Z23-14 BOC Presentation - Sept 5Case #Z23-14 Rezoning Request: 7.37 acres from R-15 to CZD R-5 Applicant: Wes Reynolds Property Owner:SB Cottages Investment LLC Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Robert Farrell Development Review Supervisor Slide 1 Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 2 Planning & Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 3 Existing Site Conditions Planning & Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 4 Representative Development of R-15 Cypress Village Subdivision Old Cape Cod Subdivision Planning & Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 5 Representative Development of R-5 Plantation Village Subdivision Planning & Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 6 Marsh Oaks Subdivision Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 7 Wetland Wetland Wetland Existing Easement Ex i s t i n g 2 0 Fo o t B u f f e r Re q u i r e d 20 Fo o t B u f f e r AE Private Road Wetland Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 8 Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 9 Dead End of Service Road Estimated Trip Generation Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 10 Intensity Approximate Peak Hour Trips Typical Development Under Existing Zoning: 18 Single-Family Dwelling Units 16 AM / 20 PM Development under Proposed R-5 Zoning:46 Multi-Family Dwelling Units 18 AM / 24 PM Potential Net Change under Proposed Zoning:32 Dwelling Units + 2 AM / + 4 PM Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Estimated Student Generation Slide 11 Development Type Intensity Estimated Student Generation* Existing Development Undeveloped Total: 0 (0 elementary, 0 middle, 0 high) Typical Development under Current Zoning 18 residential units Total: 4 (2 elementary, 1 middle, 1 high) Potential Development under Proposed Zoning Districts 46 residential units Total: 10 (4 elementary, 2 middle, 3 high) Compatibility Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 12 •Due to the size of the parcel and proximity to Carolina Beach Road, the property is less likely to be developed with lower density detached single-family housing. •The proposed density of 6.7 dwelling units per acre is below the maximum allowed for the R-5 zoning district and less than the maximum recommended for the Community Mixed Use place type. •Several environmentally sensitive areas have been identified on the property including state regulated wetlands, the AE Special Flood Hazard Area, Pocosin conservation resources, and several significant and specimen trees. •Additional conditions have been provided guaranteeing tree retention, utility service, access to current owners along the existing easement, and the potential to reduce development in flood prone areas. Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 13 2016 Comprehensive Plan Place Type: General Residential and Urban Mixed Use Planning Board Action The Planning Board considered this item at their August 3 meeting and voted (5 - 2) to recommend APPROVAL of the proposed rezoning. The Planning Board found the application to be CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed density and housing type is within the recommendations of the Community Mixed Use place type. The Planning Board also found recommending APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the project provides housing diversity at an appropriate density to act as a transition between the highway and residential development to the east and proposed additional conditions reduce some impacts on environmental features. Planning & Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 14 Proposed Conditions 1.The project as shown on the submitted site plan shall be developed with water and sewer connections to a private wastewater system. Private wells and septic systems are not allowed for residential development as contemplated on the site plan. 2.As identified on the site plan, certain existing trees onsite will not be removed. 3.The rezoning approval and development contemplated therein shall not impact the current and future lot owners of the following parcels, R08518-001-014-004, R08518-001-015-000, and R08518-001-015-002, right to use the access easement shown on the concept plan, nor shall the zoning approval and development contemplated therein create any additional financial burden on those lot owners to contribute to the cost of maintenance for the access road. Planning and Land Use Slide 15September 5, 2023 Proposed Conditions 4. The northern terminus of the access easement shall be designated for public use to allow potential future connection to and through adjoining parcels to Seabreeze Road. 5. All infiltration basins shown on the concept plan shall be required. Changes to the general shape of the basins as required by essential site improvements may be accepted administratively by Planning staff. Planning and Land Use Slide 16September 5, 2023 Planning and Land Use September 5, 2023 Slide 17