1991-05-20 RM Exhibits I' ( /, RESOLUTION MAINTENANCE ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF MACKEREL LANE (SR 1556) WHEREAS, a request has been made by the North Carolina Department of Transportation requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to recognize the removal from state maintenance 0.10 mile of the southern end of Mackerel Lane (SR 1556) for the purpose of record and map correction to reflect actual maintenance performed, said portion being located south of its intersection with Alabama Avenue (SR 1553). WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of public and private roads is important for the delivery of general County services, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, such abandonment will not endanger the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County; AND THEREFORE, be it resolved that the abandonment of 0.10 mile of Mackerel Lane (SR 1556) from the Department of Transportation maintenance become official and. that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the North Carolina Board of Transportation. day of May, 1991. :~ " .~. t. Attest: J~P.~ Dpty. Clerk to the Board '~ - RESOLUTION MAINTENANCE ADDITION OF A PORTION OF MACKEREL LANE (SR 1556) WHEREAS, a request has been made by the North Carolina Department of Transportation requesting the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to recognize the addition to state maintenance of 0.12 mile to the northern end of Mackerel Lane (SR 1556) for the purpose of record and map correction to reflect actual maintenance performed, said portion being located south of its intersection with Ocean Boulevard (SR 1539). WHEREAS, ready and accurate identification of public and private roads is important for the delivery of general County services, for the response of emergency and public safety vehicles and for the convenience of the general public; and WHEREAS, such addition will enhance the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the addition of 0.12 mile to Mackerel Lane (SR 1556) to the Department of Transportation maintenance become official and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the North Carolina Board of Transportation. Adopted this the 20th day of May, 1991. Attest: ?-. J~f:~ Deputy Clerk to the Board I NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION' REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Description Brookdale Drive - Brookdale Acres Subdivision Div, File #670-N WHEREAS, tf1e attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover' requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of whi"ch has Deen indicated in red on the attached 'map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commi ss i oners is of the Opllll on that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards aJld criteria established by the Division of Highv/ays of. the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the Sys tell!. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover' that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets establ ished standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the 130urd of COllllllissioners of the County of New Hanover . at a meeti ng on the 20th day of Hay 19 9/ . J;Ir~ d" ) ,/ ~~\/ /V~ C 1 ~rBoa rd of Commi s s i oners County of New Hanover day of , 1991 W IT N E S S my h and and 0 f f i cia 1 sea 1 t his the 0"'0/a PLEASE NOTE: J Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways I .' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-251-5716 Ma y 6, 199 1 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMASJ,HARRElSON SECRETARY WilLIAM G, MARLEY, JR., P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Division 3, District 3 New Hanover County New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 . Re: Resolution Request Request for Addition to the State Highway System Brookdale Drive - Brookdale Acres Subdivision (Div. File #670-N) Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of Brookdale Drive in Brookdale Acres Subdivision, (Div. File # 670-N) to the state system. After your consideration, if you concur please furnish this office with your resolution for our further handling. Very truly yours, ~ -- J. P. Cook District Engineer mmoomo. " MAY 0 7 I" NEW IWfCr8 t4 BD.OF~ JPC:psj cc: Highway Maintenance Engineer ,-[ AL_ __ Ii' -L- ;j:~ . --_.,.,~..~ A An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer Brookdale Drive Map "'- . '~ '\"\ 0 \ t \) .' c;,>~ 'i~ . ~ ~. ~~F ::-!j,~t' ~ TI."". ~, - If .1 i-:-.-..t ,~-: . ,,-~::,-J'-\ ------":'Ot:VD ,."\ .-,----\ \. .-,--.....---~ (~-: j" / ~\~~ ~ ~;.~~~", '~ ~:-r'.~\ ~ /) ~' /'=~=':::o~:;;~::' . ... ! ;:. ('0/ '- ~ <'11=- '" ~ q . ~ \'" "~ 11")-~ _\ ,~:;;'IJ / ~ - "~~'~. .~ I:;' ~. '" , ., ' \ /~ , ..>- ,'. " , \ {' ~\ ~.;; 0" ': \ .,."." \"'f ,/ " . / I, /' \ ; fY I l I '.- I \".' / '" "~, '/ ....: \ "~..~ \ {' ' (I; \/ . ":..\ '- 'j /J:... 0 Co'",, X-~ , "'C'~ ~ ~ j',",," _17'\ ,~ .,;:',...... .' \, ... It ,.,,~.....:::-..r I -I) \.,.,-,,~~.:.~\, r"! '\~-~~>- '" ((I : ~ . "", )\>2' '-" ~:-, \\- , / -- c.: '\\ o c E .4 Ai ~ ..., ..... , , . .' .t,: ' .,1 \\\\..\~\r 0,:(.\\\\' .ol\~.; oo\\.li~\ '\ \<~\,~.;\~t~ . .' '. ,", . :,t:. . II " \ II' i' v · d 0 \~ ~ 1,"~': ~': 'i ~ f; ;, \ ~ t \ ~"H~!'''''' ~n1.\\;~ \\1'" ~u\,H,\'l \l ~ ~ t \~\\,,"\\\m \\ W n\ \\\- t t \ '\\\ \ \ H \,\ i \ \\\W'"\\ \\i,;b, ~\ ,U \ i \ ; -e 'e : ~ \ \\ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~.' " \ 't l , ~ t ~ ~ l( '; ~,'it ~', ~ 'i \ 'i '!,; ~ 'j 'i, !. ~ '~ 1!. ~ \ ~ ~ . . . , ~ . \ ,I .., ' ,,' ',' · ., , .~~. 9"" \0'" ' ",", .','" " , ~,,;' , ., \ \ ' ," ",,' " > ~ :;.~. " , 1\ \ ,'~ % -' ~w j{anover County 13oan{ of Commissioners 1\gso[ution ., ' " WHEREAS" the institution currently known as New Hanover County Museum, interprets the history of the area in and beyond the boundaries of New Hanover County, referred to as the Lower Cape Fear region; and , ' WHEREAS, the, region is defined as the area within a 50-mile radius of Wilmington encompassing all of New Hanover and all or parts of Brunswick, Pender, Onslow, Duplin, Sampson, Bladen and Columbus counties; and WHEREAS, Colonial New Hanover County covered an area even greater than that within the 50-mile radius; and WHEREAS, the museum is the largest in the area and provides programs and services to a regional audience, especially to teachers and,students; arid WHEREAS, research has been conducted which demonstrates that the name of the museum needs to more clearly define its regional interpretive mission and identify its,regional service area; and WHEREAS, changing the name of the museum will not only' provide clear distinction of its interpretive and service areas, but will effect positively upon the region's tourism industry and expand possible funding sources for, enhancing museum growth and ,development of programs; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that, as part of the Grand Opening, New Hanover County Museum shall be renamed Cape Fear Museum and include a phrase identifying it as an agency of New Hanover County. Adopted this 20th day of May, ....... ~ '-- , Fred Retchin, Chairman . ..~ <t " ' . . . CONSENr A~~NDA DATE: May 20, 1991 ITEM No._ _10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru April 30, 1991 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Advertising Fees Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected 1990 $ 34,610,078.89 2.530,156.86 122,808.56 -$ 37,017,427.19 12,915.00 77,230.04 $ 37,107,572.23 - 35,631,456.21 $ 1,476,116.02 96.02% Back Taxes -- Real Estate and Personal Property Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 2,588,328.96 105,582.07 2,482,746.89 648,834.81 $ 1,833,912.08 26. 13% Room Occupancy Tax Collections - April - $ 72,486.47 - Fiscal YTD - $ 1,106,554.79 Privilege License Collections - April - $ 1,997.64 - Fiscal YTD - $19,611.63 EM~ Collections - April - $ 00.00 - Fiscal YTD - $ 00.00 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach. and Kure Beach to date - $54,836,557.13. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, 1) tlXYi C; &- C) (1 ~ . r-v-v Patricia J. RayMr U Collector of Revenue P JR: sw . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru April 30, 1991 1990 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 944,520.45 83,759.71 - 35,323.78 $ 992,956.38 2,051. 30 $ 995,007.68 -958,135.64 $ 36,872.04 96.29% Back Taxes Real Estate and Personal Property Charges Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 45,038.73 287.08 785.39 "$ 44,540.42 - 16,192.49 $ 28,347.93 36.36% This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, ryt'~ (~~_ C'\. (&~r' IV' Patricia J. R~or U Collector of Revenue P JR: sw CONSENT AGENDA DATE: May 20 ~. 1991 ITEM No. 11