Cemetery Access ApprovalFarrell, Robert From:Karabin, Bambie Sent:Wednesday, April 12, 2023 9:42 AM To:Farrell, Robert; Jamison, Galen Subject:RE: Lake Pointe Subdivision Resubmittal Good morning Robert, This looks great and I thank you for helping us provide cemetery access to the families. Do you know if the future covenants are going to prohibit on street parking? That could create a problem if the rela Ɵves can’t park there to visit. Also, does the developer have any plans to clean the cemetery and have it maintained by the HOA? It’s not required. We have had quite a few developers do this and it is such a wonderful community service. Have a great day and thanks for keeping us in the loop, Bambie Bambie Karabin Engineering CAD Specialist New Hanover County - Engineering (910) 798-7096 p | (910) 798-7051 f bkarabin@nhcgov.com 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 160 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.NHCgov.com From: Farrell, Robert <rfarrell@nhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 8:49 AM To: Jamison, Galen <gjamison@nhcgov.com>; Karabin, Bambie <bkarabin@nhcgov.com> Subject: FW: Lake Pointe Subdivision Resubmittal Good morning, We’ve received a resubmiƩal for the Lake Pointe Subdivision. This originally went through TRC on December 7 th and is in Energov as SUBPP-22-0008. The resubmiƩal documents are too large to aƩach in an email but can be found in Laserfiche at: hƩps://laserfiche.nhcgov.com/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=5098794&dbid=0&repo=NHC Has everything been addressed for engineering and the proposed access for the cemetery? Thanks, Robert Robert Farrell (He/Him/His) Senior Current Planner New Hanover County - Planning & Land Use - Planning & Zoning (910) 798-7164 p | (910) 798-7053 f rfarrell@nhcgov.com 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 www.NHCgov.com