Z23-16 Revised Planning Board Presentation Speaking Notes - August 3 Z23-16 R-15 to Conditional CB Slide 1 Thank you, Chair, members of the board. This application is a request to rezone approximately 1.34 acres from the R-15, Residential district to a conditional Community Business district for a maximum 6,000 sq ft. Minor Vehicle Service Station. Slide 2 The site is located at 4580 S. College Road. Both the site and the majority of the surrounding area have been zoned R-15 since 1969. At that time the purpose of the district was to ensure housing densities remained lower due to the need for private wells and septic systems. Since then, public water and sewer services have become more available in the area. Though CFPUA water is available, sewer access will require a mainline extension. Slide 3 This aerial photograph details the surrounding land uses. West of the proposed development is the approved performance subdivision, Jasmine South. Also west is a residential development within the City of Wilmington that is intended for attached and single-family residences. Northeast is the Whiskey Branch Planned Development. And though zoned R-15, both the adjacent north and south properties are non-residential in use. Slide 4 Here is the same aerial photo with images of the property from different angles. The top image is taken along Jasmine Cove Way The bottom image was taken along the S. College Rd corridor. Slide 5 -Example of Development Here are examples of single-family residences you might see in the R-15 district. The 6505 Carolina Beach Rd image is an example of a single-family residence along a major corridor. Slide 6 -Example of Development Here is an example of a Minor Vehicle Service Station that is similar to what is being proposed at the subject parcel. This particular Service Station is found off of Market Street in the Porter’s Neck area. Minor Vehicle Service Stations consists of operations that involve small repairs of personal vehicles consisting of oil changes, wheel realignment, and muffler repair or installation. Slide 7 – Concept Plan Here we have the applicant’s concept plan. CLICK The applicant has proposed site access to be from both S. College Road and Jasmine Cove Way. However, NCDOT has noted a preference that precludes the S. College Road corridor as an access point. CLICK The proposed structure is a 6,000 square foot building with 10 bay doors. CLICK Five of the bay doors will be on the eastern side of the structure facing S. College Road. CLICK The other five are to be on the western side. CLICK As per the applicant, each bay door is to serve an individual vehicle, allowing up to 10 vehicles to receive maintenance at one time. CLICK Here we can see that the applicant has proposed two stormwater ponds. CLICK Between the parcel to the south and the proposed project, the applicant has conditioned a Type A: Opaque Buffer that transitions from 20 feet wide to 10 feet along the property line. Approximately 200 ft of the property line will consist of a 20-foot-wide buffer. The remainder of the lot line, approximately 250 feet, will be a 10-foot-wide buffer. Along Jasmine Cove Way, the applicant has also conditioned a vegetative street yard. The transition is from 18 ft to 10 ft. It should be noted that while public sewer is available in the area, the nearest utility connection to this site is over 800 feet away. CLICK To accommodate this hurdle, the applicant has proposed a septic system for the site. With that said, the Board should note that the site has identified Class III soils which can present severe limitations to private septic systems. However, a condition has been provided that a soil scientist will evaluate the site to discern if a private septic system can be accommodated or not. In the event that it cannot, the applicant will be required to find an alternative septic system or tie into the main sewer line. Slide 8 – The Face and Backside of the Proposed Structure along with the Proposed Elevation Here is an image of the proposed structure along with the estimated elevation. Slide 9 – Additional Use Standards The proposed use, Minor Vehicle Service Station, is permitted by right within the CB district. However, there are additional use standards that apply. Automotive towing operations are prohibited; All repair work or lubrication shall be conducted within the principal building; No operator shall permit the storage of motor vehicles for a period in excess of 24 hours unless the vehicles are enclosed in the principal building; Service or customer vehicles shall be parked on the premises in a manner that will not create traffic hazards or interfere with the vehicular maneuvering area necessary to enter or exit the site; & The premises shall not be used for the sale of vehicles. No outdoor work shall be performed except in areas designated for such activity on an approved site plan. Outdoor work areas shall be fenced, walled, or screened to minimize on-site and off-site noise, glare, odor, or other impacts. Slide 10 – Site Access The proposed development is potentially accessible by two points of access: The South College Rd Corridor And Jasmine Cove Way Due to planned highway improvements in the area, however, NCDOT’s preference is to preclude the S. College Road access point making Jasmine Cove Way be the sole means of ingress/egress. CLICK These arrows detail the means of entry to the site. CLICK CLICK These arrows indicate all the points of exiting the site. CLICK CLICK And here are two locations approximately 1,000 feet north and south for travelers to perform a U-turn. Slide 11 – Nearby Development Nearby there are two approved higher density projects under development, a subdivision and a Planned Development. These projects have triggered a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) and one State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP); the details of which are in the staff report. Slide 12 - Trip Generation This slide depicts the estimated trip generation for the site. The proposed development would generate approximately 66 AM and 67 PM peak hour trips The estimated traffic generated from the site is under the 100 peak hour threshold that triggers the ordinance requirement for a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). Though this project was not considered in the Whiskey Branch Planned Development TIA, general traffic growth in the area was included with recommended improvements to accommodate future growth. The project is located along a local road perpendicular to a major arterial roadway that is nearing planning capacity. The local road, Jasmine Cove Way, is accessible by a right turn in and exiting is a right turn out. A U-turn to go north on the S. College Rd corridor is approximately 1,000 feet southbound of Jasmine Cove Way. In addition, the project will be subject to NCDOT driveway permitting Slide 13 – Compatibility Due to the site’s size and proximity to the College Road corridor the parcel is less likely to be developed residentially. The proposed development is located within a mile of the Monkey Junction growth node. While the immediate portion of the S. College Road corridor has not seen commercial growth, the CB district is designed to provide lands to accommodate development of businesses that serve surrounding neighborhoods with goods and services needed for a variety of daily and long-term purposes. Slide 14 – HIDDEN Slide 15 - Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as being part of the Community Mixed Use place type. This place type includes commercial uses and encourages infill development along highway corridors. In addition to serving as a transition between the highway and neighboring residential uses, the proposed project will provide a use that could be appropriate in nodes as well as transitional areas while providing service to nearby residents. Slide 16 - Staff Recommendation and Proposed Conditions Staff has found that the proposed zoning request is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed project provides for the types of commercial uses recommended in the Community Mixed Use place type. The proposed project is found to be reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal allows a service-oriented use that could serve as an appropriate transition between the highway and existing residential uses. Slide 17 – Proposed Conditions Cont’d As a result of the policy guidance of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, zoning considerations, and technical review, staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions related to buffer yard requirements, driveway access, tree retention, utilities, and a limit to the permitted uses for the rezoned property. Slide 18 – Final Slide Should the rezoning be approved, development of the site will be subject to additional development review to ensure all land use regulations are met. This concludes my presentation. Representatives of the WMPO and Engineering are here, and the applicant has prepared a presentation and can answer any questions. Blank Slide Slide 18 – Other land uses proposed by applicant Business Service Center Repair Shop Offices for Private Business and Professional Activities Retail Sales, General Child Care Center NOTES: Approximately 850’ to tie into the mainline; $200.00/linear foot total to about $170,000 to tie into CFPUA sewer. Class III Soil Type: Lyn Haven Aaron Hutchens (the applicant); Jim Ashley (planning related questions); and Greg Thompson(technical questions)