Brittany Woods- Sec 4If PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEXTER L. HAYES NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING DIRECTOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 May 12, 1988 Mr. Bill Grathwol Coastal Carolina Developers 2905 W. Market St. Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Shenandoah and Brittany.Woods, Section 4: Preliminary Dear Mr. Grathwol: Preliminary plans for the referenced subdivisions have been reviewed and approved by the Planning Department pursuant to applicable local codes. and ordinances. All other applicable Federal and State laws shall also be observed. Shenandoah is approved for 4 is approved for 20 units. The be at least 20 feet and not peripheral boundary. 30 units; Brittany Woods Section setback between structures shall less than 20 feet along the Prior to recording a final plat for either of the plats, all infrastructure must be completed or a surety (cash, bond, letter of.credit) equivalent to the cost of required infrastructure must' be posted. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, r Walter Avery, Jr. Staff Planner WA/ps cc: Jim Craig, County Engineering Hugh Heine, Corps of Engineers Bill Benton, NCDOT M V; ENGINEERING & FACILITIES C. ED HILTON, JR., P.E. Director WYATT E. BLANCHARD, P.E. County Engineer April 29, 1988 MEMORANDUM NEW HANOVER COUNTY ENGINEERING AND FACILITIES DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 341-7139 TO: Sam Burgess/Pete Avery Planning Department FROM: Jim Crai (�• Engineerin Department RE: Subdivision Reviews S.D. 353 Tibbys Branch (Final) Surety estimate 6f $4,400.00 will be sufficient to complete improvements monuments/castings and finish grading work. S.D. 403 Landfall Center (Section III) Commercial: 30' easements are needed. Curve radi do not meet minimum D.O.T. specifications. Grading plan needs to be revised to cover changes. Sewer plans are needed! S.D. 404 Oak Village At Airlie (Preliminary): Road cross-section does not meet minimum D.O.T. standards. Because the road does not crown. County does have active sewer in this area. (-CAC Appkoged) S.D. 405 Shenandoah Woods Section 1 (Preliminary) - 3:1 slopes will be required. Drainage need a little work. On road detail (b) note a 24' pavement G-G may be used for short local roads. 15' easements will only be allow where pipe is used. Pavement Zbe type I2. Outlet velocities will be needed. 325 Brittany Woods (Preliminary) Section 4 - Same as above. S.D. 11 Cavalier Woods Section 2 (Final) - Improvements are not in place, we need surety. Estimate for $63,600.00 is sufficient. CHARLOTTE LUMB - • - � � � •� ,����-•- ��:.. - -�•. -� ,.., i...., :: ,: �".,., . •. - ERTON-KInSTON-WILMINGTON-MONROE-SALISBURY-GASTONIA, N.C. � �,.... .•,-.. ;.•;l; �t}p:va. ,-;:•:... �. - W. COLUMBIA - GREENVILLE - SPARTANBURG, S.C. a I TO = . �J l o' V 1 �/�• � �y , C�1(y�/��'2rnlG -q� �m zs;�2 CSEi✓'C CF ey�c�f 60("till' C/✓ CLpL/L 'r ) COLIA-1-N 66VVJ'1q()M*4bd L ' D ,SUBJEC� J ESSAGE V; �j Eez& ly)L2de d-0--Z2 SIGNED 77 77 PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION. KEEP WHITE COPY F O L D TO -�csvif�P?It% PCB �.bS1 kl f Gar,7/) " OL/ -- r d 1411 SUBJECT DATE � � f Utx, v,�'fGtf� ,!�✓Ij �u c�, f � -z i t f ESSAGE l� All I zvO � 4-,--R � f�A 1 l 'f r4 tt f/ L_ULn l f L� t _ SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED DETACH AND f-iETAiN YELLOW COPY �,a SfA1'E n- J;. a, 3i ins va'y'" "ems . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 124 Division Drive Wilmington, N. C. 28401 JAMES G. MARTIN April 27, 1.988 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR JAMES E. HARRINGTON GEORGE E. WELLS, P.E. SECRETARY STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR MEMO TO: Pete Avery FROM: Bill Benton ,/S SUBJECT: Brittany Woods Subdivision (Section 4) I have reviewed the subject subdivision and found that it is complete and correct. If I can assist you further in this matter please call me at 762-3854. XC: J . P. Cook An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer CASH RECEIPT PAGE DP AGENCY ISI1 R�C EI,PT�; M M D D V Y M M Y Y YY TRANSACTION (`V+7j 4 TRANSACTION ACCOUNTING BUDGET CODE CR DATE PERIOD FY ACTION COMMENTS BANK ACCOUNT OFFSET CASH ACCOUNT ORIGINAL ENTRY (E) ❑ ADJUSTMENT (M) I I _ % V L DESCRIPTION: ' F-u� DESCRIPTION: 1111 111 111111 DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: RECEIVED FROM FOR: TOTAL AMOUNT 1 $ 0 d • C ISO - PREPARED BY NAME TITLE DATE RECEIVED BY NAME TITLE DATE ENTERED BY NAME TITLE DATE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ❑ CASH ❑ CHECK, # 19648 CASH RECEIPT NUMBER SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY PLAT CHECKLIST SUBDIVISION NAME fit; i ` f�4�tf1 r SURVEYOR/ENGINEER TAX MAP, BLOCK & PARCEL LOCATION OWNER/DEVELOPER,; J ;%a� k �. ; -,i`(' `„=_; , ;w"� `rt�' r ? f.' ADDRESS ,. PHONE DATE SUBMITTED GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Ten copies of proposed plan Preliminary plat fee: $50.00'1'! h /Scale not less than 1" = 200 f�title information (name, name & address of owner & surveyor, date, north point) ,-Vicinity map t !%- Adjacent property owners, subdivisions, streets with their location :v�J'yCounty/municipal boundaries in area (if applicable) F' i/ Existing zoning classification ''Boundaries properly drawn with bearings and distances Location of all existing structures (buildings, railroads, etc.) �1,.�=�"Topographic relief at 2 foot intervals indicating data source Location of marshes, water courses, ditches, drainage channels, subsurface drainage ..structures and proposed method disposing drainage run-off �-�! Location and size of all drainage easements (ditched or piped) whether located within or outside proposed development /_ Location of sanitary sewers ( er than septic tan is utility easements, storm `drainage, new water supplies, co o ions existing systems (if applicable) Street right-of-way widths, unduplicated street names and street designations (public or private) Roadway cross section displaying pavement width, amount ABC, asphalt depth and drainage design ,Lot l-ines7rot numbers, setback lines Total acreage proposed development Location of conservation areas (if applicableye- ,�`Acres to be used for other than residential .,,-''Average lot size, total number lots v,s.-'' \ Location AEC's, within 575 SA waters (if applicable) '✓ Location of 100 year flood areas Acreage in public or other land usage Area surveyed sewer (if applicable) t Hurricane evacuation plan (if applicable) .,,' Proposed location of planned thoroughfares ( if applicable) iK1ja, Proposed location of bike routes (if applicable) Landscaping plan (if applicable) � Typical cross section drainageways(� � G�J� "��-- Drainage areas and computed run-off per acre V� J Approvals for water and sewer DESIGN STANDARDS Block lengths greater 400' but less than 1,400' Block to have 2 tiers Buffer strips ( if applicable) ' Correct building set back lines ,Xul-de-sac less than 1,000; designed minimum D.O.T. specifications Drainage easements not les.s.,30' in width with ditch off centered 20' to 10' Utility easements at least 151} s3 +(}' f �-"• ,r { 0 . Streets intersect not less than 75 degrees Major street intersection at least 800' apart Street jogs greater than 125' (if applicable) Every lot abuts for distance of at least 40' on private or public road Lots conform to zoning ordinance 4 Q Corner lots conform to building lines on both streets Double frontage lots Side lot lines substantially at right angles or radial to street lines Connections to adjacent streets � Stub-outs (if applicable) I Deficiencies/Comments: Reviewed by: \s\precheck.frm Date f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION New Hanover County Maintenance May 16, 1988 JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS JAMES E. HARRINGTON GEORGE E. WELLS, P.E. SECRETARY STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR TO: Pete Avery, New Haaover County Planning Department FROM: Bill Benton/Highway Maintenance Engineer SUBJECT: Preliminary Review of Brittany Woods, Section 4, in New Hanover County. I have reviewed the subject subdivision plans and found that it is complete and correct, I recommend that preliminary approval be given to the subject plans. If any additional information is needed, please con -tact the New Hanover Maintenance Office at 762-3854. WBB/saz cc: J. P. Cook File An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer F O L D TO Cow , 6nll ti�erN6 COVA,) E L clvvi U 1 ' ey 1, AIAI 1 n/ 6 SUBJECT �c� J j-G - , ` DATE C�QFL�n�jN. /) ESSAGE Ae � c r t/ �f m C�. C SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION. KEEP WHITE COPY F 0 L D • I . ".' - IIIIIIIIIIIM11 TO AV6,- / Ale 0617 SUBJECT DATE T /* ESSAGE SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW Z2 DATE SIGNED RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION. KEEP WHITE COPY