1974-11-07 Special Meeting // lij: 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1974 (CONTINUED) LIGHTS ON NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER BRIDGE County Manager Eller advised the Commissioners that he had received a letter dated October 28, 1974, from T. W. Funderburk, Division Engineer, Department of Transportation, stating that he had located the original agreement among the City of Wilmington, County of New Hanover and North Carolina ~:tate Highway Commission in which the City and the County had agreed to split the responsibility for the electrical power bill for the lighting on the Northeast Cape Fear River Bridge and that, contrary to his letter of May 2, 1974, the Division of Highways had no responsibility in paying this power bill. ' ~ . / By common consent, it was agreed that the County Manager would request that the State of North Carolina release the County from this contract. AUDIT REPORT - COUNTY ACCOUNTS FISCAL YEAR 1973-1974 County Manager Eller presented the audit report for county accounts for fiscal year 1973-1974 prepared by Cherry, Bekaert and Holland, Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Eller stated that he intended to implement the suggeutions made in their manage- ment letter of October 24, 1974, if the Commissioners had no objections. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Vaughan moved, seconded by Comm. Davis, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Chm. Powell adjourned the meeting at 12:20 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, 0~~~/~ Lise K. King Clerk to the Board k I r-\I , . J / MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, NOVEMBER 7, 1974 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Thursday, November 7, 1974, at 8:30 o'clock a.m. in the Assembly Room, County Com- mission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina, to discuss the county government complex. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; M. H. Vaughan; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman W. Douglas Powell; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. No members were absent. Chm. Powell called the meeting to order. DISCUSSION OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX By common consent, it was agreed to direct Ballard, McKim & Sawyer/Hartman- Cox, Associated Architects, to pursue the basic necessities of a jail/court facility within the budgetary restraints imposed by the failure of the $7,800,000 bond issue and to consider the Site C Program as a basis. Comm. Wright asked if the Board would consider moving out of downtown, and the general con census of the Board was that they would not consider moving out of downtown. i r-\I i / Comm. Wright moved that the Board ask the architects to study the possibility of using just the one block bounded by Market, Third, Princess and Fourth Streets. Motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Vaughan suggested that Chm. Powell appoint a .~ommittee composed of Comm. Davis and O'Shields to determine whether or not it: would be pratical for the County to lease the Carolina Power & Light Building for five or ten years with an option to buy. This was agreed to by common consent, and Chm. Powell appointed this committee. . ~-,~ I. . . ~ ,,1 ~ ~ ;;1:1: ;~ r MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, NOVEMBER 7, 1974 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Chm. Powell adjourned the meeting at 8:45 o'clock a.m. Respectfully submitted, d<-~.AL: Lise K. King - ~<.ra Clerk to the Board k MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 18, 1974 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover Board of County Commissioners nlet in regular session on Monday, November 18, 1974, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. in the Assenlbly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Peter R. Davis; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; M. H. Vaughan; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman W. Douglaf: Powell; County Attorney, James C. Fox; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. No members were absent. Chm. Powell called the meeting to order. Rev. Glen A. McClung of McClure Memorial Presbyterian Church offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1974 Comm. Wright stated that she would like the following information included in the record on Page 42 under "School Board Requested to Consider Setting Up Model High School": that this matter was not scheduled on the agenda for discussion, but that Comm. Vaughan had brought it up for discusuion, and, prior to the comple- tion of the discussion, the following members of the Board of Education and School Staff had left the meeting: Dr. John B. Codington, Chairman of the Board of Educa- tion; Mrs. Vera Shands, Vice Chairman of the Board of Education; Dr. Heyward Bellamy, Superintendent of County Schools; and Messrs. Dale l~. Spencer and Jerry Beaver, Assistant Superintendents of County Schools. (Mrs. Shands stated that she had had another meeting to attend and had left for this reason.) The following members of the Board of Education had remained for the completion of this discussion: Messrs. Charles Wells, LaMar McIver, and Victor Taylor. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that this be included in the record as requested by Comm. Wright. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Upon motion by Comm. Vaughan, seconded by Comm.. Davis, the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 4, 1974, were unan:Lmously approved as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING, NOVEMBER 7, 1974 Upon motion by Comm. Vaughan, seconded by Comm" Davis, the minutes of the special meeting held on November 7, 1974, were unan:Lmously approved as presented. RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH INTEREST RATES FOR CAPE FElffi TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BONDS Comm. Davis moved that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Local Government Commission of North Carolina has informed the Board of Commissioners that it has sold in the mann(~r prescribed by law the $3,675,000 Technical Institute Bonds of the County of New Hanover, dated November 1, 1974, and that the contract of s.ale contemplates that the bonds shall bear interest as hereinafter provided: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Boar:d of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: 40 ----_._-_._._----~_. ~.--:--------------. -----~--- --------.-.----------.---------.----- ..--:--~-:--.-~