1991-06-17 RM Exhibits . . . CONSENT AGENDA DATE: June 17, 1991 ITEM No. 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru May 31, 1991 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Advertising Fees Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy Collections To Date Dutstanding Balance Percentage Collected 1990 $ 34,610,078.89 2~530,21J.97 127,489.79 $ 37,012,803.07 12,910.50 76,913.93 $ 37,102,627.50 - 35,880,996.01 $ 1,221,631.49 96. 71% Back Taxes -- Real Estate and Personal Property Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 2,588,328.96 107,004.42 2,481,324.54 688,800.18 $ 1,792,524.36 27.76% Room Occupancy Tax Collections - May - $ 111,296.42 - Fiscal YTD $ 1,217,851.21 Privilege License Collections - May - $ 498.13 - Fiscal YTD - $20,109.76 EMS Collections - May - $ 00.00 - Fiscal YTD - $ 00.00 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmingtqn, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - .$55,428,758.95. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, lJtYY1(I'e- ~ .~rJ Patricia J. ~jnor Collector of Revenu PJR:sw . . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru May 31, 1991 1990 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Total Levy Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 944,520.45 83,764.72 . 35,385.03 $ 992,900.14 2,045.58 $ 994,945.72 -963,744.14 11 31,201.58 96.87% Back Taxes Real Estate and Personal Property Charges Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 45,038.73 287.08 804.25 $ 44,521. 56 - 17,179.31 $ 27,342.25 38.59% This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990. Respectfully submitted, ? Ci--'m C; h- (/\ ~ n ---- Patricia J. Rayrl.,d. J Collector of Revenue PJR:sw ~.4 ~' CONSENT AGENDA .DATE: June 17, 1991 ITEM No. 11 III D III III III III III D D D III D III III II a I;l III III 'II a a a III II III D a a III a III a a D.II II III D III D a III a III III III a a III a III III a 0 DaD III III . II III III a III III D III III III III a III III II III III II II III D III a III a a III D a a- II DaD III 1:1 III . a III III II a III III III III . 7"~.r-1 ~r(]c[~matiot1f I' N fm JI~1i:!lUnUffr (11!nwty m1Otll!1f~ JOlf (!!nmmhUl hlrnt1f.lS WHEREAS, hurricanes are common weather occurrences during August, September and October, endangering coastal New Hanover County, and WHEREAS, damages from Hurricane Diana in 1984 and Hurricane Gloria in 1985 totaled 74.2 million dollars, but were minor compared to Hurricane Hazel, the most destructive storm ever to hit the New Hanover County coast. WHEREAS, on September 21-22, 1989, Hurricane Hugo swept through South and North Carolina, killing two people and leaving in its path more than one billion dollars in damaged property and forest. Hugo did not make landfall on the North Carolina coast, but still caused more destruction than any storm in the State's history. WHEREAS, a hurricane safety awareness campaign has been developed in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety's Division of Emergency Management, the Department of Administration's Division of Marine Affairs, the National Weather Service, and the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Management to help citizens acquire a knowledge of hurricane safety and preparedness guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaims the week of July 1 through July 6, 1991 as HURRICANE AWARENESS WEEK in New Hanover County and encourages all citizens to assume personal responsibility by availing themselves of hurricane safety information and be prepared to protect property and save lives. The News Media and other Public Service and Safety Agencies are urged to participate in the "Awareness Week" activities. Signed this /~ day of June, 1991. .-= a II Il. a III II III III D D a II a a III a'a 1lI.0 III D III a a II III aDD III III III II III D III D a III III Q III III a D III III Q a CI III a a aDD 0 a.o Q III a III a u U U II 1:1 II:\' U a II II a II II II ,- ii H' I' .! ., i.. :. \ \ ".. ,,--J'''' .., ,~",.~. "':\i\., " Resolution Passed by The Board of Commissioners of" the . County of New Hanover, North Carolina Chairman The following resolution was offered by Fred Retchin and seconded by Commissioner William Sutton and upon being put to a vote was carried unanimously on the 17th day of June , 1991: THAT WHEREAS/ it is recognized that the proper movement of travel within and through the Wilmington urban area is a highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area; and WHEREAS, there are a number of governmental jurisdictions within the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina General Statutes; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that a coordinated, comprehensive/ and cooperative transportation planning process be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, a revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach/ Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville, Brunswick County/ New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation has been prepared that sets forth the responsibilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive/ and cooperative transportation planning process; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA. That the Memorandum of Understanding between .the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville/ Brunswick County/ New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Board of Transportation, agreement number 3-21-91, be approved and that the Chairman and County Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. I, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of said County. my hand and the o~Cial seal of the County of New ~ day of ~ , If9/ . AT~ V 71= Clerk . . . : : AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR COOPERATIVE, COMPREHENSIVE, AND CONTINUING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING between THE CITY OF WILMINGTON1 TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, TOWN OF LELAND, TOWN OF NAVASSA, TOWN OF BELVILLE, COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER1 AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IN COOPERATION WITH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS 1 Chapter 136, Article 3A, Section 136-66.2(a) of the General Statutes of North Carolina require that: "Each municipality with the cooperation of the Department of Transportationl shall develop a comprehensive plan for a street system that will serve present and anticipated volumes of vehicular traffic in and around the municipality. The plan shall be based on the best information available includingl but not limited to,~population growthl economic conditions and prospects, and patterns of land development in and around the municipality and shall provide for the safe and effective use of streets and highways through such means as parking regulationsl signal systemsl and traffic signs, markingsl and other devices. The Department of Transportation may provide financial and technical assistance in the preparation of such plans."; andl WHEREAS, the said Chapter 1361 Article 3AI Section 136-66.2(b) provides that: "After completion and analysis of the plan, the plan may be adopted by both the governing body of the municipality and the Department of Transportation as the basis for future street and highway improvements in and around the municipality. As a part of the plan, the governing body of the municipality and the Department of Transportation shall reach an agreement as to which of the existing and proposed streets and highways included in the plan will be a part of the State highway system and which streets will be part of the Municipal street system. As used in this articlel the State highway system shall mean both the primary highway system of the State and the secondary road system of the State within municipalities."; and, WHEREAS 1 the said Chapter 1361 Article 3AI Section 136.66.2(d) provides that: . . . AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 2 of 10 ; "Either the municipality or the Department of Transportation may propose changes in the plan at any'time"by giving notice to the other partYI but no change shall be effective until it is adopted by both the Department of Transportation and the municipal governing board."; and, WHEREAS 1 Section 134(a) of Title 23 United States Code states: "It is declared to be in the national interest to encourage and promote the development of transportation systemsl embracing various modes of transportation in a manner that will serve the States and local communities efficiently and effectively. To accomplish this objective the Secretary shall cooperate with the State and local officials in the development of transportation plans and programs which are formulated on the basis of transportation needs with due consideration to comprehensive long-range land use plans, development objectives, and overall social, economic, environmental, system performancel and energy conservation goals and objectivesl and with due consideration to their probable effect on the future development of urban areas of more than fifty thousand population. The planning process shall include an analysis of alternative transportation system management and investment strategies to make more efficient use of existing transportation facilities. The process shall consider all modes of transportation and shall be continuing, cooperativel and comprehensive to the degree appropriate based on the complex~ty of the transportation problems. After July 1, 1965, the Secretary shall not approve under section 105 of this title any program for projects in any urban area of more than fifty thousand population unless he finds that such projects are based on a continuing comprehensive transportation planning process carried on cooperatively by States and local communities in conformance with the objectives stated in this section. No highway project may be constructed in any urban area of fifty thousand population or more unless the responsible public officials of such urban area in which the proj~ct is located have been consulted and their views considered with respect to the corridorl the location and the design of the project."; andl WHEREAS 1 a transportation planning process includes the operational procedures and working arrangements by which short and long-range transportation plans are soundly conceived and developed and continuously evaluated in a manner that will: 1. Assist governing bodies and official agencies in determining courses of action and in formulating attainable capital improvement programs in anticipation of community needs; and 1 2. Guide private individuals and groups in planning their decisions which can be important factors in the pattern of future development and redevelopment of the area; andl . . . AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 3"of 10 -' WHEREAS/ it is the desire of these agencies that a Memorandum of Understanding dated June 25/ 1981, which established a continuing, comprehensive, cooperative transportation planning process, be revised and updated so as to continue to comply with 23 U.S.C. 134; and Sections 3 (a) (2) / 4 (a) / 5 (g) (l) / and 5 (1) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964/ as amended/ (49 U.S.C. 1602 (a) (2) / 1603(a)/ 1604(g) (1)/ and 1604(1)). NOW THEREFORE the following Memorandum of Understanding is made. Section 1. It is hereby agreed that the CITY OF WILMINGTON/ TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH/ TOWN OF LELAND/ TOWN OF NAVAS SA, TOWN OF BELVILLE, COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, ~nd the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION in cooperation with the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION/ will participate in a continuing transportation planning process with responsibilities and undertakings as related in the following paragraphs: 1. The Metropolitan Planning Organization in the Wilmington Urban Area includes the boards of general purpose local government -- Wilmington City Council; Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen; Leland Town Council; Navassa Town Council; Belville Board of Commissioners; Brunswick County Board of Commissioners; New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; the North Carolina Department of Transportation; a Transportation Advisory Committee hereinafter defined; a Technical Coordinating Committee hereinafter defined; and the various agencies and units of local and State government participating in the transportation planning for the area. 2. The area involved/ the Wilmington Transportation Study Planning Area/ will be the Wilmington Urbanized Area as defined by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census/ plus that area beyond the existing urbanized area boundary that is expected to become urban within a twenty year planning period. This area is hereinafter referred to as the planning area. 3. The projected planning area boundary will be periodically re-assessed ana revised in the light of new developments and basic data projections for the current planning period. 4. The continuing transportation planning process will be a cooperative one and all planning discussions will be reflective of and responsive to the programs of the North Carolina Department of Transportation/ and to the comprehensive plans for growth and development of the Municipalities of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach/ Leland/ Navassa, Belville/ and the Counties of Brunswick and New Hanover. 5. The continuing transportation planning process will be in accordance with the intent, procedures/ and programs of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 4 of 10 ~ . 6. Transportation policy decisions within the planning area are the responsibility of the North Carolina Board of. . Transportation/ the Wilmington City Council, the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen/ the Leland Town Council, the Navassa Town Council/ the Belville Board of Commissioners/ the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners/ and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 7. Transportation plans and programs and land use policies and programs/ for the local urbanized area/ having regional impacts will be coordinated with the Cape Fear Council of Governments/ an agency established by the City of Wilmington/ Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland/ Town of Navassa/ Town of Belville, Brunswick County/ New Hanover County, and other municipalities and counties of the region. 8. A Transportation Advisory Committee is hereby established with the responsibility for serving as a forum for cooperative transportation planning decision making for the Metropolitan Planning Organization. The Transportation Advisory Committee shall have the responsibility for keeping the policy boards informed of the status and requirements of the transportation planning process; assist in the dissemination and clarification of the decisions/ inclinations, and policies of the policy boards; and ensuring meaningful citizen participation in the transportation planrring process. . The Transportation Advisory Committee will be responsible for carrying out the provisions of 23 U.S.C. 134; and Sections 5(1) and 8(a) and (c) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 as amended, (49 U.S.C. 1604(1) and 1607(a) and (c); including: a. Review and approval of the transportation planning work program; b. Review and approval of the Transportation Improvement Program for multi-modal capital and operating expenditures and to insure coordination between local and State capital and operating improvement programs; c. Endorsement/ review and approval of changes to the adopted Transportation Plan. As required by General . Statutes Section 136-66.2(d) revisions in the Thoroughfare Plan must be jointly approved by the local governing boards and the North Carolina Department of Transportation; d. Endorsement/ review/ and approval of changes to the Federal-Aid Highway System and Federal-Aid Urban Boundary; . e. Endorsement/ review, and approval of a Prospectus for transportation planning which defines work tasks and responsibilities for the various agencies participating in the transportation planning process; and : . AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 5 of 10 f. Establishment of goals and objectives for the transportation planning process. g. May install bylaws for the purpose of establishing a quorum and operating pOlicies and procedures. The membership of the Transportation Advisory Committee shall include: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. . h. i. . Two members of the Wilmington City Council; One member of the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen; One member of the Leland Town Council; One member of the Navassa Town Council; One member of the Belville Board of Commissioners; One member of the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners; One member of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; One member of the North Carolina Board of Transportation; and The Division Administrator/ Federal Highway Administration or his representative. Representatives from each of the following bodies will serve as non-voting members of the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). Federal Highway Administration- Other local/ State/ or Federal agencies impacting transportation in the planning area at the invitation of the TAC. The Transportation Advisory Committee will meet as often as it is deemed appropriate and advisable. On the basis of majority vote/ the Transportation Advisory Committee may appoint a member of the Committee to act as Chairperson with the responsibility for coordination of the Committee/s activities. A member of the staff of the Wilmington Department of Public Services will serve as secretary to the Committee. 9. A Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) shall be established with the responsibility of general review, guidance, " AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 6 of 10 and coordination of the transportation planning process for the planning area and with the responsibility for making : recommendations to the respective local and State governmental agencies and the Transportation Advisory Committee regarding any necessary actions relating to the continuing transportation' planning process. The TCC shall be responsible for development, review/ and recommendation for approval of the Prospectus, Planning Work Program, Transportation Improvement Program, Federal-Aid Urban Systems and Boundary/ revisions to the transportation plan/ planning citizen participation/ and documentation reports of the transportation study. . Membership of the Technical Coordinating Committee shall include technical representatives from all local and State governmental agencies directly related to and concerned with the transportation planning process for the planning area. Initially, the membership shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. . f. g. h. i. j . k. 1. m. n. o. p. . q. Director of Department of Public Services/ City of Wilmington; Traffic Engineer/ City of Wilmington; Transportation Planner 1/ City of Wilmington; Transportation Planner II, City of Wilmington; Director of Planning and Development, City of Wilmington; Director/ Brunswick County Planning Department; Assistant Manager/ New Hanover County; Director, New Hanover County Planning Department; Planner/ Town of Wrightsville Beach; Director of Planning/ Town of Leland; Town Clerk/ Town of Navassa; Town Clerk, Town of Belville; Director of Engineering and Maintenance, New Hanover County Airport; Director of Engineering, State Ports -Authority; Executive Director, Cape Fear Council of Governments; Division Engineer, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; Thoroughfare Planning Engineer/ Planning and Environmental Branch/ Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; Wilmington Transportation Area Study Coordinator, Planning and Environmental Branch/ Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; Division Traffic Engineer, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; Director, Public Transportation Division, North Carolina Department of Transportation; District Engineer, North Carolina Division/ Federal Highway Administration/ United States Department of Transportation (Advisory and non-voting member); Planning and Research Engineer/ North Carolina Division/ Federal Highway Administration, United r. s. t. u. v. . . . AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 7 of 10 States Department of Transportation (Advisory and non- voting member); The Technical Coordinating Committee shall meet when it is deemed appropriate and advisable. On the basis of majority vote of its membership/- the Technical Coordinating Committee may appoint a member of the Committee to act as Chairperson with tpe responsibility for coordination of the Committee/s activities. Membership to the Technical Coordinating Committee may be altered on the basis of a majority vote of its membership. 10. The Wilmington City Council/ the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen, the Leland Town Council, the Navassa Town Council/ the Belville Board of Commissioners, the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners/ and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners shall serve as the primary means for citizen input to the continuing transportation planning process. During transportation plan reevaluation, citizen involvement in the planning process shall be encouraged during re-analysis of goals and objectives and plan formation. This citizen involvement will be obtained through goals and objectives surveys/ neighborhood forums, and public hearings in accordance with procedures outlined in the "North Carolina Highway Action Plan." Section 2. It is further agreed that the subscribing agencies will have the following responsibilities, these responsibilities being those most logically assumed by the several agencies: City of Wilmington The City of Wilmington-will serve as the Lead Planning Agency for the transportation planning process in the planning area and will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance/ data, and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally/ the City shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approvals within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town of Wrightsville Beach The Town of Wrightsville Beach will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally, the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town of Leland The Town of Leland will assist in the transportation planning process by providing assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally/ the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. ! AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 8 of 10 ~ . Town of Navassa The Town of Navassa will assist in the transportation planning process by providing assistance/ data/ and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally, the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town of Belville The Town of Belville will assist in the transportation planning process by providing assistance/ data/ and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally/ the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Brunswick County Brunswick County will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance/ data/ and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally/ Brunswick County shall/ to the extent allowed by State law, coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. New Hanover County New Hanover County will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance/ data/ and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally, New Hanover County shall/ to the extent allowed by State law, coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. North Carolina Department of Transportation The Department will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data/ and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. The Department to the fullest extent possible and as permitted by existing State and Federal regulations, will provide assistance in the protection of necessary rights-of-way for those thoroughfares designated in the transportation plan. Section 3. Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding may terminate their participation in the continuing transportation planning process by giving 30 days written notice to the other parties prior to the date of termination. . Section 4. In witness whereof, the parties of this Memorandum of Understanding have been authorized by appropriate and proper resolutions to sign the same, the City of Wilmington by its Mayor/ the Town of Wrightsville Beach by its Mayor, the Town of Leland by its Mayor/ the Town of Navassa by its Mayor/ the Town of Belville by . . . .' . ,. AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 9 of 10 its Mayor, Brunswick County by its Chairman of the Board of . Commissioners/ New Hanover County by its Chairman of the Board of Commissioners/ and the Department of Transportation by the State Highway Administrator, This day of (Seal) Clerk (Seal) Clerk (Seal) Clerk (Seal) Clerk (Seal) Clerk CITY OF WILMINGTON By Mayor TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH By Mayor TOWN OF LELAND By Mayor TOWN "OF NAVASSA By Mayor TOWN OF BELVILLE By Mayor . . . J (Seal) Clerk (Seal) Clerk Approved for Execution By By AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 10 of 10 BRUNSWICK COUNTY Chairman NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By State Highway Administrator By Asst. Attorney General '," .. "" ,- NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1991-92 BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular session assembled: Section 1: The following amounts are hereby for the operation of New Hanover County government and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991, and ending according to the following summary and schedules: appropriated its activities June 30, 1992, Summary General Fund One Half Cent (1/2 Cent) Sales Tax Fund New Hanover County School Fund Room Occupancy Tax Fund Environmental Management TOTAL BUDGET Estimated Fund Balance Total Revenues Appropriated Appropriation $ 75,134,760 $ -0- $ 75,134,760 6,599,492 405,076 7,004,568 21,225,396 -0- 21,225,396 1,374,480 -0- 1,374,480 Fd. 9,970,500 -0- 9,970,500 ~J:J:4:!:Jg4:!:g~~ i==4g~:!:g:bg= ~~~4:!:fg~:!:fg4 Section 2: That for said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund the following: Function Appropriation Current: General Government Human Services Public Safety Economic & Physical Development Cultural and Recreational Education Contingency Transfers Debt Service: Principal Interest and Fees $10,379,372 25,237,409 12,758,745 1,912,641 3,190,202 18,114,207 302,582 736,640 1,358,929 1,144,033 if~:!:~J4:!:fgg Total Appropriations - General Fund i ..' ../ Fund July Fund Section 3: It is estimated that the following General Revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992, to meet the foregoing General appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Total Revenues - General Fund $ 42,176,701 8,291,456 2,675,058 15,198,239 48,000 5,251,724 1,228,582 115,000 150,000 ~==:f~=J:~4=:fg~ Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Other Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Licenses and Permits Charges for Services Other Revenues Transfer In/Water and Sewer Fund Transfer In Fire Service District Section 4: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the One-Half Cent (1/2 Cent) Sales Tax Fund the sum of ~===Z=~~4=~g~ Section 5: It is estimated that Cent (1/2 Cent) Sales Tax Fund Revenues will the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991, and meet the foregoing One-Half Cent (1/2 Cent) tions: the following One-Half be available during the ending June 30, 1992, to Sales Tax Fund appropria- Revenue Source Amount Sales Tax Interest Fund Balance Appropriated $ 6,502,342 97,150 405,076 Total Revenues - One Half Cent (1/2 Cent) Sales Tax Fund ~==Z=~~4=~g~ Section 6: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the New Hanover County Schools Fund the sum of ~=~J:=~~~=~~g ii Section 7: It is estimated that the following New Hanover County School Fund revenue will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991, and ending June 30, 1992, to meet the foregoing Public Schools Building Capital Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Total Revenues - New Hanover County School Fund $ 731,250 2,000 3,331,130 17,161,016 t~J:=~~~=~~g Intergovernmental Revenues Interest on Investments Transfer In/Half Cent Sales Tax Fund Transfer In/General Fund Section 8: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the Room Occupancy Tax Fund the sum of t=J:=~1~=~~~ Section 9: It is estimated that the following Room Occu- pancy Tax Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal year be- ginning July 1, 1991, and ending June 30, 1992, to meet the foregoing Room Occupancy Tax Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Room Occupancy Tax Intergovernmental Revenues $1,356,480 18/000 tJ:=~1~=~~~ Total Revenues - Room Occupancy Tax Section 10: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the Environmental Management Fund the sum of t~=~1~=~~~ Section 11: It is estimated that the following Environmental Management Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June 30, 1992, to meet the foregoing Environmental Management Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Intergovernmental Charges for Services $ 50,000 9,920,500 Total Revenues - Environmental Management Fund t=~=~J:~=~~~ iii "!", Section 12: There is hereby levied in the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1992, the rate of 59 cents on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of taxable property as listed as of January 1, 1991, for the purpose of raising the revenues from the current year's property tax as set forth in the foregoing appropriations. Such of property for assessment ratio rate of 97.5% is rate is based on an estimated total appraised value the purpose of taxation of $7,100,000,000 with an of 100% of appraised value. Estimated collection based on fiscal year 1990-91 collection rate of 97.5%. Section 13: Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be fur- nished to the County Manager and the County Finance Director of New Hanover County, North Carolina, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditures of amounts appropriated. Section 14: That appropriations herein authorized and made shall have the amount of outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 1991, added to each appropriation as it appears in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid. ADOPTED, this 17th day of June, 1991. C);JIfiTL Fred Retchin, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ~d~~ Clerk iv ;+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL FIRE DISTRICT 1991-92 BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular session assembled: Section 1: The following amount is hereby appropriated for the operation of New Hanover County Special Fire District and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991, and ending June 30, 1992: !J:=~~4=g;l~= Section 2: It is estimated that the following Special Fire District revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1991, and ending June 30, 1992, to meet the foregoing Special Fire District appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Total Revenues - Special Fire District $ 853,125 330,000 44,200 276,347 !J:=~~4=gZ~= Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Intergovernmental Revenues Appropriated Fund Balance Section 3: There is hereby levied in the Special Fire District Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1992, the rate of $ .025 on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of taxable property as listed as of January 1, 1991, for the pur-pose of raising the revenues from the current year's property tax as set forth in the foregoing appropriations. Such rate is based on an estimated total appraised value of property for the purpose of taxation of $ 3,500,000,000 with an assessment ratio of 100% of appraised value. Estimated collection rate of 97.5% is based on fiscal year 1990-91 collection rate of 97.5%. Section 4: Copies of the Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the County Manager and the County Finance Director of New Hanover County, North Carolina, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the collection of revenues and the expend- itures of amounts appropriated. Section 5: That appropriations herein authorized and made shall have the amount of outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 1991, added to each appropriation as it appears in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid. .. t.... '~ ;. , this 18th day of June/ 1991 F~<<~n Board of County Commissioners ~~... . .. II .. .. .. .. II II .... II .. II .. . .. II .. II II . . II .... II II II II II II II II .. .. II II II .. III Q II II" .. II II II II II II .. II II II II II II" .. .. II" II .. .. .. II .. . .. . .. .. II II .. II .. II II II II II . II II II II II It II II II II II II II .. II II II II II II II II II . ~~_r--1' ~ .' 1~ iBoarb of Q!nmmissinners l' N rm Jlannuer <lrnuntu 1Rrsolutinn WHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that serve public purposes including economic and physical development/ cultural and recreational programs/ human services/ industrial promotion, and public safety; and WHEREAS/ New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that benefit the citizens of the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: That the County Manager is authorized and directed to enter into contracts with the following agencies to fund amounts as approved in the fiscal year 1991-92 New Hanover County Budget. AGENCY AMOUNT $ 30/000 $ l5/000 $ 40/000 $ 7/000 $ 4/000 $ 9,500 $ 6/750 $ l4/500 $ l2/880 $ 20/000 $ l6,000 $ 10/270 $ 3/990 $ l2/79l $ 4/000 $ 8/500 $ 32/200 $ 40/000 Domestic Violence Shelter and Services/ Inc. Lower Cape Fear Hospice/ Inc. Elderhaus/ Inc. The Southeastern Sickle Cell Association/ Inc. Katie B. Hines Senior Center, Inc. UCP Development Center of Wilmington Cape Fear Substance Abuse/Crisis Line/Open House Cape Fear Substance Abuse/Rape Crisis Center Community Penalties Program, Inc. The Child Advocacy Commission of Wilmington/ New Hanover County/ Inc. Cape Fear Literacy Council Family Services/After School Enrichment Groups Family Services/Big Buddy Program Community Youth Crime Prevention Cape Fear Gospel Rescue Mission Rankin Community Keys, Inc. Food Bank of Coastal Carolina :-.. !~ . . II II II. .. .. II II II II II II II II II II .. .. II II II II . II II II II II II II II II II II II ~ II II II II II" II II ..... II II II II II II .. . II II II II II II II II II II II II II" ... II II II". II II II II II. II II. II II II II. II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II .. II . -. IJ,=",= ,~ .. "S PAGE 2 AGENCY Downtown Area Revitalization Effort/ Inc. New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District Keep America Beautiful System of New Hanover County Wilmington/New Hanover Port/ Waterway and Beach Commission Cape Fear Council of Governments Marine Crescent Wilmington Industrial Development/ Inc. Local Military Unit (HHC(-) 111120th Inf Highway 17 Transportation Association Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau Arts Council,of the Lower Cape Fear/ Inc. St. John's Museum of Art, Inc. North Carolina Azalea Festival of Wilmington, Inc. Friends of Public Radio/ Inc. Old Wilmington Riverfront Celebrations/ Inc. Wilmington Railroad Museum NC Department of Natural Resources & Community Development/Division of Forest Resources Ogden-New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. Ogden Volunteer Fire Department/ Inc. Seagate Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department/ Inc. Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department/ Inc. North Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department/ Inc. Signed this the /?.4.. day of June 1991. AMOUNT $ 24,000 $ 8/100 $ 30,630 $ 1,500 "$ 20/300 $ 10,000 $ 40/000 $ 2/000 $ 1/000 $250,000 $ 32/000 $ 16/500 $ 3,500 $ 9/000 $ 2/000 $ 2/500 $ 55,6l5 $100,710 $242/540 $159/l35 $l69/l89 $155/724 $108/382 $ll5/944 $l35/l73 $113/559 ~dL red Retchin Chairman/ Board of New Hanover County Commissioners RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, proposals were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 2:30 p.m. on the 23rd day of May, 1991, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following proposals were received for a Water Treatment Program for the Steam Plant, RFP # 91-0122: Dearborn Division, W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn. Nalco Chemical Co. Drew Industrial Division Chern Treat, Inc. Betz Industrial - Proposal # 1 Betz Industrial - Proposal # 2 13,287.46 15,220.50 19,629.70 25,093.75 31,255.35 33,314.00 AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Dearborn Division, W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn., a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the state of Connecticut, the lowest responsible bidder; at the unit price per pound for various chemicals as quoted in the Proposal with the County being obligated to pay the unit costs of chemicals ordered or Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Eighty-seven Dollars and Forty-six Cents ($13,287.46) whichever is less; AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-480-4192-4230 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a Water Treatment Program for the New Hanover County Steam Plant of the Environmental Management Department, RFP # 91-0122 be awarded to Dearborn Division, W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn. at the unit price per pound for various chemicals as quoted in the Proposal with the County being obligated to pay the unit costs of chemicals ordered or Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Eighty-seven Dollars and Forty-six Cents ($13,287.46) whichever is less; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 17th day of June, 1991. (SEAL) Chair~~ommiSS10ners ~ EXTRACTS OF MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover, County, North Carolina, met in Regular Session on June 17, 1991 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. ln the Assembly Room, Room 301, New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, with Fred Retchin/ Chairman, presiding. The following Comissioners were present: Fred Retchin, Chairman E.L. Mathews/ Jr., Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Robert G. Greer William H. Sutton The following Commissioners were absent: None The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners reported the publication in a qualified newspaper on June 3, 1991 of a notice that the Board would hold a public hearing on June 17, 1991 to address the installment contract, proposed for adoption by the Board, providing for the construction by the County of a building to house the Myrtle Grove Branch Library. William H. Sutton moved that the Board of Commissioners proceed to hold a public hearing respecting the installment contract. The motion was seconded by E.L. Mathews, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. At 11:25 o'clock P.M., the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners announced that the Board would hear anyone who wished to be heard with respect to the installment contract. After the Board of Corrunissioners had heard all persons who requested to be heard, William H. Sutton moved that the public hearing" -be close<;l. J The motion was seconded by E.L. Mathews, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the following resolution was introduced by William H. Sutton, seconded by E.L. Mathews, Jr., and after due deliberation, was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Fred Retchin, Chairman E.L. Mathews, Jr., Vice-Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Robert G. Greer William H. Sutton NAYS: None 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA "APPROVING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BUILDING TO HOUSE THE MYRTLE GROVE BRANCH LIBRARY, THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INSTALLMENT CONTRACT IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS AND RELATED DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTIONTHEREWITH~ AND ALL OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, New Hanover County/ North Carolina (the "County") deems it necessary and expedient to construct improvements/ to wit: a building, on County owned property, to house the Myrtle Grove Branch Library as described in documents presented to the Board; and WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes ~160A-20, as amended, counties in North Carolina are authorized to finance the construction of improvements on real property by contracts that create in the real property on which the improvements are located a security interest to secure repayment to an entity advancing moneys to finance the construction; and WHEREAS/ subj ect to the approval of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina (the "LGC") under North Carolina General Statutes ~159-l48, the County intends to finance the construction of said Jbranch library building pursuant to ~160A-20, as amended, by executing and delivering to First Union National Bank of North Carolina an installment contract in the principal amount of Seven Hundred Ninety Four Thousand Four Hundred Dollars, and a deed of trust and security agreement by and between the County and First Union National Bank of North Carolina; and 3 WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Co~nissioners to adopt this Resolution for: the' purpose of authorizing and ra-tifying the financing of the construction of said branch library building, the execution and delivery of the installment contract and related documents, the submission of an Application for Approval of Financing Agreement to the LGC, and authorizing such other matters necessary and advisable to carry out the construction of said branch library building. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of j Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, as follows: SECTION 1. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING ON COUNTY PROPERTY. The County is hereby authorized to construct a building on County property on east side of Hwy 132 north of Monkey Junction for the purpose of using the building and improvements located thereon to house the County's Myrtle Grove Branch Library. The County Manager, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Director of Finance, and County Attorney are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the County to effectuate the financing of such construction upon the terms and conditions contained in the Installment Contract and Deed of Trust and Security Agreement by and between the County and First Union National Bank of North Carolinal forms of which with draft date June 17, 1991 have been presented to the Board (the "Financing Documents"). The County Manager, the Clerk, Finance Director, and County Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Financing Documents on behalf of the County in substantially the forms attached hereto, with such 4 changes therein as they and their counsel shall deem necessary and advisable, their approval of such changes ~o be conclusively evidenced by their execution thereof, and to execute and deliver i l such other documents and instruments, and to take all such further actions they and their counsel deem necessary and advisable to carry out the intent of this Resolution. SECTION 2. REGISTRATION OF CONTRACT. The County hereby appoints the Director of Finance of the County as the registrar and paying agent with respect to the Contract and authorizes the Director of Finance of the County to maintain such registration records with respect to the Contract, to effect transfers and assignments of the Contract and to make all payments of principal and interest with respect to the Contract as provided therein. SECTION 3. FEDERAL TAX LAW COVENANTS. (a) The Board of Commissioners hereby recognizes that the County and Bank will have accepted the Financing Documents at a price that reflects the understanding that interest thereon is excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes. In this connection, the County covenants to comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (the "Code") as required to preserve the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Contract for Federal income tax purposes. (b) It is the reasonable expectation of the County that the proceeds of the Contract will not be used in a manner that will cause the Contract to be an "arbitrage bond" within the meaning of ~148 of the Code or a "private activity bond" within 5 the meaning of ~141 of the Code, and to this end the proceeds of the Contract and other related funds shall be used and spent expeditiously foi the" purpose described herein. (c) The County further covenants and represents that in the event that it shall be required by ~148(f) of the Code to pay any investment proceeds of the Contract to the United States government, it will make such payments as and when required by said section and will take such other actions as shall be necessary to prevent the interest on the Contract from becoming taxable for Federal income tax purposes. The County Manager, Clerk, Director of Finance, and County Attorney or any of them is hereby authorized and directed to make such certifications in this regard in connection with the delivery of the Contract as they shall deem appropriate r and any such certification shall constitute a representatio~ and certification of the County. LGC APPROVAL/SWORN STATEMENT OF DEBT. The SECTION 4. Board of Commissioners hereby ratifies the action of the Director of Finance in submitting to the LGC an Application for Approval of Financing Agreement pursuant to North Carolina General . Statutes >>160A-20, as amended, and >>159-148, including therein the proposed registration system in accordance with >>159E-4, and in executing a Sworn Statement of Debt of the County pursuant to North Carolina General Statu"tes >>159-55, in connection with the financing of the construction on the Property. SECTION 5. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS. The Board of Commissioners hereby finds and determines that: 6 (a) the construction of a building to house a branch library in the area of Myrtle Grove Sound is -necessary and expedient for the County; (b) an architect retained by the County has approved construction costs and County followed bid process to obtain. most favorable bank rates therefore the sums payable under the Contract are not excessive for its stated purpose; (c) the County Attorney has rendered an opinion that the proposed financing of construction is authorized by law and is purpose for which public funds may be expended"; (d) the proposed Contract, under the circumstances, is preferable to a general obligation or revenue bond issue for the same purpose; (e) the estimated cost of financing the construction under the Contract compares reasonably with an estimate of similar costs under bond financing of such construction; i i ( f) the debt management policies of the County have been carried out in strict compliance with law; (g) no increase in the County's tax rate is presently anticipated in order to raise sums payable under the Contract during its term; and (h) the County is not in default in respect of its debt service obligations. SECTION 6 . OFFICERS ' AUTHORITY . The Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Corrunissioners, the County Manager, the County Attorney and the Director of Finance are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things required for the full, punctual and complete performance of the terms, covenants, provisions and agreements contained in this Resqlution, the Contract and the other Purchase Documents. SECTION 7. CONFLICTING RESOLUTIONS. All resolutions and orders, and parts thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution, are to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed and this Resolution shall be in irrunediate effect from and after its adoption. 7 ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 17th day of June, 1991. NEW HANOVER COUN'l'Y ATTEST: \, . . qJ![f~ Fre Retchln, Chalrman Board of Commissioners 8 " , -. ,.-' ~ ~ , ....' AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 ~ MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR COOPERATIVE, COMPREHENSIVE, AND CONTINUING TRANSPORTATION PLANNING between THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, TOWN OF LELAND, TOWN OF NAVASSA, TOWN OF BELVILLE, COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IN COOPERATION WITH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WITNESSETH THA~ WHEREAS, Chapter l36, Article 3A, Section 136-66.2(a) of the General Statutes of North Carolina require that: "Each municipality with the cooperation of the Department of Transportation, shall develop a comprehensive plan for a street system that will serve present and anticipated volumes of vehicular traffic in and around the municipality. The plan shall be based on the best information available including, but not limited to, population growth, economic conditions and prospects, and patterns of land development in and around the municipality and shall provide for the safe and effective use of streets and highways through such means as parking regulations, signal systems, and traffic signs, markings, and other devices. The Department of Transportation may provide financial and technical assistance in the preparation of such plans."; and, WHEREAS, the said Chapter 136, Article 3A, Section l36-66.2(b) provides that: "After completion and analysis of the planl the pIan may be adopted by both the governing body of the municipality and the Department of Transportation as the basis for future street and highway improvements in and around the municipality. As a part of the plan, the governing body of the municipality and the Department of Transportation shall reach an agreement as to which of the existing and proposed streets and highways included in the plan will be a part of the State highway system and which streets will be part of the Municipal street system. As used in this article, the State llighway system shall mean both the primary highway system of the State and the secondary road system of the State within municipalities."; andl WHEREAS, the said Chapter 136, Article 3A, Section 136.66.2(d) provides t.hat: / AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 2 of 10 "Either the municipality or the Department of Transportation may propose changes in the pIan at any time ~y giving notice to the other party, but no change shall be effective until it is adopted by both the Department of Transportation and the municipal governing board."; and/ WHEREAS, Section 134(a) of Title 23 United States Code states: "It is declared to be in the national interest to encourage and promote the development of transportation systems/ embracing various modes of transportation in a manner that will serve the States and 10cal communities efficiently and effectively. To accomplish this objective the Secretary shall cooperate with the State and local officials in the development of transportation plans and programs which are formulated on the basis of transportation needs with due consideration to comprehensive long-range land use plans/ development objectives/ and overall social/ economic, environmental/ system performance/ and energy conservation goals and objectives/ and with due consideration to their probable effect on the future development of urban areas of more than fifty thousand population. The planning process shall include an analysis of alternative transportation system management and investment strategies to make more efficient use of existing transportation facilities. The process shall consider all modes of transportation and shall be continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive to the degree appropriate based on the complexity of the transportation problems. After July l, 1965/ the Secretary shall not approve under section l05 of this title any program for projects in any urban area of more than fifty thousand population unless he finds that such projects are based on a continuing comprehensive transportation planning process carried on cooperatively by States and local communities in conformance with the objectives stated in this section. No highway project may be constructed in any urban area of fifty thousand population or more unless the responsible public officials of such urban area in which the project is located have been consulted and their views considered with respect to the corridor, the location and the design of the project."; and, WHEREAS, a transportation planning process includes the operational procedures and working arrangements by which short and 10ng-range transportation plans are soundly conceived and developed and continuously evaluated in a manner that will: 1. Assist governing bodies and official agencies in determining courses of action and in formulating attainable capital improvement programs in anticipation of community needs; and, 2. Guide private individuals and groups in planning their decisions which can be important factors in the pattern of future development and redevelopment of the area; and/ , . '" AGREEMENT NO. 3-2l-91 page 3 of 10 WHEREAS/ it is the desire of these agencies that a Memorandum of Understanding dated June 25/ 1981, which established a continuing/ comprehensive/ cooperative transportation planning process, be revised and updated so as to continue to comply with 23 U.S.C. l34; and Sections 3 (a) (2), 4 (a) / 5 (g) (1) / and 5 (1) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, (49 U.S.C. 1602 (a) (2) / 1603 (a) / 1604 (g) (1) / and 1604 (1) ). NOW THEREFORE the following Memorandum of Understanding is made. Section 1. It is hereby agreed that the CITY OF WILMINGTON/ TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH/ TOWN OF LELAND/ TOWN OF NAVAS SA/ TOWN OF BELVILLE/ COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK/ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, and the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION in cooperation with the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, will participate in a continuing transportation planning process with responsibilities and undertakings as related in the following paragraphs: 1. The Metropolitan Planning Organization in the Wilmington Urban Area includes the boards of general purpose local government -- Wilmington City Council; Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen; Leland Town Council; Navassa Town Council; Belville Board of Commissioners; Brunswick County Board of Commissioners; New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; the North Carolina Department of Transportation; a Transportation Advisory Committee hereinafter defined; a Technical Coordinating Committee hereinafter defined; and the various agencies and units of local and State government participating in the transportation planning for the area. 2. The area involved, the Wilmington Transportation Study Planning Area/ will be the Wilmington Urbanized Area as defined by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census/ pIus that area beyond the existing urbanized area boundary that is expected to become urban within a twenty year planning period. This area is hereinafter referred to as the planning area. 3. The projected planning area boundary wil1 be periodically re-assessed and revised in the light of new developments and basic data projections for the current planning period. 4. The continuing transportation planning process will be a cooperative one and all planning discussions will be reflective of and responsive to the programs of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and to the comprehensive plans for growth and development of the Municipalities of Wilmington/ Wrightsville Beach, Leland/ Navassa, Belville, and the Counties of Brunswick and New Hanover. 5. The continuing transportation planning process wil1 be in accordance with the intent, procedures, and programs of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 4 of 10 6. Transportation policy decisions within the planning area are the responsibility of the North Carolina Board of Transportation, the Wilmington City Council/ the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen/ the Leland Town Council/ the Navassa Town Council, the Belville Board of Commissioners, the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners/ and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 7. Transportation plans and programs and land use policies and programs/ for the local urbanized area/ having regional impacts will be coordinated with the Cape Fear Council of Governments/ an agency established by the City of Wilmington/ Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa/ Town of Belville/ Brunswick County/ New Hanover County/ and other municipalities and counties of the region. 8. A Transportation Advisory Committee is hereby established with the responsibility for serving as a forum for cooperative transportation planning decision making for the Metropolitan Planning Organization. The Transportation Advisory Committee shall have the responsibility for keeping the policy boards informed of the status and requirements of the transportation planning process; assist in the dissemination and clarification of the decisions, inclinations, and policies of the policy boards; and ensuring meaningful citizen participation in the transportation planning process. The Transportation Advisory Committee will be responsible for carrying out the provisions of 23 U.S.C. l34; and Sections 5(1) and 8(a) and (c) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 as amended/ (49 U.S.C. 1604(1) and 1607(a) and (c); including: a. Review and approval of the transportation planning work program; b. Review and approval of the Transportation Improvement Program for multi-modal capital and operating expenditures and to insure coordination between local and State capital and operating improvement programs; c. Endorsement/ review and approval of changes to the adopted Transportation Plan. As required by General Statutes Section 136-66.2(d) revisions in the Thoroughfare PIan must be jointly approved by the local governing boards and the North Carolina Department of Transportation; d. Endorsement, review/ and approval of changes to the Federal-Aid Highway System and Federal-Aid Urban Boundary; e. Endorsement/ review/ and approval of a Prospectus for transportation planning which defines work tasks and responsibilities for the various agencies participating in the transportation planning process; and AGREEMENT NO. 3-2l-9l page 5 of 10 f. Establishment of goals and objectives for the transportation planning process. g. May install bylaws for the purpose of establishing a quorum and operating pOlicies and procedures. The membership of the Transportation Advisory Committee shall include: a. Two members of the Wilmington City Council; b. One member of the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen; c. One member of the Leland Town Council; One member of the Navassa Town Council; One member of the Belville Board of Commissioners; One member of the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners; d. e. f. g. One member of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; h. One member of the North Carolina Board of Transportation; and i. The Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration or his representative. Representatives from each of the following bodies will serve as non-voting members of the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). Federal Highway Administration Other local, State, or Federal agencies impacting transportation in the planning area at the invitation of the TAC. The Transportation Advisory Committee will meet as often as it is deemed appropriate and advisable. On the basis of majority vote/ the Transportation Advisory Committee may appoint a member of the Committee to act as Chairperson with the responsibility for coordination of the Committee's activities. A member of the staff of the Wilmington Department of Public Services will serve as secretary to the Committee. 9. A Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) shall be established with the responsibility of general review/ guidance, AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 6 of lO and coordination of the transportation planning process for the planning area and with the responsibility for making . recommendations to the respective local and State governmental agencies and the Transportation Advisory Committee regarding any necessary actions relating to the continuing transportation. planning process. The TCC shall be responsible for development/ review, and recommendation for approval of the Prospectus, Planning Work Program/ Transportation Improvement Program/ Federal-Aid Urban Systems and Boundary/ revisions to the transportation plan/ planning citizen participation/ and documentation reports of the transportation study. Membership of the Technical Coordinating Committee shall include technical representatives from all local and State governmental agencies directly related to and concerned with the transportation planning process for the planning area. Initially, the membership shall include/ but not be limited to/ the following: a. Director of Department of Public Services, City of Wilmington; b. Traffic Engineer/ City of Wilmington; c. Transportation Planner I, City of Wilmington; d. Transportation Planner II, City of Wilmington; e. Director of Planning and Development, City of Wilmington; f. Director, Brunswick County Planning Department; g. Assistant Manager/ New Hanover County; h. Director/ New Hanover County Planning Department; i. Planner, Town of Wrightsville Beach; j. Director of planning, Town of Leland; k. Town Clerk/ Town of Navassa; 1. Town Clerk/ Town of Belville; m. Director of Engineering and Maintenance/ New Hanover County Airport; n. Director of Engineering/ State Ports Authority; o. Executive Director/ Cape Fear Council of Governments; p. Division Engineer, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; q. Thoroughfare Planning Engineer, Planning and Environmental Branch, Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; r. Wilmington Transportation Area Study Coordinator/ Planning and Environmental Branch/ Division of Highways/ North Carolina Department of Transportation; s. Division Traffic Engineer/ Division of Highways, North Carolina Department of Transportation; t. Director/ Public Transportation Division/ North Carolina Department of Transportation; u. District Engineer, North Carolina Division/ Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation (Advisory and non-voting member); v. Planning and Research Engineer, North Carolina Division, Federal Highway Administration, United AGREEMENT NO. 3-2l-91 page 7 of lO States Department of Transportation (Advisory and non- voting member); The Technical Coordinating Committee shall meet when it is deemed appropriate and advisable. On the basis of maj9rity vote of its membership/ the Technical Coordinating Committee may appoint a member of the Committee to act as Chairperson with the responsibility for coordination of the Committee's activities. Membership to the Technical Coordinating Committee may be altered on the basis of a majority vote of its membership. 10. The Wilmington City Council/ the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen, the Leland Town Council/ the Navassa Town Council, the Belville Board of Commissioners/ the Brunswick County Board of Commissioners, and the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners shall serve as the primary means for citizen input to the continuing transportation planning process. During transportation plan reevaluation, citizen involvement in the planning process shall be encouraged during re-analysis of goals and objectives and plan formation. This citizen involvement wil1 be obtained through goals and objectives surveys/ neighborhood forums/ and public hearings in accordance with procedures outlined in the "North Carolina Highway Action Plan." Section 2. It is further agreed that the subscribing agencies will have the following responsibilities/ these responsibilities being those most logically assumed by the several agencies: City of Wilmington The City of Wilmington will serve as the Lead Planning Agency for the transportation planning process in the planning area and will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally/ the City shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approvals within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town of Wrightsville Beach The Town of Wrightsville Beach will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally/ the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. Town of Leland The Town of Leland will assist in the transportation planning process by providing assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally, the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. AGREEMENT NO. 3-2l-9l page 8 of 10 Town of Navassa The Town of Navassa will assist in the transportation planning process by providing assistance/ data, and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additional1y/ the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation PIan. Town of Belville The Town of Belville will assist in the transportation planning process by providing assistance/ data/ and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally/ the Town shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation PIan. Brunswick County Brunswick County will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance, data/ and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally/ Brunswick County shall/ to the extent allowed by State law/ coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. New Hanover County New Hanover County will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance/ data, and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. Additionally, New Hanover County shall, to the extent allowed by State law/ coordinate zoning and subdivision approval within its jurisdiction in accordance with the adopted Transportation Plan. North Carolina Department of Transportation The Department will assist in the transportation planning process by providing planning assistance/ data/ and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. The Department to the fullest extent possible and as permitted by existing State and Federal regulations, will provide assistance in the protection of necessary rights-of-way for those thoroughfares designated in the transportation pIan. Section 3. Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding may terminate their participation in the continuing transportation planning process by giving 30 days written notice to the other parties prior to the date of termination. Section 4. In witness whereof/ the parties of this Memorandum of Understanding have been authorized by appropriate and proper resolutions to sign the same/ the City of Wilmington by its Mayor/ the Town of Wrightsville Beach by its Mayor/ the Town of Leland by its Mayor, the Town of Navassa by its Mayor, the Town of Belville by AGREEMENT NO. 3-21-91 page 9 of lO its Mayor, Brunswick County by its Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, New Hanover County by its Chairman of the Board ot Commissioners, and the Department of Transportation by the State Highway Administrator, This 2.2 11J.. day of J(ovemi.er .,".:".mL. J .~ 'li,!)~U@~9.9liO"b ~'lj,~'l.'l.l~~\GHTSV! Lt ~"~09" ".",,,,,," ~i, ~ """GO~O_ll(ll,,,~,,~ <9L<"'.p~ .;:: "~,, "", ~~ ~ .~. ,_~~ ,}' 4'''", ~. ~ :;' (~7~~ ~) R DO ,.. ~:>-- ~ :; f ~ :J \ r li~1 r. '" ~ ': C3 'I....UO D : : . ::By " .., $ / : = ... ;t Q sr .., ~ .1 CORPORATE ";. J ,," ~ :: ~ w :"~" ~S\ "'o~ .l ,,>.. .:- o ,.. E 0 - lit\!" ,I ....', 00 1100 R)v,~ i ~ A L; = "'.. "ilE ,I!>G~O"I!lQ" :{:5.... " ~.... l f lI'"ig'}j" Or lVOR1\\ \;..,.., .. 00 0."" 1!'~u~ "'\'" -:. IJt, '.. ..' _,~ " p a ~a ~ nil \\~~ ;;;. 0 00000000 '\""' "'..." (S~&, ~\\~~\"" · hi ik\.\.\\ (Seal.)- _' _ ~" d~~bd:1!cduJJ Clerk By CI~W~ Mayor By T~ELAND , ,~ Mayor ~ ~ NAVASSA By ~ / ~~ , Mayor - TOWN OF BELVILLE By I(~ [) ~~L mayor (Seal) ~ _,".0.- ~ 9~ Deputylerk / (Seal),~ ~V /(~ Clerk Approved for Execution AGREEMENT NO. 3-2l-9l page 10 of 10 BRUNSWICK COUNTY By ;h~ ~ By DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~G.fY\~ h State Highway Adminis ~tor EJ1~ Asst. Attorney, Introduced by: William B. Farris, City Manager :J:~ CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE WILMINGTON URBAN AREA ,t l.,:...k-.l,(f/ "/ --if I'~ , I'"',. . '...../) ..f-pf:"~,I -', WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement of travel within and through the Wilmngton urban area is a highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area; and WHEREAS, there are a number of governmental jurisdictions within the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina General Statutes; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that a coordinated/ comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health/ safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, a revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville, Brunswick County, New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation has been prepared that sets forth the responsibilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina: That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville, Brunswick County, New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Board of Transportation, agreement number 3-21-91, be approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. /}7r)0~ Don Betz, Mayor Adopted at a regular meeting on June 18 , 1991. ~'/~ CITY CLERK CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE COpy ~,7~~ CITY CLERK ATTEST: 'RESOLUTION'NO. (1991) 1140 " Resolution Passed by The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina The following resolution was offered by Alderman Sherrill and seconded by Alderman Golder and upon, being put to a vote, was carried 5 - 0 on the 13th day of June, 1991. . THAT WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement of travel . within and through' the Wilmington urban area is a highly desirable element o,f a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area; and WHEREAS, there are a ntimber of governmental jurisdictions within the Wilming'ton urban area \rvhich have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina General Statutes; and . WHEREAS, it is desirable that a coordinated, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning proc~ss be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an effici~nt ~nd economical basis commensurate with the public health, safety, and welfare; and . WHEREAS, a revised Memorandum .of Understanding between the City of. Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville.Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville, Brunswick County, New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation has been prepared that sets forth the responsibilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive, and.cooperative transportation planning process; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN' OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA, That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington,.Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville, Brunswick County, New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Board of Transportation, agreement number 3-21-91, be approved and that the Mayor and Town Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum .of Understanding. . I, Linda Askew, Clerk of the Town of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, do 'hereby certify that the above is a trUe and correct c~py of excerpts from the minutes of the Board of Aldermen of said Town. ~fficial seal of the Town of Wrightsville 1991. , ,WITNESS,j"JnY;BrI1~nd and the o,~ ',} , -. i'iIt/./;/.} Beach thi s th.e"!>'19:t.h\,day;:u>.t?June, ,::;~t~~~>,;.!>;' j' ':"'; .0,,1: '{~~:~!4 ~ ~ ~1t- <-' lJ litl ",~ ,,, ";:~ '" ';.,~ . C. lh ATTEST:. (S~a 1) .. , ,k~ '::~: N, ';'", -i, '''t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~~;;~ ~"'~~ ,# '~llt..... "","''''-''\ ,;~:'!tv~ d.;" t. nF Nn~\ '< \ ~ ~*r~'" ~.t"}i { :; "i 1 . ,-: ... ~ ~ ~ ,~.. ..~~ . . . '~ . Cl erk f Resolution Passed by The Town Council of the Town of Leland/ North Carolina The following resolution was offered by Councilman Carlisle and seconded by CounciIman Benton and upon being put to a vote was carried unanimously on the 6th day of June , .l9.9L: THAT WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement of travel within and through the Wilmington urban area is a highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area; and WHEREAS/ there are a number of governmental jurisdictions within the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina General Statutes; and WHEREAS/ it is desirable that a coordinated, comprehensive/ and cooperative transportation planning process be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health/ safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS/ a revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington/ Town of Wrightsville Beach/ Town of Leland/ Town of Navassa/ Town of Belville, Brunswick County/ New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation has beEn prepared that sets forth the responsibilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing/ comprehensive/ and cooperative transportation planning process; and NOW/ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LELAND, NORTH CAROLINA. That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach/ Town of Leland, Town of Navassa/ Town of Belville, Brunswick County, New Hanover County/ and the North Carolina Board of Transportation, agreement number 3-21-91/ be approved and that the Mayor and Town Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. I, Joyee B. BraCJCj / Clerk of the Town of Leland/ North Carolina/ do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of the Town Council of said Town. the WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Town of Leland this Is t day of November / 1991 \\","11'''''#1 /~ ~ OF I.. ~/'" " . ~' ~.( '11 ~~~'~O ......--...........-11,/"'.. ::" "\ <;:> -:. t (CORPORATE \ ~ . ,SEAL/ := .."",~ A~ 6. .." ~ ~ ~/j" ~TO ........... ~ ,..,.. '" 'lf1"H C~~O~.\., ......,. .'t. ",\,,.- ATTEST, ~< ~erk ~ \ Resolution Passed by The Town Council of the Town of Navassa/ North Carolina The following resolution was offered by Eul is Wi 111 sand seconded by ThOmas Mernck and upon being put to a vote was carried unanimous Iy on the 15 day of AIJglJst , ~: THAT WHEREAS/ it is recognized that the proper movement of travel within and through the Wilmington urban area is a highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area; and WHEREAS/ there are a number of governmental jurisdictions within the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina General Statutes; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that a coordinated/ comprehensive/ and cooperative transportation planning process be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health/ safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS/ a revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville/ Brunswick County/ New Hanover County/ and the North Carolina Department of Transportation has been prepared that sets forth the responsibilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing/ comprehensive/ and cooperative transportation planning process; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NAVASSA, NORTH CAROLINA. That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington/ Town of Wrightsville Beach/ Town of Leland/ Town of Navassa/ Town of Belville/ Brunswick County/ New Hanover County/ and the North Carolina Board of Transportation/ agreement number 3-21-91/ be approved and that the Mayor and Town Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. I, Gharl ena R. Al ston , Clerk of the Town of Navassa/ North Carolina/ do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of the Town Council of said Town. Navassa \ Resolution Passed by The Board of Commissioners of the County of Brunswick/ North Carolina The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Shaw and seconded by NjA and upon being put to a vote was carried unanimously on the 3rd day of September , 1991: THAT WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement of travel within and through the Wilmington urban area is a highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area; and WHEREAS, there are a number of governmental jurisdictions within the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina General Statutes; and WHEREAS/ it is desirable that a coordinated/ comprehensive/ and cooperative transportation planning process be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health/ safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS/ a revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach/ Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville/ Brunswick County/ New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation has been prepared that sets forth the responsibilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing/ comprehensive/ and cooperative transportation planning process; and NOW/ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK/ NORTH CAROLINA. That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington/ Town of Wrightsville Beach/ Town of Leland, Town of Navassa/ Town of Belville/ Brunswick County / New Hanover County, and.- the North Carolina Board of Transportation/ agreement number 3-2l-91/ be approved and that the Chairman and County Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. I/ Joyce C. [johnson' , Clerk of the County of Brunswick/ North Carolina/ do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of said County. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the County of Bruns',vick this the 1st day of November 1991 ATTEST W ~ . (Seal) (J. ~ Clerk l RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF BELVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Trindy Boswell and seconded by Commissioner Eunice Long and upon being put to a vote was carried unanimous on the 21st day of May, 1991: THAT WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement of tr-ave I with in and through the Wilmington urban area is a highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area; and WHEREAS, there are a number of governmental Jurisdictions within the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by North Carolina General Statutes; and WHEREAS, it is desirable for a coordinated, comprehensive and cooperative transportation process be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, a revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville,Brunswick County, New Hanover County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation has been prepared that sets forth the responsibilities and working arrangements for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive and cooperative transportation planning process; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF BELVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville, Brunswick County, New Hanover County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation, agreement number 3- 21-91, be approved and that the Mayor and Town Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. I, Vickie L. Gooch, Clerk of the Town of Belville, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of said Town. "" . WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Town of - Be.Zv-i-l_?e/:-this the 21st day of May, 1991. ~ ~- , -. ,~ ATTEST: /h;~L;"~~~ Clerk " -, """~'" 'i',<". "j,., , . ";,:,,,{',,,""'~,l';.#~"""\';';' ',:l:"'.' ,",'" ,,~:. co :>'. ';'\.', :"'".;""'i'" " CERTIFIED ~ " . e"'--"" i '.! \..,....~...;" Resolution Passed by The Board .of Commissioners of" the' County of New Hanover, North Carolina " Chairman The followlng resolutlon was. offered by F-:r;:ed R t<;::hin arid' seconded by Commissioner William Sutton and upon Eelng put to a vote was carried llnan'i mously on the 17th day of June , 1991: THAT WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement of.. travel within and through ~he Wilmington urban area is ~ highly desirable element of a comprehensive plan for the orderlygrowth and development of the area; and WHEREAS, there are a number of governmental jurisdictions within the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibilities for transportation by NOrth Carolina General Statutes; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that a coordinated, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is .maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the publichealth, safety, and welfare; and vJHEREAS, a revised Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville, Brunswick County, New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation has been prepared thai sets forth the responsibilities and 00rking arrangements for maintaining a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA. That the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, Town of Belville, Brunswick County/ New Hanover County, and. the North Car8lina Board of Transportation, agreement number 3-21-91, be approved and that the Chairman and County Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Memorandum of Understanding. I, . Lucie F. Harrel1 Clerk of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of said County. ,"':/