2023-07-19 Minutes Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, July 19, 2023 4 pm, Williston Auditorium & Zoom 2023-24 Board Board Members Present:Susan Barbee,Dana Crater,Stephen Fortlouis,Ben Ivey, Kevin Maurer,Stewart Moon, Eileen O’Malley, Jhaniqua Palmer Rick Andrews 2015-16 Board Susan Barbee Gwen Brown OthersPresent:Dane Scalise, Jessica Loeper, Tara Robles, Tim Pinnick David Ball Dana Crater Stuart Borrett Stephen Fortlouis Gwen Brown Absent: Rick Andrews, Gwen Brown, Lucy Holman Melissa Collins Lucy Holman Will Oden, III Ben Ivey Dan Owen Staff Present: Kate Baillon, Barbi Baker, Kitty Yerkes Kevin Maurer Tim Potter Stewart Moon Nancy Pritchett Eileen O’Malley The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Bill Terrell Jhaniqua Palmer July 19, 2023, in the Williston Auditorium and via Zoom. The meeting was called to Allen Trask, III order by Dana Crater at 4:05pm. Dane Scalise Rob Zapple NHC Commissioner Consideration of Absences: Dana Crater NHC Commissioner Andrews, Brown & Holman were unable to attend. Ex-officio: Katie Gloe Ex-officio: Approval of Minutes: Dana Crater CFMA, Inc. Mike Hudson A motion to accept the May 17,2023, minutes was made by Maurer, CFMA, Inc. Jessica Loeper seconded by Palmer, and approved without opposition. Assistant County Manager Slate of Officers: Dana Crater Crater presented the officers for FY2023-2024: Dana Crater, Chair, Eileen Kate Baillon Interim Museum O’Malley, Vice-Chair and Kevin Maurer, Secretary. Director NewMember Introductions: Kate Baillon Barbi Baker Baillon introduced two newly appointed board members: Ben Ivey & Lucy Marketing & PR Holman. Ivey is retired from over 40 years in the banking industry with Specialist BB&T/Truist. Holman is the Dean of the Randall Library at UNCW. Associates Report:Kitty Yerkes Yerkes noted that the Associates Board just went through a similar process and welcomed new board members and officers. The fundraising committee is beginning to work on ideas for the new fiscal year and annual STEM event. Museum FY2024-2028 Strategic Plan: Tara Robles, NHC Strategy Office Robles detailed the strategic plan process and shared a graphic that detailed the steps taken. The process began in September 2022 and finished in May 2023. A small group of board members also participated throughout the process. A second graphic showing the full strategic plan and new mission and vision statements was reviewed with the board. The strategic plan is included with the minutes as an attachment. Project Grace Updates & Overview: Jessica Loeper & Kate Baillon Loeper began with an overview of the project timeline. The Board of Commissioners will be considering the development agreement that includes maximum price based on recent construction bids at the August 7, 2023,meeting. If approved, the project will be presented to the LGC at the September 12, 2023,meeting. A community update will be sent out prior to the commissioner meeting on August 2, 2023. Mauer asked a question about LGC approval. Scalise responded that the county is feeling confident as all changes requested from the prior LGC meeting have been incorporated. Baillon presented an exhibition overview presentation. It included renderings of each gallery, high level descriptions of the experiences and interactives within each gallery and floor plans. Crater asked a question about community partner connections. Baillon noted that we are working with different partners throughout Wilmington in the design process and will also bring in community connections through future programming. Palmer asked about African American representation and the desire to see stories told throughout the gallery. Baillon confirmed this would be the case and that the Williston story will be incorporated as well. Barbee noted that the design looks balanced and integrated, and she is very excited. Fortlouis asked about a volunteer docent program. Baillon noted volunteers will be essential once the new building is complete and open. Board Letter of Support: Dana Crater Crater noted that she is working on a letter supporting the county and Museum that would come from the Advisory Board. It would be sent to the LGC prior to the September 12, 2023, meeting. Crater is drafting the letter through an economic development lens and alignment with the county’s new strategic plan. Palmer noted to mention the importance the new museum will have in telling the full, inclusive story of the Lower Cape Fear region. Fortlouis seconded that sentiment as a unifying space that is inclusive to all. Ivey noted the importance of this project not only for the region but for the entire state of North Carolina. Barbee mentioned the ability to create a hub in downtown to also drive other investment in Wilmington. This project will bring the community together and will be a gathering space for all. Scalise noted this project is an engine for future economic development and that NHC has the capacity to service the debt for the project. Fortlouis asked if the library was also sending a letter of support. Baillon noted that she was unsure at this time. But the Museum Associates Board would also be sending a letter. Crater finished by saying the new museum and library will be an asset for the region. She requested that any additional thoughts be sent to her, Baillon or Baker via email. Crater will finalize a draft of the letter and circulate to the board soon. Once finalized, the letter will be sent to county leaders by August 4, 2023. OldBusiness: Dana Crater No old business was noted. A motion was made by Fortlouis, seconded by Barbeeto adjourn the meeting. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 4:55 pm. The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 4 pm in the Williston Auditorium and via Zoom.