7-8-2021 Planning Board Packet N E W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B O A R D A G E N D A A ssembly Room, N ew H anover County H istoric Courthouse 24 North Third S treet, Room 301 Wilmington, N C 28401 M embers of the B oard Paul B oney, C hair | J effrey P Petroff, V ice-Chair Thomas 'J ordy' R awl | Ernest O lds | D onna G irardot | H . Allen Pope | Colin J . Tarrant Rebekah Roth, Director| Ken Vafier, P lanning M anager J U LY 8, 2021 6:00 PM R EG U L A R I T E M S O F B U S I N E S S The P lanning B oard may consider substanal changes in t hese peons as a result of objecons, debate, and discussion at the meeng, including rez oning t o other classifi caons. 1 P ublic H earing Rezoning Reques t (Z 21-08) – Reques t by T D R-H L , L L C , applicant and pr oper ty owner, to rez one approximately 62.77 acres of land located at 1308 C rooked P ine Road fr om R -1 5 , Res idenB al D istrict, to P D, P lanned D evelopment D is trict, in order to develop a mixed-use proj ect. 2 P ublic H earing Rezoning Reques t (Z 21-09) - Reques t by D es ign S oluB ons on behalf of the pr operty owners, W P E H oldings , L L C and S enca P roperBes , L L C , to r ezone appr oximately 1 2 .99 acres of land located in the 9000 block of Market S treet from B-1, Neighbor hood Bus ines s D is tr ict, (C Z D ) B-1 , CondiB onal N eighborhood Bus ines s D is tr ict, and R-15, Res idenBal D is tr ict to (C Z D ) R M F -M H , CondiB onal Res idenB al M ulBfamily M oder ate-H igh D ens ity D is trict, in order to construct a 256- unit apartment development. 3 P ublic H earing Rezoning Reques t (Z 21-07) - Reques t by Nov ant H ealth-New H anover Regional Medical C enter to rez one approximately 40.9 acres of land located in the 1 0 0 block of S coFs H ill Medical D riv e from (C Z D ) O &I , C ondiBonal O ffice and I ns B tuBonal D is tr ict, and B-1, Neighbor hood Busines s D istrict, to O &I , O ffice and I ns BtuBonal D is tr ict. 4 P reliminary Forum S pecial Use Permit Request (S 21-0 3 ) - Reques t by Thomas H . J ohns on, J r, AForney, on behalf of the property owner, S outheas tern Enterpr is es , I nc., to obtain a s pecial us e permit for a wireles s communicaB on tow er and related s upport faciliBes in an R -1 5 , Res idenB al zoning dis trict, located north of Valley Brook Road and w es t of Fern Valley D riv e. OT H E R I TE M S 1 P resentaB on D raI M ulB-family & C ommercial H eight M odificaB on A mendment Concepts 2 H ousing I niB aB ves Update 3 F Y 2021-2022 P lanning D epartment P r ojects & I niBaBv es Planning Board - July 8, 2021 N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 7/8/2021 Regular D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Ken Vafier, Planning Supervisor C O N TA C T (S ): Ken Vafier; Rebekah Roth, P lanning & L a nd U se D irecto r S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Rezoning Request (Z 21-08) – Request by T D R-HL , L LC , applic ant and property owner, to rezone approximately 62.77 acres of land located at 1308 C rooked P in e Road from R -15, ResidenAal District, to P D, P lanned Development District, in order to develop a mixed -use projec t. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he applicant is seeking to rezone approximately 62.77 acres of land lo cated a t 1308 C rooked Pine Road from R -15 to P D (Planned Development) in order to develop a mixed-use pro ject. T he Planned D evelo pment (P D) distric t is a type o f condi4onal zoning district that includes a site specific design (master plan) and mutually agreed upon co ndi4o ns can be a5ached. Master pla ns f o r P D districts are intended to be in a bubble format that illustrate the general loca 4o n a nd intensity o f the land uses within the development. Planned Developments a re o 8en used f o r larger, mul4-phase projects or integrated pro jects with longer a n4cipated build-outs. T his appro ach is intended to bala nce providing flexibility so a project can adapt to changes in market condi4ons while pro viding a clear expecta4on of future development f o r sta keholders and adjacent property owners. T he pro posed P D district wo uld allow for the develo pment of a mixed-use project centered around a node at the planned intersec4o n o f the Murrayville Ro ad E xtension and Milita ry C utoff E xtensio n. T he pro posal would extend Murrayville Road appro ximately ¼ mile eastward to the intersec4o n o f Military C utoff E xtensio n to provide addi4o nal interconnec4vity in this por4on of the county. T his extensio n would create three master-planned areas within the subject site centered around a mixed-use core along a neighborho o d streetscape f ro n4ng the Murrayville E xtensio n. T he master plan propo ses a maximum o f 473 residen4al units, which are a n4cipated to inc lude a range of housing op4o ns such as single-family a 5ached, mul4-f amily, a nd senior living. T he Traffi c I mpact Analysis (T I A) for the project was scoped for just under 300,000 total square feet o f co mmercial spa c e centered around a co mmercial core f ro n4ng the Murrayville Roa d E xtensio n with addi4onal po ten4al commercial space o n the east side of the Military C utoff E xtensio n. T he commercia l a reas co uld be developed as any o f the co mmercial uses permi5ed in the P D district. T hese uses generally consist of office, retail, resta ura nt, perso na l service, lodging, and vehicle sales and services. I n addi4o n, the commercial areas would allo w for a select amo unt o f ins4tu4onal uses and limited industrial/manuf acturing uses . U nder the C o unty ’s performance residen4al standards, the site wo uld be permi5ed up to 157 dwelling units at a density of 2.5 du/ac. T he pro posed maximum of 473 units equates to an overall maximum density of 7.54 du/ac. A Traffic I mpact Analysis (T I A) was completed fo r the pro ject and appro ved by N C D OT and the W M P O. T he notable roadway impro vements required for the projec t include the installa4o n of turning lanes and signaliza4o n at key intersec4ons such as Murrayville Ro ad E xtension and Military C utoff E xtension, Military C uto ff E xtensio n and Planta4o n Road, and the installa4on of a roundabo ut on the Murra yville Road E xtensio n. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 B ased on a generalized histo ric genera4on rate, sta ff would es4mate that the increase in homes would result in appro ximately 69 addi4onal students than would be generated under current zo ning. T he general student genera4on rate pro vides only a n es4mate of an4cipated student yield as different fo rms o f housing at different pric e po ints yield different numbers o f students. O ver the pa st four years, staff has also seen a decline in the number o f students generated by new development. Student numbers remained rela4vely sta ble between 2015 and 2020 (excep4ng the impacts of the C OV I D-19 pandemic), while 14,500 new residen4al units were permi5ed acro ss the co unty. I n addi4on, the student po pula4on is an4cipated to only gro w by appro ximately 1,300 students over the next 10 years based on the recent N ew Ha nover C o unty Schools Facility N eeds Study. Please refer to the Schools sec4on included in this report for addi4o nal informa4on on school enrollment a nd c apacity. W hile the area wa s zoned f o r low density ho using in the la te 1960s a nd early 1970s, the 2016 C omprehensive Plan reco mmends a mixture of commerc ial uses and residen4al densi4es ranging f ro m 8 to 15 dwelling units per acre. T he extension o f Murrayville Ro ad to Military C uto ff E xtensio n is included in the W MPO 2045 Metropo litan Transpo rta4on Pla n (M T P) and is an4cipated to be u4lized as a significant east/west collector ro ad that will connect C astle Hayne Ro ad to Military C uto ff, allowing access to the Murrayville, N o rthchase, and the L a ney High Scho o l areas. I n addi4o n, it is an4c ipa ted that the Murra yville Road E xtension a nd comple4on o f the Military C utoff E xtensio n ma y aid in allevia4ng traffic a lo ng Market S treet, Gordon Road and other loca l roadways as moto rists have addi4o nal ro utes to rea ch their des4na4o n in the no rthern po r4o n of the C ounty. T he pro posed master plan establishes a new mixed-use node centered around the intersec4on o f Murra yville Road E xtensio n and Military C utoff E xtensio n. T his wo uld make co mmercial services ava ilable to nearby residents without ha ving to travel to exis4ng services alo ng Market Street, N C ollege Road, and further south on Military C utoff. T he 2016 C o mprehensive Plan classifi es the site as C ommunity Mixed U se. T he proposed P D rezoning is generally C O N S I S T E N T with the 2016 C omprehensive P lan bec ause the project provides f o r the types and mixture o f uses reco mmended in the C ommunity Mixed U se Place Type, the residen4a l densi4es are in-line with tho se recommended within this place type, and the project will develop a new c o mmercia l node in clo se proximity to nearby residents. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: I ntelligent Growth & Eco nomic DevelopmentE nc o ura ge develo pment of complete co mmuni4es in the uninco rporated countyC i4zens have daily needs met by N H C businesses and support themE nsure N H C has appropriate housing to support business gro wthI ncrease connec4vity of residents to each o ther and their investment to N ew Hanover C o unty R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Staff recommends appro val of this applica4on and suggests the following mo4on: I mo ve to reco mmend A P P R OVA L of the propo sed rezoning to a P D district. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent o f the C omprehensive Plan because the pro ject pro vides for the types and mixture o f uses reco mmended in the C o mmunity Mixed U se place type, the residen4al densi4es are in-line with tho se recommended within this place type, and the project will develo p a new commercial node in close proximity to nearby residents. I also find recommending A P P R OVA L of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the propo sal would benefi t the co mmunity by providing diverse housing op4o ns and co mmercial services to nearby residents and promote principals of walkable urbanism. T he pro posal also provides a transi4on from a mixed-use no de to a dja c ent single-family residen4al neighbo rhoods, addi4o nal access points to proper4es east of Military C uto ff E xtension, and extension of water and sewer servic es which will allo w for integrated planning for future community services. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 A lternaA ve M oAon for Denial I move to recommend D E N I A L of the pro posed rezoning to a P D district. While I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C o mprehensive Plan because the pro ject provides for the types and mixture o f uses recommended in the C ommunity Mixed U se place type, the residen4al densi4es are in-line with tho se reco mmended f o r the property, and the project will pro vide commercial services in close pro ximity to nearby residents, I find reco mmending D E N I A L of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the pro posal is no t co nsistent with the desired character of the surro unding co mmunity and the density will a dversely impact the adjacent neighborho o ds. AT TA C H M E N T S : Descrip4on Z21-08 Script PB Z21-08 Staff Report PB Z21-08 Zoning Map Z21-08 FLUM Z21-08 Neighboring Properties Applicant Materials Cover Z21-08 Application Z21-08 App Narrative Z21-08 T&C Z21-08 Survey Site Plan CS Z21-08 Master Plan C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z21-08) Request by TDR-HL, LLC, applicant and property owner, to rezone approximately 62.77 acres of land located at 1308 Crooked Pine Road from R-15, Residential District to PD Planned Development District, in order to develop a mixed-use project. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion of Approval I move to recommend APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning to a PD district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type, the residential densities are in-line with those recommended within this place type, and the project will develop a new commercial node in close proximity to nearby residents. I also find recommending APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing diverse housing options and commercial services to nearby residents and promote principals of walkable urbanism. The proposal also provides a transition from a mixed-use node to adjacent single-family residential neighborhoods, additional access points to properties east of Military Cutoff Extension, and extension of water and sewer services which will allow for integrated planning for future community services. Example Motion of Denial I move to recommend DENIAL of the proposed rezoning to a PD district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type, the residential densities are in-line with those recommended for the property, and the project will provide commercial services in close proximity to nearby residents, I find recommending DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 1 Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to recommend [Approval/Denial] of the proposed rezoning to a PD district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find recommending [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 2 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 1 of 35 STAFF REPORT FOR Z21-08 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z21-08 Request: Rezoning to a Planned Development (PD) district Applicant: Property Owner(s): TDR-HL, LLC TDR-HL, LLC Location: Acreage: Eastern terminus of Murrayville Road 62.77 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R02800-004-031-000 R02800-004-104-000 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Mixed-Use development Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15, Residential PD, Planned Development SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Undeveloped R-15 East Undeveloped R-15 South Single-Family Residential R-15 West Undeveloped, Single-Family Residential attached and detached R-15, R-5 Z21-08 Murrayville Node Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 1 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 2 of 35 ZONING HISTORY July 7, 1972 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 8B) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer services are available through CFPUA. Specific design will be determined during site plan review, and mainline extensions will be required. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Murrayville Station Schools Murrayville Elementary, Trask Middle, and Laney High Schools Recreation Smith Creek Park, Olsen Park, Ogden Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 2 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 3 of 35 APPLICANT’S PROPOSED MASTER PLAN Overview • The Planned Development (PD) district is a type of conditional zoning district that includes a site-specific design (master plan), and mutually agreed upon conditions can be attached. Master plans for PD districts are intended to be in a “bubble” format that illustrate the general location and intensity of the land uses within the development. Planned developments must be constructed in accordance with the standards established in the approved master plan and must comply with all other applicable development regulations (stormwater, landscaping, roadways, parking, etc.). Compliance with the master plan and other applicable regulations is verified during the review of a site-specific development proposal located within the planned development. • The PD district was established to encourage innovative, integrated, and efficient land planning and site design concepts that achieve a high quality of development, environmental sensitivity, and adequate public facilities and services. The PD district can also provide more flexibility from conventional development standards, such as parking and street design, in order to help create a more mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented development. UDO Section 3.3.7 – Planned Development (PD) District Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 3 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 4 of 35 • Planned Developments are often used for larger, multi-phase projects or integrated projects with longer anticipated build-outs. This approach is intended to balance providing flexibility so a project can adapt to changes in market conditions while providing a clear expectation of future development for stakeholders and adjacent property owners. Proposed Site Plan with Staff Markups • The proposed PD district would allow for the development of a mixed-use project centered around a mixed-use node at the planned intersection of the Murrayville Road Extension and Military Cutoff Extension. The proposal would extend Murrayville Road approximately ¼ mile eastward to the intersection of Military Cutoff Extension to provide additional interconnectivity in this portion of the county. • This extension would create three master-planned areas within the subject site centered around a mixed-use core along a neighborhood streetscape fronting the Murrayville Road Extension. A proposed roundabout and additional access points are planned along this segment of the roadway to provide internal interconnectivity to other portions of the development. 17 du/ac 7 du/ac Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 4 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 5 of 35 • On the north side of the Murrayville Road Extension, approximately 14.37 acres fronting the roadway is planned for a mix of uses including commercial, multi-family residential, and senior living. An additional 18.26 acres north of this area is planned for residential development and senior living consisting of approximately 312 units in a range of housing options at a maximum density of 17 du/ac abutting currently undeveloped tracts. • On the south side of the Murrayville Road Extension, approximately 7.41 acres adjacent to the roadway is planned for a mix of commercial and multi-family residential. An additional 8.54 acres south of this area is planned for a maximum of 60 townhomes at a density of 7 du/ac, providing a transition from the mixed-use areas along the Murrayville Road Extension to single-family detached portions of Hanover Reserve south of the subject site which have been previously approved. • On the eastern side of the Military Cutoff Extension, four areas totaling 19.57 acres are planned for either residential or commercial development to provide flexibility in adapting to market conditions. Specific uses and area totals for commercial development were listed for study in the Traffic Impact Analysis (detailed in the TIA section of this report). Generally, the proposed commercial development in the TIA scope consists of just under 300,000 total square feet of non-residential development. • The proposal contains a maximum of 473 residential units throughout the subject site. 372 units are proposed with a range of housing products in addition to senior living on the western side of Military Cutoff Extension. The remainder of residential units may be spread throughout the other areas identified as Residential on the master plan but will not exceed the proposed maximum. • Building heights in the solely residential areas of the master plan (Section A and D) are proposed at a 65’ maximum except for the planned townhomes in Section D, where a 35’ maximum is proposed. • Building heights in the commercial and mixed-use areas of the master plan (Sections B, C, E, F, G) are proposed at an 80’ maximum except for buildings adjacent to the periphery of the site, where a 60’ maximum is proposed. The PD district allows for 80’ maximum building heights in Community Mixed Use areas identified on the New Hanover County Future Land Use Map and fronting along a collector, minor arterial, or principal arterial. • The applicant’s proposed Terms & Conditions document states that areas designated for Residential Use on the proposed master plan may allow any residential land use permitted within the PD district except for the following: • Mobile Home; • Mobile Home, Doublewide; • Mobile Home Park; • Mobile Home Subdivision Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 5 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 6 of 35 • The applicant’s proposed Terms & Conditions document states that areas designated for Mixed-Use and Commercial on the proposed master plan may allow any commercial use permitted within the PD district. • These uses would include the following from the Principal Use Table in the UDO: Commercial Uses Bar/Nightclub Event Center Indoor Recreation Establishment Outdoor Recreation Establishment Animal Grooming Service Equestrian Facility Veterinary Service Bank/Financial Institution Business Service Center Funeral Services Mini-Warehouse/Self Storage Repair Shop Commercial Kitchen, Catering Microbrewery/ Microdistillery Restaurant Campground/RV Park Hotel or Motel Contractor Office Offices for Private Business/Professional Activities Dry Cleaning/Laundry Plant Instructional Services and Studios Personal Services, General Convenience Store Food Market Grocery Store Pharmacy Retail Nursery Retail Sales, Building and Construction Supplies Retail Sales, General Boat Dealer Car Wash Equipment Rental and Leasing Farm Implement Sales Fuel Sales Mobile Home and Prefab Building Sales Vehicle Rentals Vehicle Sales Vehicle Service Stations (Large, Major, Minor) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 6 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 7 of 35 • In addition, the following office, civic and institutional, educational health care, industrial, and limited manufacturing uses are proposed to be allowed in the Mixed-Use and Commercial areas on the master plan: Office, Civic and Institutional, Educational Services, Health Care Facilities: Adult Day Care Child Care Center Family Child Care Home Library Community Center Lodges, Fraternal, & Social Organizations Museum Post Office Senior Living, Assisted Living, Continuing Care Retirement Community Hospital, Medical & Dental Office and Clinic Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Industrial and Limited Manufacturing: Broadcasting and Production Studio Research and Development Facility Artisan Manufacturing Beverage Manufacturing Mini-storage/self-storage Printing and Related Support Activities Office/Flex warehouse Watercraft and watercraft accessories and RV storage (if fenced/gated), includes drystack facilities Wholesaling • The proposed Terms & Conditions document states that the following uses will not be permitted within areas designated for Mixed-Use and Commercial on the proposed master plan: Animal Shelter; Kennel; Vehicle Towing Service Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 7 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 8 of 35 Compensating Community Benefits • In accordance with the standards of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), a Planned Development (PD) District must identify the compensating community benefit of the proposed project that helps achieve the stated goals of the district (noted on page 3). These benefits can include, but are not limited to: improved design, natural preservation, improved connectivity, mixed-use development, green building practices, and the dedication of land for public purposes. The applicant states the proposal would provide the below community benefits (quoted text taken directly from the application): 1. Improved Design “This project has four main components all contributing to improved design: • Building a roadway connection that can alleviate traffic congestion in the northern part of New Hanover County. • The extension of Murrayville Road which moves the County closer to achieving its 2045 transportation goals in extension of the Road to the east. This opens up opportunities for public/private partnership to further vehicular and pedestrian transportation/recreation corridors. • A mixed-use community developed in a newly opened commercial growth node created in the county by the Military Cutoff Extension (MCE) corridor. • A cohesively designed project offering a variety of housing types that act as a transition from the proposed commercial/mixed use areas to the existing single-family homes and undeveloped land in the area.” 2. Improved Connectivity for Pedestrians and/or Vehicles, Expansion of County-Wide Parks and Recreation Opportunities “Additional connections to existing roads, sidewalks, and paths allowing for bicycle and pedestrian facilities will be provided to improve connectivity internal to the development and, in appropriate places, to and from the development and existing residential and commercial development in the county, beyond the requirements of Section 5.2, Traffic, Access, and Connectivity.” “Murrayville Extension and the developer’s on-going work with NCDOT and County staff to plan the Murrayville Road Extension will further secure improved connectivity beyond the borders of the Murrayville area neighborhoods. This project will build an important connection of the County’s 2045 transportation plan that could link the Murrayville residents to the regional County amenity of Ogden Park, Market Street, and future growth nodes. The developer is open to discussing private/public partnerships extending multi-modal connections through the development to expand recreation opportunities beyond this development and recognizes the Military Cutoff Extension as a key way to connect a large section of New Hanover County to goods and services without overloading existing roadways. The road will help alleviate congestion in this portion of the County and will form an alternate route to and from area neighborhoods to goods and services within this project and beyond.” Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 8 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 9 of 35 3. Mixed-Use Development “The proposed development will have a mixture of residential and commercial uses and product types all integrating well thought out design for a variety of residents both in our existing communities and travelers passing through on the future connected bypass network. The mixture of uses will be fully determined as the market drives demand, but the product types identify the myriad of uses possible in the community. However, there could be vertically integrated mixed- use buildings planned as well. These buildings, if constructed as envisioned at this time, will likely be a significant part of the streetscape along Murrayville Road Extension. It is these buildings that will drive the design of the community focusing on streetscapes. Those streetscapes assign identity to a project, create spaces in which we can all partake, and create opportunities to link a variety of goods and services to both existing and newly created community. Mixed- use projects like this one will create parks and recreation opportunities in integrated paths, plazas, courtyards, amenities, and open spaces. These developments also offer a variety of housing types to support a range of incomes and lifestyles as well as supporting an existing, well-established, and thriving single-family community in the nearby neighborhood.” 4. Architectural Design “The roadway connection is not only focused on vehicles. While the roadway connection will create significant positive impacts to the County as a whole, the road design will also include sidewalks/paths integrated into the overall proposed PD development which enhances pedestrian and bicycle use. This could be a public/private partnership to create a multi-use path (MUP). The sidewalks and paths are intended to be integrated into the plazas and landscaped streetscape along Murrayville Road to create a welcoming streetscape. The applicant intends to introduce safe corridors for the pedestrians to access and interact with the proposed retail/office/restaurant pocket parks, courtyards, and outdoor dining areas. This multi-faceted roadway design will set the tone for the entire development and create a walkable community accessible by sidewalks among and landscaped corridors.” “Beyond the connectivity, the mixed-use project will be cohesively designed, meaning the master planned community can create common design themes tying the community together and smoothly transitioning more intensive commercial uses to smaller scale retail, restaurant, and mixed-use buildings to multi-family to townhomes before abutting the existing undeveloped and single-family neighborhoods in the area.” 5. Transportation Facilities “The project is planning both improved design in the architectural and landscape architectural design as well as an improved traffic design for the area. The developers of this project have worked with New Hanover County planning staff and NCDOT to develop a plan to extend an existing dead-end road, Murrayville Road, to the Military Cutoff Extension (MCE) which is currently under construction. All parties recognized the potential for a commercial node at a new prominent traffic corridor, the MCE. The developer’s plans include extension of the Murrayville Road Extension running through the project as a public right of way to be dedicated to NCDOT. This connection provides a much-needed alternative route for a large number of residents in Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 9 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 10 of 35 northern New Hanover County. Currently, northern New Hanover County relies heavily on connections to Market Street to get out of their neighborhoods and out to shopping, dining, and entertainment. By converting a dead-end road into an extended road accessing the primary traffic corridor to alleviate traffic on Market Street, especially in the northern part of the county.” 6. Other Community Benefits “The northern part of New Hanover County is primarily large tracts of vacant land, many tracts without paved roads or adequate access to property and major road networks. One reason for this portion of the county being undeveloped or at the edge of development is the lack of available sewer to support commercial and denser residential development. This project is actively seeking solutions in linking sewer to this development, a potential major commercial and mixed-use hub in New Hanover County. The community benefits are that sewer could be available to a new section of New Hanover County opening up an area for expanded tax base.” “Improved road connectivity within New Hanover County and nearby counties will be constructed without drastic impacts on existing road infrastructure. Goods and services, dining and entertainment will be offered to a large section of existing homes in northern New Hanover County, all with infrastructure built by and because of this project. While this is new development, it is smart development in all the ways our County’s future land use plan targets as goals and planning guidelines. This project offers so many benefits to the neighboring community by virtue of location and commitment to finding the right infrastructure improvements to better our County as a whole.” Terms and Conditions • In accordance with the standards of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), a Planned Development (PD) District includes a Terms and Conditions document that details any conditions of approval or proposed modifications to development standards. The following notable proposed conditions of the proposal are listed below. The full Terms and Conditions document is included in the application and will be incorporated with the master plan if the rezoning is approved. 1. The use, density of use, and maximum building heights for the areas depicted in detail as on the development plans represent the proposed Planned Development (PD) Zoning district. The detail of the proposed zoning district requirements is represented on the Master Planned Development (MPD) master plan, but this terms and conditions document generally refers to the broad category of use as Commercial, Retail, Restaurant, Office, Mixed-Use, Multi-Family, and/or townhomes. The uses, and other regulations and conditions approved with this terms and conditions document and the MPD may be amended or modified in accordance with County requirements as necessary. 2. Approval of this rezoning does not constitute technical approval of the site plan. Issuance of all required permits must occur prior to construction commencing. 3. Proposed maximum density of residential units on this MDP PD is 473 total units, or 7.54 du/ac. 4. Sidewalks will be provided in ways that promote pedestrian safety and access through the site. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 10 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 11 of 35 One component of the proposed plan includes coordinating with NCDOT to develop an extension of the multi-use path (MUP) along the Military Cutoff Extension corridor which is currently projected to end adjacent to the project boundary. The potential extension of the MUP is estimated at least 8’ wide along one side of the proposed Murrayville Road extension. Murrayville Road extension is identified as the portion of road connecting to the end of the existing Murrayville Road and continuing to the intersection with the Military Cutoff Extension roadway The developer would coordinate with NCDOT and New Hanover County to identify a safe crossing across Military Cutoff Extension from the MUP to the developer’s proposed Murrayville Road MUP. 5. Vehicular access from the master planned development site through to Murrayville Road Extension is open to the public with no gated access. 6. The developer reserves the right to construct a gated access to the multi-family site to be accessed by residents of the MPD and by emergency vehicles. 7. Existing vegetation will be augmented as required to meet opacity standards within the project’s twenty-foot (20) buffer (depicted on the MPD master plan). The buffer is subject to the applicant’s right to install required utilities and infrastructure and make any changes required by this zoning. To the extent necessary to satisfy County standards, additional vegetation, as well as fencing, will be added to the buffer area sufficient to establish required opacity in areas adjacent to residential uses. 8. The street yard along Murrayville Road is intended to create a streetscape integrating the street yard landscape with the MUP as well as the plazas, courtyards, outdoor dining facilities, and entrances to proposed businesses. Buildings are encouraged to be close to the right of way or provide outdoor seating, dining, courtyards, fountains, or other amenities. As such, the project proposes a creative standard for the Murrayville Extension streetscape. *Full standards are located within the Terms & Conditions Document* 9. The Residential, Mixed Use and Commercial areas of the MDP shall be limited to the uses listed in the Terms and Conditions document (described on page 5 above). Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 11 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 12 of 35 ZONING CONSIDERATIONS • The R-15 district in this area was established in 1972. At the time, the purpose of the R-15 district was to ensure that housing served by private septic and well would be developed at low densities. Since that time, water and sewer services have become available to the surrounding area; however, it is still mostly zoned for low density housing. • Under the County’s performance residential standards, the site would be permitted up to 157 dwelling units at a density of 2.5 du/ac. The proposed 473 units equates to an overall density of 7.54 du/ac. • The subject property is adjacent to other portions of the Hanover Reserve development. From 2014 to 2021, separate phases of The Sanctuary at Hanover Reserve were platted with a total of 172 units at a density of 2.5 units per acre, located south of the proposed master plan. In January 2020, the Board of Commissioners approved a rezoning of 6.58 acres located directly southwest of the proposed master plan from R-15 to R-5 to develop 41 townhomes at a density of 6.2 units per acre. It was anticipated that the townhomes would assist in providing a transition in density from the single-family detached development nearby to a future node at the subject site with a future extension of Murrayville Road. • By adding mixed-use zoning to the subject site, commercial services would be located within this larger residential area and access would be provided directly from the Murrayville Road Extension and Military Cutoff Extension. This proposal would provide commercial services closer to the surrounding residential housing, reducing travel time to these services and alleviating congestion along the internal local street network. Subject Site Hanover Reserve Townhomes The Sanctuary at Hanover Reserve Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 12 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 13 of 35 • The proposed master plan provides flexibility in the uses permitted in the planning areas, but a mixture of uses that includes non-residential components would be expected in these areas due to the anticipated costs of infrastructure required to be put in place to support the development including transportation and utility extensions. • Residents in the immediate vicinity of the subject site and within the larger residential area in this portion of the county are closest to goods and services at the commercial node located at the intersection of Murrayville Road and N College Road, the eastern segment of Gordon Road, and along the Market Street corridor. Primary Commercial Areas in the Project Vicinity • A 20’ minimum vegetated buffer is provided along the perimeter of the project adjacent to property zoned or developed as R-15 and R-5, Residential Districts. Murrayville Node Gordon/Market Node Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 13 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 14 of 35 AREA SUBDIVISIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT TRANSPORTATION • The site will be accessed primarily by the planned extension of Murrayville Road, which is an existing NCDOT maintained Minor Collector street, as well the Military Cutoff Extension upon completion, which is currently classified as an NCDOT Principal Arterial street. • Additional vehicular access points are proposed along the Murrayville Road extension to provide internal connectivity within the development. These connections and any other required external connections to adjacent properties will be required to be shown on preliminary plats at the time of specific site plan approvals through the Technical Review Committee. • The intersection of Murrayville Road and Military Cutoff Extension is planned as a signalized right-in/right-out configuration. This intersection will also be configured with a left-over to Murrayville Road from the northbound lanes of Military Cutoff Extension. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 14 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 15 of 35 Notable Roadway Improvements and Access Points • A proposed service road to the east of the Military Cutoff Extension corridor will provide access to Plantation Road in addition to the parcels on the eastern side of Military Cutoff Extension. • A gated emergency access point is proposed to the Sanctuary at Hanover Reserve via an existing stub street to Golden Grove Road. In addition, internal access is proposed to the Hanover Reserve townhomes. • Pedestrian connections will be provided at various points within the development as shown on the master plan to promote a walkable land use pattern. Right In/Right Out Access Right In/Right Out Access to Service Road Left-Over to Murrayville Road U-Turn to Northbound Military Cutoff Murrayville Road Extension Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 15 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 16 of 35 • As currently zoned, it is estimated the site would generate about 116 trips during the AM peak hours and 157 trips during the PM peak hours if developed at the permitted density. • A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was conducted for the project and included estimated trip generation occurring in the three separate planning areas; these sections are north of the Murrayville Road Extension, south of the Murrayville Road Extension, and east of Military Cutoff Extension. The TIA estimates a total trip generation of 1,581 AM and 1,971 PM peak hour trips, not adjusted to account for pass-by trips and internal capture. The adjusted total trip generation is estimated at 1,096 AM and 1,191 PM peak hour trips. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 16 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 17 of 35 • Breakdown of trip generation within the three separate sections for the proposal are summarized in the following tables: Estimated Trip Generation North of Murrayville Road Extension Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 82 single-family homes 63 AM / 84 PM Proposed PD Development: Mixed-Use 602 AM / 722 PM** ** Estimated Trip Generation adjusted for pass-by trips and internal capture Estimated Trip Generation South of Murrayville Road Extension Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 40 single-family homes 33 AM / 42 PM Proposed PD Development: Mixed-Use 295 AM / 302 PM** ** Estimated Primary Trip Generation adjusted for pass-by trips and internal capture Estimated Trip Generation East of Military Cutoff Extension Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: Undeveloped 0 AM / 0 PM Typical Development under Current Zoning: 31 single-family homes 27 AM / 33 PM Proposed PD Development: Mixed-Use 199 AM / 167 PM** ** Estimated Trip Generation adjusted for pass-by trips and internal capture Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 17 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 18 of 35 Traffic Impact Analysis • The TIA conducted for the project has been approved by NCDOT and the WMPO. Overall, the TIA analyzed the development of: • 85 townhomes • 288 apartment units • 100 hotel rooms • 26,000 square feet of general office • 36,400 square feet of medical - dental office • 106,922 square feet of shopping center • 17,540 square feet of high-turnover (sit-down) restaurant • 5,610 square feet of super convenience gas station • 102,700 square feet of mini warehouse • While the final constructed master plan may not ultimately align exactly with what was analyzed by the TIA, the proposal is intended to provide additional flexibility in housing location and building type and would not result in changes that exceed the scale and trip budget of what was studied, according to the applicant. • The TIA analyzed the Level of Service (LOS) in vehicle delay per second at notable intersections in the area, summarized below: • N College Road at Bavarian Drive/Murrayville Road (1) • Market Street at Torchwood Boulevard/Bayshore Drive (2) • Gordon Road at White Road (3) • Military Cutoff Extension at Lendire Road (4) • Military Cutoff Extension at Brittany Lakes Drive (5) • Military Cutoff Extension at Torchwood Boulevard Westbound (6) • Military Cutoff Extension at Torchwood Boulevard Eastbound (7) • Military Cutoff Extension at Northbound Torchwood Boulevard U-turn (8) • Military Cutoff Extension at Southbound Murrayville Road Extension U-turn (9) • Military Cutoff Extension at Murrayville Road Extension (10) • Murrayville Road Extension at proposed roundabout (11) • Military Cutoff Extension at Plantation/Service Road (12) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 18 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 19 of 35 Location of Intersections Analyzed in TIA • After review by NCDOT and WMPO staff, an approval letter for the TIA was issued which requires roadway improvements at multiple intersections in the vicinity of the project at full build out if the project is developed at the scale for which it was scoped. Notable improvements from this approval letter that affect the proposed site plan include the following, with the intersection capacity analyses conducted shown in the respective tables (improvements referenced in the tables are those identified in the Traffic Impact Analysis): • Military Cutoff Extension at Murrayville Road Extension Connect Murrayville Road Extension +/- 450 feet south of the northern northbound U-Turn location on Military Cutoff Road, as close to the southern property line as possible. The applicant is currently in discussion with NCDOT and WMPO staff regarding the request to connect Murrayville Road to Military Cutoff Extension further south than shown on the proposed site plan. A potential re- configuration of the dual eastbound right turn lanes is in discussion, which would slightly alter the configuration at this intersection but still be within the spirit and intent of the proposed master plan. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-12 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 19 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 20 of 35 If the road is shifted further south per current approval requirements, it would be eligible to be authorized as a minor deviation to the site plan that can be approved administratively, provided there are no changes to permitted uses or density, or that there are no resultant changes to the site plan that would have a material effect on the character of the approved development. Provide a southbound right turn lane. Begin right turn lane at the northern northbound to southbound U-Turn bulb. Provide dual eastbound right turn lanes on Murrayville Road Extension: one with full storage and one with 400 feet of storage. Provide signalization. Military Cutoff Extension at Murrayville Road Extension Scenario Overall Delay in Seconds AM PEAK 2030 Future without Project N/A N/A 2030 Future with Project & Improvements C 28 PM PEAK 2030 Future without Project N/A N/A 2030 Future with Project & Improvements C 31 Proposed Murrayville Extension Provide Signalization, Install Southbound Right Turn Lane, Install Dual Eastbound Right Turn Lanes Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 20 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 21 of 35 • Murrayville Road Extension at Roundabout Access Install single lane roundabout Provide 500 feet of internal protected stem on northern site access drive. Provide 100 feet of internal protected stem on southern site access drive. Murrayville Road Extension at Roundabout Access Scenario Overall Delay in Seconds AM PEAK 2030 Future without Project N/A N/A 2030 Future with Project & Improvements B 11 PM PEAK 2030 Future without Project N/A N/A 2030 Future with Project & Improvements C 17 Proposed Murrayville Extension Install Roundabout with Protected Stems at Internal Access Points Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 21 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 22 of 35 • Military Cutoff Extension at Plantation Road (Service Road) Provide a northbound right turn lane. Begin right turn lane at the southbound to northbound U-Turn bulb. Provide dual eastbound right turn lanes on Plantation Road: one with full storage and one with 400 feet of storage. Provide signalization. Military Cutoff Extension at Plantation/Service Road Scenario Overall Delay in Seconds AM PEAK 2030 Future without Project N/A N/A 2030 Future with Project & Improvements A 4 PM PEAK 2030 Future without Project N/A N/A 2030 Future with Project & Improvements A 5 Provide Signalization, Install Northbound Right Turn Lane, Install Dual Eastbound Right Turn Lanes Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 22 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 23 of 35 • Notable roadway improvements at nearby intersections were also outlined in the TIA approval letter and are summarized along with the remaining intersection capacity analyses, in the following table (improvements referenced in the table are those identified in the Traffic Impact Analysis): N. College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Lane • Maximize existing storage for the southbound left turn lane. Northbound U-turn on Military Cutoff Extension (North of Murrayville Road Extension • Provide dual northbound U-Turn lanes with maximum available storage. • Provide signalization. Southbound U-turn on Military Cutoff Extension (South of Service/Plantation Road) • Provide dual southbound U-Turn lanes: one with 500 feet of storage and one with 200 feet of storage. • Provide signalization • Military Cutoff Extension at Torchwood Boulevard • Provide dual westbound right turn lanes: one with full storage and one with 250 feet of storage. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 23 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 24 of 35 AM PEAK PM PEAK Intersection Scenario Overall LOS Delay in Seconds Overall LOS Delay in Seconds N. College Road at Murrayville Road/Bavarian Drive 2020 Existing D 48 D 51 2030 Future without Project D 55 D 51 2030 Future with Project & Improvements E 60 E 64 Market Street at Torchwood Boulevard/Bayshore Drive 2020 Existing C 35 C 35 2030 Future without Project F 98 F 101 2030 Future with Project & Improvements F 111 F 137 Gordon Road at White Road 2020 Existing C 25 C 24 2030 Future without Project D 36 D 39 2030 Future with Project & Improvements D 42 D 50 Military Cutoff Extension at Lendire Road 2030 Future without Project C 20 C 20 2030 Future with Project & Improvements C 21 C 21 Military Cutoff Extension at Brittany Lakes Drive 2030 Future without Project B 15 B 11 2030 Future with Project & Improvements B 15 B 10 Military Cutoff Extension at Westbound Torchwood Boulevard 2030 Future without Project B 15 C 21 2030 Future with Project & Improvements D 36 D 39 Military Cutoff Extension at Eastbound Torchwood Boulevard 2030 Future without Project B 15 B 15 2030 Future with Project & Improvements B 15 B 14 Military Cutoff Extension at Northbound Torchwood Boulevard U-turn 2030 Future without Project A 9 B 12 2030 Future with Project & Improvements A 9 B 13 Military Cutoff Extension at Southbound Murrayville Extension U-turn 2030 Future without Project N/A 9 N/A 12 2030 Future with Project & Improvements B 18 B 17 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 24 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 25 of 35 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects: • STIP Project U-4751 (Military Cutoff Extension) o Project to extend Military Cutoff from Market Street to I-140. o The project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in early- 2023. o The extension of Military Cutoff will utilize a super-street design and bisect the subject site. Lendire Road/Brittany Lakes Drive, Torchwood Boulevard, and Putnam Drive/Bradfield Court will connect to the Military Cutoff extension, allowing access to neighborhoods west of the site. o The project will also install a sidewalk and multi-use path along the extension of Military Cutoff and the sections of Market Street included in the project, including the eastern side of the subject site as shown on the proposed master plan. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 25 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 26 of 35 • STIP Project U-4902D (Market Street Median) o Project to install a center median and pedestrian accessways along Market Street from Middle Sound Loop Road to Marsh Oaks Drive. The pedestrian accessways will consist of a 10-foot multi-use path on the eastern side of the street, and a 5-foot sidewalk on the western side of the street. o The project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed by early- 2023. Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Cameron Trace • Phase 1: 35 single-family dwellings • Phase 2: 85 single-family dwellings • Approved May 8, 2017 • 2017 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements must be completed during Phase 2 of the development. The notable improvements consisted of: • Providing an eastbound left turn lane at the intersection of Murrayville Road and Covey Lane Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • N/A Development Status: Development and required improvement is complete. ENVIRONMENTAL • The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas. • The property is within the Smith Creek watershed, with a small area on the northern extent of the site within the Island Creek watershed. • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class III (severe limitation for septic suitability). However, the site is expected to be served by CFPUA when developed. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 26 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 27 of 35 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SCHOOLS • Students living in the proposed development would be assigned to Murrayville Elementary, Trask Middle, and Laney High Schools. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year- round elementary, or specialty high schools. • A maximum of 157 dwelling units would be permitted under the current R-15 zoning base density, and a maximum of 473 units could be developed under the proposed rezoning, resulting in an increase of 316 dwelling units. • Based on the current general student generation rate*, the increase in homes would result in approximately 69 additional students than would be generated under current zoning. • The general student generation rate provides only an estimate of anticipated student yield as different forms of housing at different price points yield different numbers of students. Over the past four years, staff has also seen a decline in the number of students generated by new development. Student numbers remained relatively stable between 2015 and 2020 (excepting the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic), while 14,500 new residential units were permitted across the county. In addition, the student population is anticipated to only grow by approximately 1,300 students over the next 10 years based on the recent New Hanover County Schools Facility Needs Study. Development Type Intensity Estimated Student Yield (current general student generation rate) * Existing Development Undeveloped Approximate** Total: 0 (0 elementary, 0 middle, 0 high) Typical Development Under Current R-15 Zoning 157 residential units Approximate** Total: 35 (14 elementary, 8 middle, 13 high) Proposed Planned Development (PD) Zoning 473 residential units Approximate** Total: 104 (43 elementary, 24 middle, 38 high) *The current general student generation rate was calculated by dividing the projected New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year by the number of dwelling units in the county. Currently, there are an average of 0.22 public school students (0.09 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.08 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. These numbers are updated annually and include students attending out-of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTech. **Because the student generation rate often results in fractional numbers, all approximate student generation yields with a fraction of 0.5 or higher are rounded up to a whole number and yields with a fraction of less than 0.5 are rounded down. This may result in student numbers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels not equaling the approximate total. • Developments of the size and type associated with the proposed rezoning would likely not reach full built-out until approximately 10 years away, as reflected in the anticipated 2030 build-out referenced in the Traffic Impact Analysis. As a result, existing school enrollment and capacity is not likely to be relevant. New Hanover County Schools staff would include this project if approved in future facility planning initiatives in order to accommodate any resulting student growth. • Staff has provided information on existing school capacity to provide a general idea of the potential impact on public schools, but these numbers do not reflect any future capacity upgrades. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 27 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 28 of 35 School Enrollment* and Capacity** (2021-2022 School Year) *Enrollment is based on the New Hanover County Schools enrollment projections for the 2021-2022 school year. **Capacity calculations were determined based on the projected capacities for the 2021-2022 school year, and funded or planned capacity upgrades were those included in the Facility Needs Study presented by New Hanover County Schools to the Board of Education in January 2021. This information does not take into account flexible scheduling that may be available in high school settings, which can reduce the portion of the student body on campus at any one time. • The recent facility needs survey that has been prepared by Schools staff indicates that, based on NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) student growth projections and school capacity data, planned facility upgrades, combined with changes to student enrollment patterns, will result in adequate capacity district wide over the next ten years if facility upgrades are funded. Level Total NHC Capacity School Projected Enrollment of Assignment School Capacity of Assigned School w/Portables Capacity of Assigned School Funded or Planned Capacity Upgrades Elementary 95% Murrayville 559 663 84% None Middle 108% Trask 719 662 109% None High 100% Laney 2125 2013 106% None Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 28 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 29 of 35 NEW HANOVER COUNTY STRATEGIC PLAN • One of the goals of the New Hanover County Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 is to encourage the development of complete communities in the unincorporated county by increasing housing diversity and access to basic goods and services. • The proposed PD zoning district would allow for an increase in housing diversity and would allow those residents to utilize existing goods and services within one mile of the subject property. The proposed project would also allow for the development of new retail and commercial businesses, increasing the number of residents within one mile of goods and services. • The subject property is located in the Murrayville community area, where 64% of residents currently live within one mile of a convenience need (grocery store, retail staples, pharmacies, etc.), a support service (urgent care, primary doctor’s office, child & adult care, etc.), and a community facility (public park, school, museum etc.). • The predominant housing type in the area is single family detached at 71%. If developed under the current R-15 zoning district, single family housing would remain the dominant housing type and the number of residences within one-mile of goods and services of would only increase from 64% to 66%. • Under the proposed PD district, the site would allow for a mixture of housing types including single family detached, single family attached (townhomes), and multi-family (apartments). The project could increase housing type diversity by reducing the percentage of single family detached and increasing the percentage of single family attached and multi-family residences. • The proposed PD district would allow for the development of convenience needs, support services, and/or community facilities. The addition of just a convenience need on the proposed site would increase the number of existing residences within one mile from 63% to 86%. When including the number of residential units proposed, that percentage increases to 88%. The addition of a support service would increase the number of existing residences within one mile from 83% to 100%. The addition of a community facility would increase the number of existing residences within one mile from 83% to 100%. • If at least one convenience need, support service and community facility were located at the proposed site, the percentage of residents within one mile of all three would increase (64% to 87%). When including the number of residential units proposed, that percentage increases to 89%. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 29 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 30 of 35 REPRESENTATIVE DEVELOPMENTS Representative Developments of R-15: Grayson Park Clay Crossing Plantation Landing Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 30 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 31 of 35 Representative Developments of PD: River Bluffs: Northchase: Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 31 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 32 of 35 Context and Compatibility • While the area was zoned for low density housing in the early 1970s, the 2016 Comprehensive Plan recommends a mixture of commercial uses and residential densities ranging from 8 to 15 dwelling units per acre. • The subject property is between the terminus of Murrayville Road and Military Cutoff Extension. The extension of Murrayville Road to Military Cutoff Extension is included in the WMPO 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and is anticipated to be utilized as a significant east/west collector road that will connect Castle Hayne Road to Military Cutoff, allowing access to the Murrayville, Northchase, and the Laney High School areas. In addition, it is anticipated that the Murrayville Road Extension and completion of the Military Cutoff Extension may aid in alleviating traffic along Market Street, Gordon Road and other local roadways as motorists have additional routes to reach their destination in the northern portion of the County. • The extension of Murrayville Road and completion of Military Cutoff Extension is also anticipated to facilitate access to sites east of Military Cutoff Extension which currently have limited access. In addition, the extension of Murrayville Road further east toward Market Street is recommended in the 2045 MTP, which also includes improvements and an extension of Plantation Road eastward to Market Street in the Porters Neck area. • The proposed master plan establishes a new mixed-use node centered around the intersection of Murrayville Road Extension and Military Cutoff Extension. This would make commercial services available to nearby residents without having to travel to existing services along Market Street, N College Road, and further south on Military Cutoff. • The proposed master plan would also provide a range of housing options in this area of the county which is predominantly single-family detached residential. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 32 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 33 of 35 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 33 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 34 of 35 Analysis The subject property is located in the northeastern portion of the county in an area that is has historically been developed as single-family residential, but without centrally located commercial or neighborhood services. Residents in this general area typically navigate the internal local street network to the Market Street, Gordon Road, N College Road, or Military Cutoff Road corridors for access to goods and services. The Comprehensive Plan classifies the property as Community Mixed Use, which is intended to promote the development of commercial services and moderate to high density residential development (between approximately 8 to 15 units per acre). The design of the proposed planned development provides the type of land use intended by the plan, with a mixed-use node located at a strategic intersection and with the overall residential density of the project being in line with the recommendation for this place type. In addition, the project supports the Comprehensive Plan’s goal to provide for a range of housing types and opportunities for households of different sizes and income levels. By creating a mixed-use node with the extension of Murrayville Road to the planned Military Cutoff Extension, the project can provide more efficient access and reduced travel times to goods and services for residents in the northern portion of the county. In addition, the Cape Fear Moving Forward 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan shows a recommendation for the extension of Murrayville Road, and the proposed project will provide this improvement. Consistency Recommendation The proposed PD rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type, the residential densities are in-line with those recommended within this place type, and the project will develop a new commercial node in close proximity to nearby residents. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 34 Z21-08 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 35 of 35 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this application and suggests the following motion: I move to recommend APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning to a PD district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type, the residential densities are in-line with those recommended within this place type, and the project will develop a new commercial node in close proximity to nearby residents. I also find recommending APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing diverse housing options and commercial services to nearby residents and promote principals of walkable urbanism. The proposal also provides a transition from a mixed-use node to adjacent single- family residential neighborhoods, additional access points to properties east of Military Cutoff Extension, and extension of water and sewer services which will allow for integrated planning for future community services. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to recommend DENIAL of the proposed rezoning to a PD district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type, the residential densities are in-line with those recommended for the property, and the project will provide commercial services in close proximity to nearby residents, I find recommending DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 35 Co v e y L n Rabbit Hollow D r G o l d e n g r o ve Ln S e t t e r C t Plantation Rd Q u ail W o o d s Rd Eastbo u r n e D r Setter LnPointer Ln Cr o o k e d P i n e R d S a n c t uary D r R-5 R-15 New Hanover County, NC SHODIncorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 5.7 of the UDOCOD B-1 AC R-5 EDZD CB I-1 R-7 PD B-2 I-2 R-10 RMF-X CS AR R-15 RMFU SC RA R-20 UMXZ O&I R-20S Zoning Districts PD/ Planned Development R-15/ Undeveloped 1300 block Crooked Pine Rd Z21-08 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case:R 1,000 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 3 - 1 Brittany Point e r C t Co v e y L n Rabbit Hollow D r G o l d e n g r o v e Ln S e t t e r C t Plantation Rd Q u a il W o o d s R d E a s t b o u r n e D r Setter Ln Pointer Ln Cr o o k e d P i n e R d S a n ctua r y D r General Residential Conservation Community Mixed Use New Hanover County, NCCONSERVATION RURAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE URBAN MIXED USE GENERAL RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CENTER COMMERCE ZONE Place Types PD/ Planned Development R-15/ Undeveloped 1300 block Crooked Pine Rd Z21-08 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case:R 1,000 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 4 - 1 Brittany Point e r C t Co v e y L n Rabbit Hollow Dr Eastbo u r n e D r S e t t e r C t SpringwaterDr Plantation Rd Q u a il W o o d s R d Setter Ln Pointer Ln Cr o o k e d P i n e R d San c t u a r y Dr 7403 1718 1423 1253 1308 14001402 72217219 7225 7319 7404 7400 1406 74097223 7408 7416 1404 7405 1533 1395 14511455 14611469 1473 1477 1448 14521456 14681492 7292 7288 7284 7280 1508 1516 1504 1316 1320 1344 134813171321134113457354 136913571373 1381 1385 1397 1364 1380 6950 I-140 O&IR-10 R-5 R-15Site Neighboring Parcels PD/ Planned Development R-15/ Undeveloped 1300 block Crooked Pine Rd Z21-08 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case:R 1,000 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 6 - 2 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 7 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 Rev Date: 14 June 2021 Date 6 August 2020 Project Narrative: The proposed development is a total of +62.77 acres located in New Hanover County (NHC) near the intersection of Crooked Pine Road and Plantation Road at the end of Murrayville Road. The subject parcels are further defined as NHC parcel numbers: R02800-004-031-000 and R02800-004-104-000. The site is bisected by the new Military Cutoff Extension and associated service road which are both currently under construction. The result is 3 relatively small parcels of land along the service road comprising + 12.23 acres and the larger tract adjacent to Hanover Reserve and at the end of Murrayville Road, + 50.54 acres. The project is proposed as a Master Planned Development (PD) to be rezoned into PD. Military Cutoff Extension bisects the existing parcels, but the entire land holding is intended to be part of one master planned development. The applicant proposes a commercial core developed around the new Military Cutoff Extension (MCE). The existing dead-end Murrayville Road will be extended to the MCE’s proposed left-over intersection. This intersection will be the commercial hub with the service road’s right in/right out access being a secondary commercial hub. The existing site is zoned R-15 with residential uses and vacant land surrounding the site. The site is designated as community mixed-use and could be an important commercial node in Northern New Hanover County since the MCE now bisects the site. Using the flexibility of PD zoning to cohesively design the site, we propose encircling the proposed commercial core with a variety of residential units to create a well-orchestrated transition from the busier commercial center to medium-dense residential to lower density single family/existing neighborhoods. This PD MPD is a high level, master plan to identify acceptable land uses and basic anticipated vehicular and pedestrian networks. The plan identifies caps for density of all uses. Because this is a high-level master plan, we identify caps for density and square footage on the master plan. This plan, along with the terms and conditions document, acts as the guideline for a high-quality mixed-use community located on a new major transportation hub in the County. Like any project, this one requires working hand in hand with NCDOT, CFPUA, and NHC to develop the project infrastructure for a safe and viable development. Those conversations are underway and will continue through the site-specific planning process if this MPD is approved. This application’s MPD and supporting document set the framework for a commercial hub offering goods, services, entertainment, and dining. Currently, this area of the County must rely on the busy Market Street or Gordon Road corridors to find similar services. The proposed project presents a new opportunity for a vehicular connection to a major highway, MCE, with a real potential to alleviate traffic congestion from the Murrayville/Ogden area. Furthermore, by offering a commercial hub at Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 8 - 1 Page 2 of 5 one of the only stops along MCE between Market Street and I-140, this also has the potential to offer goods and services to an underserved area without creating undo traffic burden. The County’s 2045 transportation plan identifies extension of Murrayville Road to make connection to the North/East of the County from existing neighborhoods, and this proposed development helps achieve part of that goal. The County’s Future Land Use Plan also supports this type of development in this location. This property falls in the community mixed use place type which supports just the sort of mixed commercial and various residential products we propose. The extension of water and sewer to this part of the County further opens opportunities to for the future of Northern New Hanover County and expands tax base. The project’s timing is aligned with NCDOT’s construction of MCE which eliminates possible undue burden on existing roads and neighborhoods. With all the pieces and timelines aligning for a responsible, cohesive development, we believe this is the right development at the right time for this location. We appreciate your consideration of our proposed development. Supplemental Application Information – MPD – PD Master Planned Development Considerations: 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development, described in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, applicable small area plans, etc. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the land in the Community Mixed Use place type which promotes a variety of house products, goods and services, mixed use and other similar uses to those proposed with this project. Furthermore, one of our areas major long-range NCDOT traffic relief projects is underway and bisects the site creating near-perfect conditions for a commercial center with medium to high density mixed use/residential development. The Military Cutoff Extension, when complete, gives convenient, quick access to the Market/Military Cutoff intersection and beyond as well as Hampstead and beyond when complete bypass projects are in place. This is expected to alleviate a good deal of previously gnarled and congested network of neighborhood roads all dumping out on Market Street. Our proposed project’s timing aligns well with the anticipated completion of the Military Cutoff Extension. Commercial and higher density portions of the project would not be online until after completion of the new highway’s connection to Military Cutoff. 2. How would the requested development be consistent with the property’s classification on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan’s Further Land Use Map. See response above. 3. How does the proposed master planned development meet the required elements and intent of the proposed zoning district? The proposed MPD not only provides the connection of a major arterial road to a principal highway in Wilmington, it also develops a road and pedestrian network that flows easily Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 8 - 2 Page 3 of 5 between the proposed commercial and residential developments. The intent of the development is to promote this live, work, play community, not only for the people moving into the project, but also for those nearby. Nearby multi-use paths and County parks make the location attractive to future residents. The developer is to extend the current dead- ended Murrayville Road to MCE creating a streetscape of integrated buildings, plazas and courtyards, paths and landscape to give identity to the development as well as offer a high- quality commercial and mixed-use development. These are all key to a successful PD zoning district and essential to make a viable new community. The applicant proposes an integrated and architecturally pleasing community providing easy access to shopping, dining, parks/open spaces, and all the offerings of the commercial and residential development. We believe this proposed development hits the heart of what a planned development community mixed use place type is supposed to be, and, after reviewing our proposal, we hope you feel the same way. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 8 - 3 Page 4 of 5 Hanover Reserve Mixed Use Community Meeting Summary: Due to COVID restrictions, Paramounte Engineering held a GoToMeeting virtual community meeting on July 30, 2020 at 5 PM. All participants were completed with questions by 5:45PM. The meeting was recorded and shared with anyone requesting a copy after the meeting. The presentation consisted of an earlier version of the master plan, aerial images, and an example of a previous graphic used for the Phase 4 Section 1 Hanover Reserve townhomes. This area is being enveloped in the Hanover Reserve Mixed Use PD but is still planned for the same number of townhomes as presented during a rezoning of the property from R-15 to R-5. After a project overview and orientation by Paramounte Engineering, the meeting was turned over to participants for questions and comments. • One person was concerned that traffic would cut through her neighborhood to enter the proposed project. We discussed ways the road network could be designed to prevent a direct cut through from her neighborhood, and those ideas will be considered in the design development of the project. • One person preferred single family homes to townhomes behind her home. • We did get a couple of comments concerned over traffic, but no one in direct opposition ( at least in the meeting). • We did receive a couple of emails leading up to the meeting expressing wishes that we would not develop anything. When invited to the community meeting to express concerns and engage in discussion about their thoughts, they did not appear to accept the invitation. None of those comments were voiced during the meeting. • There was a comment that getting to goods and services is not a problem now and there does not need to be a new commercial node here. • Others expressed interest in dining and shopping opportunities. • Most of the questions pertained to Military Cutoff Extension: • There was discussion about the impacts of Military Cutoff Extension and the new connection to that road. Questions were raised about what happens to Plantation Road with NCDOT’s work, and those were answered to the best of our ability. • Additional questions concerning what roads will be paved and not after NCDOT is finished were discussed by the group. • One person owning land in the area, but not living here was very much in favor of the proposed project and supported the mixture of uses and commercial, walkable core we hope to create. • We had folks both in the meeting and after, through email, ask us to create something upscale, nice, and walkable. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 8 - 4 Page 5 of 5 • Most people that had in-depth questions were those finding out the plans because they own property nearby and want to know how this development will affect property values. We extended the offer for folks to continue to contact us through the process if they have questions or comments. We asked folks to help us be the kind of development they want to see in their neighborhood, and many folks have responded positively to this effort. While some folks like Murrayville just the way it is, others seem welcoming. We have received general support and good wishes from several neighbors. Community Coordination Update 6/1/21: Since the meeting in July, we have continued conversations with interested residents through email and phone calls. The developer has met with a few individuals as well. We have continued to receive community support and fielded general questions about the plans. There have been very few concerns raised, but traffic was discussed with a few citizens. Several folks told us they were worried about people cutting through their neighborhoods or causing a lot of extra trip s on the existing Murrayville Road if the project was built prior to the opening of the MCE. We have taken time to work with NCDOT and our traffic consultants to fully identify the possibilities for the area. As a result, we believe we have a road network that will alleviate traffic congestion , avoid a lot of cut-throughs from outside, through existing neighborhoods and into the proposed development. By a combination of project timing aligning with MCE, project design, and coordination with the County and NCDOT, the developer addresses the majority of questions received to date from the neighboring community. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 8 - 5 Proposed Master Planned Development Terms & Conditions Hanover Reserve Mixed Use Date: 06/28/21 1. Conditions related to approval of the application for the master planned development zoning district classification: a) The use, density of use, and maximum building heights for the areas depicted in detail as on the development plans represent the proposed Planned Development (PD) Zoning district. The detail of the proposed zoning district requirements is represented on t he Master Planned Development (MPD) master plan, but this terms and conditions document generally refers to the broad category of use as Commercial, Retail, Restaurant, Office, Mixed Use, Multi-Family, and/ or Townhomes. The uses, and other regulations and conditions approved with this terms and conditions document and the MPD may be amended or modified in accordance with County requirements as necessary. b) The use and development of the subject property shall comply with all applicable regulations and requirements imposed by the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance ("UDO"), and any other applicable federal, state, or local law. c) Approval of this rezoning does not constitute technical approval of the site plan. Issuance of all required permits must occur prior to construction commencing. 2. References to the MPD, including any density/intensity standards, dimensional standards, and development standards: a) Maximum density permitted in Planned Development (PD) District – 17 dwelling units maximum per acre (du/ac). Total site area is 62.77 acres, maximum number of dwelling units would be1067 units. b) Proposed maximum density of residential units on this MPD PD is 473 total dwelling units, or 7.54 du/ac. c) The project shall be developed in accordance with County, state, and federal building, and environmental regulations. d) Sidewalks will be provided in ways that promote pedestrian safety and access through the site. i. One component of the proposed plan includes coordinating with NCDOT to develop an extension of the multi-use path (MUP) along the Military Cutoff Extension corridor which is currently projected to end adjacent to the project boundary. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 1 ii. The potential extension of the MUP is estimated at least 8’ wide along one side of the proposed Murrayville Road extension. Murrayville Road extension is identified as the portion of road connecting to the end of the existing Murrayville Road and continuing to the intersection with the Military Cutoff Extension roadway. iii. If the opportunity to work together arises, the developer would coordinate with NCDOT and New Hanover County to identify a safe crossing across Military Cutoff Extension from the MUP to the developer’s proposed Murrayville Road MUP. 3. Conditions related to the approval of the MPD Master Plan, including any conditions related to the form and design of development shown in the MPD Master Plan: a) Vehicular access from the master planned development site through to Murrayville Road extension is open to the public with no gated access. b) The developer reserves the right to construct a gated access to the MDP Parcel B multi-family/ senior living site along internal project roads, to be accessed by residents of the MPD and by emergency vehicles. c) Access point on the project’s land connecting to Sky Reach stub road near Golden Grove Ln will be constructed for emergency access only and method of access will be discussed with and approved by New Hanover County Fire/EMS during site plan approval for Parcel D. d) Existing vegetation will be augmented as required to meet opacity standards within the project’s twenty-foot (20') buffer (depicted on the MPD Master Plan). The buffer is subject to the applicant's right to install required utilities and infrastructure and make any changes required by this zoning. To the extent necessary to satisfy County standards, additional vegetation, as well as fencing, will be added to the buffer area sufficient to establish required opacity in areas adjacent to residential uses. e) Military Cutoff Extension is built far higher than the subject property on either side of it. While some fill may occur, it is not anticipated that the subject property will be raised level with Military Cutoff Extension. As such, street yard area along Military Cutoff Extension shall be provided as follows: i. Provide 18 square feet of street yard area for every linear foot of street frontage along Military Cutoff Extension (minimum width of 9', max width of 27'). Measurement shall begin from: the edge of right of way, from toe of slopes steeper than 4’:1’ or from project side edge of utility easements. ii. Fencing or walls shall be allowed between Military Cutoff Extension and PD uses as specified here: multi-family, residential, senior care facilities, and storage areas. iii. Driveways shall not be included in the calculation of street frontage. iv. The area of any walkways, sidewalks or other bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and transit amenities shall be subtracted from the base street yard area required above to get the total required street yard area. v. The applicant may choose to increase the required square footage per linear foot up to Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 2 twenty-five percent (25%) to receive an equivalent reduction in the building’s front yard setback. vi. The applicant may install the street yard in any configuration that provides the required amount of street yard square footage between the property line and any site improvements as long as it remains in compliance with the minimum and maximum widths outlined above. vii. For every six hundred (600) square feet of street yard area, the following landscaping shall be provided: viii. One canopy/shade tree a minimum of three inches (3”) caliper in size OR three (3) understory trees a minimum of six (6) feet in height at time of planting. If overhead power lines are located within the street yard area, planting requirements will follow the utility company’s guidelines for planting under power lines; and ix. Six shrubs, 12” in height at time of planting. x. If there are existing trees of a minimum two inches caliper size in the proposed street yard, the Planning Director may grant credit toward meeting tree preservation requirements. xi. Walkways, sidewalks, or other bicycle and pedestrian facilities, fountains, walls or fences, and transit amenities shall be permitted within the street yard; however, parking areas shall not be permitted. f) Street yard area along Murrayville Road Extension shall be provided as follows: i. The street yard along Murrayville Road is intended to create a streetscape integrating the street yard landscape with the MUP as well as the plazas, courtyards, outdoor dining facilities, and entrances to proposed businesses. Buildings are encouraged to be close to the right of way or provide outdoor seating, dining, courtyards, fountains, or other amenities. As such, the project proposes a creative standard for the Murrayville Extension streetscape. That standard shall be defined as follows: ii. Provide street yard landscaping between Murrayville Road Extension and face of building. iii. Provided that the building face is not more than 60’ from the right of way or that the building facing Murrayville Road Extension creates a landscaped outdoor space accessible by pedestrian from the MUP, any landscape, except turf grass, planted along the corridor can count toward the street yard landscape and must contain at least: • 1 canopy tree per sixty (60) linear feet of street yard ; • 24 landscape plants 12” in height or greater, including shrubs and/or ornamental grasses, but excluding turf grass, per sixty (60) linear feet • Contain at least eighteen (18) square feet of street yard area for every linear foot of street frontage along Murrayville Road Extension • Plants may be grouped together or otherwise distributed provided that the frontage for each building accounts for that building’s street yard within the associated parking and street facade • Parking island landscaping within 60’ of the Murrayville Road Extension right of way may be counted toward street yard landscaping, but in no case can a façade be void of landscape between the right of way and the building Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 3 iv. If no pedestrian access is created from Murrayville Road Extension MUP to the face of the building, the landscape within 60’ of the right of way defaults to the same streetscape standards as Military Cutoff Extension streetscape or must contain at least the following or: • 1 canopy tree per sixty (60) linear feet of street yard • 12 landscape plants, including shrubs and/or ornamental grasses but excluding turf grass, per sixty (60) linear feet • Contain at least eighteen (18) square feet of street yard area for every linear foot of street frontage along Murrayville Road Extension • Any portion of a parking island’s landscaping within 60’ of the Murrayville Road Extension right of way may be counted toward street yard landscaping • Plants may be grouped together or otherwise distributed provided that the frontage for each building accounts for that building’s street ya rd within the associated parking and street facade v. Parking shall be allowed in area between building and Murrayville Road Extension provided that pedestrian access along the MUP is not impeded. vi. Driveways shall not be included in the calculation of street frontage; vii. The area of any walkways, sidewalks or other bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and transit amenities beyond the MUP shall be subtracted from the base street yard area required to get the total required street yard area; viii. The applicant may install the street yard in any configuration that provides the required amount of street yard square footage between the property line and any site improvements as long as no building façade is void of landscape between the building face and right of way and as long as the landscape remains in compliance with the requirements outlined above. g) If there are existing trees of a minimum two inches caliper size in the proposed street yard, the Planning Director may grant credit toward meeting tree preservation requirements. h) Walkways, sidewalks, or other bicycle and pedestrian facilities, fountains, walls or fences, and transit amenities shall be permitted within the street yard; however, parking areas shall not be permitted. 4. Provisions addressing how transportation, potable water, wastewater, stormwater management, and other infrastructure will be provided to accommodate the proposed development: a) Transportation will be provided by access to public rights of way. A NCDOT approval of road design and driveway permit will be acquired prior to any access to Military Cutoff Extension or Murrayville Road Extension. b) Potable water and wastewater for the project will be provided by Cape Fear Public Utility Authority ("CFPUA"). Developer has been and will continue to coordinate with CFPUA and potentially other property owners in the vicinity to address a solution for services to this project site. c) Stormwater will be managed on site in accordance with NCDEQ restrictions and regulations, will comply with all County and State regulations, and any permit issued for Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 4 the site. The engineers who will coordinate and implement the stormwater management plan have not yet been selected. d) Stormwater easements will be 20’ wide max. unless prove n wider easements are a necessity. e) If allowable by utility providers, utilities may be placed in underground utility vaults or banks to enhance streetscape and minimize utility conflicts. Developer will coordinate with utility providers to determine requirements and regulations and gain authorization to construct. f) Infrastructure will be designed in accordance with the North Carolina building code, all other applicable government regulations, laws, and ordinances, and developed consistent with the approved MPD. 5. Provisions related to environmental protection and monitoring: a) Any 404 wetlands determined to exist on the site will be delineated and handled in accordance with all applicable government regulations, laws, and ordinance s including Army Corp. of Engineers requirements. The property owner will comply with all applicable regulations, laws, and ordinances from local, state, and federal sources with jurisdiction over the site. 6. Any other provisions relevant and necessary to th e development of the MPD in accordance with applicable standards and regulations: a) The Residential Use areas of the MPD may be used for any residential purpose permitted under the applicable zoning regulations except that the following Residential uses will not be permitted: i. Mobile Home; ii. Mobile Home, Doublewide; iii. Mobile Home Park; iv. Mobile Home Subdivision b) The Mixed-Use and Commercial areas of the MPD may be used for any Commercial purpose permitted under the applicable zoning regulations, except that the following uses will not be permitted: i. Animal Shelter; ii. Kennel; and iii. Vehicle Towing Service c) In addition to the Commercial uses permitted by applicable zoning regulations, subject to these terms and conditions, the following Office, Civic and Institutional, Educational Services, and Health Care Facilities uses shall be permitted in the Mixed-Use and Commercial areas of the MPD: i. Adult Day Care; ii. Child Care Center; iii. Family Child Care Home; iv. Community Center; v. Contractor office/maintenance facility/storage/holding yard vi. Library; Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 5 vii. Lodges, Fraternal, & Social Organizations; viii. Museum; ix. Post Office; x. Senior Living , Assisted Living, Continuing Care, or Retirement Community xi. Hospital, Medical, and Dental Office and Clinic; and xii. Nursing and Rehabilitation Center d) In addition to the Commercial and other uses listed previously, uses permitted by applicable zoning regulations, subject to these terms and conditions, the following Industrial and limited Manufacturing uses, or other uses not expressly outlined in the principal use table shall be permitted in the Mixed-Use and Commercial areas of the MPD: i. Broadcasting and Production Studio; ii. Research and Development Facility; iii. Artisan Manufacturing; iv. Beverage Manufacturing; v. Mini-storage/self-storage vi. Printing and Related Support Activities; vii. Office/Flex warehouse viii. Watercraft and watercraft accessories and RV storage (if fenced/gated), includes drystack facilities ix. Wholesaling. 7. Compensating community benefits as identified by the PD zoning district in the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) may include, but are not limited to, improved design, natural preservation, improved connectivity for pedestrians and/or vehicles, mixed-use development, green building practices, and dedication of land or in-lieu fee contribution. This project’s proposed compensating community benefits are as follows: This project proposes utilizing: Improved Design, Improved Connectivity for Pedestrians and/or Vehicles Mixed-Use Development Expansion of County-Wide Parks and Recreation Opportunities Transportation Facilities The use of architectural design that exceeds any minimum standards established in the UDO or any other County regulation, or the use of site design incorporating principals of walkable urbanism and traditional neighborhood development, compatible with the comprehensive plan and other adopted County plans. • This project has four main components all contributing to improved design. 1. Building a roadway connection that can alleviate traffic congestion in the northern part of New Hanover County. 2. The extension of Murrayville Road which moves the County closer to achieving its 2045 transportation goals in extension of the Road to the east. This opens up Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 6 opportunities for public/private partnership to further vehicular and pedestrian transportation/recreation corridors. 3. A mixed use community developed in a newly opened commercial growth node created in the county by the Military Cutoff Extension (MCE) corridor. 4. A cohesively designed project offering a variety of housing types that act as a transition from the proposed commercial/mixed use areas to the existing single -family homes and undeveloped land in the area. Project’s Compensating Community Benefits Defined: • Specifically addressing the architectural design within this proposed Community Mixed Use area of the county: The roadway connection is not only focused on vehicles. While the roadway connection will create significant positive impacts to the County as a whole, the road design will also include sidewalks/paths integrated into the overall proposed PD development which enhances pedestrian and bicycle use. This could be a public/private partnership to create a multi-use path (MUP). The sidewalks and paths are intended to be integrated into the plazas and landscape streetscape along Murrayville Road to create a welcoming streetscape. The applicant intends to introduce safe corridors for the pedestrians to access and interact with the proposed retail/office/restaurant pocket parks, courtyards, and outdoor dining areas. This multi-faceted roadway design will set the tone for the entire development and create a walkable community accessible by sidewalks among and landscaped corridors. Beyond the connectivity, the mixed-use project will be cohesively designed, meaning the master planned community can create common design themes tying the community together and smoothly transitioning more intensive commercial uses to smaller scale retail, restaurant, and mixed-use buildings to multi-family to townhomes before abutting the existing undeveloped and single-family neighborhoods in the area. • Road Connectivity: The project is planning both improved design in the architectural and landscape architectural design as well as an improved traffic design for the area. The developers of this project have worked with New Hanover County planning staff and NCDOT to develop a plan to extend an existing dead-end road, Murrayville Road, to the Military Cutoff Extension (MCE) which is currently under construction. All parties recognized the potential for a commercial node at a new prominent traffic corridor, the MCE. The developer’s plans include extension of the Murrayville Road Extension running through the project as a public right of way to be dedicated to NCDOT . This connection provides a much-needed alternative route for a large number of residents in northern New Hanover County. Currently, northern New Hanover County relies heavily on connections to Market Street to get out of their neighborhoods and out to shopping, dining, and entertainment. By converting a dead-end road into an extended road accessing the primary traffic corridor to alleviate traffic on Market Street, especially in the northern part of the county. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 7 • Improved Connectivity for Pedestrians and/or Vehicles and Expansion of County-Wide Parks and Recreation Opportunities: Additional connections to existing roads, sidewalks and paths allowing for bicycle and pedestrian facilities will be provided to improve connectivity internal to the development and, in appropriate places, to and from the development and existing residential and commercial development in the County, beyond the requirements of Section 5.2, Traffic, Access, and Connectivity. Murrayville Extension and the developer’s on-going work with NCDOT and County staff to plan the Murrayville Road Extension will further secure improved connectivity beyond the borders of the Murrayville area neighborhoods. This project will build an important connection of the County’s 2045 transportation plan that could link the Murrayville residents to the regional County amenity of Ogden Park, Market St, and future growth nodes. The developer is open to discussing private/public partnerships extending multi-modal connections through the development to expand recreation opportunities beyond t his development and recognizes the Military Cutoff Extension as a key way to connect a large section of New Hanover County to goods and services without overloading existing roadways. The road will help alleviate congestion in this portion of the County and will form an alternate route to and from area neighborhoods to goods and services within this project and beyond. • Mixed-Use Development. The proposed development will have a mixture of residential and commercial uses and product types all integrating well thought out design for a variety of residents both in our existing communities and travelers passing through on the future connected bypass network. The mixture of uses will be fully determined as the market drives demand, but the product types ide ntify the myriad of uses possible in the community. However, there could be vertically integrated mixed-use buildings planned as well. These buildings, if constructed as envisioned at this time, will likely be a significant part of the streetscape along Murrayville Road Extension. It is these buildings that will drive the design of the community focusing on streetscapes. Those streetscapes assign identity to a project, create spaces in which we can all can partake, and create opportunities to link a variety of goods and services to both existing and newly created community. Mixed-use projects like this one will create parks and recreation opportunities in integrated paths, plazas, courtyards, amenities, and open spaces. These developments also offer a variety of housing types to support a range of incomes and lifestyles as well as supporting and existing, well-established, and thriving single-family community in nearby neighborhood. • Other community benefit that would provide benefits to the development site and the citizens of the County, generally. The northern part of New Hanover County is primarily large tracts of vacant land, many tracts without paved roads or adequate access to p roperty and major road networks. One reason for this portion of the county being undeveloped or at the edge of development is the lack of available sewer to support commercial and denser residential development. This project is Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 8 actively seeking solutions in linking sewer to a this development, a potential major commercial and mixed-use hub in New Hanover County. The community benefits are that sewer could be available to a new section of New Hanover County opening-up an area for expanded tax base. Improved road connectivity within New Hanover County and nearby counties will be constructed without drastic impacts on existing road infrastructure. Goods and services, dining and entertainment will be offered to a large section of existing homes in northern New Hanover County, all with infrastructure built by and because of this project. While this is new development, it is smart development in all the ways o ur County’s future land use plan targets as goals and planning guidelines. This project offers so many benefits to the neighboring community by virtue of location and commitment to finding the right infrastructure improvements to better our County as a whole. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 9 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 10 - 1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 11 - 1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 11 - 2 60 56 52 48 44 58 54 50 46 4 8 48 44 5 0 46 44 4 2 48 4 4 46 44 42 42 44 44 5 6 5 2 4 8 54 5 0 4 6 44 44 44 48 50 46 48 5 0 4 6 4 4 4 4 44 46 4446 42 42 42 4 2 4 4 44 44 44 4 2 42 42 4 4 48 44 50 46 52 50 44 4 6 44 46 48 44 46 44 44 4 6 44 46 44 44 4 4 4 4 46 48 46 52 48 44 54 50 46 44 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 2 42 44 MILITA R Y C U T O F F E X T E N S I O N NCDO T R . O . W PL A N T A T I O N R O A D CROOKED PINE ROAD McKEE HOMES at HANOVER RESERVE SERV I C E R O A D NCDO T D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T NCDO T D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T CAT-1 CAT-1 GREU , T L - 3 M U R R A Y V I L L E R O A D E X T E N S I O N 6 0 ' P U B L I C R / W PL A N T A T I O N R O A D McKEE HOMES at HANOVER RESERVE U-TUR N / L E F T O V E R INTO P R O J E C T LEFT O V E R / U - T U R N END O F 1 0 ' W I D E N C D O T MULT I - U S E P A T H CROOKED PINE ROAD PL A N T A T I O N R O A D MA R K E T S T R E E T WH I T E R D G O R D O N R O A D MURRAYVILLE ROAD CO L L E G E R D MI L I T A R Y CU T O F F R O A D PLANTATION RD I-14 0 I - 4 0 MIL I T A R Y CU T O F F E X T E N S I O N SITE HA N O V E R R E S E R V E M I X E D U S E NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y NO R T H C A R O L I N A 20254.PE DA T E : SC A L E : DE S I G N E D : DR A W N : CH E C K E D : PEI JOB#: CO N C E P T U A L L A Y O U T : PR E L I M I N A R Y L A Y O U T : FI N A L D E S I G N : RE L E A S E D F O R C O N S T : PR O J E C T S T A T U S RE V I S I O N S : DR A W I N G I N F O R M A T I O N SEAL CL I E N T I N F O R M A T I O N : 12 2 C i n e m a D r i v e Wi l m i n g t o n , N o r t h C a r o l i n a 2 8 4 0 3 (9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 ( O ) ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 ( F ) NC L i c e n s e # : C - 2 8 4 6 PR E L I M I N A R Y D E S I G N - N O T R E L E A S E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N TD R - H L , L L C PO B O X 3 8 1 WR I G H T S V I L L E B E A C H , N C 2 8 4 8 0 MA S T E R P L A N MA S T E R P L A N N E D D E V E L O P M E N T MPD-1 06 . 0 1 . 2 1 1" = 2 0 0 ' AH E JR C AH E N O R T H 0 SCALE: 1"=200' 100'200'400' VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE NORTH SITE DATA: PROJECT ADDRESS:1308 CROOKED PINE RD PARCEL ID:R02800-004-104-000; R02800-004-031-000 CURRENT ZONING:R-15 PROPOSED ZONING:PD PROPOSED USE:COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL MIXED USE PROJECT SITE AREA:± 62.77 ACRES (SEE BELOW FOR BREAKDOWN OF PARCELS) MAXIMUM RESIDENTIAL UNITS:473 MAX. MAXIMUM COMMERICAL AREA:AS DEFINED IN TIA AND IN PARCEL DATA NOTES BELOW OWNER INFORMATION:TDR-HL, LLC PO BOX 381 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NC 28480 FLOOD INFORMATION:THIS PARCEL IS LOCATED IN A FLOOD ZONE X, AS DETERMINED BY FEMA FLOOD PANEL 3720325000J, DATED APRIL 3, 2006. NO BASE FLOOD ELEVATION IS REQUIRED. FUTURE LAND USE CLASSIFICATION:COMMUNITY MIXED USE PROPOSED VEHICULAR & PEDESTRIAN ACCESS POINT/ CIRCULATION MULTI-USE PATH PER NCDOT DESIGN MURRAYVILLE EXTENSION STREETSCAPE SYMBOL LEGEND POTENTIAL ACCESS NODE MURRAYVILLE EXTENSION STREETSCAPE LANDSCAPE BUFFER OR STREET YARD REALIGN END OF & EXTEND MURRAYVILLE ROAD TO NEW HIGHWAY BUFFER BETWEEN EXISTING RESIDENTIAL & PROPOSED PD PARCELS WILL BE PROVIDED PER UDO STREETYARDS WILL BE PROVIDED ALONG MAIN PROJECT ROADS DIVIDING COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL USES; ADDITIONAL BUFFERING MAY BE ADDED PROJECT ROAD LOCATION WILL VARY. SHOWN FOR GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF INTERCONNECTIVITY BETWEEN PARCELS; AN INTEGRATED VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN NETWORK IS PROPOSED FOR THE PROJECT BUFFER BETWEEN EXISTING RESIDENTIAL & PROPOSED PD PARCELS WILL BE PROVIDED PER UDO STREETYARD WILL BE PROVIDED PER UDO, TYP. PARCEL F CONTINUES AROUND SERVICE ROAD CURVE MILITARY CUTOFF EXTENSION SERVICE ROAD; DESIGNED & CONSTRUCTED BY NCDOT EXISTING NCDOT PLANS FOR MILITARY CUTOFF EXTENSION PROPOSE A RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT AT SERVICE ROAD INTERSECTION EXISTING NCDOT PLANS FOR MILITARY CUTOFF EXTENSION PROPOSE A LEFT -OVER TURN MOVEMENT AND ACCESS FROM MURRAYVILLE RD. EXT. TO NEW HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL / MIXED USE / MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ±7.41 AC RESIDENTIAL ±18.28 AC / 312 UNITS MAX. USES COULD BE: ANY PERMITTED RESIDENTIAL USES IN A PD ZONE AND/OR SENIOR LIVING, CONTINUING CARE COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL / MIXED USE / MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND/OR SENIOR LIVING, CONTINUING CARE COMMUNITY ±14.37 AC ±7.34 AC RESIDENTIAL TOWNHOMES ±8.54 AC 60 UNITS MAX. RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERICAL ±3.08 AC RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERICAL ±7.34 AC RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERICAL ±1.81 AC F G C F D E A B ZONING: R - 1 5 LAND USE : V A C A N T ZONING: R - 1 5 LAND USE : V A C A N T ZONING: R - 1 5 LAND USE : V A C A N T ZONING: R - 1 5 LAND USE : VACANT ZONING: R - 1 5 LAND USE : V A C A N T ZONING: R - 1 5 LAND USE : VACANT ZONING: R-15 LAND USE: VACANT ZONING: R-5 LAND USE: RESIDENTIAL TOWNHOMES ZONING: R-15 LAND USE: HOA COMMON AREA/ POND Z O N I N G : R - 1 5 L A N D U S E : S I N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N T I A L ZONING: R-15 LAND USE: VACANT ZONING: R-15 LAND USE: VACANT, ACCESS TO HOME IN REAR, ADJ PARCEL ZONING: R-15 LAND USE: VACANT PD DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM LOT AREA: 10 ACRES RESIDENTIAL USES COMMERCIAL USES BUILDING SETBACK FROM PD DISTRICT BOUNDARY: 20'(CB SETBACK REQ.) BUILDING SETBACK FROM PEDESTRIAN & BIKE PATHS: 10'10' REQ. PROPOSED REQ. PROPOSED MINIMUM FRONT SETBACK:0 10'20'20' MINIMUM REAR SETBACK:0 15'20'20' MINIMUM INTERIOR SETBACK:0 0 0 or 20' ABUTTING ADJ. RES. 20' ABUTTING ADJ. RES MIN. MINIMUM REAR SETBACK:0 15'10 or 25' ABUTTING ADJ.RES. 20' ABUTTING ADJ. RES MIN. BUILDING HEIGHT:80' MAX 65' EXCEPT >35' PARCEL D 80' MAX,80' MAX. IN COMMERCIAL CORE OF PARCEL B,C; NO HIGHER THAN 60' ANY BUILDING ADJACENT TO PERIPHERY OF PD OPEN SPACE:15% REQUIRED 15% PROVIDED AND SHARED AMONG PD PROPOSED USES ALL USES ARE INCLUDED IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PLAN. PARCEL DATA PARCEL ACREAGES DENSITY OR SF USE PARCEL A:±18.28 AC 312 UNITS MAX RESIDENTIAL/ MULTI-FAMILY/SENIOR LIVING/ CONTINUING CARE PARCEL B:±14.37 AC *COMMERCIAL/MIXED USE/RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY/SENIOR LIVING/ CONTINUING CARE PARCEL C:± 7.41 AC *COMMERCIAL/MIXED USE/RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY PARCEL D:± 8.54 AC 60 UNITS MAX RESIDENTIAL/TOWNHOMES PARCEL E:± 3.08 AC *COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL PARCEL F:± 7.34 AC *COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL PARCEL G:± 1.81 AC *COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL * DENSITY / SF NOTE: RESIDENTIAL/MULTI-FAMILY/SENIOR LIVING/CONTINUING CARE UNITS MAY BE SPREAD ACROSS ALL PARCELS WITH "*" BUT WILL NOT EXCEED MAXIMUM DENSITY OF 473 UNITS; COMMERCIAL AREA SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FOLLOWING: 100 ROOM HOTEL, 26,000 SF GENERAL OFFICE, 36,400 SF MEDICAL/DENTAL OFFICE, 106,922 SF SHOPPING CENTER, 17,540 SF RESTAURANT, 5,610 SF CONVENIENCE/GAS STATION, 102,700 SF MINI STORAGE/WAREHOUSE; NO USE OR DENSITY WILL EXCEED MAXIMUMS STUDIED IN THE TIA BUILDING SEPARATION NOTES: 1.NO ENCROACHMENT INTO THE PATH OF PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION PROJECT WILL OCCUR. NO COMMERCIAL C.O. WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL NCDOT HAS MILITARY CUTOFF EXTENSION IS COMPLETE. 2.SINGLE FAMILY BUILDING, INCLUDING TOWNHOMES, SEPARATION WILL BE 10' MINIMUM TO ANY STRUCTURE 3.NO MULTI-FAMILY OR ATTACHED DWELLING UNIT WILL BE CLOSER THAN 20' TO ANY STRUCTURE PARKING NOTES: 1.OFF-STREET PARKING SHALL BE PROVIDED PER SECTION 5.1 EXCEPT THE DESIGN OF PARKING LOTS OR SHARED PARKING FACILITIES MAY BE APPROVED WITH MINOR DIMENSIONAL DEVIATIONS. PARKING INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED ON TRC PLANS FOR REVIEW. SIGN NOTES: 1.SIGNS WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 5.6 SIGNS. 2.THE DEVELOPER WILL ERECT AND MAINTAIN STREET SIGNS WITHIN THE PD DISTRICT ACCESS AND CONNECTIVITY NOTES: 1.THE PROJECT SITE HAS DIRECT ACCESS TO MAJOR ARTERIAL ROAD. 2.NCDOT WILL CONSTRUCT & MAINTAIN MILITARY CUTOFF EXTENSION. 3.THE EXTENDED MURRAYVILLE ROAD WILL BE PUBLIC & DEDICATED TO NCDOT 4.OTHER PROJECT ROADS WILL BE PRIVATE AND MAINTAINED BY A HOA OR POA. 5.ALL INTERIOR DRIVES WILL BE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE ACCESS FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE VEHICLES. 6.POTENTIAL ACCESS POINTS TO ADJACENT PARCELS ARE IDENTIFIED ON PLAN. FUTURE DESIGN OF PARCEL WILL FURTHER DETERMINE PARCEL CONNECTIVITY POINTS. LANDSCAPE NOTES: 1.BUFFERING AND LANDSCAPING SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 5.4 2.PLANTING DESIGN SHOWN IS DIAGRAMMATIC IMPROVEMENT NOTES: 1.WATER AND SEWER TO BE PROVIDED BY CFPUA. 2.ALL FIRE HYDRANTS AND WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS WILL MEET FIRE CODES. 3.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOT SHOWN, BUT WILL BE DESIGNED WITH FULL PLANNING EFFORTS. 4.A DRAINAGE PLAN PURSUANT TO UDO SECTION 6.3.3.E WILL BE PROVIDED FOR REVIEW DURING DESIGN DEVELOPMENT. STREET LIGHTS WILL BE PLACED 1 EVERY 500 LF OR LESS. 5.TOT LOTS OR MINI PARKS PROVIDED AT A RATE OF 1 AC PER 1000 POPULATION AND WITHIN 1 MILE OF RESIDENTIAL AREAS 6.AUDIBLE FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS WILL CONNECT TO CENTRAL DISPATCH FOR ALL STRUCTURES EXCEPT SINGLE FAMILY AD DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL PROJECT ROAD NOTES: 1.EXISTING NCDOT PLANS FOR MILITARY CUTOFF EXTENSION PROPOSE A RIGHT IN/OUT MOVEMENT AT THE SERVICE ROAD AND A LEFT -OVER TURN MOVEMENT AND ACCESS FROM MURRAYVILLE RD. EXT. TO NEW HIGHWAY; 2.DEVELOPER IS IN ON-GOING DISCUSSIONS FOR ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS TO MURRAYVILLE/MILITARY CUTOFF EXT. INTERSECTION. 3.NO DISCUSSIONS OR MASTER PLAN APPROVAL WILL ALTER EXISTING HWY CONSTRUCTION TIMELINE. 4.ALL IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DISCUSSED, REVIEWED, AND APPROVED BY WMPO AND NCDOT AS WELL AS COUNTY ENGINEERING AND PLANNING. 5.INTERNAL PROJECT ROADS WILL BE PRIVATE ROADS BUILT TO NCDOT STANDARDS AND REVIEWED BY COUNTY PLANNING, ENGINEERING. NCDOT WILL REVIEW DRIVEWAY PERMITS AND APPROVE CONNECTIONS TO MURRAYVILLE ROAD. NO INTERNAL PROJECT ROADS ARE DESIGNED AT THIS TIME. ROAD ALIGNMENT, ACCESS POINTS AND CIRCULATION INSIDE PARCELS WILL BE FULLY DESIGNED AND REVIEWED DURING COUNTY TRC PROCESS. GRAPHICS SHOWN FOR REPRESENTATION OF IDEA ONLY. SITE INVENTORY NOTES: TREE NOTES: 1.A SITE VISIT WAS PERFORMED JULY 2020 TO REVIEW EXISTING VEGETATION AND OTHER CONDITIONS. NO SIGNIFICANT, SPECIMEN, OR HERITAGE TREES WERE OBSERVED DURING THE VISIT. IF ANY ARE FOUND DURING DESIGN DEVELOPMENT OR CONSTRUCTION, THEY WILL BE PRESERVED OR TREE REMOVAL PERMIT WILL BE OBTAINED THROUGH NEW HANOVER COUNTY. 2.EXISTING VEGETATION IS PRIMARILY SCRUB OAK AND PINES 1” - 2” AND WAX MYRTLE.  3.WETLANDS AND DITCHES EXIST ON SITE. ALL IMPACTS WILL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL WITH THE USACE. D MURRAYVILLE ROAD STREETSCAPE ZONING: R-15 LAND USE: VACANT RE V . 1 . P e r N H C P l a n n i n g C o m m e n t s 06 / 1 4 / 2 1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 1 - 12 - 1 N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 7/8/2021 Regular D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): N icole Smith, Senior Planner C O N TA C T (S ): N ico le Smith, Rebekah Roth, P lanning & L a nd U se D irecto r S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Rezoning Request (Z 21-09) - Request by Design S olu5 ons on behalf of the property owners, W P E Holdings, L LC and S enca P roper5es, L LC , to rezone approximately 12.99 ac res of land located in the 9000 bloc k of M arket S treet from B-1, N eighborhood Business District, (C Z D) B -1, C ondi5 onal N eig hborhood Business Distric t, and R-15, Residen5al District to (C Z D) R M F-M H, C ondi5on al Residen5al M ul5 fam ily M oderate-Hig h Density District, in order to construct a 256-unit apartment developm ent. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he a pplic ant is seeking to rezone 12.99 acres of land located in the 9000 block o f Market Street from B -1, (C ZD)B -1, and R -15 to (C Z D ) R M F-M H (C ondi/onal Residen/al Mul/family Medium-High D ensity D istrict). T he remainder o f bo th tracts will retain the current B -1 and R -15 zo ning. T he purpo se o f the R M F-M H, Residen/al Mul/f amily Medium-H igh D ensity District is to accommoda te lands f o r medium to high density residen/al development with emphasis o n midrise structures, near suburban shopping centers and employment c enters. T he intent o f the district is to func/on as a transi/o n between intensive nonresiden/al develo pment and lo wer density residen/al develo pment. T he applicant is pro posing to construct a 256-unit mul/family development. T he units will be a co mbina/on o f o ne, two , and three bedrooms. T he proposal includes six residen/al buildings, a clubho use and amenity center, with a po o l, and six, one-sto ry accessory buildings. Two residen/al buildings will be three sto ries tall, with twenty-four units each, and f o ur residen/al buildings will be four sto ries tall, co ntaining between forty-eight and fi6y-six units ea c h. Primary access to the develo pment will be provided o n Market Street at an exis/ng le6-o ver median break. I nterconnec/vity to the medic al park will be pro vided with the extensio n o f Senca D rive. T he develo pment will be required to pro vide 20% open space, f o r a tota l of 2.6 acres, including the 0.8 acres dedicated to the amenity center and pool. T he site will u/lize the infi ltra/on basin located on the a dja c ent parcel. the current master permit f o r the basin has an alloca/o n o f 14.11 acres o f impervio us surf ace. T he development will be required to comply with bo th the county and state sto rmwater management requirements. U nder the C ounty's performance residen/al standards, the subject parcel would be permi>ed up to 32 units at a density o f 2.5 du/ac. T he R M F-MH, Residen/al Mul/family Medium-H igh Density District allo ws a maximum density of 25 units per acre. the applica nt is propo sing 256 units, for a n overall density of 19.9 units per acre (13.4 dwelling units per acre f o r the parent tract, including the R -15 po r/o n no t subject to the rezo ning request.) A Traffi c I mpact Analysis (T I A) for the en/re Sco >'s Hill Medic al Park development was approved in J une 2019 and studied the impacts of general office, medical offi c e, retail, a nd a drive-thro ugh pharmacy. T he scope of the pro ject has been mo dified to inc lude general o ffice, medical offi ce, retail, a drive through pharmacy, and 256 dwelling units. Due to the size and intensity o f the land uses, the a pplicant's traffic engineer produced a technica l memorandum, dated May Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 19, 2021, to serve as an addendum to the previo usly approved T I A. T he memo randum has been reviewed and appro ved by both the N C D OT and the W M P O with the agreement the full build improvements are sufficient and replace the previous phased improvement schedule included in the 2019 T I A. All impro vements wo uld be required prio r to the issuance o f a cer/ficate of occupancy of the a pa rtment development. B ased o n the current general student genera/on rate, staff would es/ma te that the increase in ho mes would result in appro ximately 56 addi/onal students than would be generated under current zo ning. T he general student genera/on rate pro vides only a n es/mate of an/cipated student yield as different fo rms o f housing at different pric e po ints yield different numbers o f students. O ver the pa st four years, staff has also seen a decline in the number o f students generated by new development. Student numbers remained rela/vely sta ble between 2015 and 2020 (excep/ng the impacts of the C OV I D-19 pandemic), while 14,500 new residen/al units were permi>ed acro ss the co unty. I n addi/on, the student po pula/on is an/cipated to only gro w by appro ximately 1,300 students over the next 10 years based on the recent N ew Hanover C o unty Scho o ls Facility N eeds Study. Please refer to the Scho o ls sec/on included in this report for addi/o nal informa/on on school enrollment a nd c apacity. T he subject property is part o f the Sco >'s Hill Medic al Park development. T he subject pro perty is located between residen/al and non-residen/al zo ning districts and will have direct access to U S-17, a principal arterial roadway. T he site is currently vacant; however, it 's current zoning and T I A approval allow general office, medica l o ffice, retail, and a pharmacy with a drive-thro ugh. Adding a residen/al use to the subject site provides f o r a range of ho using types in the uninco rporated area and will suppo rt the Sco>'s Hill node. T he three-sto ry buildings will be clo sest to the exis/ng R -15 zo ning with the taller buildings on the Sco>s Hill Medic al Park side. T he 2016 C omprehensive Plan pro vides a general representa/on of the vision for N ew Hanover C ounty's future land use, as designated by place types describing the c ha racter and func/on o f the diff erent types o f development that make up the community. T hese place types are intended to iden/fy general areas for par/cular development pa>erns and should no t be interpreted as being parcel specific. T he subject pa rc el is primarily C o mmunity Mixed U se, with roughly 3% designated as General Residen/al. B ecause of the general na ture of place type bo rders, sites loca ted in pro ximity to the bo undaries between place types co uld be appropria tely develo ped with either place type, allo wing site-specifi c features and evo lving development pa>erns in the surro unding a rea to be considered. T he pro posed (C ZD) R M F-M H, C ondi/onal Residen/a l Mul/family Medium-High D ensity D istrict rezoning is generally C O N S I S T E N T with the intent o f the 2016 C o mprehensive Plan beca use this zoning district is intended to provide alterna/ve ho using types to single-family detached development, the project pro vides f o r the types and mixtures of uses reco mmended in the C o mmunity Mixed U se Place type, a nd the pro ject will locate co mmunity services in close proximity to nearby residents upon f ull build o f the medical park. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Staff recommends appro val and suggest the following mo/on: I move to AP P R OV E the pro posed rezoning to a (C Z D ) R M F -MH , C ondi/onal R M F-M H district. I fi nd it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C omprehensive Plan because the project provides f o r the types and mixture of uses reco mmended in the C ommunity Mixed U se place type, and the pro ject, upon f ull build, will pro vide Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 community services in clo se proximity to nearby residents. F urther the pro posed design suppo rts the Sco >s H ill node and retains wetlands and low-density residen/al zo ning as an addi/onal buff er against the school pro perty. I also find A P P R OVA L of the rezoning request is reasonable a nd in the public interest because the propo sal would benefit the community by providing a diverse housing op/on nea r a retail, service and employment no de. [O p/onal] N o te any condi/ons to be added to the district. I move to D E N Y the pro posed rezoning to a (C Z D ) R M F -MH , C ondi/onal R M F-M H district. W hile I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes and intent of the C omprehensive Plan because the project provides f o r the types and mixture of uses reco mmended in the C ommunity Mixed U se place type, and the pro ject, upon f ull build, will pro vide community services in clo se proximity to nearby residents, I fi nd D E N I AL of the rezoning request is reaso nable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborho o ds. AT TA C H M E N T S : Descrip/on Z21-09 Script PB Z21-09 Staff Report PB Z21-09 Zoning Map Z21-09 Future Land Use Map Z21-09 Neighboring Properties Applicant Materials CS Z21-09 Application Package Proposed Site Plan CS Z21-09 Proposed Concept Plan C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z21-09) Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owners, WPE Holdings LLC and Senca Properties LLC, to rezone approximately 12.99 acres of land located in the 9000 block of Market Street from B- 1, Neighborhood Business, (CZD) B-1, Conditional Neighborhood Business District, and R-15, Residential District to (CZD) RMF-MH, Conditional Residential Multifamily Medium-High Density District, in order to construct a 256-unit apartment development. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion for Approval I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-MH, Conditional RMF-MH district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type, and the project, upon full build, will provide community services in close proximity to nearby residents. Further the proposed design supports the Scotts Hill node and retains wetlands and low-density residential zoning as an additional buffer against the school property. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing a diverse housing option near a retail, service and employment node. [Optional] Note any conditions to be added to the district. Example Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-MH, Conditional RMF-MH district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type, and the project, upon full build, will provide community services in close proximity to nearby residents, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed rezoning to a conditional RMF-MH district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 2 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 1 of 19 STAFF REPORT FOR Z21-09 CONDITIONAL REZONING APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z21-09 Request: Rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-MH, Conditional Residential Multifamily Medium-High Density District Applicant: Property Owner(s): Cindee Wolf with Design Solutions WPE Holdings, LLC & Senca Properties, LLC Location: Acreage: 9000 Market Street 12.99 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R02900-002-068-000 R02900-002-008-000 Community Mixed Use and General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Multifamily development Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: B-1, Neighborhood Business, (CZD) B-1Conditional Neighborhood Business District & R-15, Residential (CZD) RMF-MH SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Undeveloped B-1 East Undeveloped R-15 South Single-Family Residential and undeveloped R-15 West Undeveloped, Single-Family Residential, and Right- of-way R-15 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 1 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 2 of 19 ZONING HISTORY July 1, 1974 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 5) January 8, 2007 Portions of the property were rezoned from R-15 to (CUD) B-1 and (CUD) O&I (Z-853) to allow for office, retail, financing, and service- related uses (Scotts Hill Medical Park). August 11, 2014 A portion of the medical park was rezoned from (CUD) O&I to (CZD) O&I (Z-934) as a result of a request to add an emergency helicopter landing pad to the New Hanover Medical Center. May 6, 2019 Portions of the property were rezoned from (CUD) B-1, (CZD) O&I, and R-15 to B-1 (Z19-05), for Scotts Hill Medical Park. COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer services are available through CFPUA. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Porters Neck Station Schools Porters Neck Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High School Recreation Ogden Park, Pages Creek Park Reserve CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 2 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 3 of 19 APPLICANT’S PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL PLAN • The applicant is proposing to rezone12.99 acres to (CZD) RMF-MH, Conditional Residential Multifamily Medium-High Density District. The remainder of both tracts will retain the current B-1 and R-15 zoning. • The applicant is proposing to construct a 256-unit multifamily development. The units will be a combination of one, two, and three bedrooms. • The proposal includes six residential buildings, a clubhouse and amenity center, with a pool, and six, one-story accessory buildings. Two residential buildings will be three stories tall, with twenty-four units each, and four residential buildings will be four stories tall, containing between forty-eight and fifty-six units each. • Primary access to the development will be provided on Market Street at an existing left- over median break. Interconnectivity to the medical park will be provided with the extension of Senca Drive. • The development will be required to provide 20% open space, for a total of 2.6 acres, including the 0.8 acres dedicated to the amenity center and pool. • The site will utilize the existing infiltration basin located on the adjacent parcel. The current master permit for the basin has an allocation of 14.11 acres of impervious surface. • The development will be required to comply with both the county and state stormwater management requirements. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 3 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 4 of 19 ZONING CONSIDERATIONS • The subject property is part of the Scott’s Hill Medical Park development. To date one parcel of the development has been built, Wilmington Eye (medical office building). Future phases forecast retail, general office, and a drive-through pharmacy. • The site has an extensive zoning history. The property was originally zoned for low-density residential in the early 1970s, rezoned for office and institutional uses in the late 2000s, and the current neighborhood business zoning was obtained in 2019. The B-1, Neighborhood Business Zoning District allows for multifamily dwellings with a special use permit as part of a mixed-use development; however, it limits the height to a maximum of 35 feet. • The site has been zoned B-1 since May 2019. The intent of the B-1, Neighborhood Business District, is to provide lands that accommodate a range of small-scale, low-intensity, neighborhood serving commercial development that provide goods and services to residents of adjacent neighborhoods. • The purpose of the RMF-MH, Residential Multifamily Medium-High Density District is to accommodate lands for medium to high density residential development with emphasis on midrise structures, near suburban shopping centers and employment centers. The intent of the district is to function as a transition between intensive nonresidential development and lower density residential development. • Under the County’s performance residential standards, the subject parcel would be permitted up to 32 units at a density of 2.5 du/ac. The RMF-MH, Residential Multifamily Medium-High Density District allows a maximum density of 25 units per acre. The applicant is proposing 256 units, for an overall density of 19.9 units per acre (13.4 dwelling units per acre for the parent tract, including the R-15 portion not subject to the rezoning request.) • The site is situated between low-density residential to the south and east, a principal arterial roadway to the west, and commercially zoned property to the north. • The proposal provides the required transitional buffer to the adjacent single-family zoning south of the request. Additionally, the design preserves 4.2 acres of wetlands, adjacent the vacant Coastal Preparatory Academy property, which would remain zoned R-15. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 4 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 5 of 19 AREA SUBDIVISIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 5 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 6 of 19 TRANSPORTATION • Primary access to the complex is directly from Market Street, an NCDOT-maintained principal arterial street, at an existing left-over median break. In addition, the interconnected street network of the medical park allows for a second access to Market Street with the extension of Senca Drive to Scotts Hill Medical Drive. Egress onto Market Street at the site access is limited to right-only. The intersection of Market Street and Scotts Hill Medical Drive will be signalized. • A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the entire Scott’s Hill Medical Park development was approved in June 2019 and studied the impacts of general office, medical office, retail and a drive-through pharmacy. • The scope of the project has been modified to include general office, medical office, retail, a drive-through pharmacy, and 256 dwelling units. • Due to the change in size and intensity of the land uses, the applicant’s traffic engineer produced a technical memorandum, dated May 19, 2021, to serve as an addendum to the previously approved TIA. The memorandum has been reviewed and approved by both the NCDOT and the WMPO with the agreement the full build improvements are sufficient and replace the previous phased improvement schedule included in the 2019 TIA. All improvements would be required prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy of the apartment development. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 6 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 7 of 19 Proposed Scotts Hill Medical Park Development Site plan Comparison of Potential Trip Generation Scenarios Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development (B-1) 23,400 sf medical office 51 AM/58 PM Approved Development (B-1) 132,000 sf general Office 187 AM/173 PM 32,000 sf retail 104 AM/ 122 PM 9,000 sf pharmacy with drive-through 18 AM/47 PM Proposed Development (B-1 & (CZD)RMF-MH) 256 dwelling units 90 AM/ 86 PM 9,000 sf pharmacy with drive-through 18 AM/47 PM 45,200 sf general office 73 AM/94 PM 15,000 sf retail 99 AM/69 PM Net Change N/A +5 AM/ -75 PM Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 7 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 8 of 19 • The net difference in the total trip allocation for the previous land uses and the updated land uses, including the proposed multi-family development, is 5 additional AM peak hour trips and a decrease of 75 PM peak hour trips. • The required roadway improvements, are outlined below: US 17 at the proposed North Bound (NB) to South Bound (SB) U-turn, south of SR 1571(Scotts Hill Loop Road South) • Provide a northbound U-turn lane with 200 feet of storage, 50 feet of full-width deceleration, and 200 feet taper. • The opening of the median break for the new U-turn will require a request for approval by the NCDOT State Traffic Engineer. US 17 at the NB to SB U-turn, south of SR 1571 (Scotts Hill Loop Road South) (this U-turn is to be constructed with Phase 1) • Signalize the intersection. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 8 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 9 of 19 US 17 at Scotts Hill Medical Drive (Right in right out; proposed directional crossover) • Convert the existing RIRO to a directional crossover. Provide a southbound left-turn lane with 125 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration, and 200 feet of taper. • Provide westbound dual right-turn lanes by constructing an additional right-turn lane with 100 feet of storage, 25 feet of full width deceleration, and 75 feet of taper. • Signalize the intersection. • The opening of the median break for the new directional crossover will require a request for approval by the NCDOT State Traffic Engineer. US 17 at the NB to SB U-turn, south of SR 1571 (Scotts Hill Loop Road South)(this U-turn is to be constructed with Phase 1, and signalized with Phase 2) US 17 at Site Access, located at existing closed off median break south of Scotts Hill Medical Drive (Proposed signalized SB directional crossover) • Provide dual westbound right-turn lane with one lane full and one lane with 100 feet of storage, 25 feet of full width storage, and 75 feet of taper. • Provide northbound right-turn lane with 250 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration, and 200 feet of taper. • Remove barrier from southbound left-turn lane and repave/repair as determined by the District Office. • Signalize the intersection. • The re-opening of the median break for the new directional crossover will require a request for approval by the NCDOT State Traffic Engineer. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 9 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 10 of 19 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects: • STIP Project W-5803B o Project to install shoulder rumble strips between New Hanover County/ Pender County line and mile post 19.3 in Onslow County. o The safety project is scheduled to be constructed in 2022. Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses must be re-examined by NCDOT if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 10 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 11 of 19 Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status • Coastal Preparatory Academy • Phase 1 (2016-2017)- 490 students • Phase 2 (2018-2019)- 587 students • Phase 3 (2019-2020)- 664 students • Phase 4 (2020-2021)731 students • TIA approved January 11, 2017 • Full Build 2021 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of: • Extension of the existing northbound left/u-turn lane at US 17 and Sidbury Road • Modification of signal timing at traffic lights located on US 17 at Scotts Hill Loop Road and Sidbury Road • Driveway improvements at the site’s access with Pandion Drive • Installation of a left turn lane into the site • Installation of dual westbound right-turn lanes on Scott Hill Loop Road at the US 17 intersection Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Blake Farms • New Hanover Regional Medical Center • Scotts Hill Village Development Status: Complete Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status • Blake Farms (Pender County) • 111,925 sf Mini-Warehouse • 407 Townhomes • 15,600 sf Office • 34,500 sf Restaurant • 3,500 sf Restaurant w/ Drive- Thru (Fast Food) • 7,700 sf Aquarium • 8,400 sf Retail • 250 Senior Multi-Family Units • 50 Single-Family Homes • 10,000 sf Restaurant (Event Center) • 20,000 sf Medical Office • TIA Approved July 6, 2015 • TIA revision approved January 31, 2020. • Full build 2025 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 11 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 12 of 19 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of: • Installation of three (3) site accesses along US 17 in Pender County. Site Access 1 will include a signalized northbound directional crossover into the site. Site Access 2 and Site Access 3 will be right in-right out • Installation of signalized southbound to northbound U-turn lane north of Sidbury Road • Installation of signalized northbound to southbound U-turn lane north of Scotts Hill Loop Road (North) Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • None Development Status: the site’s main internal roadway (Blake farms Boulevard) has been constructed. No other roadway improvements have been completed at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL • The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas. • The property is within the Futch Creek watershed. • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (slight limitation) and Class III (severe limitation). However, the site is expected to be served by CFPUA when developed. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SCHOOLS • Students living in the proposed development would be assigned to Porters Neck Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High Schools. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year-round elementary, or specialty high schools. • Because all but 0.05 acres of the subject site is zoned for non-residential use, no dwelling units would be permitted by right under the current zoning. A maximum of 256 units could be developed under the proposed rezoning. • Based on the current general student generation rate*, the increase in homes would result in approximately 56 additional students than would be generated under current zoning. • The general student generation rate provides only an estimate of anticipated student yield as different forms of housing at different price points yield different numbers of students. Over the past four years, staff has also seen a decline in the number of students generated by new development. Student numbers remained relatively stable between 2015 and 2020 (excepting the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic), while 14,500 new residential units were permitted across the county. In addition, the student population is anticipated to only grow by approximately 1,300 students over the next 10 years based on the recent New Hanover County Schools Facility Needs Study. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 12 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 13 of 19 Development Type Intensity Estimated Student Generation (generalized historic student generation rate)* Existing Development Undeveloped Approximate***Total: 0 (0 elementary, 0 middle, 0 high Typical Development under Current B-1 Zoning 0 residential units Approximate***Total: 0 (0 elementary, 0 middle, 0 high) Proposed (CZD) RMF-MH Zoning 256 residential units Approximate***Total: 56 (23 elementary, 13 middle, 20 high) *The current general student generation rate was calculated by dividing the projected New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year by the number of dwelling units in the county. Currently, there are an average of 0.22 public school students (0.09 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.08 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. These numbers are updated annually and include students attending out-of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTech. **Because the student generation rate often results in fractional numbers, all approximate student generation yields with a fraction of 0.5 or higher are rounded up to a whole number and yields with a fraction of less than 0.5 are rounded down. This may result in student numbers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels not equaling the approximate total. • Given the size of the proposed development, it may have a build-out date within 5 years, so staff has outlined existing school capacity to provide a general impact of the potential impact on public schools. These numbers do not reflect any future capacity upgrades that may occur over the next five years or trends in student population changes. School Enrollment* and Capacity** (2021-2022 School Year) * Enrollment is based on the New Hanover County Schools enrollment that was projected for the 2021-2022 school year. **Capacity calculations were determined based on the projected capacities for the 2021-2022 school year, and funded or planned capacity upgrades were those included in the Facility Needs Study presented by New Hanover County Schools to the Board of Education in January 2021. This information does not take into account flexible scheduling that may be available in high school settings, which can reduce the portion of the student body on campus at any one time. Level Total NHC Capacity School Enrollment of Assigned School Capacity of Assigned School w/ Portables Capacity of Assigned School Funded or Planned Capacity Upgrades Elementary 95% Porters Neck 473 552 86% None Middle 108% Holly Shelter 965 934 103% None High 100% Laney 2,125 2,013 106% None Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 13 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 14 of 19 • The recent facility needs survey that has been prepared by Schools staff indicates that, based on NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) student growth projections and school capacity data, planned facility upgrades, combined with changes to student enrollment patterns, will result in adequate capacity district wide over the next five years if facility upgrades are funded. NEW HANOVER COUNTY STRATEGIC PLAN • One of the goals of the New Hanover County Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 is to encourage the development of complete communities in the unincorporated county by increasing housing diversity and access to basic goods and services. • The proposed RMF-MH zoning district would allow for an increase in housing diversity and would allow those residents to utilize existing support services and community facilities within one mile of the subject property. • The subject property is located in the Porters Neck community area, where 70% of residents currently live within one-mile of a support service (urgent care, primary doctor’s office, child & adult care, etc.) and 43% live within one-mile of a community facility (public park, school, museum etc.) The proposed RMF-MH district would increase the number of residences within one-mile of support services (70% to 71%) and community facilities (43% to 47%). • The predominant housing type in the area is single family detached at 80%. Under the proposed RMF-MH district the site would allow for multifamily housing (apartments) and increase housing type diversity by reducing the percentage of single family detached (80% to 75%) and increasing the percentage of multifamily (15% to 20%). Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 14 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 15 of 19 REPRESENTATIVE DEVELOPMENTS Representative Developments of B-1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 15 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 16 of 19 Representative Developments of RMF-MH Amberleigh Shores Parks at Three Oaks Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 16 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 17 of 19 Context and Compatibility • The subject property is part of the Scott’s Hill Medical Park development. The subject property is located between residential and non-residential zoning districts and will have direct access to US -17, a principal arterial roadway. • The site is currently vacant; however, it’s current zoning and TIA approval allow general office, medical office, retail, and a pharmacy with a drive-through. • Adding a residential use to the subject site provides for a range of housing types in the unincorporated area and will support the Scott’s Hill node. • The three-story buildings will be closest to the existing R-15 zoning with the taller buildings on the Scotts Hill Medical Park side. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential & Community Mixed Use The subject parcel is primarily Community Mixed Use, with roughly 3 % designated as General Residential. Because of the general nature of place type borders, sites located in proximity to the boundaries between place types could be appropriately developed with either place type, allowing site-specific features and evolving development patterns in the surrounding area to be considered. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 17 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 18 of 19 Place Type Description Community Mixed Use: Focus on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. General Residential: Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Types of appropriate uses include single-family residential, low-density multi-family residential, light commercial, civic and recreational. Analysis The proposed (CZD) RMF-MH development is located between low-density residential, a principal arterial roadway, and commercially zoned property. In general, the Comprehensive Plan designates areas along roadways for higher residential densities and a mix of uses and those near existing neighborhoods as General Residential in order to allow for an orderly transition of densities and intensities. The proposed (CZD) RMF-MH zoning would provide a transition in density and intensity between future Community Mixed Use development along US 17 and the existing single family residential districts on two sides of the subject site. Providing options for alternative housing types in direct relationship to single-family detached development is one of the stated intents for this district. The subject site is primarily classified as Community Mixed Use, which envisions moderate density residential development up to 15 dwelling units per acre The applicant is proposing 256 units, for an overall density of 19.9 units per acre for the subject site and 13.4 dwelling units per acre for the parent tract, which includes the R-15 portion not subject to the rezoning request. The scope of the proposal is limited to multifamily; however, the site is located within the Scotts Hill Medical Park development and will be part of the mix of uses affiliated with the overall development pattern. Consistency Recommendation The proposed (CZD) RMF-MH, Conditional Residential Multifamily Medium- High Density District rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because this zoning district is intended to provide alternative housing types to single-family detached development, the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use Place Type, and the project will locate community services in close proximity to nearby residents upon full build of the medical park. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 18 Z21-09 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 19 of 19 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this application and suggests the following motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-MH district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type, and the project, upon full build, will provide community services in close proximity to nearby residents. Further the proposed design supports the Scotts Hill node and retains wetlands and low-density residential zoning as an additional buffer against the school property. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal would benefit the community by providing a diverse housing option near a retail, service and employment node. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to a (CZD) RMF-MH district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project provides for the types and mixture of uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type, the residential densities are in-line with those recommended for the property, and the project, at full build, will provide commercial services in close proximity to nearby residents, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the density will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 19 Pri v a t e I-14 0 Peplow P l Cr e e k w o o d R d Pa n d i o n D r S c o t t s H ill M edicalDr Senca D r C o b ble Rid g e D r B o o t h b ay Ct SaintGeorgeRd SirClyde R d StephensChurc h R d Victoria C h a r m D r Mark e t S t S u g a r C o v e Run New Hanover County, NCSHODIncorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 5.7 of the UDOCOD B-1 AC R-5 EDZD CB I-1 R-7 PD B-2 I-2 R-10 RMF-X CS AR R-15 RMFU SC RA R-20 UMXZ O&I R-20S Zoning Districts CZD RMF-MH/ Multi-Family Apartments B-1, CZD B-1 & R-15/ Undeveloped 9000 block Market St Z21-09 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case:R 900 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 3 - 1 I-14 0 Peplow P l Pri v a t e Cr e e k w o o d R d P a n d i o n D r Tilb u r y D r Scotts H ill M e d i c a l D rSencaDr C o b b l e R i d ge D r B o o t h b ayCt SaintGeorgeRd SirClyde R d Ste p h e n s Church Rd V i c t o r i a C harm Dr Mark e t S t Suga r C o v e R u n General Residential Community Mixed Use New Hanover County, NCCONSERVATION RURAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE URBAN MIXED USE GENERAL RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CENTER COMMERCE ZONE Place Types CZD RMF-MH/ Multi-Family Apartments B-1, CZD B-1 & R-15/ Undeveloped 9000 block Market St Z21-09 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case:R 900 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 1 I-14 0 P e p l o w Pl Pri v a t e Cr e e k w o o d R d D r e s s a g e W ayTilb u r y D r S c o t t s H ill M e d ic a l Dr Senca D r C o b ble R i d g e Dr BoothbayCt SaintGeorgeRd SirClyde R d Stephens C h u rc h R d Pan d i o n D r V i c t o ri a C harm Dr M arket St Sug a r C o v e R u n 8941 9122 111 103 8925 8929 8973 8981 8975 8951 8953 8921 8985 8937 211 210 8919 113 209 112 9116 8971 207 205 8924 9104 105 8923 151 231 235 221 225 8959 9009 9001 8908 9110 8900 216 115121 9015 9010 9020 90209020 I-14 0 MAR K E T S T B-2 B-1 O&I R-7 R-10 CBRMF-L R-15 UMXZ Site Neighboring Parcels CZD RMF-MH/ Multi-Family Apartments B-1, CZD B-1 & R-15/ Undeveloped 9000 block Market St Z21-09 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case:R 900 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 6 - 2 Page 1 of 6 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 12-2020 NEW HANOVER COUNTY_____________________ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-7165 FAX (910) 798-7053 planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com CONDITIONAL ZONING APPLICATION This application form must be completed as part of a conditional zoning application submitted through the county’s online COAST portal. The main procedural steps in the submittal and review of applications are outlined in the flowchart below. More specific submittal and review requirements, as well as the standards to be applied in reviewing the application, are set out in Section 10.3.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance. Public Hearing Procedures (Optional) Pre-Application Conference 1 Community Information Meeting 2 Application Submittal & Acceptance 3 Planning Director Review & Staff Report (TRC Optional) 4 Public Hearing Scheduling & Notification 5 Planning Board Hearing & Recom- mendation 6 Board of Commissioners Hearing & Decision 7 Post-Decision Limitations and Actions 1. Applicant and Property Owner Information Applicant/Agent Name Owner Name (if different from Applicant/Agent) Company Company/Owner Name 2 Address Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Phone Phone Email Email 910-620-2374 Senca Properties, L.L.C. info@spotlessveincare.com WPE Holdings, L.L.C. 1721 New Hanover Medical Park Dr. Wilmington, NC 28403 910-763-6571 (Contact: Hormoze Goudarzi) cwolf@lobodemar.biz P.O. Box 7221 Wilmington, NC 28406 Design Solutions Cindee Wolf Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 1 Page 2 of 6 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 12-2020 2. Subject Property Information Address/Location Parcel Identification Number(s) Total Parcel(s) Acreage Existing Zoning and Use(s) Future Land Use Classification 3. Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Proposed Conditional Zoning District: Total Acreage of Proposed District: Please list the uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative (attach additional pages if necessary). Note: Only uses permitted in the corresponding General Use District are eligible for consideration within a Conditional Zoning District. 4. Proposed Condition(s) Note: Within a Conditional Zoning District, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding general use district regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be placed on the Conditional Zoning District below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process. 9000 Market Street Community Mixed-Use & General Residential p/o 327005.17.0649 & 327005.17.5590 19.04 ac.+/-B-1 & R-15 RMF-MH 12.99 ac.+/- The proposed project is an up-scale rental apartment complex with 256 total homes of 1, 2 & 3-bedroom units. Accessory buildings are available for enclosed vehicular or boat parking and storage. The four- story structures will have elevators, and all buildings will have fire-safety sprinkler systems installed. A clubhouse & amenity center with a swimming pool and pickleball courts will provide recreation opportunities, community solcial activities and management facilities. Only roughly 70% of the total tract area is being rezoned for the project. Over 6 acres, inclusive of 100% of the isolated wetlands that have been delineated on the tract, will remain zoned R-15 and preserved in its natural state to provide visual buffering and transition of uses from the school and residential neighborhood to the East. Primary access to the complex is directly from Market Street at an existing left-over median break, but inter-connectivity to the medical park will be provided with extension of the currently stubbed Seneca Drive. The 256 total units represent a density of only 13.4 units per acre when calculated for the entire tract. Reference the "Concept Plan" for site layout and improvements. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 2 Page 3 of 6 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 12-2020 5. Traffic Impact Please provide the estimated number of trips generated for the proposed use(s) based off the most recent version of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. ITE Land Use: Trip Generation Use and Variable (gross floor area, dwelling units, etc.) AM Peak Hour Trips: PM Peak Hour Trips: 6. Conditional Zoning District Considerations The Conditional Zoning District procedure is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County 2016 Comprehensive Plan and the objectives outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance and where only a specific use or uses is proposed. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of dissimilar character where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community at-large. The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Conditional Zoning district meets the following criteria. 1.How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development, as described in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, applicable small area plans, etc. per dwelling unit @ 256 220 / Mid-Rise Apartments 117 136 The policies for growth and development encourage safe and affordable housing to be available to every citizen. Sustainability of the County depends on sensible in-fill and maximizing use of lands already accessible to urban services. The proposed development will provide for an alternative housing product in the area. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 3 Page 4 of 6 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 12-2020 2.How would the requested Conditional Zoning district be consistent with the property’s classification on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? The subject tract is currently zoned for neighborhood business as part of a medical park. The additon of residential units will provide a mixture of uses - the primary premise of the "community mixed-use" place-type as a long-range planning strategy. The tract is identified in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan as a "Community Mixed-Use" place-type. The plan suggests higher densities or more intensive uses to support the surrounding residential neighborhoods. The proposed project is an acceptable transition use along the busy road corridor. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 4 Page 5 of 6 Conditional Zoning District Application – Updated 12-2020 Staff will use the following checklist to determine the completeness of your application. Please verify all of the listed items are included and confirm by initialing under “Applicant Initial”. If an item is not applicable, mark as “N/A”. Applications determined to be incomplete must be corrected in order to be processed for further review; Staff will confirm if an application is complete within five business days of submittal. Application Checklist Applicant Initial … This application form, completed and signed … Application fee: x $600 for 5 acres or less x $700 for more than 5 acres x $300 in addition to base fee for applications requiring TRC review … Community meeting written summary … Traffic impact analysis (if applicable) … Legal description (by metes and bounds) or recorded survey Map Book and Page Reference of the property requested for rezoning … Conceptual Plan including the following minimum elements: Tract boundaries and total area, location of adjoining parcels and roads x Proposed use of land, building areas and other improvements o For residential uses, include the maximum number, height, and type of units; area to be occupied by the structures; and/or proposed subdivision boundaries. o For non-residential uses, include the maximum square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area structures will occupy, and the specific purposes for which the structures will be used. x Proposed transportation and parking improvements; including proposed rights-of-way and roadways; proposed access to and from the subject site; arrangement and access provisions for parking areas. x All existing and proposed easements, required setbacks, rights-of-way, and buffers. x The location of Special Flood Hazard Areas. x A narrative of the existing vegetation on the subject site including the approximate location, species, and size (DBH) of regulated trees. For site less than 5 acres, the exact location, species, and sized (DBH) of specimen trees must be included. x Approximate location and type of stormwater management facilities intended to serve the site. x Approximate location of regulated wetlands. x Any additional conditions and requirements that represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding general use district regulations or additional limitations on land that may be regulated by state law or local ordinance … One (1) hard copy of ALL documents and site plan. Additional hard copies may be required by staff depending on the size of the document/site plan. … One (1) digital PDF copy of ALL documents AND plans CW CW CW CW CW CW CW C/W Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 7 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 8 Legal Description for  12.99 acre RMF‐MH  Conditional Zoning District      Beginning at a point in the Southeastern boundary of Market Street (U.S. Hwy. 17), a variable  width public right‐of‐way; said point being located North 49017’38” East, 172.88 feet from N.C.  Grid Monument “Tee,” located at coordinate N: 207631.681 / E: 2370385.203; as shown on a  plat recorded among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 52, at  Page 220; and running thence form that point of beginning:    Along a curve to the left, having a Radius of 4068.96 feet and Length of 92.30 feet, a Chord of   North 41054’16” East, 92.30 feet to a point; thence  South 50003’42” East, 361.78 feet to a point; thence  North 39056’18” East, 191.90 feet to a point; thence  North 38038’04” East, 182.00 feet to a point at the current terminus of Senca Drive, a 60’   private right‐of‐way; thence crossing that roadway,  South 53042’40” East, 60.00 feet to a point; thence with the eastern boundary of Senca Drive,  North 36017’20” East, 68.62 feet to a point; thence  South 53042’40” East, 446.26 feet to a point; thence  South 30051’30” West, 136.96 feet to a point; thence  South 51011’56” East, 64.07 feet to a point; thence  South 17032’27” West, 66.53 feet to a point; thence  South 40050’26” West, 57.12 feet to a point; thence  South 18031’57” West, 103.00 feet to a point; thence  South 85043’02” West, 160.21 feet to a point; thence  South 31058’20” West, 135.83 feet to a point; thence  South 56018’49” West, 238.06 feet to a point; thence  North 48034’51” West, 362.59 feet to a point; thence  North 50003’42” West, 495.10 feet to a point in the southwestern boundary of Market Street;   thence with that right‐of‐way,  North 42033’16” East, 247.16 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 12.99 acres,   more or less.     Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 9 5/19/2021 210239: Scotts Hill Apartments – Trip Generation 1 Scotts Hill Apartments Trip Generation Memorandum DAVENPORT Project Number 210239 Prepared for Comet Development May 19, 2021 This memorandum provides trip generation information for the proposed Scotts Hill Apartments site, to be located on east side of US 17 in New Hanover County, just south of the Pender County line. The subject site is part of the Scotts Hill Medical Park site, for which a TIA was previously completed by DAVENPORT on June 4, 2019. The purpose of this memorandum is to show that the trip generation of the updated land uses do not increase the trip generation of the site, and therefore the previously identified roadway improvements associated with this site should remain adequate. Figure 1 shows a sketch plan of the subject parcel, as well as the other three (3) parcels of Scotts Hill Medical Park. The site is accessible by two (2) locations on US 17: a future access located approximately 550 feet north of Creekwood Road, and by Scotts Hill Medical Drive which connects to the site via Senca Drive. There is currently a bollarded southbound left turn lane on US 17 to the future access, which will need removal of the bollards once the driveway is constructed. The subject parcel is proposed to consist of 256 apartment units, and two (2) outparcels. The land use of these outparcels is not yet known. For trip generation purposes, these were analyzed as 15,000 square feet of retail space. Table 1 below provides a comparison of the previously analyzed land uses and the updated land uses, based on information from the developer. Note that one parcel has been built to date, which is the Wilmington Eye medical office building (“Lot 2” in Figure 1), with a floor area of approximately 23,400 square feet. Table 1 - Land Use Comparison Land Use Variable Previous (June 2019 TIA) Updated Difference (Updated Minus Previous) General Office 1000 GFA 132.0 45.2 -87 Medical Office 1000 GFA 18.0 23.4 +5 Shopping Center (Retail) 1000 GLA 32.0 15 -17 Pharmacy (Drive-Through Window) 1000 GLA 9.0 9.0 0 Apartments Dwelling Units 256 +256 Table 2 shows the previous trip generation from the June 2018 TIA. This establishes a trip generation “budget” against which the new land uses could be compared. Table 3 shows the trip generation results for the updated land uses, as well as the net difference between the new and old trip generations. Trip generation was computed based on rates and equations from the ITE Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition, in accordance with NCDOT Congestion Management standards. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 10 5/19/2021 210239: Scotts Hill Apartments – Trip Generation 2 Table 2 - Previous Trip Generation (June 2019 TIA) Scott's Hill Medical Park (Full Build) Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour Two-Way AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use ITE Land Code Size Method - Type Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit General Office 710 132.0 1000 GFA Generator/ Equation 1,389 187 25 38 173 Medical Office 720 18.0 1000 GFA Adjacent/ Rate 626 39 11 17 45 Shopping Center (Retail) 820 32.0 1000 GLA Adjacent/ Equation 2,770 104 64 112 122 Pharmacy (Drive-Through Window) 881 9.0 1000 GLA Adjacent/ Rate 982 18 17 46 47 Total Unadjusted Trips 5,767 348 117 213 387 Office -9 -10 -4 -11 Retail -10 -9 -9 -3 Total Internal Trips Reduction - -19 -19 -13 -14 Shopping Center (0% AM, 34% PM) 0 0 -38 -38 Pharmacy (0% AM, 49% PM) 0 0 -22 -22 Total Pass-By Peak Reduction - 0 0 -60 -60 Total Adjusted (Primary) Trips - 329 98 140 313 Table 3 - Updated Trip Generation Scotts Hill Apartments Average Weekday Driveway Volumes 24 Hour Two-Way AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use ITE Land Code Size Method - Type Volume Enter Exit Enter Exit Apartments 220 256 Dwelling Units Adjacent/ Equation 1,895 27 90 86 50 Pharmacy (Drive-Through Window) 881 9.0 1000 GFA Adjacent/ Rate 982 19 16 47 46 Medical Office (Wilmington Eye) 720 23.4 1000 GFA Adjacent/ Rate 814 51 14 23 58 General Office 710 45.2 1000 GFA Generator/ Equation 491 73 10 21 94 Outparcels: Retail 820 15 1000 GLA Adjacent/ Equation 1,655 99 60 64 69 Total Unadjusted Trips 5,837 269 190 241 317 Difference (New Minus Previous Trips) +70 -79 +73 +28 -70 Total Internal Trips Reduction (6% AM, 19% PM) - -16 -11 -46 -60 LUC 820 General Retail (0%AM, 34% PM) 0 0 -18 -18 LUC 881 Pharmacy with Drive-Thru Window (0%AM, 49% PM) 0 0 -19 -19 Total Pass-By Peak Reduction - 0 0 -37 -37 Total Adjusted (Primary) Trips - 253 179 158 220 Net Difference (New Minus Previous Trips) - -76 +81 +18 -93 +5 -75 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 11 5/19/2021 210239: Scotts Hill Apartments – Trip Generation 3 The results in Table 3 show a slight increase in 24-hour trips (+70), a slight increase in net AM peak hour trips (+5), and a significant reduction in net PM peak hour trips (-75). The June 2019 TIA identified roadway improvements that would be required for the Scotts Hill Medical Park development. The current trip generation shows that the proposed uses have a comparable or lower trip generation than the previous TIA. As a result, the previously determined roadway improvements are expected to remain adequate. Please let us know if you need additional information. Sincerely, ______________________ Nick Liguori, P.E. nliguori@davenportworld.com 804-554-0910 SEAL 5/19/21  Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 12 FIGURE 1 NEW SKETCH PLAN    Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 13 FIGURE 2 PREVIOUS SITE PLAN Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 14 REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING NOTIFIACTION BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Project Name: Comet – Scotts Hill – a Multi-family Residential Community Proposed Zoning: B-1 & R-15 to (CZD) RMF-MH The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a project proposal and an exhibit of the site layout for the above proposed zoning application was sent to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail, and provided to the Planning Department for notice of the Sunshine List on May 12, 2021. The mailing gave the recipients opportunity to contact the developer with questions or comments via telephone or email. Copies of the written notice and the site layout exhibit are attached. The persons responding were: Reference attached list of contacts received from calls and emails. Opposition generally focused on concerns of increased traffic and the belief that the specific use was not compatible with the single-family community in the vicinity. Transcripts of the dialogue and responses provided are attached. Date: June 1, 2021 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 15 Community Information  Comet ‐ Scotts Hill Apts Name Address Email (Optional) Conrad Lowman 8871 Stephens Church Rd clowman@ec.rr.com Maria Bach etal 8976 Cobble Ridge Dr maria.bach@ncfbins.com Tom Stevens Scotts Hill Village HOA tomstevens@topmail.com elizabeth@premiermanagementnc.com jfox@jefmanagement.com Darlene (Renjulie?) 1053 Pandion Dr Tel. 862‐259‐1634 Spruill Thompson on behalf of Ruth Nixon Family 8908 Market Street spruill@capefearcommercial.com Luke & Ashley Williams 1003 Pandion Dr lukeswilliams17@gmail.com Dianne Metz 8960 Cobble Ridge Drive metzez@msn.com Cindee Wolf Project Planner cwolf@lobodemar.biz Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 16 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Sent:Friday, May 14, 2021 10:59 AM To:'Maria Bach' Cc:'elizabeth@premiermanagementnc.com'; 'jfox@jefmanagement.com' Subject:RE: Scott's Hill Proposal: "Comet" Attachments:Info Exhibit.pdf Ms. Bach etal,    This community would be all rental‐based, at market‐rate, but the units are a more up‐scale apartment style.  That is a  housing product lacking in the northern section of the County.  The mixture of uses is exactly what the County’s  Comprehensive Land Use Plan intended and encourages along the busy highway corridor.     The primary access will be from a driveway directly from Market Street, obviously a major thoroughfare, at the southern  boundary of the tract – as shown on the plan provided.  There will be a right turn lane for the north‐bond traffic, and a  signalized left‐over turn for the south‐bound.   Since the subject area is already zoned for commercial use(s), the traffic  impact analysis previously approved has been reviewed and the result in the change to housing is negligible.  The  original required roadway improvements stand as appropriate for mitigation of the overall traffic.   The project will also  have inner‐connectivity via Senca Drive to Scotts Hill Medical Drive, but I see no impact whatsoever to Pandion Drive.     Wilmington does have a diverse demographic.  You made no mention of retirees – also a prevalent influx to our  County.  Apartments around town have an extremely high occupancy percentage, and this location is extremely  attractive to both Wilmington and the expanding Hampstead area.  The medical park facilities are certainly an asset, too.    Yes – site inventory research is a part of the entitlement process.  All wetland areas are being preserved – providing an  extremely wide buffer to even the undeveloped school property, and transition of uses back to the Scotts Hill Village  community.       I’ll discuss the aspect of having an actual meeting with the developer, but feel that we can answer further questions just  as easily in this format.  Your contact and comments will be included in the report that accompanies the submittal.    Thank you for your interest.      Cindee Wolf  Tel. 910‐620‐2374          From: Maria Bach <maria.bach@ncfbins.com>   Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 9:59 AM  To: cwolf@lobodemar.biz  Cc: elizabeth@premiermanagementnc.com; jfox@jefmanagement.com  Subject: Scott's Hill Proposal: "Comet"    Ms. Wolfe,      I am a resident of Scott’s Hill Village and the proposed rezoning will directly impact my community and potentially  impact its growth making it a less attractive option.   Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 17 2 I have questions that other residents and myself have previously posed to other developers trying to pitch the same  idea.       Will these be purely ‘rental’ units or buyer owned?    Why not Townhomes which attract a more permanent resident base?      What ingress/egress points does the proposed complex intend to use? –Pandion Drive is already heavily trafficked with  our own rapidly growing development.      Has a traffic impact analysis been performed? If so, will this development request additional traffic signals installed?     What is the target demographic here? What is the evidence to suggest there is a need for additional apartments in our  market?   Wilmington is not exactly an up and coming Market for young professionals. Employment is limited to service,  hospitality, some medical professions and labor.      Are the developers aware of Native American artifact sites in our surrounding lands?      I thank you in advance for your time and I look forward to a meeting in person considering COVID protocols have eased  and a gathering can be held outdoors.         Maria Bach  8976 Cobble Ridge Drive  Wilmington, NC 28411           Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 18 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Sent:Wednesday, May 26, 2021 1:21 PM To:'Luke Williams' Subject:RE: No To Apartments at Scott’s Hill Attachments:Dual Right Turns w_Signal.pdf Got it.  So you are actually in Pender County.    Yes ‐ I feel sure that exit is probably somewhat difficult at this time.  However, are you aware that there are plans in the  near future, and prior to any additional development of the "Medical Park" to provide a left‐over & traffic signal at that  intersection so that exiting vehicles will have controlled movements?  There will be dual right turns to travel North and /  or to the U‐turn.  That will certainly alleviate the current back‐ups.      ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: Luke Williams <lukeswilliams17@gmail.com>   Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 12:13 PM  To: cwolf@lobodemar.biz  Cc: Seth Coker <scoker@cometdev.com>  Subject: Re: No To Apartments at Scott’s Hill    Hello Cindy,    We frequently use the turn into the medical center which would become an entrance to the apartment complex. The  opposition is due to the already congested traffic around that area and adding 250 apartments (~3‐500 residents) would  have a significant impact.     Our address is 1003 Pandion Drive for your records.    Best,  Luke      > On May 26, 2021, at 11:09 AM, cwolf@lobodemar.biz wrote:  >   > Mr. & Mrs. Williams,  > We appreciate your comments, although I fail to see how an up‐scale residential complex ‐ simply an alternative  housing style ‐ along the highway frontage with two direct accesses from Market Street, and separated by a wide  permanent conservation area and the school, would have any effect on your neighborhood?  > Your email will certainly be included on the report of community information efforts.  > Could you please share your address for the record?    > Thank you,  > Cindee   >   > ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  > From: Luke Williams <lukeswilliams17@gmail.com>   > Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 5:41 AM  > To: cwolf@lobodemar.biz  > Subject: No To Apartments at Scott’s Hill  Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 19 2 >   > Hello Cindee,  >   > My wife and I received the transmittal regarding the new Comet apartment proposal near the medical facility. We are  extremely distraught at the idea of putting in 250 apartments since we specifically moved to this area to get away from  the abundance of people. Scott’s Hill Village, though slowly growing, is a small close knit neighborhood and having  mainly transient apartment dwellers will change the atmosphere of the entire neighborhood.  > I hope this message helps in deciding not to approve the zoning change.   >   > Thank you,  > Luke and Ashley Williams   >   Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 20 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Sent:Tuesday, May 25, 2021 4:56 PM To:'Tom Stevens' Subject:RE: Scott's Hill Proposal: "Comet" Attachments:TRIP GEN MEMO 5-19-21.pdf Hot off the presses.  This is the actual TIA update memorandum from the Traffic Engineer, and does show the adjusted  figures.    From: Tom Stevens <tomstevens@topmail.com>   Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 9:23 AM  To: cwolf@lobodemar.biz  Subject: RE: Scott's Hill Proposal: "Comet"    Thank you!    Please include the traffic impact analysis you referred to when you can.    Tom    From: cwolf@lobodemar.biz [mailto:cwolf@lobodemar.biz]   Sent: Monday, May 24, 2021 9:16 AM  To: 'Tom Stevens' <tomstevens@topmail.com>  Cc: 'M Bach' <mcpbach@yahoo.com>; 'Seth Coker' <scoker@cometdev.com>  Subject: RE: Scott's Hill Proposal: "Comet"    Tom,  I will copy you with the actual submittal when it is made on June 1st, and I feel sure you will no doubt transmit the  information to your association by email.  With all due respect, development of this tract with residences instead of the  many businesses and / or other uses that are already permitted by right should have little, if any, impact on that  neighborhood fairly far removed.  Scotts Hill Village residents have both Scotts Hill Medical Drive or Scotts Hill Loop  Road for their traverse to & from.  Although both they & this development will need to use the U‐turn at Scotts Hill Loop  for travel South, this project will have its own right‐in & left‐over access at the south end – as provided by the original  Traffic Impact Analysis.    Regards, Cindee      From: Tom Stevens <tomstevens@topmail.com>   Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 9:29 AM  To: cwolf@lobodemar.biz  Cc: M Bach <mcpbach@yahoo.com>  Subject: RE: Scott's Hill Proposal: "Comet"    Thank you.    Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 21 2 I am looking over present documents but do not yet have any further questions except one.  Might you happen to be  planning to exceed regulations and notify residents of Scotts Hill Village and those on  or intersecting o Creekwood  Road?  I think they all would appreciate the proposed change to the neighborhood.      Tom    From: cwolf@lobodemar.biz [mailto:cwolf@lobodemar.biz]   Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 9:15 AM  To: tomstevens@topmail.com  Subject: RE: Scott's Hill Proposal: "Comet"    Mr. Stevens,  I understand there was some confusion over the public hearing process for the proposed rezoning, but that Ken Vafier  with the County explained.    Are there other questions you have that I might be able to assist with?    Cindee Wolf  Tel. 910‐620‐2374       From: cwolf@lobodemar.biz <cwolf@lobodemar.biz>   Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 11:03 AM  To: 'tomstevens@topmail.com' <tomstevens@topmail.com>  Subject: FW: Scott's Hill Proposal: "Comet"    Yes Sir.  I will include your contact in any future transmittals, and the report.  Thank you.       From: cwolf@lobodemar.biz <cwolf@lobodemar.biz>   Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 10:59 AM  To: 'Maria Bach' <maria.bach@ncfbins.com>  Cc: 'elizabeth@premiermanagementnc.com' <elizabeth@premiermanagementnc.com>; 'jfox@jefmanagement.com'  <jfox@jefmanagement.com>  Subject: RE: Scott's Hill Proposal: "Comet"    Ms. Bach etal,    This community would be all rental‐based, at market‐rate, but the units are a more up‐scale apartment style.  That is a  housing product lacking in the northern section of the County.  The mixture of uses is exactly what the County’s  Comprehensive Land Use Plan intended and encourages along the busy highway corridor.     The primary access will be from a driveway directly from Market Street, obviously a major thoroughfare, at the southern  boundary of the tract – as shown on the plan provided.  There will be a right turn lane for the north‐bond traffic, and a  signalized left‐over turn for the south‐bound.   Since the subject area is already zoned for commercial use(s), the traffic  impact analysis previously approved has been reviewed and the result in the change to housing is negligible.  The  original required roadway improvements stand as appropriate for mitigation of the overall traffic.   The project will also  have inner‐connectivity via Senca Drive to Scotts Hill Medical Drive, but I see no impact whatsoever to Pandion Drive.     Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 22 1 cwolf@lobodemar.biz From:cwolf@lobodemar.biz Sent:Monday, May 31, 2021 6:16 PM To:'Dianne Metz' Subject:RE: Comet-Scott’s Hill Ms. Metz,  A traffic impact analysis was completed for the entire Scotts Hill Medical Park development.  Since that masterplan is  not fully built‐out, there are still some improvements pending as additional uses are added.  The most important one as  it would relate to your neighborhood's Pandion Drive, is that a signalized "left‐over" median break is imminent at the  Scotts Hill Medical Park Drive intersection with Market Street.  When that is in place, it will provide an alternative access  into the medical park and presumably relieve some of the traffic that is forced to use Scotts Hill Loop Road now.  Also,  the existing "left‐over" just north of Creekwood Road ‐  that has already been installed, but not opened ‐ will be put into  use for the primary access into this residential complex.         The subject property included in this rezoning petition is already zoned for business uses ‐ including but not limited to  general office, more medical office, shopping center and pharmacy with a drive‐thru.  The apartments are being  proposed in substitution of some of those uses, and the difference in the vehicular trip generation is negligible ‐ but the  additional improvements being installed should mitigate the traffic issues that you've described.    We appreciate your interest, and your contact has been included in the report of community information efforts.  I'll will  be happy to copy you with the full submittal package when it has been accepted by the County.    Regards, Cindee Wolf  Tel. 910‐620‐2374           ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐  From: Dianne Metz <metzez@msn.com>   Sent: Monday, May 31, 2021 1:02 PM  To: cwolf@lobodemar.biz  Subject: Comet‐Scott’s Hill    I’m a resident of Scott’s Hill Village and am very concerned about the apartment complex that you are proposing.  The  traffic on 17N is already congested and difficult to navigate and your complex would only add more of a traffic  congestion. So what is your plan to help remedy this?  I challenge you to drive 17N anytime between 3:30‐4:30 pm, in  case you’ve not experienced this nightmare!  How would your complex impact the water and water pressure in our area  since it’s presently being impacted by the expansion of our own community?  Dianne Metz  8960 Cobble Ridge Drive     Sent from my iPhone  Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 23 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 24 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 25 500' BOUNDARY PERIMETER  / ADJACENT OWNERS MAILING LIST OWNER NAME MAILING ADDRESS CITY / STATE / ZIP SITUS ADDRESS BECKFORD CAROLE G EVON W 270 RONBRU DR NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10804 8909 OMIE LN WILMINGTON BORDEAUX DEMETRIUS O SR ETAL 207 CREEKWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 121 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON BORDEAUX DEMETRIUS O SR TIMICKA J 207 CREEKWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 115 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON BOYD RONALD L SR KATHY H 224 SIMMONS DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411     WILMINGTON BOYDD BOBBY LEA DEBORA L 9021 STEPEHNS CHURCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 9021 STEPHENS CHURCH RD WILMINGTON BRINKLEY ADAM DOUGLAS NICOLE M 5730 MARKET ST WILMINGTON, NC 28405 8985 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON BRINKLEY ESTON C KATIE B 5730 MARKET ST WILMINGTON, NC 28405 8971 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON BRINKLEY ESTON C KATIE B 5730 MARKET ST WILMINGTON, NC 28405 8973 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD 515 QUEEN ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 205 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON COASTAL PREP ACADEMY FOUNDATION 1135 PANDION DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411 1135 PANDION DR WILMINGTON COASTAL PREP ACADEMY FOUNDATION 1135 PANDION DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411      FULTON DARLENE ETAL 109 YORKSHIRE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28409 103 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON GOLDER PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 502 WRIGHTSVILLE BCH, NC 28480 9001 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON GOLDER PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 502 WRIGHTSVILLE BCH, NC 28480 9015 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON GOLDER WILLIAM W JR ETAL PO BOX 502 WRIGHTSVILLE BCH, NC 28480 9009 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON GREENE IRVING R ETAL PO BOX 421 CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 225 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON GREER JACQUELINE ANN 8937 STEPHENS CHURCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 8937 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON HARRIS KATRINA NIXON 8924 MARKET ST WILMINGTON, NC 28411 8924 MARKET ST  WILMINGTON HINES VANESSA E 205 CREEKWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 205 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER COUNTY 230 GOV CENTER DR STE 190 WILMINGTON, NC 28403     WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER COUNTY 230 GOV CENTER DR STE 109 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 221 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON NIXON ALONZA DEBBIE R 111 CREEKWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 111 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON NIXON BARBARA PO BOX 1307 GREENBELT, MD 20768     WILMINGTON NIXON DON E 103 BERRY ST CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 8929 STEPHENS CHURCH RD WILMINGTON NIXON GEORGE JR 211 CREEKWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 211 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON NIXON KATHLEEN M 113 CREEKWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 113 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON NIXON RUTH M 1033 CRANFORD DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411 8908 MARKET ST  WILMINGTON NOVANT HEALTH NHRMC PO BOX 1649 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 9110 MARKET ST WILMINGTON PARKER ANTWANE L 8805 STEPHENS CHURCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 231 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON PRIDGEN LEROY HEIRS 635 CREEKWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411      ROBERTS CAROL A 8221 SAGE VALLEY DR WILMINGTON, NC 28411 235 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON RP18 SCOTTS HILL LLC 160 CANYON CREST DR W STE 2 ALPINE, UT 84004 310 VICTORIA CHARM DR  WILMINGTON SBS II LLC 1729 NEW HANOVER MEDICAL PARK DR WILMINGTON, NC 28403 9020 SENCA DR  WILMINGTON SCOTTS HILL ROAD ASSOCIATION INC 1729 NEW HAN MEDICAL PARK DR WILMINGTON, NC 28403 9104 MARKET ST  WILMINGTON SEAGREEN LLC 6 CLUD RD RYE, NY 10580 8959 STEPEHNS CHURCH RD WILMINGTON SENCA PROPERTIES LLC 1721 NEW HAN MEDICAL PARK DR WILMINGTON, NC 28403      SHEPARD EDITH HEIRS 8951 STEPHENS CHURCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28405 8951 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON SIDBERRY ODELL HEIRS 112 EDGEWATER CLUB RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 8923 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON SIMON TIMICKA J 207 CREEKWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 207 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON SPICER ELEANOR B 209 CREEKWOOD RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 209 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON TYRE ANITA MOORE 8981 STEPHENS CHURCH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28411 8981 STEPHENS CHURCH RD  WILMINGTON VALSI MONICA LYNN 20 NORTHWOOD DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 301 CREEKWOOD RD  WILMINGTON WPE HOLDINGS LLC 1721 NEW HAN MEDICAL PARK DR WILMINGTON, NC 28403  MARKET ST  WILMINGTON WPE HOLDINGS LLC 1721 NEW HAN MEDICAL PARK DR WILMINGTON, NC 28403 9010 SENCA DR  WILMINGTON WPE HOLDINGS LLC 1721 NEW HAN MEDICAL PARK DR WILMINGTON, NC 28403  MARKET ST  WILMINGTON WPE HOLDINGS LLC 1721 NEW HAN MEDICAL PARK DR WILMINGTON, NC 28403 9000 MARKET ST  WILMINGTON Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 26 P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Transmittal    May 12, 2021    To: Adjacent Property Owners    From: Cindee Wolf    Re: Comet – Scotts Hill / an Apartment Community    My clients are interested in developing a new residential community on lands within the proximity of  your property.  This proposal would require a Conditional Zoning District approval from New Hanover  County.      A Conditional Zoning District allows particular uses to be established only in accordance with specific  standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project.  Essentially, this means  that only that use, structures and layout of an approved proposal can be developed.  An exhibit of the  project layout is enclosed.    The County requires that the developer notify the property owners within a 500’‐adjacency to the  project and hold a meeting for any and all interested parties.  This is intended to provide neighbors  with an opportunity for explanation of the proposal, and for questions to be answered concerning  project improvements, benefits, and impacts.    Due to the current COVID‐19 issue, however, a meeting cannot be held at this time.  In lieu of that, you  can contact the land planner, Cindee Wolf, with comments or questions at:  Telephone:  910‐620‐2374, or  Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz    All contacts, comments, concerns, and recommendations must be recorded in a report delivered to the  County along with the rezoning application.    Prior to this project being reviewed by the Planning Board & Commissioners, you will receive  subsequent notices of the agendas directly from the County.  Those meetings provide public hearings  for comment on any issues pertinent to approval of the proposal.    We appreciate your interest and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the  community.   Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 27 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 7 - 28 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 8 - 1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 8 - 2 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 9 - 1 N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 7/8/2021 Regular D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R (S ): Marty L ile, L o ng R ange Planner C O N TA C T (S ): Marty L ile; Rebekah Ro th, Pla nning a nd L a nd U se Directo r S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Rezoning Request (Z 21-07) - Request by N ovant Health-N ew Hanov er Regional M edic al C enter to rezone approximately 40.9 acres of land located in the 100 block of S c o@s Hill M edical Drive from (C Z D) O&I , C ondiConal O ffice and I nsCtuConal District, and B-1, N eighborhood B usiness District, to O&I , O ffice and I nsCtuC onal District. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he applicant is pro posing to rezone a ppro ximately 41 acres from (C ZD) O &I , C ondi+onal O ffi ce and I ns+tu+onal, and B -1, N eighborho o d B usiness, to O &I , O ffi ce and I ns+tu+o nal. T he applica nt has indicated on the applica+on that the rezoning would allo w f o r a regio nal medical facility, which wo uld be classified a s a H o spital use by the U nifi ed Development O rdinance’s Principal U se Table. However, as this is a straight rezo ning and no t a condi+onal rezo ning, all uses allo wed in the O &I district would be permied. As currently co ndi+o nally zoned, the site is subject to two site-spec ifi c development plans that, when co nsidered together, allow fo r six buildings tota ling a ppro ximately 282,000 square feet of building footprint area with a mixture o f the following uses: Hospital, Medical a nd Dental O ffi ce, O ffices for Private B usiness and Prof essional Ac+vi+es, and Heliport. T he current maximum building height f o r the subject site is 35 feet, which was the maximum allo wable building height in the O &I district when the condi+onal rezonings were o rigina lly appro ved in the mid-2000s. Fo ur o f the six appro ved buildings have not been constructed, tota ling 236,000 square f eet of footage and 627 parking spaces, which includes the pro posed 172,000 square foot ho spital and correspo nding 416 parking spaces. T he exis+ng site- specifi c development plan also establishes a 90’ tree preserva +o n buff er located along Pandio n Drive. B ecause this is a straight rezoning, a conceptual plan is no t inc luded within the applica+o n. T he subject site would be required to meet all the U nifi ed Development O rdinance (U D O ) requirements f o r develo pment within the O &I district. Types of uses allowed and c o mmo nly found in the O &I district include civic a nd ins+tu+onal uses like libraries, community centers, government buildings, elementary and secondary schools, and trade scho o ls. Medical uses like ho spitals, nursing care facili+es, and medical o ffices are also typical of the O &I district. O ther commercial uses including retail, personal service, fi nancial ins+tu+ons, and restaurants are co mmo n as well. T he O &I district allo ws residen+al develo pment at a maximum density o f 2.5 dwelling units per acre. As currently develo ped, the site is es+mated to generate appro ximately 97 trips in the A M peak hour and 102 trips in the PM peak hour. W hile Traffi c I mpact Analyses (T I As) are not required for stra ight rezonings, a T I A was o riginally appro ved f o r the site in 2014. T he impro vements required under that approval were c arried o ver into a 2019 T I A f o r the po r+o n of the Sco s H ill Medical Development south of Scos Hill Medica l D rive, which serves as the basis o f the memo randum produced for C ase Z21-09 in May 2021. I n the event the C ase Z21-09 development is denied, o r if new develo pment in the area is pro posed that wo uld trigger the requirement for a T I A established by the U D O a nd N C D OT, a new T I A wo uld be required that wo uld likely include or supersede these improvements. L ikewise, any changes made to the use of the subject site, including but not limited to building square f o o tage o r loca +o n of drivewa ys, wo uld require a new T I A to be submied to the N C D OT a nd W M P O f o r review and approval. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 T he site is currently used for medical uses, including an urgent care fa cility and o utpa+ent surgery offi ce. T he site is located adjacent to exis+ng medical offi c e uses o f the Sco s Hill Medical Park alo ng Ma rket Street and abuts appro ximately nine single-f amily ho mes o f the Scos Hill Village subdivisio n to the so utheast. T he current site-specifi c develo pment plan incorpo rates a 90’ tree preserva+on buff er from the pro perty line adjacent the single-f amily ho mes alo ng Pandio n D rive. Future develo pment would be subject to the C o unty ’s tree reten+on a nd mi+ga+o n standards o f the U D O, which prohibits the remova l of specimen trees and encourages the reten+on o f trees through required mi+ga+o n of significant trees. T he propo sed O &I rezo ning is generally C O N S I S T E N T with the C ommunity Mixed U se place type because it allo ws the types of co mmercial, offi ce, a nd civic uses recommended in the C o mprehensive Plan and is iden+fied as a typical zo ning catego ry in the C o mmunity Mixed U se pla c e type. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: I ntelligent Growth & Eco nomic DevelopmentE nc o ura ge develo pment of complete co mmuni+es in the uninco rporated countyC i+zens have daily needs met by N H C businesses and support them R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Staff recommends appro val and suggests the follo wing mo +o n: I mo ve to A P P R OV E the propo sed rezoning to an O &I district. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purposes a nd intent o f the C omprehensive Plan because the district allo ws the types of commercial, o ffice, and c ivic uses that would be encouraged in the C ommunity Mixed U se place type and would serve as a n appro priate transi+on between exis+ng commerc ial develo pment and adjacent residen+al neighbo rhoods. I also find A P P R OVA L of the rezoning request is reaso nable and in the public interest because the site is located a lo ng the Market Street corrido r and is near the I -140 interchange and exis+ng co mmercial services. AT TA C H M E N T S : Descrip+on Z21-07 Script PB Z21-07 Staff Report PB Z21-07 Zoning Map PB Z21-07 FLUM PB Z21-07 Neighboring Properties PB Z21-07 Applicant Materials CS Z21-07 Application Package PB Z21-07 Rezoning Boundary C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z21-07) Request by Novant Health - New Hanover Regional Medical Center to rezone approximately 40.913 acres of land located at 151 Scotts Hill Medical Drive from (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional, and B-1, Neighborhood Business, to O&I, Office and Institutional. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion for Approval I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to an O&I district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the district allows the types of commercial, office, and civic uses that would be encouraged in the Community Mixed Use place type and would serve as an appropriate transition between existing commercial development and adjacent residential neighborhoods. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the site is located along the Market Street corridor and is near the I-140 interchange and existing commercial services. Example Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to an O&I district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the district allows the types of commercial, office, and civic uses that would be encouraged in the Community Mixed Use place type and would serve as an appropriate transition between existing commercial development and adjacent residential neighborhoods, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the intensity of the uses allowed within the proposed district will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed rezoning to an O&I district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 2 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 1 of 16 STAFF REPORT FOR Z21-07 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z21-07 Request: Rezone 40.913 acres from (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional, and B-1, Neighborhood Business, to O&I, Office & Institutional Applicant: Property Owner(s): Tom Walsh, Novant Health – New Hanover Regional Medical Center Novant Health – New Hanover Regional Medical Center Location: Acreage: 9104 Market Street 151 Scotts Hill Medical Drive 40.913 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R02900-002-077-000 R02900-002-067-000 R02900-002-078-000 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Urgent Care Facility, Medical Office, Undeveloped Urgent Care Facility and Medical Office to remain. The remaining portions of the site would be allowed to be developed in accordance with O&I district provisions Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional; and B-1, Neighborhood Business O&I, Office and Institutional SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North US 17 Corridor, Mini-Warehouse/Self-Storage, Undeveloped (CZD) B-2, R-15 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 1 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 2 of 16 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING East Undeveloped, Religious Assembly, Single-Family Residential N/A (Pender County GB, O&I, and RP)* South Single-Family Residential, Elementary Charter School R-15 West US 17 Corridor, Medical Offices B-1, (CZD) O&I * Pender County Zoning Districts: GB (General Buisness), O&I (Office and Institutional), RP (Residential Performance) ZONING HISTORY July 6, 1971 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 5) October 4, 2004 3.36 acres rezoned from R-15 to (CUD) O&I, Conditional Use Office & Institutional, to allow for a surgery clinic. (Case Z-785) (Replaced by Case Z-795) April 4, 2005 6.71 acres rezoned from R-15 to (CUD) O&I, Conditional Use Office & Institutional, to allow for a surgery clinic. (Case Z-795) (Replaces Case Z- 785) January 8, 2007 49.85 acres rezoned from R-15 to (CUD) B-1, Conditional Use Neighborhood Business District, and (CUD) O&I, Conditional Use Office & Institutional, to allow for a hospital, medical offices, and business offices. (Case Z-853) August 4, 2008 9.22 acres rezoned from R-15 to B-1, Neighborhood Business. (Case Z- 888) August 11, 2014 26.93 acres rezoned from (CUD) O&I, Conditional Use Office & Institutional, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office & Institutional, to allow for a helicopter landing pad. (Case Z-934) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer services are available through CFPUA. Specific design will be determined during site plan review. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 2 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 3 of 16 Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Station Porters Neck Schools Porters Neck Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High schools Recreation Ogden Park, Pages Creek Preserve CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation The County’s Conservation Resources Map indicates that swamp forests and pocosin wetlands may be present on the site. Conservation space is required for swamp forest and pocosin wetlands when at least five (5) acres of the resource exists on the property. Preliminary analysis indicates that fewer than 5 acres exist on the site. Verification of regulated swamp forests and pocosin wetlands will be required during the site plan review process. Historic No known historic resources. Archaeological No known archaeological resources. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 3 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 4 of 16 EXISTING CONDITIONS • Of the three properties being considered, two properties are currently zoned (CZD) O&I, totaling 31.69 acres, and are currently used for an emergency room (New Hanover Regional Medical Center Emergency Department – North), and a surgery center (New Hanover Regional Medical Center – Atlantic Surgicenter). The third property being considered in this request is zoned B-1, accounts for 9.22 acres of the request, and is undeveloped. • The subject site is located on Scotts Hill Medical Drive along the Market Street corridor, with the existing straight B-1 portion of the site located immediately adjacent to Pender County to the north and northeast. Existing (CZD) O&I Site-Specific Development Plan • As currently conditionally zoned, the site is subject to two site-specific development plans that, when considered together, allow for six buildings totaling approximately 282,000 square feet of building footprint area with a mixture of the following uses: Hospital, Medical and Dental Office, Offices for Private Business and Professional Activities, and Heliport. The current maximum building height for the subject site is 35 feet, which was the maximum allowable building height in the O&I district when the conditional rezonings were originally approved in the mid-2000s. • Four of the six approved buildings have not been constructed, totaling 236,000 square feet of footage and 627 parking spaces, which includes the proposed 172,000 square foot hospital and corresponding 416 parking spaces. • The existing site-specific development plan also establishes a 90’ tree preservation buffer located along Pandion Drive. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 4 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 5 of 16 ZONING CONSIDERATIONS • The applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 41 acres from (CZD) O&I and B-1 to O&I. The applicant has indicated on the application that the rezoning would allow for a regional medical facility, which would be classified as a Hospital use by the Unified Development Ordinance’s Principal Use Table. However, this is a straight rezoning and n ot a conditional rezoning, so all uses allowed in the O&I district would be permitted. • Types of uses allowed and commonly found in the O&I district include civic and institutional uses like libraries, community centers, government buildings, elementary and secondary schools, and trade schools. Medical uses like hospitals, nursing care facilities, and medical offices are also typical of the O&I district. Other commercial uses including retail, personal service, financial institutions, and restaurants are common as well. The O&I district allows residential development at a maximum density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre. • The subject site consists of three parcels bordering Pender County to the east. Adjacent Pender County zoning includes General Business (comparable to the B-2), O&I (comparable to the O&I), and Residential Performance (comparable to the R-15). Surrounding New Hanover County zoning classifications include (CZD) B-2, B-1, R-10, and R-15. • Each of the previously approved uses are allowed by right in the O&I district, with heliports allowed as a customary accessory use to hospital uses, and the proposed straight O&I zoning would allow for a similar development pattern as currently approved. • Because this is a straight rezoning, a conceptual plan is not included within the application. The subject site would be required to meet all the Unified Development Ordinance’s (UDO) requirements for development within the O&I district, including building height maximums for non-residential structures. Based on current standards, buildings would be limited to no more than 52 feet in height and would be required to observe increased setbacks from residential property. • The subject site is partially located within the Special Highway Overlay District (SHOD). Any building constructed on the site would be required to be set back 100’ from the Market Street right-of-way. • Any development proposed would be required to meet the UDO’s standards for parking, tree retention, landscaping and buffering, exterior lighting, signs, and open space. • Any proposed development would be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) to ensure compliance with applicable County and State regulations, including applicable site design and approval provisions within the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 5 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 6 of 16 AREA SUBDIVISIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Area Subdivisions Under Development Pender County Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 6 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 7 of 16 TRANSPORTATION Access • Access is provided to the subject site by Scotts Hill Medical Drive, a private street dedicated for public use located off Market Street approximately one mile north of the NC 140 interchange. • Traffic Impact Analyses (TIAs) are not required for a straight rezoning, as a specific development proposal is required to thoroughly analyze access, potential trip generation, and roadway improvements. • A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was originally approved for the site in 2014. The improvements required under that approval were carried over into a 2019 TIA for the portion of the Scotts Hill Medical Development south of Scotts Hill Medical Drive, which serves as the basis of the memorandum produced for Case Z21-09 in May 2021. • As currently approved, the TIA requires the following roadway improvements at the studied intersections to be completed by 2022: Pender County Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 7 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 8 of 16 1. Intersection of Market Street and Sidbury Road • No improvements. 2. Intersection of Market Street and Scotts Hill Loop Road (South) • Installation of a signalized northbound to southbound U-turn lane on Market Street. This improvement has been completed. 3. Intersection of Market Street and Scotts Hill Medical Drive • Installation of a southbound left turn lane onto Scotts Hill Medical Drive from Market Street. • Installation of an additional right turn lane from Scotts Hill Medical Drive onto Market Street northbound. • Signalization of the intersection. 4. Intersection of Market Street and future Comet Apartments site access north of Creekwood Road • Installation of a northbound right turn lane from Market Street. • Removal of the barrier from the southbound left turn lane. • Signalization of the intersection. 5. Intersection of Market Street at U-turn south of Creekwood Road • No improvements. • In the event the Case Z21-09 development is denied, or if new development in the area is proposed that would trigger the requirement for a TIA established by the UDO and NCDOT, a new TIA would be required that would likely include or supersede these improvements. Likewise, any changes made to the use of the subject site, including but not limited to building square footage or location of driveways, would require a new TIA to be submitted to the NCDOT and WMPO for review and approval. • Before any development can occur on this site, the Technical Review Committee will review all plans for compliance with applicable land use regulations, including any recommended roadway improvements from traffic impact analyses to ensure adequate traffic safety and distribution. Recommended roadway improvements will be completed as required by a TIA or through the NCDOT Driveway permitting process. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 8 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 9 of 16 • As currently developed, the site is estimated to generate approximately 97 trips in the AM peak hour and 102 trips in the PM peak hour. • In addition to the trips estimated for the existing emergency facility and surgery office, the trip generation included in the original Traffic Impact Analysis for the site analyzed 200,000 square feet of hospital and 64,000 square feet of medical office space. If developed as originally approved, the site could be estimated to generate approximately 400-500 more peak hour trips than the existing development. Development Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Existing Development: 18,000 square foot Medical Office 66 AM / 59 PM 28,000 square foot Emergency Medical Facility 31 AM / 43 PM Potential Development (based on Approved CZD Plan): 200,000 square feet of Hospital 274 AM / 194 PM 64,000 square feet of Medical Office 236 AM / 210 PM Net difference between existing conditions and potential development pattern based on approved CZD plan: +510 AM / +404 PM • Because a traffic impact analysis (TIA) is not required to analyze transportation impacts at this time, Staff has provided the volume to capacity ratio for the adjacent roadways near the subject site. While volume to capacity ratio, based on average daily trips, can provide a general idea of the function of adjacent roadways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersections is generally considered a more effective measure when determining the Level of Service of a roadway. NCDOT Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) - 2019 Road Location Volume Capacity* V/C Market Street 9100 Block 44,500 41,368 1.08 * Per the WMPO, prior capacity estimates were based off the maximum volume a roadway could be estimated to accommodate, also known as the Level of Service F volume. New methodology developed by the NCDOT Model Research and Development Group references an updated modeling system which uses Level of Service D in capacity analyses for planning purposes rather than Level of Service F, causing this figure to appear lower than previous staff reports. There has been no change in the capacity of the roadway at this location. • The Military Cutoff extension improvements are expected to improve the volume to capacity ratio by 30-50% at this location based on the 2035 traffic forecast included in the Military Cutoff Extension and Hampstead Bypass Traffic Operations Analysis Report. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 9 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 10 of 16 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and TIAs Nearby NC STIP Roadway Projects: • STIP Project W-5803B (US 17 Shoulder Rumble Strips) o Project to install shoulder rumble strips on US 17 between New Hanover County/ Pender County line and mile post 19.3 in Onslow County. o The safety project is scheduled to be constructed in 2022. • There are no pending STIP projects within one mile of the subject site anticipated to impact this request. The Military Cutoff Extension (STIP Project U-4751) is anticipated to improve the volume to capacity ratio of Market Street at this location. Pender County Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 10 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 11 of 16 Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses will expire if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 1. Scotts Hill Medical Park w/ Case Z21-09 Addendum • 45,200 sf Office • 23,400 sf Medical Office • 15,000 sf Shopping Center • 9,000 sf Pharmacy with Drive-Through • 256 Apartment Units • TIA originally approved August 5, 2019 • TIA Memorandum Addendum approved May 19, 2021 • Full Build 2022 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of: • Installation of a signalized northbound U-turn lane on US 17 south of Scotts Hill Loop Road. • Installation of a signalized southbound left turn lane on US 17 at Scotts Hill Medical Drive. Add additional right turn lane from Scotts Hill Medical Drive onto US 17. • Installation of a northbound right turn lane, removal of the barrier from the southbound left turn lane, and signalization of the intersection on US 17 at the Z21-09 site’s southern access point. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Scotts Hill Village • Coastal Preparatory Academy Development Status: The signalized northbound U-turn lane on Market Street south of Scotts Hill Loop Road has been installed. No other roadway improvements have been completed at this time. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 2. Coastal Preparatory Academy • Phase 1 (2016-2017) - 490 students • Phase 2 (2018-2019) - 587 students • Phase 3 (2019-2020) - 664 students • Phase 4 (2020-2021) - 731 students • TIA approved January 11, 2017 • Full Build 2021 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of: • Extension of the existing northbound left/U-turn lane at US 17 and Sidbury Road • Modification of signal timing at traffic lights located on US 17 at Scotts Hill Loop Road and Sidbury Road • Driveway improvements at the site’s access with Pandion Drive • Installation of a left turn lane into the site • Installation of dual westbound right-turn lanes on Scott Hill Loop Road at the US 17 intersection Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 11 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 12 of 16 Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Blake Farms • New Hanover Regional Medical Center • Scotts Hill Village Development Status: Complete. Proposed Development Land Use/Intensity TIA Status 3. Blake Farms (Pender County) • 111,925 sf Mini-Warehouse • 407 Townhomes • 15,600 sf Office • 34,500 sf Restaurant • 3,500 sf Restaurant w/ Drive-Thru (Fast Food) • 7,700 sf Aquarium • 8,400 sf Retail • 250 Senior Multi-Family Units • 50 Single-Family Homes • 10,000 sf Restaurant (Event Center) • 20,000 sf Medical Office • TIA originally approved July 6, 2015 • TIA revision approved January 31, 2020 • Full Build 2025 The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The notable improvements consisted of: • Installation of three (3) site accesses along US 17 in Pender County. Site Access 1 will include a signalized northbound directional crossover into the site. Site Access 2 and Site Access 3 will be right in-right out • Installation of signalized southbound to northbound U-turn lane north of Sidbury Road • Installation of signalized northbound to southbound U-turn lane north of Scotts Hill Loop Road (North) Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • None Development Status: The site’s main internal roadway (Blake Farm Boulevard) has been constructed. No other roadway improvements have been completed at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL • The site does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas. • The subject property is located within the Futch Creek watershed. • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (Suitable/slight limitation) soils and Class III (Severe limitations) soils. However, the subject site will be served by public water and sewer. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 12 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 13 of 16 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS CONTEXT AND COMPATABILITY • The property is located along Market Street, which is identified as a Principal Arterial on the WMPO Functional Classifications Map. • The site is currently used for medical uses, including an urgent care facility and outpatient surgery office. The site is located adjacent to existing medical office uses of the Scotts Hill Medical Park along Market Street and abuts approximately nine single-family homes of the Scotts Hill Village subdivision to the southeast. • The current site-specific development plan incorporates a 90’ tree preservation buffer from the property line adjacent the single-family homes along Pandion Drive. Future development would be subject to the County’s tree retention and mitigation standards of the UDO, which prohibits the removal of specimen trees and encourages the retention of trees through required mitigation of significant trees. • The development would be required to meet all screening and landscaping requirements of the UDO, which includes standards for street yard plantings. A full landscaping and buffering review would be conducted by the Technical Review Committee for any site plan submitted for the property. • The development will have no impact on the school system. Representative Development: New Hanover Regional Medical Center located at 17th Street Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 13 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 14 of 16 New Hanover Regional Medical Center located at 17th Street Adjacent Residential Development: Single-family homes of the Scotts Hill Village subdivision along Pandion Road (subject site on right) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 14 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 15 of 16 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. Analysis The subject site is located at the northeastern edge of the County in an area that the Comprehensive Plan envisions as a Community Mixed Use place that would provide goods and services for nearby residents and the larger community. This designation was applied to the Market Street corridor because of the existing commercial development pattern and high traffic volume. This designation anticipates the gradual conversion of residential properties along the Market Street corridor to commercial and mixed-use projects. The site is part of New Hanover Regional Medical Center’s Scotts Hill campus, and is immediately adjacent to existing and approved medical office uses to the west along Market Street, an existing institutional school use to the south, and existing single-family residential to the southeast. The existing development pattern was approved prior to the 2016 Comprehensive Plan and was incorporated into the plan’s recommendations for this area. Though this is a straight rezoning, uses and projects allowed in the O&I district are consistent with the community services envisioned at this location. The requested O&I rezoning could allow for the types of commercial, civic, and office uses that could be appropriate in this area, and O&I is one of Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 15 Z21-07 Staff Report PB 7.8.2021 Page 16 of 16 the typical zoning categories identified for the Community Mixed Use place type. Consistency Recommendation The proposed O&I rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with the Community Mixed Use place type because it allows the types of commercial, office, and civic uses recommended in the Comprehensive Plan and is identified as a typical zoning category in the Community Mixed Use place type. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval and suggests the following motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed rezoning to an O&I district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the district allows the types of commercial, office, and civic uses that would be encouraged in the Community Mixed Use place type and would serve as an appropriate transition between existing commercial development and adjacent residential neighborhoods. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the site is located along the Market Street corridor and is near the I-140 interchange and existing commercial services. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed rezoning to an O&I district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the district allows the types of commercial, office, and civic uses that would be encouraged in the Community Mixed Use place type and would serve as an appropriate transition between existing commercial development and adjacent residential neighborhoods, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the desired character of the surrounding community and the intensity of the uses allowed within the proposed district will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 16 C o b ble R i d g e D r S c o tt s Hill M edicalDr Senca D r Creekwood Rd Booth b a y C t SaintGeorgeRd SirCly d e Rd Ste p h e n s Church Rd P andionDr Victoria C h a r m D r Mar k e t S t B-1 R-15 R-10 New Hanover County, NC SHODIncorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 5.7 of the UDOCOD B-1 AC R-5 EDZD CB I-1 R-7 PD B-2 I-2 R-10 RMF-X CS AR R-15 RMFU SC RA R-20 UMXZ O&I R-20S Zoning Districts O&IB-1/CZD O&I/ Medical Facilities 9100 block Market St Z21-07 Case:Site Address:Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed Zoning R 1,000 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 1 C o b b l e Rid g e D r S c o t t s H ill M edicalDr Senca D r Creek w ood Rd Booth b a y C t SaintGeorgeRd SirCly d e Rd StephensChurch Rd V i ctoriaChar m D r P a n d i o n Dr MarketSt Conservation General Residential Community Mixed Use New Hanover County, NCCONSERVATION RURAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE URBAN MIXED USE GENERAL RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CENTER COMMERCE ZONE Place Types O&IB-1/CZD O&I/ Medical Facilities 9100 block Market St Z21-07 Case:Site Address:Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed Zoning R 1,000 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 1 C o b ble R i d g e Dr S c otts Hill M edical D r Senca D r Cr e e k w o o d R d BoothbayC t SaintGeorgeRd SirCly d e Rd Stephens Church Rd Victoria C h a r m D r P a n d i o n Dr Mark e t S t 9111 9107 9122 9121 9015 9103 9117 9100 9027 9021 9116 9139 9111 9104 105 151 9101 9101 9009 9110 9105 9144 9102313317 321 325 329 312 316 320 324 1013 1017 1021 1025 1029 1033 1037 1041 1045 1049 1053 310 1135 334 9015 1135 1135 9010 9020 9111 9111 90209020 9020 OUT O F C O U N T Y MAR K E T S T R-15 Site Neighboring Parcels O&IB-1/CZD O&I/ Medical Facilities 9100 block Market St Z21-07 Case:Site Address:Existing Zoning/Use:Proposed Zoning R 1,000 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 6 - 2 Tom Walsh Novant Health – New Hanover Regional Medical Center PO Box 1649 Wilmington , NC 28402 910-343-2789 Thomas.Walsh@nhrmc.org Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 1 RO 2900-002-067-000(CZ-O&I), RO 2900-002-077-000 (CZ-O&I) & RO290-002-078-000 (B-1) (+/- 40.913 Acres)CZ-O&I and B-1 O&I Community Mixed Use NH- NHRMC Scotts Hill Village- 151 Scotts Hill Medical Drive (100-151) The 2016 Comprehensive Plan states that "access to healthcare is important because it provides preventative medical care which contributes to overall health". New Hanover Regional Medical Center, owner of all of these properties, is noted in the Comprehensive Plan as one of the county's largest employers. With the anticipated growth in the north of the county and the adjacent counties, the hospital seeks to further support the development of a regional medical center where the existing Scotts Hill Free standing Emergency Department and Surgery Center are located. The setbacks and height limitations as described under O&I are more conducive to the required building heights encountered for the medical center use. The described properties are noted as a Community Mixed Use classification which supports civic, office, and institutional uses within that category of use amongst many other uses. The location, bounded on 3 sides by Scotts Hill, Hwy 17, and Scotts Hill will provide easy access to the major thoroughfares of the area. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 2 The further residential and employment center growth of this section of the county and the growth of the adjacent areas of Pender County have made it clear that additional medical center needs are to be addressed in the area. The Conditional Zoning-O&I for this site and the B-1 section of the land should be converted to allow the most flexibility for the regional medical center's future development. Having a Regional Medical Center located within shorter driving distance from the current downtown location only will serve the community with more access to healthcare and shorter drive times. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 8 - 1 N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 7/8/2021 Regular D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R (S ): Marty L ile, L o ng R ange Planner C O N TA C T (S ): Marty L ile; Rebekah Ro th, Pla nning a nd L a nd U se Directo r S U B J EC T: P reliminary Forum S pec ial U se Permit Request (S 21-03) - Request by T homas H. J ohnson, J r, A7orney, on behalf of the property owner, S outheastern E nterprises, I nc., to obtain a special use perm it for a wireless c ommunic a:on tower and related support facili:es in an R-15, Residen:al zoning district, loc ated north of Valley Brook Road and west of Fern Valley Driv e. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he applica nt is requesng a special use permit to construct and o perate a 130' tall wireless support structure on an appro ximately 6-acre parcel lo cated a lo ng Valley B rook Ro ad, between T he C ape and Telfair Summit subdivisio ns and the Telfair Fo rest subdivision. T he property is currently undevelo ped and is zoned R -15, which allo ws wireless suppo rt structures with a special use permit. T he wireless support structure, whic h is designed as a monopole antenna wireless c o mmunicaon facility, will have a total o verall height o f 134 feet when including a 4-f o o t lightning rod. I t will be designed to accommo da te three (3) wireless carriers. C ellular a ntennae will be placed at heights of 100’, 112’, and 124’. As a condion of appro val, the applicant pro poses that the antennae will be designed to ulize c o ncealment shades to reduce the tower ’s impact on surrounding pro peres. T he to wer will be situated within a 100’ x 100’ (1,000 sf) fenced-in equipment co mpound with required buffers and la ndsca ping meeng U nified Development O rdinance requirements. T hree ca rrier lease sto rage areas will be included within this compound. Access to the tower site will be provided via a new 30’ wide access easement f ro m Valley B ro o k Ro ad, appro ximately 170’ in length to the to wer site. Maintenance at the proposed tower is esmated to genera te f ewer than five trips per month in the peak ho urs. Documentaon submied as part of the a pplicaon package demo nstrates the facility meets C ounty standards f o r new wireless suppo rt structures. T he applicao n includes pho to graphic simulaons from various vantage points in the immediate vicinity that sho w the tower’s ancipated visual impact, an affi davit cerf ying tha t radio frequency emissio ns will co mply with Federal C o mmunicaons C o mmissio n (FC C ) standards, a determinaon from the Federal Aviao n Administrao n (FA A) that the facility will no t be a ha za rd to air naviga o n, and an impact analysis conducted by a N o rth C arolina cerfied general real estate a ppraiser. T he 2016 C omprehensive L and U se Plan cla ssifi es the subject pro perty as General Residenal. T he intent o f this place type is to pro vide opportunies f o r lower density residenal development and supporve commercial, civic, and recreao nal development. While wireless suppo rt struc tures and other inf rastructure a re common in co ntemporary land development pa erns, the C omprehensive Plan do es not specifi cally address their loca o n. However, the C o mprehensive Plan’s implementao n guidelines do aim to suppo rt business success, workforce development, and eco nomic pro sperity, and telec o mmunicaons inf rastructure, when pla c ed to best serve the needs o f surro unding Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 residents, business, and instuonal uses, can help to advanc e tho se go als. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: I ntelligent Growth & Eco nomic DevelopmentE nc o ura ge develo pment of complete co mmunies in the uninco rporated countyI ncrease co nnecvity of residents to each other a nd their investment to N ew H ano ver C o unty R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : AT TA C H M E N T S : Descripon S21-03 Script PB S21-03 Zoning Map PB S21-03 FLUM PB S21-03 Mailout PB S21-03 Applicant Materials CS S21-03 Application Package PB S21-03 FCC Affidavit PB S21-03 FAA Information PB S21-03 Impact Study PB S21-03 Site Plan CS S21-03 Site Plan PB C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 SCRIPT for Special Use Permit Application Preliminary Forum (S21-03) Request by Thomas H. Johnson, Jr., attorney, on behalf of the property owner, Southeastern Enterprises, Inc., to obtain a special use permit for a wireless communication tower and related support facilities in an R-15, Residential zoning district, located north of Valley Brook Road and west of Fern Valley Drive. 1. This is a Preliminary Forum. The purpose of this forum is to facilitate an open and transparent discussion of the special use permit application and to provide an opportunity for public comments and questions. Please note per state law, the Planning Board will not be making a decision or recommendation this evening. Instead, the decision on the application will be made during the Board of Commissioners’ quasi-judicial hearing, where public participation will be limited to parties with standing and witnesses providing evidence through sworn testimony. Anyone interested in speaking in support or opposition of the project should sign in and speak tonight at this meeting, regardless of standing in the matter. Staff will introduce the application. Then the applicant will be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation. Following the applicant’s presentation, we will have 20 minutes for public questions and comments, and then allow the applicant time to address them. The Board members will then provide their comments and ask questions of the applicant. At the end, Staff will give an overview of next steps in the special use permit process. We will then close the forum. 2. Conduct Forum as follows: a. Staff introduction b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Public comments and questions (up to 20 minutes - total supporters and opponents) d. Applicant response to public comments and questions e. Planning Board questions and comments f. Staff overview of next steps 3. Close the Preliminary Forum. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 Ca r o l i n a B e a c h R d TelfairCir Ma i n s a i l L n T o p FliteLn Schoone r P l Valley Brook Rd The Cape Blvd CassimirPlTi a raDr L i n k s i d e r Dr S p e n c e r Ct Fe r n V a l l e y D r Saint Vincent Dr S e aCastle Ct CUD O&I R-15 New Hanover County, NC SHODIncorporated Areas Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) See Section 5.7 of the UDOCOD B-1 AC R-5 EDZD CB I-1 R-7 PD B-2 I-2 R-10 RMF-X CS AR R-15 RMFU SC RA R-20 UMXZ O&I R-20S Zoning Districts Wireless Support StructureR-15/ Undeveloped 500 block Valley Brook Rd S21-03 Proposed Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 700 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 1 Ca r o l i n a B e a c h R d TelfairCir Ma i n s a i l L n T o p F l i t e Ln Sc h o o n e r P l Valley Brook Rd Ca s s i m i r P l The Cape Blvd Tiara Dr L i n k s i d e r Dr Spe n c e r C t Fern Valley Dr Saint Vincent Dr Sea Castle Ct Community Mixed Use General Residential Conservation New Hanover County, NCCONSERVATION RURAL RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY MIXED USE URBAN MIXED USE GENERAL RESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CENTER COMMERCE ZONE Place Types Wireless Support StructureR-15/ Undeveloped 500 block Valley Brook Rd S21-03 Proposed Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 700 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 3 - 1 Ca r o l i n a B e a c h R d TelfairCir Ma i n s a i l L n Top Flite L n Sc h o o n e r P l Valley Brook Rd Ca s s i m i r P l T h e C a p e B l vd Tiara D r L i n k s i d e r Dr Sp e n c e r C t F e r n V a l l e y D r Saint Vincent Dr Sea Castle Ct 7515 7419 7513 7417 750375067501 7403 7416 522526 7410 523 524 530 534 702 8212 707 527 618 7407 7410 8215 8217 614 704 703 701 538 7405 528 7510 7512 7412 7405 7502 7507 7407 7500 921 7425 8204 706 515 522 520 7412 75117509 7411 532 536 7413 7415 8211 8210 655 7427 517 74217423 521 7409 700 622 525 529 8207 518 7414 8208 8212 7057401 CA R O L I N A B E A C H R D B-1 CUD O&I CZD B-2 R-15 Site Neighboring Parcels Wireless Support StructureR-15/ Undeveloped 500 block Valley Brook Rd S21-03 Proposed Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 700 Feet Subject Site Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 4 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 5 - 1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 5 - 2 Page 1 of 7 Special Use Permit Application – Updated 05-2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY_____________________ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-7165 FAX (910) 798-7053 planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION This application form must be completed as part of a special use permit application submitted through the county’s online COAST portal. The main procedural steps in the submittal and review of applications are outlined in the flowchart below. More specific submittal and review requirements, as well as the standards to be applied in reviewing the application, are set out in Section 10.3.5 of the Unified Development Ordinance. *If the proposed use is classified as intensive industry, the applicant shall conduct a community information meeting in acco rdance with Section 10.2.3, Community Information Meeting. 1. Applicant and Property Owner Information Applicant/Agent Name Owner Name (if different from Applicant/Agent) Company Company/Owner Name 2 Address Address City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Phone Phone Email Email Public Hearing Procedures (Optional) Pre-Application Conference 1* Community Information Meeting 2 Application Submittal & Acceptance 3 Planning Director Review & Staff Report (TRC Optional) 4 Public Hearing Scheduling & Notification 5 Planning Board Preliminary Forum 6 Board of Commissioners Hearing & Decision 7 Post-Decision Limitations and Actions Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 1 Page 2 of 7 Special Use Permit Application – Updated 05-2021 2. Subject Property Information Address/Location Parcel Identification Number(s) Total Parcel(s) Acreage Existing Zoning and Use(s) Future Land Use Classification 3. Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Please list the proposed use(s) of the subject property, and provide the purpose of the special use permit and a project narrative (attach additional pages if necessary). 4. Proposed Condition(s) Please note: Within a special use permit proposal, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding zoning district regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be included with this special use permit application below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process that meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 2 Page 3 of 7 Special Use Permit Application – Updated 05-2021 5. Traffic Impact Please provide the estimated number of trips generated for the proposed use(s) based off the most recent version of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. ITE Land Use: Trip Generation Use and Variable (gross floor area, dwelling units, etc.) AM Peak Hour Trips: PM Peak Hour Trips: 6. Criteria Required for Approval of a Special Use Permit A use designated as a special use in a particular zoning district is a use that may be appropriate in the district, but because of its nature, extent, and external impacts, requires special consideration of its location, design, and methods of operation before it can be deemed appropriate in the district and compatible with its surroundings. The purpose is to establish a uniform mechanism for the review of special uses to ensure they are appropriate for the location and zoning district where they are proposed. For each of the four required conclusions listed below, include or attach a statement that explains how any existing conditions, proposed development features, or other relevant facts would allow the Board of County Commissioners to reach the required conclusion, and attach any additional documents or materials that provide supporting f actual evidence. The considerations listed under each required conclusion are simply those suggested to help the applicant understand what may be considered in determining whether a required conclusion can be met. Any additional considerations potentially raised by the proposed use or development should be addressed. 1. The use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and approved. Considerations: • Traffic conditions in the vicinity, including the effect of additional traffic on streets and street intersections, and sight lines at street intersections with curb cuts; • Provision of services and utilities, including sewer, water, electrical, garbage collections, fire protection; • Soil erosion and sedimentation; • Protection of public, community, or private water supplies, including possible adverse effects on surface waters or groundwater; or • Anticipated air discharges, including possible adverse effects on air quality. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 3 Page 4 of 7 Special Use Permit Application – Updated 05-2021 2. The use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Unified Development Ordinance. 3. The use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity. Considerations: • The relationship of the proposed use and the character of development to surrounding uses and development, including possible conflicts between them and how these conflicts will be resolved (i.e. buffers, hours of operation, etc.). • Whether the proposed development is so necessary to the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community or County as a whole as to justify it regardless of its impact on the value of adjoining property. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 4 Page 5 of 7 Special Use Permit Application – Updated 05-2021 4. The location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the New Hanover County Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Considerations: • The relationship of the proposed use and the character of development to surrounding uses and development, including possible conflicts between them and how these conflicts will be resolved (i.e. buffers, hours of operation, etc.). • Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan’s goals, objectives for the various planning areas, its definitions of the various land use classifications and activity centers, and its locational standards. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 5 Page 6 of 7 Special Use Permit Application – Updated 05-2021 Staff will use the following checklist to determine the completeness of your application. Please verify all of the listed items are included and confirm by initialing under “Applicant Initial”. If an item is not applicable, mark as “N/A”. Applications determined to be incomplete must be corrected in order to be processed for further review; Staff will confirm if an application is complete within five business days of submittal. Application Checklist Applicant Initial  This application form, completed and signed  Application fee: • $500; $250 if application pertains to a residential use (i.e. mobile home, duplex, family child care home).  Traffic Impact Analysis (if applicable)  Conceptual Site Plan including the following minimum elements: • Tract boundaries and total area, location of adjoining parcels and roads • Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements o For residential uses, this shall include number, height, and type of units; area to be occupied by each structure; and/or subdivided boundaries. o For non-residential uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area it will occupy, and the specific purposes for which it will be used. • Proposed transportation and parking improvements; including proposed rights - of-way and roadways; proposed access to and from the subject site; arrangement and access provisions for parking areas. • All existing and proposed easements, required setbacks, rights -of-way, and buffering. • The location of Special Flood Hazard Areas. • The approximate location of regulated wetlands. • A narrative of the existing vegetation on the subject site including the approximate location, species, and size (DBH) of regulated trees. For site less than 5 acres, the exact location, species, and sized (DBH) of specimen trees must be included. • Any additional conditions and requirements that represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding general use district regulations or additional limitations on land that may be regulated by Federal or State law or local ordinance. • Any other information that will facilitate review of the proposed special use permit (Ref. Section 10.3.5, as applicable)  Applications for uses in the intensive industry category must also submit: • Community meeting written summary • A list of any local, state, or federal permits required for use  One (1) hard copy of ALL documents and site plan. Additional hard copies may be required by staff depending on the size of the document/site plan.  One (1) digital PDF copy of ALL documents AND plans Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 6 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 7 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 1 Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2021-ASO-15785-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 06/15/2021 Erik Brooks CTG LLC 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28277 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Monopole The Cape Blvd CTG-NC 0010081 Location:Sea Breeze, NC Latitude:34-04-22.77N NAD 83 Longitude:77-54-06.46W Heights:7 feet site elevation (SE) 154 feet above ground level (AGL) 161 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: It is required that FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, be e-filed any time the project is abandoned or: _____ At least 10 days prior to start of construction (7460-2, Part 1) __X__ Within 5 days after the construction reaches its greatest height (7460-2, Part 2) Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 12/15/2022 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 1 Page 2 of 4 NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) because the structure is subject to their licensing authority. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (202) 267-0105, or j.garver@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2021-ASO-15785- OE. Signature Control No: 479495439-484764356 ( DNE ) Jay Garver Specialist Attachment(s) Frequency Data Map(s) cc: FCC Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 2 Page 3 of 4 Frequency Data for ASN 2021-ASO-15785-OE LOW FREQUENCY HIGH FREQUENCY FREQUENCY UNIT ERP ERP UNIT 6 7 GHz 55 dBW 6 7 GHz 42 dBW 10 11.7 GHz 55 dBW 10 11.7 GHz 42 dBW 17.7 19.7 GHz 55 dBW 17.7 19.7 GHz 42 dBW 21.2 23.6 GHz 55 dBW 21.2 23.6 GHz 42 dBW 614 698 MHz 1000 W 614 698 MHz 2000 W 698 806 MHz 1000 W 806 901 MHz 500 W 806 824 MHz 500 W 824 849 MHz 500 W 851 866 MHz 500 W 869 894 MHz 500 W 896 901 MHz 500 W 901 902 MHz 7 W 929 932 MHz 3500 W 930 931 MHz 3500 W 931 932 MHz 3500 W 932 932.5 MHz 17 dBW 935 940 MHz 1000 W 940 941 MHz 3500 W 1670 1675 MHz 500 W 1710 1755 MHz 500 W 1850 1910 MHz 1640 W 1850 1990 MHz 1640 W 1930 1990 MHz 1640 W 1990 2025 MHz 500 W 2110 2200 MHz 500 W 2305 2360 MHz 2000 W 2305 2310 MHz 2000 W 2345 2360 MHz 2000 W 2496 2690 MHz 500 W Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 3 Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2021-ASO-15785-OE Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 8 - 4 (NH-002) IMPACT STUDY Impact Study - Cell Tower Valley Brook Road Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina 28412 Type Report: Impact Study Effective Date June 13, 2021 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 1 (NH-002) Real Prope rty Appraise rs an d Consul tants 1100 Sund ance D rive, Concord, North Carolina 28027 Telephone: 704-605-0595 June 16, 2021 Mr. Thomas H. Johnson Attorney Williams Mullen 301 Fayetteville Street Suite 1700 Raleigh, NC 27601 RE: Impact Study for Proposed Telecommunications Facility located Valley Brook Road, Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Dear Mr. Johnson: I have completed a study of the proposed tower. The scope of the assignment is to provide an analysis and conclusions addressing items within my field of expertise associated with the issuance of a special use permit for the proposed development. A special use permit includes four findings of fact, of which two are addressed in this analysis. Details of these items are contained within this report. The impact study is intended to conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute. The impact study is not an appraisal as it does not report a value of any property; however, the study employs appraisal methodology to reach our conclusions of the impact of the proposed development. The proposed development is a communication tower to be located on a property owned by Southeastern Enterprises Inc. The subject is a parcel of land that appears to be open space for the Telfair Forest subdivision. The site is encumbered with floodplain and designated wetlands. The subject is located adjacent to the golf course. The surrounding land uses are contributing factors in the development of conclusion regarding the potential impact of the tower. The conclusions of this study are supported by the data and reasoning set forth in the attached narrative. Your attention is invited to the Assumptions and Limiting Conditions section of this report. The analysts certify that we have no present or contemplated future interest in the proposed development, and that our fee for this assignment is in no way contingent upon the conclusions of this study. EXTRAORDINARY ASSUMPTIONS AND HYPOTHETICAL CONDITIONS: Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 2 Tom Johnson June 16, 2021 Page 2 (NH-001) It is an extraordinary assumption of this report that the proposed development will be constructed as detailed in the report. Further, it is an assumption of the study that the maintenance will occur through a non-exclusive right-of-way that we assume is a legal access. The content and conclusions of this report are intended for our client and for the specified intended uses only. They are also subject to the assumptions and limiting conditions as well as the specific extraordinary assumption set forth in this report. It is our opinion that the proposed development will not substantially injure the values of adjacent or abutting properties and that the proposed development is in harmony with the area in which it is to be located. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our office. Sincerely yours, MICHAEL P. BERKOWITZ MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 3 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 5 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE OF THE ASSIGNMENT ....................................................................................................................... 6 PREMISES OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................................................. 7 Identification of Subject..................................................................................................................................... 7 Client, Purpose, and Intended Use and Intended Users ..................................................................................... 7 Analyst ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Property Inspection ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Extraordinary Assumptions of Report ............................................................................................................... 7 Effective Date of Study...................................................................................................................................... 8 Date of Report.................................................................................................................................................... 8 Type Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Study Development and Reporting Process ....................................................................................................... 8 PROPOSED FACILITY ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Tower ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Site Improvements ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Access .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Location ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 SURROUNDING LAND USES ......................................................................................................................... 12 NEW HANOVER UDO ..................................................................................................................................... 13 MARKET RESEARCH ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Qualitative Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 31 ADDENDA .......................................................................................................................................................... 34 Certifications ................................................................................................................................................... 35 Qualifications of the Analyst ........................................................................................................................... 43 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 4 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 6 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC SCOPE OF THE ASSIGNMENT In accordance with our agreement with the client, this impact study is specific to the needs of our client as part of an application for a special use permit to be considered by New Hanover County Officials. Our study and the reporting of our study is in agreement with our client as follows: The proposed development requires a Special Use Permit. The report is intended to address items relevant to the issuance of a special use permit. The following ‘Findings of Fact” was extracted from the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The scope of the assignment includes research of existing towers in Wilmington and New Hanover County. The subject has a Wilmington address but lies outside the city limits. The neighborhoods and their surrounding developments are researched to determine whether the proposed development, referred to as the “The Cape Boulevard Site”, is consistent with the location of other towers in the area and their impact, if any, on neighborhood development patterns and property values. The impact study provides an analysis of the surrounding properties. The analysis includes existing improvements, zoning designations and likely development patterns. The existing uses as of the effective date of this report in concert with the market data provided are contributing factors to the conclusions of this study. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 5 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 7 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC PREMISES OF THE STUDY Identification of Subject The Cape Boulevard Site Valley Brook Road Wilmington, New Hanover County, NC 28412 New Hanover County Tax Parcel: RO8500-002-070-000 Client, Purpose, and Intended Use and Intended Users Mr. Thomas H. Johnson Attorney Williams Mullen 301 Fayetteville Street Suite 1700 Raleigh, NC 27601 The client and intended user is Mr. Tom Johnson. The intended use is as an aid to assist New Hanover County officials in rendering a decision regarding the issuance of a special use permit for the proposed development. The study is not intended for any other use or users. Analyst Michael P. Berkowitz MPB Real Estate, LLC 1100 Sundance Drive Concord, NC 28027 Property Inspection Michael Berkowitz inspected the property and neighborhood surrounding the proposed development. Details of surrounding land uses and observations are provided throughout the report. I also performed off site visual inspections of several towers located in New Hanover County. I consider my observations in the context of the market data. They are a contributing factor to my conclusions. Photographs of the property were taken during Mr. Berkowitz’s inspection. We also provide simulated photographs provided by our client for the assignment. Extraordinary Assumptions of Report It is an extraordinary assumption of this report that the improvements as described within this report are compliant with the appropriate ordinance regarding items including but not necessarily limited to setbacks, landscaping, access and Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 6 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 8 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC other items outside our field of expertise for this assignment. These items will be addressed as part of the application by others with expertise within the respective fields. Should the extraordinary assumptions not exist, we reserve the right to amend this study. Effective Date of Study June 13, 2021 Date of Report June 16, 2021 Type Report Impact Study Report Study Development and Reporting Process In preparing this study, the analyst:  Analyzes physical affects, if any, of the proposed construction on properties in the immediate area as well as the neighborhood;  Reviews plans for the proposed development to determine whether it is in compliance with the New Hanover County UDO with respect to items within my field of expertise;  Reviews site plan provided by our client with respect to the physical characteristics of the proposed development;  Researches market data around existing cell towers in New Hanover County to determine whether the proposed development is consistent with other developments in the area. PROPOSED FACILITY Tower Based on information provided to the analyst, the proposed tower will consist of a 130-foot “unipole” communications tower. The survey appears to show that access to the proposed tower will be provided by a proposed driveway for the property. The following site plan shows the proposed site. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 7 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 9 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC SITE PLAN Site Improvements The site improvements include an eight-foot chain link fence with three strands of barbed wire. The site improvements will include a 25-foot-wide landscaping buffer. The site is heavily wooded. Based on the drawings, the only trees that will be disturbed will be the areas for the development. The existing vegetation is a consideration in the analysis. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 8 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 10 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Access According to the site plan, the access to the site will be via a 30-foot-wide utility/access easement extending from Valley Brook Road, which runs along the southern boundary of the subject. The following exhibit was extracted from the site plan. Valley Brook Road is the primary feeder road for the subdivision providing access to US Highway 421 or Carolina Beach Road to the east. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 9 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 11 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 10 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 12 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Location The tower will be located close to the center of the site. The siting of the tower will to the extent possible reduce the visual impact of the proposed tower. As we will discuss, the residential properties to the east and west potentially have an adverse visual impact from the tower. The tower will be in a heavily vegetated area. As shown on the aerial, the entire site has vegetation. The subject has a zoning designation of R-15, Residential District. In the New Hanover UDO, we found that this designation is intended to insure for orderly residential development in areas without access to municipal water and sanitary sewer service. The majority of the properties in the immediate area including all of the adjacent or abutting properties have the same designation. A factor in the analysis is the limited utility of the subject. Based on a review of the documents provided, the subject is encumbered with floodplain and has a significant portion identified as wetlands. These areas have traditionally been used for open space requirements for subdivisions. Other uses for areas with limited utility includes infrastructure to serve the subdivision. SURROUNDING LAND USES The proposed development is located on a 5.95-acre tract of land off Valley Brook Road. To the east of the subject are single family dwellings constructed in the mid-1990’s. To the west of the subject are a cluster of duplexes that are part of the same subdivision constructed in the mid 2000’s. To the north of the subject is a portion of the golf course for the development. To the south are two parcels identified as open space for the subdivision. The presence of land identified as open space including the subject is a factor in the analysis. The utility of these properties is imparted on the remainder of the subdivision. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 11 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 13 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC The duplex developments have a higher density than many developments, which is a common development patterns for sites with areas of limited utility. Clustered development allows for higher densities as portions of the gross land area are dedicated for open space. As we will discuss in the following section, the scope of the assignment is to determine whether the proposed development is in accordance with the New Hanover County UDO regarding the issuance of a special use permit and the development of wireless telecommunications facilities. The items within our field of expertise are detailed in the following section. NEW HANOVER UDO As part of the assignment, I reviewed Article VI Section 63.5 of the New Hanover UDO regarding the development of Telecommunication Facilities. I also reviewed Article VII of the UDO regarding the findings of fact associated with the approval or denial of a special use permit. The following was extracted from the ordinance Section 70-7. Item 1 – This item is outside my field of expertise. Item 2 – It is our understanding, this will be performed and reviewed by local officials in concert with our client. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 12 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 14 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Item 3 – The development, if completed as proposed, will not substantially injure the value of abutting land. This is the focal point of the remainder of the study. Item 4 – The development, if completed as proposed, from an appraiser’s perspective is in harmony with the area in which it is to be located. This item is addressed in concert with the analysis from Item 3. Based on our review of the ordinance, the remainder of the study focuses on adjoining or abutting properties and potentially injurious effect of the special use on value. The land uses for the area include single family residential and recreational uses. The following analysis is based on the potential visual impact of the proposed development on the respective abutting properties. The following aerial provides and overview of the immediate area. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 13 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 15 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Golf Course (North) – The Cape Golf and Racquet Club is a private recreational area. Golf courses have traditionally been to location of infrastructure including but not necessarily limited to water towers, electrical transmission lines and telecommunication towers. The infrastructure is located as to not interfere with the intended use of the recreational areas. The proposed development will be located south of the golf course and will not interfere with the current use. Open Space (South) – The two parcels across the street from the site are both dedicated for open space. These two parcels have limited utility as their value is imparted on the developable areas of the subdivision. The limited utility of the site is a consideration of the potential impact of the tower. Residential Development (West) – To the west of the proposed development is a cluster of duplexes. The improvements are Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 14 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 16 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC located on pad sites. Surrounding the pad sites is a separate tax parcel identified as common area for this portion of the development. While the duplexes are not adjacent to the site of the proposed development, we do consider these properties in the analysis. The factors associated with the visual impact of the proposed tower include but are not necessarily limited to:  The closest improvement is approximately 700 feet from the proposed tower.  The improvements in the cluster are oriented towards the golf course.  The vegetative buffer between the tower and these developments is significant inclusive of the open space.  The elevations of the improved areas are higher than the proposed development. A portion of the tower will certainly be visible from some of the properties in this cluster. Residential Properties (East) – The residential properties to the east of the proposed development are singly family dwellings. There is a creek that runs along the eastern boundary of the proposed development. The vegetative buffer includes more mature trees than to the west. The adjacent properties to the east may have a partial view of the tower depending on the individual tree cover on the respective sites. The proposed tower will be approximately 400 feet from the nearest improvement. The following simulated photographs were provided as a tool to show the potential visual impact of the proposed tower on adjacent/abutting properties. Based on our tour of the area, the photographs are an accurate representation of the views from surrounding vantage points. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 15 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 17 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 16 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 18 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC The simulated photographs demonstrate that the tower will be obscured from view from some of the vantage points. We note that the first simulated photograph shows the wastewater treatment facility that is located on a common area similar to the subject. The highest level of visual impact is from the other open space parcels along the subject’s portion of Valley Brook Road. For the residential properties, the visual impact of the tower will be limited to the portion visible above the respective vegetative buffers. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 17 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 19 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Again, we will discuss property values later in the report. We acknowledge that the proposed 130-foot tower will have a visual impact on surrounding properties. The visual impact is minimized by the trees on the subject property as well as the trees on the majority of the adjacent or abutting properties. The proposed tower will be located in the center of the site to minimize the visual impact, to the extent possible, on surrounding residential properties. Summary The items within our field of expertise focus on the aesthetic impact of the proposed development. This is based on the existing developments as detailed earlier in the study. The limited utility of the subject and the properties to the south are a factor in the analysis. The operations of the golf course will not be impeded by the proposed tower. Some of the residential properties in the area will have a partial view of the tower while others will be totally obscured from the tower because of existing vegetation. MARKET RESEARCH A potential issue associated with the impact of the proposed development is on property values in the immediate vicinity and the neighborhood. We researched towers in Wilmington and the surrounding area and identify the development patterns around these towers. After analyzing the market data, we compare this information to the proposed site and the physical characteristics and development patterns surrounding the proposed development. Wilmington Area Towers During our research, we observed several towers in and around Wilmington. Most of the towers found were located in established commercial or industrial areas. Towers are classified as comparable for a variety of reasons including but not necessarily limited to:  Location – The proposed location is in the common area for a residential subdivision adjacent to a golf Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 18 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 20 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC course. Recreational areas are common locations for infrastructure.  Surrounding Developments – The surrounding developments include residential and recreational uses. The surrounding uses are common for areas off primary transportation corridors.  Construction Type/Height – The proposed tower is a unipole tower with a proposed height of 130 feet. For the research of towers, we rely on information from antennasearch.com, which we consider a reliable source of information. Our search revealed 37 towers within proximity to the tower. We excluded towers listed that were part of electrical transmission lines, which is inconsistent with the proposed tower. Some of the towers were not visible during our tour of the area. We also excluded the towers over 250 feet which require lighting. The following chart provides a summary of the comparable towers studied in the area. After researching the 39 towers in the area, several of the towers are located on commercial or industrial properties. This limited the number of towers for comparison. As tower Tower Type Location Year Built Address Height (Feet) Monopole Commercial 1995 4502 Park Avenue 95 Registered Institutional 2016 3310 South College Road 150 Monopole Commercial 2002 5515 Carolina Beach Road 160 Lattice Commercial/Industrial 2004 434 Raleigh Street 180 Monopole Industrial 2003 5501 Greenville Loop Road 156 Registered Institutional 2015 5591 Marvin K Mosss Lane 195 Registered Institutional NA Halyburton Memorial Parkway 140 Monopole Industrial NA River Road 199 Monopole Commercial/Residential NA Off Willowick Park Drive 170 Monopole Commercial/Industrial NA Pickard Road & Shipyard Blvd.115 Monopole Residential/Vacant Land NA Behind Deer Hill Drive 147 Monopole Electrical NA Pine Grove Dr. & Beasley Rd.108 Monopole Residential/Vacant Land NA Antietam Dr. & Appomattox Dr.199 Lattice Commercial/Industrial NA Raleigh St. & Carolina Beach Dr.200 Monopole Residential 1999 Behind Cypress Village Place 195 Slick Stick Mini-Storage NA 202 North Dow Road 150 Wilmington Tower Summary Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 19 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 21 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC considered the most comparable to the proposed development is the tower located at 3310 S. College Road. This tower is located on the site of Southside Baptist Church. However, the adjacent property is an apartment complex that does not provide information on the impact of the tower that was constructed in 2016. The second tower is located on an institutional property at the Center for Marine Science. This is adjacent to the Masonboro Sound. The tower is not visible from the adjacent properties as the property is significantly larger and has a significantly higher level of tree cover. A third tower found on an institutional property is at the Veteran’s Sports Complex off Halyburton Memorial Parkway. The wireless arrays are located on a water tower, which is inconsistent with the proposed development. The first tower found near a residential area was behind the Deer Crossing subdivision. This tower is further from this subdivision that was developed in 2016. However, upon touring this subdivision, the tower was not visible because of the distance and tree cover between the tower and these homes. The research provided no data for the analysis. The second tower found near a residential area bore the same results. The tower was not visible from nearby residences. Therefore, this tower did not provide any information to draw a conclusion. The most relevant local data is from a new subdivision located off Carolina Beach Road called Cypress Village. This subdivision is in the construction phase. The following provides an aerial and a PLAT of this development. The tower, which was constructed in 1999 is located on the adjacent property. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 20 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 22 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC The data for the subdivision is limited as only six homes have sold. The six sales closed since March 2021. Two of these properties were closest to the tower. The sales closest to the tower were in the middle of the range of the data set. While the quantity of data is limited, the sales prices do not reflect a diminution in value based on the proximity and visual impact of the tower. Further research of this subdivision showed consistency in the price paid for the lots. The third factor extracted is the fact that a developer was attracted to the site knowing the visual influence of the tower. The market data Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 21 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 23 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC and activity provide secondary evidence that the tower, which is significantly closer to the homes in Cypress Village, do not present an adverse impact on property values. Given the limited data for the local towers, we provide additional examples from studies performed in North Carolina. These examples are provided in support of the limited data from the local market. Based on the photo simulations provided, the examples provided are intended to show examples of residential development where a cell tower is visible above a nearby tree canopy. Other Market Data The first example is located on Woodpark Drive in High Point, North Carolina. The monopole tower is larger than the proposed tower. The surrounding developments are townhomes that provide adequate quantity of data to develop an opinion of whether this tower influences value. The townhomes in the development have varying levels of visual influence from the tower. The sales highlighted in yellow have the highest level of visual influence from the tower as the tower is located in view of their front door. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 22 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 24 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC We have included this example because of the duplexes located west of the proposed tower. The sales directly across the street from the tower, shown in yellow, do not show any influence from the tower. In fact, one sale across the street is the highest priced sale found within the past several years. This data provides evidence that the visual influence from the tower has no influence on prices paid. The second example is from a subdivision in Cornelius, North Carolina. This example is included as it is located adjacent to Lake Norman and has similar improvements. The tower is located within the Victoria Bay development. This subdivision includes some homes with frontage on the water. We have excluded these sales to assist in isolating the influence of the tower if any. The following chart provides a summary of the sales. The sales highlighted in yellow have visual influence from the tower. The sales highlighted in green are for a resale of the same property. ID Address Size SF Bedrooms Bathrooms Sale Price Price/Sq. Ft. Sale Date Deed Book Page 196643 7836 WOODPARK DR 1,264 3 2 $100,000 $79.11 7/5/2018 8065-0590 196633 7820 WOODPARK DR 1,266 3 2 $137,000 $108.21 7/27/2016 7837-2933 196634 7822 WOODPARK DR 1,266 3 2 $122,000 $96.37 5/28/2015 7704-3038 196637 7828 WOODPARK DR 1,266 3 2 $114,000 $90.05 8/22/2014 7626-0825 196644 7846 WOODPARK DR 1,264 3 2 $135,000 $106.80 10/5/2017 7982-1602 196645 7844 WOODPARK DR 1,152 2 2 $98,000 $85.07 7/23/2014 7617-0256 196645 7844 WOODPARK DR 1,152 2 2 $104,500 $90.71 8/12/2016 7844-0746 196652 7871 WOODPARK DR 1,264 3 2 $115,000 $90.98 10/14/2014 7641-1701 196656 7859 WOODPARK DR 1,264 3 2 $125,000 $98.89 4/13/2017 7923-1098 196658 7855 WOODPARK DR 1,264 3 2 $106,000 $83.86 5/14/2015 7700-2575 Castle Pines at Hickswood Townhomes Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 23 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 25 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC The sales shown have an average price per square foot of $132.11. Three of the four sales with visual influence from the tower are above the average. Six of the sales in the data set were of the same model. Three of the sales have visual influence from the tower. The prices paid per square foot are comparable. The indication from the market is that the visual Parcel #Street Address Sales Date Size (SF) $/SF Sales Price 003-381-44 19911 Marina Village Dr.April 13, 2018 1,620 138.27$ 224,000$ 003-381-40 18505 Victoria Bay Dr.November 13, 2018 1,620 155.86$ 252,500$ 003-381-30 18526 Victoria Bay Dr.July 1, 2020 2,219 145.11$ 322,000$ 003-381-62 18611 Victoria Bay Dr.November 16, 2018 1,620 146.91$ 238,000$ 003-381-65 18623 Victoria Bay Dr.February 28, 2018 1,620 139.51$ 226,000$ 003-381-66 18627 Victoria Bay Dr.October 18, 2018 1,620 151.23$ 245,000$ 003-381-25 18624 Victoria Bay Dr.November 20, 2018 2,052 119.40$ 245,000$ 003-381-14 20030 Coral Cove Ct.January 11, 2018 1,620 134.57$ 218,000$ 003-382-02 18122 Bluff Inlet Rd.June 19, 2020 2,071 153.31$ 317,500$ 003-195-09 18111 Bluff Inlet Rd.May 18, 2018 2,052 121.83$ 250,000$ 003-195-06 18021 Bluff Inlet Rd.July 16, 2018 2,012 136.68$ 275,000$ 003-195-01 18001 Bluff Inlet Rd.April 17, 2020 1,645 151.98$ 250,000$ 003-196-23 20815 Brinkley St.June 17, 2020 2,610 128.35$ 335,000$ 003-196-12 18208 Harbor Mist Rd.February 23, 2018 2,709 108.90$ 295,000$ 003-196-12 18208 Harbor Mist Rd.August 3, 2018 2,709 124.03$ 336,000$ 003-196-36 20933 Brinkley St.September 7, 2018 2,528 128.56$ 325,000$ 003-194-57 20102 Beard St.August 21, 2020 2,386 155.07$ 370,000$ 003-195-59 20115 Beard St.September 4, 2018 2,263 124.61$ 282,000$ 003-194-51 20914 Brinkley St.December 27, 2018 2,609 109.62$ 286,000$ 003-194-25 18307 Victoria Bay Dr.February 21, 2018 2,332 125.21$ 292,000$ 003-194-26 18311 Victoria Bay Dr.September 21, 2018 2,582 114.25$ 295,000$ 003-194-25 18327 Victoria Bay Dr.January 24, 2018 2,609 105.40$ 275,000$ 003-194-34 18409 Victoria Bay Dr.August 13, 2018 2,655 119.77$ 318,000$ Victoria Bay Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 24 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 26 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC impact from the tower does not adversely impact property values in Victoria Bay. The next tower with adequate data is a lattice tower located at 2517 Providence Road in Weddington, North Carolina. Typically, we would not include this tower because of its construction type and taller size. This tower as shown on the photograph poses a significantly higher visual impact on the subdivision to the north, Inverness at Providence Road. The following chart provides a summary of market data for homes in the subdivision. The sales highlighted in yellow have significant visual impact from the tower. The sales highlighted in green are resales of the same property to reflect the appreciating market. Parcel Number Book & Page Acreage Address Sale Amount Sale Date Year Built SF $/SF Parcel Number Book & Page Acreage Address Sale Amount Sale Date Year Built SF $/SF 6159379 7154 747 0.32 104 SOMERLED WAY 508,500$ 5/11/2018 2018 3,479 146.16$ 6159445 7736 0391 0.36 309 SOMERLED WAY 525,000$ 7/15/2020 2016 3,893 134.86$ 6159380 7145 188 0.37 108 SOMERLED WAY 471,000$ 4/27/2018 2017 3,859 122.05$ 6159446 6781 278 0.38 313 SOMERLED WAY 557,000$ 9/28/2016 2016 4,339 128.37$ 6159381 7146 402 0.4 112 SOMERLED WAY 438,500$ 4/30/2018 2017 3,248 135.01$ 6159447 7120 362 0.32 317 SOMERLED WAY 534,500$ 3/19/2018 2017 4,291 124.56$ 6159382 7172 333 0.4 113 SOMERLED WAY 559,000$ 6/8/2018 2015 3,921 142.57$ 6159448 7225 798 0.25 321 SOMERLED WAY 490,000$ 8/29/2018 2018 3,788 129.36$ 6159383 7219 178 0.24 117 SOMERLED WAY 520,000$ 8/20/2018 2015 3,243 160.35$ 6159449 7244 446 0.25 325 SOMERLED WAY 472,500$ 10/1/2018 2018 4,225 111.83$ 6159384 7244 560 0.24 121 SOMERLED WAY 514,000$ 10/1/2018 2018 4,354 118.05$ 6159450 7536 0594 0.25 329 SOMERLED WAY 542,500$ 12/10/2019 2016 3,824 141.87$ 6159385 7942 0230 0.24 125 SOMERLED WAY 550,000$ 1/4/2021 2018 3,248 169.33$ 6159451 6967 230 0.25 333 SOMERLED WAY 540,000$ 7/5/2017 2016 4,556 118.53$ 6159386 6719 319 0.26 129 SOMERLED WAY 503,500$ 7/12/2016 2015 3,921 128.41$ 6159452 7219 017 0.27 337 SOMERLED WAY 455,000$ 8/17/2018 2018 3,248 140.09$ 6159387 6546 130 0.27 201 SOMERLED WAY 486,000$ 10/12/2015 2015 3,942 123.29$ 6159453 7147 488 0.32 341 SOMERLED WAY 483,000$ 5/1/2018 2017 3,892 124.10$ 6159388 6699 852 0.25 205 SOMERLED WAY 453,000$ 6/16/2016 2016 3,245 139.60$ 6159454 7144 410 0.33 345 SOMERLED WAY 491,500$ 4/26/2018 2017 3,248 151.32$ 6159389 6822 104 0.25 209 SOMERLED WAY 491,000$ 11/18/2016 2015 3,900 125.90$ 6159455 7684 0116 0.32 349 SOMERLED WAY 525,000$ 5/29/2020 2016 3,415 153.73$ 6159390 6825 072 0.25 213 SOMERLED WAY 471,000$ 11/22/2016 2015 3,756 125.40$ 6159458 6885 265 0.353 105 BARCLAY DR 467,000$ 3/1/2017 2016 3,646 128.09$ 6159391 6633 228 0.3 217 SOMERLED WAY 478,000$ 3/16/2016 2015 3,868 123.58$ 6159459 6880 725 0.342 109 BARCLAY DR 528,500$ 2/22/2017 2016 3,173 166.56$ 6159392 6950 743 0.242 317 BARCLAY DR 668,500$ 6/12/2017 2016 6,507 102.74$ 6159460 6940 081 0.317 113 BARCLAY DR 518,000$ 5/26/2017 2017 4,291 120.72$ 6159393 6851 790 0.27 321 BARCLAY DR 502,500$ 12/29/2016 2016 3,897 128.95$ 6159461 7047 708 0.358 117 BARCLAY DR 417,500$ 11/3/2017 2017 3,160 132.12$ 6159394 6645 149 0.35 325 BARCLAY DR 495,500$ 4/1/2016 2015 3,892 127.31$ 6159462 6920 777 0.305 121 BARCLAY DR 571,000$ 4/27/2017 2017 4,775 119.58$ 6159396 6670 745 0.23 333 BARCLAY DR 491,500$ 5/9/2016 2016 3,892 126.28$ 6159463 7429 307 0.25 125 BARCLAY DR 588,000$ 7/31/2019 2018 3,892 151.08$ 6159397 6712 081 0.23 337 BARCLAY DR 391,500$ 6/30/2016 2016 3,180 123.11$ 6159463 7224 607 0.25 125 BARCLAY DR 572,000$ 8/28/2018 2018 3,892 146.97$ 6159398 6823 029 0.28 341 BARCLAY DR 458,500$ 11/18/2016 2016 3,186 143.91$ 6159464 7122 746 0.271 129 BARCLAY DR 526,500$ 3/22/2018 2017 5,874 89.63$ 6159399 7086 853 0.29 2905 MERRYVALE WAY 545,000$ 1/12/2018 2016 4,222 129.09$ 6159466 7488 0001 0.274 137 BARCLAY DR 570,000$ 10/11/2019 2017 4,560 125.00$ 6159400 6846 365 0.29 2909 MERRYVALE WAY 538,000$ 12/21/2016 2016 4,434 121.34$ 6159467 6921 598 0.274 141 BARCLAY DR 452,000$ 4/28/2017 2017 3,426 131.93$ 6159401 6659 509 0.31 2913 MERRYVALE WAY 459,000$ 4/25/2016 2016 3,245 141.45$ 6159468 7397 0704 0.25 145 BARCLAY DR 521,000$ 6/21/2019 2017 3,763 138.45$ 6159402 6655 785 0.38 2917 MERRYVALE WAY 507,000$ 4/19/2016 2015 3,868 131.08$ 6159469 7032 212 0.25 149 BARCLAY DR 458,000$ 10/11/2017 2017 3,167 144.62$ 6159403 6782 657 0.39 2920 MERRYVALE WAY 553,500$ 9/29/2016 2016 4,339 127.56$ 6159470 7223 321 0.25 153 BARCLAY DR 486,500$ 8/24/2018 2018 4,260 114.20$ 6159404 6853 642 0.36 2916 MERRYVALE WAY 545,000$ 12/30/2016 2016 4,516 120.68$ 6159471 7244 507 0.25 157 BARCLAY DR 545,500$ 10/1/2018 2018 4,310 126.57$ 6159405 6640 381 0.28 2912 MERRYVALE WAY 452,000$ 3/28/2016 2015 3,884 116.37$ 6159472 7243 553 0.25 161 BARCLAY DR 469,500$ 9/28/2018 2018 3,666 128.07$ 6159406 6590 757 0.29 2908 MERRYVALE WAY 452,500$ 12/28/2015 2015 3,909 115.76$ 6159473 7237 611 0.25 165 BARCLAY DR 468,000$ 9/20/2018 2018 3,889 120.34$ 6159407 6591 307 0.29 2904 MERRYVALE WAY 448,000$ 12/28/2015 2015 3,892 115.11$ 6159474 7177 736 0.25 169 BARCLAY DR 511,500$ 6/18/2018 2018 3,822 133.83$ 6159408 6591 474 0.33 2900 MERRYVALE WAY 451,000$ 12/29/2015 2015 3,868 116.60$ 6159475 7237 408 0.25 173 BARCLAY DR 480,000$ 9/20/2018 2018 3,892 123.33$ 6159409 6690 738 0.29 2808 MERRYVALE WAY 419,000$ 6/3/2016 2016 3,245 129.12$ 6159476 7778 110 0.25 177 BARCLAY DR 530,000$ 8/19/2020 2018 3,559 148.92$ 6159410 6643 595 0.32 2804 MERRYVALE WAY 513,000$ 3/31/2016 2015 3,756 136.58$ 6159476 7235 595 0.25 177 BARCLAY DR 489,000$ 9/18/2018 2018 3,559 137.40$ 6159411 7150 630 0.25 120 SOMERLED WAY 456,000$ 5/4/2018 2017 3,559 128.13$ 6159477 7775 473 0.298 181 BARCLAY DR 585,000$ 8/17/2020 2018 3,788 154.44$ 6159412 6688 409 0.24 124 SOMERLED WAY 432,000$ 6/1/2016 2015 3,106 139.09$ 6159477 7227 402 0.298 181 BARCLAY DR 529,500$ 8/31/2018 2018 3,788 139.78$ 6159413 7273 540 0.29 128 SOMERLED WAY 505,000$ 11/26/2018 2015 3,892 129.75$ 6159478 7243 069 0.287 185 BARCLAY DR 430,000$ 9/28/2018 2018 3,248 132.39$ 6159414 6959 391 0.28 200 SOMERLED WAY 459,000$ 6/26/2017 2017 3,701 124.02$ 6159479 7202 403 0.287 189 BARCLAY DR 534,000$ 7/24/2018 2018 3,274 163.10$ 6159415 6608 661 0.25 204 SOMERLED WAY 419,000$ 2/1/2016 2015 3,868 108.32$ 6159480 7437 393 0.287 193 BARCLAY DR 549,000$ 8/12/2019 2017 3,592 152.84$ 6159416 6731 757 0.25 208 SOMERLED WAY 467,500$ 7/28/2016 2016 3,890 120.18$ 6159480 7110 539 0.287 193 BARCLAY DR 520,000$ 2/28/2018 2017 3,592 144.77$ 6159417 6757 188 0.25 212 SOMERLED WAY 456,500$ 8/30/2016 2016 3,881 117.62$ 6159481 7077 103 0.287 197 BARCLAY DR 621,500$ 12/22/2017 2017 6,158 100.93$ 6159419 7045 313 0.3 220 SOMERLED WAY 460,000$ 10/31/2017 2016 3,173 144.97$ 6159482 7917 0532 0.295 201 BARCLAY DR 530,000$ 12/11/2020 2017 3,260 162.58$ 6159420 6868 158 0.27 328 BARCLAY DR 529,500$ 1/31/2017 2016 4,340 122.00$ 6159483 7040 873 0.29 205 BARCLAY DR 462,000$ 10/25/2017 2017 3,900 118.46$ 6159421 6971 136 0.25 332 BARCLAY DR 466,000$ 7/12/2017 2017 3,833 121.58$ 6159484 7079 604 0.267 209 BARCLAY DR 521,000$ 12/29/2017 2017 3,806 136.89$ 6159422 7204 509 0.25 336 BARCLAY DR 530,000$ 7/27/2018 2016 4,339 122.15$ 6159485 7042 866 0.283 213 BARCLAY DR 430,500$ 10/27/2017 2017 3,173 135.68$ 6159423 6725 875 0.42 340 BARCLAY DR 533,000$ 7/21/2016 2016 3,892 136.95$ 6159486 7003 282 0.371 200 BARCLAY DR 558,500$ 8/28/2017 2017 4,531 123.26$ 6159424 7242 439 0.33 301 SOMERLED WAY 500,000$ 9/27/2018 2016 4,310 116.01$ 6159487 6959 514 0.324 188 BARCLAY DR 488,500$ 6/26/2017 2017 3,911 124.90$ 6159425 6842 058 0.32 305 SOMERLED WAY 433,500$ 12/16/2016 2016 3,173 136.62$ 6159488 6985 188 0.333 180 BARCLAY DR 552,000$ 7/31/2017 2017 4,541 121.56$ 6159433 7224 094 0.3 301 BARCLAY DR 455,500$ 8/27/2018 2018 3,479 130.93$ 6159489 7091 878 0.254 172 BARCLAY DR 495,500$ 1/24/2018 2017 3,274 151.34$ 6159434 6825 757 0.27 305 BARCLAY DR 644,500$ 11/22/2016 2016 5,830 110.55$ 6159490 7205 416 0.25 168 BARCLAY DR 503,500$ 7/30/2018 2018 4,310 116.82$ 6159435 6825 096 0.28 309 BARCLAY DR 632,000$ 11/22/2016 2016 5,954 106.15$ 6159491 7066 746 0.25 164 BARCLAY DR 482,000$ 12/7/2017 2017 4,211 114.46$ 6159436 6744 188 0.33 313 BARCLAY DR 534,500$ 8/15/2016 2016 3,868 138.19$ 6159492 7073 062 0.25 160 BARCLAY DR 477,500$ 12/18/2017 2017 3,912 122.06$ 6159437 7147 247 0.28 308 SOMERLED WAY 464,500$ 4/30/2018 2016 3,879 119.75$ 6159493 7546 349 0.25 156 BARCLAY DR 521,000$ 12/20/2019 2017 3,248 160.41$ 6159438 6660 854 0.25 316 SOMERLED WAY 465,500$ 4/26/2016 2016 3,890 119.67$ 6159493 7140 614 0.25 156 BARCLAY DR 514,500$ 4/20/2018 2017 3,248 158.41$ 6159439 6693 863 0.24 320 SOMERLED WAY 448,000$ 6/8/2016 2016 3,868 115.82$ 6159494 6982 514 0.25 152 BARCLAY DR 506,000$ 7/27/2017 2017 4,566 110.82$ 6159440 7232 454 0.24 324 SOMERLED WAY 533,000$ 9/10/2018 2016 3,756 141.91$ 6159495 7139 083 0.25 148 BARCLAY DR 470,000$ 4/18/2018 2017 3,883 121.04$ 6159441 6693 353 0.24 328 SOMERLED WAY 495,000$ 6/8/2016 2016 3,408 145.25$ 6159496 7067 001 0.25 144 BARCLAY DR 500,000$ 12/7/2017 2017 4,311 115.98$ 6159442 6653 116 0.24 332 SOMERLED WAY 452,500$ 4/14/2016 2015 3,890 116.32$ 6159497 6885 172 0.307 140 BARCLAY DR 473,000$ 2/28/2017 2016 3,918 120.72$ 6159443 6712 158 0.29 340 SOMERLED WAY 456,500$ 7/1/2016 2016 3,245 140.68$ 6159498 7078 310 0.304 132 BARCLAY DR 429,500$ 12/27/2017 2017 3,164 135.75$ 6159444 7833 0099 0.27 348 SOMERLED WAY 595,000$ 10/2/2020 2016 3,196 186.17$ 6159499 6867 900 0.25 124 BARCLAY DR 439,500$ 1/30/2017 2016 3,866 113.68$ 6159500 6931 427 0.458 116 BARCLAY DR 581,000$ 5/12/2017 2017 4,331 134.15$ Inverness Subdivision Sales Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 25 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 27 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC The most significant factor in the analysis of the data is the date of sale. The recent housing shortage has shown a spike in prices paid. The price point for these homes averages approximately $500,000. The sales prices for the houses with visual influence from the tower range from $448,000 to $553,500 which is consistent with the sales of homes without a visual influence despite their older sale date. The price per square foot for the impacted houses ranges from $115.11 to $141.45 per square foot. Again, the rates bookend the median and averages for the neighborhood. The indication from the analysis is that the presence of a cell tower posing a higher level of visual impact with a light did not significantly impact the value of properties. The Vickery subdivision located in Waxhaw, North Carolina has a cell tower just north of the lots at the terminus of Vickery Drive. This tower has a comparable distance to adjacent improvements. The vegetative buffer is comparable to the proposed tower. The analysis for those properties closest to the tower are compared to those within the remainder of the subdivision. The following chart provides sales within the Size Sale Price $/SF Minimum 3,106 391,500$ 89.63$ Maximum 6,507 668,500$ 186.17$ Average 3,894 501,287$ 130.65$ Median 3,879 495,500$ 128.09$ Inverness Summary Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 26 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 28 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC subdivision with the properties closest to the tower highlighted in yellow. Parcel Number Book & Page Acreage Address Sale Amount Size SFD (SF) Price/SF Sale Date Assessed Value % of Assessed Value Year Built 7075300 6775 248 0.474 1209 VICKERY DR 474,000$ 4,032 117.56$ 9/21/2016 387,500$ 122% 2016 7075301 6775 389 0.584 1215 VICKERY DR 467,000$ 4,224 110.56$ 9/21/2016 398,200$ 117% 2016 7075299 6778 636 0.481 1205 VICKERY DR 447,000$ 3,453 129.45$ 9/26/2016 358,100$ 125% 2016 7075302 6781 324 0.472 1305 VICKERY DR 429,900$ 3,011 142.78$ 9/28/2016 366,300$ 117% 2016 7075308 6782 602 0.486 1416 VICKERY DR 404,000$ 3,427 117.89$ 9/29/2016 344,300$ 117% 2016 7075305 6785 056 0.46 1415 VICKERY DR 438,000$ 3,789 115.60$ 9/30/2016 380,200$ 115% 2016 7075304 6786 509 0.501 1407 VICKERY DR 390,000$ 2,922 133.47$ 10/4/2016 316,900$ 123% 2016 7075315 6800 627 0.608 1300 VICKERY DR 436,500$ 3,073 142.04$ 10/21/2016 340,200$ 128% 2016 7075310 6802 034 0.565 1408 VICKERY DR 495,500$ 4,032 122.89$ 10/24/2016 387,300$ 128% 2016 7075309 6807 378 0.53 1412 VICKERY DR 508,815$ 3,865 131.65$ 10/28/2016 406,700$ 125% 2016 7075303 6807 603 0.466 1401 VICKERY DR 435,000$ 3,571 121.81$ 10/31/2016 362,400$ 120% 2016 7075298 6835 577 0.514 1201 VICKERY DR 480,705$ 3,956 121.51$ 12/7/2016 388,200$ 124% 2016 7075314 6843 242 0.498 1304 VICKERY DR 464,900$ 3,850 120.75$ 12/16/2016 375,900$ 124% 2016 7075307 6843 367 0.466 1423 VICKERY DR 470,000$ 3,672 128.00$ 12/19/2016 362,500$ 130% 2016 7075326 6844 281 0.463 2023 DONOVAN DR 450,500$ 2,922 154.18$ 12/19/2016 324,100$ 139% 2016 7075330 6847 478 0.529 2028 DONOVAN DR 438,500$ 3,642 120.40$ 12/22/2016 355,500$ 123% 2016 7075335 6848 787 0.504 2011 CHALET LN 475,207$ 3,672 129.41$ 12/27/2016 363,700$ 131% 2016 7075331 6848 807 0.473 2024 DONOVAN DR 492,000$ 4,832 101.82$ 12/27/2016 420,500$ 117% 2016 7075332 6851 725 0.461 2018 DONOVAN DR 454,348$ 3,594 126.42$ 12/29/2016 358,800$ 127% 2016 7075312 6851 804 0.542 1402 VICKERY DR 417,000$ 3,037 137.31$ 12/29/2016 338,500$ 123% 2016 7075325 6859 111 0.463 2019 DONOVAN DR 462,500$ 3,037 152.29$ 1/13/2017 338,900$ 136% 2016 7075317 6862 313 0.496 1110 VICKERY DR 448,836$ 3,644 123.17$ 1/19/2017 376,500$ 119% 2016 7075313 6880 472 0.497 1308 VICKERY DR 476,853$ 4,102 116.25$ 2/22/2017 395,100$ 121% 2016 7075350 6882 808 0.483 1004 KARA CT 459,050$ 3,430 133.83$ 2/24/2017 344,000$ 133% 2016 7075311 6883 380 0.513 1406 VICKERY DR 499,900$ 4,240 117.90$ 2/27/2017 406,500$ 123% 2016 7075338 6886 457 0.537 3021 CHALET LN 506,000$ 3,803 133.05$ 3/2/2017 369,800$ 137% 2016 7075337 6891 603 0.531 3015 CHALET LN 442,890$ 3,036 145.88$ 3/10/2017 323,500$ 137% 2016 7075333 6892 523 0.473 2012 DONOVAN DR 494,990$ 3,777 131.05$ 3/13/2017 382,500$ 129% 2016 7075345 6894 492 0.534 3000 CHALET LN 432,000$ 3,109 138.95$ 3/16/2017 336,300$ 128% 2016 7075306 6896 071 0.462 1419 VICKERY DR 455,800$ 3,488 130.68$ 3/20/2017 366,600$ 124% 2016 7075334 6903 497 0.567 2002 DONOVAN DR 469,900$ 3,430 137.00$ 3/30/2017 359,100$ 131% 2016 7075336 6928 229 0.521 3003 CHALET LN 558,582$ 4,258 131.18$ 5/9/2017 403,700$ 138% 2017 7075343 6934 030 0.544 3012 CHALET LN 502,000$ 3,646 137.69$ 5/18/2017 366,500$ 137% 2017 7075348 6943 103 0.473 1016 KARA CT 498,677$ 3,609 138.18$ 5/31/2017 366,200$ 136% 2017 7075344 6948 415 0.56 3008 CHALET LN 512,900$ 4,059 126.36$ 6/8/2017 408,800$ 125% 2016 7075322 6954 471 0.516 2005 DONOVAN DR 512,000$ 3,910 130.95$ 6/16/2017 388,900$ 132% 2017 7075341 6955 571 0.53 3024 CHALET LN 499,900$ 4,085 122.37$ 6/19/2017 395,600$ 126% 2017 7075340 6957 267 0.482 3030 CHALET LN 465,335$ 3,462 134.41$ 6/21/2017 353,700$ 132% 2017 7075349 6961 836 0.492 1010 KARA CT 493,500$ 4,102 120.31$ 6/28/2017 395,100$ 125% 2017 7075297 6961 627 0.509 1109 VICKERY DR 470,049$ 3,413 137.72$ 6/28/2017 358,800$ 131% 2017 7075347 6962 872 0.579 1020 KARA CT 507,500$ 3,885 130.63$ 6/29/2017 371,900$ 136% 2017 7075351 6964 408 0.476 1002 KARA CT 440,000$ 3,528 124.72$ 6/30/2017 353,200$ 125% 2016 7075316 6965 130 0.568 1210 VICKERY DR 449,900$ 3,528 127.52$ 6/30/2017 353,400$ 127% 2016 7075346 6978 225 0.567 1005 KARA CT 528,250$ 3,913 135.00$ 7/21/2017 390,200$ 135% 2017 7075329 7020 463 0.541 2032 DONOVAN DR 457,400$ 3,000 152.47$ 9/22/2017 341,200$ 134% 2017 7075323 7029 563 0.505 2009 DONOVAN DR 469,500$ 3,074 152.73$ 10/6/2017 342,000$ 137% 2017 7075328 7043 656 0.613 2027 DONOVAN DR 513,500$ 3,963 129.57$ 10/30/2017 391,400$ 131% 2017 7075339 7043 673 0.548 3031 CHALET LN 443,000$ 3,074 144.11$ 10/30/2017 333,800$ 133% 2017 7075324 7064 691 0.512 2015 DONOVAN DR 471,085$ 3,609 130.53$ 12/4/2017 353,900$ 133% 2017 7075342 7072 416 0.525 3018 CHALET LN 495,000$ 3,777 131.06$ 12/15/2017 382,300$ 129% 2017 7075327 7133 380 0.467 2025 DONOVAN DR 509,000$ 3,735 136.28$ 4/9/2018 362,500$ 140% 2016 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 27 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 29 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC For the analysis, we used several units of comparison. The price point for the properties closest to the tower are within the range of the rest of the subdivision. While one sale is on the lower end of the range another is on the upper end of the range indicating that the proximity to the cell tower does not influence the price point. We also looked at the price per square foot. Again, the sales in proximity to the tower were consistent with nominal variances with other properties in the subdivision. We also compared the sales prices to the assessed values of the properties. Again, this comparison yielded the same results that the market and prices paid for properties in proximity to the tower were not impacted by the tower. The next tower found is located southeast of the Prestwick subdivision in Charlotte, North Carolina. The following aerial shows the tower to the southeast of the subdivision. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 28 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 30 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC The tower is a monopole tower with some trees between the tower and the residential properties within Prestwick. The following chart provides a summary of sales within the subdivision with the properties highlighted in yellow having some level of visual influence from the tower. Despite consideration of adjustments to the data set for a variety of physical and market variances, the single-family dwelling with the highest level of visual impact from the tower lies within the range of the data set presented. This analysis indicates that the visual impact of this tower does not substantially impact property values of residential properties. Other potential impacts to the surrounding area include noise, traffic, and lighting. The operation of a cell tower is essentially silent and would not influence the surrounding Parcel Number Book & Page Acreage Address Sale Amount Size SFD (SF) Price/SF Sale Date Assessed Value % of Assessed Value Year Built 7135197 6730 543 0.16 5810 PARKSTONE DR $247,000 3,288 $75.12 7/26/2016 $246,000 100% 2006 7135211 7011 590 0.15 5807 PARKSTONE DR $260,000 2,844 $91.42 9/8/2017 $224,100 116% 2006 7135214 6918 096 0.14 5801 PARKSTONE DR $245,000 2,744 $89.29 4/24/2017 $217,400 113% 2006 7135218 6991 886 0.16 5717 PARKSTONE DR $271,000 2,732 $99.19 8/10/2017 $218,500 124% 2006 7135221 6636 021 0.17 5707 PARKSTONE DR $250,000 2,744 $91.11 3/21/2016 $220,300 113% 2006 7135228 6728 324 0.17 5706 PARKSTONE DR $242,000 2,652 $91.25 7/25/2016 $212,300 114% 2006 7135238 6756 020 0.18 3107 ROYAL TROON LN $260,000 2,744 $94.75 8/29/2016 $217,500 120% 2006 7135243 7228 074 0.14 3005 ROYAL TROON LN $235,000 1,956 $120.14 8/31/2018 $179,400 131% 2006 7135190 7192 422 0.14 5704 FALKIRK LN $274,000 2,856 $95.94 7/10/2018 $223,600 123% 2006 7135193 7228 475 0.15 5800 PARKSTONE DR $287,500 3,026 $95.01 8/31/2018 $233,600 123% 2006 7135196 7154 843 0.16 5808 PARKSTONE DR $256,000 2,744 $93.29 5/11/2018 $219,900 116% 2006 7135198 6903 572 0.16 5812 PARKSTONE DR $262,000 2,744 $95.48 3/30/2017 $217,500 120% 2006 7135213 7199 856 0.14 5803 PARKSTONE DR $277,000 2,732 $101.39 7/20/2018 $218,700 127% 2006 7135215 6985 085 0.14 5723 PARKSTONE DR $245,000 3,268 $74.97 7/31/2017 $244,300 100% 2006 7135232 6890 100 0.17 5714 PARKSTONE DR $238,000 1,794 $132.66 3/8/2017 $176,700 135% 2006 7135239 6820 854 0.18 3105 ROYAL TROON DR $260,000 2,732 $95.17 11/16/2016 $225,700 115% 2006 7135279 7257 886 0.14 5911 PARKSTONE DR $211,000 2,654 $79.50 10/25/2018 $213,200 99% 2007 7135284 7231 065 0.16 5901 PARKSTONE DR $278,000 2,983 $93.19 9/6/2018 $231,100 120% 2007 7135201 7002 308 0.18 5818 PARKSTONE DR $260,000 2,837 $91.65 8/25/2017 $224,700 116% 2007 7135256 6773 258 0.14 5708 FALKIRK LN $232,500 2,104 $110.50 9/19/2016 $192,700 121% 2007 7135273 7232 509 0.15 5910 PARKSTONE DR $273,000 3,075 $88.78 9/10/2018 $235,100 116% 2007 7135283 6943 153 0.16 5903 PARKSTONE DR $255,000 2,654 $96.08 5/31/2017 $212,500 120% 2007 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 29 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 31 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC developments. The additional traffic caused by the proposed development includes two to three trips a month for routine maintenance. Any increases in traffic are considered nominal and does not impact the abutting properties. One of the examples includes a lit tower with lattice construction posing a significantly higher visual impact than the proposed tower. Conclusions The market activity around cell towers indicates that the visual impact of the proposed tower is not reflected in the prices paid. In other words, if I were to appraise any of the abutting properties of the proposed development, the market data does not support any adjustments for the visual impact of the tower. Therefore, I conclude that the proposed development of a wireless telecommunications facility will not substantially injure the value of abutting properties. Qualitative Analysis In addition to the market activity for existing towers, we also consider the surrounding developments for the subject. The question posed for this study is “would the development of the wireless facility warrant a downward adjustment to neighborhood properties?” The information from the previous analysis indicates that there is no empirical evidence to support a quantitative adjustment. The following analysis is intended to determine whether a qualitative adjustment is warranted. Subject Neighborhood When considering qualitative adjustments in an appraisal, the appraiser must consider all factors that could contribute to an adjustment. The aesthetics and location of the proposed development as well as the existing developments are a factor in developing our opinion. The factors considered in developing our opinion include but are not necessarily limited to:  The market has not shown a detrimental impact on development patterns in areas with visual influence from a wireless facility. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 30 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 32 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC  The proposed development is located within the existing tree line that will screen a significant portion of the tower in all directions and minimize the potential impact.  The visual impact of the tower will not impede the view amenity of the golf course for the properties to the west.  Most properties in the area include screening from the street and the existing infrastructure. The indication is that there are existing external influences on properties in the neighborhood. All these factors would contribute to the aesthetic appeal and a hypothetical valuation of properties in the neighborhood. The multitude of factors indicates that multicollinearity for aesthetics exists. Multicollinearity arises when multiple items correlate with each other. The multiple factors can cause a distortion of the impact of any of the factors individually without consideration for all the factors that contribute to the common issue. As shown on the photos, there is a wastewater treatment facility located on the other side of the golf course. The location of this infrastructure reflects the development patterns of providing infrastructure in otherwise areas of limited utility. Sanitary sewer lines are prevalent in areas encumbered with floodplain. The development of infrastructure on sites with limited utility is consistent with the surrounding development patterns. The following provides a summary of our conclusions regarding the items for a special use permit. We reiterate these items for reference purposes. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 31 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 33 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Item 3 Cell towers are essentially silent and would not interfere with the use and enjoyment of properties in the area. The existing traffic for Valley Brook Road would increase nominally because of the proposed tower. Based on the market data presented and the siting of the proposed tower, we conclude that the proposed tower will not substantially injure the value of adjacent or abutting properties. The proposed location is consistent with other developments in the Wilmington area. Item 4 We conclude that the proposed development will be in harmony with the area. The development of the area includes infrastructure located in areas with limited utility. Therefore, it is our opinion that the proposed development in accordance with the proposed conditions will not substantially injure the value of adjacent or abutting properties. The proposed development has siting and existing buffers to minimize to the extent possible the visual impact of the proposed tower. It is my opinion that the proposed development will not substantially detract from the aesthetics or character of the neighborhood because of its location and existing above ground infrastructure and location adjacent to a golf course. Michael P. Berkowitz Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 32 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 34 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC ADDENDA Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 33 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 35 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Certifications Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 34 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 36 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC CERTIFICATION OF THE ANALYST I, Michael P. Berkowitz, certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, 1. The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. 2. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions and are my personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. 3. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. 4. I have performed no services, as an appraiser or in any other capacity, regarding the property that is the subject of this report within the three-year period immediately preceding acceptance of this assignment. 5. I have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. 6. My engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. 7. My compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this study. 8. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. 9. The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. 10. I have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. 11. No one provided significant real property appraisal assistance to the person(s) signing this certification other than those individuals having signed the attached report. Michael P. Berkowitz (NC State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #A6169) (SC State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser #CG6277) June 16, 2021 Date (Rev: 06/18/12) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 35 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 37 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 36 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 38 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS Limit of Liability The liability of MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC and employees is limited to the client only and to the fee actually received by our firm. Further, there is no accountability, obligation, or liability to any third party. If this report is placed in the hands of anyone other than client, the client shall make such party aware of all limiting conditions and assumptions of the assignment and related discussions. Further, client will forever indemnify and hold MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC, its officers, and employees harmless from any claims by third parties related in any way to the appraisal or study which is the subject of the report. Third parties shall include limited partners of client if client is a partnership and stockholders of client if client is a corporation, and all lenders, tenants, past owners, successors, assigns, transferees, and spouses of client. MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC will not be responsible for any costs incurred to discover or correct any deficiencies of any type present in the property, physically, financially, and/or legally. Copies, Distribution, Use of Report Possession of this report or any copy of this report does not carry with it the right of publication, nor may it be used for other than its intended use; the physical report remains the property of MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC for the use of the client, the fee being for the analytical services only. The bylaws and regulations of the Appraisal Institute require each member and candidate to control the use and distribution of each report signed by such member or candidate; except, however, the client may distribute copies of this report in its entirety to such third parties as he may select; however, selected portions of this report shall not be given to third parties without the prior written consent of the signatories of this report. Neither all nor any part of this report shall be disseminated to the general public by the use of advertising media, public relations, news, sales or other media for public communication without the prior written consent of MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC. Confidentiality This report is to be used only in its entirety and no part is to be used without the whole report. All conclusions and opinions concerning the analysis as set forth in the report were prepared by MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC whose signatures appear on the report. No change of any item in the report shall be made by anyone other than MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC. MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC shall have no responsibility if any such unauthorized change is made. MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC may not divulge the material contents of the report, analytical findings or conclusions, or give a copy of the report to anyone other than the client or his designee as specified in writing except as may be required by the Appraisal Institute as they may request in confidence for ethics enforcement, or by a court of law or body with the power of subpoena. Trade Secrets This report was obtained from MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC and consists of “trade secrets and commercial or financial information” which is privileged and confidential and exempted from disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552 (b) (4) of the Uniform Commercial Code. MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC shall be notified of any request to reproduce this report in whole or in part. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 37 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 39 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Information Used No responsibility is assumed for accuracy of information furnished by or work of others, the client, his designee, or public records. We are not liable for such information or the work of subcontractors. The comparable data relied upon in this report has been confirmed with one or more parties familiar with the transaction or from affidavit or other sources thought reasonable; all are considered appropriate for inclusion to the best of our factual judgment and knowledge. An impractical and uneconomic expenditure of time would be required in attempting to furnish unimpeachable verification in all instances, particularly as to engineering and market-related information. It is suggested that the client consider independent verification as a prerequisite to any transaction involving sale, lease, or other significant commitment of funds for the subject property. Financial Information Our value opinion(s) have been based on unaudited financials, and other data provided to us by management and/or owners. If these reports are found to be inaccurate, we reserve the right to revise our value opinion(s). It is noted we are depending on these accounting statements as being accurate and our interpretation of these statements as being accurate as well. If these assumptions later prove to be false, we reserve the right to amend our opinions of value. Testimony, Consultation, Completion of Contract for Report Services The contract for report, consultation, or analytical service is fulfilled and the total fee payable upon completion of the report, unless otherwise specified. MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC or those assisting in preparation of the report will not be asked or required to give testimony in court or hearing because of having made the report, in full or in part, nor engage in post report consultation with client or third parties except under separate and special arrangement and at an additional fee. If testimony or deposition is required because of any subpoena, the client shall be responsible for any additional time, fees, and charges, regardless of issuing party. Exhibits The illustrations and maps in this report are included to assist the reader in visualizing the property and are not necessarily to scale. Various photographs, if any, are included for the same purpose as of the date of the photographs. Site plans are not surveys unless so designated. Legal, Engineering, Financial, Structural or Mechanical Nature, Hidden Components, Soil No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in character or nature, nor matters of survey, nor of any architectural, structural, mechanical, or engineering nature. No opinion is rendered as to the title, which is presumed to be good and marketable. The property is appraised as if free and clear, unless otherwise stated in particular parts of the report. The legal description is assumed to be correct as used in this report as furnished by the client, his designee, or as derived by MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC. MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC has inspected as far as possible, by observation, the land and the improvements; however, it was not possible to personally observe conditions beneath the soil, or hidden structural, mechanical or other components, and MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC shall not be responsible for defects in the property which may be related. The report is based on there being no hidden, unapparent, or apparent conditions of the property site, subsoil or structures or toxic materials which would render it more or less valuable. No Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 38 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 40 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC responsibility is assumed for any such conditions or for any expertise or engineering to discover them. All mechanical components are assumed to be in operable condition and status standard for properties of the subject type. Conditions of heating, cooling, ventilation, electrical, and plumbing equipment are considered to be commensurate with the condition of the balance of the improvements unless otherwise stated. We are not experts in this area, and it is recommended, if appropriate, the client obtain an inspection of this equipment by a qualified professional. If MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC has not been supplied with a termite inspection, survey or occupancy permit, no responsibility or representation is assumed or made for any costs associated with obtaining same or for any deficiencies discovered before or after they are obtained. No representation or warranties are made concerning obtaining the above mentioned items. MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC assumes no responsibility for any costs or consequences arising due to the need, or the lack of need, for flood hazard insurance. An agent for The Federal Flood Insurance Program should be contacted to determine the actual need for Flood Hazard Insurance. Legality of Use The report is based on the premise that there is full compliance with all applicable federal, state and local environmental regulations and laws unless otherwise stated in the report; further, that all applicable zoning, building and use regulations, and restrictions of all types have been complied with unless otherwise stated in the report. Further, it is assumed that all required licenses, consents, permits, or other legislative or administrative authority, local, state, federal and/or private entity or organization have been or may be obtained or renewed for any use considered in the value estimate. Component Values The distribution of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the existing program of utilization. The separate valuations for land and building must not be used in conjunction with any other report and are invalid if so used. Auxiliary and Related Studies No environmental or impact studies, special market study or analysis, highest and best use analysis, study or feasibility study has been required or made unless otherwise specified in an agreement for services or in the report. Dollar Values, Purchasing Power The market value estimated and the costs used are as of the date of the estimate of value, unless otherwise indicated. All dollar amounts are based on the purchasing power and price of the dollar as of the date of the value estimate. Inclusions Furnishings and equipment or personal property or business operations, except as specifically indicated and typically considered as a part of real estate, have been disregarded with only the real estate being considered in the value estimate, unless otherwise stated. In some property types, business and real estate interests and values are combined. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 39 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 41 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Proposed Improvements, Special Value Improvements proposed, if any, onsite or offsite, as well as any repairs required, are considered for purposes of this report to be completed in a timely, good and workmanlike manner, according to information submitted and/or considered by MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC. In cases of proposed construction, the report is subject to change upon inspection of property after construction is completed. Value Change, Dynamic Market, Influences, Alteration of Estimate The estimated value, which is defined in the report, is subject to change with market changes over time. Value is highly related to exposure, time, promotional effort, terms, motivation, and conditions surrounding the offering. The value estimate considers the productivity and relative attractiveness of the property physically and economically in the marketplace. In cases of reports involving the capitalization of income benefits, the estimate of market value or investment value or value in use is a reflection of such benefits and MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC' interpretation of income and yields and other factors derived from general and specific client and market information. Such estimates are as of the date of the estimate of value; thus, they are subject to change as the market and value is naturally dynamic. The “estimate of market value” in the report is not based in whole or in part upon the race, color, or national origin of the present owners or occupants of the properties in the vicinity of the property appraised. Report and Value Estimate Report and value estimate are subject to change if physical or legal entity or financing differ from that envisioned in this report. Management of the Property It is assumed that the property which is the subject of this report will be under prudent and competent ownership and management. Hazardous Materials Unless otherwise stated in this report, the existence of hazardous substances, including without limitation, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls, petroleum leakage, or agricultural chemicals, which may or may not be present on the property, or other environmental conditions, were not called to the attention of nor did MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC become aware of such during their inspection. MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC had no knowledge of the existence of such materials on or in the property unless otherwise stated. MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC, however, is not qualified to test such substances or conditions. If the presence of such substances such as asbestos, urea formaldehyde foam insulation, or other hazardous substances or environmental conditions, may affect the value of the property, the value estimate is predicated on the assumption that there is no such condition on or in the property or in the proximity that it would cause a loss in value. No responsibility is assumed for any such conditions, nor for any expertise or engineering knowledge required to discover them. Soil and Subsoil Conditions Unless otherwise stated in this report, MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC does not warrant the soil or subsoil conditions for toxic or hazardous waste materials. Where any suspected materials might Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 40 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 42 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC be present, we have indicated in the report; however, MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC are not experts in this field and recommend appropriate engineering studies to monitor the presence or absence of these materials. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) “MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC has not made a specific compliance survey and analysis of this property to determine whether or not it is in conformity with the various detailed requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which became effective January 26, 1992. It is possible that a compliance survey of the property together with a detailed analysis of the requirements of the ADA could reveal that the property is not in compliance with one or more of the requirements of the Act. If so, this fact could have a negative effect upon the value of the property. Since MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC has no direct evidence relating to this issue, we did not consider possible non-compliance with the requirements of ADA in estimating the value of the property.” Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 41 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 43 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC Qualifications of the Analyst Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 42 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 44 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC QUALIFICATIONS OF THE ANALYST Michael P. Berkowitz MPB Real Estate, LLC, Inc. 1100 Sundance Drive Concord, North Carolina 28027 (704) 605-0595 EDUCATION AND CREDENTIALS  Duke University Major: Economics 1985-1989  Central Piedmont Community College R-1 - Introduction to Real Estate Appraisal, 2002 R-2 - Valuation Principles and Procedures, 2002 R-3 - Applied Residential Property Valuation, 2002 G-1 - Introduction to Income Property Appraisal, 2003  Bob Ipock and Associates G-2 - Advanced Income Capitalization Procedures, 2003 G-3 - Applied Property Income Valuation 2004  Appraisal Institute 520 Highest and Best Use and Market Analysis, 2004 Seminar Rates, Multipliers and Ratios 2005 530 Advanced Sales Comparison and Cost Approaches 2006 Seminar Apartment Appraisal, Concepts & Applications 2009 Seminar Appraising Distresses Commercial Real Estate 2009 Seminar Appraising Convenience Stores 2011 Seminar Analyzing Operating Expenses 2011 AFFILIATIONS AND ACTIVITIES  Association Memberships North Carolina State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, October 2006, Certificate No. A6169 RELATED EXPERIENCE  Provided real estate consulting services for a variety of clients including real estate brokers, property owners and financial planners  Performed financial feasibility studies for multiple property types including golf communities, and renovation projects.  Developed plan for self-contained communities.  Race Track expertise Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 43 IMPACT STUDY VALLEY BROOK ROAD, WILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page 45 of 44 (NH-002) MPB REAL ESTATE, LLC APPRAISAL EXPERIENCE A partial list of types of properties appraised include: Retail Properties, Single and Multi-Tenant, Proposed and Existing Office Single and Multi-Tenant Proposed and Existing Mixed-Use Properties, Proposed and Existing Industrial Properties, Warehouse, Flex and Manufacturing Vacant Land Condemnation C-Stores Race Tracks CLIENTELE Bank of America Transylvania County Cabarrus County Mecklenburg County City of Statesville NC Department of Transportation Henry County, GA Town of Loudon, NH First Citizens Bank City of Charlotte City of Concord Union County BB & T Aegon USA Realty Advisors Sun Trust Bank First Charter Bank Regions Bank Charlotte Housing Authority Alliance Bank and Trust Broadway Bank Duke Energy Corporation Jim R. Funderburk, PLLC Hamilton, Fay, Moon, Stephens, Steele & Martin Senator Marshall A. Rauch Perry, Bundy, Plyler & Long, LLP Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson CSX Real Property Baucom, Clayton, Burton, Morgan & Wood, PA City of Mount Holly Our Towns Habitat for Humanity Parker, Poe, Adams & Bernstein, LLP Central Carolina Bank Southern Community Bank and Trust Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 9 - 44 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 1 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 10 - 2 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: T-1 SCOPE OF WORK PROPOSED WORK WILL CONSIST OF PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION OF CELLULAR COMMUNICATION COMPOUND. CONSISTING OF GRADING SITE WORK AND POURING OF CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS FOR CELLULAR EQUIPMENT & TOWER WHERE ALL WORK SHALL BE CONTAINED WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY LINES. CODES ALL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIED ON DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING PERMIT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FOLLOWING & ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES : ·2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE W/ NC AMENDMENTS ·2018 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE W/ NC AMENDMENTS ·2018 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE W/ NC AMENDMENTS ·2018 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE W/ NC AMENDMENTS ·2009 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE ·2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE - NFPA 70 ·TIA-222-G ·TIA-1019-A SITE DESIGN SUMMARY: ··WIND LOAD DESIGN:90/120 mph ··EXPOSURE CATEGORY: II ··OCCUPANCY:U ··CONSTRUCTION TYPE: II-A ·FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND NOT FOR HUMAN HABITATION. HANDICAP ACCESS IS NOT REQUIRED. ·FACILITY HAS NO SANITARY OR POTABLE WATER ·THERE IS "NO EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT ON THE TOWER AND EXISTING &/OR PROPOSED EQUIPMENT WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS AND THAT, IF SUCH, INTERFERENCE IS FOUND TO EXIST, THEN APPLICANT WILL TAKE WHATEVER STEPS NECESSARY TO CORRECT INTERFERENCE." FEMA PANEL: THIS SITE IS IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AND LABELED ZONE "X SHADED" W/ 0.2% CHANCE OF FLOOD HAZARD, AS SHOWN PER FIRM PANEL: 3720313200K. DATED: 08/28/2018 SITE NAME: THE CAPE BLVD SITE NUMBER: CTG-NC 0010081 DESCRIPTION: NEW SITE DEVELOPMENT 130' MONOPOLE TOWER PROPERTY OWNER: SOUTHEASTERN ENTERPRISES, INC 1202 LAKE PARK BLV N CAROLINA BEACH, NC 28428 APPLICATION: COMMUNICATIONS TOWER GROUP (CTG) 15720 BRIXHAM HILL AVE. SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NC 28277 BRAD LAGANO (E) blagano.ctowergroup.com (P) 704-992-7522 REAL ESTATE: COMMUNICATIONS TOWER GROUP (CTG) 15720 BRIXHAM HILL AVE. SUITE 300 CHARLOTTE, NC 28277 TERRY THOMAS (E) tthomas@ctowergroup.com (P) 727-254-7458 ENGINEERING: P. MARSHALL & ASSOCIATES 3545 WHITEHALL PARK DRIVE SUITE 450 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28273 TREVOR MCALLISTER (E) tmcallister@pmass.com (P) 478-542-3291 NEAREST SITE ADDRESS:902 THE CAPE BLVD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 SITE LATITUDE(NAD83):34° 04' 22.77" (34.072992° ) SITE LONGITUDE(NAD83): -77° 54' 06.46" (-77.901794° ) GND ELEVATION (NAVD88): 7.4' AMSL TOWER HGHT (AGL.):130.0' JURISDICTION:NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARCEL ID:R08500-002-070-000 ZONING:R-15 ACREAGE (BUA):259,182 SQFT. (5.95 ACRES) (E) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 0 SQFT. (P) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: COMPOUND @ 10,000 SQFT +DRIVE @2,725.087 SQFT. = 12,725.087 SQFT. UTILITIES: POWER COMPANY:NA FIBER COMPANY:NA CALL BEFORE YOU DIG N. CAROLINA ONE-CALL 811 http://www.nc811.com/ TITLE SHEET PROJECT DIRECTORY LOCATION MAP PROJECT SUMMARY SITE SUMMARY CALL BEFORE YOU DIG SHEET INDEX T-1 TITLE SHEET T-2 GENERAL NOTES C-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN C-2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN C-3 COMPOUND PLAN C-4 TOWER ELEVATION C-5 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS-ACCESS C-6 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS- FENCE C-7 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS-COMPOUND C-8 SIGN DETAILS C-9 GRADING NOTES & DETAILS C-10 GRADING NOTES & DETAILS C-11 GRADING &EROSION CONTROL PLAN C-12 LANDSCAPING PLAN E-1 ELECTRICAL NOTES E-2 ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE E-3 GROUNDING PLAN E-4 ELECTRICAL DETAILS SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET - SURVEY T-1A APPENDIX B SHEETS T-1B APPENDIX B SHEETS Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 1 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: T-1A APPENDIX B SHEETS PM&A; TREVOR McALLISTER 678 280 2325 P. MARSHALL & ASSOCIATES P. MARSHALL & ASSOCIATES PATRICK MARSHALL 024136 678 280-2325 NEW HANOVER 902 THE CAPE BLVD WILMINGTON, NC CTG RAW-LAND MONOPOLE - THE CAPE BLVD-NC-0010081 N/A NOT A B U I L D I N G P. MARSHALL & ASSOCIATES TREVOR MCALLISTER 478 542-329 TMCALLISTER@PMASS.COM 28412 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 5 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: T-1B APPENDIX B SHEETS N/A NOT A B U I L D I N G N/A NOT A B U I L D I N G N/A NOT A B U I L D I N G N/A NOT A B U I L D I N G N/A NOT A B U I L D I N G N/A NOT A B U I L D I N G Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 6 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: T-2 GENERAL NOTES & AND AMSL AVERAGE ABOVE MEAN SEALEVEL BTM. BOTTOM ℄CENTERLINE CONC. CONCRETE CONT. CONTINOUS C.J. CONTROL JOINT DIA. DIAMETER (E) EXISTING EL. ELEVATION E.S. EACH SIDE E.W. EACH WAY FFI FLANGE FACING INSIDE FFO FLANGE FACING OUTSIDE FT. FEET F.V. FIELD VERIFY GALV. GALVANIZED HORIZ. HORIZONTAL IN. INCH LFP LEG FACING OUTSIDE LLVD LONG LEG VERTICAL DOWN LLVU LONG LEG VERTICAL UP MAX. MAXIMUM MFR. MANUFACTURER MIN. MINIMUM MPH MILES PER HOUR O.C. ON CENTER (P) PROPOSED REINF. REINFORCE REQ'D REQUIRED SIM. SIMILAR STD. STANDARD STL. STEEL TYP. TYPICAL UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERT. VERTICAL VLD VERTICAL LEG DOWN VLU VERTICAL LEG UP W/ WITH GENERAL NOTES ABBREVIATION KEY 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY ALL EXISTING & PROPOSED DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS, AND ELEVATIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK. ALL DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE CALLED TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER AND SHALL BE RESOLVED BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN A WORKMANLIKE MANNER IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES. 2. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THESE DRAWINGS TO SHOW THE COMPLETED INSTALLATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TEMPORARY BRACING, SHORING, TIES, FORM WORK, ETC., IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL NATIONAL, STATE, AND LOCAL ORDINANCES, TO SAFELY EXECUTE ALL WORK AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL CODES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ADEQUATE NUMBER OF SKILLED WORKMEN WHO ARE THOROUGHLY TRAINED AND EXPERIENCED IN THE NECESSARY CRAFTS AND WHO ARE 3. COMPLETELY FAMILIAR WITH THE SPECIFIED REQUIREMENTS AND METHODS NEEDED FOR PROPER PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. 4. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT, INCLUDING THE SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY. THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL BE MADE TO APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS AND PRIME CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD DESIGN ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT. 5. SITE GROUNDING SHALL COMPLY WITH ENERGY GROUNDING STANDARDS, LATEST VERSION. WHEN NATIONAL AND LOCAL GROUNDING CODES ARE MORE STRINGENT, THEY 5. SHALL GOVERN. GROUNDING SHALL BE COMPLETED BEFORE ERECTION OF A NEW TOWER. 6. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH OSHA AND STATE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. PROCEDURES FOR THE PROTECTION OF EXCAVATIONS, EXISTING CONSTRUCTION, AND UTILITIES 6. SHALL BE ESTABLISHED PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSTALLATION. IF TEMPORARY LIGHTING AND MARKING IS REQUIRED BY THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA), IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN THE NECESSARY LIGHTS AND NOTIFY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES IN THE EVENT OF A PROBLEM. 7. ALL WORK SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL CODES OR ORDINANCES. THE MOST STRINGENT CODE WILL APPLY IN THE CASE OF DISCREPANCIES OR DIFFERENCES IN THE CODE REQUIREMENTS. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL PROPERTY TO IT'S PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS TO THE OWNER'S SATISFACTION. ANY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES WILL BE CORRECTED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROTECT ALL EXISTING PROPERTY LINE MONUMENTATION, STRUCTURES, UTILITIES. ANY DAMAGE SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A REGISTERED SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER. 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AMPLE NOTICE TO THE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT TO SCHEDULE THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. A MINIMUM OF 24 9. HOURS OF NOTICE SHOULD BE GIVEN THE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENTS HAVE REQUESTED THAT GROUPS OF TWO OR THREE SITES BE SCHEDULED AT ONE TIME IF POSSIBLE. 10.THE COMPLETE BID PACKAGE INCLUDES THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ALONG WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND TOWER DRAWINGS/ANALYSIS. CONTRACTOR IS 10. RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEW OF THE TOTAL BID PACKAGE PRIOR TO BID SUBMITTAL. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO EXAMINE ALL DRAWGINS & SPECIFICATIONS AND TO COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE WORK OF ALL OTHER TO ENSURE THAT WORK PROGRESSION IS INTERRUPTED AND DOES NOT INTERRUPT THE PROPERTY OWNER'S OPERATIONS AT ANY TIME. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING SYSTEMS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND THE UTILITY COMPANY PRIOR TO EACH CONNECTION. 12.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING POSITIVE DRAINAGE ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. SILT AND EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE 12. DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. ANY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES WILL BE CORRECTED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 13.CLEARING OF TREES AND VEGETATION ON THE SITE SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM. ONLY THE TREES NECESSARY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE FACILITIES SHALL BE REMOVED. ANY DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OUTSIDE THE LEASED PROPERTY SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 14.ALL SUITABLE BORROW MATERIAL FOR BACKFILL OF THE SITE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID. EXCESS TOPSOIL AND UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF SITE AT LOCATIONS APPROVED BY GOVERNING AGENCIES PRIOR TO DISPOSAL. 15.SEEDING AND MULCHING OF THE SITE WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER COMPLETION OF THE SITE DEVELOPMENT. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING AN ADEQUATE COVER OF VEGETATION OVER THE SITE FOR A ONE YEAR PERIOD. 16.RECORD DRAWINGS: MAINTAIN A RECORD OF ALL CHANGES, SUBSTITUTIONS, ETC., BETWEEN THE WORK AS SPECIFIED AND INSTALLED. RECORD CHANGES ON A CLEAN SET OF CONTRACT DRAWINGS WHICH SHALL BE TURNED OVER TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL REQUIRED LICENSES, FEES, INSPECTIONS, ETC. BUILDING PERMITS WILL BE OBTAINED BY CONTRACTOR & PAID FOR BY THE COUNTY. 18.CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE PROJECT SITE FREE FROM ACCUMULATION OF WASTE MATERIALS & RUBBISH AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD & SHALL REMOVE. ALL WASTE MATERIALS & RUBBISH FROM PROJECT SITE AT THE COMPLETION OF WORK, EXCEPT THOSE SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED BY THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TO BE LEFT FOR THE OWNER'S MAINTENANCE. CONSTRUCTION WASTE MAY NEITHER BE BURNED NOR BURIED AND MUST BE TAKEN TO AN APPROVED LANDFILL AT CONTRACTOR EXPENSE. 19.SECURITY TO THE SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. 20.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONDITION OF THE ALL CABINETS AND /OR SHELTER DURING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION. CABINETS AND /OR SHELTERS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR STORAGE OF TOOLS, CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THE CABINETS AND /OR SHELTERS IS CLEANED AT THE CONCLUSION OF CONSTRUCTION. SHELTER FLOORS SHALL BE CLEANED, WAXED AND BUFFED TO SHINE. GENERAL NOTES Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 7 13 0 ' - 0 " 659'-7" 13 0 ' - 0 " 407' - 1 1 " PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN 1. SITE PLAN SHOWN WAS TAKEN FROM SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY POINT TO POINT LAND SURVEYORS, INC. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING INFORMATION IS INDICATED ON SITE PLAN. CONTRACTOR IS TO ESTABLISH THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES. IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 2. PARCEL DATA SHOWN WAS TAKEN FROM INFORMATION PROVIDED BY POINT TO POINT LAND SURVEYORS, INC & NEW HANOVER COUNTY GIS, PROPERTY INFORMATION RESEARCH WEB SITE. 3. EXISTING WETLANDS ON SITE DESIGNATED AS FRESHWATER FORESTED/SHRUB WETLAND (PFO4Bd) 4. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCEPTED POLICIES BY NORTH CAROLINA STATE CODE. 5. PROPOSED ROUTES ARE SHOWN AS SCHEMATIC. 6. HAND DIG ALL EXISTING UTILITIES DEEPER THAN 12" TO LOCATE GENERAL NOTES GRAPHIC SCALE NORTH ARROW W N EMP A& S 00' SCALE: 1" = 100' ZONE "X" (AREA OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD) SUBJECT PARENT PARCEL SOUTHEASTERN ENTERPRISES INC. PARCEL ID: R08500-002-070-000 ZONE: R-15 ACRE: 5.95 VALLEY BR O O K R O A D ( 6 0 ' P R I V A T E R / W ) TELFAIR SUMMIT HOA INC. PARCEL ID: R08500-002-071-000 ZONE: R-15 ACRE: 5.54 SOUTHEASTERN ENTERPRISES INC. PARCEL ID: R08500-002-114-000 ZONE: R-15 ACRE: 2.97 100'100' CRESS LOUIS H ETAL PARCEL ID: R08510-007-021-000 ZONE: R-15 ACRE: 0.36 COOK TED E KATHLEEN M PARCEL ID: R08510-007-020-000 ZONE: R-15 ACRE: 0.34 BREWSTER JACK R RITA ANN REV TRUST PARCEL ID: R08510-007-019-000 ZONE: R-15 ACRE: 0.32 GRICZEWICZ CAITLIN STEPHEN A RIES PARCEL ID: R08510-007-018-000 ZONE: R-15 ACRE: 0.35 SOUTHERN DESTINY LLC PARCEL ID: R08500-002-029-002 ZONE: R-15 ACRE: 32.76 PROPOSED 25' LANDSCAPE BUFFER/ TREE PRESERVATION AREA PROPOSED 100'x100' COMPOUND/ LEASE AREA PROPOSED MONOPOLE PROPOSED 30' UTILITY/ACCESS/FIBER EASEMENT SUBJECT PARENT PARCEL ADJACENT PARCEL LINE 130' TOWER FALL ZONE EXISTING WETLANDS (PF04Bd) EXISTING TREELINE (TYP.) FLOOD ZONE KEY 15" CMP (END BURRIED) LIGHT POLE & TELCO (TYP.) ZONE "AE" (BASE FLOOD ELEVATION 9') SHADED ZONE "X" (0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD HAZARD) FLOOD PLAIN LINE (TYP.) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 8 X X PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE NORTH ARROW W N EMP A& S 00' SCALE: 1" = 30' 30'30' PROPOSED 8' CHAIN-LINKED FENCE PROPOSED 12' GATE PROPOSED 130' MONOPOLE TOWER PROPOSED 12' GRAVEL DRIVE SEE FENCE ELEVATION & SIGN SHEET (TYP.) HI A C D E GB J PROPOSED 30' ACCESS/ UTILITY/FIBER EASEMENT PROPOSED 20' SWING GATE VALLEY BR O O K R O A D ( 6 0 ' P R I V A T E R / W ) EXISTING15" CMP (END BURRIED) EXISTING LIGHT POLE & TELCO (TYP.) EXISTING PLANTED TREES (TYP.) EXISTING TREELINE PROPOSED 25' LANDSCAPE BUFFER/ TREE PRESERVATION AREA SUBJECT PARENT PARCEL PROPOSED 6" OF #57 STONE ON GEOSYNTHETIC FABRIC Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 9 10 0 ' - 0 " C O M P O U N D / L E A S E A R E A 100'-0" C O M P O U N D / L E A S E A R E A 50 ' - 0 " 25 ' - 0 " TY P . 50'-0" ELEC ELEC ELEC EL E C EL E C EL E C EL E C EL E C EL E C EL E C EL E C EL E C EL E C PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-3 NORTH ARROW W N EMP A& S GENERAL NOTES GRAPHIC SCALE 00' SCALE: 1" = 20' 20'20' COMPOUND PLAN 1. ALL MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT FURNISHED SHALL BE NEW AND OF GOOD QUALITY. FREE FROM FAULTS AND DEFECTS AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ANY SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE PROPERLY APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY THE OWNER AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE AS TO THE KIND OF QUALITY OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT BEING SUBSTITUTED. 2. ACCESS TO PROPOSED WORK SITE MAY BE RESTRICTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE INTENDED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, INCLUDING WORK SCHEDULE AND MATERIALS ACCESS WITH THE LEASING AGENT FOR APPROVAL. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE PRESENT ON SITE CURRENT CARRIER SUPPLIED INFORMATION PRIOR TO COMMENCE OF WORK; IE. RFDS, DESIGN DOCUMENTS SPECIFIC TO SITE AND CONFIGURATION. NOTIFY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER OF ANY DISCREPANCY PRIOR TO ARRIVAL AT SITE. 4. ALL HARDWARE ASSEMBLY MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION SHALL BE FOLLOWED EXACTLY AND SHALL SUPERSEDE ANY CONFLICTING NOTES ENCLOSED HEREIN. 5. ALL DAMAGE TO EXISTING UNDERGROUND, OVERHEAD OBSTACLES AND/OR EXISTING EQUIPMENT, PAD OR SHELTERS SHALL BE REPLACED BACK TO FULL ORIGINAL OR BETTER CONDITION & SHALL MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS BY REPAIRS AT GENERAL CONTRACTOR EXPENSE. 6. THE EXISTING TREES AND VEGETATION ARE SUFFICIENT, UNO, TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED SCREENING PER LOCAL ORDINANCE. IF THE VEGETATION IS REMOVED OR DAMAGED, NEW LANDSCAPING/ SCREENING WILL BE INSTALLED TO MEET LOCAL ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS. PROPOSED 6" OF #57 STONE ON GEOSYNTHETIC FABRIC EXISTING TREE LINE (TYP.) PROPOSED 6'-0" CARRIER MULTI-GANG POWER METER & TELCO DEMARC. CONNECT SUPPLY CONDUITS 5'-0" OUTSIDE OF FENCE LINE. COORDINATE WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY REGARDING FINAL SERVICE CONNECTION. PROPOSED 30' ACCESS/ UTILITY/FIBER EASEMENT. CLEAR EXISTING TREE LINE FOR ACCESS. PROPOSED UNDERGROUND 3" SCH. 40 PVC CONDUIT FROM PROPOSED 4-GANG METER ON H-FRAME. CAP OPEN CONDUIT WATER TIGHT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. COORDINATE WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY REGARDING FINAL SERVICE CONNECTION. PROPOSED CARRIER LEASE AREA (TYP. OF 3) PROPOSED 12' GRAVEL DRIVE PROPOSED 8' CHAIN-LINKED FENCE 12' CHAIN-LINKED FENCE 18 ' X 9 ' 12'X20' 15'X10' PROPOSED 25' LANDSCAPE BUFFER/ TREE PRESERVATION AREA Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 10 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-4 GENERAL NOTES 1. REFER TO TOWER STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED ANTENNA CABLE LOADING DETAILS 2. TOWER ELEVATION SHOWN IS NOT DRAWN TO SCALE AND IS ONLY INTENDED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES. REFER TO ORIGINAL TOWER DESIGN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 3. ALL TOWER DIMENSIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH THE PLANS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRCTION. NOTIFY TH EENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE DISCOVERED. 4. ALL HARDWARE ASSEMBLE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE FOLLOWED EXACTLY AND SHALL SUPERSEDE ANY CONFLICTING NOTES ENCLOSED HEREIN. 5. ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FURNISHED SHALL BE NEW AND OF GOOD QUALITY, FREE FROM FAULTS AND DEFECTS AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ANY AND ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE PROPERLY APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BU THE OWNER AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH SATISFACTORY EVIDENC AS TO THE KIND OF QUALITY OF THE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT BEING SUBSTITUTED. FINISH NOTES: TOWER-GALVANIZED TOWER MOUNTS-GALVANIZED ANTENNA-NEUTRAL (MANUFACTURER FINISH) FOUNDATIONS-UNPAINTED CONCRETE ICE BRIDGE- GALVANIZED CABLES-BLACK BASE CABINETS/EQUIPMENT-NEUTRAL (MANUFACTURER FINISH) TOWER ELEVATION T/LIGHTNING ROD 134'-0" PR O P O S E D T O W E R H E I G H T 1 3 0 ' - 0 " A . G . L . TO P O F A P P U R T E N A N C E S 1 3 4 ' - 0 " A . G . L . PROPOSED 4' LIGHTNING ROD CARRIER CENTERLINE 124'-0" PROPOSED MONOPOLE TOWER FUTURE ANTENNAS BY OTHERS (TYP ) CARRIER CENTERLINE 112'-0" CARRIER CENTERLINE 100'-0" T/GRADE 0'-0" 6'x12' FRP ANTENNA CONCEALMENT SHADE (TYP. OF 3) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 11 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-5 EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED V-LINE DITCH LINED WITH SOD TO RUN ALONG SIDE OF ACCESS ROAD AS NEEDED (5:1 MAX SIDE SLOPES) PROPOSED SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR PROPOSED 20 MIL. LIGHT WEIGHT WOVEN SLIT FILM POLYPROPYLENE GEOSYNETHIC FABRIC (500X MIRAFI GEOTEXTILE OR EQUAL) PROPOSED 4" #3 STONE CRUSHER RUN (3" TO 4" STONE WITH FINES AND DUST, FREE OF DEBRIS & ORGANIC MATERIAL) COMPACT TO 80% PROCTOR BORROWED EXCAVATION COMPACTED TO 95% PROCTOR. PROPOSED 2" FINISH LAYER OF ROLLED #57 STONE 5:1 5:1 FEATHER & SOD SLOPE AWAY FROM ACCESS DRIVE 2% SLOPE 12'-0" 30'-0" UTILITY/ ACCESS EASEMENT 4'-0"( TYP.) 2% SLOPE PROPOSED RIP RAP INSTALLED IN HEAVY EROSION AREA & EVERY 25' WHERE TRAVEL SLOPE IS GREATER THAN 10% PROPOSED GRAVEL ACCESS CROWN ·AGGREGATE IS BASED ON STANDARD AASHTO ·2" CROWN IN CENTER OF ACCESS, UNLESS IN CURVES, THEN ACCESS SHOULD BE SLOPED TO INSIDE OF TURN OR CURVE. ·ALL MATERIALS SHALL MEET DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION. ·GRAVEL BASE & TOP COURSE DEPTH SHOWN AS MIN. INCREASE DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED DUE TO POOR SOIL CONDITIONS. ·MAX. GRADE: 123% GREATER THAN MAY REQUIRE PAVED SURFACE. ·PRIVATELY MAINTAINED ROAD ONLY. ·NO POTENTIAL FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT. THIS IS NOT A THRU ROAD. SCALE: NTS ACCESS DRIVE NOTES 20'-0" x14'-0" MIN. UNOBSTRUCTED EASEMENT CLEARING VARIES PER PLAN 1'-0" TYP. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS- ACCESS SCALE: NTS ACCESS DRIVE SWING GATE FINISH GRADE (12' GRAVEL ACCESS DRIVE) 3' - 8 " 20'-0" 3" SQUARE TUBE STEEL. PAINTED BLACK (TYP.) 3' 6 " 18" (TYP.) 3' - 0 " 4" ( T Y P . ) SECURE LANE LLC (520)780-9751 SL-SG MANUAL SWING GATE OR SIMILAR. AVAILABLE IN SINGLE SWING OR DUAL SWING @ WWW. BARRIERGATEARM.COM 4000 PSI CONCRETE POST FOOTING, MIN. (TYP.) 4" ROUND STEEL POST PAINTED BLACK (TYP.) HD BEARING HINGES (TYP.OF 2) SLIDE BOLT LOCKING MECHANISM WITH TAB HASPS & PADLOCK. GC TO COORDINATE WITH OWNER FOR FINAL COMBINATION. NOTES Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 12 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-6 1'-6" 6" 9" 10" 18 " 3' - 6 " 13 " XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X XX X X X XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX X XXX X X XX X X X XXXXX X X X X X X XX X XXXX X X X X X XXXXX X 9' - 0 " 8' - 0 " 13'-0" (CENTERED ON FENCE LINE) 10'-0" O.C. MAX. 5'-0" O.C. MIN. 6"6" 6" 3" 5'-6"5'-6" 12'-6" EQ.EQ. 1 B A D G C SCALE: NTS ACCESS DRIVE SWING GATE POST & DUCK BILL SCALE: NTS STANDARD FENCE ELEVATION GENERAL NOTES A. INSTALL FENCE PER ASTM F-567 B. INSTALL SWING GATE PER ASTM F-900 C. LOCAL ORDINANCE OF BARBED WIRE PERMIT REQUIREMENT SHALL BE COMPLIED IF REQUIRED. D. POST & GATE PIPE SIZES ARE INDUSTRY STANDARDS. D.A. ALL PIPES TO BE 1-1/ 2" GALVANIZED (HOT DIP, ASTM A120 GRADE "A" STEEL). D.B. ALL GATE FRAMES SHALL BE WELDED. D.C. ALL WELDING SHALL BE COATED WITH (3) COATS OF COLD GALVANIZED STEEL (OR EQUAL). E. ALL OPEN POSTS SHALL HAVE END-CAPS F. USE GALVANIZED HOG-RING WIRE TO MOUNT ALL SIGNS. G. ALL SIGNS MUST BE MOUNTED ON INSIDE OF FENCE FABRIC. H. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL STYMIE-LOCK LOCKING MECHANISM ON 12'-0" GATE. COORDINATE W/ PM FOR FINAL COMBINATION CODE KEYED NOTES 1. CORNER, END OR PULL POST 3" NOMINAL SCHEDULE 40 PIPE. 2. LINE POST: 2-1 /2" SCHEDULED 40 PIPE, PER ASTM-F1083. LINE POSTS SHALL BE EQUALLY SPACED AT MAXIMUM 8'-0" O.C. 3. TOP RAIL & BRACE RAIL: 1-1 /2" PIPE PER ASTM-F1083. 4. FABRIC: 9 GA CORE WIRE SIZE 2" MESH, CONFORMING TO ASTM-A392. ALL PIES TO BE GALVANIZED. 5. TIE WIRE: MINIMUM 11 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL AT POSTS AND RAILS A SINGLE WRAP OF FABRIC TIE AND AT TENSION WIRE BY HOG RINGS SPACED MAXIMUM 24" INTERVALS. 6. TENSION WIRE: 9 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL 7. BARBED WIRE: DOUBLE STRAND 12-1 /2" O.D. TWISTED WIRE TO MATCH WITH FABRIC 14 GA., 4 PT. BARBS SPACED ON APPROXIMATELY 5" CENTERS. 8. STRETCHER BAR 9. 3 /8" DIAGONAL ROD WITH GALVANIZED STEEL TURNBUCKLE OR DIAGONAL THREADED ROD. 10.FENCE CORNER POST BRACE: 1-5 /8" DIAMETER EACH CORNER EACH WAY. 11.1-1 /2" MAXIMUM CLEARANCE FROM GRADE. 12.GATE POST 4" SCHEDULE 40 PIPE (FOR GATE WIDTHS UP THRU 7' OR 14' FOR DOUBLE SWING GATES) PER ASTM-F1083. 13.GATE FRAME: 1-1 /2' PIPE, PER ASTM-F1083. 14.GATE FRAME: 1-5 /8" DIAMETER PIPE, PER ASTM-F1083. 15.GATE DIAGONAL GALVANIZED STEEL 1-1 /2" PIPE. 16.DUCK BILL OPEN GATE HOLDER. VERIFY LOCATION IN FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 17.LINE POST: CONCRETE FOUNDATION (4000 PSI) 18.CORNER POST: CONCRETE FOUNDATION (4000 PSI) 19.GATE POST: CONCRETE FOUNDATION (4000 PSI) 1'-6" 3' - 6 " 23 4 19 16 9 7 8 610 1214 13 16 18 J 24 " 10" FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE 19 METAL GATE DETENT INSTALL W/ SLOT PARALLEL TO FENCE SCALE: NTS GATE DETENT DETAIL SCALE: NTS STYMIELOCK DETAIL PROPOSED PLUNGER ROD PROPOSED GATE DETENT 5 17 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS- FENCE Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 13 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-7SCALE: NTS H-FRAME DETAIL 6' - 0 " 4' - 0 " 4" ( T Y P . ) 18" (TYP.) NOTES 1. VERIFY ALL MOUNTING LOCATION PER EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER FOR LOCATION & QUANITY OF UNISTRUT ON H-FRAME. (MIN. 5 UNISTRUT SHALL BE INSTALLED) 2. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MOUNTED A MIN. OF 6" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. 3. ALL CONDUIT STUB-UP TO BE ATTACHED NO GREATER HAD 6" MAX. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. ATTACH ALL CONDUIT ABOVE FIRST 6" AT 12" ON CENTER. 4. BOND ALL METALLIC SURFACES TO GROUND RING WITH #2 SOLID AWG TIN-PLATED COPPER GROUND CONDUCTOR. 5. ALL GROUND LEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN 1" SCH. 40 PVC CONDUIT. PROVIDE WATERTIGHT CAULK SEAL & ADEQUATE COIL FOR CONNECT TO PROPOSED EQUIPMENT. WATERTIGHT ENDCAP (TYP.) STANDARD PVC UNISTRUT END-CAP (TYP.) P1000 UNISTRUT SPACED AS REQUIRED, SECURE TO STD, UNISTRUT STRUCTURAL PIPE CONNECTOR FOR V- BOLTS SIZED PER NEED 3" Ø SCH40 GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE MAX @ 72" O.C. FINISH GRADE 4000 PSI CONCRETE POST FOOTING, MIN. (TYP.) 6'-0" MAX. SEE PLAN 6" M I N . COMPOUND FENCE MATERIALS 1' - 0 " 6" 6" 4 5 ° 1'-0" 3' - 6 " 12" 6" FINISH GRADE 1- 1 / 2 " M I N . C L R . 3 - STRAND BARBED WIRE AT FENCE & GATE CHAIN-LINK FENCE FABRIC SCALE: NTS TIE WIRE: MINIMUM 11 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL AT POSTS AND RAILS A SINGLE WRAP OF FABRIC TIE AND AT TENSION WIRE BY HOG RINGS SPACED MAXIMUM 24" INTERVALS. LINE POST EVERY 10'-0" MAX. FILL MATERIAL DEPTH VARIES PER LOCATION. SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR PROPOSED 20 MIL. LIGHT WEIGHT WOVEN SLIT FILM POLYPROPYLENE GEOSYNETHIC FABRIC (500X MIRAFI GEOTEXTILE OR EQUAL) PROPOSED 6" FINISH LAYER OF ROLLED #57 STONE 4000 PSI CONCRETE POST FOOTING, MIN. (TYP.) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS- COMPOUND Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 14 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-8 RADIO FREQUENCY ENVIORMENT AREA RADIO FREQUENCY ENVIORMENT AREA FCC TOWER REGISTRATION NO.1234567 SITE ID# 000000VERIFIED 911 STREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE FOR 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE CALL1-877-788-7011FOR LEASE INFORMATION CALL 1-800-788-7011 ASR 1234567 CAUTION NOTICE WARNING THIS SITE IS POSTED & PROTECTED BY RAZOR WIRE VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED NO TRESPASSING PRIVATE PROPERTY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY RED BACKGROUND W/WHITE LETTERINGWARNING HARD HATS REQUIRED WATCH FOR FALLING MATERIAL WATCH FOR TRIPPING HAZARDS WATCH FOR UNEVEN SURFACES IN THE EVENT OF A T-STORM, VACATE THE COMPOUND. WHITE BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING LT. GRAY W/BLACK LETTERING RED BACKGROUND W/WHITE LETTERING WHITE BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING RED BACKGROUND W/WHITE LETTERING WHITE BACKGROUND W/RED LETTERING RED BACKGROUND W/WHITE LETTERING WHITE BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING GREEN BACKGROUND W/WHITE LETTERING YELLOW BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING WHITE BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING AND YELLOW SYMBOL WHITE BACKGROUND W/BLACK LETTERING GENERAL NOTES 1. THE SITE SHALL ONLY CONTAIN SIGNAGE AS MANDATED BY THE FCC 2. ALL SIGNS TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO DWG SITE SIGNAGE ADJACENT TO GATES (LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE OF GATE IS ACCEPTABLE, BUT MUST BE MOUNTED ON GATE SIDE OF COMPOUND, SO AS TO BE READABLE WITH GATES OPEN OR CLOSED). 3. SIGNS SHALL BE FABRICATED FROM CORROSION RESISTANT PRESSED METAL, AND PAINTED WITH LONG LASTING UV RESISTANT COATING. 4. SIGNS (EXCEPT WHERE NOTED OTHERWISE) SHALL BE MOUNTED TO THE TOWER, GATE AND FENCE USING A MIN. OF 9 GAUGE ALUMINUM WIRE, HOG RINGS (AS UTILIZED IN FENCE INSTALLATIONS) OR BRACKETS WHERE NECESSARY. BRACKETS SHALL BE OF SIMILAR METAL AS THE STRUCTURE TO AVOID GALVANIC CORROSION. 5. ADDITIONAL E911 ADDRESS SIGNS ARE REQUIRED AT EACH ACCESS ROAD GATE LEADING TO THE COMPOUND AS WELL AS ON THE COMPOUND GATE ITSELF. 6. ADDITIONAL FCC RESTRATION # SIGNS ARE REQUIRED AT EACH ACCESS ROAD GATE LEADING TO THE COMPOUND AS WELL AS ON THE COMPOUND GATE ITSELF. SIGN SHALL MEASURE 20" LONG x 4" TALL). THE LETTERS SHALL BE 1" AND THE NUMBERS SHALL BE 2". 7. RECOMMENDED SOURCES FOR OBTAINING SIGNAGE. ·ST CLAIR SIGNS 3184 WADE HAMPTON BLVD. TYLORS, SC 29687 864-244-0040 ·EXCEL SIGN & DECAL 1509 NORTH MILPITAS BLVD. MILPITAS, CA 95035 408-942-8881 ·RF EXPOSURE SIGNS RICHARD TELL ASSOCIATES 3433 RINGTAR ROAD, SUITE 3 NORTH LAS VEGAS , NV 89030 702-645-3338 18"WIDE x 24" HIGH (A) NO-TRESSPASSING SIGN 18"WIDE x 24" HIGH (B) RAZOR-WIRE SIGN 24"WIDE x 18" HIGH (C) FCC REGISTRATION SIGN 12" WIDE x 18" HIGH (H) CAUTION-RFE SIGN 10" WIDE x 4" HIGH (I) ASR SIGN TO BE MOUNTED NEAR TOWER LEG W/ CLIMBING CABLE. DO NOT RESTRICT CLIMBING ACCESS. NOTES ASR SIGN TO BE MOUNTED AT TOWER BASE DURING CONSTRUCTION. NOTES 24" WIDE x 18" HIGH (D) MARKETING/ ID SIGN 24" WIDE x 18" HIGH (E) CAUTION - HARD HAT CONSTUCTION AREA AND TRIPPING HAZARDS 24" WIDE x 18" HIGH (F) NOTICE-RFE SIGN SITE NAME: THE CAPE BLVD SITE #: CTG- NC 0010081 FOR LEASE INFORMATION CALL: ###-###-#### 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE CALL: ###-###-#### CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ADDRESS PRIOR TO ORDERING SIGNAGE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE NUMBERS (TYP.) RED LETTERS (ALL OTHERS SHALL BE BLACK) 902 THE CAPE BLVD. WILMINGTON, NC 28412 36" WIDE x 24" HIGH (J) OWNER SIGNAGE SIGN DETAILS Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 15 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-9 FOUNDATION, EXCAVATION & GRADING NOTES 1. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2 : 1 MAXIMUM. 2. ALL EXCAVATIONS ON WHICH CONCRETE IS TO BE PLACED SHALL BE SUBSTANTIALLY 3. HORIZONTAL ON UNDISTURBED AND UNFROZEN SOIL AND BE FREE FROM LOOSE MATERIAL AND EXCESS GROUND WATER. DEWATERING FOR EXCESS GROUND WATER SHALL BE PROVIDED IF REQUIRED. 4. CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON ORGANIC MATERIAL. IF SOUND SOIL IS NOT REACHED AT THE DESIGNATED EXCAVATION DEPTH, THE UNSATISFACTORY SOIL SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO ITS FULL DEPTH AND EITHER BE REPLACED WITH MECHANICALLY COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL OR THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE FILLED WITH CONCRETE OF THE SAME QUALITY SPECIFIED FOR THE FOUNDATION. 5. ANY EXCAVATION OVER THE REQUIRED DEPTH SHALL BE FILLED WITH EITHER MECHANICALLY COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL OR CONCRETE OF THE SAME QUALITY SPECIFIED FOR THE FOUNDATION. CRUSHED STONE MAY BE USED TO STABILIZE THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION. STONE, IF USED, SHALL NOT BE USED AS COMPILING CONCRETE THICKNESS. 6. AFTER COMPLETION OF THE FOUNDATION AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION BELOW GRADE, AND 5. BEFORE BACK FILLING, ALL EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE CLEAN OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SUCH AS VEGETATION, TRASH, DEBRIS, AND SO FORTH. 7. ALL BACKFILLING SHALL (1) USE APPROVED MATERIALS CONSISTING OF EARTH, LOAM, 6. SANDY CLAYS, SAND AND GRAVEL, OR SOFT SHALE, (2) BE FREE FROM CLODS OR STONES OVER 2 1/2" MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS, AND (3) BE PLACED IN LAYERS AND COMPACTED. 8. SITE FILL MATERIAL AND FOUNDATION BACK FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN LAYERS, MAXIMUM 6" 7. DEEP BEFORE COMPACTION. EACH LAYER SHALL BE SPRINKLED IF REQUIRED AND COMPACTED BY HAND OR MACHINE TAMPERS TO 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY, AT THE OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT OF ±2% AS DETERMINED BY ASTM DESIGNATION D-698, UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED. SUCH BACK FILL SHALL NOT BE PLACED BEFORE 3 DAYS AFTER PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. 9. THE FOUNDATION AREA SHALL BE GRADED TO PROVIDE WATER RUNOFF AND PREVENT 8. WATER FROM STANDING. THE FINAL GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY IN ALL DIRECTIONS FROM THE FOUNDATION AREA (UP TO 1 FOOT OUTSIDE THE FENCE OR GROUND SYSTEM PERIMETER) AND SHALL BE COVERED WITH A GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MIRAFI 500X OR APPROVED EQUAL TO PREVENT REOCCURRENCE OF VEGETATIVE GROWTH, AN THEN SHALL BE COVERED WITH 4" DEEP COMPACTED STONE OR GRAVEL. 10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES 9. AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL, CITY, COUNTY, AND STATE CODES AND ORDINANCES TO PROTECT EMBANKMENTS FROM SOIL LOSS AND TO PREVENT ACCUMULATION OF SOIL AND SILT IN STREAMS AND DRAINAGE PATHS FROM LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION AREA. THIS MAY INCLUDE SUCH MEASURES AS SILT FENCES, STRAW BALE SEDIMENT BARRIERS, AND CHECK DAMS. 11.FILL PREPARATION: REMOVE ALL VEGETATION, TOPSOIL, DEBRIS, WET AND UNSATISFACTORY SOIL MATERIALS, OBSTRUCTIONS, AND DELETERIOUS MATERIAL FROM GROUND SURFACE PRIOR TO PLACING FILLS. PLOW STRIP OR BREAK UP SLOPED SURFACES STEEPER THAN 1 VERTICAL TO 4 HORIZONTAL SO FILL MATERIAL WILL BOND WITH EXISTING SURFACE. WHEN SUBGRADE OR EXISTING GROUND SURFACE TO RECEIVE FILL HAS A DENSITY LESS THAN THAT REQUIRED FOR FILL, BREAK UP GROUND SURFACE TO REQUIRED DEPTH, PULVERIZE, MOISTURE CONDITION OR AERATE SOIL, AND RECOMPACT TO REQUIRED DENSITY. 12.REPLACE EXISTING GRAVEL SURFACING ON AREAS FROM WHICH GRAVEL SURFACING IS REMOVED DURING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. GRAVEL SURFACING SHALL BE REPLACED TO MATCH EXISTING ADJACENT GRAVEL SURFACING AND SHALL BE OF THE SAME THICKNESS. SURFACES AND GRAVEL SURFACING SHALL BE FREE FROM CORRUGATIONS AND WAVES. EXISTING GRAVEL SURFACING MAY BE EXCAVATED SEPARATELY AND REUSED IF INJURIOUS AMOUNTS OF EARTH, ORGANIC MATTER, OR OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIALS ARE REMOVED PRIOR TO REUSE. FURNISH ALL ADDITIONAL GRAVEL RESURFACING MATERIAL AS REQUIRED. BEFORE GRAVEL SURFACING IS REPLACED, SUBGRADE SHALL BE GRADED TO CONFORM TO REQUIRED SUBGRADE ELEVATIONS, AND LOOSE OR DISTURBED MATERIALS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED. DEPRESSIONS IN THE SUBGRADE SHALL BE FILLED AND COMPACTED WITH APPROVED SELECTED MATERIAL. GRAVEL SURFACING MATERIAL SHALL NO BE USED FOR FILLING DEPRESSIONS IN THE SUBGRADE. 13.PROTECT EXISTING GRAVEL SURFACING AND SUBGRADE IN AREAS WHERE EQUIPMENT LOADS WILL OPERATE. USE PLANKING OR OTHER SUITABLE MATERIALS DESIGNED TO SPREAD EQUIPMENT LOADS. REPAIR ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING GRAVEL SURFACING OR SUBGRADE WHERE SUCH DAMAGE IS DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS. ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE DURING AND AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 14.RIPRAP SHALL BE CLEAN, HARD, SOUND, DURABLE, UNIFORM IN QUALITY, AND FREE OF ANY 14. DETRIMENTAL QUANTITY OF SOFT, FRIABLE, THIN, ELONGATED OR LAMINATED PIECES, DISINTEGRATED MATERIAL, ORGANIC MATTER, OIL, ALKALI, OR OTHER DELETERIOUS SUBSTANCE. 15.REMOVE ALL ORGANICS, ROCKS GREATER THAN 3", UNUSED FILL AND OTHER DEBRIS TO AN 15. AREA OFF SITE IN A LEGAL MANNER FOUNDATION, EXCAVATION & GRADING NOTES 18 " M I N 6" 2" 4'-0" MAX. 18 " M I N FLOW 30 " M I N 28 " 30 " M I N 28 " WOVEN WIREFENCE BACKING GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER COARSE AGGREGATEN.S.A. R-2(1.5"-3.5") 20' M I N I M U M 50' M I N I M U M 30' M I N I M U M EXISTIN G P A V E M E N T 6" M I N I M U M (WITH PERMANENT VEGETATION) DISTURBED AREA STABILIZATION (WITH TEMPORARY SEEDING) DISTURBED AREA STABILIZATION Ds3 Ds2 SCALE: NTS CO-CONSTRUCTION EXIT DETAIL 1. PERIODICALLY DRESS WITH 1.5"-3.5" STONE. 2. MAINTAIN IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOW OF MUD ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. 3. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE MUD AND DEBRIS TRACKED OR SPILLED ONTO ROADWAYS. MAINTENANCE SCALE: NTS SFC-SILT FENCE, TYPE-C FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL STEEL POST BURY BOTTOM OF FILTER MATERIAL IN 6" TRENCH FILTER FABRIC STEEL POST1. USE 36" DOT APPROVED FABRIC 2. USE STEEL POSTS NOTES GRADING NOTES & DETAILS Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 16 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-10 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES 1. COMPOUND SHALL BE RELATIVELY FLAT. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. 2. DISTURBED AREAS LEFT IDLE SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH TEMPORARY VEGETATION AFTER 14 DAYS; AFTER 30 DAYS PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED. 3. PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES, THE LIMITS OF THE DISTURBANCE SHALL BE CLEARLY DEMARCATED WITH STAKES, RIBBONS, OR OTHER APPROPRIATE MEANS. 4. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SITE WILL INITIATE WITH THE INSTALLATION OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SUFFICIENT TO CONTROL SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND EROSION. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL APPROPRIATE COUNTY FOR AN INSPECTION OF SOIL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO BEGIN GRADING ACTIVITY. ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL WILL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL UPSTREAM GROUND WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA HAS BEEN COMPLETELY STABILIZED. 5. THE LOCATION OF SOME OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES MAY HAVE TO BE ALTERED FROM THAT SHOWN ON THE PLANS IF DRAINAGE PATTERNS DURING CONSTRUCTION ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE FINAL PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. ANY DIFFICULTY IN CONTROLLING EROSION DURING ANY PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. 6. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES IF FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE APPROVED PLAN DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR ELECTIVE EROSION CONTROL, ADDITIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO CONTROL OR TREAT THE SEDIMENT SOURCE. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ACCUMULATED SILT WHEN THE SILT IS WITHIN 12" OF THE TOP OF THE SILT FENCE. 8. FAILURE TO INSTALL, OPERATE OR MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL RESULT IN ALL CONSTRUCTION BEING STOPPED ON THE JOB SITE UNTIL SUCH MEASURES ARE CORRECTED. 9. ANY DISTURBED AREA LEFT EXPOSED FOR A PERIOD GREATER THAN 7 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH SEEDING. 10.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT GROUND COVER. 11.THE ESCAPE OF SEDIMENT FROM THE SITE SHALL BE PREVENTED BY THE INSTALLATION OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND PRACTICES PRIOR TO, OR CONCURRENT WITH, LAND-SIDTURBING ACTIVITIES. 12.ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES MUST BE SURFACED ROUGHENED AND VEGETATED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF THEIR CONSTRUCTION. 13.ALL FILL SLOPES WILL HAVE SILT FENCES AT THE TOE OF THE SLOPE. 14.ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CHECKED DAILY AND ANY DEFICIENCIES NOTED WILL BE CORRECTED BY THE END OF EACH DAY. ADDITIONAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED IF DEEMED NECESSARY AFTER ON-SITE INSPECTION BY THE ISSUING AUTHORITY. 15.A 25' MIN. UNDISTURBED VEGETATION BUFFER ADJ. TO ALL RUNNING STREAMS AND CREEKS WILL BE LEFT AND MAINTAINED. 16.MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST WEEKLY, AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 17.ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY ON-SITE INSPECTIONS. 18.CONSTRUCTION EXIT - TO REDUCE OR ELIMINATE THE TRANSPORT OF MUD FROM THE CONSTRUCTION AREA ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS, STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS, OR PARKING AREAS. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE MUD AND DEBRIS TRACKED OR SPILLED ONTO ROADWAYS. 19.TYPE C SEDIMENT BARRIER - TO PREVENT ANY SEDIMENT CARRIED BY SHEET FLOW FROM LEAVING THE SITE AND ENTERING NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS OR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. 20.DISTURBED AREA STABILIZATION (TEMPORARY) - TO ESTABLISH A TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE COVER WITH FAST GROWING SEEDINGS ON DISTURBED AREAS. 21.DISTURBED AREA STABILIZATION (PERMANENT) - TO ESTABLISH A PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER SUCH AS TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, GRASSES, SOD, OR LEGUMES ON DISTURBED AREAS. 22.DISTURBED AREA DUST CONTROL- TO CONTROL THE SURFACE AND AIR MOVEMENT OF DUST ON CONSTRUCTION SITES, ROADWAYS, AND SIMILAR SITES. A. USE OF SWALES AND/OR DRAINAGE DITCHES FOR PROPER WATER RUNOFF AS NEEDED. B. AGGREGATE IS BASED ON STANDARD AASHTO. C. SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 1/4" PER FOOT TO MAX. GRADE OF 6" FROM CENTER OF COMPOUND TO EACH FENCE LINE. D. SUB-GRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED BY SHEEPS FOOT VIBRATOR OR RUBBER TIRED ROLLERS WEIGHING AT LEAST EIGHT TONS. E. FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE COMPACTED BY SMOOTH DRUM VIBRATOR ROLLERS WEIGHING AT LEST EIGHT TONS. FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE UNIFORM AND LEVEL. F. GRADING IS REQUIRED FOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. COMPOUND SHALL BE RELATIVELY FLAT. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. G. DISTURBED AREAS LEFT IDLE SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH TEMPORARY VEGETATION AFTER 14 DAYS; AFTER 30 DAYS PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED. H. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST WEEKLY, AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. I. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY ON-SITE INSPECTIONS. J. CONSTRUCTION EXIT - TO REDUCE OR ELIMINATE THE TRANSPORT OF MUD FROM THE CONSTRUCTION AREA ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS, STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS, OR PARKING AREAS. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE MUD AND DEBRIS TRACKED OR SPILLED ONTO ROADWAYS. K. TYPE C SEDIMENT BARRIER - TO PREVENT ANY SEDIMENT CARRIED BY SHEET FLOW FROM LEAVING THE SITE AND ENTERING NATURAL DRAINAGE WAYS OR STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. L. DISTURBED AREA STABILIZATION (TEMPORARY) - TO ESTABLISH A TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE COVER WITH FAST GROWING SEEDINGS ON DISTURBED AREAS. M. DISTURBED AREA STABILIZATION (PERMANENT) - TO ESTABLISH A PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER SUCH AS TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, GRASSES, SOD, OR LEGUMES ON DISTURBED AREAS. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL SOD TO MATCH THE SPECIES USED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON. N. DISTURBED AREA DUST CONTROL - TO CONTROL THE SURFACE AND AIR MOVEMENT OF DUST ON CONSTRUCTION SITES, ROADWAYS, AND SIMILAR SITES. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL COMPOUND NOTES GRADING NOTES & DETAILS Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 17 X X PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-11 GRAPHIC SCALE NORTH ARROW W N EMP A& S 00' SCALE: 1" = 40' 40'40'- RUNOFF OF FIRST 1.5" OF RAINFALL OVER LEASE AREA AND EASEMENT AREAS IS... (10,000 SF COMPOUND + 2,725.087 SF DRIVE) = 12,725 SF OF IMPERVIOUS COVER RETAIN FIRST 1.5" OF RAINFALL ACROSS NEW DEVELOPMENT AREA. VMAX. RET. = (DEPTH OF RAINFALL IN FT) (TOTAL SF OF IMPERVIOUS) VMAX. RET. = (.125FT) ( 12,725) VMAX. RET. = 1,590.625 CF STORM WATER CALCS IMPERVIOUS SURFACE RATIOS EXISTING TRACT SIZE:5.95 ACRES (259,182 SQ.FT.) EXISTING PERVIOUS/ IMPERVIOUS AREA TOTAL EXISTING PERVIOUS AREA:259,182 SQFT. (5.95 ACRES) TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:0000 SQFT. (.000 ACRES) PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA 12,725 SQFT.(0.29 ACRES) PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA INCREASE: COMPOUND 10,000 SQFT. (0.23 ACRES) GRAVEL DRIVE 2,725 SQFT. (0.06 ACRES) TOTAL PROPOSED PERVIOUS AREA:246,457 SQFT. (5.66 ACRES) TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA:12,725 SQFT. (0.29 ACRES) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA (ISR) & PERVIOUS SURFACE AREA (PSR) PROPOSED ISR: 12,725/ 259,182 = 4.909% PROPOSED PSR: 246,457/ 259,182 =95.090% GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN SFC 2% SILT FENCE/LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 8.25' 7.6' 8.25' 8.25' 8.75' 8.25' 2% 2% 2% 2% ADD CLEAN DIRT FILL TO ENTIRE SITE AREA TO RAISE SITE 12". INSTALL FILL DIRT & PACK IN 6" LIFTS TO COMPACTED AT A MIN. OF 98% STANDARD PROCTOR. ALL IMPORTED FILL SHOULD BE CLEAN SOIL (FREE OF ROOTS & DEBRIS AND SHOULD CONTAIN LES THAN 10% BY DRY WEIGHT PASSING #200. DO NOT REUSE ANY EXISTING EXCAVATED SOILS FOR STRUCTURAL FILL. 1% Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 18 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: C-12 LANDSCPAING PLAN NORTH ARROW W N EMP A& S GENERAL NOTES 00' SCALE: 1" = 10' 1. ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, FREE OF PESTS AND DISEASE. 2. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND SHALL AVOID DAMAGE TO ALL UTILITIES DURING COURSE OF THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ALL DAMAGE TO UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, SITE APPURTENANCES, ETC. WHICH OCCURS AS A RESULT OF THE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETELY GUARANTEE ALL PLANT (1) YEAR BEGINNING AT THE DATE OF TOTAL ACCEPTANCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMPTLY MAKE ALL REPLACEMENTS BEFORE OR AT THE END OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. 4. ANY PLANT MATERIAL THAT DIES, TURNS BROWN OR DEFOLIATES (PRIOR TO TOTAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK) SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND REPLACED WITH MATERIAL OF THE SAME SPECIES, QUANTITY, SIZE AND MEETING ALL SPECIFICATIONS. 5. STANDARDS SET FORTH IN "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK", LATEST EDITION, REPRESENT GUIDELINE SPECIFICATIONS ONLY AND SHALL CONSTITUTE MINIMUM QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANT MATERIAL. 6. ALL BUFFERS AND TREE SAVE AREAS ARE TO BE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED WITH FLAGGING AND /OR FENCING PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY LAND DISTURBANCE 6.0' 2" M A X . STAY OUTTREE SAVE AREA 1. NO SPECIMEN TREES EXISTING ON THE SITE. 2. NO PLANTING MATERIAL WILL BE STORED ON SITE. 3. THERE WILL NO BURNING OR BURIAL OF DEBRIS ON SITE. ARBORIST NOTES SCALE: NTS TREE PROTECTION DETAIL GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1:40 LANDSCAPING PLAN BRIGHT ORANGE POLYTHYLENE LAMINAR FENCE FABRIC 4' - 0 " 2' - 0 " FENCE LOCATION (LIMITS OF CRITICAL ROOT ZONE OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS. "TREE SAVE AREA" SIGNAGE EVERY 20'-0" METAL STAKE (TYP.) PROPOSED 6" OF #57 STONE ON GEOSYNTHETIC FABRIC PROPOSED MONOPOLE 10'10' PROPOSED 25' LANDSCAPE BUFFER/ TREE PRESERVATION AREA Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 19 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: E-1 ELECTRICAL NOTES ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION NOTES 1. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS, NEC AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES. 2. CONDUIT ROUTINGS ARE SCHEMATIC. SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL CONDUITS SO THAT ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT IS NOT BLOCKED. 3. WIRING, RACEWAY AND SUPPORT METHODS AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEC AND TELCORDIA. 4. ALL CIRCUITS SHALL BE SEGREGATED AND MAINTAIN MINIMUM CABLE SEPARATION AS REQUIRED BY THE NEC AND TELCORDIA. 5. CABLES SHALL NOT BE ROUTED THROUGH LADDER-STYLE CABLE TRAY RUNGS. 6. EACH END OF EVERY POWER, POWER PHASE CONDUCTOR (I.E., HOTS), GROUNDING, AND T1 CONDUCTOR AND CABLE SHALL BE LABELED WITH COLOR-CODED INSULATION OR ELECTRICAL TAPE (3M BRAND, 1/2 INCH PLASTIC ELECTRICAL TAPE WITH UV PROTECTION, OR EQUAL). THE IDENTIFICATION METHOD SHALL CONFORM WITH NEC & OSHA. 7. ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS SHALL BE CLEARLY LABELED WITH ENGRAVED LAMACOID PLASTIC LABELS. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LABELED WITH THEIR VOLTAGE RATING, PHASE CONFIGURATION, WIRE CONFIGURATION, POWER OR AMPACITY RATING, AND BRANCH CIRCUIT ID NUMBERS (I.E., PANELBOARD AND CIRCUIT ID'S). 8. PANELBOARDS (ID NUMBERS) AND INTERNAL CIRCUIT BREAKERS (CIRCUIT ID NUMBERS) SHALL BE CLEARLY LABELED WITH ENGRAVED LAMACOID PLASTIC LABELS. 9. ALL TIE WRAPS SHALL BE CUT FLUSH WITH APPROVED CUTTING TOOL TO REMOVE SHARP EDGES. 10.POWER, CONTROL, AND EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRING IN TUBING OR CONDUIT SHALL BE SINGLE CONDUCTOR (#14 AWG OR LARGER), 600 V, OIL RESISTANT THHN OR THWN-2, CLASS B STRANDED COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 90 °C (WET AND DRY) OPERATION; LISTED OR LABELED FOR THE LOCATION AND RACEWAY SYSTEM USED, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 11.SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRING LOCATED INDOORS SHALL BE SINGLE CONDUCTOR (#6 AWG OR LARGER), 600 V, OIL RESISTANT THHN OR THWN-2 GREEN INSULATION, CLASS B STRANDED COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 90 °C (WET AND DRY) OPERATION; LISTED OR LABELED FOR THE LOCATION AND RACEWAY SYSTEM USED, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 12.POWER AND CONTROL WIRING, NOT IN TUBING OR CONDUIT, SHALL BE MULTI-CONDUCTOR, TYPE TC CABLE (#14 AWG OR LARGER), 600 V, OIL RESISTANT THHN OR THWN-2, CLASS B STRANDED COPPER CABLE RATED FOR 90 °C (WET AND DRY) OPERATION; WITH OUTER JACKET; LISTED OR LABELED FOR THE LOCATION USED, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 13.ALL POWER AND POWER GROUNDING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CRIMP-STYLE, COMPRESSION WIRE LUGS AND WIRENUTS BY THOMAS AND BETTS (OR EQUAL). LUGS AND WIRENUTS SHALL BE RATED FOR OPERATION AT NO LESS THAN 75°C (90°C IF AVAILABLE). 14.RACEWAY AND CABLE TRAY SHALL BE LISTED OR LABELED FOR ELECTRICAL USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEMA, UL, ANSI/IEEE, AND NEC. 15.ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) OR RIGID NONMETALLIC CONDUIT (I.E., RIGID PVC SCHEDULE 40, OR RIGID PVC SCHEDULE 80 FOR LOCATIONS SUBJECT TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE) SHALL BE USED FOR EXPOSED INDOOR LOCATIONS. 16.ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT), ELECTRICAL NONMETALLIC TUBING (ENT), OR RIGID NONMETALLIC CONDUIT (RIGID PVC, SCHEDULE 40) SHALL BE USED FOR CONCEALED INDOOR LOCATIONS. 17.GALVANIZED STEEL INTERMEDIATE METALLIC CONDUIT (IMC) SHALL BE USED FOR OUTDOOR LOCATIONS ABOVE GRADE. 18.RIGID NONMETALLIC CONDUIT (I.E., RIGID PVC SCHEDULE 40 OR RIGID PVC SCHEDULE 80) SHALL BE USED UNDERGROUND; DIRECT BURIED, IN AREAS OF OCCASIONAL LIGHT VEHICLE TRAFFIC OR ENCASED IN REINFORCED CONCRETE IN AREAS OF HEAVY VEHICLE TRAFFIC. 19.LIQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE METALLIC CONDUIT (LIQUID-TITE FLEX) SHALL BE USED INDOORS AND OUTDOORS, WHERE VIBRATION OCCURS OR FLEXIBILITY IS NEEDED. 20.CONDUIT AND TUBING FITTINGS SHALL BE THREADED OR COMPRESSION-TYPE AND APPROVED FOR THE LOCATION USED. SETSCREW FITTINGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 21.CABINETS, BOXES, AND WIREWAYS SHALL BE LISTED OR LABELED FOR ELECTRICAL USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEMA, UL, ANSI/IEEE, AND NEC. 22.WIREWAYS SHALL BE EPOXY-COATED (GRAY) AND INCLUDE A HINGED COVER, DESIGNED TO SWING OPEN DOWNWARD; SHALL BE PANDUIT TYPE E (OR EQUAL); AND RATED NEMA 1 (OR BETTER) INDOORS, OR NEMA 3R (OR BETTER) OUTDOORS. 23.EQUIPMENT CABINETS, TERMINAL BOXES, JUNCTION BOXES, AND PULL BOXES SHALL BE GALVANIZED OR EPOXY-COATED SHEET STEEL, SHALL MEET OR EXCEED UL 50, AND RATED NEMA 1 (OR BETTER) INDOORS, OR NEMA 3R (OR BETTER) OUTDOORS 24.METAL RECEPTACLE, SWITCH, AND DEVICE BOXES SHALL BE GALVANIZED, EPOXY-COATED, OR NON-CORRODING; SHALL MEET OR EXCEED UL 514A AND NEMA OS 1; AND RATED NEMA 1 (OR BETTER) INDOORS, OR WEATHER PROTECTED (WP OR BETTER) OUTDOORS. 25.NONMETALLIC RECEPTACLE, SWITCH, AND DEVICE BOXES SHALL MEET OR EXCEED NEMA OS 2; AND RATED NEMA 1 (OR BETTER) INDOORS, OR WEATHER PROTECTED (WP OR BETTER) OUTDOORS. 26.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY AND OBTAIN NECESSARY AUTHORIZATION FROM THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE COMMENCING WORK ON THE AC POWER DISTRIBUTION PANELS. 27.THE SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NECESSARY TAGGING ON THE BREAKERS, CABLES AND DISTRIBUTION PANELS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS TO SAFEGUARD AGAINST LIFE AND PROPERTY. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION NOTES CONT.GROUNDING GENERAL NOTES A. ALL GROUND ELECTRODE SYSTEMS (INCLUDING TELECOMMUNICATION, RADIO, LIGHTNING PROTECTION, AND AC POWER GES'S) SHALL BE BONDED TOGETHER, AT OR BELOW GRADE, BY TWO OR MORE COPPER BONDING CONDUCTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC AND AT&T ND-00071. B. THE SUBCONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPERLY SEQUENCING GROUNDING AND UNDERGROUND CONDUIT INSTALLATION AS TO PREVENT ANY LOSS OF CONTINUITY IN THE GROUNDING SYSTEM OR DAMAGE TO THE CONDUIT. C. METAL RACEWAY SHALL NOT BE USED AS THE NEC REQUIRED EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTOR. STRANDED COPPER CONDUCTORS WITH GREEN INSULATION, SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC, SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED WITH THE POWER CIRCUITS. D. CONNECTIONS TO THE GROUND BUS SHALL NOT BE DOUBLED UP OR STACKED. BACK-TO-BACK CONNECTIONS ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE GROUND BUS ARE PERMITTED. E. ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR OR COPPER CLAD STEEL CONDUCTOR SHALL NOT BE USED FOR GROUNDING CONNECTIONS. F. USE OF 90 BENDS IN THE PROTECTION GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE AVOIDED WHEN 45 BENDS CAN BE ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED. IN ALL CASES, BENDS SHALL BE MADE WITH A MINIMUM BEND RADIUS OF 8 INCHES. G. ALL EXTERIOR GROUND CONDUCTORS BETWEEN EQUIPMENT/GROUND BARS AND THE GROUND RING, SHALL BE #2 AWG SOLID TIN-PLATED COPPER UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. H. EXOTHERMIC WELDS SHALL BE USED FOR ALL GROUNDING CONNECTIONS BELOW GRADE. CONNECTIONS TO ABOVE GRADE EXTERIOR UNITS SHALL BE MADE WITH EXOTHERMIC WELDS WHERE PRACTICAL OR WITH 2 HOLE MECHANICAL TYPE BRASS CONNECTORS WITH STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE, INCLUDING SET SCREWS. I. EXOTHERMIC WELDS SHALL BE PERMITTED ON TOWERS ONLY WITH THE EXPRESS APPROVAL OF THE TOWER MANUFACTURER OR THE CONTRACTORS STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. J. ALL WIRE TO WIRE GROUND CONNECTIONS TO THE INTERIOR GROUND RING SHALL BE FORMED USING HIGH PRESS CRIMPS OR SPLIT BOLT CONNECTORS WHERE INDICATED IN THE DETAILS. K. APPROVED ANTIOXIDANT COATINGS (I.E., CONDUCTIVE GEL OR PASTE) SHALL BE USED ON ALL COMPRESSION AND BOLTED GROUND CONNECTIONS. L. ALL EXTERIOR GROUND CONNECTIONS SHALL BE COATED WITH A CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL. M. MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL AND NON-ELECTRICAL METAL BOXES, FRAMES AND SUPPORTS SHALL BE BONDED TO THE GROUND RING, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC. N. BOND ALL METALLIC OBJECTS WITHIN 6 FT OF THE BURIED GROUND RING WITH # 2 SOLID AWG TIN-PLATED COPPER GROUND CONDUCTOR. O. GROUND CONDUCTORS USED IN THE FACILITY GROUND AND LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS SHALL NOT BE ROUTED THROUGH METALLIC OBJECTS THAT FORM A RING AROUND THE CONDUCTOR, SUCH AS METALLIC CONDUITS, METAL SUPPORT CLIPS OR SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS OR FLOORS. WHEN IT IS REQUIRED TO BE HOUSED IN CONDUIT TO MEET CODE REQUIREMENTS OR LOCAL CONDITIONS, NON-METALLIC MATERIAL SUCH AS PVC PLASTIC CONDUIT SHALL BE USED. WHERE USE OF METAL CONDUIT IS UNAVOIDABLE (E.G., STEEL CONDUIT PROHIBITED BY LOCAL CODE) THE GROUND CONDUCTOR SHALL BE BONDED TO EACH END OF THE METAL CONDUIT WITH LISTED BONDING FITTINGS. Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 20 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: E-2 ELECTRICAL ONE-LINE FROM LOCAL UTILITY 200A 200A 200A "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "CARRIER" GENERAL NOTES 1. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT POWER CO. & FIBER CO. AND VERIFY EXACT ROUTING, SIZING AND CONDITIONS BEFORE TRENCHING. 2. INSTALL ALL CONDUITS & EQUIPMENT AS SPECIFIED BY POWER CO. & FIBER CO. 3. VERIFY ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES BEFORE TRENCHING. 4. PROVIDE NYLON PULL STRINGS ON ALL EMPTY CONDUITS. CONDUIT & RISER DIAGRAM NOTE ALL RISER POLE CONDUIT SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER/DEVELOPER AND MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE. THE OWNER/DEVELOPER SHALL INSTALL THE BOTTOM JOINT OF GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT AND POWER COMPANY WILL INSTALL THE TOP TWO (2) JOINTS. THE BOTTOM JOINT OF CONDUIT AND 90 DEGREE ELBOW SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR AFTER POWER CO. INSTALLS THE RISER POLE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST ALSO SUPPLY SIX (6) TWO HOLE RIGID STEEL STRAPS (2 STRAPS PER 10 FT JOINT) GROUND CLAMP WILL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY POWER CO. MULTI-GANG METER NOTES: EATON MODEL # 1MP6206RRLBC A. THE SERVICE BOX SHALL BE LOCKABLE WITH PROVISIONS TO ACCEPT THE UTILITY LOCKS. B. COVERS SHALL BE FASTENED WITH MACHINE SCREWS OR BOLTS. HINGED COVERS SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. C. COVERS SHALL HAVE TWO HANDLES FOR REMOVAL. D. THE SERVICE CABLE TAP BOX SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH UTILITY SERVICE STANDARDS. SCALE: NTS ONE-LINE DIAGRAM INSTALL NAME PLATE WITH 3/8" MINIMUM HEIGHT LETTERS ON METER SOCKETCONDUCTORS SIZED PER UTILITY COMPANY REQUIREMENTS AND LENGTH OF FINAL RUN TO SOURCE OF SERVICE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL THE WEATHER-HEAD IF REQUIRED. STEP DOWN TRANSFORMER BY LOCAL UTILITY 120/208V, SINGLE PHASE, 3 WIRE, 60 HZ. VERIFY LOCATION WITH SERVICE PROVIDER. MOUNTED ON POLE OVERHEAD. 2 SETS OF (3)#350KCMIL IN 2" CONDUIT PARALLEL RUNS PROVIDE SERVICE ENTRANCE GROUND ROD WITH INSPECTION WELL IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 250 AND LOCAL UTILITY REQUIREMENTS 600AMP 3-GANG METER PANEL INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANY FOR MANUFACTURER AND MODEL. SEE MULTI-GANG METER NOTES FOR SPECIFICATION (OR EQ./SIMILAR) TO CARRIER LEASE AREA Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 21 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: E-3 GROUNDING PLAN NORTH ARROW W N EMP A& S KEYED NOTES 00' SCALE: 1" = 20' 1. #2 AWG BARE TINNED SOLID COPPER EQUIPMENT GROUND RING BURIED 30" BELOW GRADE OR 6" BELOW FROST LINE(WHICHEVER IS GREATER, TYP.) ALL GROUND LEADS CONNECTED TO RING SHALL BE #2 AWG BARE TINNED SOLID COPPER. 2. BOND EACH TOWER BASE PLATE TO TOWER GROUND RING PER TOWER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS(TYP.-3) 3. PROPOSED 5/8" X 10'-0 LONG COPPER CLAD STEEL GROUND RODS (TYP) 4. PROPOSED INSPECTION WELL (TYP.) 5. BOND H-FRAME TO GROUND RING WITH CADWELD CONNECTION (TYP. 2) 6. PROVIDE A #2/ 0 AWG SOLID BARE TINNED COPPER CONDUCTOR FROM GROUNDING LUG IN PROPOSED UTILITY METER AND BOND TO SERVICE ENTRANCE GROUND ROD AT A POINT CLOSE AS POSSIBLE. 7. GROUND SERVICE TO SERVICE GROUND ROD. 8. BOND CHAINLINK FENCE TO CLOSEST GROUND RING WITH CADWELD CONNECTIONS (TYP.). 9. BOND FENCE & GATE POSTS TO GROUND RING WITH CADWELD CONNECTIONS (TYP.). 10. BOND EVERY OTHER METALLIC POST TO CLOSEST GROUND RING WITH CADWELD CONNECTIONS (TYP.). GRAPHIC SCALE GRAPHIC LEGEND EXOTHERMIC WELD 5/8" X 10' COPPER CLAD GROUND ELECTRODE MECHANICAL CONNECTION 5/8" X 10' COPPER CLAD GROUND ELECTRODE W/ INSPECTION WELL 1 20'20' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 22 PROJECT: SITE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNER: INS CHECKED: JTM JOB #: 20KCG_NNC-0017 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION LOCATION: A 5/12/21 FINAL THE CAPE BLVD. 902 THE CAPE BLVD, WILMINGTON, NC 28412 CTG-NC 0010081 34.072992 , -77.901794 NEAREST ADDRESS: E-4 ELECTRICAL DETAILS SCALE: NTS GROUND ROD INSPECTION WELL 36 " 12 " 6" B E L O W F R O S T LI N E / 3 0 " M I N . COPPER CLAD STEEL GROUND ROD 5/8"x 10'-0" LONG 4" -6" LOOSE CRUSHED GRAVEL BELOW WELD. WELD SHALL REMAIN VISIBLE. 1" WIDE SLOT CUT SMOOTH FOR GROUND RING. EXTEND NOTCH 2" ABOVE CONDUCTOR CONTINUOUS GROUND RING #2 AWG BARE TINNED SOLID COPPER WIRE CADWELD ROD GROUND CONNECTION TO GROUND RING REMOVABLE COVER #2 AWG BARE TINNED SOLID COPPER WIRE TEST LOOP. CADWELD TO GROUND RING (TYP.) SCH. 40 PVC 8" DIAMETER FINISH GRADE GRADE SCALE: NTS GROUND ROD DETAIL 6" B E L O W F R O S T LI N E / 3 0 " M I N . COPPER CLAD STEEL GROUND ROD 5/8"x 10'-0" LONG CONTINUOUS GROUND RING #2 AWG BARE TINNED SOLID COPPER WIRE CADWELD EXOTHERMIC WELD CONNECTION FINISH GRADE ANGLED ROD ACCEPTABLE, ONLY IF, ROD CAN NOT BE DRIVEN VERTICAL DUE TO OBSTRUCTIONS OR BEDROCK IS ENCOUNTERED. 30° GRADE BURIED, NOT DRIVEN. REPRESENTS THE MAX. TILT ANGLE OF GROUND ROD. 1. ONE TEST WELL SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE TOWER GROUND LOOP AND THE EQUIPMENT GROUND LOOP NOTES SCALE: NTS FINISH GRADE/SURFACE 1. PROVIDE PVC CONDUIT BELOW GRADE EXCEPT AS NOTED. 2. PROVIDE RGS CONDUIT BELOW PARKING LOTS & ROADWAYS. 3. 4" TYP. SEPARATION BETWEEN CONDUIT IN SHARED TRENCH. VERIFY FINAL REQUIREMENTS WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY. NOTES 30 " ( P O W E R ) 24 " ( F I B E R ) >6 " M I N . B E L O W FR O S T L I N E 4" T Y P . CO V E R 6"SAND BED UNDERGROUND CONDUIT. SEE PLAN FOR QUANTITY COMPACTED BACKFILL. (FREE OF DEBRIS) 6" UTILITY WARNING TAPE. BURIED 12" BELOW GRADE12 " UNDISTURBED SOIL UNDERGROUND CONDUIT TRENCH GRADE SCALE: NTS UNDERGROUND CONDUIT STUB-UP 12 " FINISH GRADE 36 " > 6 " M I N . BE L O W F R O S T L I N E RIGID NON-METALLIC CONDUIT COUPLING, AS APPICABLE. *CAP IF NOT IN USE TO MAKE WATER TIGHT W/ CONDUIT MALE SCREW COVER WITH TEFLON LUBRICANT RIGID NON-METALLIC CONDUIT. PROVIDE SCH. 80 PVC OR EQUAL. PVC ADAPTOR PVC SCH. 40 SIZE AS SHOWN ON LAYOUT TOP OF PAD 6" M I N . 1. PROVIDE RGS CONDUIT AND ELBOWS AT STUB-UP LOCATIONS NOTES SCALE: NTS FENCE GROUNDING CONTINUOUS GROUND RING #2 AWG BCW CADWELD CONNECTION #2 AWG BCW FENCE POST LEAD CADWELD CONNECTION Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 11 - 23 N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 7/8/2021 O ther B usiness D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R (S ): Marty L ile, L o ng R ange Planner C O N TA C T (S ): Marty L ile; Rebekah Ro th, Pla nning a nd L a nd U se Directo r S U B J EC T: P resenta(on Dra* M ul(-family & C ommercial Height M odific a(on A mendment C oncepts B R I E F S U M M A RY: O n the request of B oard o f C ommissioners Vice-C hair Hays, Staff presented the Planning B oard op(o ns f o r poten(al amendments to current height standards for mul(-fa mily a nd no n-residen(al structures at their May 6 mee(ng. O ver the past year, staff has received new inf o rma(on o n the impact of current standards on residen(al aff o rdability and access and o n no nresiden(al projects adjacent to , but not fron(ng, majo r ro adway co rridors (i.e., I -40 and I -140). C o ncepts presented in May included: I ncreasing height standards fo r mul(-f amily structures in the Residen(al Mul(-Family (R MF) districts to allow f o r four stories; Removing the height requirement from the Planned D evelopment (P D ) district as it requires a Master Development Plan for appro val; Replacing height sta ndards in nonresiden(al districts currently based on ro adwa y f ro ntage, floor area ra(o , o r C o mprehensive Pla n place type with the alterna(ve of allowing inc rea sed height with addi(onal setbacks or graduated building step-backs from residen(al property that are propo sed in the C ity of W ilmingto n’s dra9 L and Development C o de; and, C larif ying that except for in low-density residen(al districts, structured parking located within the footprint of mul(- family and no nresiden(al buildings is excluded from the tota l building height measurement. B ased o n feedback f ro m the Planning B oard, Staff has dra9ed code language to reflec t these concepts. Staff will present the proposed amendments to the B oard and provide copies of the amendment summary and dra9ed co de language. I f the Planning B oard is suppo r(ve of the propo sed dra9 text language, it will be amended to incorpo rate any feedback and released for public comment following the mee(ng. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: I ntelligent Growth & Eco nomic DevelopmentE nc o ura ge develo pment of complete co mmuni(es in the uninco rporated countyC i(zens have daily needs met by N H C businesses and support themE nsure N H C has appropriate housing to support business gro wth Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 5 R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Hear presenta(on and pro vide feedback. C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - July 8, 2021 ITEM: 5