2022-08-16 Agenda New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council (IDAC) Meeting Notice and Proposed Agenda Regular Meeting of 2022 th Tuesday, August 16, 2023, at 10:00 am New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive HR Training Rooms A & B Presiding: Chairperson-VACANT I. WELCOME COMMENTS & ESTABLISHMENTOFQUORUM Hans Schult (5 minutes) II. INTRODUCTIONS AND WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERSHans Schult (5 minutes) III. ELECTION OF NEW CHAIR Board Members (10 minutes) IV. NEW BOARD MEMBERS GOALS Board Members (5 minuteseach) V. Presentations a. Process improvement, website, and other updates JD Limberger (10minutes) b. Legislative actions that impact the Code Bert Billings (10 minutes) c. Economic Report John Rock& Greg Uhl (20 minutes) VI.ACTIONITEMS New Chair a. Approval of Minutes (5 minutes) b. Establishing Date of Next Meeting (5 minutes) VII. ANY INFORMATIONAL UPDATES TO SHARE? Responses from: a. What’s new from CFPUA? Jeff Theberge (5 min) b. Energov Updates Teresa McCormick (5 min) c. Updates from Ad Hoc/Building Code Council? Board Members (10 min) VIII. ADJOURNMENT –12:00 PM or Earlier