Tree Mitigation Worksheet FILLED_v1Tree Type Minimum DBH Aggregate Inches at DBH Dogwood, Magnolias, Native Flowering Trees, and American Hollies 8 inches 9 Long Leaf Pine, Pond Cypress, Bald Cypress, and Hardwoods 18 inches 0 Other Conifers 24 Inches 0 Tree Type Minimum DBH Aggregate Inches at DBH Live Oak 36 inches 0 Pond Cypress 36 inches 0 Bald Cypress 36 inches 0 Required Mitigation Inches for Significant Trees:18 Required Mitigation Inches for Specimen Trees:0 18 Tree Type DBH Aggregate Inches at DBH Unregulated Trees 2 inches (min)68 Dogwoods and American Hollies 4-7 inches 0 Long Leaf Pine, Pond Cypress, Bald Cypress, and Hardwoods 8-17 inches 0 Other Native Confiers 12-23 inches 182 Trees Growing in Mature Native Forest Aggregate Inches 0 Trees Growing in Stands or Natural Clusters Aggregate Inches 0 * Counts towards removed significant trees Tree Type DBH Aggregate Inches at DBH Unregulated Trees 2 inches (min)0 Non-Native Hardwoods 8-17 inches 0 Non-Native Confiers 12-23 inches 0 Trees Growing in Stands or Clusters Aggregate Inches 0 Non-Native Trees To Be Retained Specimen Trees To Be Removed * Counts towards removed specimen and significant trees Significant Trees To Be Removed Native Trees To Be Retained Total Required Mitigation Inches: 250 0 250 Total Native Inches Retained: Total Non-Native Inches Retained: Native Inches Non-Native Inches Significant Tree Removal Mitigation:50 0 Specimen Tree Removal Mitigation:0 N/A Remaining retained inches:200 0 Required Significant Tree Mitigation Inches: Provided Mitigation Inches: Remaining: Required Specimen Trees Mitigation Inches: Provided Mitigation Inches: Remaining: Total Native Inches: Total Non-Native Inches: Total Retained Inches: 0 0 Credit Allocation 250 0 18 75 -57 0