss Abatements i Total Taxes Charged Li:sting Penalt'ies Charged TO,tal Levy C~llections To Date . ' , Oqtstanding B~lance P~rcentage Collected $ 944,520.45 83,675.84 - 35,036.23 $ 993,160.06 2,064.11 $ 995,224.17 -938,110.56 $ 57, 113 .61 94.26% B~ck Taxes , R~al Estate and Personal Property I Cliarges Added Less Abatements Tdtal Taxes Due Cdllections to Date' OJtstanding Balance P~rcentage Collected j T~is report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. $ 45,,038.73 264.70 663.99 44,639'.44 - 14,208.42 30,431. 02 31. 83% $ $ Respectfully submitted, iD~L;V 9l ~..,,--I Patricia J. Ra~no~ 0 C6llector of Revenue i ' I I P~R:sw I. 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