1997-01-08 Minutes 2 . r S • 568 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES JANUARY 8, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, January 8, 1997 at New Hanover International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard,Wilmington,North Carolina Chairman Gregory called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. Authority members present were Paul Gregory,Al Roseman, Parks Griffin, and John Coble. Shirley McQueen was absent. Also present were Wanda Copley, Airport Attorney; Robert J. Kemp, Airport Director; Ed Cox, Deputy Airport Director; Winfield Smith,Business Manager/Finance Officer and Janie James, Administrative Assistant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Griffin MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to approve the minutes of the December 11, 1996 meeting as presented. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. TICKET DRAWING Dr. Roseman noted that as part of the airline promotion program, the final drawing for free tickets on USAir and Midway Airlines would now be conducted. He asked Ms. Stuart Anderson, a Midway Station Agent for Midway Connections to draw the winning ticket for Midway Airlines. Dr. Roseman expressed disappointment at the announcement that Midway would not continue to operating at this airport after January 15 and noted that the Authority would hope to secure another carrier to provide service to the Raleigh market. Ms. Anderson drew the names of Elaine Johansen of Wilmington, North Carolina and Donna Watson of Ocean City, New Jersey as the winners of one round-trip ticket each to anywhere on the Midway Airlines domestic system. Mr. Sid Collins, USAir's Station Manager, drew the name of Mr. John Cuadrado of Stockman, New Jersey,as the winner of two round-trip tickets anywhere on the USAir domestic system. Staff will notify the winners and arrange for pick up of the travel vouchers. ITEMS BY THE PUBLIC There were no comments from persons attending the meeting. AUTHORITY REPORTS DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING International Activity - Dr. Roseman noted that 116 aircraft and 532 people were cleared by U.S. Customs in December. Preliminary Annual Activity- A preliminary airport activity report for 1996 had been attached to the agenda. Dr. Roseman noted that with the exception of aircraft operations (which were down about 4.5%), all areas showed increased over 1995. 569 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JANUARY 8, 1997 PAGE 2 Dr. Roseman additionally reported that information obtained from AAAE's site on the Internet of airport rankings by enplaning passengers showed New Hanover International Airport in 165th place in the United States. BUDGET& FINANCE Cash Position and PFC Report- Mr. Griffin reported that the reconciled cash position for December as prepared by staff, showed an unreserved balance at the end of the month of$2,200,532.20 after receipts of$200,734.29 and disbursements of$419,102.54. Mr. Griffin also noted that a copy of the PFC monthly status report for November had been attached to the agenda and showed an estimated balance at the end of the month of$335,392.20. PERSONNEL Executive Search-In Mrs. McQueen absence, Mr. Griffin reported that the personnel committee MOVED that the Authority authorize the committee to engage the services of a professional search firm, for an amount not to exceed $5,000,to assist the Authority with the executive search process and to review the Airport's personnel policy. Upon vote,THE MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. GOVERNMENTAL LIAISON Mr. Coble noted that the official dedication ceremony for Dolan Drive took place on Friday, December 13. He • complimented the staff for the arrangement and execution of the event. Chairman Gregory advised that he had received a letter of thanks from Mrs. Dolan expressing gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the Dolan Family. Chairman Gregory thanked Mr. Griffin for his initiation of the project to get it completed. FACILITIES Existing Project Status-Mr. Gregory noted that a copy of the current projects status report for January had been attached to the agenda. Mr. Gregory asked the Airport Director to make comments on any projects at this time. Parking Lot Expansion-Mr. Kemp noted that the parking lot expansion project has been completed. He stated that approximately 75%of the new parking spaces were filled during the Christmas/New Years holiday season. FEMA -Mr. Kemp reported that the Airport has submitted nine applications to FEMA for Section 404 grants. He advised that the applications are currently under review. Additionally, Mr. Kemp stated that the consultant is working on the preparation of the Section 406 application on the terminal building roofing. Mr. Griffin inquired as to the time frame to receive information on the Section 404 grants. Mr. Cox replied that he 5'70 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JANUARY 8, 1997 PAGE 3 has been advised that the Airport should receive some word by the end of January. PFC - Mr. Kemp advised that the PFC application for authorization to spend the remaining funds that have been collected by the airport is being reviewed by the airlines. He noted that final comments from the airlines should be received by the airport within the next two weeks. Mr. Kemp stated that he had not received any comments,to date, and did not expect to receive any negative comments. Mr. Kemp reported that once the FAA approved the application, the Airport would be able to reimburse itself for funds already spent and noted that the process could take several months. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS FAA Lease Renewals-Mr. Kemp noted that the Airport has received two contracts for property leases for two FAA facilities on the Airport. One lease was for the MALSR at Runway 35 and the other for the VASI at Runway 16. He advised that the current leases will expire on September 30, 1997 and noted that some minor corrections were needed to the leases such as correct runway identifications and clarification of pole line rights; however, it was his recommendation that the Authority approve the new leases subject to the minor clarifications and the airport attorney's approval. Copies of the leases had been attached to the agenda. Mr. Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Griffin to approve the renewal of leases to the FAA for the MALSR at Runway 35 and for the VASI at Runway 16 after minor corrections have been made and subject to the airport attorney's final concurrence. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. OTHER ITEMS BY THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY Dr. Roseman suggested that the Governmental Liaison Committee investigate the potential of New Hanover International Airport having the same rights and advantages as the Global TransPark. Dr. Roseman again commented that he was saddened by Midway Connection's decision to cease its service in Wilmington and hoped that the Authority could secure another airline to provide service to Raleigh. Mr. Kemp reported that a news article had recently been released stating that ASA would purchase 50 passenger Canadair jet and suggested that now might be a good time for the Authority to renew the request with Delta/ASA for jet service. Mr. Cox noted that he had been advised by Greg Johnson, ASA's Station Manager, that ASA would employ an additional six full time employees to start their own ramp service. Mr. Kemp stated that ASA would also rent some additional space in the baggage claim area for loss bags and an office for Mr. Johnson. Mr. Kemp stated that ASA would use the fifth car rental space with the understanding that if the airport obtains a fifth car rental company, ASA would need to vacate the office space. Mr. Griffin inquired about the status of direct payroll deposit for airport employees. Mr. Smith replied that he had met earlier that day with representatives of BB&T and that the process would be implemented as soon as possible. Mr. Gregory asked Mr. Kemp to give a progress report on the status of the new equipment facility. Mr. Kemp { 571 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JANUARY 8, 1997 PAGE 4 reported that the next step to this project would be to select a consultant. He noted that the project process was ready to be initiated as soon as the Authority was ready to proceed. Mr. Gregory inquired if federal funding was in jeopardy because the sweeper had not been delivered. Mr. Kemp responded that the money was not in jeopardy. Mr. Cox advised that he had recently visited the factory and stated that the manufacturer is waiting for the chassis. Mr. Gregory inquired about the PAPI. Mr. Steve Bright of Talbert& Bright, Inc. responded that the contractor was currently awaiting a materials delivery date. RECESS The Authority took a 20 minutes recess at 4:40 p.m. RETURN FROM RECESS The Chairman called the meeting back to order at 5:00 p.m. Chairman Gregory noted that proposals had been received from 9 architectural/engineering/planning consultants for providing consulting services to the airport. Mr. Gregory MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Roseman to hire Sharpe Architecture to provide consulting services to the airport for a period of 12 months beginning January 9, 1997. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. Mr. Bright inquired about the work scope of the projects included in the previous motion. Mr. Kemp had previously provided a list of potential projects for consideration of consultant services. He stated that the nature of the work would include selecting and designing the permanent repairs to the roof on the terminal building and any other items selected by the Authority. A brief discussion was held on the proposals received,selection process of a consultant and the work that would be performed by the consultant. Afterwards, Mr. Gregory MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Roseman to rescind the previous motion. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. After a lengthy discussion regarding the projects that would require the services of an architect as well as an aviation consultant, it was decided that Sharpe Architecture would be hired strictly for buildings. Mr. Coble MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Roseman to name Sharpe Architecture as the Airport's architecture of record for projects as directed by the Authority for 1997. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. Dr. Roseman noted that the committee would make a recommendation for an engineering firm at a later meeting. Mr. Griffin MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to authorize the Airport Director to negotiate fees with Sharpe Architecture for the equipment facility project. Upon vote the MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mrs. McQueen was absent. 572 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY MINUTES -JANUARY 8, 1997 PAGE 5 ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the board,Mr. Griffin MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Coble to adjourn. Chairman Gregory adjourned the meeting at approximately 5:32 p.m. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Janie James obert J. Kem Secretary