1975-03-03 Regular Meeting ,., 125 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, March 3, 1975, at 9:00 o'clock a.'m. in the Assembly Room, County Commission Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners George E. Al~er, Claud O'Shields, Jr.; William C. Taylor; Vivian S. Wright; Chairman Peter R. Davis; County Manager, Dan W. Eller; County Attorney, James C. Fox; and Clerk to the Board, Lise K. King. . No members were absent. Chm. Davis called the meeting to order. Rev. Edward C. Hay of the First Presbyterian Church offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 17, 1975 Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comn. Alper, the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 17, 1975, were unanimously approved as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 21, 1975 Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Alper, the minutes of the special meeting held on February 21, 1975, were unanimously approved as presented. INTRODUCTION OF LYNN DUNN Chm. Davis introduced Mrs. Lynn Dunn, Congressm:lll Charlie Rose's secretary, to the Commissioners with the statement that she planned to work closely with the Commissioners to keep the channel of communication open between the Commissioners and Congressman Rose. HOUSES AT 715 NUN AND 812 RED CROSS TO BE OFFERED FOR SALE County Manager Eller reported that the Minimum dousing Division of the City of Wilmington had advised that two County-owned houses at 715 Nun Street and 812 Red Cross Street were in violation of the City's Minimum Standards Housing Code. The Commissioners had received a recommendation from County Engineer Epling that these . houses be demolished rather than repaired. Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the Board ask the County Manager to advertise these houses for sale with notice that they .had been condemned but that the County would accept the highest bid if someone wanted to purchase them and bring them up to minimum standards and, if no bids were received, that these houses be demolished in two weeks. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. AIRPORT FIRE DEPARTMENT AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS Mr. Eugene W. Edwards of the Airport Commission appeared before the Board along with Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, and Mr. Rudolph Shackleford, Assistant Airport Manager, to discuss the proposed Airport Fire Department. This item had been tabled by the County Commissioners at their meeting of February 17 in order for the Airport Commission to hear a proposal from Mr. W. S. Funderburg that fire protection at the Airport be provided on a contracted basis. Mr. Edwards stated that the Airport Commission had heard Mr. Funderburg's request at their meeting of February 20 and recommenied that fire service at the Airport be provided by County employees. Mr. Funderburg's proposal would cost approximately $100,000 more than providing the service by in-house personnel. Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, that the Board concur with the recommendation of the Airport Commission and allow Airport Manager Westbrook to organize and put into effect a fire department as proposed; that the sum of $3,305 be transferred from Account 1131 650 72, Buildings (Weather Canopy), to . Account 1131 650 02, Salaries, for this purpose; and that the fullowing positions be approved. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Classification Chief Shift Commander Safety Officer II Number of Positions 1 2 4 Gr'lde -- 63 62 61 Annual Salary $8,868 8,484 8,112 -~ ~ (126 ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING The Clerk to the Board reported to the Board of Commissioners that notice of a public hearing to be held at 9:30 o'clock a.m. had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on February 15 and'22 with regard to the following rezoning requests, application for special use permit, and proposed amendments to the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. Chm. Davis opened the public hearing to discussion. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPEAL FROM THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF" SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD (N. C. HWY. 132) BETWEEN WALTMOOR ROAD AND OAK CLIFF ROAD FROM R-15 (SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT) TO 0&1 (OFFICE & INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT) IN THEMASONBORO ZONING AREA. /) /1 Planning Director Richard A. Fender stated that the Planning Commission had heard this request at their meeting of January 8 and had recommended that this request be denied. He stated that the Planning Staff concurred in this recommendation. Mr. David C. Barefoot, Attorney at Law, appeared before the Board in this regard representing the Petitioner. Comm. Alper moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, that th~ Board concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that this request be denied. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF OAKLEY CIRCLE JUST NORTH OF OAKLEY ROAD FROM R-20 (SINGLE: FAMILY DISTRICT) TO R-15 (SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT) IN ZONING AREA IIlOA. Planning Director Richard A. Fender stated that the~lanning Commission had heard this request at their meeting of February 5 and had' recommended that this request be approved. He stated that the Planning Staff concurred in this recommen- ; dation. Mr. Murle Smith, the Petitioner, appeared before the Board in this regard. r-\I I )1 Chm. Davis asked if there were anyone present to oppose this rezoning request, and no one spoke in opposition. Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, that ~his rezoning request be approved and that the Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance of the County of New Hanover Amending the Zoning Map of Zoning Area I/lOA of New Hanover County, North Carolina, Adopted July 1, 1974" be adopted. Upon vote, motion carr~ied unanimously. This Ordinance, as adopted and signed, is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section lOA, Page 7. 1 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF OLEANDER DRIVE APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET WEST OF BRADLEY CREEK FROM R-15 (SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT) TO B-2 (BUSINESS DISTRICT) IN ZONING AREA 1/2. fl Planning Director Richard A. Fender stated that the flanning Commission had heard this request at their meeting of February 5 and hadirecommended that this request be approved. He stated that the Planning Staff concurred in this recommendation. Mr. William Renn, the Petitioner, appeared before the Board in this regard. Chm. Davis asked if there were anyone present to oppose this rezoning request, and no one spoke in opposition. Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that this rezoning request be approved and that the Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance of the County of New Hanover Amending the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 1/2 of New Hanover County, North Carolina, Adopted December 15, 1969" be adopted. Upon vote, motion'carried unanimously. This Ordinance, as adopted and signed, is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 2, Page 9. ~I ,/. \ ~~. ---_._...,._~-----_. ....---. ..-.-..-----.-........ .- ....... . . . ,.!J:- 12? MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUEt) PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) .. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FOR A. SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO USE PROPERTY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EASTWOOD ROAD (U. S. HWY. 74) APPROXIMATELY 940 FEET WEST OF VISION DRIVE FOR A MACHINE AND WELDING SHOP INCLUDING THE ASSEMBLY OF PREFABRICATED MATERIALS AND COMPONENT PARTS IN ZONING AREA 119B. Planning Director Richard A. Fender stated that the Planning Commission had considered this request at their meeting of February 5 and had recommende d that this special use permit be issued based on the plan as submitted with the appli- cation for special use permit. He stated that the Planning Staff concurred in this recommendation. Chm. Davis asked if there were anyone present to oppose the issuance of this special use permit, and no one spoke in opposition. After the Commission had co~sidered the following four items and found them to be fact, (a) that the use would not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; (b) that the use met all required conditions and specifications; (c) that the use would not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or the use was a public necessity; and (d) that the location and character of the use, if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved, would be in harmony with the"area in which it was to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County, Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, that this special use permit be issued based on the plan as sub~ mitted with the application. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED AMEND~ffiNTS TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. 1) Amend Article V, Section 55-3 by adding the following: (8) Outdoor recreational and outdoor amusement facilities. 2) Amend Article VII, Section 72 by adding the following: 72-25 Outdoor Recreational and Outdoor Amusement Facilities - Outdoor recreational and outdoor amusement facilities may be permitted in the B-2 Highway Business District subject to the dimensional requirements of the District and provided: (1) That parking is provided in accordance with Article VIII of this Ordinance; and (2) That fencing and/or a planted buffer is provided as may be required for the protection of business uses permitted in the B-2 District. Planning Director Richard A. Fender stated that the Planning Commission had considered these amendments at their meeting of February 5 and had recommended that they be adopted. Upon motion by Comm. Alper, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, these amendments were unanimously adopted by the Board. Chm. Davis closed the public hearing to discussion. INTENT TO APPROPRIATE $13,538 in 75/76 BUDGET FOR PHONES - SCHOOLS The Board of Education had requested that the Commissioners give their intent to appropriate $13,538 in the 1975/76 budget in order to pay a monthly telephone charge of $1,087 and an installation charge of $493 1n the new central office building. Prior approval of this appropriation was necessary so that they could sign an agreement with Southern Bell in order to have the necessary equipment on time. This item had been tabled by the County Commissioners at their meeting of February 17 in order for Dr. Bellamy to investigate using a private system to install the equipment. Dr. Bellamy reported that he had conducted an investigation and suitable equipment could not be found from a private company. -..-- "---.--:-'-- _.-..._----:-----~------_.- --_._-------_._._-:-----:---._~'-- -~ (128 :iI MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUED) INTENT TO APPROPRIATE $13,538 IN 75/76 BUDGET FOR PHONES -. SCHOOLS (CONTINUED) Upon motion by Chm. Davis, seconded by Comm. Wright, the Board unanimously gave its intent to appropriate $13,538 in fiscal year 197~i/1976 for telephone service in the new central office building for the public'schools. INTENT TO APPROPRIATE $3,613 IN 75/76 BUDGET FOR COMPUTER SERVICE - SCHOOLS Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy, Superintendent of County Schools, requested that the Commissioners indicate their intent to approve an appropr:Lation for computer scheduling in the 1975/76 budget for student schedules. ~arly approval of this request was necessary so that Dr. Bellamy could sign a contract with the computer service so that they could begin their work. ' f) County Attorney Fox stated that Dr. Bellamy could no~ execute a contract to purchase anything unless there was an existing appropriat+on for that purpose. Upon motion by Chm. Davis, seconded by Comm. 0' Shiel.,is, the Board unanimously gave its intent to appropriate $3,613 in fiscal year 1975176 for computer servicing of student schedules. REQUEST OF COMM. WRIGHT FOR PROPOSED BOND EXPENDITURES - ;,CHOOLS Comm. Wright requested that Dr. Bellamy furnish her :m updated summary of proposed bond expenditures since this had been changed after being furnished to , the Commissioners. Dr. Bellamy stated that he would furnish this summary. DRAINAGE PROBLEM - HANBY BEACH Mr. & Mrs. William Smith appeared before the Board with regard to a drainage problem occurring on their property at Hanby Beach. County Attorney Fox stated that the County did not h'lve any authority to construct drainage. No action was taken by the Board on this item. SCREEN PLAN FOR GOVERNOUR'S SQUARE APARTMENTS TABLED The Commissioners were scheduled to approve a screening plan for Governour's Square Apartments. f) By common consent, this item was tabled until the meeting of March 17, 1975. ACCEPTANCE OF ROADS IN HUGH MacRAE PARK Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the Board accept the two one- way roads that had been constructed in Hugh MacRae Park and that it concur with the deletion of a portion of S. R. 1500 between Oleander Drive and the northern edge of the Park parking lot from the State's Secondary Road System. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF SENATE BILL 166 Comm. Wright requested that, by common consent, the Board write their legis- lators supporting S166 "To require compliance of subdivision streets with minimum standards of the Secondary Roads Council." Chm. Davis requested that he be given the opportunity to study the bill. Comm. Wright requested that this item be placed on the March 17 agenda and that County Engineer Epling and Planning Director Fender be requested to give their opinion of this bill. ROAD PETITION - KINGS GRANT SUBDIVISION, SECTIONS 10, 11 AND 12 The Clerk to the Board reported to the Board of Commissioners that the Division of Highways had advised that Sections 10, 11 and 12 in Ki:ngs Grant Subdivision met the minimum standards for acceptance into the State's Secondary Road System and had requested that the Commissioners adopt a resolution requesting this action. f) County Engineer Richard Epling had recommended that these streets not be added to the State's Secondary Road System due to drainage problems noted in a report to the Commissioners. ~ ,j ; ,., "j 12~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUED) ROAD PETITION - KINGS GRANT SUBDIVISION, SECTIONS 10, 11 AND 12 (CONTINUED) Comm. O'Shields moved, secortded by Comm. Taylor, that the Commissioners adopt a resolution requesting that the roads in Kings Grant Subdivision, Sections 10, 11, and 12 be added to the State's Secondary Road System. Comm. Wright offered the substitute motion, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the Commissioners adopt a resolution requesting that the roads in Kings Grant Subdivision, Sections 10, 11 and 12 be added to the State's Secondary Road System, . and that a letter be sent to the State Highway Department emphasizing the fact that the Board thought that they were not checking thoroughly enough into minimum standards before requesting that they be added and that the Board thought they should check them more before requesting them for acceptance. Upon vote, substitute motion was defeated as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper and Wright. Voting Noe: Comm. O'Shields, Taylor, and Chm. Davis. Upon vote, original motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. O'Shields, Taylor, and Chm. Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. Alper and Wright. Comm. Alper stated for the record that he was voting "noe" on this motion because of the condition of the ditches, the drainage, the tiles or pipes and based on the report of the County Engineer that the roads were totally unacceptable. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REVENUE SHARING County Manager Eller and Planning Director Fender reviewed with the Commissioners the requirements for funding under the Community Development Revenue Sharing Act. $1,072,000 would be available over a three-year period for the area which could be . applied for in a joint application or individually by each municipality and County government of New Hanover and Brunswick Counties. Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that New Hanover County put in an application requesting the entire amount to help the water and sewer program. After a brief discussion regarding the priorities set for the progr?m, Chm. Davis withdrew his motion; and Comm. Wright withdrew her s,econd. (For add1.-hon~ See Page 136.) It was determined that, if New Hanover County did not apply for any funds this year, they would still be eligible for funds during the second and third years of the program. Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Wright, that the County Commissioners endorse the grant applications from the City of Wilmington and Town of Carolina Beach. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, Taylor, Wright, and Chm. Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. O'Shields. By common consent, a meeting with the Brunswick County Commissioners set up for Tuesday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the COlnmunity Development Revenue Sharing was cancelled. AWARD OF CONTRACT - VOTING MACHINES . County Manager Eller reported that the following bids had been received on February 25 for three voting machines and that the Board of Elections had recommended that the contract be awarded to Virginia Election Services, Inc., for a total of $4,950. Virginia Election Services, Inc. - used machines - $1,650 each International Election Systems Corporation - ne\oT machines - $2,105 each Upon motion by Comm. Alper, seconded by Comm. Taylor, the contract was unanimously awarded to Virginia Election Services, Inc. as recommended by the Board of Elections. . .------.- .------:-.". :~------._.. ----- ,....---. ----------.-._-_., _._-,---~.._,.----:--._-_:-.-- ~ :(30 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUED) PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION FOR DISABLED TABLED Comm. Wright had requested that a discussion of extending the same property tax exemption which now applied to senior citizens to disabled under 65 years of age be placed on the agenda. By common consent, this discussion was tabled until J1arch 17, 1975. PUBLIC AUCTION - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT VEHICLES Chm. Davis offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. The motion having been duly seconded by Comm. Alper, it was adopted by a unanimous vote. ~ BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153-176, do hereby orde! the following: 1) That the County Auditor, George F. Cooper, is hereby designated the official to dispose of the following personal property at public auction. Item Description Serial Number 1 1974 Pontiac, 4 dr. Sedan 2L69Y4P168027 2 1974 Pontiac, 4 dr. Sedan 2L69Y4P167794 3 1974 Pontiac, 4 dr. Sedan 2L69Y4P167887 4 1973 Plymouth, 4 dr. Sedan PK4lM3F189002 5 1973 Plymouth, 4 dr. Sedan PK4lM3F18900l 6 1973 Plymouth, 4 dr. Sedan PK4lM3F188998 7 1973 Plymouth, 4 dr. Sedan RL4lG3A209783 8 1971 Plymouth, 4 dr. Sedan PL4lGlF193720 9 1968 Rambler, 2 dr. Sedan A8A060B153595 10 1967 Chev., 2 dr. Sedan 138l77B196357 11 1953 Volks., S/W, 1066572 12 1959 International, Metro Van AM122M13230B 2) Said public auction shall be held on Saturday, March 15, 1975, at 10:00 AM at the Courthouse Parking Lot, corner of Market Street and Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. f) 3) A cash bid deposit equal to 10 percent of the high bid for each item will be required. 4) The bids will be considered by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners at their meeting of March 17, 1975, at which ti~e the Commissioners will accept or reject the bids. No sale will be effective until acted upon by the Board of Commissioners. 5) A copy of this' order shall be published in the Wilmington Star-News on March 4, 1975. COUNTY ATTORNEY FOX TO PREPARE SOLICITATION ORDINANCE Sheriff H. G. Grohman and Captain L. P. Hayes appeared before the Board to request that the Commissioners adopt an ordinance regulating solicitations in New Hanover County. By common consent, this was referred to the County Attorney and Sheriff Grohman for preparation of an ordinance for adoption by the Boarq. APPROVAL OF LEAA GRANT APPLICATION - CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the ;following resolution be adopted which would authorize application for an LEAA Grant to continue the funding of the I. D. Unit in the Sheriff's Department for the period of November 1, 1975, to June 30, 1976, and which would require funding in the 'amount of $298 in fiscal year 1975/1976. Upon vote, resolution was adopted unani~ously. f) WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners herein called the "Applicant" has thoroughly considered the problem addressed in the subgrant appli- cation entitled Crime Scene Investigation and has reviewed the project described in the application; and I ~ "3 .., ,~,1~ 1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF LEAA GRANT APPLICATION - CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION (CONTINUED) WHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 90-351 a3 amended, the United States of America has authorized the Law Enforcement Assist'lnce Administration, through the North Carolina Division of Law and Order to make federal grants to assist local governments in the improvement of the criminal justice system, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN OPEN MEETING ASSEMBLED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THIS 3RD DAY . OF MARCH, 1975, AS FOLLOWS: l. 2. That the project referenced above is in the best interest of the Appli- cant and the general public. That Dan W. Eller be authorized to file, in behalf of the Applicant, an application in the form prescribed by the Division of Law and Order for a subgrant in the amount of $5,367.00 to be made to the Applicant to assist in defraying the cost of the proj,ect described in the appli- cation. This individual shall act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in connection with all asp,ects of the application pro- cess. That if the subgrant is made, the Applicant shall provide or make arrangements to provide, a local cash matching contribution in the amount of $298.00 and a local in-kind matching contribution valued under LEAA guidelines at -0- as required by the Act to defray the cost of the project. That the Project Director designated in the application form shall furnish or make arrangements for other appr~priate persons to furnish such information, data, documents and reports pertaining to the project, if approved, as may be required by the Division of Law and Order. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application referenced above. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 3. 4. 5. 6. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH YOUTH HELP, INC. '. County Manager Eller presented a contract between Youth Help, Inc. and New Hanover County for approval by the Board. Youth Help, Inc., was operating the Group Care Home which was funded by an LEAA Grant. This project involved no county funds although the County served as Program Agent for the Grant. The contract eliminated the necessity of the employees working at Group Care Home being carried as County employees. Upon motion by Chm. Davis, seconded by Comm. Alper, this contract was unani~ mously approved and the Chairman was authorized to e:l{ecute it on behalf of the County. A copy of this contract is on file in the County Manager's office. APPROVAL OF LEAA GRANT APPLICATION - GROUP CARE HOME Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, that the following resolution be adopted which would authorize the application for funding to continue the Group Care Home for the period of December 1, 1975, through June 30, 1976, total match to be provided by Youth Help, Inc. with no County funds involved. Upon vote, resolution was adopted unanimously. WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commis:3ioners herein called the "Applicant" has thoroughly considered the problem addressed in the subgrant appli- cation entitled New Hanover Co. Group Care Home and has reviewed the project described in the application; and WHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 90-351 a:; amended, the United States of America has authorized the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, through . the North Carolina Division of Law and Order to makefweral grants to assist local governments in the improvement of the criminal justiee system, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN OPEN MEETING ASSEMBLED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THIS 3RD DAY OF MARCH, 1975, AS FOLLOWS: ,. ,- -- -, ---....--...-.- --....-----.,-- _._,---,--_._.._-~ r,;f..:i 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF LEAA GRANT APPLICATION - GROUP CARE HOME (CONTINUED) 1. That the project referenced above is in the best interest of the Appli- cant and the general public. 2. That Dan W. Eller be a~thorized to file, in behalf of the Applicant, an application in the form prescribed by the Divi.sion of Law and Order for a subgrant in the amount of $13,482.00 to be made to the Applicant to assist in defraying the cost of the project described in the appli- cation. This individual shall act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in connection with all aspects of the application pro- cess. 3. That if the subgrant is made, the Applicant shaLL provide or make arrangements to provide, a local cash matching contribution in the amount of $6,510.00 and a local in-kind matching' contribution valued under LEAA guidelines at -0- as required by the Act to defray the cost of the project. i 4. That the Project Director designated in the applJcation form shall furnish or make arrangements for other appropriate persons to furnish I such information, data, documents and reports pej~taining to the project, if approved, as may be required by the Division bf Law and Order. 5. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application referenced above. I 6. That this resolution shall take effect immediate}y upon its adoption. l , ~' I ) APPROVAL OF REVISED CONTRACT WITH WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. County Manager Eller presented a revised contract wiVh Waste Industries, Inc., which had been negotiated by the County Manager, County Attorney, and Chm. Davis. He stated that the contract had been altered to more accu~ately reflect the relation- ship between the County and Waste Industries, Inc. : Upon motion by Comm. Alper, seconded by Chm. Davis, this contract was unanimously approved by the Board and the Chairman was authorized to E!Xecute it on behalf of the County. A copy of this contract is on file in the County Manager's office. BUILDING CODE LICENSING AND APPEALS BOARD REFERRED TO COUNTY ATTORNEY County Attorney Fox had prepared a proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Ordinance providing, for the adoption, administration and Emforcement of regulatory codes. G! /' Comm. Alper took exception to Sections 3A-l and 3A-2. By common consent, this make the following addition: his own property or the work Ordinance was referred back to County Attorney Fox to Shall not apply to the person doing his own work on of his employer on his emplo~er's property. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT DESIGNATING CO-PAYING AGENT ON SCHOOL BONDS County Manager Eller presented the following quotes from the local banks to serve as co-paying agent along with a New York bank on th~ school bonds. The Local Government Commission had encouraged local governments to 'institute this practice. Bank of North Carolina, N. A., North Carolina National Bank Wachovia Bank & Trust 1st Union National Bank Bonds -c.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 Coupon .08 .10 .09 .095 The Finance Officer and the County Manager recommended that the Bank of North Carolina, N. A., be named as co-paying agent along with Manufacturers Hanover Trust. Upon motion by Comm. Wright, seconded by Comm. O'Shields, the contract desig- nating Bank of North Carolina, N. A., as the co-paying agent on the school bonds along with Manufacturers Hanover Trust was unanimously approved and the Chairman was authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the County. A copy of this contract is on file in the County Manager's office. f\ ) SETTING OF PUBLIC HEARING - 201 FACILITIES PLAN Upon motion by Comm. Wright, seconded by Comm. Alper, the public hearing for the 201 Facilities Plan was unanimously set for Monday, April 7. ~._- f ~. 1 8 8'" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF NON-PARTISAN ELECTION OF COUNTY COMMIS:nONERS Upon motion by Comm. Wright ,:: seconded by Chm. Davis, discussion of non-partisan election of County Commissioners was unanimously ove',r1ooked. DISCUSSION OF REARRANGEMENT OF COMMISSIONERS' TABLE By common consent, discussion of rearrangement of the Commission~rs' table was overlooked. .ADOPTION OF EXPENDITURE REDUCTION POLICY County Manager Eller had prepared an expenditurl~ reduction policy as directed at the meeting of February 17. Upon motion by Chm. Davis, seconded by Comm. Taylor, the Board unanimously adopted this expenditure reduction policy effective immediately, copy of whieh is contained in Exhibit Book II, Page 70. By common consent, it was understood that County Commissioners would get prior approval of out-of-state travel. Comm. Wright recommended giving consideration to elimination of the merit portion of the pay scale and giving only a cost-of-l:lving raise. County Manager Eller stated that this was a possibility but that he would not recommend it. No action was taken by the Board on ~his recommendation. REQUEST OF FORMER COMMISSIONER VAUGHAN FOR BUDGET DENIED Former Commissioner M. H. Vaughan had requested that he be furnished a copy of the County budget free of charge each year for the next five years. Comm. Alper moved that this request be honored. Motion died for lack of a second in that County Attorney Fox stated that this '~ould not legally be done unless the Commissioners were willing to make the budget available to all citizens on the same basis. . Comm. Wright moved that Mr. Vaughan be furnished a copy of the budget in the up-coming year in lieu of a plaque as he would prefe:c the budget. Motion died for lack of a second in that County Attorney Fox ruled that budgetary charges would have to be made on a uniform basis. BUDGET TRANSFERS - GARAGE Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Corun. Alper, the following transfers for the Garage were unanimously approved. $160 from Account 1111 505 36, Uniforms in the Buildings and Grounds budget, to Account 1111 555 36, Uniforms in the Garage budget. $150 from Account 1111 555 13, Utilities, to Account 1111 555 36, Uniforms in the Garage budget. Thes~ transfers were necessary due to the fact that the cost of providing uniforms had increased fro~ approximately $2 per man per week to $3.40 per man per week. BUDGET AMENDMENT - PUBLIC HEALTH Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Alper, the Board unanimously appropriated the sum of $227 to revenue account 1144 368 09, Medicare & Medicaid, and the same amount to the expenditure account Miscellaneous Expense, Account 1144 590 57, in the Health Department budget in order to refund this amount which the County had received in medicaid payments but had not been entitled to. . TRANSFER OF FUNDS - JUVENILE SERVICES Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comrn. Alper, the sum of $2,600 was unanimously transferred from Contingencies~ Account 1111 445 61, to Utilities, Account 1111 522 13, in the Juvenile Services budget due to insufficient funds in that account for the increased cost of utilities. ~... ~_.'_~ .... ......_____....~___~_._ .__.____ - _-._....^..' ..---...-..------0:-:--.-----------.--.-- 0"_'" " .._- "'---.--.--. ..:-._---_._.....,..--'"...-'_.....~ (i :J4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUED) BUDGET AMENDMENT - CAPE FEAR TECH Upon motion by Comm. Wright, seconded by Comm. Alper, the budget for Cape Fear Technical Institute was unanimously amended by increasing the revenue item, Appro- priated Fund Balance, Account 1153 299 00, by $15,000 and: by appropriating $15,000 to Account 1153 6126, Water and Utilities. ' BUDGET TRANSFER - CAPE FEAR TECH Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Alper, the sum of $1,300 was unanimously transferred from line item 116104, Salaries - Janitors, to line item 116127, Motor Vehicle Operation, in the Cape Fear Te~hnical Institute budget due to gas and oil costs exceeding the budget estimate. : I); BUDGET TRANSFER APPROVAL - ELECTIONS By common consent, the Board approved the County Manager's action in transferr:1ng the sum of $100 from Account 1111 430 21, Building Rent, to Account 1111 430 54, Insurance and Bonds, in the Board of Elections budget. i POLICY RE TRANSFERS OF $150 OR LESS - COUNTY MANAGER By common consent, it was agreed that the County Manager would notify the Commissioners of budget transfers he had approved of $150 or less by sending them a copy of the memorandum approving the transfer. j DATE FOR SALE OF TAX LIENS ON REAL PROPERTY Chm. Davis moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that the date for the sale of tax liens for New Hanover County and the four municipalities be set for May 5, 1975, as requested by the Tax AdministratoI1.I, Upon vote, motion carried as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm. Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. Wright. Comm. Wright stated that she was voting "noe" becam;e she did not want any land sold for taxes until the tax situation had been straightened out. I): BUDGET TRANSFER - TAX DEPARTMENT Comm. O'Shields moved, seconded by Comm. Alper, that: theSlm of $10,160 be transferred from Contingencies, Account 1111 445 61, to T~x Foreclosures, Account 1111 450 70, in the Tax Department budget to conclude the foreclosure sales in fiscal year 1974-1975. Upon vote, motion carried as follows: I \ Voting Aye: Comm. Alper, O'Shields, Taylor and Chm~ Davis. Voting Noe: Comm. Wright. INCINERATION OF GARBAGE ARRIVING ON FOREIGN AIRCRAFT Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Comm. Alper, County Manager Eller was unanimously authorized to write the Town Clerk of Wrightsville Beach the following letter regarding the incineration of garbage arriving on foreign aircraft as recommended by County Attorney Fox. "Dear Mr. Perry: Confirming our recent discussion: (1) Garbage from foreign aircraft arr1.-V1.-ng at New banover County Airport shall be placed in sealed plastic bags and delivered to the incinerator of the Town of Wrightsville Beach (hereinafter call~d Town). I (2) The Town will destroy such garbage by incineration without charge to New Hanover County. f): (3) Incineration facilities of the Town will be maae available to the Plant Protection and Quarantine Officer~ United States DeFartment of Agriculture~ for his inspection. (4) In consideration' of the foregoing~ New Hanover County agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Town for any and all claims~ expenses~ damanges and attorneys fees arising out of or in any way connected with incineration of such garbage. " ~, "~~ ,., 1185 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 3, 1975 (CONTINUED) PLAQUE AND GAVEL FOR FORMER COUNTY COMMISSIONER M. H. VAUGHAN Upon motion by Chm. Davis, s~conded by Comm. 0' :,hields, the Board unanimously approved the purchase of a plaque; and gavel for form(~r County Commissioner M. H. Vaughan engraved with" his years of service. ~Sf.ltl ~~I,J 111( LETTER FROM BERg ON I\- COUNTY RE BOTTLE DEPOS ITS 1 n50" J ~ I} , Chm. Davis presented a letter and resolution from the .ndcrcH'm County Board I of Commissioners regarding deposits on bottles to keep them from littering the .highWayS and requested the Clerk to send copies of these items to the Commissioners and to the bottling companies to receive their reaction. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS OF COMM. TAYLOR Upon motion by Comm. Wright, seconded by Chm. Davis, Comm. Taylor was unanimously appointed to the following Boards to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of M. H. Vaughan. 1) Bicentennial Association 2) Harbor House Executive Committee 3) Study Committee re Salary Survey 4) Coastal Resources Advisory Council INVITATION FROM DR. BELLAMY RE SCHOOL BUDGET The Board had received an invitation from Dr. HI~yward C. Bellamy, Superintendent of County Schools, to attend the presentation of the school budget proposals to the Board of Education on March 11 at 8:00 p.m. Chm. Davis recommended that the Board attend and that they receive the same material beforehand as distributed to the Board of Education. REPORT ON CORONER POSITION Comm. Wright reported that she felt the position of Coroner would eventually work itself out of existence and that the Board need not take action on this. '.SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 134 Upon motion by Comm. Wright, seconded by Comm. l\lper, the Board unanimously endorsed SB 134 entitled "Medical Examiner Fee Paid by State" to require the State to pay county medical examiner fees by amending Article 21 of Chapter 130 of the General Statues of North Carolina. EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. Wright moved, seconded by Comm. Taylor, that the meeting be recessed to go into executive session to discuss personnel. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Chm. Davis recessed the meeting to go into executive session at 1:00 pm. Chm. Davis adjourned the executive session to go into regular session at 1:20 pm. APPROVAL OF MODIFICATION OF SUB-AGREEMENT - PUBLIC Er~LOYMENT PROGRAM Upon motion by Comm. O'Shields, seconded by Coma. Alper, the Chairman was unanimously authorized to sign a modification to the sub-agreement on the Public Employment Program which would accomplish the follow:Lng: 1) 2) 3) .. . I 4) Change the job title Job Analyst to Administrative Coordinator and change this salary from $687 per month to $800 per month. Continue the positions of Painter and Carpenter II at present salary and fringe benefits, Delete the following positions: Civil Engineer, Installation Technician, two General Utilitymen, Index Editor, Carpenter II and Maintenance Mechanic IV. Transfer to the Emergency Jobs Program the Index Editor and Carpenter II positions. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Alper moved, seconded 'by Comm. Taylor, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously. Chm. Davis adjourned the meeting at 1:25 o'clock p.m. Z:;~~ted' .h1se K. King ~ Clerk to the Board k n._ n_____.__.. __u_,.._._.._.u,_....._,...__......__ __ .,.______._,____.~__..._._,..__~