TRC Agenda 7.20.22 PacketTECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA July 20th, 2022 New Hanover County’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet Wednesday , July 20th, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the below items. PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will be conducted remotely via teleconference Wednesday, July 20th, at 2:00 p.m. Interested parties can contact the Planning and Land Use Department at 910-798-7165 for more information. Item 1: Flex Space – Commercial Site Plan –– SITECN-22-000033 Request by Brad Sedgewick, JBS Consulting, PA, for an approximately 14,060 sq ft fle x space building and associated parking area. The subject property is located at 6720 Netherlands Drive. It consists of 1.60 acres total and is zoned I-2 and B-2. The planner assigned is Julian Griffee (jgriffee@nhcgov.com, 910-798- 7444). Item 2: Contractor Office – Commercial Site Plan –– SITECN-22-000035 Request by Mark Hargrove, Port City Consulting Engineers, PLLC., for an approximately 5,520 sq ft contractor office building and associated parking area. The subject property is located at 2008 Corporate Drive. It consists of .71 acres total and is zoned PD. The planner assigned is Ron Meredith (rmeredith@nhcgov.com, 910-798-7441). Item 3: Spec Building – Commercial Site Plan – SITECN-22-000031 Request by Greg Taylor, TMC Taylor Construction, Inc., for an approximately 4,666 sq ft building on an existing commercial site. The subject property is located at 3105 N Kerr Ave. It consists of .51 acres total and is zoned AC. The designer is Greg Taylor, TMC Taylor Construction, Inc. (gtaylor@tmctaylor.com). The planner assigned is Zachary Dickerson (zdickerson@nhcgov.com, 910-798-7450). Item 4: Machine Fabrication Building – Commercial Site Plan – SITECN-22-000032 Request by Greg Taylor, TMC Taylor Construction, Inc., for an approximately 4,667 sq ft machine fabrication warehouse on an existing commercial site. The subject property is located at 3109 N Kerr Ave. It consists of .53 acres total and is zoned AC. The designer is Greg Taylor, TMC Taylor Construction, Inc. (gtaylor@tmctaylor.com). The planner assigned is Zachary Dickerson (zdickerson@nhcgov.com, 910-798- 7450). This meeting is open to the public by calling 1-336-218-2051 and entering Phone Conference ID: 862 374 372# 6720 Netherlands Drive – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 1 To: Brad Sedgwick – JBS Consulting PA (bradsedgwick@hotmail.com) From: Julian Griffee Current Planner Date: July 15, 2022 Egov#: SITECN-22-000033 PID: R04320-001-018-000 Subject: 6720 Netherlands Drive – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the July 20, 2022 TRC meeting. Additional comments may be made upon further review of subsequent revisions. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised preliminary plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving preliminary plan approval. Planning, Julian Griffee 910-798-7444 1. Please note this TRC review is for the proposed use of Flex Space in an I-2 zoning district. 2. Please pay $75 review fee – INV-00082093. 3. The property abuts the Regional Business zoning district, located within the City of Wilmington. This may affect buffering along the portion of the parcel that abuts this zoning district/jurisdiction. 4. Please update the plan with the following general corrections: a. Please show the location of any signs and note any proposed sign is subject to Section 5.6. of the UDO. b. Ensuring language on proposed plan is correct a. Misspelling as ‘Squaree’, Incorrect address as ‘67104 Netherlands Drive’, and misspelling as ‘Clustet’ on C1. 5. Please show setbacks for the existing zoning on the site plan. No interior side or rear setbacks are required for nonresidential structures from lot lines shared with abutting nonresidential uses where the structure and the abutting use are located within the B-2, and I-2 districts, UDO Section 3.1.3.C.1. 6. Lighting: a. Before the building permit can be issued, a lighting plan must be provided to illustrate that street lighting, all exterior lighting, and indoor lighting visible from outside shall be designed and located so that the maximum illumination measured in foot candles at ground level at a lot line does not surpass 2.0, UDO Section 5.5. It is noted that on C1, site lighting will comply with regulations, but a plan is required. 6720 Netherlands Drive – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 2 7. Easements: a. Please ensure all storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main utility easements are labeled and shown on the site plan, UDO Section 6.2.2. 8. Landscaping: a. Page C4 contains the Tree Removal Plan and Landscape Plan. i. Tree Removal Plan and Landscape Plans are difficult to read as presented. ii. Ensure that the landscaping is meeting the 8% requirement for interior parking and the 12% foundation planting requirement. 9. Parking: a. Please provide data to include the anticipated rate of parking turnover anticipated peak parking and traffic loads, UDO Section 5.1.3.A.1. b. Accurate labeling of spaces provided within the Site Data table on C1? i. Staff counted spaces = ~51 regular spaces and 3 as H/C. ii. Site Data table states 37 spaces provided and 2 as H/C. c. Please verify the length of all parking spaces, it appears that a few working under the requirement specified in UDO section 5.1.4.B. d. Are parking blocks provided for every spot? 10. Screening: a. Screening is referenced on C1 to ‘See Detail Sheet C3’; Are there screening details on C3? Screening of dumpsters must adhere to Section 5.4.4. of the UDO. 11. Tree Retention: a. Section 5.3.4.C of the UDO requires a minimum of 15 trees at least 2” DBH must be retained or planted on the parcel where development occurs for each acre or proportionate area disturbed. b. Please be aware that there are new tree retention requirements with the UDO that have updated the classifications of regulated trees. Please see Section 5.3.4 for more specifics. In addition, trees preserved on the site may be credited toward mitigation. c. Page C4 contains the Tree Removal Plan and Landscape Plan. i. Tree Removal Plan and Landscape Plans are difficult to read as presented. Please provide a separated depiction of the trees to be removed, the trees to be retained, and the trees to be placed as mitigation. ii. Please provide a table inventory of the trees, including specific species and DBH, on site that will be removed and retained. d. Please be aware that a Tree Removal Permit is required prior to any land disturbance activities. e. Clearly illustrate what trees are being preserved and what trees are proposed to remain. f. Please see the chart below for an example of what Staff is looking for as a tree inventory requirement. g. All specimen trees located within subject tract are required to be illustrated as well. UDO Section 5.3.5.C The removal of any specimen tree is prohibited on any parcel unless exempt according to Section 10.3.11, Variance Zoning and Subdivision. If a specimen tree is removed without a permit, the penalty for this violation shall be twice the mitigation fee. h. Please be aware that there are optional incentives for retaining trees on site, UDO Section 5.3.8.A.2. 6720 Netherlands Drive – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 3 i. Please see the chart below indicating the documented, significant, and specimen trees regulated by the County. j. k. Per UDO Section 5.3.4.C, of the UDO requires a minimum of 15 trees at least 2” DBH must be retained or planted on the parcel where development occurs for each acre or proportionate area disturbed. Please add a note to the Landscape Plan showing has this requirement has been met. l. Please note that required landscaping for the project can be credited to meet this requirement, however, required landscaping does not count towards mitigation, if applicable. m. Per UDO Section 5.3.6.B, please be aware that prior to any construction activity protection fencing is required around protected trees or tree stands. The fencing shall be a minimum of four feet and shall remain in place through completion of construction activities. n. Tree inventory plans are required to reflect the trees being retained and the trees being removed clearly. Please see the example below, which illustrate the trees with the X’s being removed and the trees and the trees being preserved showing the protection in the correct placement. o. p. Please include the tree data within a table as shown below. 6720 Netherlands Drive – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 4 q. r. 12. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit approval. 13. Please provide the estimated peak hour traffic counts and land-use code based on the ITE Manual on the site plan. 14. The request for a dimensional setback waiver and an allowance in parking reduction as depicted on the site plan to allow for the retention of the significant trees shown on the plan is granted per the provisions of 5.3.4(B) of the New Hanover County UDO. Please note that all trees shall be protected during construction as outlined in UDO Section 5.3.6 and per Section 5.3.6(D), "If an existing tree retained to comply with the standards of this section is destroyed, substantially damaged, or dies as result of negligence on the part of the property owner within three years after completion of construction, then replacement trees shall be planted on the site with a total diameter equal to twice the diameter of the retained tree." Fire Services, Ray Griswold 910-508-0234 6720 Nertherlands Drive - 14,060 sq. ft. building. - Commercial Building Site - Gillilan Properties. I have visited this site last Friday. Here are my comments: 1. Is the building sprinklered. If so a fire hydrant shall be placed within 100 feet of the FDC. If not sprinklered please meet the Building Code for proper fire ratings for Fire Rated Areas. 2. A fire hydrant was required for an adjacent property - Brass Nickel Properties - Jennifer Lancaster at 6710 Netherlands Drive. This project should work with them and maybe do a cost share of a fire hydrant that is placed on the CFPUA line. It should be placed within 250 feet of each property. We will not require 2 hydrants, one at each site, unless sprinklers come into play. 3. No storage over 12 feet high is allowed, unless permitted through this office and the proper fire protection is applied per the fire code. 4. A Section 510 study is required for Emergency radio coverage for First Responders Raymond Griswold Deputy Fire Marshal 7-11-22 5. Please follow the guidelines of Appendix J in the fire code - Building Information Signage NHC Engineering, Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. A land disturbing permit issued by the County will be required. Please submit for permits as the design is completed. 2. The stormwater permit application has been reviewed and request for additional information was sent to the designer via email on June 28, 2022. Please resubmit the additional information for permit issuance. 6720 Netherlands Drive – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 5 Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. 3. CFPUA water and sewer available. 4. CFPUA Meter Sizing Form required. 5. Project currently in CFPUA plan review. NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel 910-398-9100 1. Driveway permit has been submitted. Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-6732 1. Site must connect to public water and sewer or individual well and septic system permits must be applied. Proposed development should not affect setbacks to any surrounding properties wells (Market St.) Environmental Health has no records of any wells or septic systems around this site. WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-343-3915 Planning (Addressing), Kathrine May 910-798-7443 1. Current address (6720 Netherlands Drive) can be used. 2. Please contact Katherine May for unit assignments following TRC approval. 6720 Netherlands Drive – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 6 Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison USACE, Rachel Capito NCDEMLR, Dan Sams DCM, Tanya Pietila New Hanover County Schools, Laura Severt 2008 Corporate Drive – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 1 To: Mark Hargrove Port City Consulting Engineers, PLLC mark@portcityeng.com From: Ron Meredith Current Planner Date: July 15th, 2022 Egov# SITECN-22-000035 PID: R02620-003-038-000 Subject: 2008 Corporate Drive – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the July 20th, 2022 TRC meeting. Additional comments may be made upon further review of subsequent revisions. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised preliminary plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving preliminary plan approval. Planning, Ron Meredith 910-798-7441 1. Invoice: INV-00082415 $75, please call 910-798-7308 to pay the invoice. 2. Use: Contractor Office. a. An establishment primarily engaged in the day-to-day administrative and clerical services for businesses providing contracted services, such as building contractors, heating and air conditioning (HVAC) repair, landscaping and janitorial services, etc., that require outside and/or fleet storage. The use may include some on-site repair and material preparation work. b. Zoning: PD, the Contractor Office Use is permitted use with the PD district. 3. General comments a. Application requirements: i. Please include the Engineer’s and/or surveyor’s seal as applicable or required. ii. Please be sure to clearly label loading spaces, dumpsters, outdoor storage areas, and ground level mechanical equipment, fences, and walls used for screening or decorative purposes (including height and material). iii. Please label the fire hydrants and fire apparatus access to buildings. iv. Please label wells and septic systems including repair area. v. Are there any areas of concern including conservation resources, CAMA, 404 and 401 wetlands as defined by the appropriate agency? If so, please label them. b. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit approval. 2008 Corporate Drive Commercial – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 2 c. Please label all setbacks clearly for verification of zoning district standards. 4. Lighting a. Parking lot illumination shall comply with Section 5.5, Exterior Lighting. i. Before the building permit can be issued, a lighting plan must be provided to illustrate that street lighting, all exterior lighting, and indoor lighting visible from outside shall be designed and located so that the maximum illumination measured in foot candles at ground level at a residential lot line does not surpass the requirements specified in UDO Section 5.5. 5. Please provide the estimated peak hour traffic counts and land-use code based on the 10th edition ITE Manual to determine if a Traffic Impact Analysis is required. 6. Easements: a. Please label Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, and Water Main Utility Easements, UDO Section 6.2.2. 7. Buffering a. Buffering is required from the R-15 parcel to the east. 8. Landscaping: a. Please illustrate how each of the following have been addressed Screening, Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping, Parking Lot Interior Landscaping, and Street yard Landscaping (both Primary and Secondary must be specified). b. Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping c. Parking Lot Interiors d. Street yard e. Please include the specific plantings on the plan. i. Please work with Duke Energy, CFPUA, AT&T, Piedmont Natural Gas, and any other utilities if on site regarding the placement of landscaping and improvements. ii. Please provide primary and secondary street yard plantings in accordance with Section 5.4.6. 9. Parking: a. It appears that the deigned isle widths are under the UDO requirement. UDO Section 5.1.4.B. There is the ability to reduce to 15 feet as specified in UDO 5.1.4.B.3 if the access is not designed to be used for fire access. b. Please add the stall length dimension on the plan (shown in column E below.). 2008 Corporate Drive Commercial – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 3 c. Please show parking blocks, UDO Section 5.4.5.C. d. It appears that the parking spaces are less than the county requirement. There is a parking study option. The County’s Parking requirement for the proposed use, Contractor Office, is 3/1,000 sf 10. Tree Retention: will any trees proposed to be removed, if so the following will apply: a. Please apply for a Tree Removal Permit. b. Please be aware that a Tree Removal Permit is required prior to any land disturbance activities. Please provide the specific species (Loblolly Pine, Long Leaf Pine, etc.) of the trees to be removed or retained to determine required mitigation. c. Clearly illustrate what trees are being preserved and what trees are proposed to remain. d. Please see the chart below for an example of what Staff is looking for as a tree inventory requirement. e. All specimen trees located within subject tract are required to be illus trated as well. UDO Section 5.3.5.C The removal of any specimen tree is prohibited on any parcel unless exempt according to Section 10.3.11, Variance Zoning and Subdivision. If a specimen tree is removed without a permit, the penalty for this violation shall be twice the mitigation fee. f. Please be aware that there are optional incentives for retaining trees on site, UDO Section 5.3.8.A.2. g. Please see the chart below indicating the documented, significant, and specimen trees regulated by the County. h. Per UDO Section 5.3.4.C, of the UDO requires a minimum of 15 trees at least 2” DBH must be retained or planted on the parcel where development occurs for each acre or proportionate area disturbed. Please add a note to the Landscape Plan showing has this requirement has been met. i. Please note that required landscaping for the project can be credited to meet this requirement, however, required landscaping does not count towards mitigation, if applicable. i. Per UDO Section 5.3.6.B, please be aware that prior to any construction activity protection fencing is required around protected trees or tree stands. The fencing shall be a minimum of four feet and shall remain in place through completion of construction activities. 2008 Corporate Drive Commercial – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 4 j. Tree inventory plans are required to reflect the trees being retained and the trees being removed clearly. Please see the example below, which illustrate the trees with the X’s being removed and the trees and the trees being preserved showing the protection in the correct placement. k. Please include the tree data within a table as shown below. 11. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit approval. 12. Please label all setbacks clearly for verification of zoning district standards. 13. Please provide documentation showing proof of legal access to the private drives attached. 14. Please reference the CZD case number for the approved shopping center. Fire Services, Ray Griswold 910-508-0234 1. Drive isles are required to be no less than 20 feet in width. NHC Engineering, Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. A land disturbing and stormwater permit issued by the County will be required. Please submit for permits as the design is completed. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. 3. CFPUA water and sewer available. 4. CFPUA Meter Sizing Form required. 2008 Corporate Drive Commercial – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Page | 5 NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel 910-398-9100 These preliminary comments and are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site and are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site. 1. A NCDOT encroachment / Driveway Permit is required. Submit a plan in accordance with pages 14 and 15 of the Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways to include access locations within 500’ of the proposed access on both sides of the State road. Submit to the local NCDOT District Engineer’s Office. 2. A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installation within NCDOT right-of-way. 3. NCDOT Driveway Permits are now submitted through the NCDOT Driveway website. https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/Pages/help.aspx Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-6732 1. Property must connect to public water and sewer or the site will need individual well and septic permits. Surrounding properties appear to be on public water and sewer and will not affect any adjoining septic systems or wells. WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-343-3915 1. Please confirm the pedestrian access route will be ADA accessible. 2. Please revise the sight triangles on the plan to conform to the NCDOT Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways. NCDOT Projects: TIP Projects in the Area: N/A WMPO 2045 Projects: N/A New Hanover County CTP: N/A NC Division of Coastal Management Quality Tara MacPherson 910 796-7266 office 1. None of these projects appear to be in CAMA jurisdiction. Bras Shaver, USACOE Brad.E.Shaver@usace.army.mil 1. Corporate Drive, no existing JD in our records but the property does seem to fall toward the rear of the lot (east side) and wetlands may be present. Addressing, Kathrine May 910-798-7443 1. Current address (2008 Corporate Drive) can be used. No changes necessary. Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison NCDEMLR, Dan Sams DCM, Tanya Pietila New Hanover County Schools, Laura Severt 3105 N Kerr Ave- Spec Building – TRC Review Page | 1 To: Greg Taylor, TMC Taylor Construction, gtaylor@tmctaylor.com William R Jones, Jr. & Pamela Jones, callcms@earthlink.net From: Zach Dickerson, Current Planner Egov # SITECN-22-000031 PID: R03409-001-001-000 Date: July 20, 2022 Subject: 3105 N Kerr Ave – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the July 20, 2022 TRC meeting. Additional comments may be made upon further review of subsequent revisions. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised preliminary plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving preliminary plan approval. Planning, Zach Dickerson 910-798-7450 1. Zoning district: AC 2. Uses (2): a. The defined use is Spec Building-Offices for Private Business and Professional Activities: Establishment primarily engages in the day-to-day administrative or clerical services for businesses or other organizations that provide professional or other services to the general public on a walk-in or appointment basis in an office setting. 3. General comments: a. Please call 910-798-7308 x1 x2 to pay invoice INV-00080315, or pay online at www.nhcgov.com/coast b. Please include sight triangles for ingress and egress to the site. c. Where will the HVAC units be placed? d. Is there a sidewalk proposed for access to the building from the parking lot? If so, is it ADA accessible? e. Is a dumpster proposed for the site? If so, please note that it must be screened per UDO section 5.4.4.C.2. f. Please be aware that land disturbance permits will not be issued until the tree permit has been approved. g. Please confirm the 24’ opening on the front of the structure is the general access point for the building. 3105 N Kerr Ave- Spec Building – TRC Review Page | 2 h. Per AC Zoning District Standards, please note that any operation or use that emits smoke, dust, or creates glare or other visual hazards is prohibited. 4. Please be aware that there are specific Use Restrictions in the AC district per UDO Section 5.10.8 shown below. These restrictions are required to be added as a note to the proposed site plan. Anything that creates any of the following scenarios is prohibited: a. Creates electrical interference with navigational signals or radio communication between the airport and aircraft; b. Makes it difficult for flyers to distinguish between airport lights and others; c. Results in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport; d. Impairs visibility in the vicinity of the airport; e. Creates bird strike hazards; or f. Or otherwise in any way endanger or interfere with the landing, takeoff, or maneuvering of aircraft intending to use the airport. 5. Signs: a. Please note any sign is subject to Section 5.6. of the UDO and note any other planned locations of signs. 6. Parking: a. Will there be an ADA accessible parking space? If so, please label it clearly. b. The number of parking spaces noted as required is 1.5/1,000sq ft. Please specify the use for which this number is pulling from. c. Please show parking blocks, UDO Section 5.4.5.C. d. Please note that if parking spaces are insufficient per County requirements, there is an option for a parking study which may reduce the amount of spaces required for this specific case. 7. Access: a. Please provide all NCDOT approvals upon receipt. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit approval. 8. Landscaping/Buffering: a. Please confirm type of variance requested from CFPUA as noted on the landscape plan, street yard provided does not appear sufficient per note. b. Please note that after CFPUA variance is approved, if the street yard requirements still cannot be met, a variance will be required from New Hanover County. c. Please see note above about dumpster screening. 9. Lighting (b below outlines additional standards for the AC zoning district): a. Please provide a light plan, approval of the lighting plan is required before site plan approval (Section 10.3.6, Site Plan) or zoning compliance approval (Section 10.3.8, Zoning Compliance Approval), whichever comes first. A lighting plan must be provided to illustrate that street lighting, all exterior lighting, and indoor lighting visible from outside shall be designed and located so that the maximum illumination measured in foot candles at ground level at a residential lot line does not surpass 0.5, UDO Section 5.5. Please refer to Table 5.5.4.B of the UDO for additional standards. b. The following lighting is prohibited: i. Light fixtures that imitate an official highway or traffic control light or sign. ii. Light fixtures that have a flashing or intermittent pattern of illumination, except as permitted for signage in accordance with Section 5.6.2.D, Lighting; iii. Exterior lighting in the Airport Commerce (AC) district that does not comply with Section 3.4.9.E.2, Lighting; and 3105 N Kerr Ave- Spec Building – TRC Review Page | 3 iv. Searchlights, except when used by federal, state, or local authorities, or where they are used to illuminate alleys, parking garages, and working (maintenance) areas, so long as they are shielded and aimed so that they do not result in lighting on any adjacent lot or public right-of-way exceeding 2.0 foot candles 10. Tree Retention: a. Please apply for a tree removal permit. b. Please be aware that a Tree Removal Permit is required prior to any land disturbance activities. Please provide the specific species (Loblolly Pine, Long Leaf Pine, etc.) of the trees to be removed or retained to determine required mitigation. c. All specimen trees located within subject tract are required to be illustrated as well. UDO Section 5.3.5.C The removal of any specimen tree is prohibited on any parcel unless exempt according to Section 10.3.11, Variance Zoning and Subdivision. If a specimen tree is removed without a permit, the penalty for this violation shall be twice the mitigation fee. a. Please be aware that there are optional incentives for retaining trees on site, UDO Section 5.3.8.A.2. b. Please see the chart below indicating the documented, significant, and specimen trees regulated by the County. c. Per UDO Section 5.3.4.C, of the UDO requires a minimum of 15 trees at least 2” DBH must be retained or planted on the parcel where development occurs for each acre or proportionate area disturbed. i. Please note that required landscaping for the project can be credited to meet this requirement, however, required landscaping does not count towards mitigation, if applicable. d. Per UDO Section 5.3.6.B, please be aware that prior to any construction activity protection fencing is required around protected trees or tree stands. The fencing shall be a minimum of four feet and shall remain in place through completion of construction activities. Fire Services, Ray Griswold 910-508-0234 1. County Fire is good with this project. 3105 N Kerr Ave- Spec Building – TRC Review Page | 4 NHC Engineering, Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. A revision to the land disturbing permit (GP 37) is required for this project. Please submit for permit as the design is completed. 2. A stormwater permit issued by the County will be required should the total proposed impervious area exceed 10,000 square feet. Note the impervious area for the driveway shall extend into the right of way to the edge of N Kerr Ave. 3. A drainage plan will be required during building permit review. The drainage plan shall show existing features, direction of stormwater runoff and details (driveway culvert, ditch location/size, flow direction arrows, etc) to demonstrate how existing drainage patters will be maintained. For detail requirements of the drainage plan, see section 7.8.A of the NHC Stormwater Ordinance at https://engineering.nhcgov.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/New-Hanover-County- Stormwater-Ordinance.pdf. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. 3. CFPUA water and sewer available. 4. CFPUA Meter Sizing Form required. NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel 910-398-9100 Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-6732 1. Site must connect to CFPUA water and sewer or individual septic and well permits will be needed. 2. Infrastructure developments will not affect surrounding properties since it appears they are on public water and sewer. WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-343-3915 1. No comments Addressing, Katherine May 910-798-7443 1. Current address (3105 N Kerr Ave) can be used. 2. Contact Katherine May for unit assignments, if necessary. Comments not received at this time from: NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison USACE, Brad Shaver NCDEMLR, Dan Sams DCM, Tanya Pietila 3105 N Kerr Ave- Spec Building – TRC Review Page | 5 New Hanover County Schools, Laura Severt 3109 N Kerr Ave- Machine Shop – TRC Review Page | 1 To: Greg Taylor, TMC Taylor Construction, gtaylor@tmctaylor.com Tripp Jones, Aero Marine Biotech, sdswilmington@gmail.com From: Zach Dickerson, Current Planner Egov # SITECN-22-000032 PID: R03312-007-001-000 Date: July 20, 2022 Subject: 3109 N Kerr Ave – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the July 20, 2022 TRC meeting. Additional comments may be made upon further review of subsequent revisions. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised preliminary plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving preliminary plan approval. Planning, Zach Dickerson 910-798-7450 1. Zoning district: AC 2. Uses (2): a. The first defined use is Machine Shop: Please clarify type. 3. General comments: a. Please confirm specific type of machine shop, only certain types of part manufacturing are permitted in the AC zoning district. b. Please include sight triangles for ingress and egress to the site. c. Where will the HVAC units be placed? d. Is there a sidewalk proposed for access to the building from the parking lot? If so, is it ADA accessible? e. Is a dumpster proposed for the site? If so, please note that it must be screened per section 5.4.4.C.2. f. Please be aware that land disturbance permits will not be issued until the tree permit has been approved. g. Please confirm location of building ingress/egress. 4. Please be aware that there are specific Use Restrictions in the AC district per UDO Section 5.10.8 shown below. These restrictions are required to be added as a note to the proposed site plan. Anything that creates any of the following scenarios is prohibited: a. Creates electrical interference with navigational signals or radio communication between the airport and aircraft; 3109 N Kerr Ave- Machine Shop – TRC Review Page | 2 b. Makes it difficult for flyers to distinguish between airport lights and others; c. Results in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport; d. Impairs visibility in the vicinity of the airport; e. Creates bird strike hazards; or f. Or otherwise in any way endanger or interfere with the landing, takeoff, or maneuvering of aircraft intending to use the airport. 5. Signs: a. Please note any sign is subject to Section 5.6. of the UDO and note any other planned locations of signs. 6. Parking: a. Will there be an ADA accessible parking space? If so, please label it clearly. b. The number of parking spaces noted as required is 1.5/1,000sq ft. Please specify the use for which this number is pulling from. 7. Access: a. Please provide all NCDOT approvals upon receipt. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit approval. 8. Landscaping/Buffering: a. Please confirm type of variance requested from CFPUA as noted on the site plan, street yard provided does not appear sufficient per note. b. Please note that after CFPUA variance is approved, if the street yard requirements still cannot be met, a variance will be required from New Hanover County. c. See comment above about dumpster screening. 9. Lighting: a. Please provide a light plan, approval of the lighting plan is required before site plan approval (Section 10.3.6, Site Plan) or zoning compliance approval (Section 10.3.8, Zoning Compliance Approval), whichever comes first. A lighting plan must be provided to illustrate that street lighting, all exterior lighting, and indoor lighting visible from outside shall be designed and located so that the maximum illumination measured in foot candles at ground level at a residential lot line does not surpass 0.5, UDO Section 5.5. Please refer to Table 5.5.4.B of the UDO for additional standards. b. The following lighting is prohibited: i. Light fixtures that imitate an official highway or traffic control light or sign. ii. Light fixtures that have a flashing or intermittent pattern of illumination, except as permitted for signage in accordance with Section 5.6.2.D, Lighting; iii. Exterior lighting in the Airport Commerce (AC) district that does not comply with Section 3.4.9.E.2, Lighting; and iv. Searchlights, except when used by federal, state, or local authorities, or where they are used to illuminate alleys, parking garages, and working (maintenance) areas, so long as they are shielded and aimed so that they do not result in lighting on any adjacent lot or public right-of-way exceeding 2.0 foot candles 10. Tree Retention: a. It does not appear that any trees are being removed for this development. Please confirm. Fire Services, Ray Griswold 910-508-0234 1. County Fire is good with this plan. NHC Engineering, Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 3109 N Kerr Ave- Machine Shop – TRC Review Page | 3 1. A revision to the land disturbing permit (GP 37) is required for this project. Please submit for permit as the design is completed. 2. A stormwater permit issued by the County will be required should the total proposed impervious area exceed 10,000 square feet. Note the impervious area for the driveway shall extend into the right of way to the edge of N Kerr Ave. 3. A drainage plan will be required during building permit review. The drainage plan shall show existing features, direction of stormwater runoff and details (driveway culvert, ditch location/size, flow direction arrows, etc) to demonstrate how existing drainage patters will be maintained. For detail requirements of the drainage plan, see section 7.8.A of the NHC Stormwater Ordinance at https://engineering.nhcgov.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/New- Hanover-County-Stormwater-Ordinance.pdf. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. 3. CFPUA water and sewer available. 4. CFPUA Meter Sizing Form required. NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel 910-398-9100 Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-6732 1. Site must connect to CFPUA water and sewer or individual septic and well permits will be needed. 2. Infrastructure developments will not affect surrounding properties since it appears they are on public water and sewer. WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-343-3915 1. Provide details for pavement markings and sidewalk 2. Note: All pavement markings in public right of way shall comply with the NC MUTCD Addressing, Katherine May 910-798-7443 1. Current address (3109 N Kerr Ave) can be used. 2. Contact Katherine May for unit assignments, if necessary. Comments not received at this time from: NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison USACE, Brad Shaver NCDEMLR, Dan Sams DCM, Tanya Pietila New Hanover County Schools, Laura Severt 3109 N Kerr Ave- Machine Shop – TRC Review Page | 4