2006-02-20 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 527 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, February 20, 2006, at 9:00 a.ill. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC. Members present were: Chairman Robert G. Greer; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jf.; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Manager Bruce T. Shell; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley and Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schult. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice-Chairman Caster led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Carl Byrd, Director of the Human Relations Commission, gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Greer asked if any member of the Board would like to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. Hearing none, Chairman Greer requested a motion from the Board to approve the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Kopp, to approve the items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on February 6, 2006 as presented by the Clerk to the Board. Adoption of Resolution Accepting North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Grant Funds - Environmental Management The Commissioners adopted the resolution accepting North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust grant funds in the amount of$155,000 and approved the associated budget amendment #06-0126. The funds will be used for the purchase and installation of a center pivot irrigation system to be placed on cell2/3A at the landfill. Budget Amendment #06-0126 - Environmental Management Adjustment Debit Credit Environmental Management: Appropriated Fund Balance Clean Water Management Trust Grant Capital Outlay $ 39,700 $155,000 $194,700 Explanation: To budget grant matching funds from the Environmental Management Fund Balance and accept the grant in the amount of $155,000 from the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund for the purchase and installation of a center pivot irrigation system. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIX, Page 38.1. Adoption of Resolution to Sell Surplus Property - Legal Department The Commissioners adopted the resolution authorizing Staff to sell surplus property located at 915 South Fourth Street in the City of Wilmington in the amount of $11,000. The current tax value is $5,577. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIX, Page 38.2. Adoption of Resolution to Sell Surplus Property - Legal Department The Commissioners adopted the resolution authorizing Staff to sell surplus property located at 604 North Sixth Street in the City of Wilmington for $2,135. The current tax value is $2,357. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIX, Page 38.3. Acceptance of Proposal to Purchase Easement Over County Property - Legal Department The Commissioners accepted the proposal by Mike Nadeau to purchase a nonexclusive easement from the County over a 0.312-acre strip ofland adjacent to his property located at 142 Gordon Road in the amount of $3,000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 528 and authorized Staff to advertise for upset bids. The County would retain ownership of the land over which the easement lies for ingress/egress to the County parcel situated to the south. The Tax Administrator has evaluated the offer and considers the proposed compensation reasonable. The sale would not be detrimental to use of the balance of the County property located to the south. Authorization of Execution of the Site Ground Lease Agreement - Legal Department The Commissioners authorized the execution of the Site Ground Lease Agreement submitted by Airgate PCS and Egan Realty Service to rent a 15' x 15' pad at the County River Road Park Airgate PCS will pour a concrete pad for placement of a generator and other telecommunications equipment. Airgate PCS, as the Lessee, is to pay for electricity. Airgate PCS agrees to fence the pad area and plant shrubs or trees for screening. Airgate, on an adjacent tower owned by Progress Energy, would install an antenna and associated cell phone equipment. The rent for the initial year is in the amount of $1,000 per month, with a three percent increase with each following year. Authorization to Submit a Grant Application to the Library Sciences and Technology Act Marketing Grant - Library The Commissioners authorized the Library to submit a grant application to the Library Sciences and Technology Act Marketing Grant in the amount of $16,200 with matching funds in the amount of $2,000. If awarded, the funds will be used to develop a web portal and programs that will highlight library and community resources that promote small business development. Authorization to Submit an Application to the Grassroots Arts Grant Distributed by the North Carolina Arts Council as the Designated County Partner with the Greater Wilmington Arts and Cultural Alliance - Cape Fear Museum The Commissioners authorized the Museum to act as the designated County partner with the Greater Wilmington Arts and Cultural Alliance to submit an application to the Grassroots Arts Grant distributed by the North Carolina Arts Council in the amount of $32,021. If awarded, approximately 80% will be distributed as sub- grants to local arts organizations and approximately 20% will be used by Cape Fear Museum to offset costs of administration and support defined program goals of the Greater Wilmington Arts and Cultural Alliance. The North Carolina Arts Council has reviewed and endorsed the proposed budget. Ruth Haas, Museum Director, will be the designated manager. Approval to Destroy Old Jury Cards and Unclaimed Instruments - Register of Deeds The Commissioners approved the request from the Registrar of Deeds to destroy jury cards and disposition reports for 2002 and 2003. Approval to Budget Additional Funds Received - Sheriff's Office The Commissioners approved the following budget amendments for additional funds received by the Sheriff's Office. Budget Amendment #06-0122 - Sheriff's Office Adiustment Debit Credit Controlled Substance Tax: Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project Expense $6,764 $6,764 Explanation: To increase budget for additional revenue received on January 4,2006 and January 23,2006. Budget Amendment #06-0123 - Sheriff's Office Adiustment Debit Credit Federal Forfeited Property: Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project Expense $2,601 $2,601 Explanation: To increase budget for additional revenue received on December 20,2005. Acceptance of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Tax Collection Reports - Tax Department The Commissioners accepted the following Tax Collection Reports through January 31, 2006. New Hanover County Fire District New Hanover County Copies of the Tax Collection Reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXIX, Page 38.4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 529 Approval of Release of Tax Values - Tax Department The Commissioners granted the following taxpayers the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: Clemmons, Jean Cofflin, William T. & Nanciann Goldston, Teresa G. Rich, Margaret H. Shulman, Neal B. Stiles, Bertha K. White, James A. Marcelyne 1. $ 6,970 24,617 52,932 41,058 23,081 17,960 40,720 Authorization for Release of Taxes Barred - Tax Department The Commissioners authorized the release of taxes barred according to G.S. 105-378. The referenced statute states that forced collection of any taxes after ten years from the date due is not allowed. These uncollected amounts are .16% of the combined tax levies for the County and the municipalities charged in 1995 in the amount of $74,718,909.21. A total of 273 accounts amount to $100.00 or more. New Hanover County Fire District City of Wilmington City of Wilmington License Tax Wrightsville Beach Carolina Beach Kure Beach Total $ 75,728.80 1,386.28 29,482.55 5,808.18 887.27 4,234.91 182.21 $117,710.20 Approval of Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property - Tax Department The Commissioners approved the advertisement of Tax Liens of Real Property to be published in the Wilmington Star News on April 5, 2006 for all delinquent 2005 real estate accounts not paid by 5:00 p.ill. on March 28, 2006. Approval of Scheduling Board of Equalization and Review for April 18, 2006 - Tax Department The Commissioners approved scheduling the first meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review for April 18, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Historic Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Approval of Budget Amendments The Commissioners approved the following budget amendments: Budget Amendment #06-0114 - Social Services Adiustment Debit Credit Energy Assistance: State Grant Assistance Payment $27,575 $27,575 Explanation: To budget additional grant funds received for Energy Assistance Payments. Budget Amendment #06-0115 - Information TechnologylLibrarv Adiustment Debit Credit Information Technology: Supplies Library: Supplies $12,500 $12,500 Explanation: To transfer funds from Information Technology to Library REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RETIREMENT PLAQUES County Manager Shell requested the following employees to step forward to receive service awards: James B. Byrd, Engineering - 16 years of service Martha E. Watson - Economic Services Caseworker -10 years of service NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 530 On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer presented a retirement plaque to each employee, expressed appreciation and thanked them for their dedicated years of service. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY SERVICE AWARDS County Manager Shell requested the following employees to step forward to receive service awards: Five Year: Edward E. Stephens - Sheriffs Office Felicia M. Jones - Health Department Arielle U. Nixon - Health Department Panza A. McNeill - Health Department Linda Wright - Health Department Karen B. Halso - Social Services Angela O. King - Social Services Ten Year: Thomas S. Nolan - Tax Department Gregory L. Kennedy - Aging Fifteen Year: Christine B. McNamee - Social Services Caroline B. Eisenstein - Library Twenty Year: Howard M. Williams - Property Management Ruth C. Roethlinger - Health Department On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer presented a service award to each employee, expressed appreciation and thanked them for their dedicated years of service. RECOGNITION OF NEW EMPLOYEES County Manager Shell requested the following new employees to stand and be introduced: Michael Cross - Fire Services Jennifer Peters - Museum Neal Robertson - Parks Department Yolanda Boynton-Clark - Social Services Sandra Macon - Sheriff's Office Frank Talman - Sheriff's Office On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer welcomed the new employees to County Government and wished them success in their new positions. RECOGNITION OF AWARD PRESENTED TO DONALD BLAKE AS NORTH CAROLINA'S HEALTH MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD Commissioner Pritchett reported that the Association of North Carolina Boards of Health recently named Donald Blake, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Health, North Carolina's Board of Health Member of the Year. Mr. Blake has been a member of the Board of Health for thirteen years and Chairman for three years. He has diligently served to protect the health of citizens of New Hanover County. Mr. Blake stated that it has been his privilege to serve the citizens of New Hanover County. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer congratulated Mr. Blake on the recognition and award. UPDATE ON THE MEADOWS OF WILMINGTON COMPLAINTS Department of Social Services Director LaVaughn Nesmith reported that the North Carolina Division of Social Services completed their survey on February 8-9, 2006 and a final report is expected March 2,2006. County staff continues to monitor the situation with the results being positive. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION FOR BOND ORDER FOR $35.5 MILLION IN GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Chairman Greer reported that at the Board's meeting on February 6, 2006, a resolution was approved to proceed with a $35.5 million Bond Issue to pay capital costs of providing parks and recreation facilities, including the acquisition and development of land, the construction and development of athletic fields, parks, playgrounds, swimming pools and recreation centers, and the provision of related library, museum and beach improvements and including the acquisition and installation of machinery and equipment. Chairman Greer requested a motion to introduce the following Bond Order. Motion: Commissioner Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster, to introduce the $35.5 million Bond Order. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Greer read the Bond Order into the record. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 531 Chairman Greer requested a motion to adopt the resolution providing for public hearing on the bond order, publication of the bond order with a notice of such hearing and directing the Finance Officer to file a statement of debt with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Kopp, to adopt the resolution providing for public hearing on the bond order, publication of the bond order with a notice of such hearing and directing the Finance Officer to file a statement of debt with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Greer requested a motion to adopt the resolution authorizing absentee voting on the issuance of the bonds, authorizing and directing the Clerk to the Board to County Commissioners to publish the notice of availability of absentee ballots and requesting the Board of Elections to prepare and distribute the absentee ballots. Motion: Commissioner Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster, to adopt the resolution authorizing absentee voting on the issuance of the bonds, authorizing and directing the Clerk to the Board to County Commissioners to publish the notice of availability of absentee ballots and requesting the Board of Elections to prepare and distribute the absentee ballots. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Copies of the resolutions are hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXIX, Page 38.5. RECOGNITION OF AWARDS PRESENTED TO THE NEW HANOVER SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Assistant County Manager Dave Weaver reported that the New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District has received recognition from the North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Districts as the Community Conservation District of the Year and the Education District of the Year. The New Hanover District was chosen out of ninety-six Districts in the State of North Carolina. The Community Conservation Award recognized the District for their local and statewide efforts in promoting cost share programs on non-agricultural lands. The New Hanover District was the first District in the State to receive Federal Farm Bill money for cost share on residential backyards. The Education District of the Y ear Award recognized the District for its growing education and outreach programs to groups ranging from the Boy Scouts to homeowners associations. The District has also educated over one thousand students in the past year on water quality and soil conservation issues and provided a number of teacher workshops. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer congratulated Executive Director Shelly Miller and members of the New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board on their recognition and awards. RECOGNITION OF CYNTHIA GRAHAM'S FAMILY County Manager Bruce Shell reported that Environmental Management employee Cynthia Graham passed away on February 9, 2006 and requested her husband Hubert, daughter Amber and son Alex be recognized by accepting Ms. Graham's County Service Award for fifteen years of service. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer offered the family condolences and presented them with Ms. Graham's County Service Award. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RE-CERTIFICATION AS A STORMREADY COMMUNITY Emergency Management Director Warren Lee introduced Steve Pfaff, Staff Meteorologist with the Wilmington Office of the National Weather Service. Mr. Pfaff reported that the StorrnReady program was started in 1999 to help aid communities with the communication and safety skills needed to save lives and property. StorrnReady helps community leaders and emergency managers strengthen local safety programs. StorrnReady communities are better prepared to save lives from the onslaught of severe weather through better planning, education and awareness. New Hanover County was first designated as a StorrnReady community in 2002 and the National Weather Service Office in Wilmington would like to present to the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Management the County's re-certification as a StormReady community. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Greer congratulated the Emergency Management Director Warren Lee and Staff. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO APPROVE THE BOARD OF EDUCATION ACTIONS RELATED TO CHESTERBROOK PROPERTY PURCHASE County Manager Bruce Shell reported that the Board of Education is requesting approval of the purchase of the Chesterbrook property, the related Board of Education budget amendment #3 appropriating funds in the amount of $2,572,500 to establish a budget for the Chesterbrook property purchase, approve applying for Public School NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 532 Building Capital Funds in the amount of $1,224,166 for the Anderson Elementary School and $1,200,000 for the Chesterbrook property purchase. New Hanover County Schools, Director of Facility Planning and Construction, Eddie Anderson reported that the immediate plans are to use the Chesterbrook property to house kindergarten classes from Parsley Elementary School to relieve overcrowding. Under consideration by the Board of Education, is also the option of moving the pre-kindergarten classes from J.c. Roe Elementary to the Chesterbrook property. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Kopp, to approve the purchase of the Chesterbrook property, the related Board of Education budget amendment #3 appropriating funds in the amount of $2,572,500 to establish a budget for the Chesterbrook property purchase, approve applying for Public School Building Capital Funds in the amount of $1,224,166 for the Anderson Elementary School and $1,200,000 for the Chesterbrook property purchase. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PRESENTATION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES ON LEADING BY RESULTS Social Services Human Services Planner Chris McNamee presented the Department of Social Services' Leading by Result Initiative Journey and provided the following information: . Emphasis on prevention and supportive services to decrease abuse, neglect and welfare dependency: . Expansion of Medicaid to children ages 0-5 from Health choice . Family and Children Medicaid growth of 112% in eight years . Food stamp growth of 21 % in five years . Childcare subsidy decrease of 9% from FY 05 to FY 06 . Currently 391 children on waiting list . Develop initiatives to enhance internal and external communications to improve customer service. . Identify new funding sources to assist in enhancing services and improving outcomes. . Fully implement Multiple Response System to improve child safety: . Over 190 Child and Family Team meetings since July 2005 . Strengthened Work First/Child Welfare coordination . Memorandum of Understanding's with all Law Enforcement entities in the County . Loss of federal dollars . Results in the making: . Results driven system instituted . More accountable to the community . Customer satisfaction improved . Creativity and innovation encouraged . Competent, enthusiastic staff recruited, trained and retained . Flexibility in process; willingness to change After a brief question and answer period, Chairman Greer thanked Ms. McNamee for the presentation. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PLANTATION ROAD BETWEEN MURRAYVILLE ROAD AND MARKET STREET Chairman Greer reported that at the request of Senator Boseman's office, the Board is being requested to adopt the resolution supporting road improvements to Plantation Road between Murrayville Road and Market Street and read the resolution into the record. Mike Kozlosky, Metropolitan Planning Organization Coordinator, reported that limited accessibility in the northeastern section of New Hanover County has resulted in substantial traffic problems along Market Street and Gordon Road. Future road projects may relieve some of this congestion but there is an immediate need to provide better connectivity between the numerous residential neighborhoods that are being built and the services that they utilize along these major arterials. Improvements to Plantation Road between Murrayville Road and Market Street would be a cost-effective solution that would provide a tremendous benefit to this area of the County. The North Carolina Department of Transportation and General Assembly's local delegation have identified potential funding sources to complete this connection. Senior Planner Steve Candler reported that the County is currently working with the developer to incorporate the road design in his project. This rezoning request will be coming to the Board at their March 13, 2006 meeting. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Greer requested a motion for adoption. Motion: Commissioner Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster, to adopt the resolution supporting the construction of a collector street utilizing Plantation Road between Murrayville Road and Market Street. Upon NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 533 vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIX, Page 38.6. BREAK Chairman Greer called for a break from 10:30 a.ill. until 10:50 a.ill. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO SUBMIT A PRELIMINARY APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL PLANNING AND ACCESS PROGRAM COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT ACT FOR FUNDS TO IMPROVE THE FORT FISHER BASIN ACCESS AREA AND TO THE NATIONAL FISH AND WILDLIFE FOUNDATION COASTAL COUNTIES RESTORATION INITIATIVE GRANT Senior Planner Chris O'Keefe reported that New Hanover County has been asked to participate in two partnerships seeking funds to improve the Fort Fisher Basin access area. The first request is to authorize the Planning Department to submit a preliminary application to the Local Planning and Access Program Coastal Area Management Act for funds in the amount of $200,000 to $250,000. The deadline for submittal of a preliminary application is February 28, 2006. The grant program requires a 25% match of which half can be in-kind. The use of heavy construction equipment can also be used in lieu of the cash portion of the required match. The second grant request is to submit an application for funds from the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Public Beach and Coastal Waterfront Access program in the amount of $100,000. Donna Moffitt with the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher reported on the partnership that includes the Fort Fisher Public Property Managers Working Group, New Hanover County, the Town of Carolina Beach, the Town of Kure Beach, the Citizens Advisory Committee for the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher, the North Carolina Coastal Federation, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, the Cape Fear the Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development, Inc., the Wilmington District of the US Army Corps of Engineers and Coastal America. The Board is being requested to authorize the Planning Department to submit a preliminary grant application in the amount of approximately $200,000 to $250,000 to improve the Fort Fisher Basin access. If awarded, the funds will be used to organize traffic flow, enlarge and pave the parking area, fill low spots, install interpretive signage highlighting the historic and natural features, improve the bulkhead and boat ramp, construct a separate canoe/kayak launch area and improve the breakwater linking Fort Fisher to Zeke's Island. The second grant request is for funds from the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Public Beach and Coastal Waterfront Access program in the amount of $100,000. If awarded, the Coastal Counties Restoration Initiative grant funds will be used for coastal wetland and riparian vegetation restoration, shoreline stabilization and erosion control including oyster revetment. The CAMA grant funds would be used to construct a separate pier facility for canoe and kayak launching. The required in-kind match will come from the Aquarium for educational and outreach efforts and from the North Carolina Coastal Federation for volunteer labor. Ms. Moffit confirmed with Commissioner Pritchett that they are currently in discussion with the Town of Kure Beach concerning trash collection. The Aquarium has discretionary funds for this use, if needed. Chairman Greer requested direction from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Pritchett MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster, to authorize the Planning Department to submit a preliminary grant application to the Local Planning and Access Program Coastal Area Management Act for funds in the amount of approximately $200,00 to $250,000 to improve the Fort Fisher Basin access area and to submit a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Coastal Counties Restoration initiative grant in the amount of $100,000 to coastal wetland and riparian vegetation restoration, shoreline stabilization and erosion control including oyster revetment and construction of a separate pier facility for canoe and kayak launching. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PRESENTATION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER UPDATE County Manager Bruce Shell reported that the renovation project would provide new offices for the essential County departments that are currently located at 320 Chestnut Street. This renovation is the last phase to locate essential County departments to the New Hanover County Government Center to enhance services and access to the citizens. Bruce Bowman with BMS Architects presented an overview of the renovation project and reported that bids have been received. Increases to the initial cost estimates included mechanical infrastructure, electrical infrastructure, data infrastructure, generator power, initial projections based on early phases with less adaptation involved, less privacy and less subdivision. The proposed budget is as follows: Base bid $2,877,000 Additional costs of $1,000,000 to include: . Atrium renovations . Signage . Computer room . Contingency NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 534 . Design fees . FF&E (blinds for conference rooms, break rooms) . Exterior Total project cost in the amount of $3,877,000; $66 a square foot. Mr. Bowman reported that permitting was currently underway with a six-month construction calendar for a proposed occupancy date of September 1, 2006. Staff recommends the Board award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Monteith Construction Corporation, in the amount of $2,877,000 and approve the associated budget amendment. Commissioner Pritchett confirmed with Project Manager Max Maxwell that the Human Relations Department and the Veteran Services Department are not included in this renovation project but would be included in the next renovation phase. Commissioner Pritchett stated her concern about the increase in the project cost and that the requested proposal did not include the relocation of the Human Relations Department and the Veteran Services Department. Commissioner Davis confirmed with County Manager Bruce Shell that the County is currently considering options to sell or lease the downtown property and will keep the Board informed of the progress. Hearing no further discussion, Chairman Greer called for a motion from the Board. Motion: Commissioner Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Caster, to award the contract for the New Hanover County Government Center renovation project to Monteith Construction Corporation in the amount of $2,877,000 and approve the associated budget amendment #2006-21. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED 3 TO 2. Commissioner Davis and Commissioner Pritchett voted in opposition. Budget Amendment #2006-21 - Government Center Capital Proiect/Wireless 911 Fund/General Fund Adiustment Debit Credit General Fund: Appropriate Fund Balance Transfer to Capital Project Supplies Wireless 911 Fund: Appropriated Fund Balance Transfer to Capital Project EOC/911/Tower/Govt Center CP: Golds Gym Renovations Judicial/CAB Renovations Tower Library Basement COPS Funding Sales Tax Refund Interest on Investments City of Wilmington Participation Transfer in from Wireless 911 Transfer in from General Fund Government Center Renovations $1,208,611 $1,208,611 $ 189,000 $ 189,000 $ 423,613 $ 12,712 $ 1,143 $ 8,919 $ 190,123 $ 47,986 $ 6,034 $ 28,785 $ 189,000 $1,208,611 $1,679,110 Explanation: To adjust budget for bids received to complete renovations to Government Center; to budget a transfer from the Wireless 911 Fund of $189,000; to move available funds from various components of the Capital Project Fund, i.e. Golds, Tower, Library, etc., to the Government Center component. Upon approval of this budget amendment, General Fund balance appropriated to date is $8,407,173; Wireless Fund balance appropriated to date is $905,130. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Appointment to the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission Chairman Greer reported that one vacancy needs to be filled on the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission and one member was eligible for reappointment and eight applications had been received and asked for nominations from the Board. Motion: Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Kopp, to reappoint Paul Woodbury to a three-year term with the term to expire on February 28,2009 on the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 20, 2006 BOOK 30 PAGE 535 MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Greer convened from Regular Session at 11:45 a.m. to hold a meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Chairman Greer reconvened to Regular Session at 11 :57 a.m. NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Greer announced that time had been reserved to allow the public to present an item that was not listed on the regular agenda. He requested all persons speaking to limit their remarks to three minutes. No comments were received. ADDITIONAL ITEMS CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM RADIO STATION WHQR County Manager Bruce Shell reported that the County has received a request from the Friends of Public Radio Inc., the non-profit organization, pointing out in their request for funds in the amount of $15,000 that thousands of County residents depend on WHQR for information during hurricane and other emergencies that impact them. If awarded, the funds will be used to replace the emergency power service to be prepared for broadcast during the upcoming hurricane season. The City of Wilmington has not acted on the same request. Chairman Greer requested direction from the Board. No motion was made. Items Presented by Vice-Chairman Caster Vice-Chairman Caster reported that he attended the following meetings and events: Presented greetings for the 8th Annual Conference of the Partners for Economic Inclusion; the 2006 Wilmington Garden Show Preview Party; the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority meeting; monthly meeting with School Board Chairman and Superintendent; Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce annual meeting; UNC-W Master of Public Administration site visit; Hanover Federal Credit Union annual meeting; Mayor's Prayer Breakfast; Judges Luncheon; tour and meeting with Northchase Homeowners Association members, Representative Wright, Senator Boseman and Representative Justice; and the Porter's Neck Quality of Life meeting. Items Presented by Commissioner Pritchett Commissioner Pritchett reported that she attended the following meetings and events: The funeral service in memory of Cindy Graham; the special announcement with UNCW and the United Way Partnering for Progress program designed to enhance non-profit organizations; the 2006 Wilmington Garden Show preview party; the Special Olympics Polar Plunge fund raiser; the Planning Board meeting concerning traffic improvements; and the First Annual Lower Cape Fear Stewardship Development Awards program. Item Presented by County Manager Bruce Shell On behalf of the County, Manager Shell expressed condolences to the Cynthia Graham family and the Elizabeth Hewett family. Ms. Graham worked with the County and Environmental Management for fifteen years and Ms. Hewett recently retired with twenty-two years of service from the Tax Office. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Greer adjourned the meeting at 12: 10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board