1991-09-03 RM Exhibits New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Proclamation WHEREAS, hunters and angles have been at the forefront of the conservation movement, providing the impetus and the financing for many wildlife conservation programs existing today; and WHEREAS, these programs have resulted in the dramatic comeback of many endangered species such as the woodducks, whitetailed deer, trumpeter swan, wild turkey, elk and pronghorn antelope; and WHEREAS, organizations composed of sportsmen and women have volunteered countless hours of time for conservation projects to educate others on the wise management of our natural resources; and WHEREAS, President George Bush, the United states Congress, Governor James Martin, and the North Carolina wildlife Federation have declared September 28, 1991, as "National Hunting and Fishing Day" NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to proclaim September 28, 1991, as "National Hunting and Fishing Day"'in New Hanover County. . Chairman Proclamation New Hanover County Board of Commissioners WHEREAS, We the People did ordain and establish a Constitution for the united states of America to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity; and WHEREAS, it is important that all citizens fully understand the provisions, principles, and meaning of the Constitution so they can support, preserve, and defend it against encroachment; and WHEREAS, the President and the Congress of the united states have designated September 17, 1991, as "Citizenship Day" and the week of September 17-23, 1991 as "Constitution Week"; "and WHEREAS, "Constitution Week" and "Citizenship Day" provide the opportunity for all Americans to learn about and to reflect upon the rights and privileges of citizenship and its responsibilities; and WHEREAS, the citizens of New Hanover County enjoy the blessings of liberty, the guarantees of the Bill of Rights, equal protection of the law under the Constitution, and the, freedoms derived from it; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to hereby proclaim September 17, 1991, as "ci,tizenship Day" and the week of September 17 - 23 , 1991, as "Constitution Week" in New Hanover County. The downtown churches are hereby urged to toll their bells at 4:00 o'clock P.M. on September 17, 1991, to commemorate the signing of the Constitution of the United States. /~179-1JL- ~ AT~e~~~ Chairman I 5 6 8 .0 3 4- 7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~EP 16 S 2.2 l\H 19\ BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER In the Matter of Closing a Portion of ARCHDALE ROAD (Brickstone Estates) ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Conunissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close a portion of Archdale Road was adopted by the County Conunissioners on the 5th day of August, 1991; and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 3rd day of September, 1991, at which time the County Conunissioners would hear complaints and conunents of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Conunissioners are of the opinion that a portion of ARCHDALE ROAD in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, the legal description of said road being as follows: Beginning at a point in the southern right-of-way line of Graystone Road that is the northeastern corner of lot 83 as shown on the plat of Brickstone Estates Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 20, Page 71 of the New Hanover County Registry extending southwest for a distance of 150 feet to a point at the southeast corner of lot 83; thence southeast 60 feet to a point at the southwestern corner of lot 49 as shown on the plat of Brickstone Esttes Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 31 of the New Hanover county Registry extending northeast for a distance of 150 feet to a point at the northwest corner of lot 49, thence northwest 60 feet to the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed subject to and excepting a thirty (30) foot utility easement (15 feet on each side of the right-of-way centerline) for purposes included but not limited to drainage, sewer and water. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this S~t:&:/_ Fr tl Retchin, Chairman RETURNED TO S, BI.v. 'I "--,,.0 Co a ,} 0"' \ ,,-,( . Archdale ROad (Brickstone Estates) Road Closing Map MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. A regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County was held in the Commissioners' Assembly Room, the regular meeting place, on September 3, 1991. There were five Commissioners present. The Board of Commissioners was advised that ,~. a proposed contract between New Hanover County and North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources for the c provision of planning services was presented and discussed; that, under the terms of said contract, New Hanover County will pay a total of $1,031 as its local share of the planning costs. Commissioner Robert Greer introduced the following resolution, which was read: "BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY: 1. That the contract between New Hanover County and the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and ,Natural Resources be and the same is hereby approved. 2. That the Chairman and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign and execute the said contract for and on behalf of New!Hanover County and forward the same to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. 3. That upon final execution, a copy of said contract be filed with the minutes. Upon motion of Commissioners Robert Greer, seconded by Commissioner E. L. Mathews, said resolution was unanimously passed. I, Lucie Harrell, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County at a.meeting held on September 3, 1991, as related to the contract between the County of New Hanover and the N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, relative to the planning project for New Hanover, County. this 'Witness my hand a~ the-corporate seal of the said County, the lo.:tlJ, day of ~~~ , 19 f! . " C