1997-02-12 Minutes 1 573 rt NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The Nev Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, February 12, 1997 at New Hanover International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Gregory called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Authority members present were Paul Gregory, Al Roseman, Parks Griffin, John Coble and Shirley McQueen. Also present were Wanda Copley, Airport Attorney; Robert J. Kemp, Airport Director; Ed Cox, Deputy Airport Director; Winfield Smith, Business Manager/Finance Officer and Janie James, Administrative Assistant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Mrs. McQueen to approve the minutes of the January 8, 1997 meeting as presented. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. ITEMS BY THE PUBLIC There were no comments from persons attending the meeting. AUTHORITY REPORTS DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING International Activity - Dr. Roseman noted that 122 aircraft and 757 people were cleared by U.S. Customs in January. AOPA Meeting - Dr. Roseman advised that the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association would meet in Wilmington on Monday, February 17 at the Coast Line Convention Center. Travel Advisory Committee Meeting - Dr. Roseman noted that the Travel Advisory Board would meet on Wednesday, March 5 at 12:30 p.m. in the conference room and invited all Authority members to attend. He stated that a representative from a public relations firm would be present. BUDGET & FINANCE Consent Agenda - Mr. Griffin MOVED to approve the following consent agenda items: 574 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY { MINUTES - FEI3RUARY 12, 1997 PAGE 2 a: Lease agreement between the Authority and Branch Banking and 'Trust Company for the ATM machine. A copy of the lease can be found on page 79 of Exhibit Book 1. b: Authorization to engage the services of Byron G. Beall, Wilmington, NC, to develop an I "airport terminal interactive historical display" at a cost of $2,550 in accordance with consultant's updated proposal, a copy of which was attached to the agenda. ai I j Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Cash Position and PFC Report - Mr. Griffin reported that the reconciled cash position for January as prepared by staff, showed an unreserved balance at the end of the month of $2,191 , 181 .77 after receipts j of$258,423.06 and disbursements of$267,773.49. Mr. Griffin also noted that a copy of the PFC monthly status report for January had been attached to the agenda and showed an estimated balance at the end of the month of$362,287.65. PERSONNEL Status Report - Mrs. McQueen introduced Mrs. Karen Thomas, who recently filled the Clerk/Receptionist position, to the Authority. She welcomed Mrs. Thomas to the Airport staff and extended best wishes for a long and successful career with the airport. Mrs. McQueen reported that during the past month, David Evansek, one of the Public Safety Officers, 1 accepted a position with another police department and noted that there were currently two openings in the Public Safety Office and two openings in the Maintenance Department. Mrs. McQueen stated that at the end of the meeting she would request to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. GOVERNMENTAL LIAISON ! r Mr. Coble noted that Dr. Roseman had recently attended a meeting at the request of the Chamber of Commerce with regards to development of an Infrastructure Committee and asked that Dr. Roseman provide a status report. Dr. Roseman provided a brief synopsis on the initial development and organization of the Chamber's Infrastructure Committee. He noted that several government, community and business leaders were invited to participate in the meeting. Dr. Roseman stated that the purpose of this group would be to discuss and present ideas and concerns regarding the development of Wilmington. FACILITIES Existing Project Status - Mr. Gregory noted that a copy of the current projects status report for February had been attached to the agenda. 575 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - FEBRUARY 12, 1997 PAGE 3 Mr. Gregory inquired about the status of the sweeper and the conveyor. Mr. Kemp responded that the airport was still awaiting delivery of the sweeper, which was still in the manufacturing process. Mr. Cox stated that he has been given a delivery date of March 15, 1997. Mr. Kemp noted that the conveyor project is presently on hold. Consent Agenda Items - Mr. Gregory MOVED to authorize the following items: a. To increase the current fee cap for Sharpe Architecture for hurricane restoration services from $27,000 to $61,157. This authorization is based on inclusion of design for total replacement of the existing terminal building roof systems, if adequate funding becomes available. { b. Approval, subject to final approval of the Airport Attorney and FAA, of an engineering agreement with Sharpe Architecture for professional services in connection with the new equipment building. A copy of the agreement can be found on page 80 of Exhibit Book I. c. Authorize the Authority's Facilities committee to issue all necessary approvals and reviews during the design and bidding phases for the new equipment facility. d. Approval and acceptance of the Master Plan Up-date Airport Layout Plans, Drawings 1 through 13 with specific approval of the Airport Layout Plan, sheet 2 of 13 as presented by Delta Airport Consultants, Inc. and dated November 1996. (A copy of the plans is available in the Airport Administrative office.) e. Authorization for the Airport Administration to negotiate agreements with the following consultants for the following projects: 1. Runway 35 Safety Area - Talbert & Bright Engineers, Wilmington, NC. Work will include conducting engineering studies and various environmental and other analysis to determine the recommended course of action, if any, to develop a 1,000' long safety area at the approach end of runway 35, establish a financing plan, and all professional services necessary for the design and construction of any recommended plan. 2. Reconstruct Taxiways A & H. Construct Taxiway Connector - Talbert & Bright Engineers, Wilmington, NC. Work will include professional services necessary for the design and construction of a project to widen taxiways A & H to 75' in all areas, construct a 75' wide exit taxiway from runway 6 to the terminal ramp as shown in the Master Plan Update Airport Layout Plan. Work to be designed so that it can be completed in phases based on available funds. 3. Cargo Complex - Sharpe Architecture, P. A., Wilmington, NC. Work will include professional services necessary to assist the Authority in identifying the current and 576 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - FEBRUARY 12, 1997 PAGE 4 a i probable future needs of a new cargo building at the north ramp to house Airborne Express and other cargo operators. 4. Car Rental Service Area - Sharpe Architecture, P.A., Wilmington, NC. Work will consist of assisting the Authority in conducting the necessary feasibility studies and programming for the potential relocation of car rental service facilities to a new location on airport property. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS Mr. Kemp noted that the proposed lease with Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc. for Building C-20 for three years with a three year option had been reviewed with the Committee of 100 and that the Committee had a few minor changes. Mrs. Copley commented that she had received a call from Wilmington Industrial Development's attorney regarding minor changes just prior to coming to this meeting but did not have specifics at this time. Dr. Roseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Griffin to approve the lease between Wilmington Industrial Development and the Authority for Building C-20 for three years with a three year option, subject to final approval of the airport's attorney. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the final lease can be found on page 81 of Exhibit Book I. OTHER ITEMS BY THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY Mr. Coble suggested that the Authority move forward with resurfacing the abandoned taxiway between Taxiway A and Runway 6 to 35' wide and using it for general aviation purposes only. Mr. Kemp noted that the airport would be undergoing its certification inspection from the FAA on March 3 and that it has been requested that the FAA look at the abandoned taxiway for consideration of use as a limited taxiway. Chairman Gregory inquired as to the procedure for acquiring roofing bids for building C-20. Mr. Cox stated that he was awaiting price quotes from additional roofing contractors. Chairman Gregory invited Rick Collins of Sharpe Architecture to provide a brief synopsis of the terminal roof project. Mr. Collins advised that acceptable quotes for repairing the terminal roof had been received from Hanover Iron Works and that it would be his recommendation that the repairs be made at this time. Mr. Collins stated that the approximate cost of the repairs would be $25,000. 3 ' e � 577 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - FEBRUARY 12, 1997 PAGE5 Dr. Roseman inquired as to how long the airport could wait before repairs were made. Mr. Collins noted that, while the airport was not experiencing any serious problems at present, if the area is hit with a storm involving serious winds, the effects could be devastating. Dr. Roseman asked Mr. Collins to send a letter to the Authority with his recommendation for roof repairs to supplement the airport's FEMA claim. After a brief discussion, Dr. Roseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to authorize the expenditure of approximately $25,000 for roof repairs to the terminal building. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. McQueen MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Roseman to go into executive session for discussion of a personnel matter. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Gregory called the meeting into executive session at 4:00 p.m. RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION Mrs. McQueen MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Roseman to go back to regular session. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Gregory called the meeting back to regular session at 4:58 p.m. and noted that no action was taken during the executive session. Chairman Gregory asked Mr. Kemp to advise the status of the Deutsch Relay Building. Mr. Kemp responded that the Airport is currently waiting for the Deutsch family to accept the draft statement that was given to them by the airport regarding indemnification for environmental conditions. A brief discussion was held regarding the environmental issues associated with this property and the Deutsch family's intent to resolve the problem. Chairman Gregory inquired if the Deutsch family could withdraw their acceptance of the airport's proposal to purchase the building. Mr. Kemp responded that because the airport has placed a condition on the purchase of the building the Deutsch family could decline the airport's offer, but to the best of his knowledge, the Deutsch family intended to honor its commitment to accept the offer once the state approved their environmental remediation plan.. Mr. Coble inquired if the Authority purchased the building without resolution of the environmental issue would liability for the problem continue with the Deutsch family. Mrs. Copley responded that if the airport acquired the property prior to resolution of the environmental problem the problem would then belong to the Authority. 578 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES - f EBRUARY 12, 1997 PAGE 6 ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the board, Mr. Griffin MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to adjourn. Chairman Gregory adjourned the meeting at approximately 5:05 p.m. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Janie James Robert emp Secretary z i 4 Z yY } gi5 {