5-4-2023 Planning Board Packet NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AGENDA Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC 28401 Members of the Board Jeffrey B. Petroff, Vice-Chair Colin J. Tarrant | Hansen Matthews | Clark Hipp | Walter “Pete” Avery | Kevin Hine Rebekah Roth, Director| Ken Vafier, Planning Manager Planning Board - May 4, 2023 MAY 4, 2023 5:00 PM Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes REGULAR ITEMS OF BUSINESS The Planning Board may consider substantial changes in these petitions as a result of objections, debate, and discussion at the meeting, including rezoning to other classifications. 1 Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z23-09) - Request by Rob Tanner with Impeccable Development, applicant, on behalf of Andrea Jones, Gwendolyn Horton, Christin Deener, Dwayne Barr, and Kimberlee Barr, property owners, to rezone seven (7) parcels totaling approximately 11.77 acres of land located at 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, and 6828 Carolina Beach Road from R-15, Residential to 2.37 acres of (CZD) B-1, Neighborhood Business and 8.6 acres acres of (CZD) RMF-M, Residential Multi- Family - Moderate Density for a convenience store with fuel stations and a maximum 128 unit multi- family development. This item was continued from the March 30 meeting. 2 Public Hearing Text Amendment Request (TA23-04) – Request by Michael Faulkner with Castle Hayne Farm Park, LLC, applicant, to amend the Unified Development Ordinance requirements pertaining to Campground / Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks. 3 Public Hearing Text Amendment Request (TA23-02) - Request by New Hanover County Planning & Land Use to amend Section 10.2.3 Community Information Meeting to clarify expectations and standards for Community Information Meetings required for applications for conditional rezonings, planned developments, and intensive industry special use permits. 4 Preliminary Forum Special Use Permit Request (S23-02) - Request by Lynda Kachman with Rising Stars of North Carolina, LLC, applicant, on behalf of Sandfiddler Properties, LLC, property owner, for the use of Child Care Center at the approximately 0.82-acre parcel located at 320 Van Dyke Drive, zoned I-1, Light Industrial. OTHER ITEMS 5 Discussion Regarding Planning Board Officers 6 Discussion Regarding Planning Board Meeting Times N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 5/4/2023 Regular D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R (S ): Robert Farrell, Senio r Planner C O N TA C T (S ): Robert Farrell; Rebekah Ro th, Pla nning & L and U se D irector S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Rezoning Request (Z 23-09) - Request by Rob Tanner with I m peccable Development, applic ant, on behalf of A ndrea J ones, Gwendoly n Horton, C hris=n Deener, Dway ne B arr, and K imberlee B arr, property owners, to rezone seven (7) parcels totaling approximately 11.77 ac res of land loc ated at 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, and 6828 C arolina B each Road from R-15, Residen=al to 2.37 acres of (C Z D) B -1, N eighborhood Business and 8.6 ac res acres of (C Z D) R M F-M , Residen=al M ul=-Family - M oderate Density for a c onvenience store with fuel sta=ons and a maximum 128 unit mul=-family development. T h is item was conn u ed from the M arch 30 meeng. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he applicant is pro posing to rezone seven parcels totaling approxima tely 11.77 acres from the R -15, Residen)al zo ning district to approximately 2.37 acres to the (C Z D ) B -1, N eighborhood B usiness a nd approximately 8.66 acres to the (C Z D ) R M F -M, Residen)al Modera te Family - Moderate Density districts f o r convenienc e sto re with f uel pumps and a mul)-f amily develo pment. T his item wa s con)nued at the March 30 regular mee)ng to allow staff to include an analysis of the Traffic I mpact Analysis in the repo rt to the board. T he T I A wa s approved on March 29, an analysis o f which is included in the staff report. T he co ncept pla n can be bro ken into two interconnected por)ons: T he convenience store with f uel pumps to the east bo rdering C arolina B each Road, and the mul)-family po r)o n to the west. T he eastern por)on o f the projec t co nsists of a maximum 6,000 square foot convenience store and 16 pump fueling sta)on with associated parking. T he concept pla n iden)fies an exis)ng L ive O ak specimen tree that will be preserved alo ng C arolina B each Road. A condi)on has been included preserving the tree. Sto rmwater is pro posed to be managed by a sha red sto rmwater management system on the mul)-f amily po r)o n o f the project. A co ndi)o n has been included requiring a sto rmwa ter maintenance agreement between the co nvenience sto re and the mul)-family development. T he site is accessed at the intersec)o n of C arolina B each Road, a n N C D OT maintained U rban Principal Arterial highway, and Myrtle Gro ve Road, an N C D OT maintained Minor Arterial ro ad. T he intersec)on is signalized and the concept plan pro poses an access ro ad extended f ro m the intersec)on o f C aro lina B each Ro ad and Myrtle Grove Ro ad west into the interior of the site for access to the convenience sto re and propo sed mul)-f amily develo pment. T he site includes a second right-in / right-out driveway ac c ess onto C a ro lina B each Ro ad south of the intersec)on. T he R -15 district in this area was established in 1971. At the )me, the purpo se o f the R -15 district was to ensure that ho using served by private sep)c and wells wo uld be developed at low densi)es. Since that )me, public and private Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 water and sewer services have beco me available to the surrounding a rea ; ho wever, the C arolina B each corrido r remains primarily zo ned for low density housing. W hile the site is zo ned R -15, the C aro lina B each Ro ad co rridor has seen increased interest in higher density residen)al such as the B ayat Mixed U se convenience sto re and triplex development a nd the McQuillan Pines mixed use apartment and sto rage facility project to the south of the site. As c urrently zo ned, the site wo uld be permiEed up to 29 dwelling units at a density of 2.5 du/ac under the performance develo pment standards. T he proposed 128 units equate to an o vera ll density o f 14 du/ac. I t is es)mated the site would generate approximately 24 A M and 31 P M peak hour trips if develo ped at the permiEed density for performance development in the R -15 district. T he pro posed R M F-M development is es)mated to generate 63 Am and 76 P M peak hour trips. T he propo sed co nvenience store with f uel pumps is es)mated to generate 506 PM and 430 P M peak ho ur trips with a reduc)o n of 238 A M and 258 P M trips due to pa ss-by traffic. C o mbined, the pro ject wo uld result in an addi)onal es)mated 331 A M a nd 248 P M peak hour trips. Pass-by trips are made by the traffic already using the a dja cent ro adway, entering the commercial por)on of the site as an intermediate stop on their way to ano ther des)na)on. I t should be noted tha t the expecta)o n is these trips wo uld enter and exit the site within the same hour. T he propo sed project is located along a major a rteria l highway tha t is currently nearing capacity. T he C arolina B each Road – Myrtle Grove Ro ad intersec)on is an impo rtant signalized intersec)o n in the C aro lina B each Ro ad co rridor. Propo sed impro vements listed in the T I A include improvements to the signalized intersec)on to a c c o mmo da te the addi)o nal traffi c generated from the site and improvements to exis)ng U -turns o n C arolina B each Road. T here is an exis)ng co nvenience sto re with f uel sta)ons across C arolina B each Ro ad, and another similarly sized convenience sto re with f uel sta)o ns recently approved by the B oa rd o f C ommissioners in Ma rc h 2023 immediately adjacent to the subject site to the south. T he proposed aEached housing type increases ho using type diversity in the area and acts as a f urther transi)on between the C arolina B each Ro ad corrido r to the east, an a rea dedicated for co nserva)o n to the west, and different ho using types to the north and south. Students living in the pro posed develo pment would be assigned to Anderso n E lementary School, Murray Middle School and Ashley High Scho o l. B ased on a generalized student genera)on ra te, staff would es)mate the increase in dwelling units would result in an increase of appro ximately 22 mo re students than es)mated under current zoning. T he propo sed rezo ning request is generally C O N S I S T E N T with the 2016 C omprehensive Pla n because the pro posed density, housing type, and increased interconnec)vity are in line with the recommenda)ons of both the General Residen)al and U rban Mixed U se place types and the pro posed develo pment acts as an a ppro pria te transi)on between exis)ng co mmercial and residen)al uses in the a rea . S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : W hile the pro posed project would be the third convenience store with fuel sta)ons a t an intersec)on tha t is transi)o ning into a node, the density of commercia l land uses in an area is o utside the scope of staff review. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 Staff ’s reco mmenda)o n is based on the policy guidance of the 2016 C o mprehensive Plan, zo ning co nsidera)ons, and technical review. T he C arolina B each Road corridor has been designated as C o mmunity Mixed U se within the C o mprehensive Plan. T he plan recommends a mix o f commercial uses and residen)al housing types tha t act as a transi)o n between higher intensity and lower intensity development a nd iden)fies the scale of the recommended develo pment as up to 3 stories and 15 du / ac. T he scale and density o f the pro posed development c o nforms with the reco mmenda)o ns for the place type and pro vides transi)ons f ro m the pro posed commercial por)on o f the project to exis)ng and pro posed residen)al uses. Propo sed improvements required by the T I A accommodate the addi)onal tra ffic generated from the site and include impro vements to the signalized intersec)o n and exis)ng U -turns on C aro lina B ea ch Road. Addi)o na l co ndi)o ns related to tree reten)o n and pedestrian inf rastructure along C arolina B each Ro ad increase walka bility for the immediate area with o ppo rtuni)es for future extensio ns. As a result, Staff recommends approval of the request a nd suggests the following mo)on: I mo ve to recommend A P P R OVA L of the pro posed rezo ning. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purpo ses and intent o f the C o mprehensive Plan because the pro posed density and housing type is within the recommenda)ons o f the C o mmunity Mixed U se place type and the commerc ial develo pment a c ts as an appropriate transi)on between the highway c o rridor and residen)al development. I also fi nd reco mmending A P P R OVA L o f the rezo ning request is reaso nable and in the public interest because the project provides interconnec)vity and housing diversity at an appro priate density to act as a transi)on between exis)ng commercial and residen)al development. P roposed C ondi=ons: 1. An opaque fence shall be pro vided a lo ng the pro perty line adjo ining any exis)ng residen)a l development. T he fence loca)o n may be adjusted by Planning staff to acc o mmo da te a ny u)li)es, easements, or saved / protected trees. 2. T he two (2) specimen trees shown on the co ncept pla n alo ng C arolina B each Ro ad shall be reta ined and preserved on site. 3. E xis)ng trees onsite will be preserved that do not impact required land grading or o ther impro vements and future ameni)es as iden)fied in the required Tree Remo val Permit. 4. T he so uthernmo st mul)-family structure as sho wn o n the concept plan shall be limited to two-sto ries in height. 5. E xterior ligh)ng will be designed and installed to maintain adequate ligh)ng levels on the pro posed site while assuring that excessive light spillage and glare are not directed a t adjacent pro perty, neighboring areas, o r mo to rists. 6. A sidewalk or mul)-use path shall be installed along C aro lina B each Ro ad extending from the no rthern pro perty line to the southern pro perty line with stubs for connec)o n to exis)ng or future pedestrian facili)es on adjacent parcels. Pedestrian crossing labeling mee)ng N C D OT minimum requirements for pedestrian safety sha ll be installed at both driveway entrances. T he pedestrian fa c ility along C arolina B each Road shall be within a dedicated public access easement. 7. A sto rmwa ter maintenance agreement shall be made between the c o nvenience store with fuel pumps and the mul)- family development if they are on separate parcels o r under sepa rate o wnership. A lterna=ve M o=on for D E N I A L (I f based on inf o rma)on presented at the public hea ring or o ther co nsidera)on beyond the sco pe o f staff review, the board finds denial a ppro pria te.) I move to reco mmend D E N I A L of the pro posed rezoning. I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purpo ses a nd intent o f the C omprehensive Plan because the propo sed density, housing type, a nd inc rea sed interco nnec)vity are in line with Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 the recommenda)ons o f bo th the C ommunity Mixed U se place type and the propo sed development a c ts as an appro priate transi)on between exis)ng co mmercial and residen)al uses in the area. H o wever, I find reco mmending D E N I A L of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proximity of exis)ng and appro ved similar uses wo uld not advance the vision for this a rea o f C a ro lina B each Ro ad. AT TA C H M E N T S : Descrip)on Planning Board Script Z23-09 Staff Report Z23-09 Zoning Map Z23-09 FLUM Z23-09 Mailout Map Application Cover Sheet Z23-09 Application Concept Plan Cover Sheet Z23-09 Concept Plan Public Comment C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 PLANNING BOARD SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z23-09) Request by Rob Tanner with Impeccable Development, applicant, on behalf of Andrea Jones, Gwendolyn Horton, Christin Deener, Dwayne Barr, and Kimberlee Barr, property owners, to rezone seven (7) parcels totaling approximately 11.77 acres of land located at 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, and 6828 Carolina Beach Road from R-15, Residential to 2.37 acres to (CZD) B-1, Neighborhood Business and 8.66 acres to (CZD) RMF-M, Residential Multi-Family – Moderate Density for a convenience store with fuel stations and a maximum 128 unit multi-family development. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) f. Staff review of any additional conditions 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Before we proceed with the vote, I would like to invite the applicant to the podium. Based on the Board discussion and items presented during the public hearing, would you like withdraw your petition, request a continuance, or proceed with a vote? 6. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion for Approval I move to recommend APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density and housing type is within the recommendations of the Community Mixed Use place type and the commercial development acts as an appropriate transition between the highway corridor and residential development. I also find recommending APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the project provides interconnectivity and housing diversity at an appropriate density to act as a transition between existing commercial and residential development. Proposed Conditions: 1. An opaque fence shall be provided along the property line adjoining any existing residential development. The fence location may be adjusted by Planning staff to accommodate any utilities, easements, or saved / protected trees. 2. The two (2) specimen trees shown on the concept plan along Carolina Beach Road shall be retained and preserved on site. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 1 3. Existing trees onsite will be preserved that do not impact required land grading or other improvements and future amenities as identified in the required Tree Removal Permit. 4. The southernmost multi-family structure as shown on the concept plan shall be limited to two-stories in height. 5. Exterior lighting will be designed and installed to maintain adequate lighting levels on the proposed site while assuring that excessive light spillage and glare are not directed at adjacent property, neighboring areas, or motorists. 6. A sidewalk or multi-use path shall be installed along Carolina Beach Road extending from the northern property line to the southern property line with stubs for connection to existing or future pedestrian facilities on adjacent parcels. Pedestrian crossing labeling meeting NCDOT minimum requirements for pedestrian safety shall be installed at both driveway entrances. The pedestrian facility along Carolina Beach Road shall be within a dedicated public access easement. 7. A stormwater maintenance agreement shall be made between the convenience store with fuel pumps and the multi-family development if they are on separate parcels or under separate ownership. Alternative Motion for DENIAL I move to recommend DENIAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density, housing type, and increased interconnectivity are in line with the recommendations of both the Community Mixed Use place type and the proposed development acts as an appropriate transition between existing commercial and residential uses in the area. However, I find recommending DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proximity of existing and approved similar uses would not advance the vision for this area of Carolina Beach Road. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to RECOMMEND [Approval/Denial] of the proposed rezoning to a conditional RMF-L district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I also find RECOMMENDING [Approval/Denial] of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 1 - 2 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 1 of 20 STAFF REPORT FOR Z23-09 CONDITIONAL REZONING APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z23-09 Request: Rezoning to a Conditional B-1 and Conditional RMF-M district Applicant: Property Owner(s): Rob Tanner with Impeccable Development Andrea Jones, Gwendolyn Horton, Christin Deener, Dwayne Barr, and Kimberlee Barr Location: Acreage: 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, and 6828 Carolina Beach Road 11.77 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R08200-001-015-000, R08200-001-016-000, R08200-001-021-000, R08200-001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, R08200-001-026-000 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Single-Family Residential Convenience Store with Fuel Station and Multi-Family Dwelling Units Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R-15, Residential (CZD) B-1 and (CZD) RMF-M SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Manufactured Home Park R-15 East Convenience Store and Single-Family Residential R-15 South Single-Family Residential, Electrical Substation, and an approved rezoning for a Convenience Store with fuel pumps and 4 triplex dwellings R-15, CZD B-1 and CZD R-5 West Conservation Land R-15 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 1 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 2 of 20 ZONING HISTORY April 7, 1971 Initially zoned R-15 (Area 4) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sanitary sewer services are not available through CFPUA. Private water and sewer utilities will be required through an agreement with a private utility provider or permitting for well(s) and septic system(s) through Environmental Health. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Southern Fire District, New Hanover County Federal Point Station Schools Anderson Elementary, Myrtle Grove Middle, and Ashley High Schools Recreation Veterans Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation Conservation resource maps indicate pocosin wetlands may exist on the property. Projects containing 5 acres or more of pocosin conservation resources are required to comply with additional buffer and conservation standards in Section 5.7 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 2 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 3 of 20 APPLICANT’S PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL PLAN Includes Staff Markups • The concept plan consists of an extension of a private access road west of the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Myrtle Grove Road with a maximum 6,000 square foot convenience store with 16 fuel pumps on Carolina Beach Road and a maximum of 128 multi- family units split among 6 multi-family structures. The plan also includes areas for parking stormwater and future amenities. • A fenced and vegetated buffer is proposed around the perimeter of the project area with a vegetated buffer between the proposed commercial and residential areas. • The concept plan can be broken into two interconnected portions: The convenience store with fuel pumps to the east bordering Carolina Beach Road, and the multi-family portion to the west. Proposed Access Road Convenience Store Amenity Area Stormwater Multi- Family Units Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 3 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 4 of 20 Convenience Store with Fuel Pumps Includes Staff Markups • The eastern portion of the project consists of a maximum 6,000 square foot convenience store and 16 pump fueling station with associated parking. • The concept plan identifies an existing Live Oak specimen tree that will be preserved along Carolina Beach Road. A condition has been included preserving the tree. • An access road extends from the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Myrtle Grove Road west into the interior of the site for access to the convenience store and proposed multi-family development. • The site includes a second right-in / right-out driveway access onto Carolina Beach Road south of the intersection. • Stormwater is proposed to be managed by a shared stormwater management system on the multi-family portion of the project. A condition has been included requiring a stormwater maintenance agreement between the convenience store and the multi-family development. 2nd Driveway Convenience Store Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 4 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 5 of 20 Multi-Family Development Includes Staff Markups • The western portion of the project consists of six (6) multi-family apartment structures with a maximum total of 128 units between them with an area for future amenities, open space, stormwater management, and perimeter parking circling five (5) of the multi -family structures. • The multi-family structures are three (3) stories with the exception of a two (2) story structure at the southern end of the project. The structure is proposed at two stories to reduce potential visual impacts to neighboring single-family residential uses. Amenity Area Stormwater Open Space Perimeter Parking 2-Story Multi- Family 3-Story Multi- Family Fenced and Vegetated Buffer Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 5 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 6 of 20 • The 2-story limitation for the southernmost multi-family structure has been included as a condition of approval. • The open space area has been designated as a tree-save area, a condition has been included that trees within the tree-save area shall be retained outside of those required removed for essential site improvements identified on an approved Tree Removal Permit. • The future amenity area acts as a transition and buffer between the convenience store and multi-family structures. • No plans have been proposed for the type or scale of the future amenity. Potential amenities could include a clubhouse or recreation center, indoor and outdoor athletic fields and facilities, a swimming pool, or other similar features. If approved, any future amenity would be subject to Technical Review Committee (TRC) and zoning compliance review, as applicable, to ensure compliance with state and local development requirements. • A landscaped buffer is proposed around the outside perimeter of the project providing additional visual buffers from adjoining residential uses. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS • The R-15 district in this area was established in 1971. At the time, the purpose of the R-15 district was to ensure that housing served by private septic and wells would be developed at low densities. Since that time, public and private water and sewer services have become available to the surrounding area; however, the Carolina Beach corridor remains primarily zoned for low density housing. • While the site is zoned R-15, the Carolina Beach Road corridor has seen increased interest in higher density residential such as the Bayat Mixed Use convenience store and triplex development and the McQuillan Pines mixed use apartment and storage facility project to the south of the site. • As currently zoned, the site would be permitted up to 29 dwelling units at a density of 2.5 du/ac under the performance development standards. The proposed 128 units equate to an overall density of 14 du/ac. • The RMF-M district was established to provide lands that accommodate moderate density single and multi-family development. The intent of the district is to function as a transitional district between intensive non-residential development and higher density residential areas. The district is designed to provide a reasonable range of choice, type, and location of housing units. • The B-1 district was established to provide lands that accommodate a range of small-scale, low-intensity, neighborhood-serving commercial development that provide goods and services to residents of adjacent neighborhoods. Convenience stores with fuel stations are permitted within the B-1 district. • A Type-A opaque buffer meeting the standards of Table 5.4.3.B.2 is required for attached housing along all property lines adjoining single-family development. A transitional buffer is not required between the proposed commercial and multi-family development. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 6 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 7 of 20 • If approved, the project would be subject to Technical Review Committee and Zoning Compliance review processes to ensure full compliance with all ordinance requirements and specific conditions included in the approval. Only minor deviations from the approved conceptual plan, as defined by the UDO, would be allowed. AREA DEVELOPMENTS Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 7 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 8 of 20 TRANSPORTATION CURRENT CONDITIONS Intensity of Current Zoning Typical development under current zoning would allow a maximum of 29 single-family dwelling units. PROPOSED ACCESS Primary Access Carolina Beach Road at the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Myrtle Grove Road. Secondary Access Second driveway access onto Carolina Beach Road for the convenience store south of the primary access. EXISTING ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Affected Roadway Carolina Beach Road, Myrtle Grove Road Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 8 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 9 of 20 Type of Roadway NCDOT major arterial and minor arterial Roadway Planning Capacity (AADT) 41,369 Latest Traffic Volume (AADT) 36,000 Latest WMPO Point-in-Time Count (DT) 38,756 Current Level of Congestion Nearing Capacity Sources Source of Planning Capacity: WMPO Source of Latest Traffic Volume: NCDOT (2021) Source of WMPO Point-in-Time County: WMPO (2022) NEARBY NCDOT STIP ROADAWAY PROJECTS No Nearby STIP Projects TRAFFIC GENERATION Traffic Generated by Present Designation Traffic Generated by Proposed Designation Pass- By Trips Potential Impact of Proposed Designation AM Peak Hour Trips 24 569 -238 +331 PM Peak Hour Trips 31 506 -258 +248 Assumptions Typical Development with Existing Zoning – 29 single family detached dwellings. Proposed Development – 6,000 sq ft convenience store with fuel pumps and 128 multi-family dwellings. Sources Source of Trip Generation: ITE Trip Generation Manual, 11th Ed. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS (TIA) New developments that are anticipated to generate more than 100 trips during any peak hour period are required to submit a traffic impact analysis (TIA) as part of their rezoning application. A team of NCDOT, WMPO, and County planning staff work with an applicant’s traffic engineers to develop the scope for the TIA, including the study area, the traffic data which must be collected, trip distribution, and the developments and background traffic growth that must be analyzed. This document is used to identify off-site transportation improvements required to mitigate the impacts of the development and must be approved by the WMPO and NCDOT. Approval Date March 29, 2023 Development Proposal Analyzed 6,000 sq ft convenience store with 16 fuel stations and 128 multi- family dwellings. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 9 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 10 of 20 Study Intersections - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and SR 1492 (Myrtle Grove Road) - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Southern Charm Drive / Hill Valley Walk - US 421 (Carolina Beach Road) and Median Crossover (north of Myrtle Grove Road) Trip Generation - Multi-Family: 63 AM / 76 PM peak hour trips - Convenience Store with Gas Station: 506 AM / 430 PM peak hour trips - 569 AM / 506 PM total peak hour trips - 6,428 average daily trips Pass-By Trips - - 238 AM / -258 PM peak hour trips Traffic Data Collection - November 29, 2022 (Carolina Beach Road and Myrtle Grove Road) - November 29, 2022 (Carolina Beach Road and Southern Charm Drive / Hill Valley Walk) - November 29, 2022 (Carolina Beach Road and Median Crossover) Trip Distribution and Assignment - 60% to / from the north via Carolina Beach Road - 30% to / from the south via Carolina Beach Road - 10% to / from the east via Myrtle Grove Road Approved Developments & Background Growth - Full Build – 2024 - Growth Rate – 1.5% per year Required Improvements Carolina Beach Road and Myrtle Grove Road – Site Access A (signalized intersection) - Extend the existing northbound U-turn / left turn lane on Carolina Beach Road to provide 200 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration, and appropriate taper. - Construct a southbound right turn lane on Carolina Beach Road with 100 feet of storage, appropriate full width deceleration, and taper. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 10 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 11 of 20 - Restripe westbound “left turn only” lane on Carolina Beach Road to a combined left / thru lane. - Construct the site access (eastbound approach) with an internal protected stem of 200 feet, measured from the right-of-way line, that provides one ingress lane and two egress lanes configured as an exclusive left turn lane and a shared thru-right lane. - Provide a four (4)-section flashing yellow arrow signal head to the northbound U-turn / left turn lane. - Modify the signal plan to accommodate above improvements. Carolina Beach Road and Crossover north of Myrtle Grove Road (unsignalized crossover) - No improvements required. Carolina Beach Road and Southern Charm Drive / Hill Valley Walk (unsignalized crossover) - No improvements required. Carolina Beach Road and Site Access B (proposed stop-controlled right-in / right-out intersection). - Construct a southbound right turn lane on Carolina Beach Road with full storage extending back to the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Myrtle Grove Road. - Construct site access (eastbound approach) with an internal protected stem of 125 feet, measured from the right-of-way line and one ingress and one egress lane configured as a right-in / right-out. - Provide stop controls for eastbound approach. SUMMARY The proposed project is located along a major arterial highway that is currently nearing capacity. The Carolina Beach Road – Myrtle Grove Road intersection is an important signalized intersection in the Carolina Beach Road corridor. Proposed improvements listed in the TIA include improvements to the signalized intersection to accommodate the additional traffic generated from the site and improvements to existing U-turns on Carolina Beach Road. While the estimated AM and PM peak hour trips exceed 500, the estimated pass-by trips reduce the overall AM and PM trips approximately in half. Pass-by trips are made by the traffic already using the adjacent roadway, entering the commercial portion of the site as an intermediate stop on their way to another destination. It should be noted that the expectation is these trips would enter and exit the site within the same hour. ENVIRONMENTAL • The property is not within a Natural Heritage Area or the Special Flood Hazard Area. • The property is within the Lord’s Creek watershed. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 11 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 12 of 20 • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (Suitable) and Class III (Severe Limitation) soils. Public water is available and public sewer is available through a mainline extension. • Conservation resource maps indicate pocosin wetlands may exist on the property. Projects containing 5 acres or more of pocosin conservation resources are required to comply with additional buffer and conservation standards in Section 5.7 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) however less than 5 acres of pocosin wetlands have been identified on the parcels. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Schools • Students living in the proposed development would be assigned to Anderson Elementary School, Murray Middle School and Ashley High School. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year-round elementary, or specialty high schools. • A maximum of 29 dwelling units would be permitted under the current R-15 zoning base density, and 128 units could potentially be developed under the proposed zoning for an increase of 99 dwelling units. • Based on a generalized historic generation rate*, staff would estimate that the increase in homes would result in approximately 22 additional students than would be generated under current zoning. • The general student generation rate provides only an estimate of anticipated student yield as different forms of housing at different price points yield different numbers of students. Over the past four years, staff has also seen a decline in the number of students generated by new development. Student numbers remained relatively stable between 2015 and 2020 (excepting the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic), while 14,500 new residential units were permitted across the county. In addition, the student population is anticipated to only grow by approximately 1,300 students over the next 10 years based on the recent New Hanover County Schools Facility Needs Study. Development Type Intensity Estimated Student Yield (current general student generation rate) * Existing Development 6 single-family dwellings Approximate** Total: 1 (1 elementary, 0 middle, 0 high) Typical Development Under Current Zoning 29 residential units Approximate** Total: 6 (3 elementary, 1 middle, 2 high) Proposed Zoning 128 residential units Approximate** Total: 27 (12 elementary, 6 middle, 9 high) *The current general student generation rate was calculated by dividing the New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year by the number of dwelling units in the county. Currently, there are an average of 0.22 public school students (0.09 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.0 7 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. These numbers are updated annually and include students attending out - of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTech. **Because the student generation rate often results in fractional numbers, all approximate student generatio n yields with a fraction of 0.5 or higher are rounded up to a whole number and yields with a fraction of less than 0.5 are Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 12 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 13 of 20 rounded down. This may result in student numbers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels not equaling the approximate total. • Since the residential components associated with the proposed rezoning are likely to have a build-out date within 5 years per the Traffic Impact Analysis, staff has outlined existing school capacity to provide a general idea of the potential impact on public schools. • Staff has provided information on existing school capacity to provide a general idea of the potential impact on public schools, but these numbers do not reflect any future capacity upgrades. School Enrollment* and Capacity** (2022-2023 School Year) *Enrollment is based on the New Hanover County Schools student numbers for the 2022-2023 school year. **Capacity calculations were determined based on the capacities for the 2022-2023 school year, and funded or planned capacity upgrades were those included in the Facility Needs Study presented by New Hanover County Schools to the Board of Education in January 2021. This information does not take into account flexible scheduling that m ay be available in high school settings, which can reduce the portion of the student body on campus at any one time. • The 2021 facility needs survey prepared by Schools staff indicates that, based on NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) student growth projections and school capacity data, planned facility upgrades, combined with changes to student enrollment patterns, will result in adequate capacity district wide over the next ten years if facility upgrades are funded. New Hanover County Strategic Plan • One of the goals of the New Hanover County Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 is to encourage the development of complete communities in the unincorporated county by increasing housing diversity and access to basic goods and services. • The proposed RMF-M conditional zoning district (CZD) would allow for an increase in housing diversity. • The predominant housing type in the area is single family detached at 73%. Under the proposed RMF-M district the site would allow for multi-family attached (apartments) and increase housing type diversity by reducing the percentage of single-family detached (73% to 71%) and increasing the percentage of multi-family units (10% to 12%). • The subject property is located in the Veterans Park community area, where 64% of residents currently live within one mile of a convenience need (grocery store, retail staples, pharmacies, etc.), a support service (urgent care, primary doctor’s office, child & adult care, etc.), there would be no change to the number of residences within one mile of goods and services. Level Total NHC Capacity School Projected Enrollment of Assignment School Capacity of Assigned School w/Portables Capacity of Assigned School Funded or Planned Capacity Upgrades Elementary 91% Anderson 291 314 93% None Middle 92% Murray 882 889 99% None High 93% Ashley 1983 1990 99.6% None Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 13 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 14 of 20 Representative Developments Representative Developments of R-15: Cypress Village Subdivision north of subject site Old Cape Cod Subdivision south of subject site Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 14 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 15 of 20 Representative Development of Adjacent Convenience Stores with Fuel Stations BP at Shipyard Blvd and Longstreet Drive in Wilmington Exxon at Shipyard Blvd and Longstreet Drive in Wilmington Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 15 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 16 of 20 Representative Developments of Multi-Family Developments: Amberleigh Shores in Ogden Stephens Pointe in Porters Neck Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 16 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 17 of 20 Context and Compatibility • The property is located at the intersection of Carolina Beach Road and Myrtle Grove, an area experiencing a mix of commercial and higher density residential growth. • The proposed concept plan includes commercial development at the intersection intended to serve the surrounding community and vehicles traveling on Carolina Beach Road. The commercial development acts as an appropriate transition to the proposed higher density residential. • There is an existing convenience store with fuel stations across Carolina Beach Road, and another similarly sized convenience store with fuel stations recently approved by the Board of Commissioners in March 2023 immediately adjacent to the subject site to the south. • The proposed project would be the third convenience store with fuel stations at an intersection that is transitioning into a node. While the commercial projects involve the same land use, the density of commercial land uses in an area is outside the scope of staff review. • The proposed attached housing type increases housing type diversity in the area and acts as a further transition between the Carolina Beach Road corridor to the east, an area dedicated for conservation to the west, and different housing types to the north and south. • The proposed density of 14 du / ac is below the maximum allowed for the RMF-M zoning district and slightly less than the maximum recommended for the Community Mixed Use place type. • Additional conditions related to tree retention and pedestrian infrastructure along Carolina Beach Road increase walkability for the immediate area with opportunities for future extensions. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 17 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 18 of 20 Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Place Type Description Focuses on small-scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi-family and single-family residential. Analysis The proposed development is at the Carolina Beach Road and Myrtle Grove intersection, an area experiencing a mix of commercial and higher density residential growth. The proposed concept plan includes commercial development at the intersection intended to serve the surrounding community and travelers on Carolina Beach Road. The commercial development acts as an appropriate transition to higher density residential. The proposed project would be the third convenience store with fuel stations at an intersection that is transitioning into a node. While the commercial projects involve the same land use, the density of commercial land uses in an area is outside the scope of staff review. The proposed attached housing type increases housing diversity in the area and acts as an appropriate transition between existing commercial and residential development. The proposed density of 14 du / ac is below the maximum allowed for the RMF-M zoning district and slightly less than the maximum recommended for the Community Mixed Use place type. Additional conditions related to tree retention and pedestrian infrastructure along Carolina Beach Road increase walkability for the immediate area with opportunities for future extensions. Consistency Recommendation The proposed rezoning request is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density, housing type, and increased interconnectivity are in line with the recommendations of both the General Residential and Urban Mixed Use place types and the proposed development acts as an appropriate transition between existing commercial and residential uses in the area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION While the proposed project would be the third convenience store with fuel stations at an intersection that is transitioning into a node, the density of commercial land uses in an area is outside the scope of staff review. Staff’s recommendation is based on the policy guidance of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, zoning considerations, and technical review. The Carolina Beach Road corridor has been designated as Community Mixed Use within the Comprehensive Plan. The plan recommends a mix of commercial uses and residential housing types that act as a transition between higher intensity and lower Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 18 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 19 of 20 intensity development and identifies the scale of the recommended development as up to 3 stories and 15 du / ac. The scale and density of the proposed development conforms with the recommendations for the place type and provides transitions from the proposed commercial portion of the project to existing and proposed residential uses. Proposed improvements required by the TIA accommodate the additional traffic generated from the site and include improvements to the signalized intersection and existing U-turns on Carolina beach Road. Additional conditions related to tree retention and pedestrian infrastructure along Carolina Beach Road increase walkability for the immediate area with opportunities for future extensions. As a result, Staff recommends approval of the request and suggests the following motion: I move to recommend APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density and housing type is within the recommendations of the Community Mixed Use place type and the commercial development acts as an appropriate transition between the highway corridor and residential development. I also find recommending APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the project provides interconnectivity and housing diversity at an appropriate density to act as a transition between existing commercial and residential development. Proposed Conditions: 1. An opaque fence shall be provided along the property line adjoining any existing residential development. The fence location may be adjusted by Planning staff to accommodate any utilities, easements, or saved / protected trees. 2. The two (2) specimen trees shown on the concept plan along Carolina Beach Road shall be retained and preserved on site. 3. Existing trees onsite will be preserved that do not impact required land grading or other improvements and future amenities as identified in the required Tree Removal Permit. 4. The southernmost multi-family structure as shown on the concept plan shall be limited to two-stories in height. 5. Exterior lighting will be designed and installed to maintain adequate lighting levels on the proposed site while assuring that excessive light spillage and glare are not directed at adjacent property, neighboring areas, or motorists. 6. A sidewalk or multi-use path shall be installed along Carolina Beach Road extending from the northern property line to the southern property line with stubs for connection to existing or future pedestrian facilities on adjacent parcels. Pedestrian crossing labeling meeting NCDOT minimum requirements for pedestrian safety shall be installed at both driveway entrances. The pedestrian facility along Carolina Beach Road shall be within a dedicated public access easement. 7. A stormwater maintenance agreement shall be made between the convenience store with fuel pumps and the multi-family development if they are on separate parcels or under separate ownership. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 19 Z23-09 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 20 of 20 Alternative Motion for DENIAL (if based on information presented at the public hearing or other consideration beyond the scope of staff review, the board finds denial appropriate.) I move to recommend DENIAL of the proposed rezoning. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density, housing type, and increased interconnectivity are in line with the recommendations of both the Community Mixed Use place type and the proposed development acts as an appropriate transition between existing commercial and residential uses in the area. However, I find recommending DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proximity of existing and approved similar uses would not advance the vision for this area of Carolina Beach Road. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 2 - 20 C a r o l i n a B e a c h R d C a r o l i n a B e a c h R d C u p o l a D rMyrtl e G r o v e R d Bo n f i r e D r Seaview Rd Cypress V i l l age P l S u mmer TreeLn Ti d al w a l k Dr SouthernCharm Dr Hill Valley Walk Chimney L n New Hanover County, NC Z23-09 CZD B-1R-156800 Carolina Beach RdZ23-09 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 0 250 500 US Feet ZONING B-1 B-2 I-2 R-5 R-10 R-15 RMF-L CZD Z23-09 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 3 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 4 - 1 Hu r o n D r E r i e C t Sto d d a r d R d T e v i otRd Bancroft D r F l i p F l o pLn C a r o l i n a B e a c h R d C u p o l a Dr C l a r k H i l l R d Egret Point Rd Glenarthur Dr C a r o l i n a B e a c h R d H ailshamDr B o n f i r e D r C h a m p l a in Dr Cypress V i l lage P l Seaview Rd W e d d e r b u r n D r P orchesDr Myrtl e G r o v e R d SummerTreeLn Tid al w alk D r D o r r i n g t o n D r Southern CharmDr Hill Valley W a l k C h i m n e y L n Z23-09 Neighboring Parcels (500 feet) CZD B-1R-156800 Carolina Beach RdZ23-09 Proposed Zoning/Use:Existing Zoning/Use:Site Address:Case: 0 250 500 US FeetPlanning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 5 - 1 Initial Application Documents & Materials Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 2 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 3 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 4 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 5 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 6 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 7 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 8 5.Traffic lmpad Please provide the estimated number of trips generated for the proposed use(s) based off the most recent version of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE} Trip Generation Manual. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. ITE Land Use: Multifamily/Conv. Store w/ Gas Station (6KSF) Trip Generation Use and Variable (grou floor area, dwelling units, etc.) 300 Units/16 FP (*Dwelling Units now I� AM Peak Hour Trips: 622 I PM Peak Hour Trips: 580 6.Conditional Zoning Distrid Considerations The Conditional Zoning District procedure is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County 201 6 Comprehensive Plan and the objectives outlined in the Unified Development Ordinance and where only a specific use or uses is proposed. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of dissimilar character where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community at-large. The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Conditional Zoning distrid meets the following criteria. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's policies for growth and development, asdescribed in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, applicable small area plans, etc. See attached. Page 3 of 6 Conditional Zoning District Application -Updated 02-2022 8) (*now 572)(*now 505) Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 9 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 10 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 11 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 12 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 13 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 14 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 15 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 16 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 17 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 18 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 19 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 20 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 21 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 22 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 23 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 24 Property Owner’s Property Addresses and Parcel IDs: 6800 Carolina Beach Road: R08200-001-026-000 Andrea Jones 2018 Treecrest Pkwy Decatur, GA 30035-3542 6808 Carolina Beach Road: R08200-001-023-000 Gwendolyn Geneise Horton 18 Syracuse Pl Durham, NC 27704-5250 6814 Carolina Beach Road: R08200-001-024-000 Kimberlee & Dwayne Barr 105 Sturbridge Dr Piscataway, NJ 08854-5138 6818 Carolina Beach Road: R08200-001-025-000 Christin Deener 7110 Holland Ln Franktown, VA 23354-2401 6820 Carolina Beach Road: R08200-001-015-000 Christin Deener 7110 Holland Ln Franktown, VA 23354-2401 6824 Carolina Beach Road: R08200-001-021-000 Christin Deener 7110 Holland Ln Franktown, VA 23354-2401 6828 Carolina Beach Road: R08200-001-016-000 Christin Deener 7110 Holland Ln Franktown, VA 23354-2401 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 25 Zoning Map Amendment Application for 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, & 6828 Carolina Beach Road (R08200-001-026-000, R08200-001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, R082000-001-015-000, R08200-001-021-000, & R08200-001-016-000) 3. Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Please list the uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative (attach additional pages if necessary). Note: Only uses permitted in the corresponding General Use District are eligible for consideration within a Conditional Zoning District. Impeccable Development is requesting the property, including parcels R08200-001-015-000, R08200-001-016-000, R08200-001-021-000, R08200-001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, and R08200-001-026-000, be rezoned from Residential 15 District (R-15) to Residential Multi-Family – Moderate Density (RMF-M) and Neighborhood Business (B-1) for a one hundred and twenty eight (128) unit multi-family use project to provide a necessary missing middle housing opportunity and a neighborhood-serving convenience store with fuel sales. The RMF-M district accommodates moderate density single-family and multi-family development with a density of 17 units/acre. The RMF-M district is intended to function as a transition between intensive nonresidential development and higher density residential development, as well as providing a reasonable range of choice, type, and location of housing units. The B-1 district allows for a range of small-scale, low-intensity, neighborhood-serving commercial development that provide goods and services to residents of adjacent neighborhoods. B -1 district regulations are intended to ensure uses, development intensities, and a development form that is consistent with a pedestrian-friendly, walkable, and neighborhood scale. Mixed use development is allowed that is consistent with district character. The project is proposed on 11.77 acres consisting of seven tracts directly off of Carolina Beach Road. The Future Land Use Map identifies this site as Community Mixed Use. Community Mixed Use focuses on promoting a mix of retail, office, and residential at medium densities up to 15 units per acre which aligns with the properties’ classifications on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map (“FLUM”). This proposed project is limiting the residential units to 15 units per acre in accordance with the FLUM designation of Community Mixed Use while providing a neighborhood convenience store with fuel sales to serve the local area. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 26 Zoning Map Amendment Application for 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, & 6828 Carolina Beach Road (R08200-001-026-000, R08200-001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, R082000-001-015-000, R08200-001-021-000, & R08200-001-016-000) 4. Proposed Condition(s) Note: Within a Conditional Zoning District, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding general use district regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be placed on the Conditional Zoning District below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process. To mitigate the impact on the surrounding community the proposed project will provide a fenced buffer between the established residences and the proposed new residences, and a two-story building will be placed along the adjoining property line as shown on the submitted site plan. The exterior lighting will be designed and installed to maintain adequate lighting levels on the proposed site while assuring that excessive light spillage and glare are not directed at ad jacent property, neighboring areas, or motorists. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development, as described in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, applicable small area plans, etc.? This proposed zoning change from R-15 to Residential Multi-Family – Moderate Density (RMF-M) and Neighborhood Business (B-1) would be consistent with multiple goals and policies on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan including but not limited to Goal III by helping to revitalize commercial corridors and blighted areas through infill development that is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods and creating density that can support future growth, Goal IX by promoting environmentally friendly growth by clustering development and providing housing opportunities close to employment and services that accommodates population growth while minimizing impacts on natural resources, and Goal XV of providing a range of housing types, opportunities, and choices while assisting with the County’s Strategic Plan Objective of enhancing the self- sufficiency of individuals and families. The property is accessed directly off Carolina Beach Road, a state maintained Urban Principal Highway . This project will provide a safe and conveniently located community and provides another housing type . Neighborhood Business (B-1) would be consistent with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan’s Goal III by encouraging mixed-use development that is compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods, Goal IX by promoting a mixture of uses minimizing impacts on natural resources, and Goal XV by providing choices to the community and motorists with a neighborhood-serving commercial development. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 27 Zoning Map Amendment Application for 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, & 6828 Carolina Beach Road (R08200-001-026-000, R08200-001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, R082000-001-015-000, R08200-001-021-000, & R08200-001-016-000) This zoning change would provide for a mix of housing types and mix of uses within the Community Mixed Use Center as contemplated by the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. The proposed change would also allow for a more modern development pattern of the area as any future development would have to comply with all of New Hanover County’s land use and planning regulations. The proposed project would also provide another convenience store with fuel sales along the only evacuation route off Pleasure Island. The CDC and other hurricane preparedness experts urge people to fill up their gas thanks before a hurricane. Even if not needed for evacuation, filling up a car’s fuel tank is important in case of supply issues. Having another available convenience store with fuel sales on the evacuation route, and in close proximity to residents, could also help prevent lines and price gouging. The proposed project will create a mixed-use hub at an existing signalized intersection and provided needed housing options within New Hanover County to help close the housing gap as shown by the Housing Needs Assessment. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 28 Zoning Map Amendment Application for 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, & 6828 Carolina Beach Road (R08200-001-026-000, R08200-001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, R082000-001-015-000, R08200-001-021-000, & R08200-001-016-000) 2. How would the requested Conditional Zoning district be consistent with the property’s classification on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map? The property is classified as Community Mixed Use on the Future Land Use Map and is surrounded by Conservation and General Residential. The Community Mixed Use place type is intended to promote a mix of retail, office, and residential at medium densities up to 15 units per acre. While mixed uses are encouraged on the same parcel, they can be adjacent or separated by lower traffic roads. The rezoning request for RMF-M and B-1 would allow desired moderate density residential at 15 units/acre to be placed adjacent or in close proximity to retail and office uses, creating a mixed-use area within the growth node. The project also includes a convenience store with fuel sales. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 29 Zoning Map Amendment Application for 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, & 6828 Carolina Beach Road (R08200-001-026-000, R08200-001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, R082000-001-015-000, R08200-001-021-000, & R08200-001-016-000) 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? While the property is zoned R-15, with a maximum of 2.5 units/acre, Carolina Beach Road has seen increased residential density which is needed to help close the housing gap. Adjacent properties are currently zoned residential; however, much of the adjacent property is vacant property owned by Cape Fear Community College and a convenience store with fuel sales is located directly across Carolina Beach Road. B-1 on the front of the project and RMF-M to the rear of this property would serve as an appropriate transition between the zoning districts as well as comply with the Future Land Use Map classification of Community Mixed Use. The purpose of the R-15 district at the time it was established was to ensure that housing served by private septic and wells would be developed at low densities. Since that time, public and private water and sewer services have become available to the surrounding area; however, the Carolina Beach corridor remains primarily zoned for low density housing . Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 30 Community Meeting Summary for Conditional Rezoning Request by Impeccable Development Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Meeting Location: Best Western Plus, 5600 Carolina Beach Road Representatives from Impeccable Development, G3 Engineering, and Lee Kaess, PLLC (collectively, “Development Team”) hosted a meeting to introduce the proposed development including parcels R08200-001-015-000, R08200-001-016-000, R08200-001-021-000, R08200- 001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, R08200-001-026-000, which is proposed to be rezoned to from R-15 to B-1 for a Convenience Store and Fuel Station and RFM- M for approximately 300 multi-family units. Property owners within 500 ft. of the property, as required by New Hanover County, were notified of the community meeting by mail on November 15, 2022. The meeting allowed people to view a context aerial for general site location purposes and a concept of the overall proposed conditional rezoning. The Development Team also provided a brief overview of the public hearing process and technical review process for development projects in New Hanover County. The community asked the Development Team questions about the plans, and many of the same questions were discussed repeatedly during the meeting. The following is a synopsis of the comments heard at the meeting. • Attendees were most concerned about the gas station and traffic improvements which would be required on Carolina Beach Road. The Development Team explained a Traffic Impact Analysis (“TIA”) is in process and would be reviewed by NCDOT and the WMPO. The project must comply with any required traffic mitigation improvements. • Concerns were raised over the potential for the project to lower the property value of the adjacent neighborhoods. The Development Team explained this was not an consideration of zoning but we could ask an appraiser to review that concern. • Neighbors asked if the project would seek government assistance or subsidies. The Development Team said no but there would be an offer of workforce housing units at HUD High Home rents. • Neighbors expressed concern over the visibility of the structures from their properties and the ability of residents to see in their backyards. The Development Team is going to work on potential elevations of the proposed project as well as an exhibit showing sightlines. The Development Team also discussed the required buffers and landscaping. • A question was asked if the project would be fenced. The Development Team agreed to use a fenced buffer option. • A question was asked regarding the on-site trees. The Development team said the tree survey is not complete at this time but is in process. • Neighbors expressed concerns over the lighting for the project. The Development Team explained that the county has specific lighting requirements but that the designers would look into enhanced light protection for the neighboring homes. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 31 Community Meeting Summary for Conditional Rezoning Request by Impeccable Development Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Meeting Location: Best Western Plus, 5600 Carolina Beach Road In response to the community meeting as well as other feedback on the project, the Applicant proposes to fence the multifamily project adjacent to the Old Cape Cod neighborhood; decreased the proposed number of residential units; and placed a two-story building adjacent to Old Cape Cod as shown on the site plan submitted with the application. The Development Team established a separate email account for this proposed project, impeccable.cbroad@gmail.com, and offered to meet with property owners on site if requested. Attached, please find the sign-up sheet. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 32 1200 N Federal Hwy ste 200 • Boca Raton, FL 33432 • Tel: (717) 891-5168 • November 15, 2022 RE: Community Meeting for Conditional Rezoning Request by Impeccable Development for property at 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, & 6828 Carolina Beach Road We invite you to join us for a community meeting for the proposed conditional rezoning of property located at 6800, 6808, 6814, 6818, 6820, 6824, & 6828 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, North Carolina and identified as New Hanover County Parcels: R08200-001-015-000, R08200-001-016-000, R08200-001-021-000, R08200-001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, R08200-001-026-000. You are receiving this invitation because New Hanover County GIS records indicate you own property near or adjacent to the proposed conditional rezoning property. We welcome the opportunity to discuss the proposed project with you at the community meeting where we will give a brief presentation and answer any questions. The community meeting will be held on November 29, 2022 from 5:30-6:30 pm at the Best Western Plus located at 5600 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28412. Please reference the attached illustration of the site plan for the property proposed for rezoning. We look forward to seeing you at 5:30 p.m. on November 29, 2022 at: Best Western Plus 5600 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, NC 28412 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 33 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 34 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 35 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 36 FORTY ELEVEN 02 LLC 221 WILLIAMS RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 6801 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-005-003-000 STRICKLAND EDNA COLEMAN RE TRUST5001 ILEX DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 7900 MYRTLE GROVE RD WILMINGTON R08200-002-041-000 WARD JOHN A ETAL 7906 MYRTLE GROVE RD WILMINGTON, NC 28409 7906 MYRTLE GROVE RD WILMINGTON R08200-002-042-001 CIRCLE K STORES INC PO BOX 52085 DC17 PHOENIX, AZ 85072 6759 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-002-042-000 LAND LEASE CAROLINA LLC 2004 BALMORAL PL WILMINGTON, NC 28405 6752 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-029-000 LAND LEASE CAROLINA LLC 2004 BALMORAL PL WILMINGTON, NC 28405 6748 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-055-000 HATCHER BRANDY MAE ETAL 6760 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 6760 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-027-000 JONES ANDREA 2018 TREECREST PKWY DECATUR, GA 30035 6800 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-026-000 MCNEEL TERESA K 6841 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 6841 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-005-008-000 HARRIS HOWARD E JR 49 GREAT EAGLE TER BOLIVIA, NC 28422 6840 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-017-000 DEENER CHRISTIN 7110 HOLLAND LN FRANKTOWN, VA 23354 6828 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-016-000 6844 BAYAT LAND LLC 2 WISTERIA LN LAKE GROVE, NY 11755 6830 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-018-000 6844 BAYAT LAND LLC 2 WISTERIA LN LAKE GROVE, NY 11755 6844 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-014-000 HARRIS HOWARD E ETAL 5311 DANDELION DR WILMINGTON, NC 28405 6838 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-020-000 JACOBS ALEXANDER E JR 6834 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 6834 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-019-000 HORTON GWENDOLYN GENEISE 18 SYRACUSE PL DURHAM, NC 27704 6808 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-023-000 DEENER CHRISTIN 7110 HOLLAND LN FRANKTOWN, VA 23354 6820 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-015-000 BARR KIMBERLEE W DWAYNE ETAL105 STURBRIDGE DR PISCATAWAY, NJ 08854 6814 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-024-000 DEENER CHRISTIN 7110 HOLLAND LN FRANKTOWN, VA 23354 6824 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-021-000 DEENER CHRISTIN 7110 HOLLAND LN FRANKTOWN, VA 23354 6818 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-025-000 6901 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE LTD 2840 COLLEGE RD S UNDEV AC 319 WILMINGTON, NC 28412 6901 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON R08214-005-001-000 DEWITT LOIS P 6905 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON, NC 28412 6905 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON R08214-005-003-000 RADLEY CASEY DAVIS 6903 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON, NC 28412 6903 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON R08214-005-002-000 WILLIAMS WESTON B ETAL 6900 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON, NC 28412 6900 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON R08214-006-001-000 FERGUSON CHARLES ERNEST 6902 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON, NC 28412 6902 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON R08214-006-002-000 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 37 1 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO PO BOX 1551 RALEIGH, NC 27602 6854 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-013-001 LAND LEASE CAROLINA LLC 2004 BALMORAL PL WILMINGTON, NC 28405 6752 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON R08200-001-029-000 RAFFERTY CREIGHTON MARY 3909 SINGLETREE RD MINT HILL, NC 28227 710 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-060-000 RAILEY KAREN W 4913 CORONADO DR WILMINGTON, NC 28409 821 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-012-000 GANN GINA J 819 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 819 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-011-000 GINTER KARA 807 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 807 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-052-000 RUSSELL JOSHUA APRIL 821 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 821 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-012-000 BARKER MICHAEL R ETAL 813 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 813 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-008-000 HERMAN RANDOLPH CHARLES WENDY LEE 1729 OWLS NEST RD SANFORD, NC 27330 702 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-064-000 STRICKLAND LAURIE BRIGMAN 816 SUMMERTREE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 816 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-041-000 ANDERSON JOHN A PATRICIA E 822 SUMMERTREE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 822 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-038-000 OLD CAPE COD OWNERS ASSN INC 6846 CAROLINA BEACH RD WILMINGTON, NC 28412 FLEMING KIMBERLY A 2652 TRALEE DR GASTONIA, NC 28056 804 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-058-000 DEE REBECCA D 809 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 809 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-053-000 MONTGOMERY AARON LUMA ETAL 812 SUMMERTREE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 812 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-043-000 MEYER MITCHELL D PATRICIA R 1014 CAROLINA BEACH AVE N APT B-1014 CAROLINA BEACH, NC 28428 806 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-046-000 ELLER KRISTA M 818 SUMMERTREE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 818 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-040-000 YON MARIA M ROBERTO C 1012 ELSMORE DR MATTHEWS, NC 28104 820 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-039-000 JESSIE LOGAN M ETAL 802 SUMMERTREE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 802 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-048-000 SMITH JUDSON C 703 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 703 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-067-000 RECCHIA TARA CARL S 4564 GRAYSTONE DR NAZARETH, PA 18064 709 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-070-000 BAKER VIRGINIA A 704 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 704 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-063-000 GRETES TASO 823 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 823 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-013-000 SOGGIE DANIEL S 706 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 706 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-062-000 ALTOMARE ANTHONY P 19 BIRCHWOOD CT BLAUVELT, NY 10913 804 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-047-000 OLD CAPE COD OWNERS ASSOC INC 822 SUMMERTREE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 821 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-012-000 NORTHWAY JASON ERIC 700 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 700 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-065-000 MEYER MITCHELL D PATRICIA R 1014 CAROLINA BEACH AVE N APT B CAROLINA BEACH, NC 28428 814 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-042-000 PIKE ROBERT JR AMANDA 6904 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE BLV WILMINGTON, NC 28412 6904 SOUTHERN EXPOSURE WILMINGTON R08214-006-003-000 LESLEY JEFFREY N 1121 MILITARY CUTOFF RD SUITE C201 WILMINGTON, NC 28405 808 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-045-000 WILEY DANIELLE 705 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 705 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-068-000 FOUST JACQUELINE 817 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 817 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-010-000 FCHARLIE LLC 712 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 712 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-059-000 GREEN THOMAS 707 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 707 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-069-000 TERHUNE DUSTIN ETAL 701 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 701 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-066-000 JUSKIN MELISSA LEE 805 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 805 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-051-000 FISHER TYLOR J 708 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 708 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-061-000 ZAZZALI JOANNA M 815 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 815 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-009-000 STEELE MICHELLE M 810 SUMMERTREE LN WILMINGTON, NC 28412 810 SUMMER TREE LN WILMINGTON R08214-007-044-000 NANCE GARY K 801 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON, NC 28412 801 SOUTHERN CHARM DR WILMINGTON R08214-007-050-000 Property Owner Data-2 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 38 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 39 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 40 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 41 NEW PARCEL 1 BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH WESTERN CORNER OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL AND POINT BEING MARKED BY HAVING ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND AND HAVING NC STATE PLANE COORDINATES OF N 125,361.87 E 2,333,004.66 THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE NORTH BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY LAND LEASE CAROLINA, LLC AND BOUNDED TO THE SOUTH THE FOLLOWING BEARING AND DISTANCE: S 87° 47’ 38” E 503.27’ TO ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE EAST BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY BRANDY MAE HATCHER AND BOUNDED TO THE WEST BY THE SUBJECT PARCEL THE FOLLOWING BEARING AND DISTANCE: S 09° 06’ 51” E 74.98’ TO ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE NORTH BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY BRANDY MAE HATCHER AND BOUNDED TO THE SOUTH BY THE SUBJECT PARCEL THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES: S 89° 21’ 16” E 207.01’ TO ANGLE IRON FOUND S 89° 00’ 47” E 26.71’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET S 89° 56’ 09” E 4.31’ TO 1” IRON PIPE FOUND (L6) S 89° 56’ 09” E 309.02’ TO ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE EAST BY CAROLINA BEACH ROAD U.S. HWY NO. 421 AND BOUNDED TO THE WEST BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES: S 11° 05’ 40” E 78.65’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE SOUTH BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY ______ AND BOUNDED TO THE NORTH BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES: N 79° 46’ 20” W 26.84’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET N 75° 22’ 08” W 139.28’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET N 89° 32’ 00” W 96.12’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET N 86° 31’ 48” 44.91’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET N 88° 15’ 47” W 44.93’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE EAST BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY _____ AND BOUNDED TO THE WEST BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARING AND DISTANCE: S 02° 28’ 20” W 227.27’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 42 THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE SOUTH BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY 6844 BAYAT LAND, LLC AND ALEXANDER E JACOBS AND BOUNDED TO THE NORTH BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES: N 87° 30’ 39” W 21.24’ TO ANGLE IRON FOUND N 87° 31’ 38” W 218.07 TO 1” IRON PIPE FOUND THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE EAST BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY ALEXANDER E JACOBS, AND HOWARD HARRIS AND BOUNDED TO THE WEST BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES: S 01° 55’ 41” E 109.51’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET S 01° 55’ 41” E 124.18’ TO 1” IRON PIPE FOUND S 00° 20’ 20” W 36.34’ TO ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND S 00° 16’ 47” E 108.80’ TO ½” IRON PIPE FOUND THENCE A LINE BOUNDED OT THE SOUTH BY AN APPARENT PROPERTY GAP AND LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT CO, DUSTIN TERHUNE, AND JASON NORTHWAY AND BOUNDED TO THE NORTH BY THE SUBJECT PARCEL THE FOLLOWING BEARING AND DISTANCE: N 88° 50’ 09” W 418.60’ TO 1” IRON PIPE FOUND THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE WEST BY CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND BOUNDED TO THE EAST BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES: N 05° 52’ 57” W 146.40’ TO ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND N 05° 32’ 13” W 124.93’ TO 1” IRON PIPE FOUND N 05ׄ 39’ 46” W 122.82’ TO ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND N 05° 28’ 57” W 89.65’ TO 1” IRON PIPE FOUND N 05° 47’ 27” W 104.71’ TO ½” IRON PIPE FOUND N 05° 25’ 58” W 130.82’ TO ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND THENCE BACK TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. TRACT CONTAINS 398,856 SQ. FT. / 9.16 ACRES NEW PARCEL 2 BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH EASTERN CORNER OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL AND POINT BEING MARKED BY HAVING ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND AND HAVING NC STATE PLANE COORDINATES OF N 124,989.08 E 2,334,119.15 THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE SOUTH BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY 6844 BAYAT LAND, LLC AND BOUNDED TO THE NORTH °BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES: N 87° 36’ 49” W 183.63’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR FOUND N 87° 30’ 39” 232.34’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 43 THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE WEST BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY _____ AND BOUNDED TO THE EAST BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARING AND DISTANCE: N 02° 28’ 20” E 227.27’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE NORTH BY LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY _____ AND BOUNDED TO THE SOUTH BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES: S 88° 15’ 47” E 44.93’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET S 86° 31’ 48” E 44.91’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET S 89° 32’ 00” E 96.12’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET S 75° 22’ 08” E 139.28’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET S 79° 46’ 20” E 26.84’ TO 5/8” IRON REBAR SET THENCE A LINE BOUNDED TO THE EAST BY THE SOUTH BOUND LANE OF CAROLINA BEACH ROAD AND BOUNDED TO THE WEST BY THE SUBJECT TRACT THE FOLLOWING BEARINGS AND DISTANCES: S 11° 05’ 40” E 65.76’ TO ½” IRON PIPE FOUND S 10° 18’ 19” E 121.78’ TO ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND S 11° 53” 42” E 15.04’ TO ¾” IRON PIPE FOUND THENCE BACK TO SAID POINT OF BEGINNING TRACT CONTAINS 81,655 SQ. FT. / 1.87 ACRES Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 44 5.0' MIN. 5.0' MIN. 5.0' MIN. BUILDING A BUILDING B BUILDING C BUILDING D BUILDING F BUILDING E BUILDING G MYR T L E G R O V E R D C A R O L I N A B E A C H R D MULTIFAMILY AMENITY AREA SCM POND 25.0' SIDE SETBACK 25.0' SIDE SETBACK 25.0' FRONT SETBACK 30.0' REAR SETBACK 30.0' SIDE SETBACK 30.0' SIDE SETBACK 30.0' SIDE SETBACK 35.0' FRONT SETBACK 18.0' TYP. 22.0' TYP. 18.0' TYP. 2 2 . 0 ' 30 . 0 ' 10.0' 20 . 0 ' 20 . 0 ' SITE DATA TABLE 11.04 ACRESTOTAL SITE AREA DEVELOPMENT DATA: TAX PARCEL IDS ZONING DATA: R-15EXISTING ZONING DISTRICT: 15 UNITS/ACREMAXIMUM DENSITY 128 (MULTIFAMILY)MAXIMUM # PROPOSED UNITS 45'MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT PROPOSED USE:COMMERCIAL MULTIFAMILY PROPOSED MULTIFAMILY SITE DATA: PROPOSED COMMERCIAL SITE DATA: 188 SPACESPROPOSED PARKING 25'MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 50 SPACESPROPOSED PARKING 9.16 ACRESAREA 1.87 ACRESAREA UNSHADED ZONE XFEMA FLOOD ZONE CLASSIFICATION SITE LEGEND PROPOSED PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE 6' TALL WOODEN FENCE 26'MAXIMUM FUEL CANOPY HEIGHT EXISTING VEGETATION - REFER TO SURVEY FOR TREE INFO SITE NOTES R08200-001-015-000, R08200-001-016-000, R08200-001-021-000, R08200-001-023-000, R08200-001-024-000, R08200-001-025-000, R08200-001-026-000 THE FOLLOWING ARE CONCEPT APPROXIMATIONS AND MAY ADJUST THROUGH SITE DESIGN: -BUILDING AREAS -BUILDING CONFIGUATION/LAYOUT -PROPOSED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED -PARKIND AND DRIVE AISLE CONFIGURATION -STORMWATER DETENTION POND SIZE AND LOCATION -SIDEWALK CONFIGURATION/LAYOUT THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADAPTATION BY KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. NC LICENSE #F-0102 200 SOUTH TRYON STREET, SUITE 200 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28202 PHONE 704-333-5131 C 2023 SHEET 1 of 1 THIS PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND HAS BEEN PRODUCED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A SURVEY, CODE RESEARCH, OR CONTACT WITH THE CITY, COUNTY, ETC. 01/23/2023 NORTH REZONING OVERALL SITE CONCEPT Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 45 BUILDING A BUILDING B BUILDING C BUILDING D BUILDING F BUILDING E BUILDING G MULTIFAMILY AMENITY AREA TREE REMOVAL LEGEND AND CALULATIONS EXISTING REGULATED HARDWOOD TREES TO BE REMOVED FOR ESSENTIAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS (±2) EXISTING REGULATED PINE TREES TO BE REMOVED FOR ESSENTIAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS (±9) EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREES TO BE REMOVED FOR ESSENTIAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS (±45) EXISTING REGULATED PINE TREES TO BE RETAINED (±8) EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREES TO BE RETAINED (±16) EXISTING REGULATED HARDWOOD TREES TO BE RETAINED (±0) ±44 EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREES TO BE REMOVED WITH ±947" TOTAL CALIPER X 2 = 1,894" TOTAL MITIGATION REQUIRED **NOTE: THESE ARE PRELIMINARY PRESERVATION ESTIMATES AND ONLY INCLUDED TREES EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN REGULATED BY CODE. TREE NUMBERS AND INFORMATION CORRESPONDS WITH THE TREE REPORT PREPARED BY JOSHUA TREE ON 1/18/2023. TREE PRESERVATION NOTES 1.TREE PRESERVATION / REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO CLEARING AND LAND DISTURBANCE. 2.PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING, OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, TREE PROTECTION FENCING WLL BE INSTALLED AROUND PROTECTED TREES, OR GROVES OF TREES AND NO CONSTRUCTION WORKERS, TOOLS, MATERIALS, OR VEHICLES ARE PERMITTED WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTION FENCE. 3.PROTECTIVE FENCING IS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. LAND CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS SHALL RECEIVE ADEQUATE INSTRUCTION ON TREE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS AND METHODS. 4.LABEL PROTECTIVE FENCING WITH SIGNS TO BE PLACED EVERY 50 LF, OR AT LEAST TWO (2) PER AREA, IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH "TREE PROTECTION AREA: DO NOT ENTER". THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADAPTATION BY KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. NC LICENSE #F-0102 200 SOUTH TRYON STREET, SUITE 200 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28202 PHONE 704-333-5131 C 2023 SHEET 1 of 1 THIS PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND HAS BEEN PRODUCED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A SURVEY, CODE RESEARCH, OR CONTACT WITH THE CITY, COUNTY, ETC. 01/23/2023 NORTH REZONING OVERALL TREE CONCEPT Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 46 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 47 235 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 t: 910-332-6560 f: 910-332-6353 www.cfpua.org March 17, 2023 Kimley-Horn Attn: Alex Kimbrell Fort Mill, SC Re: Water & Sewer Availability Address: 6800 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC Parcel ID Number(s): R08200-001-026-000 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to verify that Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) water and sewer would require a mainline extension to serve the above referenced property. At this time, capacity is available. Sewer capacity is allocated on a first come, first serve basis when capacity is available, the plans meet CFPUA’s requirements, and the NCDWQ FTA/FTSE forms are signed by the Authority. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Bernice S. Johnson, Senior Project Manager Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Engineering Department Development Services Division 910-332-6620 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 7 - 48 Concept Plan Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 8 - 1 BUILDING A BUILDING B BUILDING C BUILDING D BUILDING F BUILDING E BUILDING G MULTIFAMILY AMENITY AREA APPROXIMATE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE (CRZ) FOR SPECIMEN TREE # 86/87 APPROXIMATE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE (CRZ) FOR SPECIMEN TREE # 149 SCM POND TREE REMOVAL LEGEND AND CALULATIONS EXISTING REGULATED HARDWOOD TREES TO BE REMOVED FOR ESSENTIAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS (±2) EXISTING REGULATED PINE TREES TO BE REMOVED FOR ESSENTIAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS (±10) EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREES TO BE REMOVED FOR ESSENTIAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS (±44) EXISTING REGULATED PINE TREES TO BE RETAINED (±7) EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREES TO BE RETAINED (±17) EXISTING REGULATED HARDWOOD TREES TO BE RETAINED (±0) ±44 EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREES TO BE REMOVED WITH ±905" TOTAL CALIPER X 2 = 1,810" TOTAL MITIGATION REQUIRED **NOTE: THESE ARE PRELIMINARY PRESERVATION ESTIMATES AND ONLY INCLUDED TREES EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN REGULATED BY CODE. TREE NUMBERS AND INFORMATION CORRESPONDS WITH THE TREE REPORT PREPARED BY JOSHUA TREE ON 1/18/2023. TREE PRESERVATION NOTES 1.TREE PRESERVATION / REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO CLEARING AND LAND DISTURBANCE. 2.PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING, OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, TREE PROTECTION FENCING WLL BE INSTALLED AROUND PROTECTED TREES, OR GROVES OF TREES AND NO CONSTRUCTION WORKERS, TOOLS, MATERIALS, OR VEHICLES ARE PERMITTED WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTION FENCE. 3.PROTECTIVE FENCING IS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. LAND CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS SHALL RECEIVE ADEQUATE INSTRUCTION ON TREE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS AND METHODS. 4.LABEL PROTECTIVE FENCING WITH SIGNS TO BE PLACED EVERY 50 LF, OR AT LEAST TWO (2) PER AREA, IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH "TREE PROTECTION AREA: DO NOT ENTER". THIS DOCUMENT, TOGETHER WITH THE CONCEPTS AND DESIGNS PRESENTED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. REUSE OF AND IMPROPER RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION AND ADAPTATION BY KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SHALL BE WITHOUT LIABILITY TO KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. NC LICENSE #F-0102 200 SOUTH TRYON STREET, SUITE 200 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28202 PHONE 704-333-5131 C 2023 SHEET 1 of 1 THIS PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND HAS BEEN PRODUCED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A SURVEY, CODE RESEARCH, OR CONTACT WITH THE CITY, COUNTY, ETC. 02/17/2023 NORTH REZONING OVERALL TREE CONCEPT Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 9 - 1 Public Comments In Support 0 Neutral 0 In Opposition 2 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 10 - 1 Farrell, Robert From:Frank Stanton <fstanton77@gmail.com> Sent:Saturday, March 18, 2023 5:20 AM To:Farrell, Robert Subject:6800 Carolina Beach Rd - Business and Multi-family residential ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Dear Mr. Farrell, South of Monkey Junction along Carolina Beach Road my opinion is to keep the R15 zoning (8 families per acre) in place and not change the zoning to accommodate multi family rental facilities. I would also like to speak briefly at the March 30th 5 pm meeting at 3rd Street and Princess. Thank you for your time. Regards, Frank Stanton 7637 Vancouver Ct. Wilmington, NC 28412 910-465-1646 mobile fstanton77@gmail.com fstanton@icloud.com PLEASE NOTE: This communication, including any documents, files or previous e-mail messages attached to it, may include information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please note that any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of this communication, or any of the information contained in or attached to it, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by immediately replying to this message or notifying the sender by telephone and then delete this communication and its attachments from your system without reading or saving in any manner. Thank you. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 10 - 2 Farrell, Robert From:noreply@civicplus.com Sent:Sunday, April 23, 2023 8:31 AM To:May, Katherine; Roth, Rebekah; Vafier, Ken; Farrell, Robert; rmeredith@nhcgov.com; Doss, Amy; Griffee, Julian; Dickerson, Zachary Subject:Online Form Submission #2919 for Public Comment Form ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Public Comment Form Public Comment Form The agenda items listed are available for public comment at an upcoming Planning Board or Board of Commissioners meeting. Comments received by 8 AM the day of the applicable meeting will be made available to the Board prior to that meeting and will be included as part of the permanent, public record for that meeting. First Name Heather Last Name Listebarger Address 6934 Ontario Rd City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28412 Email Field not completed. Projects available for comment. PB Meeting - Z23-09 - Multi Family Development (6800 Carolina Beach Road) What is the nature of your comment? Oppose project Public Comment We do not have the infrastructure to support this additional housing. Our roads are already well over crowded, as well as our schools. The green space in our county is becoming almost nonexistent. A prime example is the Riverlights development. The land was completely clear cut to house thousands. Upload supporting files Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 1 - 10 - 3 N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 5/4/2023 Regular D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Zach D ickerson, C urrent Planner C O N TA C T (S ): Zach Dickerson; Robert Fa rrell, S enio r Planner; Rebekah Ro th, Planning & L and U se D irector S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Text A mendment Request (TA 23-04) – Request by M ichael Faulkner with C astle Hay ne Farm Park, L LC , applicant, to amend the U nified Dev elopment O rdinance requirements pertaining to C ampground / Recrea=onal Vehicle (RV ) Parks. B R I E F S U M M A RY: Applicant Michael Fa ulkner has submi"ed a request for a text amendment to the U nified D evelo pment O rdinance (U D O ) to change the use-specifi c standards for C ampground/Recrea-ona l Vehicle Parks. T he applicant stated a desire to amend the ordina nce to fi t with developing trends in technology, culture, employment a nd the market. Specifi c needs o utlined in the applica-o n include community needs for traveling nurses and smaller RV types such as Mercedes Sprinters. T he applica nt is pro posing that the minimum number of spaces is reduced to 8, with a minimum area per space o f 1,200 square f eet. T his would allow RV Park operato rs mo re fl exibility in site design, and would allow smaller sites to be used for RV Park developments. T he N ew Hanover C ounty U nified D evelopment O rdina nce defines C ampgrounds/RV Parks as, “any parcel o r tract o f land upon which campsites are o ccupied or intended to be occupied by tent for o vernight camping or upo n which recrea-o nal vehicles are occupied for sleeping purpo ses, regardless o f whether or not a charge is made f o r such purpo ses.” T he U D O currently requires minimum development sta ndards of RV parks, including a minimum o f 25 spaces a nd that each space will consist o f a minimum a rea o f 2,000 square feet. I n addi-on, the U D O requires certain other minimum standards such as open space requirements, ba throom facili-es, access and parking. T he current ordinance standards are geared towards larger scale ca mpgrounds for i-nerant use, where users bring their own RV, park it during their stay, and leave with the RV a>er. RV Parks are o nly permi"ed by-right in the B -2 and P D districts, in all other districts they are permi"ed with a Special U se Permit (S U P). I n a ll districts, they are subjec t to addi-o nal development standards. Staff have researched other jurisdic-ons’ regula-ons for RV Parks, fi nding some regulate the ma ximum number of lots per acre rather than a minimum number o f required lots. W hile most jurisdic-ons researched by sta ff have minimum lot size requirements, the sizes vary within a ra nge o f 1,250 to 2,250 square f eet. O ther jurisdic-ons prescribe setbacks between the RVs/travel trailers and minimum requirements f o r open spa ce. T he o pen space requirements of o ther jurisdic-o ns are based on acreage of the to tal site o r the number of RV spaces. Research indicates that while RV parks and campgro unds are co mmonly regulated across jurisdic-ons, tho se regula-ons vary widely. RV Parks and c ampgro unds are not specifically addressed in the 2016 C o mprehensive Pla n. H o wever, these uses are common in many co mmuni-es along the N orth C arolina coast, inc luding N ew Hanover C ounty, and can suppo rt tourism and public access to water and natural reso urces. T he 2016 C o mprehensive Plan recommends suppor-ng Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 business success and pro mo-ng place-based econo mic develo pment. I ncreasing flexibility in site design allows f o r diversity and variety in areas where RV parks and c ampgro unds co uld be developed. W hile the current regula-o ns are simila r to o ther jurisdic-ons, N ew Hano ver C ounty ’s minimum lot size for RVs in RV parks is larger than others. T he applicant ’s request is mo re in line with o ther communi-es, which have smaller minimum space requirements. T he N ew Hanover C o unty U D O s-ll has contro ls o ver o ther aspects o f RV parks, including parking, setbacks from rights-of-way, and access. T he applicant ’s request to update and clarify the language in to a llo w for flexibility in restroom facility design is in line with the minimum requirements for develo pment standards for RV Parks. W hile the minimum number o f spaces required do es no t a ppea r commonly as a regula-on in o ther jurisdic-o ns, reducing the number fro m 25 to 8 wo uld allow for smaller-scale RV parks. T he reduc-o n in minimum space size wo uld allo w RV park o perators more fl exibility in site design. Tourism is a la rge part of the econo my in N ew H ano ver C ounty; during the summer, the demand fo r tempo rary lo dging increases and the supply decreases. T he request to allo w a lower number of minimum spaces and smaller space requirements wo uld allo w f o r smaller-scale RV parks to o perate within the C ounty, increasing the opportunity for to urist-oriented businesses to o perate o n smaller sites. T he C o unty s-ll requires that RV Parks go through the Specia l U se Permit in residen-al districts, which will ensure addi-o nal review of site design a nd c o mplia nce with public hea lth and safety requirements. I n all districts, an RV Park wo uld be required to go through the Technica l Review C ommi"ee pro cess, ensuring minimum standards are met. However, these changes to the o rdinance may aff ect develo pment in ways that a re no t yet fully clear. T he suggested amendments to space size and minimum number of required spa c es are ra-o nal but wo uld a llo w for smaller lots, more common in residen-al areas, to be used f o r campgrounds and RV parks. T here is s-ll the co ntrol mechanism of the Special U se Permit fo r all campgrounds and RV pa rks in residen-a l areas. Staff has determined that addi-onal research is needed on how po ten-al increases in this use will impact residen-al areas. Further insight is needed to determine what lo c a-ons and zo ning districts are appropriate for so me o f the smaller sca le vs. larger sca le parks. T hese smaller-scale campgro unds and RV parks may require addi-onal standa rds in order to mi-gate their impacts on adjacent residen-al a rea s. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : W hile what the applicant is pro posing is no t out of line with other jurisdic-ons and the N ew Hanover C ounty U nifi ed Development O rdinanc e, staff would need mo re -me to research the full propo sa l and the implica -o ns o f these changes to the ordinance. Staff suggests co n-nuing this a pplica-on to allow for more -me f o r research and reco mmends the f o llo wing mo-on: I move to C O N T I N U E the proposed amendment o f the N ew Hano ver C ounty U nified D evelo pment O rdina nce to modif y the la nguage in Sec-on 4.3.4.E .2 to the J une 1 Planning B o ard mee-ng in order to allow f o r mo re -me for staff research and review. I f the B o ard finds that suffi cient inf o rma-on is presented a t the hearing to allo w f o r them to make a recommenda-on, they may elect to proceed with one of the following mo-ons: A lterna=ve M o=on for A pproval: I move to R EC O M M E N D A P P R OVA L of the pro posed amendment to the N ew Hanover C ounty U nified Development Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 O rdinance to modif y the language in Sec-on 4.3.4.E .2, I find it to be C O N S I S T E N T with the go als of the 2016 C o mprehensive Plan to support business suc c ess and pro mo te pla c e-based economic develo pment. I also fi nd R EC O M M E N D I N G A P P R OVA L o f the propo sed amendment reaso nable and in the public interest because it allo ws for flexibility in site design and accommoda-ons for a c ha nging market and demand. A lternate M o=on for Denial: I mo ve to recommend D E N I A L of the proposed amendment to the N ew Hanover C o unty U nified Development O rdinance to modif y the language in Sec-o n 4.3.4.E .2. I find it to be I N C O N S I S T E N T with the goals o f the 2016 C o mprehensive Pla n to suppo rt business success and pro mo te place-based economic development. I fi nd rec ommending D E N I A L o f the a mendment request is reasonable and in the public interest because the amendment allo ws f o r to o much o f an o pen window for development o f RV parks o n smaller parcels in residen-al areas. AT TA C H M E N T S : Descrip-on TA23-04 Script Planning Board TA23-04 Staff Report Planning Board Initial Application Cover Sheet TA23-04 Initial Application Public Comments Cover Sheet C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 SCRIPT for Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment (TA23-04) Request by Michael Faulkner with Castle Hayne Farm Park, LLC, applicant, to amend the Unified Development Ordinance requirements pertaining to Campground / Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Applicant’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponent’s presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Applicant’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponent’s rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing. 4. Board discussion 5. Before we proceed with the vote, I would like to invite the applicant to the podium. Based on the Board discussion and items presented during the public hearing, would you like withdraw your petition, request a continuance, or proceed with a vote? 6. Vote on amendment. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. I move to CONTINUE the proposed amendment of the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to modify the language in Section 4.3.4.E.2 to the June 1 Planning Board meeting in order to allow for more time for staff research and review. Alternative Motion for Approval: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to modify the language in Section 4.3.4.E.2, I find it to be CONSISTENT with the goals of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan to support business success and promote place-based economic development. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the proposed amendment reasonable and in the public interest because it allows for flexibility in site design and accommodations for a changing market and demand. Alternate Motion for Denial: I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to modify the language in Section 4.3.4.E.2. I find it to be INCONSISTENT with the goals of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan to support business success and promote place- based economic development. I find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the amendment request is reasonable and in the public interest because the amendment allows for too much of an open window for development of RV parks on smaller parcels in residential areas. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to modify the language in Section 4.3.4.E.2. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the proposed amendment is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 2 TA23-04 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 1 of 5 STAFF REPORT OF TA23-04 TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: TA23-04 Request: To amend Article 4 of the Unified Development Ordinance to change the use-specific standards for Campground/Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks to reduce the minimum number of spaces required and the minimum space size in the campground. The applicant has also proposed to clarify the language regarding the amenity area in the campground. Applicant: Subject Ordinance: Michael Faulkner Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Subject Article(s) and Section(s): • Article 4: Uses and Use-Specific Standards o Section 4.3.4.E.2.A o Section 4.3.4.E.2.C o Section 4.3.4.E.2.L BACKGROUND Applicant Michael Faulkner has submitted a request for a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to change the use-specific standards for Campground/Recreational Vehicle Parks. The applicant stated a desire to amend the ordinance to fit with developing trends in technology, culture, employment and the market. Specific needs outlined in the application include community needs for traveling nurses and smaller RV types such as Mercedes Sprinters. The applicant is proposing that the minimum number of spaces is reduced to 8 (E.2.A), with a minimum area per space of 1,200 square feet (E.2.C). This would allow RV Park operators more flexibility in site design, and would allow smaller sites to be used for RV Park developments. The applicant’s goal is a more tailored, boutique RV park experience in contrast to the larger, more common campground-style RV parks. The applicant has also proposed language to update and clarify the minimum requirements for bathroom facilities and the central structure for laundry, vending machines and the retail sales counter. Staff have received calls expressing interest in permanent or temporary RV use on individual parcels; however the County only permits RVs to be used in an approved campground/RV park. There are several campgrounds in the County mostly concentrated in and around Carolina Beach Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 1 TA23-04 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 2 of 5 and Ogden. While mobile home parks are common in the northern part of the County, there are no campgrounds or RV parks in the Wrightsboro, Hightsville or Castle Hayne area. The New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance defines Campgrounds/RV Parks as, “any parcel or tract of land upon which campsites are occupied or intended to be occupied by tent for overnight camping or upon which recreational vehicles are occupied for sleeping purposes, regardless of whether or not a charge is made for such purposes.” The UDO currently requires minimum development standards of RV parks, including a minimum of 25 spaces and that each space will consist of a minimum area of 2,000 square feet. In addition, the UDO requires certain other minimum standards such as open space requirements, bathroom facilities, access and parking. The current ordinance standards are geared towards larger scale campgrounds for itinerant use, where users bring their own RV, park it during their stay, and leave with the RV after. RV Parks are only permitted by-right in the B-2 and PD districts, in all other districts they are permitted with a Special Use Permit (SUP). In all districts, they are subject to additional development standards. Staff have researched other jurisdictions’ regulations for RV Parks, finding some regulate the maximum number of lots per acre rather than a minimum number of required lots. While most jurisdictions researched by staff have minimum lot size requirements, the sizes vary within a range of 1,250 to 2,250 square feet. Jurisdiction Minimum Lot Size Lot Density Per Acre Minimum Lot Number Leland, NC 1,250 sq ft 7 - Dare County, NC 1,500 sq ft - - Myrtle Beach, SC 2,250 sq ft - - Surf City, NC 1,800 sq ft 20 - Holly Ridge, NC 1,500 sq ft - 15 Other jurisdictions prescribe setbacks between the RVs/travel trailers and minimum requirements for open space. The open space requirements of other jurisdictions are based on acreage of the total site or the number of RV spaces. Research indicates that while RV parks and campgrounds are commonly regulated across jurisdictions, those regulations vary widely. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 2 TA23-04 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 3 of 5 STAFF ANALYSIS RV Parks and campgrounds are not specifically addressed in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. However, these uses are common in many communities along the North Carolina coast, including New Hanover County, and can support tourism and public access to water and natural resources. The 2016 Comprehensive Plan recommends supporting business success and promoting place-based economic development. Increasing flexibility in site design allows for diversity and variety in areas where RV parks and campgrounds could be developed. While the current regulations are similar to other jurisdictions, New Hanover County’s minimum lot size for RVs in RV parks is larger than others. The applicant’s request is more in line with other communities, which have smaller minimum space requirements. The New Hanover County UDO still has controls over other aspects of RV parks, including parking, setbacks from rights-of-way, and access. The applicant’s request to update and clarify the language in to allow for flexibility in restroom facility design is in line with the minimum requirements for development standards for RV Parks. While the minimum number of spaces required does not appear commonly as a regulation in other jurisdictions, reducing the number from 25 to 8 would allow for smaller-scale RV parks. The reduction in minimum space size would allow RV park operators more flexibility in site design. Tourism is a large part of the economy in New Hanover County; during the summer, the demand for temporary lodging increases and the supply decreases. The request to allow a lower number of minimum spaces and smaller space requirements would allow for smaller-scale RV parks to operate within the County, increasing the opportunity for tourist-oriented businesses to operate on smaller sites. The County still requires that RV Parks go through the Special Use Permit in residential districts, which will ensure additional review of site design and compliance with public health and safety requirements. In all districts, an RV Park would be required to go through the Technical Review Committee process, ensuring minimum standards are met. However, these changes to the ordinance may affect development in ways that are not yet fully clear. The suggested amendments to space size and minimum number of required spaces are rational but would allow for smaller lots, more common in residential areas, to be used for campgrounds and RV parks. There is still the control mechanism of the Special Use Permit for all campgrounds and RV parks in residential areas. Staff has determined that additional research is needed on how potential increases in this use will impact residential areas. Further insight is needed to determine what locations and zoning districts are appropriate for some of the smaller scale vs. larger scale parks. These smaller-scale campgrounds and RV parks may require additional standards in order to mitigate their impacts on adjacent residential areas. When the current standards were originally adopted, SUPs were intended to function as a “maybe,” depending on the specific site and project proposed. The safeguards of that review process have changed over time. Subsequent court decisions have rendered this SUP process as a de facto “yes” unless evidence is provided that a proposed project will not meet a required finding based on its impacts on adjacent properties. As a result, staff is concerned that by reducing the bar for potential applicants and projects set by the project and property size minimums, there may be implications beyond those evident based on an initial review of the request. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 3 TA23-04 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 4 of 5 PROPOSED AMENDMENT The application and proposed text amendment is below, with red italics indicating new language and strikethrough indicating provisions that are removed. Subsection 4.3.4.E.2.A: a. Every recreational vehicle park shall contain at least 25 8 spaces. Subsection 4.3.4.E.2.C: c. Every space shall consist of a minimum area of 2,000 1,200 square feet. Each space shall be designated on the ground by permanent markers or monuments. Subsection 4.3.4.E.2.L l. Each park shall have a central structure or structures area that will provide separate toilet facilities for both sexes, and/or a minimum of 2 private unisex toilet rooms. This structure The location of this area may also contain a retail sales counter and/or coin operated machine for the park residents’ use only, vending and laundry machines for the park visitors’ use only, provided there is no exterior advertising. Vending machines also may be permitted in a sheltered area. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 4 TA23-04 Staff Report PB 5.4.2023 Page 5 of 5 STAFF RECOMMENDATION While what the applicant is proposing is not out of line with other jurisdictions and the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance, staff would need more time to research the full proposal and the implications of these changes to the ordinance. Staff suggests continuing this application to allow for more time for research and recommends the following motion: I move to CONTINUE the proposed amendment of the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to modify the language in Section 4.3.4.E.2 to the June 1 Planning Board meeting in order to allow for more time for staff research and review. If the Board finds that sufficient information is presented at the hearing to allow for them to make a recommendation, they may elect to proceed with one of the following motions: Alternative Motion for Approval: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to modify the language in Section 4.3.4.E.2, I find it to be CONSISTENT with the goals of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan to support business success and promote place-based economic development. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the proposed amendment reasonable and in the public interest because it allows for flexibility in site design and accommodations for a changing market and demand. Alternate Motion for Denial: I move to RECOMMEND DENIAL of the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to modify the language in Section 4.3.4.E.2. I find it to be INCONSISTENT with the goals of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan to support business success and promote place-based economic development. I find RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the amendment request is reasonable and in the public interest because the amendment allows for too much of an open window for development of RV parks on smaller parcels in residential areas. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 2 - 5 Initial Application Documents & Materials Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 3 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 2 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 3 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 4 - 4 Public Comments In Support 0 Neutral 0 In Opposition 0 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 2 - 5 - 1 N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 5/4/2023 Regular D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Rebeka h Roth, Planning & L and U se Directo r C O N TA C T (S ): Rebekah Roth S U B J EC T: P ublic Hearing Text A mendment Request (TA 23-02) - Request b y N ew Hanover C ounty P lanning & L and U se to am end S ec8on 10.2.3 C ommunity I nform a8 on M ee8 ng to clarify expec ta8 ons and standards for C ommunity I nforma8on M ee8ngs required for applica8ons for c ondi8onal rezonings, planned developments, and intensive industry special use permits. B R I E F S U M M A RY: N ew Hanover C ounty Planning & L and U se staff are proposing a n amendment to clarify the expecta$ons and standards for required co mmunity inf o rma$on mee$ngs. T he key intent o f the amendment is to ensure that applicant teams, adjacent residents/property owners, and board members have a common understanding of the purpo se o f these mee$ngs, that standards ensure that owners and residents o f adjacent land are inf o rmed of pro posed develo pment applica$o ns, and that these mee$ngs serve as an effec$ve forum for co ncerns to be resolved thro ugh discussio n and mo difica$o ns to the proposal when po ssible. C o mmunity inf o rma$on mee$ngs, which are required by the ordinance to take place prior to applica$ons f o r condi$onal rezonings, planned develo pments, and intensive industry spec ial use permits, were first required by the county in 2007. At that $me, the intent was to make sure nea rby residents and property o wners were informed o f po ten$al develo pment pro posals earlier in the pro cess to suppo rt their ability to par$cipate. S ince then, these mee$ngs have also beco me forums to resolve po ten$al confl ic ts before an applica$o n is submi2ed. T he pro posed text amendment and a sso ciated administra$ve do cuments are intended to re-set expecta$o ns f o r applicant teams, adjacent residents/property owners, and boa rd members so this f o rum can be2er serve the purpo se currently intended f o r it in the planning process. Staff released dra4s of these documents on March 31, 2023 f o r a public comment period that ended at 8 am o n April 24, 2023. All co mments a nd staff responses are a 2a c hed. T he pro posed amendment has been revised to provide f o r so me flexibility f o r scheduled mee$ngs that were unable to o ccur due to reasons beyond the applicant's contro l, and the administra$ve documents have been revised to more clearly diff eren$ate between administra$ve requirements that must be met in order for an applica$o n to be deemed co mplete and provisions that are recommenda$ons and best prac$ces. I f appro ved by the B o ard o f C ommissioners, the text amendment could o nly be changed through an offi cial text amendment pro cess, but administra$ve documents could be modified and updated upon the approval o f the co unty manager. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Staff recommends appro val of the requested amendment a nd suggests the following mo$on: I move to R EC O M M E N D A P P R OVA L of the pro posed amendment to the N ew Hanover C ounty U nified Development O rdinance to cla rif y expec ta$ons for required co mmunity inf o rma$on mee$ngs and the propo sed administra$ve do cuments. I find them to be C O N S I S T E N T with the purpo se and intent of the 2016 C omprehensive Plan because they clarify an importa nt part of the planning process necessary to support the go als of the C omprehensive Plan f o r a vibrant community suppor$ve of private investment that also conserves and enha nces our sense o f place. I also fi n d R EC O M M E N D I N G A P P R OVA L of the pro posed amendment reasonable and in the public interest because it clarifi es expecta$o ns fo r applicants, ci$zens, and boa rd members related to community mee$ngs. AT TA C H M E N T S : Descrip$on TA23-02 - Script (Planning Board) TA23-02 - Staff Report - PB TA23-02 Text Amendment Draft TA23-02 - Community Meeting Guidelines - PB Draft TA23-02 Notice Template - PB Draft TA23-02 Community Information Meeting Report - PB Draft TA23-02 Public Comments and Staff Responses C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 SCRIPT for Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendment (TA23-02) Request by New Hanover County Planning & Land Use to amend Section 10.2.3 Community Information Meeting to clarify expectations and standards for Community Information Meetings required for conditional rezonings, planned developments, and intensive industry special use permits. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then any supporters and opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and an additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct Hearing, as follows: a. Staff presentation b. Supporters’ presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Opponents’ presentation (up to 15 minutes) d. Supporters’ rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) e. Opponents’ rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. Vote on amendment. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why approval or denial of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest. Example Motion of Approval I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to clarify expectations for required community information meetings and the proposed administrative documents. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purpose and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because they clarify an important part of the planning process necessary to support the goals of the Comprehensive Plan for a vibrant community supportive of private investment that also conserves and enhances our sense of place. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the proposed amendment reasonable and in the public interest because it clarifies expectations for applicants, citizens, and board members related to community meetings. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: I move to [Approve/Deny] the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to establish the Riverfront Urban Mixed-Use Zoning (RUMXZ) district. I find it to be [Consistent/Inconsistent] with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ I also find [Approval/Denial] of the proposed amendment is reasonable and in the public interest because [insert reasons] __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 STAFF REPORT FOR TA23-02 TEXT AMENDMENT REQUEST REQUEST SUMMARY Case Number: TA23-02 Request: To amend Section 10.2.3 Community Information Meeting to clarify expectations and standards for Community Information Meetings required for conditional rezonings, planned developments, and intensive industry special use permits. Applicant: Subject Ordinances: New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Purpose & Intent The key intent of this amendment is ensure that applicant teams, adjacent residents/property owners, and board members have a common understanding of the purpose of the community information meetings required for certain development applications, that standards ensure that owners and residents of adjacent land are informed of proposed development applications, and that the meeting serves as an effective forum for concerns to be resolved through discussion and modifications to the proposal when possible. BACKGROUND The New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance requires applicants hold community information meetings before submitting an application for conditional rezonings, planned developments, and intensive industry special use permits. This type of meeting was first required by the county in 2007 in response to public concerns voiced regarding the River Lights development (which was reviewed by the county prior to its annexation by the City of Wilmington). At that time, it was intended to ensure that nearby residents and property owners were informed of potential development proposals earlier in the process to support their ability to participate. Since then, board members and community residents have indicated during public hearings an expectation that these meetings should also serve as forums to resolve potential conflicts before an application is submitted, either through discussion or modifications to the proposed plan. This expectation, while included in the meeting purpose statement in 2019 as part of the UDO Project amendments, may not be recognized by all code users, and the implications of this expanded purpose on meeting format and application requirements has not been previously addressed. This conflict in expectations of the purpose and requirements for community information meetings was recently highlighted at a Planning Board meeting when an applicant took advantage of a section of the ordinance that allowed applicants proceed with an application if they submitted a report stating the reasons why the meeting was not held. The applicant felt that due to recent public hearings, adjacent community members were aware of the project and the new application reflected their input, so an additional meeting was not necessary. The ordinance allows the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners to determine the adequacy of that report, and the Planning Board voted 4-3 to not accept the report in lieu of the community meeting. Consideration of the applicant’s proposal was delayed until a community meeting was held. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 1 While this instance expedited staff’s efforts to address requirements for community information meetings, questions and complaints regarding these meetings had been ongoing for several years. Staff had received questions from community members regarding why some notice included certain information and others did not and complaints that either notice had not been received or was received so late that adjacent property owners were unable to attend the meeting. Applicants had also indicated that the required meetings were becoming a barrier in the process and a forum for complaints and citizen anger rather than the source of up-front information originally intended. The proposed text amendment and associated administrative documents are intended to re-set expectations for applicant teams, adjacent residents/property owners, and board members so this forum can better serve the purpose currently intended for it in the planning process. The text amendment would articulate current expectations that input provided during community information meetings should be considered by an applicant and impact the project submitted as a formal application. The associated administrative documents are meant to better support meetings designed to be accessible for attendees, reducing potential conflict. Staff released drafts of the proposed amendment to the UDO and associated administrative documents on March 31, 2023 for a public comment period that ended at 8 am on April 24, 2003. During this period, comments were received from staff members at Paramounte Engineering. Those comments and staff responses are attached. The proposed amendment has been revised to provide for some flexibility for scheduled meetings that were unable to occur due to reasons beyond the applicant’s control, and the administrative documents have been revised to more clearly differentiate between administrative requirements that must be met in order for an application to be deemed complete versus recommendations and best practices. PROPOSED AMENDMENT & ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTS The proposed draft amendment is attached, with red italics indicating new language proposed as part of the public comment draft and strikethrough indicated text that is to be removed. New language provided in response to public comments or additional staff consideration are indicated by blue underlined text. All administrative documents are new, and changes made in response to public comments or additional staff consideration are indicated by strikethrough or blue underlined text. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested amendment and suggests the following motion: I move to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the proposed amendment to the New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance to clarify expectations for required community information meetings and the proposed administrative documents. I find them to be CONSISTENT with the purpose and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because they clarify an important part of the planning process necessary to support the goals of the Comprehensive Plan for a vibrant community supportive of private investment that also conserves and enhances our sense of place. I also find RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the proposed amendment reasonable and in the public interest because it clarifies expectations for applicants, citizens, and board members related to community meetings. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 2 2023-03 Public Comment Draft 10.2.3. COMMUNITY INFORMATION MEETING A. Purpose The purpose of a community information meeting is to provide an in-person or digital forum so the applicant can inform owners and residents of nearby lands and other stakeholders about a proposed development application, to allow the applicant to explain the review process and site plan if applicable; solicit comments and to provide the applicant an opportunity to hear and address questions, comments and concerns about the development proposal as a means of resolving so they are able to resolve conflicts and outstanding issues through discussion and modifications to the proposal, where possible. B. Applicability 1. Unless a report is submitted in accordance with subsection 2 below, a At least one community information meeting that complies with the requirements in this section is required to be held prior to submittal of any of the following applications: a. Conditional rezonings; b. Planned developments; and c. Special use permits for uses classified as intensive industry. 2. An applicant may submit an application identified in subsection 1 above without first holding a community information meeting if the applicant submits with the application a report documenting efforts that were made to arrange such a meeting and stating the reasons such a meeting was not held. Scheduled meetings that are unable to be held due to technical issues beyond the control of the applicant or isolated storm events may take place after the application submittal deadline as long as the required community information meeting report is submitted within three business days of the application deadline. 3. The adequacy of a meeting held or report submitted shall be considered by the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners, as appropriate, in their decisions, but shall not be subject to judicial review. 4. For applications other than those identified in subsection 1 above, a community information meeting may be held in accordance with this section at the option of the applicant. C. Procedure If a community information meeting is conducted, the applicant shall comply with the requirements in subsections 1 and 2 below. 1. Notification a. The applicant shall provide send written notice by first class mail and/or personal delivery or other agreed upon measure at least ten days prior to the date of the community information meeting. Notice shall be provided to the Planning Department and to each owner of record of land within 500 feet of and on the property tax parcel or leased site, if applicable, subject to the Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 1 2023-03 Public Comment Draft application. Notice shall be provided to the Planning Department as outlined by administrative procedures. b. The County shall provide notice of the community information meeting by e- mail to the Sunshine List upon receipt of the applicant’s notification. 2. Conduct of Meeting and Written Summary a. The community information meeting shall be open to the public. At the meeting, the applicant shall explain the development proposal and application, inform attendees about the application review process, respond to questions or concerns neighbors raise about the proposed application, and discuss ways to resolve any conflicts or concerns. b. The applicant shall prepare a written summary of the meeting. The summary shall be included with the application materials and contain the following information: 1. Date, time, and location of the meeting; 2. List of invitees and copies of any returned mailings received as of the date of application; 3. List of meeting attendees; 4. Summary of issues discussed; 5. Description of any changes or adjustments made to the proposal as a result of the comments and concerns received by the applicant; and 6. Any other information the applicant deems appropriate. c. The Planning Director may develop administrative requirements for communicating and holding community meetings that fulfill the meeting requirements of this section, as approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, with subsequent amendments approved by the County Manager. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 2 2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 1 Community Meeting Guidelines New Hanover County Planning & Land Use Purpose The purpose of this document is to outline the administrative requirements and recommended best practices for communicating and holding community meetings that fulfill the Community Information Meeting requirement pursuant to UDO Section 10.2.3. Meeting Scheduling Requirements A. Applicants must hold an in-person and/or virtual community information meeting prior to submitting their application, but not earlier than six months prior to application submittal. B. The meeting must begin no earlier than 5:00 PM and no later than 8:00 PM on a weekday or no earlier than 10:00 AM and no later than 7:00 PM on a weekend. C. The meeting must not be held on a Sunday morning, holiday, a holiday weekend, or the day before a holiday or holiday weekend. A holiday is defined as legal holidays recognized by New Hanover County. D. The meeting must be scheduled and noticed for at least an hour. Recommendations A. Applicants are expected to consider the demographics and schedule of meeting attendees when determining a date and time for scheduling a meeting. For instance, community meetings in neighborhoods with large numbers of retirees may be appropriate during daytime hours, but in other instances it would be more appropriate to begin meeting no earlier than 5:00 PM and no later than 8:00 PM on a weekday or no earlier than 10:00 AM and no later than 7:00 PM on a weekend. B. Applicants are encouraged to consider religious or cultural holidays that may not be legal holidays recognized by New Hanover County staff if appropriate given the demographics of a community. C. Applicants are encouraged to schedule community information meetings early enough in advance of anticipated application deadlines to allow for a properly noticed additional meeting in case the initial meeting must be cancelled or further discussions with community members is desired. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 1 2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 2 Meeting Content Requirements A. Applicants must present the following information during their meeting: a. A clear explanation of the proposal, including the proposed zoning district(s), potential uses, and number of residential units and/or density, as applicable; b. An explanation of the type of review process involved (i.e., public hearings or preliminary forums required for conditional rezoning, planned development rezoning, or special use permit as applicable); c. When the application is anticipated to be submitted; d. How interested parties can stay informed and engaged in the process; and e. The applicant’s contact information. B. The Planning Director may designate staff to attend the meeting to observe or answer procedural questions. Recommendations A. While county staff do not generally attend these meetings to avoid potential unofficial feedback on a proposed project, the Planning Director may designate staff to attend the meeting to observe or answer procedural questions if determined to be appropriate. B. The applicant is encouraged to obtain information from the Planning Department regarding the review process that can be used to inform residents of the next steps. Meeting Format Requirements Applicants may choose the format for a community meeting—virtual, in-person, or hybrid—following the requirements below. A. Virtual Meetings a. Virtual community meetings must be held using an interactive online video conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WebEx, or other similar platforms as approved by the Planning Director. b. As some members of the public do not have internet access or are otherwise unable to access digital platforms, the meeting platform must have the ability for attendees to call into the conference using a telephone. If a platform can only be accessed via the internet, it cannot be used to hold the virtual meeting. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 2 2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 3 c. Those who access the meeting via telephone must be given the same information, graphics, maps, and any other pertinent information as those accessing the meeting via the internet. If the applicant intends to screen share presentation slides or graphics during the video conference, that material must be included in hardcopy format in the virtual meeting notification packet should be made available to those who access the meeting via telephone before the meeting if requested. d. Meeting attendees, whether online or on the phone, must have an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns about the proposal. e. The meeting must be held open for a minimum of one hour regardless of the number of participants that attend. B. In-Person Meetings a. In-person venues must be held at one of the following locations: i. On the subject property; or ii. At a nearby public meeting place such as a school, library, community center, place of worship, or other meeting facility that is easily identified by the public; or iii. At a publicly accessible approved by the Planning Director or designee. b. During times of public health concern, meetings must follow current health and safety recommendations issued by the Center of Disease Control and/or local health officials. If in-person meetings are permitted during times of public health concern, they must be held in venues large enough to allow participants to gather safely, and all proper safety and cleaning measures must be taken, including providing masks or other protective supplies to participants. c. Meeting venues must provide ADA compliant accessibility for meeting attendees. d. Meeting venues should provide sufficient safe and accessible parking for attendees. e. Meetings should provide an opportunity for questions and comments of attendees either during the meeting itself or in writing so they can be addressed later. If questions are addressed outside of the meeting, responses should be provided in the community meeting report submitted with the development application. C. Hybrid Meetings a. Hybrid meetings must meet the requirements of both virtual and in-person meetings, excepting that the call-in feature does not have to be provided for the virtual meeting and presentation slides and graphics do not have to be included in hardcopy format in the virtual meeting notification packet. Recommendations A. Applicants are expected to consider the accessibility of in-person meeting sites for attendees. For instance, while in some instances meetings at the subject site help inform the discussion, Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 3 2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 4 they are likely inappropriate if the site is difficult to get to or has limited space for attendee parking. Meeting spaces that do not allow for access for disabled attendees would also be inappropriate. B. The selection of virtual meetings should consider the attendees’ access to the necessary internet infrastructure and the likelihood of their having personal devices that make access possible. Meeting Notice Requirements Applicants must provide notice of a neighborhood meeting as follows: A. The applicant must utilize the meeting notice template developed by the Planning Department and include a description of the proposal, including all potential uses being requested and the number and/or maximum density of residential units, and a map showing the location of the subject property and highlighting the parcels of the property owners who were required to be notified of the proposal. B. The mailing shall also include a conceptual site plan of the proposal clearly labeling structures and site features such as parking areas and proposed vegetative buffers. C. The notice must include paper copies (in color) of any graphics or slides that will be presented by the applicant if the meeting is being held only on a virtual platform. D. The applicant must provide the Planning & Land Use Department the information to access the meeting and a copy of the notification letter and materials at least 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting in a digital format so it can be shared with the email Sunshine List. If the Planning Director or designee must approve the location of an in-person meeting, the information should be provided a minimum of 15 days in advance to allow for staff review and approval before mailing. E. Notice must be sent by first class mail to all property owners within 500 feet of the subject tax parcel or leased site at least ten days prior to the date of the community meeting. Recommendations A. Applicants are encouraged to provide Planning & Land Use Department staff a list of residents and property owners notified of the Community Information Meeting to allow staff to answer citizen questions related to who should have received notice. B. Staff can assist in preparing a list of property owners required to be notified, but applicants are encouraged to request this information at least five business days in advance of when the list is needed. C. Applicants are encouraged to send first class mailed notice further in advance than the ten day minimum to ensure recipients receive far enough in advance of the meeting to allow for them to reschedule as needed so they are able to attend if desired. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 4 2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 5 Post Meeting Procedures A. The applicant must submit the following materials to Planning staff as part of their initial application submittal: a. The designated Community Information Meeting Report form posted on the Planning & Land Use website; b. A list of names and addresses of attendees. For virtual meetings with over 50 attendees, applicants are allowed to provide a full recording in order to fulfill this requirement. For virtual participants, the applicant should create an attendance list by having each attendee verbally introduce themselves when they join the meeting or by having each attendee type their name in the meeting chat; c. A list of the names and addresses of invitees and copies of any returned mailings received as of the date of application; d. A copy of the meeting notification, including all attachments; and e. A copy of all materials distributed or presented at the meeting. B. The Planning Director may require a second meeting for projects that generate a high level of community interest or concern, when an application changes significantly, or if there is a defect in community meeting notice. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 5 [INSERT LOGO OF ENTITY HOSTING MEETING] [INSERT FIRM CONTACT INFORMATION] To: Resident(s) and property owner(s) From: [INSERT NAME] Date: [INSERT DATE] Re: Notice of meeting to discuss a potential [INSERT REZONING/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT/SPECIAL USE PERMIT] located at [INSERT SPECIFIC ADDRESS OR GENERAL LOCATION IF NOT ADDRESSED] and having New Hanover County Parcel Identification Numbers [INSERT PARCEL NUMBERS] . [INSERT WHO THE APPLICANT/FIRM IS AND WHAT PURPOSE OF MEETING THIS IS]. The property is highlighted in red on the context map included with this mailing. The other parcels highlighted on the context map indicate the property owners we are required to notify about this proposal. The property is currently zoned [INSERT CURRENT ZONING INCLUDING OVERLAYS]. The developer is considering [INSERT PROPOSED REZONING INCLUDING OVERLAY]. The [INSERT REZONING/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT/SPECIAL USE PERMIT] would facilitate the development of [INSERT PROJECT PROPOSAL INCLUDING ALL POTENTIAL USES BEING REQUESTED AND NUMBER AND/OR MAXIMUM DENSITY OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS]. A concept plan depicting the proposal is included with this mailing. We will hold a [INSERT IN-PERSON/VIRTUAL/HYBRID] community meeting on [INSERT DAY], [INSERT DATE], from [INSERT TIME RANGE] [INSERT AT LOCATION/VIA VIRTUAL PLATFORM]. The purpose of this community meeting is to ensure that nearby property owners are made aware of the proposed project. We also want a better understanding of how this project could impact you, and look forward to hearing your questions, comments, and concerns. Instructions for registering for and joining the meeting are enclosed. Please do not hesitate to contact [INSERT APPLICANT/FIRM CONTACT]. Also, for more information about the requirements for this type of proposal and how you can receive future information, you may want to visit nhcgov.com/528/Planning-Land-Use, email rfarrell@nhcgov.com, or contact the New Hanover County Planning & Land Use Department via phone at (910) 798-7165. If the proposal should move forward and be submitted to the New Hanover County Planning & Land Use Department formally, you will be able to stay engaged in the project from the time of application submittal to the time it is heard by our elected officials via the Development Review webpage (https://plannhc.com). [INSERT NOTIFICATION AREA/CONTEXT MAP] [INSERT CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN] Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 1 [INSERT LOGO OF ENTITY HOSTING MEETING] [INSERT FIRM CONTACT INFORMATION] [INSERT DATE] RE: Virtual Neighborhood Meeting – Instructions Dear Neighboring Property Owner, We will be hosting a virtual neighborhood meeting via [INSERT PLATFORM]. The meeting will be held on [INSERT DAY & DATE] and run from [INSERT TIME RANGE].  To attend the meeting via computer, mobile device, or iPad, type in the following link in your internet browser: [INSERT PLATFORM MEETING LINK] *If a meeting ID or passcode is required, insert here as well.  To attend the meeting via phone, you may dial in b y: [INSERT PHONE NUMBER] *If a meeting ID or passcode is required, insert here as well.  [If there is technical support before, during or after the meeting, insert contact info here] Sincerely, [INSERT NAME] Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 2 Page 1 of 2 Community Information Meeting Report – Updated 04-2022 NEW HANOVER COUNTY_____________________ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone (910) 798-7165 Nhcgov.com/528/Planning-Land-Use COMMUNITY INFORMATION MEETING REPORT Address/Location Parcel Identification Number(s) Meeting Date and Time Format (Virtual, In-Person, Hybrid) Location if In-Person or Hybrid Selection Criteria for Location Meeting Summary Issues and Concerns Discussed at Meeting Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 6 - 1 Page 2 of 2 Community Information Meeting Report – Updated 04-2022 List of Changes and Modifications Made to the Proposal in Response to Issues and Concerns (if no modifications were made, please explain why) Report Attachments All of the following items must be submitted as part of the required community information meeting report in addition to this form. Checklist Applicant Initial  A list of names and addresses of attendees  A list of the names and addresses of invitees and copies of any returned mailings received to date  A copy of the mailed notice with all attachments  A copy of all materials distributed or presented at the meeting Acknowledgement and Signatures By my signature below, I hereby certify that written notice of the community information meeting as described above was mailed and/or personal delivery to property owners withing 500 feet of the subject site as set forth on the attached list, by first class mail on [DATE] _____________________________. A copy of the written notice is also attached. I also herby certify that the meeting summary and list of attendees is accurate and representative of the proceedings at the community information meeting.. Signature of Applicant Print Name Date Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 6 - 2 1 Public Comments & Responses Includes comments received during official public comment period of March 31, 2023 to April 24, 2023 Comment Provider Document & Section Comment(s) Staff Response Paramounte Engineering, Allison Engebretson and Brad Schuler -Most comments were received during a virtual meeting and are not verbatim; Mr. Schuler did send some written clarifications-those are indicated by quotation marks UDO Text Amendment – Section 10.2.3.B (Applicability) Can flexibility be allowed in situations where a community information meeting is scheduled but due to an act of God is unable to occur? Sometimes applicants need to be on a particular agenda due to contractual obligations, and if the meeting could occur within a certain timeframe prior to the meeting that would be helpful. “As it relates to flexibility on the timing and notice of the meeting, the examples we provided at the [virtual] meeting were ones we just thought of at that time. It is hard to predict every situation that would warrant some flexibility (who would have thought of Covid?), so would prefer the current text allowing flexibility to remain.” While staff understands the desire for flexibility, the intent of the text amendment is to ensure that community information meetings are held, and resident concerns are considered, before a proposal is finalized. This may require community meetings be held further in advance of an application deadline than is sometimes happening, and this is recommended in the updated Administrative Guidelines. In order to address the noted concerns, the language has been revised to allow a new community meeting be held within the application completeness review timeline in cases where technical issues beyond the control of the applicant or isolated storm events cause a previously scheduled meeting to be cancelled. Additional guidance related to meeting dates generally occurs for larger disasters or disruptive events, and it less appropriate that applications move forward without community meetings when adjacent residents are adapting to situations such as hurricane recovery. UDO Text Amendment – Section 10.2.3.C (Procedure) Could notification also be provided by personal delivery? Sometimes applicants would prefer to deliver notice personally to allow for discussions with adjacent residents and property owners. Hand delivered notice would meet the intent of the ordinance as long as the property owner received the notice, and not just a tenant. The text amendment language has been modified to allow for first class mailing and/or hand delivery to all property owners within the prescribed notification area. Request to clarify that the 500 ft. notification ring is related to the tax parcel or leased site subject to the development application. Leased sites at the airport were specifically mentioned as examples where large numbers of property owners not impacted by a project might have to be notified if notification is based just on the parcel of land. Notification requirements for community meetings are not addressed in the General Statutes but are currently intended to reflect the statutory notification requirements for public hearings so that the same parties notified about the public hearings have already been made aware of the project. The ordinance standards for public hearing notice require all property owners within 500 ft. of the parcel of land be notified, so the requested change would not include everyone who would receive notice of the public hearing. As past department interpretation of the community information meeting notice have allowed for the reduced scope of mailings for leased sites, the number of impacted properties is likely small, and the requested clarification would still allow statutory requirements be met and impacted property owners be notified, the requirement has been clarified to allow the notification to be for properties within 500 ft. of the tax parcel or leased site, if applicable. Is it necessary to require copies of returned mailings be provided with an application? Many times, undelivered letters are not returned by the post office prior to the application, and provision of undelivered letters would not impact the notification requirements of the county. Request to at least modify the provision to read ‘any returned mailings received as of the date of application.’ “While the notes reference modifying the requirement to at least provide return mailings received as of the date of application, I still take some issue with this as the County does not provide this information in the PB/BOC packets. Would prefer if this requirement was removed from the proposal. The intent of including the returned mailings is to allow staff and board members to address questions of residents who did not receive notification of the community information meeting. It would be helpful to have this information, so the requirement has been retained but amended to only require provision of copies of any returned mailings received as of the date of application. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 1 2 Comment Provider Document & Section Comment(s) Staff Response Paramounte Engineering, Allison Engebretson and Brad Schuler -Most comments were received during a virtual meeting and are not verbatim; Mr. Schuler did send some written clarifications-those are indicated by quotation marks UDO Text Amendment – Section 10.2.3.C (Procedure) Questions were asked regarding the role of the guidelines and whether they are binding. The guidelines operate in the same way as other administrative processes, such as application deadlines and application requirements. They are intended to be rules, but ones that are more flexible than ordinances. This will be clarified in the Purpose statement of the Administrative Guidelines, and any language that is guiding rather than a requirement will be noted as such in the guidelines. Administrative Guidelines – Meeting Scheduling The time and day guidelines may be overly rigorous for certain demographics (assumes that adjacent residents work a regular business This language may be more appropriate as a recommendation, rather than an administrative rule. To ensure that applicants consider the demographics and most appropriate meeting day and time for adjacent property owners when scheduling community information meetings, the application form has been modified to require a narrative describing this rationale. Administrative Guidelines – Meeting Content Is it appropriate to have the applicant provide information on the review process or could this be provided via a link to the county website included in the notification letter? Preference is to have a staff member attend the community information meeting. The intent of this provision is to provide the meeting attendees with information regarding the next steps in the process. This has been clarified in the meeting guidelines, but staff intends to provide additional information that can be available to the public regarding the process on the website and available for applicants to provide to attendees. Administrative Guidelines – Meeting Format Since meeting materials are not always finalized at the time the notification is sent out, could the guidelines be modified to require that the notification include the process for requesting meeting materials for anyone who is accessing the meeting via telephone? As staff has received no information to date indicating that this is a problem with community meetings, the suggested change has been included in the administrative guidelines and notification template. This may be revisited if future problems arise. Given the difficulty of identifying in-person meeting venues that are convenient and large enough for adjacent residents, requiring Planning & Land Use Department approval of a venue may add an additional barrier to the applicant, especially without clear guidelines for department staff to use in determining whether to approve. This language has been revised and the requirement for staff pre-approval has been removed, though this may be revisited if future problems arise. To ensure that applicants consider the most appropriate meeting venue for adjacent property owners when scheduling community information meetings, the application form has been modified to require a narrative describing this rationale. Is requiring the applicant to provide masks at public meetings reasonable or necessary? This section may not be necessary as local health requirements would determine what is necessary based on the nature of the public health concern and may not be necessary in outdoor venues. This language has been revised to require compliance with local health directives and does not specify health accommodations. The ADA compliance requirement may be difficult to monitor and could rule out meetings on-site or in building such as religious assembly structures that otherwise could be appropriate venues. Could this be phrased as a recommendation? This language has been revised to not refer to a specific set of accessibility requirements. To ensure that applicants consider the needs of adjacent property owners when scheduling community information meetings, the application form has been modified to require a narrative describing this rationale. This may be revisited if future problems arise. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 2 3 Comment Provider Document & Section Comment(s) Staff Response Paramounte Engineering, Allison Engebretson and Brad Schuler -Most comments were received during a virtual meeting and are not verbatim; Mr. Schuler did send some written clarifications-those are indicated by quotation marks Administrative Guidelines – Meeting Format “The ‘safe and accessible parking’ standard seems also tied to the ADA guideline. Who is responsible for deciding what is ‘safe and accessible?’ Wouldn’t any building that is allowed to be occupied today be already providing this?” The intent of this requirement is to ensure that meeting attendees can conveniently access the site, which may be on the subject site or park as well as a building. As with the draft ADA compliance requirement, this language has been revised, but to ensure that applicants consider the needs of adjacent property owners when scheduling community information meetings, the application form has been modified to require a narrative describing this rationale. This may be revised if future problems arise. Request to clarify what in the guidelines is mandatory and what is recommended. The guidelines operate in the same way as other administrative processes, such as application deadlines and application requirements. They are intended to be rules, but ones that are more flexible than ordinances. This will be clarified in the Purpose statement of the Administrative Guidelines and Community Information Meeting Report, and any language that is guiding rather than a requirement will be noted as such in the guidelines. Administrative Guidelines – Meeting Notice Request that if maps showing the subject property and highlighting the parcels of the property owners who are required to be notified is mandatory that it be provided by the Planning & Land Use Department (at least upon request) The purpose of this provision is to allow recipients of the letter to know who of their neighbors may also have received the information. To alleviate the burden for applicants who are not professional land designers, attorneys, or engineers, the guidelines have been updated to remove this provision but to require the applicant provide the list of persons notified to the Planning & Land Use office as part of the notification for the community meeting. This will allow staff to answer questions that adjacent property owners may have regarding who should have received notification. If it is determined that the staff pre-approval of a location is unreasonable and is removed from the guidelines, (B) should be modified to reflect. (B) has been removed. Administrative Guidelines – Post Meeting Procedures Given the difficulty of getting a sign-in sheet for a virtual meeting, especially large ones, could a recording of the full community information meeting be provided instead? The provision in (A)(b) may not work for larger meetings either. While it may be difficult for applicants to get a full list of virtual attendees for large meetings, a recording of the full community information meeting is not as accessible for this type of information as a provided list. The requirement that a list of names and addresses of attendees be provided has been retained but for virtual meetings with over 50 attendees, applicants are allowed to provide a full recording as an alternative. Administrative Guidelines – Overall Document “Overall, would prefer…[that the] guidelines [be] more of a ‘best community meeting practices’ document that could be provided to potential applicants and not regulatory in nature.” The intent of this document is to outline administrative requirements, so there will be some regulatory language, though administrative rules by nature allow for more flexibility than ordinance provisions. Language that is more appropriate as a guideline or best practice has been identified as such, and the document has been revised. Notification Letter Template Could the information on how to contact the Planning & Land Use Department be more concise (perhaps handled by a link) in order to allow for one page notification letters? Longer letters are less likely to be read in their professional experience. The template has been revised to provide more concise staff contact information. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 3 N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 5/4/2023 Regular D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R (S ): Amy Doss, C urrent Planner C O N TA C T (S ): Amy Doss; Robert Farrell, S enio r Planner; Rebekah Ro th, Planning & L and U se D irector S U B J EC T: P reliminary Forum S pec ial U se Perm it Request (S 23-02) - Request by Ly nda Kac hman with Rising S tars of N orth C arolina, L LC , applic ant, on behalf of S andfiddler P roper;es, L LC , property owner, for the use of C hild C are C enter at the approximately 0.82-acre parcel located at 320 Van Dy ke Drive, zoned I -1, L ight I ndustrial. B R I E F S U M M A RY: T he applicant is reques#ng a special use permit for a licensed c hild care center in an exis#ng building on an appro ximately 0.82-acre pa rcel located at the intersec#o n of Van D yke D rive and Amsterdam Way. T he property is currently zoned I -1 with an exis#ng commercial structure that will be co nverted f o r the propo sed use. T he propo sed child care center will accommodate up to 60 children ages 0-12 years. T he only modifica#on to the site wo uld be an exterior fence for child safety. T his facility wo uld serve as an expansio n of the child care fa c ility at 6743 Amsterdam Way. T he N C State D C D E E C onsulta nt has viewed the exis#ng building and recommended it to be suitable for child care needs. W ithin the exis#ng I -1 district, the U nified Development O rdinance requires a spec ial use permit approved by the B o ard o f C ommissioners to allow a C hild C are C enter. Full a c c ess to the site is currently and will remain from Van D yke D rive, a N C D OT ma intained minor arterial ro ad. As currently zo ned, it is es#mated the site would generate about 8 A M a nd 10 P M trips during the peak hours. T he pro posed use wo uld result in an es#mated 47 A M and 47 P M trips, increasing the es#mated number o f peak hour trips by approximately 39 A M and 37 P M peak hour trips. T he es#mated traffi c generated f ro m the site is under the 100 peak hour thresho ld that triggers the ordinance requirement for a Tra ffic I mpact Analysis (T I A). T he 2016 C omprehensive L a nd U se Plan classifi es the subject pro perty as E mplo yment C enter. T he intent o f this place type focuses on emplo yment and pro duc#o n, with predo minantly offi ce a nd light industria l uses. I t can also include residen#al, civic, and recrea#onal uses, but should be clearly delineated from rural and co nserva#o n areas. Types o f uses encouraged include commercial uses designed to serve the needs o f the emplo yment center are appro priate. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : As a preliminary f o rum the Planning B oard does not ma ke a decisio n or reco mmenda#o n on special use permits. T he Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 bo ard is requested to hear the presenta#ons of sta ff, the applica nt, a nd the public to facilitate an o pen and transparent discussio n of the special use permit applica#on. AT TA C H M E N T S : Descrip#on S23-02 Planning Board Script S23-02 Zoning Map S23-02 Future Land Use Map S23-02 Mailout Map Application Materials Cover Sheet S23-02 Application Materials S23-02 Concept Site Plan C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 SCRIPT for SPECIAL USE PERMIT Application PRELIMINARY FORUM (S23-02) Request by Lynda Kachman with Rising Stars of North Carolina, LLC, applicant, on behalf of Sandfiddler Properties, LLC, property owner, for the use of Child Care Center at the approximately 0.82-acre parcel located at 320 Van Dyke Drive, zoned I-1, Light Industrial. 1. This is a Preliminary Forum. The purpose of this forum is to facilitate an open and transparent discussion of the special use permit application and to provide an opportunity for public comments and questions. Please note per state law, the Planning Board will not be making a decision or recommendation this evening. Instead, the decision on the application will be made during the Board of Commissioners’ quasi-judicial hearing, where public participation will be limited to parties with standing and witnesses providing evidence through sworn testimony. Anyone interested in speaking in support or opposition of the project should sign in and speak tonight at this meeting, regardless of standing in the matter. 2. Staff will introduce the application. Then the applicant will be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation. Following the applicant’s presentation, we will have 20 minutes for public questions and comments, and then allow the applicant time to address them. The Board members will then provide their comments and ask questions of the applicant. At the end, Staff will give an overview of next steps in the special use permit process. We will then close the forum. 3. Conduct forum as follows: a. Staff introduction b. Applicant’ s presentation (up to 15 minutes) c. Public comments and questions (up to 20 minutes – total supporters and opponents) d. Applicant response to public comments and questions. e. Planning Board questions and comments. f. Staff overview of next steps. 4. Close the Preliminary Forum. Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 2 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 3 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 4 - 1 APPLICANT MATERIALS Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 5 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 2 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 3 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 4 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 5 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 6 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 7 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 8 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 9 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 6 - 10 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 1 Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 4 - 7 - 2 N E W H A N OV E R C O U N T Y P L A N N I N G B OA R D R EQ U E S T F O R B OA R D A C T I O N M E E T I N G DAT E : 5/4/2023 O ther B usiness D E PA R T M E N T: Planning P R E S E N T E R(S ): Rebeka h Roth, Planning & L and U se Directo r C O N TA C T (S ): Rebekah Roth S U B J EC T: Disc ussion Regarding P lanning B oard M ee.ng T im es B R I E F S U M M A RY: W hen the Planning B o ard adopted the 2023 mee!ng calenda r, they elected to move the regular mee!ng !me f ro m 6 P M to 5 P M due to the growing number of agenda items and late mee!ngs they had been experiencing. At the !me, Planning staff research did no t indicate this change of !me wo uld cause confl icts for any stakeholders. H o wever, since then, the new mee!ng !me has begun to confl ic t with expecta!ons for staff presenc e at B o ard of C o mmissio ner agenda reviews, which o0en occur at 4 pm immedia tely preceding the Planning B oard mee!ng. S T R AT EGI C P L A N A L I G N M E N T: R EC O M M E N D E D M OT I O N A N D R EQU E S T E D A C T I O N S : Staff requests that the Planning B oard amend the ado pted 2023 mee!ng calendar to reinstate a 6 P M mee!ng !me. I t is staff's pref erence that the mee!ng !me be amended star!ng in J une in o rder to avoid a confl ict with the J une 1 B o ard o f C ommissioners agenda review and so expec ta!ons a re clear for anyone who may submit applica!ons for vacant seats. C O U N T Y M A N AG E R'S C O M M E N T S A N D R EC O M M E N DAT I O N S : (only M anag er) Planning Board - May 4, 2023 ITEM: 6