09.07.2023 Second Set of Clarifications from NBCCNew Beginning Christian Church - WHSP Grant Clarifying Questions II Program: In response to feedback from the initial committee review, we have made several enhancements to the NBCC rent relief program. These changes include increasing NBCC program support from $24,018 to $64,518 reducing the number of households served from 474 to 127 and increasing program costs from $355,933 to $456,246 to maximize individual assistance impact. Each program participant is expected to engage with the NBCC Rent Relief program for one year, comprising two phases. Phase I involves a commitment of six months during which we provide financial assistance. Phase II focuses on sustaining and supporting participants to further ensure housing stability. Process: Our program process begins with the application phase, where applicants can access an online application. We internally assess eligibility based on predefined metrics and then notify applicants of acceptance into the program and schedule appointments for the intake process. In the intake phase, we carefully review the submitted application with the client, work with participants to develop Housing Stability Plans with measurable goals, and create a household budget. We also define roles and responsibilities for program participation. The case management phase involves establishing monthly individual contacts, which include personalized planning meetings, over the one-year program duration, with a requirement of six months. We closely track participant progress, update budget status, and follow up on Housing stability plan goals. Additionally, during monthly contacts, case managers will provide tenant educational resources such as understanding landlord/tenant rights, budgeting & financial literacy, reviewing and understanding your credit report, prioritizing housing needs, maintaining your apartment, stress management, and moving towards homeownership. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate of achievement. Policy: Our eligibility requirements mandate monthly contact participation and specify eligibility within the Workforce Housing AMI range, which spans from 50% to 120%. We verify rent payments are current before making monthly distribution payments, and all funding disbursements are directed to landlords. We also have a defined reallocation strategy for funds in case we fail to meet the Fair Market Rent (FMR) household target, with a priority on reallocating funds to two and three-bedroom units. **See Revised allocation chart page 2** Promotion: To promote our program, we utilize the Healthy Opportunities Pilot infrastructure by making the application available on both the HOP and NBCC websites. Additionally, we leverage the NBCC Street Outreach program, employ public service announcements (PSA) on radio and television, collaborate with Social Services, Civic Organizations, and other service providers, and engage with social media channels. We also ensure registration with 211 for increased visibility and outreach. Program Success Goals: Our success metrics include the distribution of funds to 127 individual households, achieving 100% client participation, maintaining a 90% participation rate in Phase II of Housing sustainability, achieving a client satisfaction survey rating of 90% or higher, and ensuring long-term sustainability through monthly check-ins post the initial six-month program period. Revised Revenue Revised Expenditures Revised Assistance Allocation List of Expenditures Current Year Amount FY Estimated Amount FY Programs Rehabilitation of Existing Units $0 $0 Down Payment Assistance $0 $0 Tenant-based Rental Assistance $76,041 $380,205 Emergency Repair $0 $0 Other (explain)$0 $0 $0 $0 Operations Grants $1,000 $5,000 Fundraising $0 $0 Personnel (include travel/training)$20,761 $103,805 Contract/Professional Services $1,000 $5,000 Supplies & Materials $281 $1,407 Utilities $1,748 $8,742 Equipment Capital Outlay or Lease $0 $0 Maintenance $739 $3,696 Insurance $677 $3,383 IT/Communications $557 $2,787 Printing/Postage $0 $0 Other - Program Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Expenditures $102,805 $514,025 Complete the following table to show all estimated expenditures in fiscal years for this program or project. Agency Name:New Beginning Christian Church Project Name:NBCC Rental Assistance Program List of Potential Funding Sources Status Current Year Amount FY Estimated Amount FY New Hanover County: Workforce Housing Services Program S $92,052 $460,260 American Rescue Plan $0 $0 Non-County Agency Funding (include in-kind donations of property)$0 $0 Other (explain) NBCC A $10,753 $53,765 $0 $0 Federal Funds (list Federal agencies) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 State Government (list State agencies) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Local Government Funds (City or County) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Foundations (list Foundation names) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Private Donations (monetary)$0 $0 Fundraising $0 $0 Client Fees $0 $0 Other Sources (list)$0 $0 $0 $0 Total Revenues $102,805 $514,025 Complete the following table to show all funds anticipated to be received by your agency in fiscal years for this program or project. When completing the table, indicate status as follows: P = Proposed; S = Application Submitted; A = Approved. For "Approved Funding Sources," please attach commitment letters. This worksheet is for your RFP project, not your agency total operating budget. # of Clients FMR 2024 Rent Total Six Month Total Monthly Stipend 13.00 2. One-Bedroom 1,349.00 2,698.00 35,074.00 449.67 50.00 3. Two-Bedroom 1,515.00 3,030.00 151,500.00 505.00 52.00 4. Three-Bedroom 2,002.00 4,004.00 208,208.00 667.33 12.00 5. Four-Bedroom 2,561.00 5,122.00 61,464.00 853.67 127.00 Total Distribution 8,454.00 16,908.00 456,246.00