Preservation Point Final Plat 10.20.2020without their written property of ESP Associates, P.A. The infringement will be subject to legal action. alteration, copying or other use of this drawing This drawing and / or design shown hereon are the ESP Associates, P.A. consent is prohibited and any reproduction, 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY N/A R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 1 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70LEGEND 1. Project combined grid factor used is published 1.00002523. 2. Horizontal datum used for this project is NAD 1983 / NSRS 2011 (US Survey Feet). 3. The ground control coordinates are localized coordinates based on State Plane coordinates for NGS "HIGHWAY". 4. This plat is derived from information gathered by an actual field survey made by this office and platted February, 2017. 5. The primary survey control azimuth was established using the NC VRS Network and verified using NGS control. 6. All distances are horizontal ground measurements unless otherwise noted. 7. All areas computed by coordinate computation method. 8. Contractor is to verify all subsurface utilities prior to land disturbance. Subsurface utility investigation was not performed as a part of this project. 9. All "NIP...new iron pin" & "RIS... reference iron set" are 5/8" rebar. Bottomless peat bog areas were inaccessible during low tide, no point set (NPS). 10. An internal title search was conducted by this office to determine deed calls between the subject tracts and adjoining properties. There were errors in closure for several of the referenced deeds and also limited titles with no metes and bounds except for adjoiners names and canal / ditch lines. This survey has utilized the field location of the canals / ditches and marsh line top of bank observations (MP) together with existing monumentation to depict the subject parcel boundary. Referenced MP locations are typically witnessed in lieu of monumented. 11. Any encumbrances or easements regarding canals, ditches, mineral rights, ingress / egress access or maintenance are at the discretion of the title attorney to report for this project. This office assumes no liability into the interpretation as to whether encumbrances, easements or Right-of-Ways currently exist. This survey was performed without the benefit of a full current title report and is subject to any Right-of-Ways, encumbrances or easements a current title report may reveal. 12. A PRELIMINARY title report from Morehead Title Company dated October 10, 2016 was provided and references unnamed access easements, riparian / uninterrupted rights in and to Smith's Creek, water courses & Cape Fear River, easements to Southern Bell, easements to CP&L (Duke Energy), Right of Way to Castle Hayne Road and other public Right-of-Ways. 13. Site zoning and portions of depicted shaded reference information per New Hanover County GIS website. 14. There were numerous varying references for public road and alley right-of-ways within the survey limits per the Sans Succi record plat (Map Book 2 Page 125). Trace remnants of these roads / alleys were observed on the subject tracts but are not open. 15. Property improvements and other man made improvements may not be shown in their entirety due to scale. 16. Please see boundary survey by ESP associates dated 5/2/17. SURVEY NOTES: ' SITE VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) NOW OR FORMERLY HENRY D. HOUGH BOOK 3484 PAGE 0550 C A R O L Y N S U E H E R S E Y BOOK 1306 PAGE 1397 B O O K 1 6 6 9 P A G E 0 6 8 8 N O W O R F O R M E R L Y BOOK 1809 PAGE 0124 N O W O R F O R M E R L Y BOOK 1809 PAGE 0127 L O U I S E A N D E R S O N B L A K E L I V I N G T R U S T NOW OR FORMERLY B O O K 5 9 4 0 P A G E 3 9 7 IK A R O S , I N C . N OW O R F O R M E R L Y B O O K 1 5 6 3 P A G E 1 6 8 9 KINDER MORGAN TERMINALS NOW OR FORMERLY BOOK 5339 PAGE 2561 P R O G R E S S P A R K P A R T N E R S B O O K 5 1 7 6 P A G E 1 5 6 0 N OW O R F O R M E R L Y B O O K 8 7 6 P A G E 3 8 1 E.W . G O DW I N ' S S O N S SEE MB 53 PG 129 U S E : T OW E R NOW OR FORMERLY JOYCE A. SPIVEY NOW OR FORMERLY ROBERT H. WALKER, JR. JULIAN S. WALKER B O O K 2 7 7 5 P A G E 0 1 1 0 N O W O R F O R M E R L Y B E N T O N & S O N S P R O P E R T I E S N OW O R F O R M E R L Y E.W . G O D W I N ' S S O N S B O O K 1 0 1 2 P A G E 3 3 9 NOW OR FORMERLY NOW OR FORMERLY HENRY D. HOUGH BOOK 5996 PAGE 2799 JAMES STRICKLAND, JR. BOOK 5261 PAGE 2088 N OW O R F O R M E R L Y N OW O R F O R M E R L Y G L O B A L A Q U I S I T I O N S I V B O O K 5 7 1 1 P A G E 1 5 8 2 SEE DB90 PG 454 SEE MB52 PG122 S E E M B 4 9 P G 3 5 3 NOW OR FORMERLY CORBETT PACKAGE COMPANY NHC ID No. R04100-001-003-000 NHC ZONING: I-2 INDUSTRIAL DEED BOOK 2235 PAGE 317 DEED BOOK 1815 PAGE 288 DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 TRACT 3F AREA: 984,932 SF / 22.611 ACRES NOW OR FORMERLY CORBETT PACKAGE COMPANY NHC ID No. R04100-001-002-000 NHC ZONING: I-2 INDUSTRIAL DEED BOOK 2235 PAGE 317 DEED BOOK 1815 PAGE 288 DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 TRACT 3A AREA: 8,359,513 SF / 191.908 ACRES DB465 PG 70 TRACT 3F DB465 PG 70 TRACT 3A DB465 PG 70 TRACT 3E DB465 PG 70 TRACT 3D DB465 PG 70 TRACT 3D PARCEL OVERLAP (4,396 SF) NOW OR FORMERLY CORBETT PACKAGE COMPANY NHC ID No. R04100-001-002-000 NHC ZONING: I-2 INDUSTRIAL DEED BOOK 2235 PAGE 317 DEED BOOK 1815 PAGE 288 DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 TRACT 3B AREA: 784,264 SF / 18.004 ACRES SAN SUCCI FARM MAP BOOK 2 PAGE 8 & MAP BOOK 2 PAGE 125 CIRCA 1908 U N K N OW N T R A C T P E R U N R E C O R D E D M A P F O R C O R B E T T P A C K A G E C O M P A N Y B Y J A C K S T O C K S 0 4 / 1 8 / 1 9 8 8 22 0 , 3 6 4 S F / 5 . 0 5 9 A C R E S REFEREN C E MB62 PG 3 7 8 L O T 1 L O T 2 A L O T 2 B N OW O R F O RM E R L Y E D W I N T E A C H E Y J R E T A L B O O K 2 1 1 4 P A G E 5 9 6 L O T 2 S E E M B 5 3 P G 3 6 1 S E E M B 4 9 P G 3 5 3 S E E M B 5 1 P G 2 9 1 1 5 ' A C C E S S A N D U T I L I T Y E A S M E N T M B 5 3 P G 3 6 1 L O T 2 S H E E T 3 S H E E T 4 S H E E T 5 S H E E T 6 S H E E T 7 S H E E T 8 S H E E T 9 S H E E T 1 0 S H E E T 1 1MB 53, PG 35without their written property of ESP Associates, P.A. The infringement will be subject to legal action. alteration, copying or other use of this drawing This drawing and / or design shown hereon are the ESP Associates, P.A. consent is prohibited and any reproduction, 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 200' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 2 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70LEGEND 1. Project combined grid factor used is published 1.00002523. 2. Horizontal datum used for this project is NAD 1983 / NSRS 2011 (US Survey Feet). 3. The ground control coordinates are localized coordinates based on State Plane coordinates for NGS "HIGHWAY". 4. This plat is derived from information gathered by an actual field survey made by this office and platted February, 2017. 5. The primary survey control azimuth was established using the NC VRS Network and verified using NGS control. 6. All distances are horizontal ground measurements unless otherwise noted. 7. All areas computed by coordinate computation method. 8. Contractor is to verify all subsurface utilities prior to land disturbance. Subsurface utility investigation was not performed as a part of this project. 9. All "NIP...new iron pin" & "RIS... reference iron set" are 5/8" rebar. Bottomless peat bog areas were inaccessible during low tide, no point set (NPS). 10. An internal title search was conducted by this office to determine deed calls between the subject tracts and adjoining properties. There were errors in closure for several of the referenced deeds and also limited titles with no metes and bounds except for adjoiners names and canal / ditch lines. This survey has utilized the field location of the canals / ditches and marsh line top of bank observations (MP) together with existing monumentation to depict the subject parcel boundary. Referenced MP locations are typically witnessed in lieu of monumented. 11. Any encumbrances or easements regarding canals, ditches, mineral rights, ingress / egress access or maintenance are at the discretion of the title attorney to report for this project. This office assumes no liability into the interpretation as to whether encumbrances, easements or Right-of-Ways currently exist. This survey was performed without the benefit of a full current title report and is subject to any Right-of-Ways, encumbrances or easements a current title report may reveal. 12. A PRELIMINARY title report from Morehead Title Company dated October 10, 2016 was provided and references unnamed access easements, riparian / uninterrupted rights in and to Smith's Creek, water courses & Cape Fear River, easements to Southern Bell, easements to CP&L (Duke Energy), Right of Way to Castle Hayne Road and other public Right-of-Ways. 13. Site zoning and portions of depicted shaded reference information per New Hanover County GIS website. 14. There were numerous varying references for public road and alley right-of-ways within the survey limits per the Sans Succi record plat (Map Book 2 Page 125). Trace remnants of these roads / alleys were observed on the subject tracts but are not open. 15. Property improvements and other man made improvements may not be shown in their entirety due to scale. 16. Please see boundary survey by ESP associates dated 5/2/17. SURVEY NOTES: MB 5 3 , P G 3 5 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 60' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 3 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 MB 5 3 , PG 3 5 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 60' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 4 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 MB 5 3 , PG 3 5 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 60' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 5 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 MB 5 3 , PG 3 5 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 60' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 6 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 MB 5 3 , PG 3 5 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 60' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 7 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 MB 5 3 , PG 3 5 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 60' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 8 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 MB 5 3 , PG 3 5 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 60' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 9 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 MB 5 3 , PG 3 5 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 60' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 10 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70 MB 5 3 , PG 3 5 10/20/2020 211 Racine Drive, Suite 101PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING SERVICES BY:PLANNINGENGINEERINGSURVEYINGREVISIONS DATE DRAWN BY B.F.F. SCALE CHECKED BY 1" = 60' R.A.P. SUBDIVISION PLAT -DESCRIPTION- SHEET 11 OF 11Wilmington, North Carolina 28403(910) 313-6648 / www.espassociates.com / License No. C-0587SUBDIVISION PLAT OFPRESERVATION POINTWILMINGTON, NEW HANOVER COUNTY& NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY No. 1331505 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD & US HWY No. 117CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP, NORTH CAROLINATRACTS 3A, 3B & 3F PER DEED BOOK 465 PAGE 70