1991-05-28 SM Exhibits , ',i : ~~.r--t ~ ................~~_.........................................~.......................................~......... ~.' ~ . , . , . " . "- . . . . , . . . . . . . .- New J{annuer <!rnitntl1 I fBnnrll, nf Q!nmmililiinntrli ~ro'cla'matiou \' G. ~ WHEREAS, GI nurses and associates are committed to provide optimal healthcare to the' patient with gastrointestinal diseases undergoing "diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; and WHEREAS, GI nurses and associates are enCleavoring to make the public aware of' ,GI health and health care systems and participation in GI wellness; and " 'WHEREAS, nurses and associates have demonstrated their professionalism and compassion for their patients and continually strive to upgrade standards 'of practice and improve services; and . -WHEREAS, nurses and associates in our community are committed to providing quality GI healthcare to all ,of our citizens in a variety of settings from the hospital to home; now NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover _ County Board of Commissioners urges all residents of this community to join in the observance of GI Nursing Day Wednesday May 29, 1991 and participate in a demons,tration and recognition of - the special care GI nurses and associates provide to their patients. , , , , , . . , , , , , . - ,. -- ' . '/- - , '~~:~ , - _ " _" ,_ ~Jq ~ ' . ..~ - ~ . ' ,. ......................................................................................,. . . ........................ ." . ~~ ." ,f ~: of May, 1991. ~WL Fred Retchin, Chairman Adopte~ this 28th day