Take 5 Oil Change - TRC Comments 2.2.2022 Take 5 Oil Change – Preliminary Plan TRC Review Page | 1 To: Zack Holland, Durban Development, Inc. From: Julian Griffee Current Planner Date: January 28th, 2022 Energov #: SITECN-22-000003 Subject: Take 5 Oil Change – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the February 2nd, 2022 TRC meeting. Additional comments may be made upon further review of subsequent revisions. Please note: A revised plat addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving approval. Planning, Julian Griffee 910-798-7444 Please update the plan with the following general corrections: 1. Change the title to Commercial Site Plan. 2. Please note: Elevations must be tied to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and horizontal coordinates must be tied to the North Carolina Grid System. 3. Please provide a detail showing required screening and materials for the dumpster, UDO Section 5.4.4.C.2. 4. Are any signs proposed? If so, please note signs are subject to UDO Section 5.6. Please show location and ensure the sign is located outside of the site triangle. 5. Please show site angles on the Site Plan and on the Landscape Plan. 6. Parking calculations reflect 5 spaces, three of which are clearly marked on the site plan. Please label the additional two spaces. Are they parallel parking spaces? 7. Before the building permit can be issued, a lighting plan must be provided to illustrate that street lighting, all exterior lighting, and indoor lighting visible from outside shall be designed and located so that the maximum illumination measured in foot candles at ground level at a lot line does not surpass 2.0, UDO Section 5.5. 8. Location of the loading bays are subject to Section 5.1.5 of the UDO. 9. Regarding the adjacent connection, please provide documentation stating that there is legal access to the adjacent tract to the west. 10. Has there been communication with the adjacent property owners for a maintenance agreement? Take 5 Oil Change – Preliminary Plan TRC Review Page | 2 11. Please provide the estimated peak hour traffic counts and land-use code based on the 10th edition ITE Manual to determine if a Traffic Impact Analysis is required. 12. Please note that the property is subject to Section 5.3 Tree Retention of the UDO. a. Section 5.3.4.C of the UDO requires a minimum of 15 trees at least 2” DBH must be retained or planted on the parcel where development occurs for each acre or proportionate area disturbed. b. Please note that required landscaping for the project can be credited to meet this requirement. c. Please be aware that there are new tree retention requirements with the UDO that have updated the classifications of regulated trees. Please see Section 5.3.4 for more specifics. In addition, trees preserved on the site may be credited toward mitigation. d. Please be aware that a Tree Removal Permit is required prior to any land disturbance activities. Please provide the specific species (Loblolly Pine, Long Leaf Pine, etc.) of the trees to be removed or retained to determine required mitigation. e. Please see the attached tree mitigation worksheet to help determine and verify required mitigation. 13. Landscape notes a. Please provide parking lot interior landscaping calculations, UDO Section 5.4.5.C. b. Please provide primary and secondary street yard calculations on the landscape plan, UDO Section 5.4.6. Please note street yards are required along all street frontages, UDO Section 5.4.6.D. c. Please provide landscape calculations for foundation planting requirements, UDO Section 5.4.7. Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske, 910-798-6732 0. Environmental Health has records at 7250 Market St which show that this site has septic systems and a private well. The septic tanks for the two structures on the property must be pumped out, crushed and filled. The existing well must be found by the owner prior to demolition. The well head must be identified and protected prior to demolition. The well will need to be abandoned properly. Protocol for abandonment will be to apply for a well abandonment permit through the COAST portal, obtain a permit and have a certified well driller abandon the well. 1. It appears this site has the intent of connecting to public water and sewer. If not, the business must apply for individual well and septic system permits through the COAST portal. CFPUA, Bernice Johnson, 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. Take 5 Oil Change – Preliminary Plan TRC Review Page | 2 3. Project currently in CFPUA Plan Review. 4. CFPUA water available; CFPUA sewer available through mainline extension. 5. At this time capacity is available; DWQ permit application will require a Planning FTSE. 6. Capacity is also dependent on the analysis of the pipe collection system (gravity and force mains). 7. A capacity determination can be provided upon submittal of the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE Application Form and a Preliminary Plan, this determination does not guarantee capacity. 8. Capacity is issued to projects on a first come, first serve basis, when capacity is available, the plans meet Authority requirements, and the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE forms are signed by the Authority NHC Engineering, Galen Jamieson, 910-798-7072 1. A stormwater permit issued by the County will be required. The application has been submitted and is currently under review. Should additional information be necessary, Engineering will follow up with the designer of record. 2. Assuming the limits of disturbance including the offsite sanitary sewer construction is less than 1 acre, a land disturbing permit is not required. Should the total disturbance be greater than 1 acre, a NHC issued land disturbing permit would be required. NCDOT, Joseph Wurzel, 910-398-9118 1. No comments have been received. NHC Fire Department, Raymond Griswold, 910-798-7448 1. Please follow Chapter 33 of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code - Safety During Construction & Demolition Activities. 2. Follow the Guidelines of Appendix J of the NC Fire Prevention Code - Building Information Signage. Planning (Addressing), Katherine May, 910-798-7443 1. Current address is acceptable, changes are not needed. Take 5 Oil Change – Preliminary Plan TRC Review Page | 2 WMPO