1998-07-15 Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - JULY 15, 1998 PAGE 2 Development and Public Relations - Parks L. Griffin, Chairman — John M. Coble Finance - John M. Coble, Chairman — Carter T. Lambeth Human Resources and Public Safety - Carter T. Lambeth, Chairman I. A. Roseman Facilities and Equipment - I. A. Roseman, Chairman — E. L. Mathews, Jr. — Advisory - Paul E. Gregory — Advisory - Henry W. Lyons Government - E. L. Mathews, Jr., Chairman — Parks L. Griffin RECOGNITION OF GUESTS Chairman Griffin welcomed Ms. Alice Mitchell to the meeting and invited comments at this time. Dr. Roseman indicated that he had invited Ms. Mitchell to read a letter, written to him, complimenting the airport staff on the cleanliness and general appearance of the facility. After Ms. Mitchell read the letter, Dr. Roseman complimented the Director and staff for implementing procedures and insuring that the airport's facilities are properly maintained and kept clean. Additionally, Mr. Coble asked that a copy of the letter be made available to the airport staff. Dr. Roseman presented a letter from Mayor Hamilton Hicks, City of Wilmington, thanking the Authority for courtesies extended during the recent update meeting, and from Mr. Michael Davis, Senior Vice President of Customer Service for Atlantic Coast Airlines, thanking Dr. Roseman for hosting a dinner for him during a recent visit. Dr. Roseman asked that both letters be read at this time. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr.Coble MOVED,SECONDED by Mr. Lambeth to approve the minutes of the June 17 and June 18, 1998 meetings as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. DIRECTOR'S COMMENT Mr. Plentl noted that the discussion with regards to the retirement insurance would be postponed until the next work session. NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - JULY 15, 1998 PAGE 3 AUTHORITY REPORTS DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS International/Passenger Activity-Mr.Griffin noted that 59 aircraft and 295 people were cleared by U.S. Customs in June. He stated that international activity showed a 31.1% increase in aircraft activity when compared to the same period last year and a 30.5% increase in passenger activity. Mr. Griffin reported that U.S. Airways had a total enplanement for June of 14,496, up 7.3% over June of 1997; ASA reported enplanements of 4,373, up 4.0% from June of 1997; overall enplaned passenger activity of 23,255 is up 20.5% over June of 1997. BUDGET & FINANCE/AIR SHOW Cash Position and PFC Report-Mr.Coble reported that the reconciled cash position for June as prepared by staff showed an unreserved balance at the end of the month of $2,628,860.05 after receipts of $191,753.67 and disbursements of$380,607.69. Mr. Coble also noted that a copy of the PFC monthly status report for June had been attached to the agenda and showed a balance at the end of the month of$205,700.88. Chairman Griffin inquired if the airport had begun collecting PFC revenues. Mr. Plentl reported that the airport has begun collecting PFC revenues, but have not received the first checks yet. Air Show -Mr.Coble provided a brief status report on the upcoming air show and reported that plans were progressing nicely. Human Resources and Public Safety - Mr. Lambeth introduced Jennifer Dunn, who was recently hired by the airport as a clerk/receptionist.He congratulated Mrs. Dunn and welcomed her to the Airport family. The Airport's Mission,Value and Vision statement had been previously discussed at the Authority's work session. After a brief discussion and some editorial comments, Mr. Lambeth MOVED, out of committee, to approve the Mission,Value and Vision Statement for the Airport as corrected. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. (A copy of the Airport's Mission,Value and Vision Statement can be found in Exhibit Book II on page 95.) Mr. Coble reported that recently, Gloria Vaughn, a Dispatcher for the Airport was interviewed by a local radio station and did a fine job representing the airport. As a result of that interview, the radio station has contacted Mr. Coble to request a live remote. Mr.Plentl noted that the radio station should contact him to set up the remote. Mr. Lambeth suggested that a letter of commendation should be sent to Gloria. NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JULY 15, 1998 PAGE 4 GOVERNMENTAL LIAISON Mr. Mathews did not have a report. FB In response to an inquire from Mr. Mathews with regards to when the prisoners would return to work on the Airport, Mr. Plentl noted that the prisoners should be back on the Airport the next week. Mr. Plentl noted that there are 89 governmental bodies or units authorized for prison labor and out of the 89 units with man hours extended, the Airport was number 11t on the list. Mr. Mathews commented that the painters have been a little sloppy and have a lot of cleaning up to do before final payment is submitted. Mr. Mathews noted that a map of the county should be hung behind the information desk so that the volunteers can provide directions to the traveling public. Mr. Plentl advised that the airport had already ordered a map which would be hung in the near future. FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT Existing Project Status - Dr. Roseman noted that a copy of the current projects status report for July had been attached to the agenda and inquired if there were any questions on the report. There being no questions on the project status report, Dr. Roseman MOVED, out of committee, to approve the non-smoking policy, effective September 1, 1998. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. (A copy of the non-smoking policy is contained on page 96 in Exhibit Book II.) Dr. Roseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Lambeth to approve the traffic regulation as presented in the agenda packet. The effective date of the traffic regulation would be immediately. Upon vote,the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. (A copy of the traffic regulation is contained on page 97 of Exhibit Book II.) Dr.Roseman MOVED,out of committee,to authorize staff to designate the first four parking spaces on the right,as you walk towards the building as parking spaces for the airport's volunteers. The designating sign would read "Our Volunteers on Duty". Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Dr. Roseman commented that all of the approach charts for the airport showed the name of Wilmington International Airport. Dr. Roseman suggested that Chairman Griffin should send a letter of congratulations to the new Midway Corporate Station Manager, Stuart Anderson. Mr. Plentl noted that the old manager, Amy Stone should be congratulated on a job well done prior to a letter being sent to the new station manager. Mr. Plentl would take care of having the letters sent. NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JULY 15, 1998 PAGE 5 OTHER ITEMS BY THE AUTHORITY There were no additional items by the Authority. CLOSED SESSION Mr.Lambeth MOVED,SECONDED by Dr.Roseman to go into closed session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11 (3) to consult with and give instructions to the Airport's attorney. Upon Vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Griffin adjourned the meeting to closed session at 6:10 p.m. Return to Regular Session - Mr. Lambeth MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to return to regular session. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Griffin returned the meeting to regular session at 6:54 p.m. and noted that no action was taken in the closed session. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the board, Chairman Griffin adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Janie James zigatt_dA Willard G. Plentl, Jr., P . Secretary