1975-01-20 Regular Meeting . . . 85~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover Board of Co~nty Commissioners Tlet in regular session on Monday, January 20, 1975, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. in the Assemhly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Claud O'ShiE~lds, Jr.; M. H. Vaughan; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman Peter R. Davis; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King; Attorney Joseph O. Taylor, Jr., representing County Attorney, James C. Fox. Commissioner George E. Alper was abBent due to being out of town. Chm. Davis called the meeting to order. Comm. O'Shields offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEET lNG, JANUARY 6, 1975 Comm. Wright requested that on Page 81 under "Resolution Claiming Exemption under Section 7 (k) of the Fair Labor Standards Act Relative to Overtime Wages for Public Safety Personnel" the record show that the Board had been assured that they could pay overtime for public safety personnel if they so desired and they were also assured that the deputies in the Sheriff's Department were not working 60 hours a week but were working approximately 44 hours per 'leek. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. 0' Shield:;, that the minute~ of the regular meeting held on January 6, 1975, be approved as amended. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 13, 1975 Comm. Wright requested that on Page 84 under "Discussion of Tax Revaluation Program" a note be inserted between her two motions that the Commission had discussed briefly the increase of valuations and had arrived at the 50~ figure in discussion and, therefore, she had amended her motion accordingly. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the minutes of the special meeting held on January 13, 1975, be approved as amended. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. MEETING WITH LEGISLATORS Senator W. G. Smith and Representatives B. D. Schwartz and S. Thomas Rhodes appeared before the Board to discuss the following Items with the Commissioners. 1) Juvenile Detention- Mr. Ron Knopf, Director of the Juvenile Services Center, was drafting suggested I legislation which would prevent the State Division of Youth Services from returning to the local communities juveniles which the State employees were unable to cope with. 2) The legislators were requested to do what they could to expedite the purchase of Masonboro Island as a State Park. (By common consent, it was agreed that the Chair- man would write Mr. Bruce A. Lentz, Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Administration. requesting that the necessary funds be made available so that the title searches could be completed.) 3) to take revenue The legislator.s were reqtestetl to abolish the~1~~r Master position and this into the appropriate agency of the State · ~ Authority so that this could be coming into the State. 4) There was a discussion of requiring persons drawing unemployment compensa- tion to perform some community" service; they were informed by Attorney Taylor that this proposal would have problems legally. 5) By common consent, the legislators were requested to address themselves toward simplification of the State tax filing system. --,--"---,-,---._---,,-~--~ ffl6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTINUED) MEETING WITH LEGISLATORS (CONTINUED) 6) There was a brief discussion regarding fiscal c9ntrol of the Board of Education. Carom. Wright suggested that school expenses not exceed 60 percent of the County's tax levy without approval of the electorate at a special election. She ! asked that, if the legislators thought this was too impr~dcal, they keep the Board , informed before they voted on any bill related to School\Fiscal Control. 7) By common consent, the legislators were requestE;d to change the law so that newly elected Board of Education members would take 'office at the Board of Education's first official meeting in December following the November election. r\' i 8) Senator Smith stated that a bill had been introquced moving the date of the primary election to the first Tuesday in August. The general concensus was i that the primary should be moved to August or September. ' 9) Comm. Vaughan stated that he would like to see the Commissioners elected on a non-partisan basis. 10) The legislators were requested to eliminate the requirement for counties to pay for safekeeping of certain prisoners. 11) Comm. Wright requested that the legislators change the local law which prohibited ambulances from using sirens to allow them to use them to clear traffic at intersections. 12) Comm. Wright stated that she would like to see an alternative to the property tax. 13) Comm. Wright stated that she felt the obsrenity taws needed to be strengthened, that our society should not deteriorate to the point where we are dominated by those with no moral standards. 1 I): 14) Comm. Wright stated that action ~Qtan by fhe 1973 legislature which pro- vided full four-year scholarships for th~YPr1~5Re~s of W~r of World War II could become an excessive expense to the State. ' 15) Chm. Davis stated that N. C. State had been awarded a veterinarian school and that he understood funding for this was being held up in the legislature. He requested the legislators to do what they could to exped~te this funding so that North Carolina could have a veterinary school. 16) Chm. Davis stated that he hoped the State Publie Utilities Commission would go from an appointed to an elected body. Comm. Wright stated that she would object to this because you would not know who you were voting for or against because of the l~ck of campaigning in that type of office. Rep. Schwartz stated, that a bill was going to b(~ introduced by which the House and the Senate would recommend men they thought were capable and the Governor would appoint the Commission from these men. Sen. Smith stated that the opposite of this bill was also to be introduced-- the Governor recommending several men from which the legislature would select the members. 17) Senator Smith stated that he planned to introdu~~e a bill to prohibit the setting of steel traps on rented or leased land in New Hanover County. 1)1 .-' PUBLIC HEARING Chm. Davis opened the public hearing to discussion. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPEAL FROM THE RECOW1ENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO REZONE PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF S.R. 1576 APPROXIMATELY 455 FEET SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF CAROLINA BEACH ROAD (U. S. HWY. 421) AND S.R. 1576 FROM R-15 (SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT) TO R-10 (SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT) IN ZONING AREA 114. I ~ . . . iI ~7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTI1WED) PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) Mr. James D. Smith, Attorney at Law, had requeBted that this item be continued to another date in that he had to be in Superior Court. Comm. Vaughan moved that the request for continuation be denied. Motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Q'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that this item be continued to the regular meeting of February 3; that it be the first item on the agenda after the approval of the minutes; and that it be acted upon on that date whether those for or against were present or not and whether the attorney was present or not. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. Vaughan. Absent: Comm. Alper. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO USE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MIDDLE SOUND LOOP ROAD (S.R. 1403) JUST SOUTH OF NORTH HILLS DRIVE FOR A CONVENIENCE FOOD STORE III ZONING AREA 113. The Planning Commission had originally heard this request at their meeting of June 5, 1974, and recommended that this special use permit be issued. The County Commissioners had heard this request at their meeting of July 1, 1974, and had recommended that this special use pert1it be issued. At their meeting of October 7, 1974, the County Commissioners voted unanimously to refer this back to the Planning Commission with the direction that they advertise a public hearing for consideration of withdrawing this special use permit. The Planning Commission again considered this request at their meeting of November 6, 1974, and voted unanimously to recommend that this special use permit be issued based on the following conditions, which 'Tas a modification of the original permit . 1) Plans as submitted with the application for special use permit and amended by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; 2) That buffering be installed along all prOpE!rty lines except along Middle Sound Loop Road as specified in Section 72-5 (7) of the County Zoning Ordinance and indicated on the plan as submitted and amended; 3) That a planted buffer strip with a minimum depth of 25 feet be provided along the property fronting on Middle Sound Loop Road (S.R. 1403), such planted buffer to be designed to provide minimum sight distance requirements at the points of access of Middle Sound Loop Road; and, 4) Provided that the setback requirements, required parking spaces, and other dimensional requirements can be met with the incluslon of a 25 foot buffer along the property fronting on Middle Sound Loop Road. After the Commission had considered the following four items and found them to be fact, (a) that the use would not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; (b) that the use met all required conditions and specifications; (c) that the use would not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or the use was a public necessity; and (d) that the location and character of the use, if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved, would be in harmony with the area in which it was to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County, Comm. Vaughan moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that this modified special use permit be issued based on the same conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, and Wright. Voting Noe: Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. __ __.........._..__ _~___""---_"____~___________.._,._.~_.~___~._ k~..__~_.._.,,__....__ ""-,, ,,---,-----,------_.,--,-,-------~--------,,-,---'--,---~ fti MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTINUED) PERMIT FEES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLANS Mr. HerbertP. McKim, Chairman of the Environmental Impact Committee (EIC), presented the fee schedule recommended by the EIC for processing of erosion and sedimentation control plans. This fee schedule provided for a $25 per acre charge up to a maximum of $250. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that this fee schedule be adopted. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye:Comm;' O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and ~hm. Davis. .~1 ) Absent: Comm. Alper. Comm. Vaughan stated for the record that this might cost the County $2,000 - $3,000 on a large development. (See Page 110 for addition.) DISCUSSION OF FUNDING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT COMMITTEE (EIC) Mr. Herbert P. McKim, Chairman of the EIC, stated t~at a consultant was coming from Raleigh in February and that they may need some tra~el expense for him. Comm. Vaughan moved that by common consent the Board agree to pay travel for this gentleman if other funding could not be secured. This was agreed to by common consent. (Comm. Alper was absent.) Comm. Wright requested that funds for the EIC be included in the 1975/76 budget. DISCUSSION OF CANCELLATION OF LEAA GRANT FOR JAIL CONSTRUCTION County Manager Eller reported that he had been advi~,;ed that, due to the delays in the construction of the new jail, the LEAA Grant was to be withdrawn. He stated that, in order to keep this Grant, the funds must'be obligated through the letting of contracts by June. 30, 1975. and expended prior to September 30, 1975. He stated that present scheduling would not permit meetir:lg these deadlines. By common consent, County Manager Eller was directed to tell them that they were in the process of using the funds and was further directed not to sign the form releasing the Grant. (Comm. Alper was absent.) I f). / REFUND OF LISTING PENALtY- W. W. STANFIELD, JR. Mr. W. W. Stanfield, Jr., appeared before the Board to request a refund of listing penalty in the amount of $318.45. Mr. Stanfield stated that he had requested that his address be changed and it was not which had created a delay in his listing form reaching him and also that he had made repeated requests to the tax office requesting their aid and assistance and none had been forthcoming. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that 50 percent of the penalty be refunded due to extenuating circumstances. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Wright, and Chm. DaviB. Voting Noe: Comm. Vaughan. Absent: Comm. Alper. REPORT FROM TAX ADMINISTRATOR ON REVALUATION Mr. Larry J. Powell, Tax Administrator, appeared before the Board to discuss the recently completed revaluation. i Comm. Wright offered a prepared statement regarding the revaluation, a copy of which is contained in Exhibit Book II, Page 54. i\i / Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Chm. Davis, that th~ County Manager direct the Tax Administrator and Cole-Layer-Trumble Company to prepare a revised set of values, standards, and rules, and to present the Board with new valuations for property which would accurately reflect market values as of January 1, 1975. (See Page 110 for correction.) l # of \l> pages Fax # Fax # ~W MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTINUED) , REPORT FROM TAX ADMINISTRATOR ON REVALUATION (CONTINUED) Comm. Vaughan offered the substitute motion that the Board advise the Tax I Administrator and Cole-Layer-Trumble Company that they would like to meet with them on Monday, January 27, at 8:00 o'clock a.m. Substitute motion died for lack of a second. Upon vote, original motion carried as follows: . Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. Vaughan. Absent: Comm. Alper. . . (This motion passed with the understanding that if the Tax Administrator and Cole-Layer-Trumble Company could come up with a better method that this be pre- sented to the Commissioners Monday, January 27.) Comm. Vaughan moved, seconded by Chm. Davis, that the Board have a special meeting on Monday, Janaury 27, 1975, at 8:00 o'clock a.m. to discuss the tax revaluation program with the Tax Administrator and Gole-Layer-Trumble Company. Comm. O'Shields offered the substitute motion that this meeting be held at 8:30 o'clock a.m. Substitute motion died for lack of a second. Upon vote, original motion to meet at 8:00 o'c.Lock a.m. carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. D:ivis. Voting Noe: Comm. O'Shields. Absent: Comm. Alper. REQUEST OF DRUG ABUSE COMMITTEE FOR ADDITmAL FUNDING WITHDRAWN County Manager Eller reported that a request from the Drug Abuse Committee for an additional $2,000 had been withdrawn. LUNCH RECESS Chm. Davis recessed the meeting for lunch from 12:40 to 1:30 o'clock p.m. COUNTY MANAGER AUTHORIZED TO MAKE BUDGET TRANSFERS UP TO $150 Comm. Vaughan moved, seconded by Chm. Davis, that County Manager Eller be authorized to make budget transfers up to $150 and that he report these transfers to the Commissioners at each meeting. Upon vote, motion car~ied as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. BUDGET TRANSFER - SOCIAL SERVICES Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that the Board approve a transfer of $10 from Account 1/11 610 07, Retirement" to Account 1/11 610 54, Insurance and Bonds, in the Social Services budget to provide funds for the increased premium for the bond as a Special Deputy for the armed guard who pro~ vided protection for the Food Stamp Office. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absen t : Comm. Alper. BUDGET TRANSFER - JUVENILE SERVICES Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that the Board approve a transfer of $75 from Account tIll 522 33, Supplies and Materials, to Account #11 522 74, Capital Outlay - Equipment, in the Juvenile Services budget to provide for the purchase of a file cabinet. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. ---".""---"., -""--'''''.',,, --.,----c.~--",.,--,~ ~ (9 U MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTINUED) BUDGET TRANSFER - DEBT SERVICE Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that the Board approve a transfer of $5 from Account #21 660 82, Interest on Bonds, to Account #21 660 88, Bond Expense, in the Debt Service Fund to cover an invoice from the Loeal Government Commission. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. ~ BUDGET TRANSFER - TAX OFFICE Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that the Board approve a transfer of $630 from Account #11 450 33, Supplies and Materials, to Account #11 450 21, Building Rent, in the Tax Department budget to cover the cost of room rent for tax listers from January l5, 1975 to February 15, 1975 and a July payment of $352.55. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. BUDGET TRANSFER - BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that the Board approve a transfer of $135 from Account #11 610 04, Professional Services in the Coroner's budget, to Account #11 505 11, Telephone and Postage in the Buildings and Grounds budget, to provide funds for telephone relocations in moving the jU'fenile court counselors to the first floor of the courthouse. Upon vote, motion cafried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. BUDGET TRANSFER - AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMICS Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that the Board approve a transfer of $200 from Account #11 615 33, Supplies and Materials, to Account #11 615 14, Travel, in the Agriculture and Economics budget to provide funds for miscellaneous travel for the remainder of the fiscal year. Upon vote,'motion carried as follows: j /\' / Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. APPOINTMENT OF MR. JULIEN K. TAYLOR TO APPRAISE PROPERTIES Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that Mr. Julien K. Taylor be appointed to appraise properties scheduled for acquisiti(~, for the construction of the Jail/Law Enforcement Center. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. LEASE OF COUNTY PROPERTY AT AIRPORT TO HIGHLANDER, LTD. County Manager Eller reported that a request had been made by High,lander, Ltd., to lease a small portion of the Airport property which had been used as a turn- around area for the trucks loading and unloading at Highlander. He stated that he J and the Airport Manager recommended that the Commissioners approve the lease and authorize the Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute it on behalf of the County. (For addition see Page 110.) ~, Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that this lease agreement be approved to be cancellable after each year with automatie renewal unless terminated by the County Commissioners wi thin30 days of the end of each year. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. I ~ . . . 9r MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTIHUED) TREE PLANTING PROGRAM Chm. Davis had requested that Mr. Durwood Baggett, County Extension Chairman, prepare a tree planting program for the County. Mr. Baggett had prepared this pro- gram at an approximate cost to the County of $918. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Chm. Davis, that the tree planting program suggested by Chm. Davis and prepared by Mr. Baggett be approved for implementation. Comm. Wright offered the substitute motion, seeonded by Comm. Vaughan, that discussion of the tree planting program be discontinued and not brought up again for discussion within a year. Upon vote, substitute motion failed to pass by the following tie-vote. Voting Aye: Comm. Vaughan and Wright. Voting Noe: Comm. O'Shields and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. Upon vote, original motion failed to pass by the following tie-vote. Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields and Chm. Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. Vaughan and Wright. Absent: Comm. Alper. Chm. Davis requested that this item be placed on the February 3rd agenda for discussion. DEFERRAL OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST AGREEMENT Comm. Vaughan had written the Commissioners suggesting the adoption of certain procedures relating to possible conflicts of intereBt on matters coming before the County Commissioners. Chm. Davis recommended that the County Manager contact the Local Government Commission, the North Carolina Assocition of County Commissioners, the Attorney General's office and other counties which might have adopted such guidelines and that this be placed on the February 17 agenda. ThiB was agreed to by common consent. INTRODUCTION OF NEW ENGINEER County Engineer, Richard J. Epling, introduced Mr. Bob Williams to the Commis- sioners. Mr. Williams had been employed to handle the erosion and sedimentation ordinance requirements. DISCUSSION OF REQUESTED IMPROVEMENTS TO DITCH ON SILVER LAKE ROAD County Engineer Richard Epling appeared before the Board to report on requested improvements to ditch on Silver Lake Road. Comm. Vaughan moved that this item be tabled for further legal study. Upon vote, tabling motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. APPROVAL OF PURCHASE CONTRACT - REGISTER OF DEEDS County Manager Eller reported that on January 14, 1975 bids had been'received for a l6MM Reader/Printer for the Register of Deeds office. He stated that bid pro- posals had been sent to IBM, Eastman Kodak, Bell & Howell, and 3M but that only one bid had been received which was from Eastman Kodak in the amount of $9,239.25. He recommended that the contract be awarded to Eastman Kodak. Comm. Vaughan moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that the contract for a l6MM Reader/Printer for the Register of Deeds office he awarded to Eastman Kodak in the amount of $9,239.25. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. .. _.,.., ,._ ..___..___~ -.-' , _,.__..''_''___ _.__,_.____ _'... .__..__'.__". ,.,_______________c____,~ (iI~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR EMERGENCY PUBLIC SERVICE JOBS County Manager Eller presented a contract in the alnount of $90,875 for Emergency Public Service Jobs. He stated that they planned to us'~ the funds for the following: Wrightsville Beach - one police-patrolman and one lnaintenance laborer Kure Beach - one laborer Carolina Beach - three laborers City of Wilmington - twelve laborers, one foreman, and one public information officer New Hanover County - three firemen at the Airport, two eligibility specialists at the Social Services Depart~ent, one clerk to handle necessary paperwork, and three laborers for the Health Department to help clean up illegal dumps. i Comm. Vaughan moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that the contract for Emergency , Public Service Jobs in the amount of $90,875 be approve9 and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract with the funds to be expended as recommended by the County Manager. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: . f) / Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. Comm. Wright requested that the record show that these were temporary jobs and that the people would be told that when they were employed. (A budget amendment to account for these funds was approved later in the meeting.) AMBULANCES TO BE TITLED TO CITY OF WILMINGTON AND TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH County Manager Eller reported that the City of Wilmington and the Town of Carolina Beach had applied for grants through the Governor's Highway Safety Committee to purchase ambulances. He stated that, under the law, thE;se ambulances should be titled to the County unless the County approved the tit+ing of the ambulances to the municipalities. ' f'\ ) Comm. Vaughan moved, seconded by Chm. Davis, that the Board approve the titling of these ambulances to the respective municipalities. l!pon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, andChm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. REIMBURSEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL EXPENSE - NIKKI DAVENPORT County Manager Eller reported that Mrs. Nikki Dave~port, Accounting Clerk I in the Finance Office, had successfully completed a course :entitled General Accounting I at UNC-W with a cou:r;:se grade of "A". He stated that the, County Personnel Resolution provided for reimbursement of educational expenses upon 'successful completion of a job-related course and recommended that the Commissioners approve reimbursing Mrs. Davenport in the amount of $66.60. ' Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that ~rs. Davenport be reimbursed in the amount of $66.60 and that she be written a lette~ of commendation for her successful completion of the course. Upon vote, motion ;carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. BUDGET AMENDMENT AND AWARD OF CONTRACT - CRASH-FlRE-RESCUE VEHICLE - AIRPORT County Manager Eller reported that on December 17/ bids had been received for a crash-fire-rescue vehicle for the New Hanover County Airport as follows: ~; /' Walters Motor Truck Corporation Oshkosh Truck Corporation $149,543 161,000 The Airport Commission had recommended that the contract be awarded to Oshkosh in the amount of $161,000. Only $100,000 was budgeted for this purpose; however, additional funds were available from Federal and State Grants. County Manager Eller reported that the total additional cost to the County would be $5,490. . 9~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTINUED) BUDGET AMENDMENT AND AWARD OF CONTRACT - CRASH-FIRE--RESCUE VEHICLE - AIRPORT (CONT.) In order to provide the necessary funds to awa]~d the contract, County Manager Eller requested that the Commiss;ioners approve the ::ollowing amendments to the Airport budget. 1) Increase the revenue item Account #31 349 34, Federal Grants: Crash Truck, from $82,000 to $132,020. 2) Increase the revenue item Account #31 350 34, State Grants: Crash Truck, from $9,000 to $14,490. 3) Transfer the sum of $5,490 from Account #31 650 72, Buildings (Weather Canopy), to Account #31 650 74, Equipment {Fire Truck). 4) Increase the expenditure item Equipment (F:Lre Truck), Account #31 650 74, to $161,000. The Commissioners were also requested to authorize the Chairman to execute the amended grant requests and the purchase contract. Comm. Vaughan moved, second~d by Comm. Wright, that the Airport budget be amended as requested by the County Manager and that the Chairman be authorized to. execute the amended grant requests and the purchase contract. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR REFUND OF LISTING PENALTY - Ml{. J. B. SISTRUNK, SR. Tax Administrator Larry Powell had received a :request from Mr. J. B. Sistrunk, Jr., that listing penalty in the amount of $69.77 be refunded. . Upon I'. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that this request be denied. vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR ABATEMENT OF INTEREST - MR. CHARLES W. BENTON Tax Administrator Larry Powell had received a ]~equest from Mr. Charles W. Benton that interest on 1969 taxes in the amount of $25.92 be abated. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that this request be denied. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that abatements and refunds requested in Tax Administrator Larry Powell's memorandum of January 14, 1975, be approved as requested subject to the legality of th:ls action. (This memorandum is contained in Exhibit. Book II, Page 55.) Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. REPORT OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. 0'Shield:3, that the report of Janie B. Straughn, Collector of Revenue, for collections through December 31, 1974, be accepted. (This report is contained in Exhibit Jook II, Page 56.) Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Corr~. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. _...._._._.. '__-:. ._, ," _.._..___' .____,____, _. h."".___" ._,.,_._h_._____.._____~h--.,,'---.-~ ~4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTINUED) APPOINTMENT OF COMM. ALPER TO N. C. MARINE RESOURCES CENTER Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that (,:omm. Alper be appointed to represent New Hanoverfuunty to the North Carolina Mari~e Resources Center. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. , Absent: Comm. Alper. ) DISCUSSION OF BUDGET FOR SOUTHEASTERN MENTAL HEALTH CE~TER Comm. O'Shields reported that he had been appointed to the Finance Committee of the Southeastern Mental Health Center and, in line Jith keeping expenses down in the coming fiscal year, they were looking very clos~ly at mandates from the State and accepting these only if there were no options. ' YOUTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Chm. Davis presented a letter from the North Carolina Department of Administration Youth Advisory Board inviting the County Commission to sponsor two high school students to the Youth Legislative Assembly to be held in Raleigh February 7-9. Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that this letter be turned over to Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy, Superintendent of County Schools, for whatever action they wanted to take. Chm. Davis offered the substitute motion, seconded by Comm. 0'Shie1ds, that this letter be forwarded to Dr. Bellamy with the recommendation that the Schools sponsor two high school students to the Assembly. Upon vote, substitute motion failed to pass by the following vote: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields and Chm. Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. Vaughan and Wright. )_1 Absent: Comm. Alper. Upon vote, original motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. RESOLUTION - SUPPORT OF REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM (For a(idition see Page 110.) Chm. Davis presented the following resolution supporting the Revenue Sharing Program and moved its adoption, seconded by Comm. Vaugh~n. j WHEREAS, Congress in 1972 enacted legislation setting up a Revenue Sharing Program and has thereunder funded this program and has distributed to local governments through- out the nation monies which have been used generally for needed capital improvements; WHEREAS, the Revenue Sharing Program will expire in 1976 unless the 94th Congress sees fit to extend the effective date of said program and also provide funds for it; WHEREAS, New Hanover County has been allocated 5.4 million dollars in actual and anticipated revenue sharing payments; and, WHEREAS, almost $300,000 of that amount has been spent on improvements at Legion Stadium to provide athletic facilities for our youth; )1 WHEREAS, more than $230,000 has been allocated for the construction of a Mental Health Center; WHEREAS, $180,000 has been expended for the constru~tion of a new Public Health Building; ~ ----_._...... - .--- '_.'~. _...~ -.. '- .--.- ~---.~_._..-...,------,._. --_. -. . . . . "- 5\ ~,~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTIKUED) RESOLUTION - SUPPORT OF REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM (CONTINUED) WHEREAS, more than $4,000,000 has been allocated for the construction of a new Jail and Law Enforcement Center; WHEREAS, the towns of New Hanover County have likewise allotted revenue sharing monies received by them for largely capital improvenlents which have been much needed; and, WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Board of Comnlissioners of New Hanover County that additional improvements are needed to be made both by the County of New Hanover and all of the municipalities in New Hanover County and that the Federal Revenue Sharing Program should be extended by Congress and thereafter funded to continue this program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that letters be sent to Senator Jesse Helms, Senator Robert B. Morgan, and Congressman Charles R9se advising them of the Board's position on this important matter and to let our Senators and Congressman know that the needs of the people of New Hanover County continue for the worthwhile benefits received by them as a result of the Federal Revenue Sharing Program. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to Senator Helms, Senator Morgan, and to Congressman Rose. Upon vote, motion to adopt the foregoing resolution carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, and Chm. Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. Wright. Absent: Comm. Alper. Comm. Wright stated for the record that she wall voting "noe" because she did not think it really made much sense for Washington to take all of our money, pay a bunch of people to keep track of it, and send part of it back to us. She stated that Washington should clear up its own mess and let us keep our money to start with. LETTER TO RICHARD L. STANLEY RE ENERGY COMMITTEE The Commissioners had received a letter from MJ~. Richard L. Stanley, Attorney at Law, suggesting that the Commissioners appoint an Energy Committee to study the present rise of energy resources and recommend conservation methods. He also recom- mended revision of land use and planning policies to return to more centralized developments. Comm. Wright moved that by common consent the Board ask the Chairman to write Mr. Stanley that the Board had authorized the Chambl~r of Commerce Task Force to work on the energy problem; and his suggestion regarding planning be referred to Planning Director Fender; and that the Board thank him for h:Ls interest and request that he continue to participate. This was agreed to by cownon consent. (Comm. Alper was absent. ) LETTER TO CHAIRMAN OF HOSPITAL BOARD RE CANOPY AND ELEVATOR Comm. Vaughan requested that the Chairman writl~ the Chairman of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees recommending the following: 1) That a canopy be placed in the front of the hospital so that people entering and leaving the hospital, particularly patients, would be able to get in andout of automobiles in inclement weather. 2) That in the future some elevator be provided for patients so that they would not have to exit through the front door but would have a more private exit. This was agreed to by common consent. (Comm. Alper was absent.) I; COMM. VAUGHAN LEAVES MEETING DUE APPOINTMENT WITH DOCTOR Comm. Vaughan left the meeting from 3:20 o'clo,~k p.m. to 4:00 o'clock p.m. due to an appointment with the doctor. . ..",.- -".""---- --- "...--,,- ._----.,,_.,----,,_.._-, '''-,,--''''''''--,,--_.._-_.,,-,,-----_._----'-:--~ f6 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF BICENTENNIAL DRAMA Rev. Walser H. Allen, Jr., Chairman of the Bicentennial Association; Col. Robert S. Milner, Executive Director of the Bicentennial Association; and , Dr. Charles Graham appeared before the Board to discuss f;unding for the Bicentennial Drama, "Liberty's Children." By common consent, this item was deferred to the meeting of February 3, 1975, and the Chairman was requested to invite Mr. S. Thomas Rhodes, Chairman of the Cape Fear Bicentennial Drama Association, and Dr. Ralph B. Moore, President of the Lower Cape Fear Council of the Arts, to attend this meet~ng along with Rev. Allen, Col. Milner and Dr. Graham. ' I ~ /1 EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Vaughan, that the meeting be recessed to go into executive session to discuss land acquisition; Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. Chm. Davis recessed the meeting to go into executivl~ session at 4:05 o'clock p.m. Chm. Davis adjourned the executive session to go into regular session at 4:10 o'clock p.m. APPROVAL OF LEASE-PURCHASE CONTRACTS FOR SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT County Manager Eller reported that the Department of Social Services had entered into two multi-year contracts for the purchase of word processing equipment as follows: l 1) IBM Corporation - Model 6610 IBM Mag Card Selec~ric Typewriter 1 2) Equilease Corporation - Model 900 Savin Word MaBter f) County Manager Eller reported that, since both of these contracts constituted purchase of equipment, they ,should have been approved by: the County Commissioners but apparently this had not been done. He stated that there were sufficient funds to make the payments for the rest of this fiscal year and recommended that the balance due as of July 1, 1975, be included in the budget for fircal year 1975/1976. Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, proved and that the balance due on the contracts at contained in the budget for fiscal year 1975/1976. follows: that these two contracts be ap- the ~nd of the fiscal year be Upon~vote, motion carried as Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, andChm. Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. Wright. Absent: Comm. Alper. Comm. Wright stated for the record that she was voting "noe" because she was not fully aware of these items. BUDGET AMENDMENT - EMERGENCY JOBS Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, th~t the budget be amended by appropriating the ~um of $90,879 to the revenue item, St?te Grants: Emergency Jobs Project, Account #11 350 15, and by appropriating the su~ of $90,879 to the expenditure item in the non-departmental section of the budget, Account #11 660 64, Emergency ~,' Jobs Project. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: ; ) Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, and Chm. Davis~ and Comm. Wright. Absent: Comm. Alper. ~" . . . ~' ,., 9'7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 20, 1975 (CONTINUED) , I DISCUSSION OF SCHOOL BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES County Manager Eller reported that the Bond Anticipation Notes for the Schools which had already been sold were' expiring on February 19. He stated that he would have a resolution for the. Board's adoption at their meeting of February 3 authorizing the sale of $1,400,000 School Bond Anticipation Notes which would provide funds to pay off those coming due and sufficient funds to carry them through April. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Chm. Davis, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Vaughan, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Absent: Comm. Alper. Chm. Davis adjourned the meeting at 4:15 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~:J ~ ~ Use K. King d Clerk to the Board k MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JANUARY 27, 1975 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Monday, January 27, 1975, at 8:00 o'clock a.m. in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. The purpose of said meeting was to discuss the property tax revaluation program; land acquisition for the proposed Courthouse and Jail; the status of the LEAA Grant for the Jail; State acquisition of the Blockade Runner Museum; and additional funds for Emergency Jobs Program. Members present were Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Jr.; M. H. Vaughan; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman Peter R. Davis; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King; and Attorney Joseph O. Taylor, Jr., representing County Attorney James C. Fox. Commissioner George E. Alper was absent due to being out of town. Chm. Davis called the meeting to order. Comm. O'Shields offered the invocation. DISCUSSION OF THE PROPERTY TAX REVALUATION PROGRAM (For addition see Page 111.) The following persons appeared before the Board to discuss the property tax revaluation program. Mr. A. E. Horn; Mrs. J. T. Bryan; Mrs. Robert L. Rouse; Mrs. George Williams; Ms. Laura Spivey; Ms. Janice Kye; Mrs. Schulken; MrE:. Cecelia H. Pleasants; Mr. Sandy Glover; Mr. John Wilson; Mr. Ed Valentine; Mr. Gary McDaniel; Mr. Herbert T. Fisher; Mr. Charles Johnson; Gen John Heinz representing the Wrightsville Beach Association; Mr. Otto Pridgen; Mr. J. C. Parker, Sr.; Ms. Laura Aiken; Mr. Robert Sawyer, Mayor of Wrightsville Beach; Mr. Richard B. Kepley, Mayor of Carolina Beach; Mr. Jack Newton, President of the Wilmington Board of Realtors; Mr. W. E. Edwards; Mr. Bill Huffine; Representative S. Thomas Rhodes; Mr. Jim Henderson; and Mr. Bill Grathwol. (For addition see Page 110.) Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. O'ShieldE:, that the Board request their legislators to sponsor a bill allowing the taxpayerE: of New Hanover County to retain their 1974 valuations if by July 1 it was found that: the Commissioners were totally unable to straighten the situation out. ." ..._. _ . "_"_. ....~ .._.. _____ ____ __._____,_...__._._.__ . ..... n _.~...~. __... , , , ---"--,,, ..,_."'''. -_.,"-"--,_.._.--,,_._,,.,,'''''--_.....~--_._--~