7-5-2023 NHC TRC Agenda Packet1 TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA July 5, 2023 New Hanover County’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the below items. PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will be conducted remotely via teleconference. Interested parties can contact the Planning and Land Use Department at 910-798-7165 for more information. Item 1: 2700 & 2706 Old Wrightsboro Road- FKC Flex Space and Storage - SITECN-23-000029 Request by Emily Fisher with Fisher & Killebrew Capital, LLC (emily@fisheraccountants.com) for flex space and a storage building. The site is 4.65 acres and is zoned (CZD) Airport Commerce. This site went through a conditional rezoning, case Z22-25. The engineer is Adam Ellis with Intracoastal Engineering (adam@intracoastalengineering.com). The case planner is Zach Dickerson (zdickerson@nhcgov.com, 910-798-7450). 2700 & 2706 Old Wrightsboro Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review To: Emily Fisher (emily@fisheraccountants.com) Adam Ellis (adam@intracoastalengineering.com) From: Zach Dickerson Current Planner Date: July 5, 2023 Egov#: SITECN-23-000029 Subject: FKC Flex and Storage – Major Site Plan – TRC Review Address: 2700 & 2706 Old Wrightsboro Road The following comments have been received for the July 5, 2023, TRC meeting. Additional comments may be made upon further review of subsequent revisions. Please note: following the TRC meeting, a revised preliminary plan addressing each of the below items must be resubmitted prior to receiving preliminary plan approval. Planning, Zach Dickerson 910-798-7450 1. Zoning district: (CZD) Airport Commerce 2. General Comments: a. Please include a note on the site plan (can be on a separate sheet) noting the site will be compliant with the conditions as part of the approved rezoning: i. In addition to acknowledging all of the prescribed standards for the Airport Commerce (AC) district, addressing access, lighting, radio and electronic devices, and visual hazards, the developer will limit the proposed uses to: 1. Animal Grooming 2. Mini-Warehousing 3. General Office 4. Personal Services 5. Business Services 6. Contractor Office (with no outdoor storage) 7. Instructional Studios 8. Retail Sales ii. No outdoor RV or boat trailer storage is permitted. iii. Hours of operation shall be limited to 6am to 10pm daily. 2700 & 2706 Old Wrightsboro Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review b. Please confirm payment of $5,000 to downstream drainage improvements identified during the downstream analysis required by County Engineering. c. It appears this area is intended for roll up doors/loading bays. If this is correct, please indicate locations and size of loading bay doors on site plan: 3. Parking a. Parking is sufficient. 4. Access: a. Please provide all NCDOT approvals upon receipt. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit. 5. Tree Retention: a. Tree Removal Permit has been received and will be processed. 6. Landscaping and Buffering: a. Please submit a landscape plan in accordance with UDO section 5.4, to include the following notes below. The landscaping calculations look good. b. Please indicate materials to be used in buffer yard. Please note that if they are sufficient to meet the minimum requirements for buffer yard width and opacity, you can use the existing trees on-site. If this is the plan, please indicate how they are meeting those standards and indicate with a note. c. Please indicate types and amount of plantings to be used in the street yard. d. Please note that parking lot islands require a tree, with a minimum of 75% of these to include canopy species. e. Please note that landscaping along the property lines must be sufficient to block any view of the dumpster location behind the flex space from adjacent properties. 7. Exterior Lighting: a. If the site will be lit, please provide a lighting plan- approval of the lighting plan is required before site plan approval (Section 10.3.6, Site Plan) or zoning compliance approval (Section 10.3.8, Zoning Compliance Approval), whichever comes first. A lighting plan must 2700 & 2706 Old Wrightsboro Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review be provided to illustrate that street lighting, all exterior lighting, and indoor lighting visible from outside shall be designed and located so that the maximum illumination measured in foot candles at ground level at a lot line, UDO Section 5.5. Please refer to Table 5.5.4.B of the UDO. b. Before the building permit can be issued, documentation must be provided to illustrate that illumination plan. NHC Fire, Ray Griswold 910-798-7448 1. The building(s) you stated will be sprinklered. 2. Fire hydrants are required. Based on the largest building at 29,925 sq. feet, you will be required to have 3 available fire hydrants spaced around the property. Place them to meet the Building Code requirement of 400 feet to all corners of the building(s). You show one at the street entrance. Please add 2 more. One for the 19,625 Sq. ft building and one along the rear of the 29,925 sq. foot building. 3. Any gates will require proper permitting through a KNOX Entry System for emergency access. 4. A Section 510 study is required for Emergency First Responder Radio coverage 5. lease follow the Guidelines of Appendix J of the fire code for Building Information Signage.. 6. If High Pile Storage is to be engaged, then the proper fire protection requirements are to be implemented and permitted through our office NHC Engineering (Stormwater), Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. A land disturbing and a stormwater permit issued by the County are required for this project in addition to the State stormwater permit. Please submit for permits as the design is completed. 2. Per Section 7.8.B of the NHC UDO, a stormwater impact analysis is required for the downstream ditch and the culvert under Acorn Branch Road. 3. The offsite stormwater drainage coming from the southeast will need to be conveyed through/around the site and be placed in a public drainage easement sized in accordance with NHC Stormwater Manual, section 2.6.5. The 20’ indicated doesn’t appear to be adequate and should include the material and equipment staging width. Construction in the offsite drainage conveyance measures (ie emergency spillway and pond outfall pipe energy dissipator) that will be maintained by the county will need to be observed during construction by Stormwater Services and a turnover meeting scheduled once the system is ready to be conveyed to the county. Please add a plan note to ensure county construction observation and a turnover meeting occurs. Note, should the applicant elect to maintain the conveyance measures themselves, the POA covenants shall indicate the operation and maintenance roles and responsibilities for the conveyance measure. NHC Environmental Health, Dustin Fenske 910-798-7324 1. Site plan reflects connections to public water and sewer. Proposed infrastructure development will maintain setbacks to the wells located at 2712 & 2616 Old Wrightsboro Rd. Environmental 2700 & 2706 Old Wrightsboro Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Health could not find records on well or septic locations for 2612 Old Wrightsboro Rd. Maintain 50' from the well and septic system for 2612 Old Wrightsboro Rd. to the proposed retention pond. NHC Addressing, Katherine May 1. Each building will need an individual address. 2. Please contact Planning for address assignment following TRC approval. CFPUA, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA TRC Comments provided are preliminary comments only. 2. Utility Plan Review required by CFPUA. CFPUA is moving toward becoming paperless. When ready to submit plan review package, upload all documents to https://www.cfpua.org/FormCenter/Engineering-3/Engineering-Plan-Review-103. 3. CFPUA sewer available. 4. The project is currently in CFPUA plan review. 5. CFPUA Meter Sizing Form will be required. WMPO, Jamar Johnson 910-343-3915 2700 & 2706 Old Wrightsboro Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review NCDOT, Nick Drees, 910-398-9100 1. NCDOT Driveway Permits, and Encroachments are submitted through the NCDOT Online Portal. https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/Pages/help.aspx 2. A NCDOT Driveway permit has been submitted to NCDOT for review. a. NCDOT permit number D033-065-23-00078. b. NCDOT has requested information on the pond calculations for review as we have concern with the overflow. 3. A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installations within NCDOT right-of-way. Army Corps of Engineers, Brad Shaver 910-251-4611 1. The Corps has no records on this property but investigating some elevation models there appears to be some ditching on the property that may or may not be jurisdictional waters of the US.