Homestead Estates at River Oaks PP App Package3DJHRI 35'        SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 7KHDSSOLFDWLRQZLOOEHUHJDUGHGDVLQFRPSOHWHXQWLOWKHIROORZLQJLWHPVDUHUHFHLYHGE\3ODQQLQJ =RQLQJ <RXUDSSOLFDWLRQPXVWLQFOXGHa $300.00 fee DQG15 folded maps RIWKHSURSRVHG3HUIRUPDQFH5HVLGHQWLDO'HYHORSPHQW 7KLVIHHVKRXOGEHSD\DEOHWR1HZ+DQRYHU&RXQW\DQGmustDFFRPSDQ\WKLVDSSOLFDWLRQ$SSOLFDWLRQVIRU3HUIRUPDQFH 5HVLGHQWLDO'HYHORSPHQWDUHUHFHLYHGDQGDFWHGXSRQE\WKH&RXQW\¶V7HFKQLFDO5HYLHZ&RPPLWWHH3ODQQLQJ =RQLQJ VWDIIZLOOVHQGDFRS\WRHDFKDSSURSULDWHDJHQF\Written agency comments must be received three (3) weeks prior to the meeting before being placed on the TRC agenda. Streets :ULWWHQFRPPHQWVIURPWKH1RUWK&DUROLQD'HSDUWPHQWRI7UDQVSRUWDWLRQDSSURYLQJWKHGHVLJQRIDOOSXEOLF VWUHHWVRUDOHWWHUIURPWKH&RXQW\(QJLQHHUDSSURYLQJWKHGHVLJQRIDOOSULYDWHVWUHHWV Water and Sewer-$OHWWHUIURPWKHDSSURSULDWH6WDWHRUORFDOKHDOWKDJHQF\DSSURYLQJWKHGHVLJQRIVXFKV\VWHPVDQG FRPPLWPHQWDOORFDWLRQWRVHUYHWKHSURMHFW Drainage-7KHORFDWLRQRIDOOPDUVKHVZDWHUFRXUVHVGLWFKHVGUDLQDJHFKDQQHOVZLWKSURSRVHGGUDLQDJHDQGXWLOLW\ HDVHPHQWVZDWHUDQGVHZHUIRUWKHSURSRVHGVXEGLYLVLRQ $OHWWHUIURPWKH6RLO&RQVHUYDWLRQ6HUYLFHLQGLFDWLQJDQ\DFUHDJHIURP&ODVV,9VRLOVRQWKHSURSHUW\ $OHWWHUIURP&RXQW\)LUH6HUYLFHVDSSURYLQJILUHK\GUDQWORFDWLRQDQGVWUHHWGHVLJQ You are encouraged to arrange an informal conference with planning staff at least two (2) weeks prior to submitting an application. By attending this conference, you will improve your chances of submitting a complete and acceptable application. <RXVKRXOGEULQJDURXJKVNHWFKRI\RXUSURSRVDOWRWKLVFRQIHUHQFH3ODQQLQJ =RQLQJ VWDIIZLOOSURFHHGWRDGYLVH\RXRIHQYLURQPHQWDOSUREOHPVSRLQWRXWVLJQLILFDQWGHVLJQSUREOHPVGHVFULEHWKHUHTXLUHG LPSURYHPHQWVDQGDGYLVH\RXUHJDUGLQJWKHUHTXLUHGDSSURYDOOHWWHUVIRUZDWHUDQGVHZHU$FKHFNOLVWRXWOLQLQJWKHVH UHTXLUHPHQWVLVDYDLODEOHWRKHOS\RXWKURXJKWKLVSURFHVV I certify that all information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Signature of Property Owner and/or Developer Print Name Name of Applicant or Owner Date of Application Address City, State, Zip Email Address Telephone Number of Owner Name of Surveyor (if different than Owner) Telephone Number of Surveyor (if different than Owner) Address of Surveyor (if different than Owner) City, State, Zip Email Address (if different than Owner) Parcel ID Number Location of Property Square Feet/Acres on Plat Project Name Land Classification 1(:+$129(5&2817< 3/$11,1* /$1'86( PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT *RYHUQPHQW&HQWHU'ULYH 6XLWH :LOPLQJWRQ1& SKRQH ID[ ZZZQKFJRYFRP  BillClarkHomesofWilmington,LLC April30,2019 230EastArlingtonBlvd.Greenville,NC27858 lweaver@billclarkhomes.com 2528141481 StroudEngineering,PA 9108150775 102DCinemaDrive Wilmington,NC28403 jfentress@stroudengineer.com R08100-006-239-000 EastofRiverRd,southofMcQuillanDr.atend 1,046,173SF/24.02AC. HomesteadEstatesPhase3Transition 3DJHRI 35&       Site Plan Requirements (Section 51.5-2of Zoning Ordinance) 6FDOHQRVPDOOHUWKDQRQHLQFKWRWZRKXQGUHGIHHW ´ ¶  9LFLQLW\RUORFDWLRQPDS 1DPHRIGHVLJQHUHQJLQHHURUVXUYH\RU 1RUWKDUURZDQGGDWH 2ZQHU¶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¶6HWEDFNEHWZHHQDWWDFKHGVWUXFWXUHVDQGIURPSHULSKHUDOORWOLQHV¶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¶EXWOHVVWKDQ¶FXOGHVDFVOHVVWKDQ¶ 6WUHHWMRJVDUHQROHVVWKDQ¶ 6WUHHWLQWHUFRQQHFWLYLW\ ,QGH[RUJUHDWHU  6LJQLILFDQWWUHHVXUYH\ 7UDIILF,PSDFW$QDO\VLV 7,$  :DWHU6HZHU&DSDFLW\/HWWHUV 6WUHHWOLJKWV )LUHK\GUDQWDQGORFDWLRQV 6LGHZDONV 3HGHVWULDQHDVHPHQWV 'RXEOHIURQWDJHORWVVKDOOEHDYRLGHG DENSITY CALCULATIONS: Gross Tract Acreage: _________________________ /HVV$UHDLQODNHVSRQGVRUPDUVKHV$UHDLQ&ODVV,9 VRLOVDVFRQILUPHGE\6RLOV&RQVHUYDWLRQ6HUYLFH ,QOLHX RI6XEWUDFWLQJ'RURYDQ-RKQVWRQDQGRU3DPLOFRVRLOV WKHGHYHORSHUPD\FKRRVHWRSUHVHUYHRIVXFKDUHDV DVFRQVHUYDWLRQVSDFH -_________________________ 0D[LPXP'HQVLW\IRUDSSOLFDEOH]RQH &LUFOH5 5 5  Net Tract Acreage _________________________ Equal Number of units permitted on site Total Number Units Permitted:_______________________(Net Acreage times Applicable zone factor) Staff Use Only: BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB  24.03 13.63 11.39 28 Project: PW-103-8 Engineer: JHF Date: 5/6/2019 Homestead Estates at River Oaks, Phase 3 Project Narrative Introduction Homestead Estates at River Oaks is a residential subdivision located in southern New Hanover County. Phase 3 of Homestead Estates at River Oaks is the remaining balance of the Burnett tract that has been developed over the last thirty years mostly recognized as River Oaks. This remaining twenty-four acres lies just south of the termini of McQuillan Drive and is bounded to the east by the original eastern tract boundary. This area was identified as “Future Development” on the Homestead Estates Phase 1 Preliminary Plan. This present phase of development proposes 26 single family lots developed under the Performance Residential zoning criteria at a net density of 2.28 units per acre. Homestead Estates Phase 2A is complete and construction has begun on Phase 2B. Phase 3 is intended to be a continuation of prior phases with respect to public infrastructure design criteria and housing type The site is bounded to the east by the Carolina Inlet Acres subdivision, River Oaks Section 7 Phase 3 to the north, River Oaks Section 6 Phase 2 to the West, and Homestead Estates Phase 2A to the South. This last phase of development is constrained to provide connection to prior phases by wetlands and adjacent developments by lack of adequately dedicated rights of way. To this end, the project seeks relief from the county’s specified maximum cul de sac length. The proposed cul de sac does comply with the State’s public road standards in this same regard. The project proposes the public road right of way to be designed and built compliant for public road acceptance standards. Upland portions of the site are wooded with a thin stand of immature pines of 12 to 18 inches diameters. These areas are mostly clear of underbrush due to persistent mowing. No significant trees, as defined by the New Hanover Ccounty Zoning Ordinance, are located within the proposed Penny Royal Lane right of way. The proposed lots will be selectively cleared at the time of home construction. Soils in upland areas are typically Kureb and poorly drained Leon and Torhunta sands. Wetlands are dominated by a mix of sweetbays and gums along with a dense evergreen underbrush. Soils in wetland areas are typically Pamlico muck and poorly drained Leon and Torhunta sands. Roadways Phase 3 is afforded access via extension of Penny Royal Lane. The road extension of nearly 1300 lineal feet will be dedicated as public, built to North Carolina Department of Transportation specifications, and offered to the State for adoption upon satisfaction of residency requirements. The road will feature a forty feet wide right of with curb and gutter and curb outlet swales. A single five feet wide sidewalk is proposed along the west side of Penny Royal Lane extended to the proposed cul de sac. This sidewalk will be considered an encroachment to the public road right of way and be the responsibility of the Homeowner’s Association Utilities The site is afforded water and sewer by Aqua, NC. Extension of the existing water and sewer mains will be required to provide service to the 26 proposed residences. Phase 3 will drain to the pump station which was constructed along Royal Fern Drive in Phase 1. Approximately 1,300 LF of gravity sewer main and water main will be installed in Phase 3. Two additional fire hydrants will be provided along the subdivision road and modeled to verify that adequate flow and pressure are available. A Blow off will be provided at its dead end. All directly related environmental permit or certification applications are being prepared, have been applied for, or have been obtained. Stormwater The project drains generally from northeast to southwest via existing ditches and wetlands within the center of the site to a culvert under River Road then ultimately on to the Cape Fear River. A North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, NCDEQ, low density curb and gutter stormwater permit will be obtained for this last phase. Stormwater management practices utilized by prior phases will be maintained in this phase. This phase will utilize prior reservation of Built Upon Area, BUA, to maintain its permitted low density standard. Proposed development insures an overall impervious of 24% within Homestead Estates in accordance with NCDEQ low density curb outlet regulations. Curb outlets will be routed through a minimum of one hundred feet long vegetated swale with 5:1 side slopes. Outlet swales are designed with a minimum 0.3% longitudinal slope and will pass the 10 year storm with a velocity not to exceed 2 feet per second. The scope of the existing New Hanover County stormwater permit issued on 6/29/17 was limited to Phase 2 due to the uncertainty of this future phase. This permit will be modified to incorporate Phase 3. Detention will continue to be provided primarily by routing runoff through extensive wetland areas to increase the time of concentration, providing outlets for undrained upland soils, and by disconnecting impervious surfaces on lots from the collection and conveyance systems. The predeveloped site consists of hydrologic group C and D soils. A significant portion of these group soils are undrained Leon sands located in uplands. These soils offer little soil storage capacity, resulting in a high predevelopment curve number and runoff rate which serves to minimize the effect of impervious surfaces on postdevelopment runoff rates. The installation of swales will enable effective lateral drainage of the Leon soils, providing additional soil storage capacity that is represented by larger areas of hydrologic group A soils in the postdevelopment curve number calculations. The effective draining of these soils was limited to areas within fifty feet of swales. A postdevelopment composite curve number was determined by using TR-55 Figure 2.4 with a 24% total impervious, 75% of which is connected impervious. The classification of 25% of the proposed impervious area as unconnected is predicated on approximately 1/3 of the runoff from lots not being directly connected to the roadway collection system or the vegetated conveyance systems. Runoff directed to the road and, ultimately, the curb outlet systems, is limited mostly to the R/W. These factors yield a postdevelopment drainage scenario that mimics the predevelopment drainage conditions. Erosion Control Silt fence will be used to contain sediment around portions of the site which will drain towards adjoining property or wetlands. The curb outlet swales will be used to direct drainage to temporary sediment traps at the perimeter of the project. Hardware cloth and gravel type protection is proposed at each curb outlet. A stone construction entrance will be used at the existing end of Penny Royal Lane to prevent transport of sediment away from the jobsite.