Community meeting notification 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E , W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 September 15, 2023 RE: RESCHEDULED Community Meeting for a Townhome Community Proposed by CIP Construction Company CIP Construction Company, Inc. & Paramounte Engineering, Inc. invite you to a community meeting to discuss our plans for a proposed townhome community accessed from 8138 Market Street. Due to our meeting place closing for Tropical Storm Idalia on August 31st, we were unable to hold our previously scheduled community meeting. We invite you to our rescheduled open-house style meeting on Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 4:00 PM-7:00 PM at Lutheran Church of Reconciliation (7500 Market Street). We are preparing plans for a conditional rezoning request, and, as part of that process, we are holding a community meeting to introduce neighbors to the project and share our vision for the site. You are receiving this invitation by mail because New Hanover County GIS records indicate you own property within 500 feet of the proposed project. The County requires us to provide notice by mail to property owners within 500 feet of our subject boundary; however we know other community members will be interested in hearing our plans. Due to the large number of property owners within the mandated notification distance, we are holding an open-house style meeting to have the best opportunity to speak with all interested participants. We will have stations set up around our meeting space with members of our development team on-hand to discuss the project and answer questions. However, if you want to learn about the project, but you cannot attend the meeting, please contact us for information at marketstreetth@gmail.com We will follow-up with meeting information after the September 28th meeting, if requested. Brief Project Overview: • Enclosed is a small version of our plan, but we will have larger copies on view at the meeting. • The proposed project area is approximately +33.54 acre, located on New Hanover County parcels R03600-005-006-002, R03600-005-007-000, R03700-004-147-000, R03700-004-148-000, R03700- 004-189-000, and a portion of R03600-006-082-000. • The current zoning includes a mixture of business, industrial, and residential zonings (B-2, I-1, and R-15). The conditional rezoning will request RMF-M (Medium Density Multi-Family). • The site operated as a farm/nursery and landscape contracting business for many years. • The developer proposes building a 348-unit townhome community accessed from Market Street. • A gated, emergency-only access connection to the adjoining Brays Drive is proposed. Other than emergency vehicles, NO through traffic is proposed to any adjacent neighborhood or to Porters Neck Road. • Proposed traffic improvements on Market Street will be designed and installed by the developer during this project’s construction. To learn more, please join us at our meeting and speak with our development team to answer your questions. We look forward to sharing the project with you. Community Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Meeting Time: Drop-in between 4:00-7:00 PM on Thursday, September 28th Meeting Location: Lutheran Church of Reconciliation 7500 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28411