Colonial Materials - TRC Response Letter 062923 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E , W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 June 29, 2023 Zach Dickerson Current Planner New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 VIA EMAIL: zdickerson@nhcgov.com RE: Colonial Materials – TRC Response Mr. Dickerson, We are submitting a response to your comments dated March 15, 2023. Please find the TRC comments listed below with our response provided in bold. Planning, Zach Dickerson 910-798-7450 1. Zoning: I-2 Industrial District 2. Uses (2): a. The first defined use is Warehousing: The storing of goods, wares, and merchandise within an enclosed building, whether for the owners or others. There is little on-site sales activity with the customer present. Uses include: cold storage facilities (including frozen food lockers); distribution warehouses (used primarily for temporary storage pending distribution in response to customer orders); storage warehouses (used for storage by retail stores such as furniture and appliance stores); warehouse storerooms; or similar uses. 3. General Comments: a. Please apply for a sign permit for all signs proposed for the project. i. Noted. Sign permits will be obtained separately. b. Please show sight triangles for all points of ingress and egress. i. Sight triangles added to the plans. 4. Landscape notes a. Please provide a typical for dumpster screening. i. Vegetative screen proposed along railroad r/w adjacent roll off dumpster location. b. All other points of landscaping plan meet requirements. Thanks! 5. Tree Retention: a. It does not appear that any trees will be removed for this new project. If there are, please apply for a Tree Removal Permit. i. Tree removal plans included in resubmittal packet. b. Please refer to UDO Section 5.3 for all Tree Removal and Retention standards. 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E , W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 6. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit approval. a. Noted. 7. Parking/Loading: a. Please clarify if the parking is being reduced as the result of a traffic study or another method, per note “Required parking may be reduced in accordance with section 5.1.3 of the UDO,” 49 spaces are required and 25 are being provided. i. A parking demand study is included with the resubmittal packet. 8. Lighting: a. Before the building permit can be issued, a lighting plan must be provided to illustrate that street lighting, all exterior lighting, and indoor lighting visible from outside shall be designed and located so that the maximum illumination measured in foot candles at ground level at a residential lot line does not surpass 0.5, UDO Section 5.5. Please refer to Table 5.5.4.B of the UDO for additional standards. i. Noted. Fire Services, Ray Griswold 910-798-7464 1. Is the building going to be sprinklered? If so a fire hydrant shall be within 100 feet of the FDC a. Yes, the building will be sprinklered. Proposed fire hydrant is 100 feet within the FDC. 2. Based on future development, additional fire hydrants may be required at that time. a. Noted. 3. Will this company use High Rack / Piled Storage like they use in there existing location? If so then the building shall be built to the Fire Protection Standards of High Piled Storage. This is based on Table 3206.2 of the Fire Code. It includes: a. Fire Protection Systems / Fire Detection Systems b. Building Access c. Piled Storage requirements i. Building has been designed to comply with NCFC 3206.2 4. A Section 510 study is required for Emergency First Responder Radio coverage a. Noted. 5. Please follow the Guidelines of Appendix J for Building Information Signage. a. Noted. 6. Knox Entry Locking requirements on any gates required a. Noted. NHC Engineering, Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. A land disturbing and a stormwater permit issued by the County are required for this project in addition to the State stormwater permit. Please submit for permits as the design is completed. a. Noted. 2. The offsite stormwater drainage coming from the east and south will require conveyance through/around the site and be placed in a public drainage easement sized in accordance with NHC Stormwater Manual. Construction in the offsite drainage 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E , W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 conveyance measures that will be maintained by the county will need to be observed during construction by Stormwater Services and a turnover meeting scheduled once the system is ready to be conveyed to the county. Please add a plan note to ensure county construction observation and a turnover meeting occurs. Note, should the applicant elect to maintain the ditch themselves, the POA covenants shall indicate the operation and maintenance roles and responsibilities for the conveyance measure. a. Noted. 3. Please note the changes to the number of infiltration test required for infiltration stormwater control measures (SCM). The number of test can be found in Section 5.4.1. a. Noted. 4. An overland flow map indicating the drainage path during a non-functioning SCM will be required during the permitting phase, see section 5.4.3 of the NHC stormwater manual. It appears that either the site becomes flooded or there is a culvert located below the existing railway. a. Noted. 5. It is recommended contact be made with Duke Progress Energy earlier in the design process to verify storm sewer system construction in their right of way. a. Noted. We have reached out to Duke regarding the proposal. 6. The site plan component checklist includes proposed sanitary services, however, it is missing from the plan. Has a conceptual design been vetted with CFPUA? a. Yes, the site will be served by a private septic system and CFPUA water services. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. a. Noted. 3. CFPUA water and sewer available via mainline extensions. a. Noted. 4. CFPUA plan review required. a. Noted. 5. CFPUA Meter Sizing Form will be required. a. Noted. NCDOT, Nick Drees & Frank Mike, 910-398-9100 Note the following about a site visit at the Colonial Materials site conducted by Frank Mike. Frank has since reached out to Robert for additional information and is awaiting a response. No comments will be made on the site plan itself as work has already begun on the site connecting to Sutton Lake. I have attached the pictures that were sent to me for your information/records. This site will require substantial information/review as they have raised the site impeding the natural flow. 1. The site work that has taken place along Sutton Lake Road is offsite of the subject parcels and not associated with the Colonial Materials proposal. 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E , W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 These preliminary comments and are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site and are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site. 1. NCDOT Driveway Permits, and Encroachments are submitted through the NCDOT Online Portal. https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/Pages/help.aspx a. Noted. 2. A NCDOT Driveway Permit is required. Submit plans in accordance with pages 14 and 15 of the Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways to include access locations within 500’ of the proposed access on both sides of the State Road. Submit to the local NCDOT District Engineer’s Office. a. Noted. 3. A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installations within NCDOT right-of-way. a. Noted. Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-6732 1. Site plan reflects connection to public water. 2. Site plan does not reflect connections to public sewer. If structure has plumbing then a septic Improvement Permit must be applied. After the site evaluation for a septic Improvement Permit an application for a septic Construction Authorization must be obtained prior to a building permit. a. Noted. A private septic system is proposed for the building and all applicable permits will be obtained. WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-343-3915 1. Provide turning templates for the largest design vehicle to access the site. a. Added Sheet C-2.3 showing turning movements. 2. Align the site access on US 421 with the opposite driveway connection to prevent conflicting turn movements. a. Proposed driveway location to comply with NCDOT standards. 3. Provide the highest and most intense land use allowed under existing zoning for Future Development Parcels 2 and 3. A TIA may be required based on trips generated by the land uses. a. Per previous discussed, trips will be provided for the future development of the parcels when proposed. 4. Show all curb ramps on the plans. a. Plans revised accordingly. 5. Show all pavement markings and signage at the street connections. All pavement markings and signage will conform to the MUTCD. a. Plans revised accordingly. 6. Apply sight distance triangles to site access connections in accordance with AASHTO’s Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Note: the posts speed limit on US 421 and Sutton Lake Road is 55 mph. a. Sight distance triangles added to the plans. 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E , W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 Addressing, Katherine May 910-798-7443 1. Contact Katherine for address following TRC approval. a. Noted. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions regarding any of this information or require additional material, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Paramounte Engineering, Inc.