1999-01-20 Minutes 685 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1999 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Griffin called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Authority members present were Parks Griffin, Al Roseman, Carter Lambeth, and John Coble. E. L. Mathews,Jr. arrived at 5:40 p.m. Also present were Wanda Copley, Airport Attorney;Will Plentl, Airport Director, Ed Cox, Director of Operations; Julie Wilsey, Director of Engineering and Facilities, Jon Rosborough,Director of Services,Winfield Smith,Finance Manager/Finance Officer,Jim Price,Public Safety Manager and Janie James, Executive Assistant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Dr.Roseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to approve the minutes of the December 10 meeting as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Mathews had not yet arrived at the meeting. AUTHORITY REPORTS BUDGET & FINANCE/AIR SHOW Cash Position and PFC Report - Mr. Coble asked Mr. Smith to make the financial report for him. Mr. Smith noted that the reconciled cash position for December as prepared by staff showed an unreserved balance at the end of the month of$1,673,709.21 after receipts of$199,472.63 and disbursements of $480,920.48. Copies ofboth PFC monthly status reports for December had been attached to the agenda. PFC Application No.93-01 showed a balance at the end of the month of$211,086.28 and PFC Application No.98-03 showed a balance at the end of the month of$51,850.74. Air Show-Mr. Coble had recently distributed a copy of the sponsorship opportunities chart for the air show and a new organizational chart for air show responsibilities. Mr. Coble commented that several meetings have been held over the past few days with Mr. Grissom and that plans for the show are progressing well. Mr. Grissom commented that there was still a possibility that the Red Arrows, the British Aerobatic Team, could participate in the Carolinas Air Expo. . 686 i NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - JANUARY 20, 1999 PAGE 2 FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT A Existing Project Status -Dr. Roseman noted that a copy of the current projects status report for January had been distributed prior to the meeting and inquired if there were any questions on the report. Chairman Griffin inquired about the status of the new maintenance building. Dr. Roseman responded that Mr. Plentl, Mr. Cox and Mrs. Wilsey, and himself had recently gone through the maintenance facility and reported that the main problem was with security. Mr. Coble inquired as to whether the contractor was being assessed the $200 daily fee for liquidated damages. Mr. Plentl responded that the airport was charging the fee,but the bad news was that for every dollar the airport takes in, federal participation is being reduced by that amount. He did note that the reduction in federal participation would be restored to the airport's entitlement and could be used for other projects. i A brief discussion was held with regard to retainage and payment to the supervising contractor, Sharpe Architect and to the contractor of the maintenance building. i HUMAN RESOURCES AND PUBLIC SAFETY After a brief discussion with regard to the health insurance premium for retired employees, Dr. Roseman noted that with a combination of age factor (70 years) and 10 years of employment with the airport, the authority would pay 100%of the premium not to exceed $300; and,with a combination of age factor(65 years) and 5 years of employment with the airport, the authority would pay 50% of the premium, not to exceed $150. He suggested that the policy be rewritten to include the above clarification. 1 Mr. Lambeth MOVED out of committee to approve the health insurance plan for retired employees,as per J the discussions held during the last work session,modified to include age factor clarification as noted above, and subject to final approval by the airport's attorney. 1 GOVERNMENTAL LIAISON Mr. Mathews advised that the Washington Spring Conference would be held on March 22 -March 23 and noted that it was his plans to attend the meeting. t DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS International/Passenger Activity,- Chairman Griffin noted that 121 aircraft and 444 people were cleared by U.S. Customs in December. He stated that international aircraft activity was 19.8%over when compared to the same period last year and a 16.8% increase in passenger activity. Chairman Griffin advised that airline statistics were incorporated in the agenda packet and asked the board to review them at their convenience. He noted that total passengers for 1998 was up 16.2% over 1997. Mr. Plentl commented that the 251,331 total passengers as reported would probably not end up being the • 687 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - JANUARY 20, 1999 PAGE 3 final numbers stating that this total represented passengers handled by scheduled carriers. He stated that from an FAA standpoint,the airport would get credit for passengers associated with charter aircraft,under either Parts 135 or 121. Mr. Lambeth inquired if the airport received reports from the FBO's for their Part 135 traffic. Mr. Plentl stated that the airport did not. He noted that during a meeting with Pat Mollett, Customs Manager,it was determined that Customs tracks those aircraft which are classified as charters and advised that Customs would provide a letter stating the number of passengers that enplaned on a charter basis. Mr. Plentl commented that Ms.Mollett stated that approximately two thirds of the 5,400 passengers going through the international terminal are charter passengers. Mr. Plentl noted that he had talked to Mr. Cherry and would speak to Mr. Vojta to determine the number of charters conducted by the FBO's. He noted that all of these statistics are acceptable by the FAA and could be used to increase the airport's passenger traffic. Mr. Plentl commented that increased passenger count would qualify the airport for increased entitlement monies. A brief discussion was held with regard to increased passenger statistics and associated benefits from the FAA. DIRECTOR'S COMMENT Mr. Plentl advised that he had a meeting with Pat Mollett and the chief union representative from Customs earlier that day and noted that they expressed some concerns about the building and some concepts that Customs would like to see put in place. He stated that the union representative had concerns regarding cleaning, which the airport was aware of, as well as structural issues dealing with the facilities. Mr. Plentl noted that during an inspection of the Customs's facility that day, it was noted that most of the ¢' problems associated with the cleaning issue had been resolved and that Customs was pleased with the results. Mr.Plentl briefly discussed some of the structural issues including installation of an awning as well as a guard rail and a lock-out area to conduct searches. Mr. Plentl stated that Customs has been turning down large aircraft charters because under the current regulations, this facility is not set up to handle large aircraft charters. It was suggested that a redo of the facility may provide control over the area and allow for a change. A brief discussion was held with regards to the customs facility and the need for improvement to the area. Mr. Plentl noted that the Manager of the FAA Airport District Office and the Project Engineer responsible for Wilmington came for a visit on Tuesday,January 19. The airport's overall plan and number one priority to complete the terminal was discussed. After touring the terminal building and the airfield, Mr. Plentl commented that all agreed that the airport should not be penalized for discretionary funding because entitlement funds and PFC's were being used to complete the terminal instead of performing working on the 688 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - JANUARY 20, 1999 g PAGE 4 '°ii airfield side. A brief summary was presented by Mr. Plentl with regards to his meeting with the FAA representatives and various subjects discussed to include the ISO situation as well as removal of the radar. The Coble taxiway I was discussed as it relates to circulation needs.Additional items discussed included the ISO ramp and safety issue as it relates to discretionary funding,drainage situation in the failed area that has been replaced once, the Cherry ramp. Mr. Plentl commented that the FAA representatives agreed that the projects that were ' shown to them were discretionary eligible and that they would support the issuance of discretionary funds on those projects. I i Mr. Plentl commented that for entitlement monies, the application must be filed by March 1, but that bids would not have to be taken or contracts awarded until the end of September. i Mr. Plentl noted that to qualify for discretionary funding,bids would have to be taken by the end of March Ii so that the application could be submitted by the end of March. 1 Chairman Griffin inquired if the airport had all of the plans and specs. Mr.Plentl advised that the airport had i ' one set of plans and specs for the drainage system which would need to be reviewed and updated. He noted that a decision would have to be made as to which projects the airport would attempt this year so that plans I and specs could be obtained. I OTHER ITEMS BY THE AUTHORITY . ij There were no other items by members of the Authority. al NEW BUSINESS Dr. Roseman noted that during the December meeting, the Authority created the Wilmington Aviation 1 Foundation and provided additional checks in the amount of$402 to be deposited for that foundation. 1 1 RECOGNITION OF GUEST i Ms. Alice Mitchell, Chamber of Commerce representative was present and inquired if there was any news on obtaining a traffic light at Airport Boulevard and 23rd Street. Mr. Plentl advised that Smith Creek 1 Parkway was scheduled to open on Friday morning, January 22. Additionally, he commented that the Department of Transportation has agreed that a traffic light is needed and after an evaluation of how traffic 't flows, once the parkway is opened, will determine how quickly NCDOT will proceed with the installation of the traffic light. ii i Chairman Griffin remarked that depending how the process went, the Authority may need the assistance of '; the Chamber to help lobby for the traffic light. i, 1 Ms. Mitchell responded that the Chamber would be pleased to provide assistance on behalf of the Authority. i' Mr. Lambeth commented that in a conversation that day with Mr. Paul Burton of Burton Steel, Mr. Burton 689 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - JANUARY 20, 1999 PAGE 5 commented that if this Airport Authority would go on record requesting an interchange at Blue Clay Road that it was likely that NCDOT would approve it. Mr. Plentl responded that the Secretary of Transportation and the Division Engineer NCDOT had verbally committed to an interchange at Blue Clay Road. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the board,Chairman Griffin adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Janie James adide2 Willard G. Plentl, Jr., P. E. Secretary t ; s I s Bi t 3� E 3 4 1 k � i v {� t f �p f ` ! 1