1998-06-17 Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES JUNE 17, 1998 { CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday,June 17, 1998 at Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Roseman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Authority members present were Al Roseman, Parks Griffin, E. L. Mathews, Jr., John Coble and Carter Lambeth. Also present were Wanda Copley, Airport Attorney; Will Plentl, Airport Director; Ed Cox, Deputy Airport Director; Winfield Smith, Business Manager/Finance Officer, and Janie James, Administrative Assistant. RECOGNITION OF GUESTS Dr.Roseman welcomed Ms.Alice Mitchell to the meeting and invited comments at this time. Ms. Mitchell invited the Authority to attend the next Infrastructure Committee meeting and noted that Judith Grizzell from the Cape Fear Coast Visitors and Convention Bureau would be the guest speaker. The meeting would be held on June 24 at 4:30 p.m. in the Chamber's conference room. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Roseman corrected the minutes of the May 20, 1998 meeting as follows: In the last paragraph under Director's comments on page 2,the paragraph should read Chairman Roseman asked Mr.Cox to visit the Greensboro terminal, on his next visit, instead of at his convenience, to look at their work stations to get an idea as to what Greensboro was doing. Mr. Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Lambeth to approve the minutes of the May 20, 1998 meeting as corrected. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. DIRECTOR'S COMMENT Mr. Plentl reported that the airport's business center was currently operational and has been very well received by passengers in the terminal. Mr. Plentl noted that-the airport has employed two temporary individuals to work with the Maintenance employee in the terminal making a total of 3 individuals working in the terminal during the day. Mr.Plentl commented that a letter had been sent to Helnick Corporation with regard to maintenance of their facility. He noted that some improvements have already been made and that he was awaiting a response on other improvements. Mr.Plentl advised that an announcement would probably be made during the week,by Senator Faircloth's office, with regard to Wilmington International Airport being listed for priority funding under the Senate version of the Appropriations Bill. Mr. Plentl noted that his office would coordinate with Senator Faircloth's office to create a press release for publication to local media. 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY ' MINUTES - JUNE 17, 1998 PAGE 3 k 1 Air Show -Mr. Coble provided a brief status report on the upcoming air show and reported that plans were progressing nicely. Additionally,he noted that Corning has agreed to be a sponsor and that they will match General Electric's contributions. E Chairman Roseman inquired about the dates of the Air Show. Mr.Coble reported that the Air Show would 1 be September 18 and 19, 1999 and would also include the Coastal Air Tour which would increase the general aviation side of the exposition. Human Resources and Public Safety - Mr. Lambeth acknowledged the presence of Mr. Barry Porter, a Maintenance III employee, and presented him with a service pin in recognition of five (5) years of service with the airport. He thanked Mr. Porter for his service and devotion to the airport. 1 Mr.Lambeth reported that performance evaluations have been completed and that merit increases have been awarded, retroactive to April 1,based on the rating of the evaluation. He advised that Mr. Rosborough is currently working on the organizational structure and that a report would be made to the Authority in the near future. GOVERNMENTAL LIAISON Mr. Mathews did not have a report, but he reminded the Authority that they would be meeting with the Mayor of Wilmington and the Wilmington City Council the following day at 1:00 p.m. 1 Mr. Plentl noted that the mayors from the surrounding counties have also been invited to this meeting as a courtesy. i FACILITIES Chairman Roseman noted that he and Mr. Plentl frequently made inspections of the terminal building to 1 i determine areas in need of improvement and complimented Mr. Plentl on his efforts to improve the 1 appearance of the terminal. i Existing Project Status-Chairman Roseman noted that a copy of the current projects status report for June had been attached to the agenda and inquired if there were any questions on the report. A brief discussion was held with regard to a presentation made to the Facilities Committee, by an independent contractor interested in providing hangars for the airport. f Mr. Coble noted that during a recent hail storm, several aircraft were damaged on the ramp and stated that 1 if the hangar project could be expedited, it would be beneficial to the airport. A brief discussion was held with regard to the hangar project and the request for a proposal from the z, interested contractor. i 1 Additionally,a brief conversation was held with regard to airport property and equipment damaged during the storm. '{ i NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JUNE 17, 1998 PAGE 4 Chairman Roseman MOVED to authorize staff to enter into a lease agreement with Applied Analytical for an extension of their contract for a two year period. Motion out of committee did not require a second. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Roseman MOVED to approve the change order to the construction contract between McKinley Kerr Building Corporation and the Airport Authority for the equipment building project in the amount of $6,593 for installation of additional security fencing and telephone wiring. Motion out of committee did not require a second. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Griffin MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Mathews to petition the New Hanover County Commission to request that the name of East Ramp Road be changed to Control Tower Drive. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. - s Chairman Roseman MOVED to approve the awarding of a contract to G &T Conveyor Company, Inc. for the installation of a baggage conveyor system in the terminal building for an amount of$80,233. Motion out of committee did not require a second. After a brief discussion and upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Mathews inquired about off airport signs. Mr. Plentl advised that installation was scheduled to begin that day. Chairman Roseman read a letter, written by Mr. Steve Jacobs of Jeff Gordan Chevrolet, to Mr. Ken Vojta of ISO Aero Services, complimenting him for personal assistance provided when Mr. Jacobs experienced problems with his aircraft. Mr. Plentl noted that the no smoking policy had been distributed as a draft for review and comments. Chairman Roseman advised that the Facilities Committee would review the draft and make recommendations at the next board meeting. OTHER ITEMS BY THE AUTHORITY There were no additional items by the Authority. CLOSED SESSION Chairman Roseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Griffin to go into closed session pursuant to G.S. 143- 318.11 (3) to consult with and give instructions to the Airport's attorney. Upon Vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Roseman adjourned the meeting to closed session at 6:10 p.m. Return to Regular Session - Mr. Lambeth MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to return to regular session. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Roseman returned the meeting to regular session at 6:55 p.m. and noted that no action was taken in the closed session. 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - JUNE 17, 1998 PAGE 2 Mr. Plentl noted that changes had been made to the Fort Caswell Properties option agreement and advised that it was available for signature. AUTHORITY REPORTS DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS International/Passenger Activity-Mr.Griffin noted that 82 aircraft and 435 people were cleared by U.S. Customs in May. He stated that international activity showed a 24.2% increase in aircraft activity when compared to the same period last year and a 51.6% increase in passenger activity. Mr. Griffin reported that U.S. Airways had a total enplanement for May of 14,286, up 14.3% over May of 1997; ASA reported enplanements of 4,579, up 5.6% from May of 1997; overall enplaned passenger activity of 22,923 is up 26.2% over May of 1997. BUDGET & FINANCE/AIR SHOW Cash Position and PFC Report-Mr.Coble reported that the reconciled cash position for May as prepared by staff showed an unreserved balance at the end of the month of $2,817,714.07 after receipts of $309,456.20 and disbursements of$248,440.97 Mr. Coble also noted that a copy of the PFC monthly status report for May had been attached to the agenda and showed a balance at the end of the month of$204,863.41. Mr. Lambeth MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Mathews to approve the F.Y. 1999 Budget and the F.Y.1999 Schedule of Rates, Charges and Fees as presented. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. (A copy of the F. Y. 1999 Budget is contained in Exhibit Book II on page 90; a copy of the F. Y. 1999 Schedule of Rates and Charges is contained in Exhibit Book II on page 91.) Mr. Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Lambeth to approve the Amendment to the F.Y. 1998 Budget Expenditure Line Items as presented. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. (A copy of the amendment is contained in Exhibit Book II on page 92.) Mr. Coble MOVED to authorize staff to enter into a contract with Lanier, Whaley, CPA in the amount of $15,750 for the provision of auditing services for F.Y. '98. Motion out of committee did not require a second. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. (A copy of the signed agreement is contained in Exhibit Book II on page 93.) Mr. Coble MOVED to increase the appropriated Maintenance and Development Reserve Account by $100,000 as per the budget. Motion out of committee did not require a second. After a brief discussion, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. (A copy of the documentation is contained in Exhibit Book II on page 94.) } NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JUNE 17, 1998 PAGE 5 ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the board,Chairman Roseman adjourned the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Janie James Willard G. Plentl, Jr., P. E. Secretary 3 C 3 S