Brittany Lakes- Sec 1JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR JAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY STATE Of= NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-343--^04:40 May 30, 1989 Division 3, District 3 New Hanover County Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. 2905 west Market Street Wilmington, North. Carolina 28403 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GEORGE E. WELLS, P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR Re: Plan Approval, Brittany Lakes Subdivision Except I-Ierford Court; Tewkesbury Court; Bread Haven Drive; and Brittany Lakes, South of New Castle Court. Gentlemen: This is to advise that the construction plain For subject subdivision has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Tra.nsportatio7-a Division of Highways. During this review it was noted that said plans meet the minimum construction requirements for subdivisions. Herford Court, Tewkesbury Court, Broad Haven Drive, and Brittany Lakes Drive, south of New Castle Court will not be considered :for addition to the state system 'until. cul-de-sacs are constructed or roads are extended. Attached is a copy of the approved plan, together with a copy of District Subdivision. Inspection .Policies, and Slope and Drainage Requirements for driveway pipe installations For your ready re-- ference in the construction of this subdivision. it should be noted that driveways are to be graded to meet the shoulder grades as shown on the attached drawing. Also, please be advised that only state approved be used in the construction of this project for approved. A driveway permit will be required adjoining a state maintained road. Very truly yours, District Engineer JPO/drg Atta: materials are to it to be state :For any entrance cc: County Planning „r+ r, 1 !,', �i�r"rali�,�c;!eaion Em,,e3nyer Fz�.gii'�i�=�.y .i<1�::.1'tat�.e R���.'� ,.. ":i:e7.'l.{�r-,>. JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR THOMAS J. HARRELSON SECRETARY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 D-ViSiut. Dx i ;'t,� P1su: e 919-313-0440 February 01, 1990 Div-ision 3, District 3 -New Hanoz_-er Coanty Mr. piGraf.-iTaol Coastal. Caro.! ina De, -elopers 2905 Market Street Wi.irIIingtOn NC 28403 Re: Section_ 1 of Brittany Lakes Subd-J%7ision Dear r. Gratftwo1: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GEORGE E. WELLS, P.E. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR This is to ad�Jise that Section 1 of Brittany Lakes Subdivision has been constructed per plans approved on 05-30-59. This subdi,. iSion meets the 1.".i i::: construction requirements Of the Department of Transportation, Division of I'ighways, j=or basic drainage.. base and pa:-ement . Ali Other drainage rust meet Department of Transportation Standards at the time of petitioning for additior_ to the state syster,;. This 's to further advse that utilities located wit_ i"_: dedicated r: ahts of wa,' must ha-,-e an e-ncroachrnent agreement before being reco::ended to be added to the state maintained system. Also, t"_e residency req —7 cements :t'C.St fue met and tie road be = an acceptatle state O+ r a--P_ter_ance iNT'I, e n p e t- t o::, e d. Ver,` truly O�.rs , J . P . Cooly District Engineer JPC psj CC: County Planning Department highway Maintenance Engineer: An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING Liz cE7 ME: A n -rPr)P ` 1 1(,HI Y RIFFORE COMPLETING Name of Petitioner Application Number aLc z S k--ocLLD Petitioner's Phone No. Date Address of Petitioner 7 Z 4 S 17 ci N e of Pr perty Owner (if different from Address of Property Owner pe eltionerl b'�a G�.lL Location of Property Tax Map Block Parcel Area of Property �Sq. ft. • cj Acres, Zoning of Property Land Classification Q I j Th����d�.P. Existing Use o Property proposed Use ofn Property NAME OF SUBDIVISION MINOR ' SUBDIVISION CONTENTS OF THE APPLICATION I FEES A minor subdivision is defined as a subdivision: a) Involving not more than five lots, all of which front on an existing approved street; and b) Not involving any new streets or prospectively requiring any new street for access to interior property; and c) Not requiring drainage improvements or easements to serve the applicant's property or interior property. A fuller explanation of these requirements is contained in the "Guide to Review Procedures" below. Applicants for minor subdivision approval shall submit one original print (drawn in ink on film or linen not more than 21 x 30 inches nor less than B� x 11 inches) to the Planning Department. The plat shall conform with N. C. General Statute 47-30. ..State. law requires that the County Health Director be afforded the opportunity to comment on proposed water and sewerage systems. Consequently, the application shall include a Health Department letter commenting on the proposed -subdivision. lb. A $5,.00 fee per lot is required along with a recreational park impact fee. - . T0 RE VIEW EW PROCEDURE S _ . Applications for minor subdivisions are received and acted upon by the New Hanov,r County Planning Department. Neither the County Planning Board nor the Board of County Commissioners is involved in the approval. Upon receipt of a completed application (including the plat and necessary approval letter(s)),'•the Planning Department has three days to provide a written response. Approved plats will be stamped; disapproval letters must specify the reasons for 'disapproval. 'Conditional approvals will not be granted. Appeal to the Board of County Commissioners is available. The -minor -subdivision definition requires all lots to front on an existing approvec stre,et: i. e. a street maintained by NC DOT or a private street previously approvec, under the County Subdivision Regulations. However, Section 65 of the Zoning Ordinance creates an exception to the normal rule that all structures shall be on a lot adjacent .to an approved street. Under Section 65(3), single or two family dwellings may obtain street access over'a private driveway or easement provided such driveway or easemer,t. is: -an easement appurtenant to 3 or less lots. Consequently, subdivisions meeting the requirements of Section 65(3) will be interpreted as "not involving any new streets" and may be reviewed as minor subdivisions. For purposes of satisfying subsection (c) of the minor.subdivision definition, all subdivisions using.community sewer systems and all subdivisions located on Class I or Class II soils will be presumed to require no drainage improvements. Subdivisions that do require drainage improvements or easements may satisfy subsection (c) by providing such improvements and easements as may be required by the County Engineer. Rev. 4/88 MINOR SUBDIVISION CIILICKL,IST STAFF USE ONLY I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ,s One mylar or 3 copies Lot Fee ($' 000 per lot) Residential Park Impact Fee 141A Street sign fee (if applicable) Conservation resources (if applicable) JqIA "Dry"Sewer installation (if applicable) V Not more than 5 lots All lots front on an existing approved street or / Meet access requirements of Zoning Ordinance Section 65(3) Approximate location of 100 year flood line displayed (if applicable) Type of water & sewer displayed on plat County Engineering Department letter submitted County Environmental Health Department letter submitted II. REQUIREMENTS OF N.C. GENERAL STATUTES 47-30 Plat- not more than 21" x 30" or less than 81z" x 11" � Plat drawn in ink on film or linen �e Property designation, name and address of owner Date, scale, vicinity map and type of north arrow e/ Name, address and registration number of engineer or surveyor Courses and distances of every line Standard curve data (if applicable) �O Control corners ve Names of all adjacent landowners All visible and apparent rights -of -way, watercourses, utilities, roadways and other improvements plotted One or more corners tied to NC Grid System (County Engineer to verify) III. CERTIFICATES Surveyor's Certificate of Accuracy (signed) Certificate of Registration (unsig.ned) __NL,q CAMA Disclosure (signed, if applicable) veFlood Plain Management Disclosure (signed, if applicable) ,/ Water/Sewer Disclaimer Certificate y Ownership/Jurisdiction Certificate IV. STAFF COMMENTS C J_ -1� Lo`1 Vm— 2 0. ®c r G 0.� C-OA4ysyjp Send to�__sburgess J From: jcraig Subject: Subdivision Reviews - June 12, 1989 S.D. 81 Walnut Hills Section 6A & GB (Minor) - No objection to this final. (I was impressed by existing subdivision). S.D. 276 North Bend Section 2 (Final) - Castings/Monuments are not in place. Also, drainage needs a little work. Need: 2200 castings, 2000 drainage - Total of $4,200. S.D. 405 Shenandoah Woods Sectionl (Final) - No objection. S.D. 4594rittany Lakes Section 1 (Final) - No objection. 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