02 - NHC Planning Comment Response Letter 03-08-2023 ENGINEERING | DESIGN | TECHNOLOGY 5410 Trinity Road Suite 102 Raleigh, NC 27607 P 919.866.4951 F 919.859.5663 www.timmons.com Date: March 8, 2023 Project: Circle K – R&R 2720915 – Castle Hayne, NC Subject: Comment Response letter for 1st NHC review comments received 01/18/2023 Project Contact: Mike Davidson Phone: 984.222.1610 Email: mike.davidson@timmons.com To: Zach Dickerson - New Hanover County - Planning & Zoning Response to review comments have been added below each comment in bold font. Planning Zach Dickerson zdickerson@nhcgov.com 1. Please be sure to apply for a demolition permit prior to demolishing the existing structures on the property. Response: Noted, thank you. 2. Are any traffic calming devices planned for this development? None are required, but if there are any planned, please show them on the site plan. Response: There are no proposed traffic calming devices planned for this development aside from landscaping. 3. Please show where parking lot landscaping (islands) will be located. Response: We provided a new landscape island so no parking space is located more than 120 feet away. 4. Link to tree removal permit located here: https://laserfiche.nhcgov.com/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=4779042&dbid=0&repo=NHC Please fill out and return to me, retention plan and mitigation looks fine, just need to process it in our system. Response: Tree removal permit is attached to this resubmittal package. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 5. Please note that all signs are subject to section 5.6 of the UDO. Response: So noted. Signage design and permitting shall be by others. 6. Please submit for sign permits prior to installation. Response: So noted. Refer to response to Comment #5 above. 7. Please provide all NCDOT approvals upon receipt. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit approval. Response: Noted, thank you. NHC Engineering Galen Jamison gjamison@nhcgov.com 8. Please submit the land disturbing permit and applicable hard copies with application, report, plans and review fee to Beth Wetherill BWetherill@nhcgov.com Response: Land disturbing permit application has been forwarded to Ms. Wetherill and review comments have been received. 9. Please submit the stormwater permit application, report, plans, and O&M agreement in digital format and review fee to Galen Jamison gjamison@nhcgov.com Response: Stormwater permit application package will be emailed to Mr. Jamison as soon as we have incorporated DEQ stormwater review comments. CFPUA Bernice Johnson Bernice.johnson@cfpua.org 10. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. Response: Noted, thank you. 11. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. Response: Noted, thank you. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 12. CFPUA water and sewer available. Response: Noted, thank you. 13. CFPUA Meter Sizing Form required. Response: Meter Sizing Form is being forwarded to CFPUA along with a comment response letter and revised plans. 14. At this time capacity is available. Response: Noted, thank you. 15. Capacity is also dependent on the analysis of the pipe collection system (gravity and force mains). Response: Noted, thank you. 16. A capacity determination can be provided upon submittal of the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE Application Form and a Preliminary Plan, this determination does not guarantee capacity. Response: Noted, thank you. 17. Capacity is issued to project on a first come, first serve basis, when capacity is available, the plans meet Authority requirements, and the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE forms are signed by the Authority. Response: Noted, thank you Environmental Health Dustin Fenske (910) 798-6732 18. Environmental Health does not have any records for 3928 Lynn Rd. for well or septic system. However, wells or septic systems may have been on this property prior to records being kept. Developer must express due diligence to locate any existing wells or septic systems on the property and properly abandon. Well abandonments may be applied through the COAST online portal. Response: Notes have been added to the plans which require the contractor to apply for a well abandonment permit from Environmental Health. It is our understanding that the existing convenience store is connected to public sanitary sewer, not septic. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) 19. Surrounding properties on Lynn Ave. are all on wells. The UST’s for this filling station must remain at least 100 feet from existing adjacent water wells for surrounding properties. Response: So noted, thank you. Proposed UST locations are provided on the plans. 20. 5801 Castle Hayne Rd is on a well for the convenience store and UST’s must maintain 100 feet from this well. Developer must identify all well locations on surrounding properties and maintain 100 feet from the UST’s. Response: The existing well is proposed to be abandoned by the contractor after receiving a permit from the County. That well is over 300 LF from the USTs proposed for this project. 21. Site must connect to CFPUA water and sewer or individual septic and well permits must be applied for through the COAST online portal. Response: We have submitted plans to CFPUA and received review comments. The resubmittal package is being sent back to CFPUA at the same time this resubmittal package is being sent to New Hanover County Planning. You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)