1997-05-14 Minutes s i QQ • Q 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES MAY 14, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at New Hanover International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Gregory called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. Authority members present were Paul Gregory, Al Roseman, Parks Griffin, and John Coble. Shirley McQueen was absent. Also present were Wanda Copley, Airport Attorney; Ed Cox, Acting Airport Director; Winfield Smith, Business Manager/Finance Officer and Janie James, Administrative Assistant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Coble noted that on page 586 of the April minutes, a change should be made as follows: Mr.Coble commented that a county commissioner from an adjoining county, instead of surrounding county, had contacted Mr. Griffin noted that on page 586 a change should be made to include Senator Luther Jordan as follows: Senate Bill 453 -Mr. Coble advised that Senate Bill 453 was in Raleigh and was jointly sponsored by Senator Ballantine, Senator Soles and Senator Jordan. ... 1 Mr. Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Griffin to approve the minutes of the April 9, 1997 meeting as modified with corrections noted above. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. ITEMS BY THE PUBLIC Mr. Ken Vojta, ISO Aero Services, was present. Chairman Gregory stated that Mr. Vojta had asked to be l" added to the agenda but that during a previous meeting with Mr. Vojta, it was agreed that the Facilities Committee would hold a separate meeting with Mr. Vojta to discuss his needs. AUTHORITY REPORTS 1;; DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING International Activity - Dr. Roseman noted that 94 aircraft and 504 people were cleared by U.S. Customs in April. He commented that international activity continues to increase and shows a 26% increase in E` aircraft cleared and a 32% increase in persons cleared year-to-date over 1996. Dr. Roseman commented that bumper stickers had been ordered and should be delivered within a few days. 1' Additionally, Dr. Roseman advised that the Development and Marketing Committee is continually talking to other airlines to gain additional air service at the airport. 588 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - MAY 14, 1997 Page 2 Mr. Coble suggested that it might be a good idea to submit a press release to all media contacts advising them of the increase in international traffic. Dr. Roseman instructed the administrative staff to issue such a press release and to include the international traffic graph as part of the release. BUDGET & FINANCE Cash Position and PFC Report - Mr. Griffin reported that the unreconciled cash position for March as prepared by staff showed an unreserved balance at the end of the month of$2,069,507.77 after receipts of $297,585.34 and disbursements of$332,340,74. Mr. Griffin also noted that a copy of the PFC monthly status report for March had been attached to the agenda and showed a balance at the end of the month of$411,683.72. 1997 Audit-Mr. Griffin MOVED to select Lanier, Whaley and Company to provided auditing services for the next fiscal year. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. Consultant - Mr. Griffin MOVED to authorize the expenditure of up to an additional $5,000 to J. W. Rosborough and Associates for Consulting fees. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. r Budget - Mr. Griffin stated that a meeting would be held on Wednesday, May 21 to discuss F.Y. '98 budget. PERSONNEL Chairman Gregory stated that Mrs. McQueen had a death in the family and would not be available for the meeting. He noted that she had nothing to report, but did have a new employee to introduce. Mr. Gregory asked Mr. Griffin to introduce Mr. Brad Anderson, Public Safety Officer. Mr. Griffin introduced Mr. Brad Anderson to the Authority and welcomed him to the Airport family. Additionally, he noted that two Maintenance Department positions were still open. FACILITIES Existing Project Status - Mr. Gregory noted that a copy of the current projects status report for May had been attached to the agenda. Mr. Gregory commented that after the meeting, a discussion would be held on the delay of the Master Plan and the PFC Application and invited all interested parties to remain. Chairman Gregory asked Mr. Cox to comment on the storm-damaged hangars and the construction of a 589 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - May 14, 1997 Page 3 1 sewer force main on the airport during the director's report. 1 GOVERNMENTAL LIAISON p i Infrastructure Committee - Mr. Coble noted that this committee met with the Chamber of Commerce during the past month and shared in hosting the local legislative delegation to a breakfast at the Coast Line Convention Center. Mr. Coble commented that the meeting was very productive and stated that all of the local delegates were present with the exception of Senator Jordan. Azalea Festival - Mr. Coble congratulated Chief Price and the staff for their work in association with the Azalea Festival. I Senate Bill 453 - Mr. Coble advised that Senate Bill 453 was doing well in legislature. l t: DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS I Storm-Damaged Hangars - Mr. Cox noted that the Facilities Committee had met with Mr. Bill Cherry, to discussed the storm damaged hangars at Air Wilmington and recommended that the Authority approve the reconstruction of storm-damaged hangars by Air Wilmington, providing new hangars comply with Airport performance/aesthetic criteria for buildings. s t t A brief discussion was held with regard to delaying the reconstruction project. t Mr.Griffin MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to delay approval of reconstruction of the storm-damaged hangars by Air Wilmington until the dispute regarding the terms of Air Wilmington's lease has been resolved. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED. Dr. Roseman was opposed to the delay and Mrs. McQueen was absent. Construction of Sewer Force Main- Mr. Cox recommended the Authority approve a motion authorizing the construction of a Sewer Force Main on the Airport. A brief discussion was held regarding this project. Mr. Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Griffin to authorize the construction of a Sewer Force Main by New Hanover County on the Airport subject to approval of the FAA and the Airport staff. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. Sweeper - Mr. Cox advised that the new sweeper had been delivered and would be available for demonstration after the meeting. He invited all to attend the demonstration. Daylight Taxiway- Mr. Steve Bright of Talbert& Bright, Inc. distributed copies of a report suggesting the need for completion of a daylight taxiway and made a brief presentation on the project. i Dr. Roseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Griffin that the Daylight Taxiway project be refereed to the . 1 590 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - May 14, 1997 Page 4 Facilities Committee and the administration for further consideration. OTHER ITEMS BY THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY Mr. Griffin distributed copies of a Resolution for the Authority's approval with regard to the Outer Loop and Wilmington Bypass. After reading and presenting the Resolution to the Authority, Mr. Griffin MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to approve the Resolution. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. A copy of the Resolution is contained on page 83 of Exhibit Book II. Mr. Bill Macomber, a resident of Hampstead addressed the Authority regarding the need for better service and inquired about previous publication about a regional airport in the southeast area. Dr. Roseman responded that there was no validity to the publication. ; Mr. Vojta commented on the recent construction that was done on his leasehold and complimented the contractors for their efficient operation and smooth handling of the situation. He noted that the operation ?' was clean and did not disrupt his business operation. Closed Session Dr. Roseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to go into closed discussion for discussion of a personnel matter under General Statutes 143318.116. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED 4` UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. Chairman Gregory called the meeting to closed session at 5:10 p.m. Return to Regular Session Dr. Roseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to return to regular session. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Gregory returned the meeting to regular session at 5:30 p.m. and noted that no action was taken during the meeting. > ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the board, Mr. Griffin MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to adjourn. Chairman Gregory adjourned the meeting at 5:31 p.m. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Janie James ar-7 Edwin R. Cox, Jr. Secretary