FY23 SRC HCCBG funding plansCredle, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Hewett, Teresa Monday, August '1,2022 11:53 AM Credle, Eric needs signature - SRC grant documents HCCBG DOCUMENTS FOR SIGNATURE.pdf Attached are documents that need to be routed for signature. Please print the document, sign the last 3 pages at the "County Finance Officer" line then give to Catherine who will place in interoffice mail to Tufanna. This is a recurring grant that funds several Senior Resource Center programs. The second page of the document gives a breakdown of the Munis budget that matches the funding plans you are signing. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!! Teresa H€wett Grants & Project Analyst New Hanover County - Finance (910) 302-6091 p | (910) 798-7806 f THewett@nhcgov.com 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 165 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.NHCAov.com 1 Hi Eric, Grant Document Routing Start date: 8/ I /22 From: Teresa Hewett, Finance Department (7408) Signatures required: Eric Credle, Chief Financial Officer - 3 places Tufanna Bradley, Assistant County Manager - 2 places Julia Olson-Boseman, Chair - 3 places Retum to Finance Front Desk - for Teresa Hewett Tvpe(s) of document(s) attached: I original - FY23 Senior Resource Center's HCCBG (Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults Ilxplanation of document( s): Attached are documents required for the FY23 SRC HCCBG funding. This is a recurring grant that was part of the FY23 adopted budget. Please Iet me know if you have any questions. Thark you PICKED UP BY: Print Name & Date Signahre -/-7 DATE,ADDED TO LASER,FICHE DAAS.73O (Rev. 412019) Ilome and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults County Funding Plan Identification ofAgency or Oflice with Lead Responsibility for County Funding Plan New Hanover County luly l, 2022 through June 30.2023 The agency or office with lead responsibility for planning and coordinating the County Funding Plan recommends this funding plan to the Board of Commissioners as a coordinated means to utilize community-based resources in the delivery of comprehensive aging sen ices to older adults and their families. Senior Resource Center /office with lead responsibility Authorized signature (date) 2022- NI{C Assi Co Manager 11068733 11068733 11068733 11068733 11068733 77068723 11068733 302250 302250 302250 302250 302250 300930 302250 MUNIS CY REVISED BUD (1r.3,400) (248,093) (126,s00) (387,5O0) (268,044) (121,09s) (43,000) FUNDING PTAN 113,400 248,O93 126,500 387,s00 268,044 121,095 43,000 Elderhaus sRc 5RC 5RC Bayada sRc 5RC ORG OBJECT PROJECT PROJ-TITTE AGING.ADULT DAY CARE AGING.CASE ASSISTANCE AGING.CONGREGATE AGING-HOME DELIVERED MEALS AGING.IN HOME AID AGING-SENIOR CENTE R AG ING.TRANSPORTATION G0001 G0002 G0003 G0005 G0006 G0011 G00r.6 1,307,632 MUNIS A5 OF 7/29122 - THEWETT Eo@.nd Cotioity Crr. Slo.t Grer for Old.. Adllrt count Fundlns Phn PrDvkl.r S.Mc.. Sunm.ry DAAS-7!l 0 5616R.3(@.Cltrld 2222 S Coll.s. Rd. W @grdr NC 28403 NEW HANOVER July 2022 througt Juc 2023 DI.: 5[2ADO22 c D E G H I NSIP Sub3idy HCCBG HCCBG 3 248.093 s s J 248.091 I 21.s66 s 275.659 !s 275,65'Infmnon & C!* As$i.nc.s .:J50 t $ 85.000 $ 85.000 $ 9,444 s 9t.4t4 $ ll,196 J t28.0,10 t3.795 s 6 E462 1.150 41.99t t s 3E6.000 $t 3E6.000 , 12.EE9 s 42E_Et9 s 97_766 I t26.655 s 6 8039 122.20E $s 3 t21,095 s 121.095 s t3,4r5 I 134,t50 $I 134.t50 !4, t00Saior Cord Opdnon Tr&spc'1brro (c...dl)3 t8,000 s $s 18.000 I t.ooo s 20,000 i s 20,000 1.069 I l8 ? t65 1.069 TreeD.n.od (Mc&c.l)I 25.000 I t 2t.000 I 2nt s 27.11E $I 27.174 1.t66 I 18 950,1 l]0 1.466 $!s 113,400 s t2,600 s 126,000 $3 t26.000 !3t !s 26E,044 $t 268.044 s 29,781 s 297.E27 !t 291.E2i J l0L-H@.AdFta'.lI-R6pn. $s 1,500 !s 1,t00 s t6?s 1,667 $J \.567 s 37 8864Hm. D{hrtrcd Mals suppl.m.nbl M.ah Cdrscrel. N\rnro Sr+plaptl Mels !5 t 1.500 t 1,500 I 167 s 1,667 $3 1.667 t6 |DM ro Casns.t Cl'aB/Ddn.t/Ca Olr t ! 40,000 s t 40,000 I 4.444 s 4{,444 1 I :r4,4it4 6.4Ei s 6 Er39 1..100 5,4EJ !s t 3 s 1 t I 0 !s S !s s s s ! 0 $5 $$$s x s $ 120?.595 J ta5.293 S 1.,1t2,925 $ llt.t62 tl.J84.?8?tt.03?t 29r,093 s 808.944 trl.3r0 S'snnuq Conry rBec. O6cd 1-t. ' r f. ^,0a- vlr\r- Cati6{o6 of.cqluld mnitm letl mrh lltil.bilny R.qed lc.l Dl.h s l b. cxpod.d lrubl!.sly wlth Bl@t Ord ruding IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIIIIII 1,307 632 -------r----- H.l'. r.d Co'rnr.l9 C.n Blo.l Gt !t t r Old.t Ad.ltt Couity Fundhg PLn PllYirLr lLrvk- &!icrar, DAA9TJtEAYADA Hft lLdth (.&. 1.. zo2?. Stn.20t NC 28403 t)C0(' HCCBO HCCBC Raqur€d \SIP Tolrl 2r0!I 5.tt6 210 126.'157t III t56 t,sIlFtllritAiGlell_Hd t 26.t001 t1 111t 21t.9tE I 9ltI 111tI 233,044 l2t 211,041xIAid.-L.v.! ll - P!6onrl C&e III126.{968 2t 3Jl3 .)l.ttlIftAidaL.wl lll - ?..$t l CrG IITtt{t I t s tIIIIII0 I I JI$3IIt0 I$t t tItI0 IsI3It1II t I t 5tIt3t ttt!I I III !I JttII!t tJItIt$I t t ItI,t tI t t IItIIII0 20 IIIr 29',].r11 r t.219t5 268,044 I 29.rll I 297t 26t,044 TitI. .? SLgnrtuE, Cou y Fint (. Offie, 6DtAA12 t1307 f 3lr\zr- .o7 t O,-01"- tuil, CE ito.00 Poj. R.ihb{cnEn! Rt,. Adninirt it% C.nifi.nio.of nquiEdoooM L€l nurn.v.ihbility Rcqulld ldl ultl \rill tc crFrd.d itndEElll, *id' Bh.t G!.rt Fundin!, .Aa.i D., C.r I Ad.lr O.t Hdu C.r Pdj s.rYt . cdm.b ADC ADHC I 40-00 r-l--T--ll I c4rn t6-a trr trdl- a-,1- ad-t T t- 3 t t,,t {-hi).r.r-Dr56..irlbrr* AEE c- ----q!4}-34q ^e,. I tznlt tt.lll.-----.--.---.-. l.irt lt ,r r!nlt.t ne sF,cdrr*dlldFt c,.fu* 4i"- cd'Ha.ltllld16hi rdr.rr&k, ri-a H -dl r$ i.Fd r-..EI, EXIIIE E I--II EI II r II -TITIIII