2023-05-17 Minutes (2) Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 17, 2023 4 pm, Williston Auditorium & Zoom 2022-23 Board Board Members Present:Rick Andrews, Susan Barbee, Gwen Brown, Dana Crater, Dennis Dixon, Stephen Fortlouis, Kevin Maurer,Eileen O’Malley Rick Andrews 2015-16 Board Susan Barbee Gwen Brown OthersPresent:Dane Scalise,Rob Cameron, Jessica Loeper, Lisa Wurtzbacher, Sara David Ball Dana Crater Stuart Borrett Warmuth, MattWinkel,Dana Conners, Mike Brown (Cape Fear Commercial), Tim Dennis Dixon Gwen Brown Pinnick Melissa Collins Stephen Fortlouis Will Oden, III Kevin Maurer Dan Owen Absent: Stewart Moon, Jhaniqua Palmer, Donna Pope Stewart Moon Tim Potter Eileen O’Malley Nancy Pritchett Jhaniqua Palmer Staff Present: Kate Baillon, Barbi Baker, Kitty Yerkes, Heather Yenco, Amy Thornton, Bill Terrell Donna Pope Jan Davidson, Darcie Roten, Simon Lashford, Devin Kelly Allen Trask, III The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Dane Scalise Rob Zapple NHC Commissioner May 17, 2023, in the Williston Auditorium and via Zoom. The meeting was called to NHC Commissioner order by Kevin Maurer at 4:01 pm. Ex-officio: Rob Cameron Ex-officio: Consideration of Absences: Kevin Maurer CFMA, Inc. Mike Hudson Moon, Palmer & Pope were unable to attend. CFMA, Inc. Jessica Loeper Assistant County Approval of Minutes: Kevin Maurer Manager A motion to accept the March 15, 2023, minutes was made by Andrews, seconded by Barbee, and approved without opposition. Kate Baillon Interim Museum Director NewMember Introductions/Retiring Member Thank You: Kate Baillon Baillon introduced our new County Commissioner representative, Dane Barbi Baker Scalise and our new Assistant County Manager, Jessica Loeper. Marketing & PR Baillon also introduced guests in the room that are part of the New Hanover Specialist County team. Baillon thanked Pope(not present at meeting)& Dixon for their service. Both are retiring board members after serving consecutive three-year terms on the Museum’s Advisory Board. Chair Report: Kevin Maurer No chair report as Moon was unable to attend the meeting. Associates Report: Rob Cameron Cameron thanked Dixon for his serviceas theyhad served together on the Associates Board. Yerkes presented Dixon with a Lifetime Museum Membership and read a thank you letter on behalf of the Museum Team. A plaque was presented to Dixon to thank him for his service. Cameron noted that the Associates Annual Membership Meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 4:30 pm. New board members will be presented,and officers will be elected. Allare invited to attend. Collections Report: Eileen O’Malley O’Malleyreviewed new acquisitions approved by the committee that include cancelled checks, a surfboard,and a laundry basket. O’Malley also noted that other cancelled checks had been deaccessioned. The new ones that came in arein better condition. Project Grace Presentation: Mike Brown, Cape Fear Commercial Brown shared a PowerPoint presentation that reviewed the project scope and schedule. Brown noted that outreach had been completed throughout the community and the consensus was a new museum and library solution is needed. Maurer asked about construction on the private side of the block. Brown noted it would be likethe Government Center project and construction would begin after the new project is complete and the library has moved in. The agreement states construction must begin within 24 months after delivery of the new building. O’Malley asked about sustainable components within the project. Brown stated it is the same as before and no changes have been made. Barbee asked about the museum exhibit design. Baillon noted that it is a separate contract and is being coordinated by the Museum Team. Crater asked about Story Park at the Library and what will happen to the green space. Brown noted it is to be determined once a development design is created. Brown did note there is an Urban Plaza outdoor space and terrace in the new project. Project Grace Schedule & Exhibit Changes: Jessica Loeper & Kate Baillon Loeper noted this project is in a restart after it was briefly stalled, and multiple meetings are happening with all parties. She encouraged board members to reach out with any questions or concerns. She also noted that the county is still committed to the Market Street building. Maurer asked about exhibit design. Baillon noted that the Museum Team is actively working on exhibit design for all galleries. The building design is set but changes are still being made within the exhibit spaces. Baillon informed the group that there is no longer an everyBODY exhibit. Cape Fear Stories has been split and will now occupy two floors to give us more space to explore the history & science of the region. Exhibit Spotlight – Cape Fear Stories: Jan Davidson Davidson shared an overview of the exhibition within the new museum. It will meld history and science together to explore the people and place. th The 20 century portion of the exhibition will primarily be on the second floor. The new Cape Fear Stories will have more interactivity and an 1898 theater experience. Crater asked about how changes in cultures will be reflected. Davidson noted that different people and perspectives are included throughout. She also noted there are referencesto art, theater,andfilm. Fortlouis noted that he likes the new design and said it provides teachable moments as you move throughoutthe gallery. OldBusiness: Kevin Maurer No old business was noted. A motion was made by Fortlouis, seconded by Maurer to adjourn the meeting. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 4:57 pm. The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at 4 pm in the Williston Auditorium and via Zoom.