49720 - Northern Regional Park - TRC Submittal #2 - Comment Responses Preliminary Plat Page | 1 To: Brandon McLamb, Timmons Group (brandon.mclamb@timmons.com) From: Julian Griffee Current Planner Date: April 5, 2023 Egov#: SITECN-23-000013 PID: R01800-007-051-000 Subject: Old Ave – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review The following comments have been received for the April 5th, 2023 TRC meeting. Additional comments may be made upon further review of subsequent revisions. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised preliminary plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving preliminary plan approval. Planning, Julian Griffee 910-798-7444 1. Please note this TRC review is for the three proposed recreational field development with associated parking, landscaping, and stormwater in a zoning district. Response: 2 Fields are being proposed 2. Pay invoice – INV-00098371 Response: Per NHC Parks & Gardens Director Tara Duckworth, there should be no permit fees for NHC projects. 3. Easements: a. Please ensure all storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main utility easements are labeled and shown on the site plan, UDO Section 6.2.2. Response: No utility easements were identified onsite as it is a County-owned parcel. 4. Landscaping: a. Please provide a Tree Inventory containing the general names of the existing trees, trees to be removed, to be retained, DBH, and classification (documented, significant, specimen) in regards to Table 5.3.4.A. i. Tree removal is subject to Section 5.3 of the UDO. ii. Ensure all calculations are correct on L-1.3. Village at Motts Landing Phase III Preliminary Plat TRC Review Page | 2 Response: See sheet L-1.3 for Tree inventory Data. Please advise if there are any specific comments associated with the Tree Inventory sheet – the plan has been reviewed internally. 5. Parking: a. Please verify that every parking spot is meeting the requirements specified in UDO section 5.1.4.B. Response: Refer to Drawing L-5.1 where parking space dimensions have been added to verify that proposed parking spaces meet requirements listed in UDO Section 5.1.4.B. b. Landscaping for parking lots is outlined within Section 5.4.5 of the UDO. i. Please label the distances between the parking islands and the square footages of the islands. Response: Refer to Drawing L-5.1 where parking space counts have been provided for each bay of parking to denote total length between parking islands. Parking Island square footages have also been added for reference. 6. Screening: a. Are there areas dedicated to trash receptacles? Please indicate if so. Response: Per NHC Parks & Gardens Director Tara Duckworth, no dumpsters will be added. Any other trash receptacles will be provided and installed by NHC. 7. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit approval. Response: No buildings are proposed. Chesterfield Rd is listed as an NCDOT Secondary Road. Access will be off existing driveway so no NCDOT driveway permits are required. 8. Will there be signage? Response: No additional signage will be added. Fire Services, Ray Griswold 910-798-7448 Northern Regional Park - Old Ave. - Major Site Plan - Soccer Field additions I have visited the site recently. The following comments are as follows: 1. This park is expanding, of which I use once in a while. Street signs need to be added throughout the park with street names being added in the older section as well. The public needs to know where to send emergency responders faster. Response: Per NHC Parks & Gardens Director Tara Duckworth, “We will label current buildings and amenities now for emergency services (existing facilities). We will also label new restrooms and assign fields colors (purple and orange). We will utilize the Old Ave. address for the interior road and will have signs made for the interior park roads.” 2. All building need, existing as well as new, large signage again to better identify their location. ie: Shelter 1 , 2 etc. Looked at one when I was there and only a letter was found in the small info. box as to what shelter I was at. I suggest a 4 - 6 inch height letter on a background that can be seen from the road by emergency responders (ie: black on white, red on white, etc.) Response: Per NHC Parks & Gardens Director Tara Duckworth, “No additional large park signage will be added. We will label current buildings and amenities now for emergency services (existing facilities). We will also label new restrooms and assign fields colors (purple and Village at Motts Landing Phase III Preliminary Plat TRC Review Page | 3 orange). We will utilize the Old Ave. address for the interior road and will have signs made for the interior park roads.” 3. Will Madeline Trask Drive extend to the existing paved Roadway. I recommend it does, even if it is graveled. You can install a gate with a KNOX Padlock. This would give emergency services another way in. It would also expedite services in / out of the park faster in this end of the park. Response: Per NHC Parks & Gardens Director Tara Duckworth, “Madeline Trask will not be extended and will remain a private, gravel road.” NHC Engineering, Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. The land disturbing permitted will need to be issued by the State DEQ office as the client has eminent domain powers. Response: Noted, will comply, and apply for NCDEQ permit 2. The north/south 9’ wide heavy-duty walk is located on top of an existing ditch. A new alignment should be considered in lieu of piping the ditch the entire length impacted by the path. Response: Sidewalk layout has been revised and is piped only where the sidewalk crosses the ditch. 3. Where is the location of the wet pond outfall? Should it discharge via the existing culvert under Chesterfield Dr ROW, a downstream analysis may be necessary. Should it not meet the culvert design requirements of NHC, a conceptual design for Its improvement shall be included in the analysis during the stormwater permitting phase of the project. Response: Could this project be exempt from stormwater measures due to impervious for total site being <12% 4. The pond inflow pipe and tree in parking island are in conflict. Please ensure the landscaping and grading plan are coordinated with submission for a tree and stormwater permit. Response: Refer to Drawing L-4.1 where the pipe entering the pond has been removed to eliminate any conflicts with proposed landscaping. 5. Please submit to NHC Engineering a stormwater permit revision to ATC# 587-08/11/14 as the design is completed. Response: Upon completion of the project’s design, a stormwater permit revision will be submitted to New Hanover County Engineering. 6. Will the proposed wet pond location have any adverse effects on the existing drainage coming from the east. Please clarify how the onsite drainage will be maintained with the pond construction? Response: A pond is no longer proposed on this site. 7. What is the intent of the path and culvert north of the proposed fields? Response: The path and culverts are intended to allow for casual foot traffic between existing and proposed fields. This path is a simple mulched path with a small culvert in the ditch to allow for grade level crossing. Village at Motts Landing Phase III Preliminary Plat TRC Review Page | 4 8. It appears the project lies within an existing State stormwater, SW8 950204. Please check with the State DEQ office for permit modifications requirements. Response: We are working to coordinate with NCDEQ to confirm if a modification to the existing stormwater permit will be warranted for this project’s development. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. Response: No public water is being proposed for this project and water is intended to be private well. 3. CFPUA water and sewer are not available. Water could be available via a mainline extension. Response: No public water is being proposed for this project and water is intended to be private well. USACE, Brad Shaver 910-251-4611 1. A jurisdictional determination was recently completed for this portion of the park. Response: Noted. WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-343-3915 1. Village at Motts Landing Phase III Preliminary Plat TRC Review Page | 5 Response: Refer to Drawing L-5.1 where radii and turnaround dimensions have been added for reference. Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-6732 1. Site plan reflects no patron water using fixtures. No need for a well connection for this reason. If water fountains are installed, then a potable well will need to be connected. Response: Noted Planning (Addressing), Kathrine May 910-798-7443 1. The parcel and any utility meters will need an address. Response: Address is now 4701 Old Ave. Same parcel – no utility meters being proposed 2. Please reach out to me for the address when nearing TRC approval. Response: Noted. NCDOT, Nick Drees 910-398-9114 1. These preliminary comments and are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site and are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site. 2. No comments on the proposed site plan. Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison WMPO, Jamar Johnson NCDEMLR, Dan Sams DCM, Tanya Pietila New Hanover County Schools, Laura Severt Northern Regional Park