Brittany Lakes of Coastal Carolina Country ClubF f-c PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEXTER L. HAYES NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING -DIRECTOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 December 28, 1988 Mr. Bill Grathwol Coastal Carolina Developers 2905 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Gordon Woods and Brittany Lakes Dear Mr. Grathwol: A preliminary plan for the referenced projects was reviewed by the Technical Review Committee of the County Planning Board on December 21, 1988, and approved pursuant to Section 102-4 of the County Zoning Ordinance. Attending the meeting were Paul Foster and Bea Clemmons, Planning Board members; members of the Planning sta:f; and you. The approval is pursuant to all other Federal, State, and local laws. This approval shall be valid for one (1) year. The plans will automatically become null and void if no action (either by approval of a final plat for part or all of the plan,.or approval of a time extension) is taken within the allotted validity period. Brittany Lakes is approved for 86 units, Gordon Woods is approved for 281 units. Conventional district regulations are not required under Per=ormance Residential developments. However, no part of a dwelling unit can be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any par- of another structure containing dwelling units, nor within twenty (20) feet of adjoining property lines. A certificate of occupancy for any of the proposed structures will not be issued until the Association has been formed and a final plat haw been recorded. Should you want to record a map prior to the completion of required improvements, a surety (letter of credit, bond or cash in escrow) must be posted to cover the cost of improvements not completed. It will be your Re: Gordon Woods and Brittany Lakes December 28, 1988 Page 2 responsiuility to provide accurate cost estimates if you decide to post a surety in lieu of these improvements. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Walter Avery, . Staff Planner WA/ps. cc: Jim Craig, County Engineer S. D. Conklin, Inspections Director Planning Board Members Hugh Heine, Corps of Engineers Division of Coastal Management DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 March 5, 1990 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: CESAW-0090-P-065 Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. 2905 West Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Sirs: On January 4, 1990, we received a preliminary plat from the New Hanover County Planning Department for Brittany Lakes, Section 2, adjacent to Smith Creek, off Murrayville Road, in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. The Corps of Engineers' regulatory jurisdiction, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, extends to the placement of excavated or fill material in adjacent and/or isolated wetlands, areas exhibiting saturated, organic soils and hydric vegetation. Such work, including road construction and the placement of fill material to raise elevations on a lot, must benefit from Department of the Army authorization before it is begun. To prevent an unintentional violation of Federal law, before any construction is begun, wetlands should be identified, delineated, surveyed and indicated on development plans. Mr. Jeff Richter is responsible for our regulatory program in New Hanover County and may be contacted to identify wetlands. However, because of the delay that his workload will inflict on a timely response, you may choose to engage a biological consultant. The efforts of the consultant, the delineation of the wetlands, will be subject to Mr. Richter's verification. Enclosed is a list of biological consultants. We are not endorsing, recommending or approving any of these individuals or firms. The list is simply offered to provide information as to where services may be obtained. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Richter, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4636. Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. James Herstine Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Acting Chief, Regulatory Branch Mr. Pete Avery New Hanover County Planning Department A20 Chestnut Street Room 403 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 NOVEMBER 29,1988 SAM, THE FOLLOWING STREET NAMES HAVE BEEN APPROVED AND RESERVED FOR CAROL ELLIOTT OF COASTAL CAROLINA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY.... FOR BRITTANY LAKES SUB -DIVISION.. TEWKESBURY COURT WESTMEATH COURT BROAD HAVEN DRIVE HABERDEEN DRIVE HERFORD COURT NEW CASTLE COURT BRITTANY LAKES DRIVE ALSO APPROVED AND RESERVED FOR GORDON WOODS SUB -DIVISION ARE THE FOLLOWING STREET NAMES... RIVER BIRCH CHINQUAPIN GORDON WOODS DRIVE BAY BLOSSOM CLEMATIS THE FOLLOWING STREET NAMES `r_AVE BEEN APPROVED AND RESERVED FOR HALL PAINTER FOR THE SUB-DIVISION...AVOCET... WONDERWOOD AVOCET COURT CINNAMON BANYAN CITATION POLO ROAD PORTSMOUTH WRNDERING WAY IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL MY OFFICE... THANKS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 _ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO May 2, 1989 Regulatory Branch Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. 2905 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Gentlemen. Recently, we receivedI� m nary lit—€ the New Hanover County Planning Department for Che Brittanv Lakment, on Smith Creek, between Gordon Road, Murrayville Road, and U.S. 17, near Murrayville, in New Hanover County, North Carolina. The Corps of Engineers' regulatory jurisdiction, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, extends to the placement of excavated or fill material in adjacent and/or isolated wetlands, areas exhibiting saturated, organic soils and hydric vegetation. Such work, including road construction and the placement of fill material to raise elevations on a lot, must benefit from Department of the Army authorization before it is begun. To prevent an unintentional violation of Federal law, before any construction is begun, wetlands should be identified, delineated, surveyed and indicated on development plans. Mr. Jeff Richter is responsible for our regulatory program"in New Hanover County and may be contacted to identify wetlands. However, because of the delay that his workload will inflict on a timely response, you may chose to engage a biological consultant. The efforts of the consultant, the delineation of the wetlands, will be subject to Mr. Richter's verification. Enclosed is a list of biological consultants. We are not endorsing, recommending or approving any of these individuals or firms. The list is simply offered to provide information as to where services may be obtained. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Richter, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-4636. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. Pete Avery New Hanover County Planning Department 320 Chestnut Street Room 403 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Mr. James Herstine Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 COASTAL CAROLINA UTILITIES, INC. 2905 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 (919) 762-8316 March. 30, 1989 Mr. Dexter L. Hayes Planning Director New Hanover County Planning Department 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401. Dear Mr. Hayes, This is to advise you that Coastal. Carolina Utilities, Inc. has adequate capacity and has contracted to provide both water and sewer service to the lots in Section I in Brittany Lakes Subdivision. Sincerely, W . H Grathwol President WHG/vba a:nhcp2hay-es.ccu JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR ,a'STAT(' y't `4 �I' A.5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-762-3854 January 13, 1989 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS JAMES E. HARRINGTON GEORGE E. WELLS, P.E. SECRETARY STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Division 3 District 3 New Hanover County TO: Pete Avery, New Hanover County Planning Department FROM: M. F. McDaniel, Highway Maintenance EngineerAV" SUBJECT: Preliminary Plans, Brittany Lakes In reference to these plans, please find below a list or deficiencies that need to be corrected and then the _plans be resubmitted to this office for review. 1. Pipe sizing for drainage data is incorrect, Please use 25 vears for Cross Drainage, and minimum of 18" pipe. 2. Tewkesbury and Broad Haven Drives will not meet resi- dency reau.ir.ements as now shown on plans for addition to the state system until additional lots access these streets. 3. Base and pavement to be used not shown on typical section. 4. Temporary stone cul-de--sacs need to be shown on Herford, Tewkesbury Courts also on Broad Haven and Br.ittany..Lakes Drives. 6. D.O.T. Driveway Permit reaui.red for SR 2117 and SR 2118 conncection. MFM/saz cc: J. P. Cook Ar. Eq�.� {I Or}•-,ort��r-�•� /a;ffirm��9i�r Arfinn �mnlrn�.>r r1 /l-�:mac/ velc ,910 1744NI 4/4 C CL Z(Aj PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEXTER L. HAYES NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING DIRECTOR 320 CHEST',UT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 November 29, 1988 Mr, Bill Grathwol Coastal Carolina Developers 2905 Market St. Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: Brittany Lakes, Gordon Moods �a�PNOVER CpG i f9 ji pF NO Ri\6 �PQ Dear Mr. Grathwol: Planning Staff' s initial revie=N of refe="enced preliminary- plans has been completed. Please note the fol"_owing comments for each. (ZE an Lake Designate location of 100 year flood linel/ 2. Designate location o applicable st,,iamp -orest conservation resource. 3. Location of dra_:?age easements ..!/� 4. No topographic --information shown.i,--- 5. Other agency comments are pending. =his includes —Other name approvals by E-911. o. Letters from the utility comp�iny providing water and I� sewer service zo the site are needed. Gordon Woods 1 . Street connect c-n to -Harris Roao. from proposed Blossom Court may be reuuired. 2, Utility and crainage easements location and widths unclear. 3, Adjacent proper ,%, owners not identified., 4. Al! otheragency, comments are pending, including street name approvals. S. Letters from t�:e utility company providing water and sewer to the s-ite are needed. Once all other agency cor,Ients have been received and the above items have been adequately addressed, these subdivisions be scheduled for review by the Technical Revie-.ri Committee of the New Hanover County Planning Board. Re: Brittany Lakes, Gordon WOOLS November 29, 1988 Page 2 If you have any questions, Tease let us know. Sincerely, Vuc. ;?alter Avery: 7r. Staff Planner WA/ps cc: Jim Craig, Engineering 0 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District 320 Chestnut Street - Wilmington, North Carollna 28401 - Phone 762-6072 12/1/88 Mr. Pete Avery New Hanover County Planning Dept. 320 Chestnut Street :Wilmington, N.C..28401 SUBJECT: BRITTANY LAKES Dear Mr. Avery: The New Hanover County Planning Commission under Section 3.3(1) of the New Hanover County Subdivision Regulations has requested that the New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District review the above mentioned subdivision. The New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Soil Conservation Service, USDA, to provide the needed technical assistance to the District. The New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District has requested that the technicians of the Soil Conservation Service review the above mentioned subdivision plat. Their report is attached. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Audrey W. Feenstra, Chairman /k enclosure CONSERVATION • DEVELOPMENT • SELF-GOVERNMENT j, o�United States rk Department of Agriculture TO: FROM: ICf Soil Conservation Service 320 Chestnut St.-Rm 414 Wilmington, N.C. 28401 12/1/88 Audrey W. Feenstra, Chrm. New Hanover S.W.C.D. 6�) Baker Harrell, Technician Brittany Lakes (Preliminary) (Off Murraysville Rd on Smith Creek) I have reviewed this plan as requested and have these comments: The soils on this site are Seagate fine sand, Leon sand, Baymeade fine sand and (Class IV Johnston soils). Drainage ditches should have easements of 30 feet minimum; 10 feet one side, 20 feet on the other. e If I can be of further assistance, please call. /k 0 The Soil Conservation Service `J is an agency of the Department of Agriculture CHARLOTTE - LUMBERTON - KINS;ON - SALISBURY - GASTONIA, N.C. W. COLUMBIA - GREENVILLF - SPARTANBURG, S.C. F 0 L D v WAR, TO lo, ME: 0 SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE 12- SIGNED RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION. KEEP /tll'lTC COPY COASTAL CAROLINA UTILITIES, INC. 2905 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 (919) 762-8316 December 19, 1988 New Hanover Planning Department 320 Chestnut Street Room 320 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Re: Wa-i-,ei. & Sewer For Gordon Woods and Brittany Lakes Subdivisions Dear Mr. Avery, This letter is to advise that Coastal Carolina Utilities has contracted to provide both water and sewer service to Gordon Woods and Brittany Lakes Subdivisions. We have adequate capacities for both subdivisions. If we can be of any further assistance in this matter please -0 foel free to call me at (919) 762--8316. Sincerely, W.H. Grathwol whg/vba a:nhcpd.ccu F O L D t TO � t /IVfRY 1,� 41VIVI'vc- SUBJECT DATE , tjb0v S Pew �;_�;,���y % 1�1�fi v CGS + I l vZq � �s MESSAGE GEC ! i^/,2 CCL;.u)!' lazet/i -0'7 P , i Ai44 SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY � t /IVfRY 1,� 41VIVI'vc- SUBJECT DATE , tjb0v S Pew �;_�;,���y % 1�1�fi v CGS + I l vZq � �s MESSAGE GEC ! i^/,2 CCL;.u)!' lazet/i -0'7 P , i Ai44 SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY F O L 0 TO rq /� �GpoLrM_Q.r mie-L lV T ' GNG „VC-6Z AJ Coe s o¢' c-A&VwlZr/Ar" �1 � �( (a f/✓c}t/�j" t DATE SUBJECT 413l\ f f (At M 4GH Cimac, ` I ftJ Jl//% -ol V e A/ i 7n��1 �, ; _ c� �✓lCS v� 1 SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION. KEEP WHITE COPY v _ SUBJECT DATE 4410171 SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED ''- ' RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION. KEEP WHITE COPY - CHARLOTTE LUMBERTON - KINSTON - WILMINGTON - MONROE - SALISBURY GASTONIA, N.C. W. COLUMBIA - GREENVILLF - SPARTANBHRG. S.C. F 0 L D TO C7q i V oo/ IrL'A CcvNTY C7Af6(,v662,ijl cc'aps 0-r Cag91A/EC(Zf/Aa, p-e-'w- %�� rar�y D DA ";` wVly IVAA ME 1"V SIGNED 4? PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION KEEP WHITE COPY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TkANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR Division 3, District 3 New Hanover County Jack G. Stocks, RLS 211 N. Fifth Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Section 12, Phase II Brittany Woods Subdivision Dear Sir DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 910-251-2655 May 29, 1996 GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. SECRETARY This is to advise that Section 12, Phase 2, Brittany Woods Subdivision has been constructed per plans approved on November 20, 1995. Section 12, Phase 2, Brittany Woods Subdivision meets the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for basic drainage, base and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before being recommended to be added to the state maintenance system. Also, the residency requirements must be met and the road be in an acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Ve y yours, P. Cook District Engineer JPC:ajm cc: M. F. McDaniel, County Maintenance Engineer -Kew Hanover County Planning Department M STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 D,'l.slun U11ir Wil::,iz,,utu:►, NC 28401 JAMES G. MARTIN 919-343-0440 GOVERNOR June 12, 1990 THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY Division. 3, District 3 New Hanover County Coastal Carolina Developers Inc. 2905 West Martet Street Wilmington, NC 28405 He: Revised Plans ror 3rirtany Lakes Dear Sir: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GEORGE E. WELLS, P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR This is to advise that the revised construction plan for Brittany Lakes Subdivision has been reviewed and approved by the Department or-ransportation, Division of Highways. During this review it was noted that said plan meets the minimum construction requirements for subdivisions. Attached is a copy or the approved plan, together with a copy of District Subdivision Inspection Policies, and Slope Drainage Requ_rements for driveway pipe installations for your ready reference in the construction of this subdivision. It should be noted that that driveways are to be graded to meet_ the shoulder grades as shown on the attached arawing. Oniy state approved materials are to be used in the construction of this project for it to be state approved. A driveway permit will be required for any entrance adjoining a state maintained roaa. Any utilities located within the right of way will require an encroachment agreement be executed at the time the road is considered for addition to the state system. Very truly yours, J. P. Cook District Engineer JPC:psj cc: County Planning �An EQu�r�wAryuntty�ictrriPto � neer SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST SUBDIVISION NAME ,'`r) �T� �� / :5. \ r � , SURVEYOR/ENGINEER TAX MAP, BLOCK & PARCEL OWNER/DEVELOPER PHONE LOCATION COASTAL_ CAfZ gj9 ,,1i, Gaziy C�1 PA9 ADDRESS DATE SUBMITTED ���-�� ��✓ GENERAL REQUIREMENTS V, Ten copies of proposed plan V Preliminary plat fee: $50.00 ,_''"Scale not less than 1" = 200 Title information (name, name & address of owner & surveyor, date, north point) g% Vicinity map Adjacent property owners, subdivisions, streets with their location cyv,/vAA1',- &A'�Coiinty/municipal boundaries in area (if applicable) Existing zoning classification lZU- J / a�Boundaries properly drawn with bearings and distances oee 4a'61 t,-""-Location of all existing structures (buildings, railroads, etc.) Topographic relief at 2 foot intervals indicating data source Location of marshes, water courses, ditches, drainage channels, subsurface drainage structures and proposed method disposing drainage run-off 73�— Location and size of all drainage easements (ditched or piped) whether located within or outside proposed development Location of sanitary sewers (other than septic tanks), utility easements, storm drainage, new water supplies, connections existing systems (if applicable) Street right-of-way widths, unduplicated street names and street designations (public or private) Roadway cross section displaying pavement ,idth, amount ABC, asphalt depth and drainage design aJ ®l'v�� ���,�y�`Qyf Lot lines, lot numbers, setback lines Total acreage proposed development Location of conservation areas (if applicable) Acres to be used for other than residential ,.;�7�Average lot size, total number lots Location of 100 year flood areas n/ Acreage in public or other land usage an— Area surveyed sewer (if applicable) MIA Hurricane evacuation plan (if applicable) �VOV Proposed location of planned thoroughfares (if applicable) ,yJ& Proposed location of bike routes (if applicable) pA Landscaping plan (if applicable) -Typical cross section drainage ways Drainage areas and computed run-off per acre U*Z Approvals for water and sewer CA ����Q Q 0 LP �U 5 DESIGN STANDARDS I / Block lengths greater 400' but less than 1,400' locks to have 2 tiers JvJA Buffer strips (if applicable) V Correct building set back lines Cul-de-sac less than 1,000; designed minimum D.O.T. specifications Drainage easements not less 30' in width with ditch off centered 20' to 10 VV'01y Utility easements at least 15' (IV6AI& � 1��j�N� �' ®LI-)A� Streets intersect not less than 75 degrees Major street intersection at least 800' apart qG Street jogs greater than 125' (if applicable) V'— Every lot abuts for distance of at least 40' on private Qr public road Lots conform to zoning ordinance p/ Corner lots conform to building lines on both streets CS'%.'2 f" 'to p0?j'J'- is5b +I) p! Double frontage lots Side lot lines substantially at right angles or radial to street lines Connections to adjacent streets Stub -outs (if applicable) Deficiencies/Comments: Re- V -S', 120�p-q /vaw hic Reviewed by: Date \s\precheck.frm