Final Housing Program Budget (Services and Programs)Agency Name: Project Name: Complete the following table to show all funds anticipated to be received by your agency in fiscal years for this program or project. When completing the table, indicate status as follows: P = Proposed; S = Application Submitted; A = Approved. For "Approved Funding Sources," please attach commitment letters. This worksheet is for your RFP project, not your agency total operating budget. List of Potential Funding Sources New Hanover County: Workforce Housing Services Program American Rescue Plan Non-County Agency Funding (include in-kind donations of property) Other (explain) Federal Funds (list Federal agencies) State Government (list State agencies) NCHFA Admin and System Vision Other Local Government Funds (City or County) Foundations (list Foundation names) New Hanover Community Endowment Private Donations (monetary) House Sponsorships Client Fees Mortgage Payments Total Revenues Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity Haven Place Status P A P P P P A Current Year Amount FY 2023-2024 3 New Homes 1000000 0 45000 0 0 0 0 0 16500 0 0 0 0 0 100000 0 0 0 141400 180000 0 510000 0 1992900 Estimated Amount FY 2024-2025 16 New Homes 0 0 45000 0 0 0 0 0 88000 0 0 0 0 0 100000 0 0 0 754100 585000 0 1360000 0 2932100 Agency Name: Project Name: Complete the following table to show all estimated expenditures in fiscal years for this program or project. List of Expenditures Programs Rehabilitation of Existing Units Down Payment Assistance Tenant-based Rental Assistance Emergency Repair Other (explain) Infrastructure + Home Construction Operations Grants Fundraising Personnel (include travel/training) Contract/Professional Services Supplies & Materials Utilities Equipment Capital Outlay or Lease Maintenance Insurance IT/Communications Printing/Postage Programing cost Occupancy Total Expenditures Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity Haven Place Current Year Amount FY 2023-2024 0 0 0 0 0 2084700 9000 22087.5 124296 11010 1514.13 2620.92 0 4829.82 5893.44 4703.25 168.75 3093.78 12928.62 0 2286846.21 Estimated Amount FY 2024-2025 0 0 0 0 0 2030400 50400 121334 696057.6 60481.6 8317.6208 14397.5872 0 26531.8112 32374.6304 25836.52 927 16995.1648 71021.2192 0 3155074.7536 # of houses times job cost per house (from Prop Dev Sheet) This is Construction and Volunteer overhead per house cost. (from Prop Dev sheet)