2022-2023 Summary BudgetOrdinary Income/Expense Income Total 4000 · Unrestricted Donations 716,325 4100 · Home Sales Total 4100 · Home Sales 2,839,516 4300 · ReStore Total 4300 · ReStore 3,094,750 4600 · Restricted Donations Total 4600 · Restricted Donations 2,770,439 Total Income 9,421,030 Expense Total 5000 · Construction 3,334,920 Total 5100 · ReStore Cost of Sales 415,990 Total 6000 · Fundraising 109,725 Total 6100 · Wages, Taxes and Benefits 3,067,431 Total 6200 · Professional Services 70,648 Total 6300 · General Operations 409,174 Total 6400 · Programming 142,755 Total 6500 · Occupancy 346,633 Total Expense 7,897,277 Net Ordinary Income 1,523,754 Other Income/Expense Total 7000 · Other Funding 694,772 Total Other Income 694,772 Other Expense Total 8000 · Other Expenses 1,138,088 Total Other Expense 1,138,088 Net Other Income (443,316) Net Income 1,080,438 Cape Fear Habitat 2022-2023 FY Summary Budget