08. August 2021 minutes New Hanover County-City of Wilmington Workforce Housing Advisory Committee August 4, 2021 Regular Meeting Committee Members Present: Patrick Brien, Tom Gale, Eric Knight, Katrina Knight, Melanie James, Katrina Redmon, David Spetrino, Paul Stavovy Staff Present: Tufanna Bradley (NHC), Rachel LaCoe (NHC), Suzanne Rogers (CoW), Rebekah Roth (NHC) Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:07 pm by Chairperson David Spetrino. Approve Agenda & Approve Minutes Ms. Katrina Redmon made a motion to approve the agenda for the July 7, 2021 meeting and the minutes from the July 7, 2021 meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Tom Gale and adopted unanimously. Public Comments None New Business Information Item: Update – New Hanover County Gap Rental Assistance Pilot Program Chairperson Spetrino recognized New Hanover County Senior Planner Ms. Rachel LaCoe for an update on the County’s Workforce Housing Gap Rental Assistance Pilot Program. Planner LaCoe explained that the pilot program is expected to be open for applications in early September. Tenants will be able to apply directly to the program through a web portal. As details are still being finalized, more information will be provided closer to the launch date. Discussion Item: Housing Work Plan Next Steps, Ms. Rachel LaCoe Chairperson Spetrino recognized New Hanover County Senior Planner Ms. Rachel LaCoe for an update on the Housing Work Plan. Planner LaCoe lead a discussion on the progress of the Housing Work Plan • Phase 1 o Set Goals and Measures ▪ Measuring trends from geographic footprint from now to the next years to ensure what we are doing is working. ▪ Compare the capital needs vs. on-going subsidy for operations o Design public awareness campaign ▪ Part of the bond package ▪ Promote based on the evidence-based research o Establish new programs ▪ Other ARP funding Discussion Item: Update on Potential Housing Bond Planner LaCoe informed the committee that a poll was being commissioned to help guide the conversation and appearance of a housing bond. In addition, a future session will be planned with legal staff to review the role of City/County staff, elected officials, and the Workforce Housing Advisory Committee in future bond education and advocacy campaigns. Announcements Planner LaCoe reminded the committee about the upcoming expiring terms in the on the Workforce Housing Advisory Committee as well as the application deadlines. Adjournment With no further questions or comments, Chairperson Spetrino adjourned the meeting at 4:09 PM.