2023-04-05 Minutes New Hanover County Airport Authority April 5, 2023 Page 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING April 5, 2023 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, at Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman S. Thompson called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Mr. J. Thompson led the Authority in the pledge of allegiance. Chairman S. Thompson asked Authority members if they had any conflict of interest pursuant to the . No conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest were identified. Airport Authority members present were Spruill Thompson, Chairman; Nick Rhodes, Vice Chairman; Tom Wolfe, Secretary; Lee Williams, Jason Thompson, and Faison G. Sutton. Wanda Copley, County Attorney was also present. ILM staff present included Jeff Bourk, Airport Director; Granseur Dick, Deputy Airport Director; Robert Campbell, Deputy Airport Director; Carol LeTellier, Business Development Director; and Rose Davis, Executive Assistant. Approximately 16 guests from the public attended the Authority meeting. LeAnn Pierce arrived at approximately 5:14 pm. MOMENT OF SILENCE Chairman S. Thompson called for a moment of silence in remembrance of County Commissioner Deb Hays who recently passed. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None. EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Chairman S. Thompson recognized and congratulated ILM ARFF personnel Scotson Jenkins and Lou Woodman for completing the Fire Academy, Firefighters I and II course which requires 516 hours of training. Airport Director Jeff Bourk recognized the effort and thanked Jenkins and Woodman. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA The Authority having reviewed the items listed on the Consent Agenda in committee and requiring no further discussion, Chairman S. Thompson requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. J. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Ms. Pierce was not present for this vote. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Approval of Minutes The Authority approved the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 1, 2023. New Hanover County Airport Authority April 5, 2023 Page 2 The Authority approved an agreement with Designa Southern Time to provide maintenance for all parking lot equipment from May 1, 2023, through April 30, 2024. The Authority approved a budget amendment to reallocate $75,000 from Wages and Benefits to Contracted Services. The Authority approved the conveyance of the existing water main along Blue Clay Road to CFPUA and associated easements and appurtenances. The Authority approved a 5-year lease extension for All American Aviation Services, Inc., located in Suite 110 of the Flex Building. The Authority approved a new 5-year lease with Southern Sass Hair Studio for Suite 160 of the Flex Building. The Authority approved a 10-year Retail, Food and Beverage Concession Agreement with Faber. FINANCE, MARKETING AND AIR SERVICE DEVELOPMENT Mr. Campbell, on behalf of the Finance Committee, recommended the approval of the following action items: a. Purchase of parking equipment from Designa Southern Time for an amount not to exceed $100,000. Mr. J. Thompson MOVED to approve the purchase of parking equipment from Designa Southern Time as presented above. This motion came from the Finance Committee and no second is required. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Ms. Pierce was not present for this vote. b. The corresponding budget amendment to add $100,000 of parking equipment to the FY23 capital budget. Mr. J. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe, to approve the budget amendment for the purchase of parking equipment from Designa Southern Time as presented above. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Ms. Pierce was not present for this vote. c. Approval to pay an amount not to exceed $200,000 to Avelo Airlines for reimbursement of their start- MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. J. Thompson, to approve the payment to Avelo Airlines as presented above. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Ms. Pierce was not present for this vote. d. The corresponding budget amendment to add $200,000 to the operating budget under air service development. Mr. Williams MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. J. Thompson, to approve the budget amendment as presented. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Ms. Pierce was not present for this vote. Mr. Campbell February financial summary, financials, and cash summary. Members of the press arrived at this time during the meeting. New Hanover County Airport Authority April 5, 2023 Page 3 Mr. Campbell reviewed the monthly activity and performance reports and updated the Authority on ILM marketing. Mr. Campbell shared the proposed FY24 Budget with the Authority for their review and provided a brief highlight of the Budget. The Authority will be voting to present the proposed FY24 Budget for public review at the May meeting. Mr. Bourk noted that a change in this budget is showing the full 5-year Capital Plan budget. Ms. Pierce arrived at 5:14 pm. OPERATIONS & FACILITIES Mr. Dick recommended, on behalf of the Operations and Facilities Committee, approval of the following items: a. A Master Services On-Call Contracts to two Qualified Consultant(s): Coffman & Associates and Intervistas, who were selected through RFQ process for Planning, Environmental and Noise related services. Mr. Williams MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe, to approve the Master Services On-Call Contracts as presented above. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. b. A Contract Change Order to Monteith Construction in an amount NTE $850,000 to furnish additional terminal public spaces, addition of concrete floors to airline and tenant operations areas and equipment for an additional inbound bag belt. Mr. Rhodes MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe to approve a Contract Change Order to Monteith Construction as presented above. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. c. A Contract to RS&H to include concept development, selection of CMAR, design and construction administration of Curb and Roadway Improvements, Phase 1, in a NTE cost of $1,725,928 pending IFE review. Mr. Dick used a concept drawing to further explain this project. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Rhodes, to approve the Contract with RS&H as presented above. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Dick provided an update on construction/terminal expansion, IT updates, and the parking projects. Mr. Dick reviewed the airport operations chart. Mr. Dick reported on the FAR Part 139 Inspection congratulating Kenny Smith, Operations Manager, and Keaghon Stark, Facilities Manager, and their teams for a job well done. ILM received high marks with only a few minor issues that were easy to resolve the day of the inspection. Airport Director Jeff Bourk recognized Smith for his efforts as well, and a job well done as Operations Manager since his promotion. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Ms. LeTellier recommended, on behalf of the Business Development Committee, the following action items for approval: New Hanover County Airport Authority April 5, 2023 Page 4 a. A General Airline Operating Permit. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Rhodes, to approve the General Airline Operating Permit as presented. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. b. A 5-acre ground lease term sheet with Monteith Construction with a 90-day option. CIL has agreed to release 5 acres from their parcel 21 through July 5, 2023. Monteith has 90 days to pursue their prospect. After 90 days the property will revert to CIL if Monteith is unsuccessful. Mr. Rhodes MOVED, SECOND by Mr. Wolfe, to approve the 5-acre ground lease with Monteith Construction as proposed. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. D Mr. Bourk updated the Authority on ILM meetings with airlines in the last month and shared the new Air Service marketing video used in these meetings. Mr. Bourk shared the announcement of the new Avelo routes to West Palm Beach and Tampa which begin June 22 and June 23. This service will bring Avelo to 6 non-stops out of ILM. In the past year ILM has added 8 non-stops on 3 airlines. Avelo, Delta to Boston and Sun Country to Minneapolis. rd Mr. Bourk shared photos of the recently added 3 lane in the TSA checkpoint noting they are thth going to store the 4 lane equipment in place anticipating that our numbers will require that 4 lane soon. Mr. Bourk shared photos of the updated landscape at the end of Airport Blvd. adjacent to the prison property. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None. NEW BUSINESS Chairman S. Thompson called for a motion for the Authority to enter a closed session to discuss matters relating to the expansion of industries and economic development pursuant to NCGS §143-318.11(a)(4). Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. J. Thompson, to enter into a closed session for the above referenced matters. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. All persons not Authority members or ILM staff, were asked to leave the meeting. The Authority went into closed session at 5:50 pm. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Williams to return to open session. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APROVED. OPEN SESSION The Authority returned to open session at approximately 6:47 pm. Chairman S. Thompson reported that the Authority completed its discussion relating to expansion of industries and economic development. New Hanover County Airport Authority April 5, 2023 Page 5 No action was taken. Mr. Williams MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Rhodes to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote the MOTION WAS APPROVED. There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman S. Thompson adjourned the meeting at 6:48 pm. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Rose M. Davis _______________________________ Thomas Wolfe, Secretary Date of Approval: May 3, 2023