1997-06-11 Minutes 591 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES l JUNE 11, 1997 ! i CALL TO ORDER I The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, June 11, 1997 at New Hanover E International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Gregory called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. t Authority members present were Paul Gregory, Al Roseman, Parks Griffin, John Coble and Shirley McQueen. Also present were Wanda Copley,Airport Attorney; Ed Cox,Acting Airport Director;Winfield A Smith, Business Manager/Finance Officer and Janie James, Administrative Assistant. i APPROVAL OF MINUTES i 5 i Mr. Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Roseman to approve the minutes of the May 14, 1997 meeting as presented. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. e ITEMS BY THE PUBLIC G k t Ms Alice Mitchell, a representative of the Chamber of Commerce's Infrastructure Committee was present and provided a brief status report on the Infrastructure Committee. She advised the Authority that the next Infrastructure Committee meeting would be held on June 18 that 7:00 p.m. Additionally, Ms. Mitchell commented on the travel action alert for additional air service which was initiated by the Chamber. The travel action alert solicited letters from business community in support of the Airport and in support of continued and expanded service to the Airport. t Mr. Ken Vojta, ISO Aero Services was presented and noted that he would make comments later in the meeting . i i AUTHORITY REPORTS q i 3 DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING 1 International Activity- Dr. Roseman noted that 66 aircraft and 512 people were cleared by U.S. Customs in May. He commented that international activity continues to increase and shows a 23% increase in aircraft cleared and a 27% incrse in persons cleared year-to-date over 1996. He provided a brief status of the i international activity and noted that during the earlier work session, graphs had been shown noting the i international activity's growth over the past three years. : Air Show - Dr. Roseman advised that discussions were on-going with regard to a 1998 Air Show and MOVED that the Airport sponsor an Air Show in April of 1998. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. i Airport Development- Dr. Roseman showed slides from and recent visit to the Concord Regional Airport and provided a brief synopsis of the growth and development being realized at the Airport. A brief 592 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE 2 f t E discussion was held with regards to the need for development of T-Hangars on the airport and the benefits that may be associated with the construction of T-hangars. i' S' BUDGET & FINANCE i Cash Position and PFC Report - Mr. Griffin reported that the reconciled cash position for May as r prepared by staff showed an unreserved balance at the end of the month of$2,057,163.76 after receipts of g' $340,135.74 and disbursements of$352,479,75. t Mr. Griffin noted that a review of the cash position for 1990 showed an ending balance of$354,000 when compared to the present balance of$2,057,163.76. t Mr.Griffin also noted that a copy of the PFC monthly status report for May had been attached to the agenda and showed a balance at the end of the month of$410,597.25. F.Y. 1998 Budget- Mr. Griffin MOVED to approve the following items: A. F.Y. 1998 Budget(A copy of the budget is contained on Page 84 of Exhibit Book II). B. F. Y, 1998 Schedule of Charges, Fees and Rents (A copy of the schedule is contained on f` Page 87 of Exhibit Book II). C. F.Y. 1997 Budget Adjustments (A copy of the adjustments is contained on Page 85 of ii Exhibit Book II). D. Changes to Maintenance and Development Reserve of$100,000 for 1997 provision and to approve expenses to this account of$570. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. r GOVERNMENTAL LIAISON z Senate Bill 453 - Mr. Coble advised that Senate Bill 453 is still under consideration in the General Assembly and appeared to be moving along well. i Mr. Coble briefly commented on the Airport's stability and noted that passing of this bill would help to ensure that the Airport maintain its economic independence. Legislative Visit- Mr. Coble noted that approximately 40 North Carolina delegates were in town that past weekend. He stated that the Authority was well represented and escorted the legislators to various sites in town. NCDOT Grant-Mr.Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Roseman to adopt a resolution to authorize and empower the New Hanover County Airport Authority to enter into a grant agreement with the State of North Carolina, Department of Transportation, for the acceptance of$200,000 in Airport Improvement Funds, k 593 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE 3 Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Coble asked Mr. Cox to attend the next meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to answer any questions that might arise concerning the grant. FACILITIES Existing Project Status - Mr. Gregory noted that a copy of the current projects status report for June had been attached to the agenda. x g + Mr. Gregory MOVED to authorize the following items: A. Authorize the airport staff to develop, design and install traffic control speed bumps on Airport Boulevard in the front of the terminal at a cost not-to-exceed $5,000. 1 B. Authorize the entering into a consulting contract with Robert J. Kemp for development of the new Passenger Facility Charge program. C. Authorize the purchase of recording equipment for telephone and radio channels in communications center at Rescue Base Building at a cost of$11,200. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. PERSONNEL Personnel Status Report - Mrs. McQueen reported that there was currently one vacancy in the Maintenance Department and one vacancy in the PSO Department. Additionally,Mrs.McQueen noted that the Airport's newest employee, John Lewis, would be introduced at the July meeting. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS I Y Mr. Cox did not have a specific report other than the items that had already been discussed. OTHER ITEMS BY THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY Chairman Gregory commended Mr. Cox for his performance over the past few months and thanked him for his extra efforts. Mr. Ken Vojta, ISO Aero Service of Wilmington, distributed and read a copy of a letter addressed to Mr. Paul Gregory requesting permission to establish a general aviation terminal and aircraft parking ramp on the airport's west side. (A copy of the letter is contained on Page 88 of Exhibit Book II.) h` { 594 i NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE 4 After reading the letter, a brief discussion was held regarding Mr. Vojta's future plans and the time-line for completion of the project and spaces for lease. s Dr. Roseman advised that since the board had been presented with new information, that Mr. Vojta's . request would be referred to the Facilities Committee for a recommendation to the Board. t ' Chairman Gregory informed Mr. Vojta that a special meeting would have to be called since he was 1 1 requesting action by July 1 because the Board would not meet again until July 9. Mr. Vojta indicated that July 9 would be acceptable to him. Mrs. Shirley Vojta thanked the Authority for adding them to the agenda on short notice. 1 Dr.Roseman inquired if the roofing work was completed. Mr. Cox replied that the contractor has promised to return to the site during the upcoming week for completion of the project. 1 x Mr. Griffin expressed thanks and gratitude to Mr. Gregory and Mrs. McQueen for their devoted and dedicated service while serving as members of the Airport Authority. t t Dr.Roseman presented Mrs. McQueen with a proclamation expressing appreciation for her eight years of i' service to the Airport. Mrs.McQueen accepted the proclamation and stated that she had enjoyed her tenure F. and that she would always be available for advice and service upon request. r t Next, Dr. Roseman presented Mr. Gregory with a proclamation expressing appreciation for his eight years t" 1 of service to the Airport. 1 t Janie James, Administrative Assistant presented an album of activities encountered by Mr. Gregory and Mrs. McQueen during their service with the Airport. Mr. Gregory thanked everyone and noted that he has appreciated the opportunity to serve on the Airport F Authority. t' CLOSED SESSION Mr.Coble,MOVED,SECONDED by Mr. Griffin to go into closed session for discussion of a legal matter. Chairman Gregory called the meeting to Executive Session at 4:50 p.m. REGULAR SESSION Mr. Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Griffin to return to regular session. Chairman Gregory returned the meeting to regular session at 4:55 p.m. Mr. Gregory noted that during the Executive Session Mrs. Copley advised that a settlement have been reached in the Catherine Ross vs Republic Parking System and New Hanover County Airport Authority as follows: The above referenced case was settled on April 18, 1997 in the amount of$40,000. Of this amount, Republic Parking paid $37,500 and the Airport Authority paid $2,500 by Americas Insurance } 5 9 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE 5 { ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the board,Mr. Griffin MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to adjourn. Chairman Gregory adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m. Prepared P by: Respectfully Submitted: Janie James Edwin R. Cox,Jr. Secretary 1 o- t i