Trip Generation Memo 1 Trip Generation Technical Memorandum Seabreeze Townhomes New Hanover County, NC Prepared for SB Cottage Investments, LLC DAVENPORT Project Number 232016 Prepared and Sealed by Donald R. Bennett, II 5/9/2023 1.0 Introduction DAVENPORT has prepared this technical memorandum to summarize the trip generation based on a proposed rezoning for parcels located at 7641, 7645 and 7647 Carolina Beach Road. The existing site is currently zoned as R-15 Residential according to the New Hanover County GIS Zoning Map. The future land use plan designates the site as a potential Community Mixed Use and General Residential Place. The proposed land use is to rezone to R-5 Residential to allow for Single Family Attached Townhomes. Based on the existing and proposed intensities, this location will not require a TIA by the NCDOT, New Hanover County, or Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) standards of 100 peak hour trips. For comparison, theoretical mixes of uses allowed in the community mixed use potential zoning have been provided. It is likely that the uses provided under the community mixed use scenario zoning would require a TIA. 2.0 Existing Conditions A desktop review of the existing roadway conditions in the study area was conducted. 2.1. Site Plan The conceptual site plan provided as Figure 1 shows the proposed 56 townhome units. Figure 2A shows the approximate location within New Hanover County. Figure 2B illustrates the site in relationship to the surrounding public roadway system. 2.2. Site Access Site access is provided via frontage directly onto SR 1575 (Service Road), which parallels US 421 south of S. Seebreeze Road. As shown in Figure 3, an unnamed right of way exists between the parcels extending into the site and providing access to two small parcels addressed to S. Seabreeze Road. SR 1575 also serves as access to approximately 50 parcels south of the subject site. Per NHC GIS, there are a few private or informal accesses that connect SR 1575 to Saltspray Lane and Roscoe Freeman Avenue. The aerials and NHC GIS indicate other unnamed accesses that pass below the Snows Cut Bridge and provide access to SR 1576 (River Road). DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 5/9/2023 Page 2 05/09/2023 Seabreeze Townhomes DAVENPORT Project No. 232016 2 2.3. Sight Distance Based on Google Street view, the site access has adequate sight distance at both the proposed site access to SR 1575 and at the service road access to SR 1531 (South Seabreeze Road). A formal evaluation of sight distance would be required of any development whether by-right or as proposed through the NCDOT driveway permitting process. The intersection of SR 1575 at S. Seabreeze Road is unsignalized. S. Seabreeze Road at US 421 is signalized (NCDOT Signal Inventory Number 03-0827). 2.4. Traffic Counts Based on NCDOT 2021 AADT mapping, US 421 is estimated to carry approximately 32,500 vehicles per day (vpd) measured just north of the Snows Cut Bridge but south of S. Seabreeze Road. US 421 has an AADT of approximately 36,000 vpd as measured approximately 1.5 miles north of S. Seabreeze Road and represents the addition of many trips from the residential subdivisions between S. Seabreeze and the sampling location. S. Seabreeze Road indicated a 2019 AADT of approximately 400 vehicles per day; however, the highest recorded AADT in the last twenty years was captured in 2017 at 480 vpd. The AADT of SR 1575 is not listed but can be estimated as 500 vpd based on the number of residential parcels accessing the roadway. A summary of the AADTs and inventory of the surrounding roadway network is provided in Figure 4. 3.0 Trip Generation (Existing and Proposed Zoning) The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) 11th Edition Trip Generation Manual was used to project the weekday daily, AM peak hour, and PM peak hour traffic that could be generated by the site. No internal capture, pass-by, or diverted trips are assumed. The results of the trip generation for the existing and proposed uses are shown in Table 1. Table 1 - ITE Trip Generation: Average Weekday Driveway Volumes ITE 11th Edition Land Use Size Data Source Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Existing Zoning: 210, Single-Family Detached Housing 21 Dwelling Units Adjacent- Equation 240 5 13 18 14 9 23 Proposed Zoning: 215, Single-Family Attached Housing 56 Dwelling Units Adjacent- Equation 376 6 17 23 18 12 30 Differential Expected Trips +136 +1 +4 +5 +4 +3 +7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 Page 3 05/09/2023 Seabreeze Townhomes DAVENPORT Project No. 232016 3 Trip Generation, (Future Land Use Plan) While the site is not currently zoned for Community Mixed Use, parcels fronting SR 1575 are listed as such in the New Hanover Future Land Use Plan. Figure 5 provides excerpts from the Future Land Use Plan that illustrate potential uses that are typical of the Community Mixed Use zone. For comparison, trips were generated for uses that can be accommodated under that classification. Table 2 provides the potential trips from these uses. The selected uses each have a potential for over 100 trips per hour and up to over 5,000 vehicles per day under the Future Land Use Plan. Table 2 - ITE Trip Generation: Average Weekday Driveway Volumes (Future Land Use Plan) ITE 11th Edition Land Use Size Data Source Weekday AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total 720 – Medical Office 100 kSF Dwelling Units Adjacent- Equation 4,189 190 51 191 121 283 404 821 – Shopping Plaza (retail) 80 kSF Dwelling Units Generator- Equation* 5,402* 219 228 447 230 136 426 720 – Medical Office + 822 Retail 40 kSF +40kSF kSF Adjacent- Equation 3,529 126 52 178 152 216 368 822 – Retail + 220 – Multifamily 40 kSF +40 DU kSF & Dwelling Units Adjacent- Equation 2,250 51 56 107 128 118 246 *Rate only provided for 24 hr. volumes 4.0 Conclusion In conclusion, this memorandum provides the estimated trip generation for multiple potential users on the site. Comparisons are provided for the existing and requested Zoning classifications. To provide a sense of scale, trips that could be generated if the site were zoned per the Future Land Use Plan were provided. Based on the estimated trip generation associated with the proposed zoning, less than 10 trips are added in each of the typical peak hours, or one additional vehicle every 6 minutes. Please let us know if you need additional information. DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 Page 4 05/09/2023 Seabreeze Townhomes DAVENPORT Project No. 232016 4 Supporting Documents Conceptual Site Plan – Figure 1 Site Location Map – Figure 2A Site Plan Relationship Map – Figure 2B New Hanover County Parcel Map Excerpt – Figure 3 Existing Lane Geometry – Figure 4 Future Land Use Plan Information – Figure 5 Trip Generation Plots DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 FIGURE 1 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN Seabreeze Townhomes- Wilmington, NC Project Number 232016 N DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 FIGURE 2A SITE LOCATION MAP PROJECT NUMBER 232016 SITE INDICATOR N SITE DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 FIGURE 2B – Site Plan Relationship Map Seabreeze Townhomes – New Hanover County, NC Project Number 232016 N DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 FIGURE 3 – New Hanover County Parcel Map Excerpt Seabreeze Townhomes – New Hanover County, NC Project Number 232016 N DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 *** NOT TO SCALE *** N This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of, or improper reliance on, this document by others without written authorization and adaptation by DAVENPORT, shall be without liability to DAVENPORT, and shall be a violation of the agreement between DAVENPORTand the client. FIGURE 4 EXISTING LANE GEOMETRY DAVENPORT PROJECT NAME LOCATION, NC PROJECT NUMBER 230000 2021 AADT VOLUMESXXXX BLACK = EXISTING TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ROADWAY LEGEND SIGNAL STOP SPEED LIMIT 45 Se r v i c e R o a d US 4 2 1 C a r o l i n a Be a c h R o a d South Seabreeze Road River Road SPEED LIMIT 45 32 5 ' 32 5 ' 4003,700 32 , 5 0 0 SPEED LIMIT 45 SPEED LIMIT 55 35 0 ' 12 5 ' US 4 2 1 C a r o l i n a Be a c h R o a d 50' 36 , 0 0 0 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 Figure 5 Seabreeze Townhomes – NHC Future Land Use Plan Details Project Number 232016 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 386C94CF-3157-42FC-BA92-0FAA725FF0A6