03. March 2021 minutes New Hanover County-City of Wilmington Workforce Housing Advisory Committee March 3, 2021 Regular Meeting Committee Members Present: Sharm Brantley, Patrick Brien, Tom Gale, Don Harris, Katrina Knight, Katrina Redmon, Frank Smith, Steve Spain, David Spetrino, Paul Stavovy, Glenda Tate, Lori Wainright Staff Present: Tufanna Bradley (NHC), Joe Donohoe (NHC), Rachel LaCoe (NHC), Thom Moton (CoW), Suzanne Rogers (CoW), Rebekah Roth (NHC), Ron Satterfield (CoW) Call to Order The meeting was called to order and a quorum was established through roll call at 3:01 pm by Chairperson David Spetrino. Approve Agenda & Approve Minutes Ms. Glenda Tate made a motion to approve the agenda for the March 3, 2021 meeting and the minutes from the February 3, 2021 meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Frank Smith and adopted unanimously. Public Comments None New Business Discussion Item: Report and Presentation Timeline, Ms. Rachel LaCoe Chairperson Spetrino recognized New Hanover County Work Force Housing Planner Ms. Rachel LaCoe for an update on the Affordable Housing Report and Presentation Timeline. Ms. LaCoe provided a brief update of the timeline moving forward. • Phase 1 (Completed) o January WHAC; Work Plan and Subcommittees o Organize Stakeholder Focus Groups • Phase 2 (Completed) o February WHAC; Bowen/UNCG Presentation o Review Drafty Reports and Submit Comments o Technical Stakeholder Feedback • Phase 3 (In Progress) o March WHAC; Identify Tool Box o WHAC Theme Strategy Review o Stakeholder Feedback • Phase 4 o April WHAC; Finalize Recommendations o Release of Final Report and Housing Work Plan Ms. LaCoe also provided a timeline for upcoming work group meetings. On Tuesday March 16th there will be four breakout groups concerning Advocacy and Education, Programs, Land Use, and Funding. The Joint City/County meeting will occur on Tuesday April 27. Following the presentation, Ms. LaCoe opened the floor for questions and discussion. There was a brief discussion about the timeline and the purpose of the March 16th breakout groups. Chairperson Spetrino encouraged members to participate in a least one of the breakout meetings and to invite other non-WHAC-member stakeholders to the conversations. Discussion Item: Housing Work Plan Recommendations, Ms. Rachel LaCoe Chairperson Spetrino recognized New Hanover County Work Force Housing Planner Ms. Rachel LaCoe for an update on the Housing Work Plan Strategies. Ms. LaCoe provided information about the Housing Work Plan Strategies. Ms. LaCoe identified four strategies- Land Use, Programs, Funding, and Advocacy and Education. Land Use considerations include by-right density, allowing accessory dwelling units, increase density and height maximums, infill development, parking regulations/flexibility, and meaningful height and density bonuses. These was brief discussion about utility costs and the possibility of opening conversations with local utility providers. Program considerations include an increase funding for the Community Partners Loan Pool, providing down-payment assistance funding, providing low-interest loans for developers producing affordable housing, creating a security deposit guarantee for landlords, similar to Rapid Rehousing Program model, and providing funds for Housing Rehabilitation, including the City’s Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program. There was brief discussion about a community affordable housing trust fund. Funding considerations include an affordable housing bond/transportation bond, dedicated tax, public/private partnerships, and utilizing the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency. There was discussion about the possibility of implementing a special tax incurred upon the sale of home modeled after a program to preserve green space in Hilton Head Island. Some members warned that such a tax could be seen as counter intuitive to the overall goals if these costs are shifted onto the buyer. Members recommended Ms. LaCoe reach out to the New Hanover County Tax Administration to inquire about the logistics of this type of tax. Advocacy and Education considerations include defining the message, public awareness, marketing campaign, developer workshops, and financial literacy. There was discussion about the need to develop strategies for the different affordable price points, preserve the existing stock of affordable housing, provide low-interest mortgage program, and the possibility of creating a subsidy program for low- income older adults. Following the presentation, Ms. LaCoe opened the floor for questions and additional discussion. There was discussion about the recent New Hanover County tax valuation adjustments and the possible impacts of the increased valuations on workforce housing options. Discussion Item: Objective Statement, Chairperson Dave Spetrino Chairperson Spetrino requested volunteers to assist with the further development of the Objective Statement. Ms. Lori Wainright and Ms. Katrina Knight agreed to help with the Objective Statement. Discussion Item: Project Grace, Chairperson Dave Spetrino Chairperson Spetrino recognized Ms. Katrina Knight to give a brief update on the status of Project Grace. Ms. Knight expressed concerns about the lack of affordable units in the proposed Project Grace redevelopment plan. As the proposal is currently written, 5% of the apartment units will be made affordable to the workforce, up to 120% of the Area Median Income, for a ten-year period. Ms. Knight contended the WHAC should request the developer designate 10% of the affordable units as affordable to the workforce, up to 80% of the Area Median Income, for a 20-year period. There was brief discussion about this concern with most committee members agreeing with Ms. Knight’s sentiment. Announcements Mr. Paul Stavovy shared an upcoming webinar hosted by the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard, "Affordable Housing, Zoning, and the Bottom Line: What Can Other Cities Learn from the 100 Percent Affordable Housing Overlay in Cambridge?" Realtors and Homebuilders association forecast report. Ms. LaCoe shared information about a vacancy in the on the Workforce Housing Advisory Committee. Applicants must be from the Non-Profit Housing Community. Applications are due on April 5, 2021. Appointment is scheduled for April 19, 2021. Chairperson Spetrino requested that each member attended at least of the of the breakout sessions on March 16, 2021. Adjournment With no further questions or comments, a quorum was established through roll call. Chairperson Spetrino adjourned the meeting at 4:19 PM.