1991-04-15 RM Exhibits ~ ~ ~ ! " ) " '. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on 'the 15th day of March, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Museum Exhibits for the New Hanover County Museum, Bid # 91-0051: Charles M. Maltbie Associates, Inc. Design & Production, Inc. Base Bid Proposal $349,840.00 $522,400.00 Option A: Exhibit 5 $ 92,250.00 $140,030.00 Exhibit 7 $ 34,000.00 $ 68,110.00 Exhibit 8 $ 28,225.00 $ 57,730.00 Exhibit 10 $ 32,110.00 $ 75,400.00 Exhibit 11 $ 15,350.00 $ 15,320.00 option B: Exhibit 5 $ 90,025.00 $138,700.00 Exhibit 7 $ 30,725.00 $ 50,990.00 Exhibit 8 $ 25,875.00 $ 56,800.00 Exhibit 10 $ 26,565.00 $ 64,670.00 Exhibit 11 $ 14,050.00 $ 12,200.00 AND WHEREAS, bids received from both companies exceed the amount of funds available for the purchase and as provided in G.S. 143-129 New Hanover County has negotiated with the lowest responsible bidder making reasonable changes in the plans and specifications necessary to bring the contract price within funds available, copy of negotiated changes attached as part. of this resolution; AND WHEREAS, the Museum, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Charles M. Maltbie Associates, Inc., a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the state of Pennsylvania, the lowest responsible bidder, in a negotiated amount of Four Hundred Fifty-three Thousand Four Hundred Forty-five Dollars and No Cents ($453,445.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 350-614-8203-7300-6326 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Museum " ~ ::? Exhibits for the New Hanover County Museum, Bid # 91-0051 be awarded to Charles M. Maltbie Associates, Inc. in the amount of Four Hundred Fifty-three Thousand Four Hundred Forty-five Dollars and No Cents ($453,445.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing authorized to return the bid deposits to bidders. Agent is hereby the unsuccessful This of April, 1991. cg{ef~; Commissioners ATTEST:, ~ ~ '<./ ..u ___ Cler to the Board " " ~ .~; .."" 'lOX h.:lIl\\\'ship Rllad IdL l.alllcl r.Jc", Je.,S") IIX05~ (1,11')) 21.I,lill, 2 I \ \, ((,II'), 23.1.(1")1011 lVlALTI3I E ASS0CIATES I \III1IIIIlI,lIll1 I{",\.(oI NII<\1 (()NII{,\( !(!JfU'tEmf EXHIBITS BID #91-0051 NEGOTIATED CHANGES AND PRICE Pursuant to G.S. 113-129 which provides fur negutiation with the lowest responsible bidder making reasonable changes in the plans and specifications as may be necessary to bring the contract price within the funds available in the event that all bids received exceecl funds available; New Hanover County has negotiated with Charles M. Maltbie Assoc., Inc., the lowest responsible bidder [or the Museum Exhibits Bid H91-0051, to complete the work as described in the bid package incorporating the negotiated changes listed below for a total price of $~53,445,OO. Accept option A, EX 5, 8, 10, 11. Accept Option B, EX 7. Negotiated Changes: 1. Delete two, EX 5 Collections cases @ $9,225/case $18,450 2. EX 8 Civil War case; shorten case B'and add B'of G'6" photomural substrate 4,310 3. Shol'tenec1 EX 8 civil Hal' case delete Cl\se constructiun, retain graphic wedges 12,715 4. EX 10 TW case with Sliding doors; delete case con- struction, retain graphic wedges 23,610 5. Reduce photomurals a total of 335.5 sq. ft. 2,516 G. Hevise PH photolTlural - cUl:ved to stJ:aight 960 7. Delete abstracta purchase and assembly for: PT theater, revise graphic panels and cases 22,285 Single piece at BE.Vl, graphic panels still required 1,920 TW.P4, graphic panels still required 1,080 B. Delete CW.M5 glass front @ model, wedges still required 8,G35 9, Delete graphics at top of all vignette LA units; retain Im'/er graphic panel '1,800 10. Delete BE.V2 LB, replace BE.LBl with one text panel (3 I X 7' 10" ), move L8 to C'rI. V2 .--2-t.lQQ Total Deletions $100,381 11. Add 6' lightbox wedge at CW.V2 12. Add Plinth (41x 2''l'' X 4") @ ST.Vl 13. Add I~A unit (no upper graphics) @ CW.V2 3,14G 980 1,?'00 l.f '; : Total Additions $ 5,326 Accepted: ~\~, cl.:-\J ~D4'4 1~C'w lanover county ~ Charles Inc. ~ . ~ RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, certain parcels of real property owned jointly by New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington have been offered for sale pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offeror indicated on the attached list has agreed to pay the amount indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offer to purchase indicated on the attached list from the offeror as indicated. 2. That the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by an offeror when: a. the offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or b. the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 4. That the County of New Hanover will require the offeror to deposit five (5%) percent of the offered prices immediately following adoption of this resolution. Adoopted at ~lar meeting on . I~ , 19~ 5. That the Clerk of offer as required " . .~ SPECIFICATIONS - SURPLUS PROPERTY Address: 1306 Castle Street Description: Vacant Lot Total Value: $5,453.00 Amount of Offer: $4,530.00 Tax Map No: 054-10-009-022.000 Offeror: James B. and Patsy A. Steven r;.l~e ~ ~I'~~ ~ ,,~. {C/; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ~~ ~:~ ,. ~roclalnation New Jlalluuer QtUU11tn moaf~ of QIotul1tinnioutfll WHEREAS, one of the most important concerns for New Hanover County citizens is the availability of decent housing for all individuals and families; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover Human Relations Commission, the United states Department of Housing and Urban Development, local government, concerned citizens and the housing industry are working to realize the dream of fair housing opportunities; and WHEREAS, through their efforts, they encourage others to abide by the letter and the spirit of the New Hanover County Fair Housing Ordinance and the Federal Fair Housing Act; and WHEREAS, it is illegal to discriminate in housing because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or handicap; and WHEREAS, April 1991 marks the 23rd anniversary of the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim the month of April 1991, as FAIR HOUSING MONTH in New Hanover County, North Carolina and call upon all citizens to rededicate themselves to ensuring that fair housing laws are always upheld and that citizens are protected against discrimination. Adopted this the 15th day of April, 1991. ~. ~ ., (.~"Nf~ .. ~.~- -, ~ , .~-~...:..--- . L5~~. _............1;,. .. ~(~~;~ " . AJ~:.~ --------____________. .,1 0 . .. J' .................................................................... .--;-;-;,;-;";. . . . . . . . . .. . . "\.-1 New llialluuer QtUUlltn moaf~ of QIo111minniontfn ~roclamation WHEREAS, the National Association of Governors' Councils on Physical Fitness and Sports and the Association for Fitness and Business are presenting the Third Annual National Employee Health and Fitness Day on Wednesday, May 15, 1991, with the corporate sponsorship of the Allstate Insurance Company; and WHEREAS, Governor James Martin has proclaimed May 15 as Employee Health and Fitness Day; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this event is to encourage North Carolina employers to offer exercise opportunities to their employees for a healthier, more productive work force; and WHEREAS, data indicates that employee fitness programs reduce absenteeism, reduce turnover and increase productivity; and WHEREAS, thousands of public and private sector employees are expected to participate in the National Employee Health and Fitness Day events being held across the country; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim May 15, 1991, as "NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND FITNESS DAY" and urges all employers and employees to participate in this event to dramatize the lifelong benefits of healthy exercise. Adopted this the 15th day of April, 1991. ~:n .'.. ~.~ . _ .. __ ~ ~~ 0 ---- .......................................................................................... . RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners desires that each geographical section of New Hanover County have a representative on the Planning Board in order to advise the Board of Commissioners of the particular planning and zoning needs of their respective location; and WHEREAS, the present membership of the Planning Board does not represent a cross-section of the various sections of the County; and WHEREAS, in order to achieve the aforementioned goal, it is necessary to dissolve the present membership of .the Planning Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners shall strive to divide the County into various geographical sections and appoint members from each section to serve on the Planning Board. ADOPTED this 15th day of April, 1991. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~* ~ - Fred Retc in, hairman Board of Commissioners ~v~ CI k to the Board - , o 00,., 80t~r Rt.(;Cd\;;C- ,'",.; ~:,i;::ED REBECC.:\ P- GKER H ~ G ! S T E R [\ - E. ,- D S i544 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SEW Ii. :\c' " fir' _J .: :'; :: ,". " " ......, U i t 1 APR 19 IB 04 AM '91 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of Closing A Portion of SEABREEZE BOULEVARD, SECOND, THIRD, AND FOURTH AVENUES, (SEABREEZE PARK) AMENDED ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close a portion of SEABREEZE BOULEVARD, SECOND, THIRD, AND FOURTH AVENUES was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 4th day of February, 1991; and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 4th day of March, 1991, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that a portion of SEABREEZE BOULEVARD, SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH AVENUES in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicini ty of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, now recorded in Book 1534, Pages 29-31 of the New Hanover County Registry. In that a clerical error occurred in the original designation of the road closings as recorded on March 11, 1991, the amended legal descriptions of said roads as set out here are as follows: ~"".~:...,. ?'U ~__r..~ A.",V Being a portion of SECOND AVENUE commencing at its intersection with Benton Avenue extending northeast approximately 450 feet to the northeastern property lines of Lot 9, Block B and Lot 14, Block G as recorded in Book 69, Page 111 in the Office of the Register of Deeds, New Hanover County, and Being that portion of THIRD AVENUE in Seabreeze Park beginning at the southeastern corner of Lot 22 in Block E of Seabreeze Park as shown on that map of Seabreeze Park dated June, 1912, and recorded in Book 69 at Page 111, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; thence in a northeastwardly direction along the southeastern line of Lots 22 and 23, Block E of Seabreeze Park; thence in a southeastwardly direction to the northwestern corner of Lot 15, Block C, Seabreeze Park; thence in a southwestwardly direction along the northwestern line of Lots 15 and 16, Block C, Seabreeze Park to the southwestern corner of Lot 16, Block C, Seabreeze thence in a northwestwardly direction to the southeastern corner of Lot 22, Block E, Seabreeze RETURNED TO 5, 6<..c.J.q(UU) 3DI J~ - ~ 1; E i544 0268' to the beginning point as shown on the aforesaid map of Seabreeze Park, and Being that portion of FOURTH AVENUE in Seabreeze Park beginning at the southeastern corner of Lot 27 in Block F of Seabreeze Park as shown upon that map of Seabreeze Park dated June, 1912, and recorded in Book 69 at Page 111 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; thence in a northeastwardly direction along the southeastern line of Lots 27, 28, and 29, Block F of Seabreeze Park to the northeastern corner of said lot 29, Block F, Seabreeze Park, thence in a southeastwardly direction to a point in the northwestern line of Lot 25, Block E, Seabreeze Park, that is 86.5 feet southwest of the northwest corner of Lot 26, Block E, Seabreeze Park; thence in a southwestwardly direction along the northwestern line of Lots 25, 24, 23, and 22, Block E, Seabreeze Park; thence in a northwestwardly direction to the south- eastern corner of Lot 27, Block F, Seabreeze Park, the beginning point as shown on the aforesaid map of Seabreeze Park, and Being that portion of SEABREEZE BOULEVARD in Seabreeze Park beginning at the southwestern corner of Lot 16 in Block C of Seabreeze Park as shown on that map of Seabreeze Park dated June, 1912, and recorded in Book 69 at Page 111 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; thence in a southeasterly direction along the southwestern line of Lots 16, Block C, Seabreeze Park, and Lot 7, Block B, Seabreeze Park, to the southeastern corner of Lot 7, Block B, Seabreeze Park, to First Avenue of Seabreeze Park as shown on the aforesaid map; thence in a southwestwardly direction along the northwestern line of First Avenue to the northeastern corner of Lot 6, Block A; Seabreeze Park; thence in a northwestwardly direction along the northeastern line of Lot 6, Block A, Seabreeze Park, and Lot 17, Block D, Seabreeze Park, to the northwestern corner of Lot 17, Block D, Seabreeze Park to Third Avenue of Seabreeze Park as shown on the aforesaid map; thence in a northeastwardly direction along the southeastern line of Third Avenue to the southwestern corner of Lot 16, Block C, Seabreeze Park, the beginning point as shown on the aforesaid map of Seabreeze Park and being all of Seabreeze Boulevard southeast of Third Avenue, Seabreeze Park to First Avenue, Seabreeze Park. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the remaining portion of Fourth Avenue be closed. It is also therefore ordered that Third Avenue and Seabreeze Boulevard be closed, subject to and excepting a thirty (30) foot utility easement (15 feet on each side of the ~ BUUt ; t.. t~ L i544 G 26'9 right-of-way centerline) for purposes included but not limited to drainage, sewer and water. It is further ordered that a CDPy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this the 15th day of April, 1991. Fr~~' Chairman Attest: 6rfJ 80m PL~E STATE OF NORTH'CAROLINA REG0riliC, ,\'.;::, '. ::;'I'IEO . qEt~,ECC!'? ;UC~,ER H E GiS E l{ n~' ~'E; [) S H E Vi H \ ' ~ !' ;' _ ~ ~ C i544 0.256 nPR 19 10 04 AM '91 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER " In the Matter of Closing FIRST AVENUE (Seabreeze Park) AMENDED ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close FIRST AVENUE was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 4 th day of February, 1991, and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 4th day of March, 1991, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that FIRST AVENUE in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, now recorded in Book 1534, Page 27 of the New Hanover County Registry. In that a clerical error occurred in the original designation of the road closing as recorded on March 11, 1991, the amended legal description of said road is set out here, being as follows: 28 Being all of FIRST AVENUE IN Seabreeze Park, beginning at its intersection at Benton Avenue' extending from said point 570 feet northeast to its termination and duly recorded as Seabreeze Park in Deed Book 69, Page 111 of the New Hanover County Registry. =0.-- _~.. ~""... NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed, subject to and excepting a thirty (30) foot utility easement (15 feet on each side of the right-of-way centerline) for purposes included but not limited to drainage, sewer and water. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this amended order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this of Attest: RETURNED TO S. f,'-<.J,')(U0 Co.? ~. 1.... STATE OF ,NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of Closing FIRST AVENUE (Seabreeze Park) AMENDED ORDER It appearing to the Board of County corrunissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close FIRST AVENUE was adopted by the County Corrunissioners on the Ath day of February, 1991, and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 4th day of March, 1991, at which time the County Corrunissioners would hear complaints and corrunents of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County corrunissioners are of the opinion that FIRST AVENUE in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, now recorded in Book 1534, Page 27 of the New Hanover County Registry. In that a clerical error occurred in the original designation of the road closing as recorded on March 11, 1991, the amended legal description'of said road is set out here, being as follows: Being all of FIRST AVENUE IN Seabreeze Park, beginning at its intersection at Benton Avenue extending from said point 570 feet northeast to its termination and duly recorded as Seabreeze Park in Deed Book 69, Page 111 of the New Hanover County Registry. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed, subject to and excepting a thirty (30) foot utility easement (15 feet on each side of the right-of-way centerline) for purposes included but not limited to drainage, sewer and water. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this amended order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this of April, 1991. ~~:n Attest: STATE OF,NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF ' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of Closing A Portion of SEABREEZE BOULEVARD, SECOND, THIRD, AND FOURTH AVENUES, (SEABREEZE PARK) AMENDED ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Corrunissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close a portion of SEABREEZE BOULEVARD, SECOND, THIRD, AND FOURTH AVENUES was adopted by the County Corrunissioners on the 4th day of February, 1991; and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 4th day of March, 1991, at which time the County Corrunissioners would hear complaints and corrunents of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County corrunissioners are of the opinion that a portion of SEABREEZE BOULEVARD, SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH AVENUES in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, now recorded in Book 1534, Pages 29-31 of the New Hanover County Registry. In that a clerical error occurred in the original designation of the road closings as recorded on March 11, 1991, the amended legal descriptions of said roads as set out here are as follows: Being a portion of SECOND AVENUE corrunencing at its intersection with Benton Avenue extending northeast approximately 450 feet to the northeastern property lines of Lot 9, Block B and Lot 14, Block G as recorded in Book 69, Page 111 in the Office of the Register of Deeds, New Hanover County, and Being that portion of THIRD AVENUE in Seabreeze Park beginning at the southeastern corner of Lot 22 in Block E of Seabreeze Park as shown on that map of Seabreeze Park dated June, 1912, and recorded in Book 69 at Page 111, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; thence in a northeastwardly direction along the southeastern line of Lots 22 and 23, Block E of Seabreeze Park; thence in a southeastwardly direction to the northwestern corner of Lot 15, Block C, Seabreeze Park; thence in a southwestwardly direction along the northwestern line of Lots 15 and 16, Block C, Seabreeze Park to the southwestern corner of Lot 16, Block C, Seabreeze Park; thence in a northwestwardly direction to the southeastern corner of Lot 22, Block E, Seabreeze Park to the beginning point as shown on the aforesaid map of Seabreeze Park, and Being that'portion of FOURTH AVENUE in Seabreeze Park beginning at the southeastern corner of Lot 27 in Block F of Seabreeze Park as shown upon that map of Seabreeze Park dated June, 1912, and recorded in Book 69 at Page 111 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; thence in a northeastwardly direction along the southeastern line of Lots 27, 28, and 29, Block F of Seabreeze Park to the northeastern corner of said lot 29, Block F, Seabreeze Park, thence in a southeastwardly direction to a point in the northwestern line of Lot 25, Block E, Seabreeze Park, that is 86.5 feet southwest of the northwest corner of Lot 26, Block E, Seabreeze Park; thence in a southwestwardly direction along the northwestern line of Lots 25, 24, 23, and 22, Block E, Seabreeze Park; thence in a northwestwardly direction to the south- eastern corner of Lot 27, Block F, Seabreeze Park, the beginning point as shown on the aforesaid map of Seabreeze Park, and Being that portion of SEABREEZE BOULEVARD in Seabreeze Park beginning at the southwestern corner of Lot 16 in Block C of Seabreeze Park as shown on that map of Seabreeze Park dated June, 1912, and recorded in Book 69 at Page 111 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; thence in a southeasterly direction along the southwestern line of Lots 16, Block C, Seabreeze Park, and Lot 7, Block B, Seabreeze Park, to the southeastern corner of Lot 7, Block B, Seabreeze Park, to First Avenue of Seabreeze Park as shown on the aforesaid map; thence in a southwestwardly direction along the northwestern line of First Avenue to the northeastern corner of Lot 6, Block A; Seabreeze Park; thence in a northwestwardly direction along the northeastern line of Lot 6, Block A, Seabreeze Park, and Lot 17, Block D, Seabreeze Park, to the northwestern corner of Lot 17, Block D, Seabreeze Park to Third Avenue of Seabreeze Park as shown on the aforesaid map; thence in a northeastwardly direction along the southeastern line of Third Avenue to the southwestern corner of Lot 16, Block C, Seabreeze Park, the beginning point as shown on the aforesaid map of Seabreeze Park and being all of Seabreeze Boulevard southeast of Third Avenue, Seabreeze Park to First Avenue, Seabreeze Park. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the remaining portion of Fourth Avenue be closed. It is also therefore ordered that Third Avenue and Seabreeze Boulevard be closed, subject to and excepting a thirty (30) foot utility easement (15 feet on each side of the right-of~way centerline) for purposes included but not limited to drainage, sewer and water. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this of April, 1991. Fr~~' Chairman Attest: ..I11III r; CONSENT AGENDA DATE: 4/15/91 ITEM No. 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru March 28, 1991 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Advertising Fees Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected 1990 $ 34,610,078.89 2,529,240.92 111,486.13 $ 37,027,833.68 12,915.00 77 ,551.72 $ 37,118,300.40 - 35,325,218.33 $ 1,793,082.07 95.177. Back Taxes -- Real Estate and Personal Property Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 2,588,328.96 99,580.60 2,488,748.36 606,880.85 $ 1,881,867.51 24.397. Room Occupancy Tax Collections - March - $ 50,525.20 - Fiscal YTD - $ 1,034,068.32 Privilege License Collections - March - $ 359.25 - Fiscal YTD - $17,613.99 EMS Collections - March - $ 00.00 - Fiscal YTD - $ 00.00 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $54,136,019.54. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, p12~;;J':- ;gJto~ Collector of Revenue PJR: sw \~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru March 28, 1991 1990 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 944,520.45 83,716.36 - 35,137.92 $ 993,098.89 2,055.73 $ 995,154.62 -952,422.79 $ 42,731.83 95.717. Back Taxes Real Estate and Personal Property Charges Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 45,038.73 287.08 705.79 $ 44,620.02 - 14,883.09 $ 29,736.93 33.367. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, y~(~^- 9\ lL.-- Patricia J. R~ynor 0 Collector of Revenue PJR: sw CONSENT AGENDA DATE: 4-15-91 ITEM NO.7. , :. " "' il EXHIBIT B . CERTIFICATE OF RESOIIJTIONS At\JD INCUMBENCY ~ ' ( /./ I I / ~ '/& ~/ '( -7 ~')"/?( ./ ,do hereby certify that I arn the duly electedr_ appomted and acting Secretary/ Clerk of New Hanover COW1ty, North Carolina, a political subdivision or agency duly organized and existing W1der the laws of the state of North Carolina (the "MW1icipality"), and that the following resolutions (the "Resolutions") have been presented to and duly adopted by the COW1ty commissioners of the Municipality (the "Governing Bcdy") at a meeting duly and regularly held ~,convened in accordance with applicable law on the /,...1"Jl.J day of M1ht-('> , 19!1L, that at said meeting a quorum was present and acting at all times arid that the Resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been in any respect mcx:lified, revoked or rescinded: I 1.- WHEREAS, the Municipality desires to enter into an Installment Purchase Contract, dated as of March 20, 1991 (the "Contract"), between the Municipality and First Union National Bank of North Carolina, as Bank (the "Bank"), and a comrni bnent letter, dated March 20, 1991 (the "Comrni tment letter"), with the Bank; and WHEREAS, the Contract provides for the Bank to advance certain fW1ds (the "Purchase Price") to enable the MW1icipality to purchase certain equipment described therein (the "Equipment") and the MW1icipality to repay the Purchase Price in installments (the "Installment Payments") as provided in the Contract; and WHEREAS, the 11unicipality has detemined that the use of the Equipment is essential to its proper, efficient and economic operation; that it anticipates an ongoing need for the Equipment; that the Equipment will provide, an essential use and permit the Municipality to carry out public functions that it is authorized by lavl to perform; and that entering into the Contract . , lS necessary and exp€.<1ient for the MW1icipality; and WHEREAS, the Municipality has further determined that the Installment Payments and all other obligations of the Municipality under the Contract are not excessive for their stated purposes; and \-'JHEREAS, the MW1icipality has detemined that the Contract and the o?ligations of the Municipality thereW1der are preferable to, and more cost !' ; I further certify that the individual(s) named below are the duly elected or appointed officers of the Municipality holding the offices set forth opposite their respective names and that (in) the signatures set forth opposite their respective names and titles are their true and authentic signatures and (ii) such officers have the authority on behalf of the MW1icipality to enter into all documentation connected with the Contract. ~ TITLE I J\ \"))~ t ':k" C~)1? Jy~h) '(L~~~ Allen O'Neal County Manager Mary M. Gornto Deputy County Manager Andrew J. Atkinson Finance Director IN WITNESS ~OF ~ I have duly. executed this cenificate and affixed the seal of the I1unlclpall ty hereto thls ~t.i/) day of .Q?I.t/.-. , 19 i{. U ~~ / L \t J<A) t/'. /}M1'<<~. Secretary/Clerk ~- NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE M::~~~tt~:fl~~ti MEMO @n:i::1A~mNWnK~Mg;::~~::::\:::::~l:::~j:~::gw:::::::~:::::::~::t:f~:::::::~:::::f:t::::;:;::;=::::~:~:::~::;~::::;}~:::::t{::::{;;:;:::::::::;tgMl:r(iw::::;~,:::::t~:;j:::::tmt: :M~*~M*~:%~~@%R~~"%~"%-~~ TO: Mary M. Gornto, Deputy County Manager FROM: Mike Waters, Direct~ Parks and Recreation SUBJ: Joint Park Project DATE: April 15, 1991 Attached is a memo from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board relative to their review of a proposed park venture between the City of wilmington and New Hanover County. Having heard the concerns and ideas of both the County Commissioners and the Advisory Board members, I feel the County's best course of action would be~o assist the City with the development phase of this project.l "'Tn my opinion, a contribution of this type would accomplisfl'" the following: (1) ,Make needed recreational facilities available in a shorter time frame; (2) Give County representatives the opportunity to have meaningful input on specific design features and/or to express concerns on use of facili ties by area residents; ( 3) Continue to promote joint funding of certain park facilities which serve large numbers of local citizens; and (4) Does not obligate the County to any long term management or operational responsibilities. As you can ascertain from the attached memo, I believe the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board would be supportive of this approach. While no specific amounts were discussed by the Advisory Board, they are aware that the City contributed $100,000 to the Hugh MacRae Athletic Field project several years ago. After reviewing this information, please advise me on how or if you wish me to pursue this matter further. MRW/jlw "" NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE :wmMn:::~wu ME M O:@~y::::w:::::;::::::::;:::::n;~::(:@ln~:@(::::q::::::~~:::::::::;::::~:::~:::::::i:~=:::;~:;:;;::::::::::;::;::;g::::::;;::::::::::ff::::~:~:::w:;:;::~:~~::::::::~:::::::::~::g::~: ;;:::l::;::::::::l:W:~{:::;::i::m::::~::Pi:~:::i~g:::;19~:WF:l~Wl)'Nii&,~~l$.~h~ FROM: County Commissioners James F. Yedlicka, PhD, Chairm~ Parks and Recreation Advisory iSJrd TO: SUBJ: Recommendation: City/County Joint Park Venture DATE: April 12, 1991 At our April 2, 1991 meeting, we discussed a possible. joint park development venture between the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. It was the consensus of the board that such a venture has the potential to meet many recreational needs, of area residents for a variety of different age groups. ~- As a group, one of our primary responsibilities is to plan and make recommendations on the purchases of land for both current and future park use. We are fortunate that the funds from a recent bond issue give us the opportunity to begin addressing these needs. Over the course of the past two years, our Board has identified the need to purchase property in certain areas of the county which lack park facilities and is currently pursuing the purchase of several tracts in order to address these concerns. In light of our present commitment to these proje9ts, we do not feel we are in a position to jointly purchase, develop, and manage a proj ect of the size currently under consideration by the City on a 50/50 matching basis. It is our suggestion that the County consider some type'of monetary participation in some phase of the development of this park. It has been our observation that projects of this type can result in many positive results for residents, and thereby, enhance the overall delivery of parks and recreation services to our citizens. In conclusion, I would like to restate the local support of the concept relative to this project and thank you for the opportunity to comment on this venture. JFY/jlw