Performance Development - North of Gordon Rd - 3850 Units - Approved 06-17-19860 zb �,.� -A- - i- z, DENSITY CALCULATIONS COASTAL CAROLINA DEVELOPMENT rebru�_waa, Of Subdivision Lots Recorded Acreage Alamosa Pl-1 97 24.75 Alamosa PI-2A 35 9.88 Alamosa PI-3 94 29.87 Alamosa PI-3A 63 17.28 Alamosa Pl-313 38 11.77 Alamosa PI-3C 36 11.67 Alamosa 3 D 4 .99 Belmar Forest-1 59 23 71 Brittany Lakes-1, 2 56 18.10 Brittany Woods-lA 4 2.56 Brittany Woods-2 11 5.37 Brittany Woods-3 16 8.60 Brittany Woods-4 2 .96 Brittany Woods-5 22 10.79 Brittany Woods-6 11 6.18 Brittany Woods-7 11 5.16 Brittany Woods-8 20 10.57 Brittany Woods-9 15 7.57 Brittany Woods-10 52 28.88 Brittany Woods-11 16 10.25 Brittany Woods-12 13 6.13 Brittany Woods-13 19 8.84 Brittany Woods-14 13 5.23 Clearview @ Suncoast-1 15 3.05 Courtney Pines-1 63 20.25 Courtney Pines-2 61 18.78 Courtney Pines -3 24 6.07 Dove Woods 3 5.42 Gordon Woods-3 60 16.60 Gordon Woods-' A 18 5.33 Gordon Woods-4 71 19.95 Indian Wells @ G. Woods-1 19 5.97 Indian Wells @ G. Woods-2 29 7.88 Harkey Tract 2 12 Legacy @ B. Woods-1 67 26.98 Legacy @ B. Woods-2 2 .48 Meadowbrook-1-14 294 86.83 Newbury Woods-1 51 18.40 Newberry Woods-2 44 14.25 Newberry Woods-3 57 19.66 Potomac Woods-1 16 6.31 n } i Lots Recorded 23 (7utl_ hods-3 44 13 r :Quail Wo 14 20 Quail Woods-4 Quail Woods-5 Quail Woods-6 12 Quail Woods-7 12 Quail Woods-8 27 Quail Woods-9 11 Quail Woods-10 25 Quail Woods-11 25 Quail Woods-12 31 Quail Woods-13 58 Quail Woods-14 60 Saratoga Pl-1 85 Shenandoah Woods-1 2 Shenandoah Woods-2 9 Shenandoah Woods-3 16 Summers Glen-1 15 Summers Glen-2 29 Sun Coast Villas-1 5 Sun Coast Villas-2 29 Sun Coast Villas-3 21 Sun Coast Villas-4 15 Sun Coast Villas-5 16 Sun Coast Villas-7 22 Sun Coast Villas-8 15 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-1 4 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-2 4 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-3 4 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-4 22 Open space (3/11/99) Quail Woods-15 42 Totals 2,339 Current Density =24-1- 2. 1 u 0i 0--c. - 3 3 C�uwQ 1 0614 r o-kCrnc.c, VA-5 - 4 3 \wpdoc\density v�12 cw� tWd S L ^a .Ad Z) U a T G'J9 Acreage 8.81 16.67 4.75 4.69 7.20 2.48 4.06 3.43 9.89 4.22 9.57 9.68 12.86 21.53 18.33 19.82 6.30 9.22 14.02 3.62 10.26 1.16 6.14 6.31 3.05 4.97 3.96 4.76 .10 .28 .41 3.37 293.06 12.68 1100.98 16. y2 21, I-1� 1,27-0- 2°I C, S 'b L> L4 t 67 qj v ell �5 i-A '77 vv1 c c,,,A v. t-� 0 cl 7 7 C 2 SJ wo St q/ 47 5'7 2 2 C) cv2 -Lz-A C 0�- r), 47 2- /CC) 5 11 S, I L" L 'S 7 '4 ti L oJ� 4 vC3 3-0 C) AC' C/CI 5l. CL 2.7 (Iltlw Et Cock z -Lo-5 Pl-fi-.t:vJ .. . ....... ----------- c CJ - . ....... C- 0 J 71 (0 t --i 3 37 i — '2L t q 57 �o Lt CJ�l AA--'l Of Q— Dfc'L' 3,4-ft-r- C, ek— LL CLL e- COAL 13, Coastal Carolina Development Density Calculations October 23, 2002 SUBDIVISION LOTS RECORDED ACREAGE Alamosa PI-1 97 24.75 Alamosa PI-2A 35 9.88 Alamosa PI-3 94 29.87 Alamosa PI-3A 63 17.28 Alamosa Pl-313 38 11.77 Alamosa PI-3C 36 11.67 Alamosa Pl-31) 4 .99 Belmar Forest-1 59 23.71 Brittany Lakes-1, 2 56 18.10 Brittany Woods-lA 4 2.56 Brittany Woods-2 11 5.37 Brittany Woods-3 16 8.60 Brittany Woods-4 2 .96 Brittany Woods-5 22 10.79 Brittany Woods-6 11 6.18 Brittany Woods-7 11 5.16 Brittany Woods-8 20 10.57 Brittany Woods-9 15 7.57 Brittany Woods-10 52 28.88 Brittany Woods-11 16 10.25 Brittany Woods-12 13 6.13 Brittany Woods-13 19 8.84 Brittany Woods-14 13 5.23 Brookside Gardens 76 30.88 Clearview @ Suncoast-1 15 3.05 Cottages @ Suncoast 25 6.54 Courtney Pines-1 63 20.25 Courtney Pines-2 61 18.78 Courtney Pines-3 24 6.07 Courtney Pines-4 57 19.53 Dove Woods 3 5.42 Gordon Woods-3 60 16.60 Gordon Woods-3A 18 5.33 Gordon Woods-4 71 19.95 Indian Wells c G. Woods-1 19 5.97 Indian Wells c G. Woods-2 29 7.88 Harkey Tract 2 12 Legacy @ B. Woods-1 67 26.98 Legacy @ B. Woods-2 2 .48 Legacy @ B. Lakes 2 .59 Meadowbrook-1-14 294 86.83 Newbury Woods-1 51 18.40 Newbury Woods-2 44 14.25 Newbury Woods-3 57 19.66 Parkwood Ext 11 1.32 Potomac Woods-1 16 6.31 Potomac Woods-2 23 8.81 Potomac Woods-3 36 16.42 Potomac Woods-4 3 1.32 Potomac Woods-5 26 13.43 Quail Woods-1 44 16.67 Quail Woods-2 13 4.75 Quail Woods-3 14 4.69 Quail Woods-4 20 7.20 Quail Woods-5 6 2.48 Quail Woods-6 12 4.06 Quail Woods-7 12 3.43 Quail Woods-8 27 9.89 Quail Woods-9 11 4.22 Quail Woods-10 25 9.57 Quail Woods-11 25 9.68 Quail Woods-12 31 12.86 Quail Woods-13 58 21.53 Quail Woods-14 60 18.33 Quail Woods-15 42 12.68 Quail Woods-16 84 31.15 Saratoga Pl-1 85 19.82 Shenandoah Woods-1 2 6.30 Shenandoah Woods-2 9 9.22 Shenandoah Woods-3 16 14.02 Summers Glen-1 15 3.62 Summers Glen-2 29 10.26 Sun Coast Villas-1 5 1.16 Sun Coast Villas-2 29 6.14 Sun Coast Villas-3 21 6.31 Sun Coast Villas-4 15 3.05 Sun Coast Villas-5 16 4.97 Sun Coast Villas-7 22 3.96 Sun Coast Villas-8 15 4.76 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-1 4 .10 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-2 4 .28 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-3 4 .41 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-4 22 3.37 Open Space (3/11/99) 293.06 Weaver Woods @ Lake Emerald 27 17.45 F Whitney Pines-1 72 21.48 Whitney Pines-2 2 .61 Whitney Pines-3 15 5.06 Whitney Pines-4 44 13.23 Totals 2,819 1,279.99 Current Density = 2.2 lots per acre 0 e.Q T Art - z t -1 '2-5• S 4 CCD DENSITY CALCULATIONS-11/19/02 SUBDIVISION II SECTION II LOTS II ACRES II MB / PG QUAIL WOODS 4 20 7.19 27/017 QUAIL WOODS 1 44 17.12 27/030 BRITTANY WOODS 1 25 16.47 27/141 QUAIL WOODS 2 13 4.76 27/152 BRITTANY WOODS 1A 4 2.54 27/163 BRITTANY WOODS 2 11 5.73 28/032 BRITTANY WOODS _ 3 _ 16 8.41 28/065 _ BRITTANY WOODS 4 2 0.96 29/041 BRITTANY WOODS 5 _ 22 11.07 29/098 QUAIL WOODS _ 3 _ 14 4.88 29/174 _ BRITTANY WOODS 6 11 5.93 29/177 BRITTANY WOODS 7 11 5.17 30/113 INDIAN WELLS AT GORDON WOODS 1 19 6.20 31/277 QUAIL WOODS 5 6 _ 2.46 32/012 QUAIL WOODS 6 _ 12 4.14 32/013 BRITTANY WOODS 8 20 10.71 32/109 BRITTANY WOODS _ 9 15 7.52 32/110 SHENANDOAH WOODS 2 9 7.76 32/113 MEADOWBROOK 2 17 5.49 32/288 MEADOWBROOK _ 2 19 6.54 32/338 QUAIL WOODS 7 12 3.68 32/392 QUAIL WOODS 8 27 9.99 32/393 MEADOWBROOK 3 _ 21 5.07 33/022 INDIAN WELLS AT GORDON WOODS 2 29 7.84 33/063 _ MEADOWBROOK _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ 25 _ 8.30 33/162 _ _ GORDON WOODS MEADOWBROOK BRITTANY WOODS 3 5 60 29 16.56 8.24 33/203 33/352 10 52 _ 28.86 33/374 DOVE WOODS _ 3 _ 5.38 33/382 SUMMERS GLEN 1 15 3.76 33/396 BRITTANY LAKES 1A & 2 54 17.54 _ 34/032 GORDON WOODS 3A 18 4.92 34/083 _ MEADOWBROOK _ 6 _ 25 6.37 34/087 GORDON WOODS 4 71 19.96 34/168 SHENANDOAH WOODS 1 2 8.15 34/193 _ _ _ QUAIL WOODS 9 11 4.22 34/253 _ QUAIL WOODS _ 10 _ 25 9.56 34/254 _ MEADOWBROOK 7 21 5.94 34/255 MEADOWBROOK 8 18 5.06 35/023 BRITTANY WOODS 11 16 7.57 35/084 s SUBDIVISION SECTION LOTS ACRES MB / PG QUAIL WOODS 12 31 12.86 35/117 SARATOGA PLACE 85 19.82 35/127 MEADOWBROOK 9 24 6.99 35/135 SUNCOAST VILLAS 1 5 1.16 35/203 BRITTANY WOODS 12 13 6.13 35/212 SHENANDOAH WOODS 3 16 14.03 35/213 SUNCOAST VILLAS 2 29 6.12 35/228 MEADOWBROOK 10 12 3.51 35/245 SUMMERS GLEN 2 29 10.26 35/253 QUAIL WOODS 11 25 9.67 35/280 MEADOWBROOK 11 26 8.37 35/362 BRITTANY WOODS 13 19 8.85 36/003 MEADOWBROOK 12 _ 22 5.72 36/048 ALAMOSA PLACE 1 97 24.27 36/064 COURTNEY PINES 1 63 20.33 36/098 QUAIL WOODS 13 58 21.53 36/114 MEADOWBROOK 13 2 1.41 36/124 NEWBURY WOODS 1 51 18.40 36/192 BRITTANY WOODS 14 13 6.13 36/193 MEADOWBROOK 14 29 9.48 36/239 BELMAR FOREST Ph 1 60 2460 36/315 & 316 ALAMOSA PLACE LOTS 84A & 85A 1 2 0.61 37/015 LEGACY AT BRITTANY LAKES 1 _ 67 26.47 37/022 SUNCOAST VILLAS 3 21 6.20 37/074 ALAMOSA PLACE 2 40 10.52 37/131 POTOMAC WOODS 1 15 6.02 37/159 QUAIL WOODS 14 60 21.79 37/222 ALAMOSA PLACE 2A 35 9.88 37/238 SUNCOAST VILLAS 4 15 3.44 _ _ 37/248 NEWBURY WOODS 2 44 14.34 37/254 LEGACY AT BRITTANY LAKES 1A 2 0.49 37/320 _ SUNCOAST TOWNHOMES Phase 1 4 _ 0.53 38/006 COURTNEY PINES 2 60 _ 18.78 38/026 ALAMOSA PLACE 3 93 29.87 _ 38/039 SUNCOAST TOWNHOMES Phase 2 _ 4 _ 0.28 38/128 SUNCOAST VILLAS 5 16 4.98 38/159 ALAMOSA PLACE 3A 63 17.28 38/229 QUAIL WOODS 15 40 14.58 _ 38/299 NEWBURY WOODS 3 57 19.66 38/331 SUNCOAST TOWNHOMES Phase 3 4 0.30 38/336 ALAMOSA PLACE 3C 32 10.35 39/082 SUNCOAST VILLAS 6 27 6.15 391106 ALAMOSA PLACE 36 38 11.77 39/125 COURTNEY PINES 3 23 7.79 39/144 SUNCOAST VILLAS 7 22 4.47 39/186 SUBDIVISION SECTION LOTS ACRES MB / PG SUNCOAST TOWNHOMES Phasf 4 22 3.37 _ 39/229 ALAMOSA PLACE 3D 4 1.37 39/371 SUNCOAST VILLAS 8 15 4.76 40/287 WHITNEY PINES 1 70 20.38 40/371, 41/179 QUAIL WOODS 16 84 30.42 41/115 POTOMAC WOODS 2 23 10.98 41/314 POTOMAC WOODS 3 36 18.38 41/316 BROOKSIDE GARDENS 77 30.88 41/322 & 323 POTOMAC WOODS 4 3 1.32 42/029 PARKWOOD EXTENSION 11 3.70 42/175 WHITNEY PINES 2 2 0.61 42/177 POTOMAC WOODS 5 26 _ . 13.43 42/179 WEAVER WOODS AT LAKE EMERALD 27 17.45 42/181 WHITNEY PINES 4 44 13.23 42/259 WHITNEY PINES 3 15 5.06 42/257 COTTAGES AT SUNCOAST, THE N/A 25 6.54 43/43 HARKEY TRACT 2 12.00 DB 2030,PG 0008 BELMAR FOREST (Preliminary) Ph 2 47 25.58 N/R SUNCOAST CONDOS 200 17.49 N/R Total 30701 1051.16 PRIVATE OPEN SPACE "REVISED" 3070 + 2.5 = ® cW �Gv @ N/A 1228.00 — 1051.16 176.84 293.06 — 176.84 116.22 lotus/business/miscellaneous/CCDCALCSR.123 293.06 38/300 & 301 (REQUIRED ACRES) (RECORDED ACRES) (REQUIRED OPEN SPACE) (RECORDED OPEN SPACE) (REQUIRED OPEN SPACE) EXCESS OPEN SPACE 11 /19/02 NOTES: 1. ALL STREETS SHALL BE BUILT TO NO HIGHWAY STANDARDS, WITH 10' X 70' SIGHT DISTANCES AT INTERSECTIONS. 2. ALL LOTS ARE 6.000 SQUARE FEET PLUS. 3. TOTAL ACREAGE IN TRACT IS 1,704 AC..+. 4. TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS — 4410. 5. TRACT SERVED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER• 8. TRACT SERVED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY SANITARY SEWER. 7. MINIMUM BUILDING LINES SHALL BE AS ALLOWED BY PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. a AREA ZONED R-15. ii. DRAINAGE SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE CRITERIA. 0. NO CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL A PERMIT IS OBTAINED UNDER THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SOIL. EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION ORDINANCE. 1. TOTAL (PRIVATE) OPEN SPACE AREA - 293.06 AC.* AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 38, PAGES 300 Jc 301 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY REGISTRY. .uc +a uee�oAanN. drnrAy A[\em nwA�o� ra � 1 MKIT a PZWAW 27. lM KM@ YAPM 1. tMT wm ��/s" AMM .0 is'briN7 ioz s0aaoo ArAlmc AV11W a xm WMA mmi4k% Pjj Na i Boom jz y�.�, Ki InY.ION. I,C . pHSD DV: PR UM ARY_ N' .RDA ON. VEYAi .n N: GN:SL 4Q5�MkT15 153. � (9N.) 7t Subdivision Lots Recorded Acreage Potomac Woods-2 23 8.81 Quail Woods-1 44 16.67 Quail Woods-2 13 4.75 Quail Woods-3 14 4.69 Quail Woods-4 20 7.20 Quail Woods-5 6 2.48 Quail Woods-6 12 4.06 Quail Woods-7 12 3.43 Quail Woods-8 27 9.89 Quail Woods-9 11 4.22 Quail Woods-10 25 9.57 Quail Woods-11 25 9.68 Quail Woods-12 31 12.86 Quail Woods-13 58 21.53 Quail Woods-14 60 18.33 Saratoga PI-1 85 19.82 Shenandoah Woods-1 2 6.30 Shenandoah Woods-2 9 9.22 Shenandoah Woods-3 16 14.02 Summers Glen-1 15 3.62 Summers Glen-2 29 10.26 Sun Coast Villas-1 5 1.16 Sun Coast Villas-2 29 6.14 Sun Coast Villas-3 21 6.31 Sun Coast Villas-4 15 3.05 Sun Coast Villas-5 16 4.97 Sun Coast Villas-7 22 3.96 Sun Coast Villas-8 15 4.76 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-1 4 .10 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-2 4 .28 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-3 4 .41 Sun Coast Villa Townhomes-4 22 3.37 Open space (3/11/99) 293.06 Quail Woods-15 42 12.68 Totals 2,339 1100.98 Current Density =242- 2 . t to -W kAZ `R-Y Q LZ- eV _. q, , IW.0 �� 3 1 • � 5 `^ Pofa «L Wa5- 4 --vi l.v. pkr.a-ye � •-; .. enp - Z Z o to I(1 \wpdoc\density ------- 9 03 L�2Lo_Z� 4/,a lqq CGce) C ,pda�4d i,'Ici2 E 07 (A ivo @`ci o� � 0 o V)hA 'Fk �s ?J. it . _zf ou Svi ICU Zi 'fill Im am 44 tx f �y T� E Wk 3 A 0 q, N ME,— On Ale CIA _- MN 6QWA . . . . . . . . . . . . Arnold W. Carson, RLS PC 406 North Third Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 772-9113 Fax: (910) 772-9128 February 15, 1999 New Hanover County Planning Department Mr. Sam Burgess 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL PLAN OF COASTAL CAROLINA LAND DEVELOPMENT As you are aware, after two meetings with Dexter Hayes, Bill Grathwol, yourself, and me, there has been no resolution made to the apparent problem with the incorporation of additional contiguous property to the overall plan. Therefore, Mr. Grathwol and I would like to proceed with the submittal of the plan to TRC, New Hanover County Planning Board, and the New Hanover County Commissioners, if necessary. Based on past events concerning this site, specifically the incorporation of other contiguous properties with the consent of the county agencies, we can observe no inconsistencies with the plan as presently submitted. At the present time, Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. owns 1762 AC±, which under R-15 Zoning, allows 2.5 lots / units per acre which equates to 4,405 lots / units for this site. Sincerely, Arnol W. Car PLS c: Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. FEE- NAM 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEXTER L. HAYES Planning Director May 20, 1998 Mr. Bill Grathwol, Developer Coastal Carolina Country Club P.O. Box 3215 Wilmington, NC 28406 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 304 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4027 TELEPHONE (910) 3 41- 7165 FAX (910) 772-7868 Re: Coastal Carolina/Dallas Harris Properties Preliminary Study Plan Dear Mr. Grathwol: In regular session on May 13, 1998, the Planning Board's Technical Review Committee (TRC) examined the conceptual road network design in Coastal Carolina Development, West Bay, and the Planters Walk area. This cursory review was to compare and identify "collect road" routes suggested by City Transportation Planners with the conceptual plan of Coastal Carolina, West Bay and Planters Walk properties that will provide additional access to Gordon Road, Murrayville Road, and Market Street. With the exception of the Middle Sound Loop Road 4- way intersection extension and several other "collector" roads recommended by City staff (delinated in green), the TRC was generally satisfied with the road alignments proposed by Coastal Carolina/ West Bay/Planters Walk and City Transportation. Based on the study plan reviewed, the Planning staff and City Transportation Planners would like to recommend that fixture detailed preliminary site plans reflect the "collector" road routes displayed. The County in conjunction with the City will exercise "due diligence" in acquiring property north of Middle Sound Loop Road in order to create a 4 way intersection at Market Street. Attending the meeting were: Jim Wolle, TRC Chairman; Rodney Harris, Joyce Fernando, Kirk Davy, and Bob Murphy, TRC members; Bill Austin and John Ponder, City Transportation Planners; members of the Planning staff and you. A copy of the preliminary study map depicting the "collector" routes reviewed on 13 May is attached. Contact me if you have questions at 341-7165. Encl. Sincerely, cc: Planning Board members e) , c Qoa Dave Weaver, Asst, Co. Manager Ponder/Austin, City Transportation S.A. Burgess Arnold Carson, RLS Staff Planner . Dallas Harris, Developer mslprd PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEXTER L. HAYES NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING DIRECTOR ' 320 C} IESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAItOLINA 28401 . June 16, 1986 Mr. Bill Grathwol 2905 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: Coastal Carolina Country Club Performance Residential; Quail Woods; Murrayville Estates. A concept master plan for Coastal Carolina County Club, and detailed siie plans for the Quail Woods and Murrayville Estates Phases of the concept plan have been reviewed and approved pursuant to Section 102-4 of the County's Zoning Ordinance. This approval, of course, is subject to all other Federal, State, and Local Ordinances. approva-t-wil-t—a- -1-o -you-to begin con struction_-.and__oatain--bui'Iding perm its.*for Quail Woods and Murrayville Estates only. It is valid for one (l). year: The plan(s) will expire automatically if no action (either by approval of the final plat for part or all of the plan, or approval of a time extension) is taken within the validity period. The maximum number of units permitted for the site shall be approximately 3,850, of which 276 lots comprise the OuaiI 'Woods and Murrayvilie Estates phases. Detailed site plans for subsequent phases will be required for review by the affected agencies prior to initiating construction outside the two (2) phases noted above. Conventional district regulations are not required under performance residential appI ications,_although rio_part..of a._ structure _co_n._ta_i.-ningdweLl�_i1�1___.___. _ units shall be located closer thatn twenty (20) feet to any part of similar structures or other residential units. The presence of privately maintained infrastructure and common open space areas will require the formation of a Homeowners Association. The Association document should detail the articles of incorporation and the covenants covering maintenance responsibilities and financing the maintenance (eg — assessments). You are advised to consult Section 69.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Also, a certificate of occupancy for any of the proposed structures will not be issued until the Association has been formed and required improvements have been completed. � _ S -- Mr. Bill Grathwol June 16, 1986 Page Two A final map for all or a portion of the lots may be recorded prior to the completion of required infrastructure if a letter of credit, bond, or cash in escrow is posted in an amount sufficient to cover the costs of these improvements. It will be your responsibility to provide accurate cost estimates for the surety coverage. Finally, you are advised to obtain the required grading permits prior to initiating any land disturbing activities. If you have any questions regarding any of the above items, please let me -know. Sincerely, Walter Avery, Jr. Staff Planner WA/DW/cas cc: S.D. Conklin, County Inspections Director Dan Sams, County Engineer Mike Rhodes, Director, Environmental Health Alison Arnold, Corps of Engineers Bob Stroud, Division of Coastal Management 4-4 -- "'- -� 0-*-4 cjp-- C., A 3 T-7 -------- — ----- -A, G c) Ao" G 2,73-o COASTAL CAROLINA PRELIMINARYAPPROVALS Development Name # Lots Approved Acres Date Approved Quail Woods 252 98.72 Feb. `96 Suncoast Villas 384 59.20 Aug. `95 Meadowbrook 297 86.75 Sept. `93 Gordon Woods 205 53.00 Oct. `93 Saratoga Pl. 91 24.38 Sept `95 Belmar 106 50.18 Sept `96 Shenandoah 30 4.30 Apr `88 Brittany Woods 147 19.00 Oct `93 Potomic Woods 26 13.99 Sept `97 Brittany Lakes 97 52.08 Feb `88 Potomac Woods 79 35.42 Sept `96 Gordon Woods 43 14.86 July `93 Courtney Pines 150 47.45 Jan `98 Quail Woods 31 11.43 Jan `95 Quail Woods/Murrayville Sta. (See Quail Woods above) Jun' 86 Alamosa PI 194 57.86 Nov `97 Alamosa PI-2 84 23.22 Feb `97 Alamosa PI-3 220 67.57 Sept`97 Alamosa PI-4 215 64.26 Dec `98 Newbury Woods 57 19.66 Jun `98 Weaver Woods 27 14.57 Nov `98 Open Space 0 115.00 Feb `98 Totals 2,735 932.90 Density Based on Preliminary Approvals: 2.93 Original Approval: 3,850 Lots Acreage: 1,649.35 COASTAL CAROLINA DEVELOPMENT HISTORY X June, 1986: Concept master plan approved by Planning staff for 3,850 lots- 1,649 acres. * Nov, 1986 : Revision (modifications to design) to master plan approved by staff for 3,850 lots- 1,649 acres. X Nov, 1988 : Revision (modifications to design) to master plan approved for 3,850 lots- 1,649 acres. * Mar, 1990: Revision (modifications to design) to master plan approved for 3,850 lots- 1,649 acres. X Feb, 1992 : Revision (annexation of Gordon Woods) to master plan approved for a total of 3,873 lots- 1,675 acres. x Mar, 1993 : Revision to master plan approved 4,089 lots-1,748 acres (annexation Meadowbrook ?). x Jan, 1994 : Revision to master plan (reduction open space) approved for 4,089 lots-1,748 acres. * July, 1995: Revision to master plan (purchase of property to Harris) approved for 3,371 lots-1,348 acres. X Mar, 1996: Revision to master plan (design changes) approved for 3,371 lots- 1,348 acres. X Feb, 1997 : Revision to master plan (annexation of add. property) approved by TRC for 3,730 lots-1,492 acres. x Aug, 1998: Revision to site plan (design changes) approved by TRC for 3,730 lots- 1,492 acres. qs L. .S.irt Fr >.5!-1>5, I_ P,,. ALL tt:T 72L: Lw S.4V RRE k'LV5. .� . ACa. S. iRAGY :<'CR �, .QS,- hF v. srA3JOVE.R CCil1tJT:- 54H IaR. $: Tf P.4�.. `I fay r �;, E3'f !JI-SV :ir^,D:CJ'/i: st ,^. f]JIJ'•Y' .. "' 3 .TAR" 5PWFP'.::.. •' A41M1AJLM GLIIL 7fAa;:. UNRS '�Hr CL -8L AS 4, 7Po.4 U . ��: C'Y Eh,`JATIO'w �E:HV>L f. "rtf Sk;t?A. , ' : .:: ' - •?,.. -r "•' 7,7: t � -O,t P J T1�F 5stPLt:'L-i>t`1A3[NCE. VN 31t A i. Rtd T ! s ':, J47gfNi=L` JNCe%r.`:.7FrF VF A HA:JC\'ER l .1:P17Y SO 3 323 :S'O;J L?IAEcNTf.DL i? FOTRE-.a, PIYiA-T7-: Ff t .:P.H,C° t?f:A: t78.'-< Ati. z ' 5 R'-t�R('r CJ N CMAP 8Vl•k' 3 p¢L ; Y f2C1aS`O7{ �4 , , '.: :.. N,C t 985 (IXt+•.:>;k 5_NMIrfA1) .. `. ,: , � \ r � �� . • R SFh hCth77..F 1R ?998 ', -: IILLI , ' , :.: R VSRL` !;EE JAHV. P>3 . .. ..,� ,. �• `` F�It{t t-... 1 " ,Y ` ' t.. -• � �l N}Ell:'.a4•t4`4 I9Jl. � '" `�' ..: rE .SER ',,A'V Y-'. :9?a , � y,,t .. ' < � •1 �t : ., K '. i�4 �+/-)-%,�,_ ,('l ``. REL E?r LY 2: I+IFS � �'91.✓. R4- . 'r ; ,,°!},L:• -C�� y t��--•J� —i -r .:: , ' REV ED" rEfaEUAhY 149i d9] ,., . .• s 9 \ t< . � :(:-% l.i'.�����tC':�\ \ •:'""'. �,43et 4 :tt �\'� , � ��`,:?'' 1`� G. 4') . -. i . '� s d'1`�-1t. �.�� � .� i �t�sw 1� ��y`�� �� � `:'��'^•t-4.�>: ♦�`, "� . 4 , I ' ,`5 '•'s . .. 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Aj' KC ��'.tt f F.!;C' sa 't`Yy� F �C ?-' _S•� S.�STTiI s•!y:- *tj, .. �+'.�Dp'&,A!`t;`f'� J f- .s Y s:• sirs?4) �;i. 4 -L �j i . -"r.. it '�• M � ' � .._.. � ' T [ t f s . 3 r '><..a ty i III i Co CA.D'� tl � cco, 0 C,k- i C 1a GJ`,�^ e.� # <e.Ci'� .i_ A CJ._C?•yl C� [�_,��'�..�_.� 1 .s\erl�, "112 VTR .ua 2�s �Ui��� cl i O `,il . CD _ - - CL la i L1T J k 1 v CA 7 A Q_ ca.,-, � to � t;A. ' ��' r t �'a ��'-1, �, ir, , � `� � `•'� �;`r LA , COASTAL CAROLINA PRELIMINARYAPPROVALS Development Name # Lots Approved Acres Date Approved Quail Woods 252 98.72 Feb. `96 Suncoast Villas 384 59.20 Aug. `95 Meadowbrook 297 86.75 Sept. `93 Gordon Woods 205 53.00 Oct. `93 Saratoga Pl. 91 24.38 Sept `95 Belmar 106 50.18 Sept `96 Shenandoah 30 4.30 Apr `88 Brittany Woods 147 19.00 Oct `93 Potomic Woods 26 13.99 Sept `97 Brittany Lakes 97 52.08 Feb `88 Potomac Woods 79 35.42 Sept `96 Gordon Woods 43 14.86 July `93 Courtney Pines 150 47.45 Jan `98 Quail Woods 31 11.43 Jan `95 Quail Woods/Murrayville Sta. (See Quail Woods above) Jun' 86 Alamosa PI 194 57.86 Nov `97 Alamosa PI-2 84 23.22 Feb `97 Alamosa PI-3 220 67.57 Sept`97 Alamosa PI-4 215 64.26 Dec `98 Newbury Woods 57 19.66 Jun `98 Weaver Woods 27 14.57 Nov `98 Open Space 0 115.00 Feb `98 Totals 2,735 932.90 Density Based on Preliminary Approvals: 2.93 Original Approval: 3,850 Lots Acreage: 1,649.35 �1 k11- 0 1 v ,tcz_ Ell t 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING APPLICATION FORM PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY BEFORE. COMPLETING Name of Petitioner IncCoastal Carolina Developers Petitioner's Phone No. Date Address of Petitioner 3-27-86 2905 Market Street, Wilm. NC NN762-8316 Peme ofneryperty owner (if different than Address of Property Owner Sunram, Inc. 2905 Market Street, Wilm. NC Location of Property Tax Map 44 Block 01 Parcel 2 1 Harnett & Cape Fear Township 35 05 1 Area of Property S ft. Zoning of Property Land Classification 1649.35 Acres R-15 Unknown Existing Use of Property Proposed Use of Property Forestry Residential APPLICATION FOR PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT C N FEES CO NTENTS ENTS OF THE APP LICATION, ATIO Your application must include approval letters from the following agencies. The application will be regarded as incomplete until these letters are received by the Planning Department. A fee of $50.00 per application will be charged, plus $3.00 per lot/unit for a final. This fee is payable .to New Hanover County and MUST accompany the application. 1. Streets - a letter from the N. C. Dept. of Transportation approving the design of all public streets or a letter from the County Engineer approving the design of all private streets. 2. Water and Sewerage - a letter from the appropriate State or local health agency approving the design of such systems. 3. Drainage - a letter from the County Engineer approving the drainage calculations and design of the planned improvements. 4. Class IV Soils - a letter from the Soil Conservation Service indicating the acreage of Class IV soils on the property. Your application must also contain a site plan conforming to the requirements of Section 69.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. These requirements are listed on the reierse side of this application. - CEDURES :� �] EV E PRO DE TO R I W GUI - Applications for Performance Residential Development are received and acted upon by the New Hanover County Planning Department. Neither the County Planning Board nor the Board of County Commissioners is involved in the approval. Upon receipt of a completed application (including site plan and approval letters), the Planning Department has three working days to provide a written response. The response must either approve or disapprove the plan; disapproval letters must specify the reasons for disapproval. Conditional approvals will not be granted. Although approval can be granted within three days of application, submissions which are deficient in any manner will be rejected. Accordingly, you are encouraged to arrange an informal pre -application conference with the Planning Department staff at least two weeks prior to the date upon which you intend to submit an applica- tion. By attending this conference, you will improve your chances of submitting a complete and acceptable application. You should bring a rough sketch of your proposal to this conference. Planning staff will proceed to: 1. Advise you of possible environmental problems. 2. Generally describe the required improvements. 3. Point out significant design problems. 4. Advise you regarding the required approval letters. 5. Generally assist you in preparing an acceptable application. WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH FOR APPROVAL OF A A. C. a E. F. PERFORMANCE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPEN SPACE DESIGN 1. Physical access to open space by all residents 2. No economic restrictions on users of open space CONTENTS OF SITE PLAN 1. Scale no smaller than one (1) inch to two hundred (200) feet 2. • Vicinity or location map. 3. Name of designer, engineer or surveyor 4. North arrow 5. Owner's name and address 6. Developer (if other than owner) 7. Development name 8. Date 9. Boundary line of tract to be deve'loped,drawn accurately to scale with linear and angular dimensions 10. Total gross acres in the tract 11. Total acres occupied by all structures (including street right-of-way and parking areas) 12. Total acres and boundaries of land hying within the 100 year flood plain and below mean high water mark. 13. Boundaries of all open space areas 14. Location of all existing and proposed structures 15. Total number of dwelling units to be constructed with number of bedrooms Der unit 16. Location and right-of-way widths of all streets and easements (and other areas to be dedicated to the public use) 17. Location and width of all private streets 18. Street names and street designations (public or Private) 19. Location and description of all recreation areas and facilities 20. Location of natural features including topographical information (contour interval 2 feet), heater courses and approximate forest lines 21. Location and size of all proposed utility and drainage facilities 22. The following additional items shall be shown on Performance Residential Site Development Plans only: (a) Total acres of submerged land; (b) Plat area per dwelling unit (excludinq dedicated rights -of -way, parking and submerged areas); and (c) Acreage of open space actually provided. _Homeowners Association Areas to be maintained by association clearly indicated on plan Performance Residential Regulations Buildings on periphery of project observe minimum side and rear yard setback, for conventional development in the applicable zone No part of structure containing dwelling units closer than 20' to any part of another structure containing` dwelling units Parking provided in accordance with Zoning Ordinance (Article VIII) Drainage plan as required by County Engineer Water supply/sewage disposal approved All unsubdivided areas (other than street rights -of -way, parking, and structures) designated as open space Private streets acceptable to County Engineer or public streets acceptable to NCDOT Density calculation — Gross Tract Area ------------------------------------------------- 1 6 4 9.3 5 Less: Area in lakes, ponds, rivers, marshes (_-nG�ded belo9) Area in Class IV soils (as confirmed by Soil Conservation Service 108.8 Total _ 108.8 Net Tract Area 1 5 4 0_rj5j Maximum Density for bee zone Circle: R-20-1.9; 5-2. • R-10-3.3 Number of Units Permitted on ite _ 3 8 5 1 SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS - If you intend to subdivide your property)into lots, additional requirements imposed by the New Hanover County Subdivision Regulations must be complied with. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE,,��yG�/` _.._•'VA PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEXTER L. HAYES NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING DIRECTOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 March 25, 1986 Coastal Carolina Developers 2905 West Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: Coastal Carolina Country Club Performance Dwelopm,-nt !'Pre" -- Preliminary Review Dear Mr. Grathwol: The attached is an itemized list of conceptual land use plan deficiencies for the referenced project. Also, enclosed is the required application form. Once you have incorporated -these needs into the concept plan, please submit ten (10) copies, plus nine (9) copies of Phase I. If'you have questions, please call. Sincerely, r �L Walter Avery, Jr. Staff Planner WA:cas Attachment COASTAL CAROLINA COUNTRY CLUB: Performance Res. Conceptual Site Plan NEEDS 1. Completed application form 2. Application Fee $50.00 PA to 3. Letters from appropriate state or local health agencies approving design (conceptually at a minimum): water (well site), sewage disposal. 4. Draginage calculations l-1- 1A101V10(,AL /110-YS -. d1.410 5. Class IV Soils / SPP fC5- ""­1A/9 6. Owner's name, developers name, mailing address ?. Clear 26F'Trl ication of proposed OUTER LOOP as indicated on Thoroughfare Plan 8. Typical road cross -sections 9. Total number of parking spaces 10. Labeling all C.O.D. (conservation) areas 11. Acres of open spaces 12. Delineation of 100 year flood line. as applicable 13. Density calcuation (see application) 14. No access to Murrayville Road from major site area. Why? r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RALEIGH 27611 JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR April 9, 1986 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS JAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY Mr. Pete Avery New Hanover County Planning Department 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 SUBJECT: Outer Loop Right of Way Through Coastal Carolina Country Club Dear Pete: I have reviewed the alignment of the proposed Outer Loop as it affects the subject subdivision. I recommended that the County request the reservation of 200' of right of way as delineated on the attached map. If the developer could arrange his street system to provide an initial two lanes along part or all of the proposed alignment it would benefit the developer and the County relative to future street construction. If there are any questions on this matter, please advise. Attachment Sincerely, R. J. Booker Wilmington Area Coordinator An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEXTER L. HAYES NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING DIRECTOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 April 25, 1986 Mr. Bill Grathwol Coastal Carolina Developers 2905 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: Coastal Carolina Country Club Performance Residential Including Quail Woods and MurrayviIle Estates Dear BiII: �PN0 ER CO A= lNnUSTny OF NORTH cPQ Enclosed please find comments forwarded to this office by County Engineering regarding the referenced projects. Please address these issues at your earliest convenience. If you have questions, please call. Respectfully, Walter Avery, Jr. Staff Planner WA: cas cc: Dan Sams, County Engineering c- VEUT O4anouFvc Count//lJ. c4F-a[M 'I F-12a�dmF-nt O 2029 GJUt/ 1 7t/ GJETEEt JDoaE (Dffil- -Uox 3785 (WC[mington, �Notti ea¢ofina 28406 J LnE 763-2931 HEALTH DIRECTOR ROBERTS. PARKER ASSISTANT HEALTH DIRECTOR LYNDA F. SMITH MEMORANDUM TO: New Hanover County Planning Department FROM: ,New �Hanover County Health Department - Environmental Health Sanitarian Supervisor DATE: April 1, 1986 RE: Coastal Carolina Country Club between Murrayville Rd. extension and Highway 17N As per conversation with Mr. Grathwol and review of plans for Coastal Carolina Country Club, the subdivision for the most part includes provisions for central water and sewage, community water and sewer will require approval and permits from state agencies (water - DHS Water Supply Branch and sewage - NRCD Environmental Management Division), we would not have any comments on these systems. Any areas permitted by this department will require evaluations prior to approval to determine if all minimum requirements as per North Carolina Rules and Regulations can be met. /sr 0 ENGINEERING & FACILITIES k 1A p C. ED HILTON, JR., P.E. Director WYATT E. BLANCHARD, P.E. County Engineer May 27, 1986 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ENGINEERING AND FACILITIES DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 341-7139 Mr. Bill Grathwal G & F Construction, Inc. 2905 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1222 RE: Sewer Flow Coastal Carolina Country Club Dear Mr. Granthwal: In order to determine the most logical method and directions to remove the wastewater from the reference project, it has - been necessary to consider the impact that this project and others will place -on the treatment and transportation systems of the District. This is necessary since most of the project is outside of the planned sewer phases. As a part of the analysis, to determine the impact of the reference project on the District wastewater transportation and treatment, sufficient capacity for the planned phases must be assured. In accordance with the map which you provided, the sewerage from your project can be delivered to three (3) locations in the project with 400,000 gallons average per day at U. S. 17, 320,000 gallons average per day to Harris Road, and 260,000 gallons average per day to Murraysville. After considering the overall impact of the reference project on the transportation system of the District, it has been determined that 300,000 gallons average daily flow is the maximum flow that can be delivered to the Northeast Interceptor on U. S. 17. The other 100,000 gallons of flow would have to go to the Harris Road area. It would be required that the peaking factor for the lift stations pumping into the Northeast Interceptor must be two (2) rather than 2.5. In addition, holding capacity with aeration and/or oxygen injection may be required to prevent the necessity of expansion of the Northeast Interceptor. The oxygen would be to maintain a satisfactory dissolved oxygen. Mr. Bill Grathwal Page 2 May 27, 1986 Due to. the required expansion of the waste treatment plant, capacity is not scheduled to be available for the reference project until December of 1987. The areas designated as the Harris Road and Murraysville Road (total flow 680,000 gallons average flow including 100,000 from U. S. 17 area) will be required to discharge to the Smith Creek basin (Phase IV) and is not planned for completion until July 1993. The interceptor line serving U. S. 17 (Phase III) is not planned for completion until July 1991. A copy of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District extension policy has been previously provided to you. In accordance with that policy you will be required to contruct regional trunk lines and/or force mains if you desire - - service prior---ta- the-_ time that ..the- Sewer - District prepared to construct those lines. You may be reimbursed a portion of the costs of those specific lines in accordance with the referenced sewer policy. No reimbursement of costs will be made for any lines outside of the planned phasing nor for any lines serving only your project. In addition to the cost mentioned above there will be a waste treatment plant access fee, as stated in the fee -- schedule, which is presently $375.00 per residential unit. The dates mentioned above are a part of the overall construction schedule and are at this time proceeding as planned but can not be guaranteed. This information is based on the current sewer ordinance that may from time -to - time be altered. I trust that the above information is per your request. If you have additional questions, please contact us. Very truly yours, Wyatt'E. Blanchard, P.E., County Engineer Engineering and Facilities New Hanover County WEB/jfd cc: C. Ed Hilton, Jr., P.E., Director JAMES G. MARTIN GOVERNOR JAMES EE HARRINGTON SECRETARY Division 3 District I New Hanover County Subject: Quail Woods STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 410 New Bridge Street Suite 7A Jacksonville, NC 28540 June 18, 1986 Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. 2905 West Market.Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Sir: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS This is to advise that the, proposed construction plan for subject subdivision has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Trans- portation. During this review it was noted that said plan meets the minimum construction requirements for subdivisions.. Attached is a copy of the approved plan, together with a copy of District Subdivision Inspection Policies and Slope and Drainage Require- ments for driveway pipe installations for your ready reference in the construction of this subdivision. Also, please be advised that only state approved materials are to be used in the construction of this project for it to be state approved. If piping is involved in the entrance, then a Driveway Permit is necessary due to a fee being involved. Tery truly yours, J: R. Robinson District Engineer JRR/JWR:frj Attachments cc: Mr. T. W. Funderburk Mr J. P. Cook _ew Hanover County Planning Dept. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer r � I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR TAT)ON JAMES G. MARTIN 410 New Bridge Street GOVERNOR Suite 7 Jacksonville, NC 28540 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS JAMES E. HARRINGTON SECRETARY June 18, 1986 Division 3 Distric` i New Hanover County Subject: Murrayville Estates Coastal Carolina Developers,_ -Inc. 2905 West Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Sir: This is to advise that the proposed construction plan for subject subdivision has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Trans- portation. During this review it was noted that said plan meets the minimum construction requirements for subdivisions. Attached is a copy of the approved plan, together with a copy of District Subdivision Inspection Policies and Slope and Drainage Require- ments for driveway pipe installations for your ready reference in the construction of this subdivision. Also, please be advised that only state approved -materials are to be used in the construction of this project for it to be state approved. - If piping is involved in the entrance, then a Driveway Permit is necessary due to a fee being involved. Very truly yours, J. R./Robinson District Engineer JRR/JWR:frj Attachments cc: Mr. T. W. Funderburk Mr. J. P. Cook Hanover County Planning Dept. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer STATI rr+ State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 _lames G. Martin, Governor April 25, 1986 R. Paul Wilms S. Thoma, Rhode:, Secretary Director Mr. W. H. Grathwol Coastal Carolina Utilities, Inc. 2905 Market Street. Wilmington, NC 2.8403 Subject: Pequest for Site Approval n!lL?"rajl�Ii l lP FgtntPn ;,nr? - — -- Quail Woods Nm-- Hanover County Dear Mr. Grathwol: Thank you for your letter to me dated April 3, 1986. In this letter, you rF-auested that the Division or Environmental Environental Managpment provide you with a site approval for the suh-iect proposed projects. I realize that it might be beneficial for you to have a site approval prior to proceeding further with These projects. I also appreciate the fact that you have provided our Wilmington Regional Office staff with soils and hydrogeologic reports for the site. I, however, can not grant your request. In order for this agenmy to approve a proposed W%TI' system (or a site), we must have a carplete permit application package. This package muss irclude not only site information bu} a specific layout of the *_­-,tppnt corinonents on the site. I hope that this decision will not significantly impact vour financial decision making. It appears that you are well on vour way to putting together the information c necessary for a cm fete ar p? ; cat.iQn -- _-- -_-.- and upon submittal, we will process it as quickly as possible. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. !' Sincerely i P . Paul Wilms cc: George Everett Chuck Wakild W. Lee Fleming, Jr. _ t)8-, Kalei�l: :V ortfl l ,lrulltlu t,l ; 7t.,7 I An Equal Opportunity Attnrmamc -�cnor Em-lovc- S-1-KrE• OI- NOIZI-1-1 CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SAM HUNT JAMGS B. HUNT. JR. D1VJS1QN Of- 1-1 IGHWAYS SECRETARY GOVERNOR 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 919-251-2655 June 30, 1993 Division 3, District 3 New Hanover County Mr . Jack G . Stocks 211 N. Fifth Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Phase Two, Brittany Woods Dear Sir: This is to advise that the construction Plan for Phase Two, Brittany Woods Subdivision has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Transportation, Division of Highways. During this review it was noted that said plan meets the minimium construction requirements for subdivisions with the following exceptions. Elite Drive, Privet Place, Zest Way Southwest of Wren Court, and Mollycoddle Drive Southwest of Sheffield Drive cannot be considered for addition until it has been extended to an intersection or a permanent cul-de-sac has been constructed. Also, before-PrivetordPthe 300anfeettradJiust oustx.l beenchanged to as for a e310©ntial feet collector road radius. Attached is a copy of the approved plan, together with a copy of District Subdivision Inspection Policies, and Slope and Drainage Requirements for driveway Pipe installations for your ready reference in the construction Of this subdivision. It should be noted that driveways are to be graded to meet the shoulder grades as shown on the attached drawings. Only state approved materials are to be used in the construction of this project for it to be state approved. A driveway permit will be required for any entrance adjoining a state maintained road. 4 7 - (, " " t -I- \ c, c N.Z-D a CAD I Page 2 Jack G.-Stocks June 30, 1993 Any utilities located within the right of way will require an encroachment agreement be executed at the time the road is considered for addition to the state system. Very truly yours, J . P . cook District Maintenance Engineer Superintendent JPC : psi CC: County Planning Department County Maintenance Superintendent • s. • v .. , .'.. ,. .' .. •t i► �w ww�/pad j i//� es,�i�'iv� `� . ,.. w ..0� � I o::w 'vim II�♦i i� '��I� ���� � .. aa— MAR IIWE I eO� = :� i► G��rM� MI►���+�,����I� Sal W. h MARINE FA Wow ��,�,�0�0� 'fie ♦ w w,1 'q��° �'I� I�► �'II►�I �� �► I � �► .�I �'i �� '' `■ a �+ I� e� *�1 r .� �� j, � q�f�� j���� r����iii sir'����♦♦�i t� tij rr�♦♦= � �` � �i�si e�lrnrrr"mum. Aar �� �� �• ��°°��i � � � riri III�.r �►oa �� e..��♦ 0o O I� ® e � 4��s•.. �t�p.♦ � Id i1►�rir °::A�1/0 ���° �eZr � ��' r i��,►rrrrrrr. ����,., .. S ►1 �� � .r. ,• •,i,:a�� � ICI �rr� I Il 11 uoil ailing • 111�1111 /� -. w ...v.• .. r+N• • y' +" ah�t ..� .np .•A1' l _4!/.. :i7f = ll• .�i"7'.'.*iba' I�`a,i'►SYPR.iSf3'.Z'r`.4Y"'4!f'FTi'!1i, "Y ?I tro �.A MEMO TO FILE SUBJECT: CONSERVATION RESOURCE INVENTORIES AT COASTAL CAROLINA COUNTRY CLUB The only known conservation resource affected by the Coastal Carolina Country Club project is swamp forest (wsw). The overwhelming majority of this resource is found along the run of Smith Creek which forms the project's northern and northwestern boundary. A smaller area of the resource is located along a un- named branch leading from the creek into Brittany Woods Phase II. The swamp areas along the Smith Creek section of the project were field verified and flagged accordingly in 1986 by planners Pete Avery and Dave Weaver. No flagging was provided along the un-named branch. The total area of swamp forest acreage on the site is about 107. Of that, approximately 60% will be preserved. None of the acreage associated with the un-named branch will be preserved. I i i ?. GENERAL IT:1 QR'.ATI C0.45r�L .AGLl. I j i Name of Suodi vi s i one 1 # Owner or ueveiover C, p A L�/�-A O�c� Location Surveyor Sketch Plan or Previous Conference_ _ kwe S 1 Preliminary Plan Approval Date 1 -7 T a = Y n r+ _ r J �. ; � , jr� {p� ^� Acres `[1 �: �' 5i1 ld;lli Density 2- S,m Owe'sIiny^ nits/Acre �317 ife Date Submitted ate Result ith/Without Conditions II. PREPARATION FOR REVIEW Expected SRC Review Date Date surveyor notified of plan deficiencies, if any Review Letters Sent to: Date Sent _BY Agency 3 -zC e6 Soil Conservation Serv. LA KF eLtL — 2 NC Dept. of Transportation Nr��woo� County Health Department zid, f A4. County Board of Education C,�C County Engineer City canning Response Date Approval/Conditions/Re.ject - U 3/of- GD.e.,os Environmental Agencies 1. i :3/ r A mn 2. I l 3 26 Sv v {��n ;&G� 3 . _ R Aleerr u If Pri ate streets, drainage or commo a as, who maintains n'l�pw;iJL�s �SSGCr,(710.� If Community plater/Sewer: Date of DNR & CD approval of community water system Date of DHR approval of -community sewer system Soil Classes present Land Classification Thoroughfare intersects Improvements Complete or 25 cot compliance Date of 39/30 Compliance No lots failing percol ati.on test shown as part of the subdivision - III. REVIEW SRC Approval Date with/without conditions. If conditions, date of letter to developer County Approval Date IV. OTHER PERMITS (check if applicable) Bui ? di nq CAt1A EPA Sed. Conrrol Corps of Eng. Flood _t Pete Avery Page Number Two April 24, 1986 Murrayville Estates - The topographic information is difficult to read and easy to misinterpret. For instant, the existing ditch through the center of the property may run in either direction. I assume it runs south towards Smith Creek. If that's the case, the flow arrows of the proposed drainage easement have it running against the natural grade. No widths are shown for the streets. Magnum Drive is shown 50 feet wide according to my 200 feet scale. Magnum Drive is a collector street and should be 60 feet in width. Please ask the Corps for location of any jurisdictional wetlands. Quail Woods - The deficiencies of Murrayville Estates are also present here. In addition, please clear the proposed ten intersections with Murrayville Road with the Department of Transportation. They may not desire that many intersections over that short distance of their road. Coastal Carolina Country Club - The submitted land use concept map is just that,. a. concept map.. No engineering information is supplied, no specific details are shown. Without topographic, soil, or drainage information we cannot ascertain if the best use of the land is being utilized. We do not know if the fairways are making use of the natural drainage terrain. Most importantly we are shown no designation of the admitted 108.8 acres of Class IV soils or given any indication of other areas of possible Corps of Engineer jurisdiction. We need a coordinated effort with the U. S. Army. Corps of Engineers, the Soil Conservation Service, and the Department of Environmental Management, and their results indicated on a map. s 4` t New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District 320 Chestnut Street - Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 - Phone 762-6072 April 4, 1986 Mr. Pete Avery New Hanover County Planning Dept. 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 SUBJECT: Coastal Carolina Country Club - Class IV Soils Located NW of Hwy 17 and Gordon Rd. Dear Mr. Avery: The New Hanover County Planning Commission under Section 3.3(1) of the New Hanover County Subdivision Regulations has requested that the New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District review the above mentioned subdivision. The New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Soil Conservation Service, USDA, to provide the needed technical assistance to the District. The New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District has requested that the technicians of the Soil Conservation Service review the above mentioned subdivision plat. Their report is attached. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Audrey W. Feenstra, Chairman /k enclosure t CONSERVATION - DEVELOPMENT - SELF-GOVERNMENT 10 �eo-:�ICtyF United States = Department of Agriculture TO: FROM IRS Soil Conservation Service 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 April 4, 1986 Mrs. Audrey.W. Feenstra, Chrm. New Hanover S.W.C.D. Michael A. -Washington, D.C. Coastal Carolina Country Club'- Class IV Soils (Located NW of Hwy 17 and Gordon Road) Attached is a soils map indicating the Class IV soils for Coastal Carolina Country Club. If you have any questions please call. /k attachment O The Soil Conservation Service is an agency of the Department of Agriculture u N New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District 320 Chestnut Street - Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 - Phone 762-6072 April 8, 1986 Mr. Sam Burgess New Hanover County Planning Dept. 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 SUBJECT: Quail Woods Subdivision Dear Mr. Burgess: The New Hanover County Planning Commission under Section 3.3(1) of the New Hanover County Subdivision Regulations has requested that the New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District review the above mentioned subdivision. The New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Soil Conservation Service, USDA, to provide the needed technical assistance to the District. The New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District has requested that the technicians of the Soil Conservation'Service review the above mentioned subdivision plat. Their report is attached. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Audrey W. Feenstra, Chairman /k enclosure n CONSERVATION - DEVELOPMENT - SELF-GOVERNMENT :ate: a United States Soil 320 Chestnut St. j; Department of Conservation Agriculture Service Wilmington, NC 28401 April 8, 1986 TO: FROM: RE: Mrs. Audrey W. Feenstra, Chrm. New Hanover S.W.C.D. p I(t1 g Michael A. Washington, D.C. Y. Quail Woods Subdivision Located 2 miles E of Murrayville Rd & Hwy 132 I have reviewed this plan as requested and have these comments: 1. The soils of this site are Leon, Lynn Haven, Seagate, Murville, B'aymeade, Wrightsvoro and Johnston. Leon, Lynn Haven, Seagate, Wrightsboro and Murville have severe limita- tions for septic tank filterfields and dwellings because of a seasonal high water table. Baymeade has moderate limitations and Johnston has severe limitations because of flooding and wetness. 2. The developer has created a severe erosion problem by constructing a drainage channel on the eastern'property,line, which should be corrected before adding any additional runoff into it. If I can be of -further assistance, please call. /k OThe Soil Conservation Service is an agency of the Department of Agriculture TOzat A 7225 rv/eibr r,Svey4& �€ /m 41— SUBJECT f d L o dtr (G Ili 74 DATE ESSAGE r+� f -- / i�• • f . i _ 'f 1 SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW AA a LU , co r Ni c &U tV--e. F t A fy�/0 Gv G/1 �i it 'DATE SIGNED Ll RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION. KEEP WHITE COPY F O L D TO go x L 15 Y1 4-v Cc�/iV t i s /BIZA IV IV I SUBJECT / f MESSAGE DATE g f Ehe SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY TO 4MA 1-7 SUBJECT r DATE C-Ak o.&WA C6iJiv7'1e ZI-�i� w �IESSAGE F SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED W4' DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY F O L D TO r Fly AYL'� v�/ IZAIX/AI1IV9 SUBJECT AL- C� oL(_G�L45 ; pus 1� � _ /��e'Z oEvF. D / MESSAG C7 ..y SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COP`( F O L D TO A L., Ate" SUBJECT q. , r-lL. CA� of t N.d - C'G lvT,, - Gi.LI6 PLC /�,�'WNCc DAT/E� g� 'k s v 1-q # / MES rAGfE / _ r �...! L.� ��AW62f ~ ` a SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY TO O R , , -dA FLU&,�/- oU,)VI V CC Z/ =Cl f4 -,Zz:�: 4- ��vL% l°f 11.IV 0✓C � CGiJNU7 - ��/Y/1rr .,.f SUBJECT DATE C04sr4 t _ C ARCLt N.A CGS, N Cc. U,& I�'C' IIelnAlKt� 12611�g • . MESSAG J ! L -- ,/. n r-^ J�. @ SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED : DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY TO 5;Kca He A SUBJECT CARouWA CG1L, /Al!gy E SAGE DATE Dr` n/,0 t� /t , (/� CSTA i ES t!� P4 r r SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY TO SUBJECT DATE COA.51-4L CAROL(NA �G ✓�/ r' t�urB C� ,em�NC� rt� ��a 3/?b��t MESSAGE /?/eAiWef s ASP s SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY u G LA K C Ali) 1,el,000 12 I !- yi c,/; /c,11'rA 2 /P nlNt Ater v�w� N A.j vo62 SUBJECT �.L)A.ST,4L Cd,�iLj,r{/,4 DATE GU!v !�Sl GLu/S aero4/' 4NCJEE 4e,' G � r l MESSAGE ,4Q -15 ,e2,1 u � SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW DATE SIGNED DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY IF 0 L D v TO )t A�00-r .90 X 1(3-+b A SUBJECT L.//V DATE /—�P4 MESSAGE jg- SIGNED PLEASE REPLY BELOW zk�z I VIAR 2 81986 DATE SIGNED iV RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION. KEEP WHITE COPY F O L D Pz if- Av,51:y SUBJECT W'�L-; (`J L... ..C� �C��L� �V � ...�-l.�J�'. � � £I'�. rr c ! DATE � G.-Er W)r�"�. ���1�\��r�'�.+i�i Ff— . ,... .1 % t� _ M ESSA ` `A, fz/7 C7 �it i� rS �r SIGNED BELOWPLEASE REPLY • DATE SIGN rj u RETURN PINK COPY WITH REQUESTED INFORMATION. KEEP WHITE COPY .v d STATea `L r bz State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor May 17, 1986 Mr. Bill Grathwol Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. 2905 West Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Mr. Grathwol: S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Subject: Well Construction Permit No. 64-0319-WS-0215 Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. Wilmington New Hanover - In accordance with your application received May 7, 1986 we are forwarding herewith Well Construction Permit No. 64-0319-WS-0215 dated May 15, 1986, issued to Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. for the construction of a 288,000 gallons per day water supply wells. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this Permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing before a hearing officer upon written demand to the Director within 30 days following receipt of this Permit, identifying the specific issues to be contended. Unless such demand is made, this Permit shall be final and binding. This Permit will be effective from the date of its issuance and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Sincerely, Charles Wakild Regional Supervisor CW/RS/kd Enclosure cc: Charlie Skipper Perry Nelson Bob Jamieson Central Files .Wiro — _ \\r:1 i, ill. \\'om'In,"�,•, .\;. _._i1, :ol:, liie�fmnc `_i•i- ; 1ii, :\ ; Lqu.z! UPP�)rtLill icv Alnrmarwe Action tmPlover i NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES'AND- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.• RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL OR WELL SYSTEM in accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, North Carolina General Statutes, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF Well Number 1 located in Subdivision Quails Wood, in --� New"Hanover—County;"--il accordance with the- application-- dated --May--5,---1986—and in conformity with specifications and supporting data, all of which are filed with the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and are considered a part of this Permit This Permit is for well construction only, and does not waive any provisions or requirements of the Water Use Act of 1967, or any other applicable laws or regulations. Construction of a well under this Permit shall be in compliance with the North Carolina Well Construction Regulations and Standards, and any other laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. This Permit will be effective from the date of its issuance until November 16, 1986 and shall be subject to other specified conditions, limitations, or exceptions as follows : 1. A 24-hour yield test shall be conducted in accordance with 15 NCAC 2C .0110(d) and submitted within 30 days of completion. 2. Formation samples shall be collected in accordance with 15 NCAC 2C .0114(a) . Permit issued this the 15th day of May, 1986. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Charles Walild, REGIONAL SUPERVISOK DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGN;MEN 1 By Authori,ty of the Eiivironmental ManaLyement Commission PERMIT NO. 64-0319-WS-0215 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC. RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A WELL To: NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION O S - O-? s 19 Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, General Statutes of North.Carolina, and regulations pursuant thereto, application is hereby made by COA�TAtr CAD -C) —W)A O��LEt�JI�Et��� =t-tC for a permit to construct (name of well owner) a well as described below and in the accompanying data submitted as a part of this application. (a) Name of Property owner C31 L-t< (b) Location of Property (- (Road, Community, Subdivision, Lot No. ) Town County (c) Purpose of well Ln t T `r k 1AT�- ra- uj - _ (d) Will proposed well replace an_ existing_ well n (e) Total capacity of existing system: r-I() n r gallons per.day Well No. (f) Proposed well: Yield Well No Yield MAY 'Ilubb � O • � GROU1vu1'•4!U LIS aLv 1 t.Sti WlUd1�GTU^; E'�Uta� I�t {WHU Construction type OPC C- n �-- n D (open end, screened, gravel packed, etc.) Estimated depth !SCE P7- Estimated Yield 2_2 R O 0n Cr P D Estimated date of construction: Begin pt5_2-Z-1RE, Complete p(�,-CDG-RG (g) Drilling Contractor:--) V ( PP' C2'(:� (' )S L-- (7Ia t Lit nc- PLj n p (h) Location of Well: Provide a detailed map showing the location of the proposed well and any wells in the existing system to at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, intersections, and streams. Identify roads with State Highway road identification numbers. Show all existing water supply wells within a radius of 1,000 feet of,the proposed well.- ------ - - --- M Well Construction Diagram: Provide a diagram showing proposed construction .specification. (See Form GW-22A) C31 L-L-,. G D-.A-[-H w.OL COAST --AL_ cAr--0L-«a' D .V�t_UI-Ln5� n The A t cant heAeb a need th.e h o 06 ed z 9 o' `'' L S >r � A n pp y 9 p p L, I L-t nr.--rt> t-n, c, 2 A4-OC-� wed w{,U be const ucted in accohdance with (Mailing Address of Well Owner (Required) approved 6peci6icati.onz anal condit%ond ob c.HA(�L I s nn� r� S,cin�t0. wr.L.L- th.e WeU Construction Peanut. P.0. [3c3x 2so � Mailing -Address of Agent Signature of Well Owner or Agent Title PER•f]_T NO. issued —IS, GW-22 t DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Straight -Screened or Gravel -Packed Well (Constructed in unconsolidated formations) ---I I.. Open-End"Well (Constructed in consolid- ated formations) and surf A) Casing: 1) Inner:_Ut-ILtypeD.49,5G lbs./ft. 1 Q E ft. (depth) 'T;- ,ft. (into rock) 2) Outer: type I. D. lbs./ft. ft. (depth) B) Cement: _ 1) Inner Casing:Q_ft. to 1 Q.S- ft. 2) Outer Casing: ft. to ft. Rock Rock C) Screen(s): type I. D. 105 -------- .. -- - --- - f t . to f t . ft. to. ft. O Pi-- n -T-. c--) ! 0 5- i 5-0 D) Gravel: 't. to ft. in. (size) (Fill in each blank that applies and use appropriate diagram to snow proposea consEruciion incivaing, ouz noz iimizee zo, casing (outer and inner), sealing material (cement, clay, etc.), packers, screens, gravel, chemical feed lines, etc.) Location Diagram: (Previously prepared maps may be submitted provided they con- tain information required in item (g) of the application). WATER TABLE AQUIFER TERTIARY SAND SYSTEM TERTIARY LIMESTONE- SYS,FM G1i 22A NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY+DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL OR WELL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, North Carolina General Statutes, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF located -- - �''"'r`- in County, in accordance with the application dated P � 1'+ .15Ir r and in conformity with specifications and supporting data, all of whic are filed wtt the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and are considered a part of this Permit. This Permit is for well construction only, and does not waive any provisions or requirements of the Water Use Act of 1967, or any other applicable laws or regulations. Construction of a well uncer this Permit shall be in compliance with the North Carolina We1T Construction Regulations and Standards, and any other laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. This Permit will be effective from the date of its issuance until �• -'' " '''` and shall be subject to other specified conditions, limitations, or exceptions as fo ows: 1. A 24-hour yield test shall be conducted in accordance with 15 W-AC 2C .0110(d) and submitted within 30 days of comletion. 2. Formation sales shall be colleted in accordance with 15 X AC ZC .0114(a). Permit issued this the day of , 198_ NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Charles Wakild, REGIONAL SUPERVISOR DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission PERMIT NO. State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor May 17, 1986 Mr. Bill Grathwol Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. 2905 West Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Mr. Grathwol: K .12� lad S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Subject: Well Construction Permit No. 64-0319-WS-0217 Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. Wilmington -- — --- ---- New- Hanover — -- - - - ------ -- - In accordance with your application received May 7, 1986 we are forwarding herewith Well Construction Permit No. 64-0319-WS-0217 dated May 15, 1986, issued to Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. for the construction of a 288,000 gallons per day water supply wells . If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this Permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing before a hearing officer upon written demand to the Director within 30 days following receipt of this Permit, identifying the specific issues to be contended. Unless such demand is made, this Permit shall be final and binding. This Permit will be effective from the date of its issuance and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Sincerely, - - --- ------ -- - Charles Wakild- �: Regional Supervisor CW/RSlkd Enclosure cc: Charlie Skipper Perry Nelson Bob Jamieson Central Files Wiro W-iphtsville Avenue. Wilnnnpton, N.L. 28403 3696 • Telephone 919276-4161 An Equal Opportunm Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WELL OR WELL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, North Carolina General Statutes, and other applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF Well Number 2 located in Subdivision Quails Wood in New Hanover County, in accordance with the application dated May 5 and in conformity with specifications and supporting data, all of which are filed with the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and are considered a part of this Permit. This Permit is for well construction only, and does not waive any provisions or requirements of the Water Use Act of 1967, or any other applicable laws or regulations. Construction of a well under this Permit shall be in compliance with the North Carolina Well Construction Regulations and Standards, and any other laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. This Permit will be effective from the date of its issuance until November 16, 1986 and shall be subject to other specified conditions, limitations, or exceptions as follows : 1. A 24-hour yield test shall be conducted in accordance with 15 NCAC 2C .0110(d) and submitted within 30 days of completion. 2. Formation samples shall be collected in accordance with 15 NCAC 2C .0114(a). Permit issued this the 15th day of May, 1986. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Charles Wakild, REGIONAL SUPERVISOR DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission PERMIT NO. 64-0319-WS-0217 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A WELL To: NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION O 5 - OZ • 19 96 Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, General Statutes of North Carolina, and regulations pursuant thereto, application is hereby made by COAST At_ CAt�n L-t n A DS-V � tSJhE t_ S T t1C , for a permit to construct (name of well owner) a well as described below and in the accompanying data submitted as a part of this application. (a) Name of Property owner n I t—t_ C r3 AT nt � (b) Location of Prorcrty QVA\V7> ( �n�t�� -'�vt-.4- 'T (Road, Community, Subdivision, Lot No. ) Town County (c) Purpose of well ` n r \ ,�. (_ ) -) t T - t _\ 1 P I C, (d) Will proposed well replace an existing well t-) n (e) Total capacity of existing system: (7)5- gallons per day Well No. Yield Well No. Yield MAY 7 1986 l (f) Proposed well: no. .2- GitC i �1_� , ;En S _CTIG'3 �1ILNit�GTO; (,EGIG OFFICE Construction type L7( n n D (open end', screened, gravel packed, etc.) Estimated depth 1 n t T Estimated Yield j C)���) (�;J Estimated date of construction: Begin r) - _ - `, F, Complete n (g) Drilling Contractor: - V ) _ - , t 1 t- C- t- (h) Location of Well: Provide a detailed map showing the location of the proposed well and any wells in the existing system to at least two (2) nearby reference points such as roads, intersections, and streams. Identify roads with State Highway road identification numbers. Show all existing water supply wells within a radius of 1,000 feet of the proposed well.__ (i) Well Construction Diagram: Provide a diagram specification. (See Form GW-22A) The AppZi cant heAeb y agaeez .the pnto poa ed we.t w.i et be eonzttu.c ted in accondance with appn.oved epec,i.6icati.ona and cond.itiovu_� o5 % the Wett Con ttu tiDn PeAmix. Signature of We'll/Owner or Agent Title showing proposed construction t t l ,' / I t ., ) L )t n t i (Mailing Address of Well Owner (Required) Mailing Address of Agent PER!"17 NO. i sue, 1u G'h - 2 2 DIAGILIM OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Strai ash c-6c reened or Gravel -packed Well (Constructed in unconsolidated formations) .YS , Open -End Well (Constructed in consolid- ated formations) land surface Le 1) Casing: [T- 1) Inner: LV- type _I. D.4q.56 Ibs./ft. Ill S ft. (depth) yft. (into rock) 2) Outer: type I. D. Ibs.,/ft. I—ft. (depth) i) Inner ft. to �Q + 2) Outer Casing:_ - r f,,-7r7r- �} Screen(s): type , D. f t. to f t. f t-. to f t . r-� p 10 5- 1 50 D) Gravel: :t. to ft. in. (size) (Fill in each blank that applies and use appropriate diagram to show proposed construction including, but not limited to, casing (outer and inner), sealing material (cement, clay, etc.), packers, screens, gravel, chemical feed lines, etc.) Location Diagram: (Previously prepared m-. ^sv be submitted provided they con- f ,-nformation required in item (g) of Liic ..:"-sktion). L- Q L Ai t o n A WAltn MIRK TERTIARY' SANG SM.'., - Y TERTIAnw -.�MONE SYS;''% _ us W r;,- O �- X L-7- MAY 7 19a6 GROUNDWA I ER SECT I'-" IGE t WILMINGTON RFG1ONl,L ; 1 JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TANNSPORTATION Division District; New Hanover C'otmt\r :Amold `V. Carson, RLS 6607 Red Cedar Road `Vilmuhgton, NC 28405 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 19-4 Division Drive \Vilmin--ton, NC 2S401 910-251-26)55 _august Z/1 i e117 Re: Section 2, Alamosa Place Subdivision Dean' Sll': GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. SECRETARY This is to arise that Section 2, :\Jamosa Place SubdiVisnon has been constructed per plans anprovecl on August 21, 1997. Section 2, Llarnosa Place SubclMsion meets the minimum construction requirements of the Depti-tlnent of Transportation; Di vision of Hig1w:ays, for basic drainage, base and pa -nt.: Lll other drainage must meet Deparunent of'Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state s""stem. Tlus is to further a ---vise that utilities located w7thLT1 dedicated rights of ivay must havc an encroachment agreement before being recomniencieQ to be added to the Stand maintdlhallce system. 'also, the residency requirements must be met and the road be in an acceptable state of mauhtenance when petitioned. Vent' truly yours, Q D. L. Tlu-etas, P.E. District Enguhccr DLT:ajm cc: -M. F. McDaniel, County Maintenance Engineer Hanover CounPy Plaruung Department 4R Cowst-,r4w �e u T,,cw l) kD49 C_2cLoo �J0 D 1 Uri @Orsv�oP�.Q,�ti �o..� Lois c��Go�a�d. _ _ �.�.� AP-. C� u..CJ W00AD l - to 1 59 5Z.9cl . 5b WoodD j�,-.n.,n.c,�.�.Cl oaf. V�Idc�n '• -t - 2 1 t t to •_lo v. ,. Go,.aoV... \400ao Y 'A ae— VJXAAO @ G oxdov.. At 7� NM eo �o� J btioo� \ -'0 `l i' "-fa 000 iO(S. g5 tC.B2 i , Q p e,,,�. S � c,. �z. I r I O c_`t . too& c• 3 Q k cJ Wooa5 3 I 12 . `14 if ������I •/llitlttt! Jtt �ttttilt/'tlii �t���r�Ilttlih i ���►rrr��llf Fitt r i5,�i �tq1 ;rllall n.� �� �/���• Sol "1111111111� 74, logo RAW IS DEXTER L. HAYES Planning Director August 13, 1998 Mr. Arnold Carson, RLS 6607 Red Cedar Road Wilmington, NC 28405 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 304 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4027 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7165 FAX (910) 772-7868 Re: Coastal Carolina Concept Plan Update Dear Mr. Carson: In regular session on August 12, 1998, the Planning Board's Technical Review Committee (TRC) approved the minor road design modifications in the Coastal Carolina 3>2'a Concept Plan. As you know, the project was originally approved by the Planning staff for 3,-7-H lots. To date, 2,064 have been recorded. Attending the TRC meeting were Jim Wolle, TRC chairman; Rodney Harris, Kirk Davy, and Ken Dull, TRC members; members of the Planning staff and you. Contact me if you have questions. I can be reached at 341-7165. Sincerely, 5.a. (jw.I�Q0D S.A. Burgess Staff Planner cc: Planning Bd. members Ann Hines, Zoning Enforcement Adam Rahhal, County Engineering Bill Grathwol, Developer TRC AGENDA August 12, 1998 The Technical Review Committee of the New Hanover County Board will meet on Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 4:00 p.m. in the Planning Department Conference Room of the County Administration Annex Building, Room 304 to consider the following items: Item 1: Katie Newkirk Division (Conventional Development)- Request by Sonny Palmer to approve a 19 lot site plan located approximately 1,000 feet east of the Wendover Lane, Market Street intersection, south side of Wendover Lane in Ogden. Zoning District : R-15 Water System Community Sewer System County Road Network Public? Tract Acreage 7.83 Number Lots 19 Land Class Resource Protection Previous TRC Action: None Item 2: Tesla Park (High Density Extension Request)- Request by Attorney Ken Shanklin for the Dobo's to extend the validity period of a 288 development located adjacent and south of Georgetown subdivision, west side of South College Road. Zoning District: R-15 Water System : Private (Cape Fear Utilities) Sewer System : County Road Network: Private Tract Acreage : 28.32 Number Lots : 288 Land Class : Resource Protection Previous TRC Action: The Planning Board's Technical Review Committee preliminarily approved Tesla Park in August, 1996 for 288 units. An extension request for the project was approved by Planning staff for an additional 12 months in August, 1997. A letter of explanation by Attorney Shanklin relating to the extension request is attached. TRC August 12 Agenda (cont'd) 2. Item 3: Coastal Carolina Concept Plan (Revisions)- Request by Arnold Carson for Coastal Carolina Developers to approve several road design modifications to the Coastal Carolina Conceptual Plan. This project is bounded by Greenview Ranches subdivision to the north, Gordon Road to the south and a portion of I-40 to the west. Zoning District: R-15 Water System : County Sewer System : County Road Network: Public Tract Acreage : 1,492 Number Lots : 3,730 Land Class : Urban Transition, Limited Transition, Conservation Previous TRC Action: The last conceptual plan approved by the TRC was in April, 1997. To date, approximately 2,064 lots have received final plat approval. The current density level is 2.24 lots per acre. A density level for this project can not exceed 2.5 units per acre. COMPUTATION OF BOIL T-UPON AREA. - (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE) TOTAL AREA OF OEVELOPAfENT ALLOWABLE BUJL T-UPON AREA (25X) AREA OF STREET PAVEMENT AREA OF LOTS AVAILABLE TO BE BUILT UPON NUMBER OF L 0I S AL L OWABLE AREA PER LOT TO BE BUJL T UPON l Ila 3 G' 7' SLOPE T- I3:1 M4XI 1/2' PER FT—,�, \\\ PE 4G FEO'0 �fCT1011 A -A TYPICAL CUL-DE-SAC NTS CURB TRANSITION NTS 2a' 1r Iz' T I-1/2' 1-2 ASPHALT as .4 6' ABC MODIFIED VALLEY CURB NTS 78J ACRES 49575 ACRES 0.50 ACRES 1,4575 ACRES 19 .0767 ACRE - 3341 SO. FT. Control Comer Existing Iron P Ogden Pace Sd.obdMsbn Farm 20 \N r0 \` EXIST. SEWER INV. - 24.25 \ 30LD8 / D / \/ �O� MINI \ -- —! -- MB 29, Pg 80 J � — _ _ Lot 3 / MS 29, g ity \\ Lot \ IXxJ Lot Y1 /y�/ E=�reistr� \\ \ \ :4\\\ ®Il V \ 16.760.50 sq.fl. IL_ or ®t MB 29, /Pg 80 I / \Lot55Y9 Ogden Advent \\ I Pg 80 Ohr�Stuan Church 4 \ // / / \JI.J\. / \\\ Book 1105, Page 831 ��+/ / / / jr /x 15.000 Iq.1t.sN \'\v/ ]00' J�J461AC?Y /f \Lot B I / \�1 3� James E. Eaow®®d Y / L Lot j11 I / / fib. 15.0;1 ft. / / r , q 6azz2r IrL 0' '*>J,. Deed Book 1131, Page 1503 M1 / �o 00 q?9 Lot d12 � \ \\ De om q• /n \ 15,527.07 lq.11. Lot .Y15 & 15,000.00 dq.ft. / / ,\ IS Job\3>•_ —15,000.09 d «. Lot 117 bJ. D // / \,/\45• R �9•� eo.�� \ \ / � � �/ 1s,Do0.00 !q.« . y% \\ / �� \ \ \ \ \ \>)\•\ /J loj \IO \(/Bpo.mP SIOqj°D •\ \ / \\ l Lot Y19 w q ao OJ\ 5 \ I \\\ Lot Y4 ^ 15,000.09 sq.ft. I/ n fl 70 \) \\ Lot Y5 ""00.gQ. ft. \ Ogden Race SUI�dMsbn Farm 22 G. / RIGHT OF WAY I /W G-G 3 !' s IOPE 01 MA%) ./' I/2• PER FT. I-I/2' I-2 I/A• ER FT. I/2' PER FT. SLOPE I3:1 MA%) If —mil I_—�O sOR WATER TYPICAL ROAD SECTION NTS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE / / \\ er• i `cy y� \ x/ 1 ,000.00 eq.11. \ y \\ H JOgJ.°y'\ J?J yJ. !0b\Je� / 15,000.06 dq.fl. GG Tract 3 Lot d10 � 7S• / W/ \\\ \ / Lot Y6 1 16.287.41 lq.ft. A, S \ ao,,S \—\ - Lot YI2 p / Tract act 'fi'I 4 dq. 15,539.71 ft. I u ¢JJ IS / Lot #14 / \ 15.000.02 q.IL / `� rp/ Lot Y16 C., R/ `si• / \\ \\---x `5.000.39 dq.ft.Lot #1B 3 UP zz Tract 1 / q / n /fA� / / 30.0, T. 0. Mte Deed Book 466, Page 376 _Legend ---0 EXISTING CONTOUR LINE W/ELEVATION REFERENCE MAP BOOK 34 AT PACE 226 SURVEY AND TOPO INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: HOBBS SURVEYING COMPANY, INC. 7225 WRIGHTSVILLE AVENUE - SUITE 103 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELE. (910) 256-0002 r ECEIVED O Q _ PUNNI G DEPf Grog° PROGRESS DRAWINGS DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION / BAR SCALE Oatd: / KAT I E BELLE NEWK I RK SUBDIVISION 6/26/98 Scold: ' SITE PLAN I' - 50' Drawn: WJR HONEYCUTT ENGINEERING CO. Cbd Gkdd; 610 HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD JRH WILMINGTON, NO 28409 ProJeet No. 910-350-0631 8026 NEW HANOVER COUNTY sheet No. REV. NO. DESCRIPTION DATE NORTH CAROL I NA 1 REVISIONS- WATER & SEWER DISTRICT Dr KENNETH A. SHANKLIN SUSAN J. MCDANIEL THOMAS H. NUNALEE, IV SHANKLIN & MCDANIEL, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 1 347 214 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1347 TELEPHONE (910) 762-9400 • TELEFAX (910) 251-1773 July 29, 1998 Mr. Sam A. Burgess New Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut Street, Room 304 Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: G. William Dobo and Robert R. Dobo Tesla Park development New Hanover County (High density) Our File No. 98082.001 Dear Sam: * Board Certified Specialist in Real Property Law — Residential, Business, Commercial and Industrial Transactions Consistent with our most recent telephone discussion regarding the above mentioned matter, please consider this letter as a formal request for the Technical Review Committee of the Planning Board to consider an extension of the validity of the Tesla Park (High Density development) preliminary site plan that was extended on August 6, 1997 until August 21, 1998. G. William Dobo and Robert R. Dobo are the owners of Tesla Park and have submitted a final plat for recording of Phase I of Tesla Park for your approval. I understand that Sherwin Cribb, R.L.S., is currently modifying the final plat of Phase I in accordance with your instructions. For your information, this site is approved for sewer by the County and for water by Cape Fear Utilities, Inc. As I have informed you, this property is currently under contract with Eastwood Developers, L.L.C. (Mark Maynard). Eastwood Developers plans to begin construction on this site immediately after closing. This property was scheduled to close several months ago. The last date was July 15. However, due to circumstances beyond the control of the Dobos and Eastwood Developers, L.L.C., closing did not occur. Mr. Sam Burgess New Hanover County Planning Department July 29, 1998 Page -2- We are currently addressing several matters prior to closing, e.g., environmental issues. Closing is now scheduled for either late August or mid September. The contract with Eastwood Developers requires the continued validity of the Tesla Park (High Density development) for 288 units pursuant to the preliminary plans submitted in 1996 and approved by the County's Planning Department and the Technical Review Committee. To preserve the high density classification, my clients are respectfully requesting another extension by the Planning Board's Technical Review Committee from the expiration date of August 21, 1998 through August 21, 1999. As stated above, it is envisioned that construction will begin on this project either in September or October of this year and a final plat by Eastwood Developers should be ready for recording within that same time frame. I understand this matter will be set on the August 12, 1998 Agenda of the Planning Board's Technical Review Committee. Please advise if we need to do anything further in this regard concerning the request for an extension. Again, the request is merely for an extension of the technical period and that the property is ready for development in accordance with the preliminary plans submitted to the County. With best regards, I remain Vojry truly eth A. Shanklin KAS/kv KV1334.LET CC: Mr. G. William Dobo Mr. Robert R. Dobo Mr. Winston Henderson Mr. Sherwin Cribb Mark Maynard 3. i- • 111 • , 1 ♦ • 1 I "•i1 • • i • J' 1 . .. J. � ,�� : ... �4 ... t. ,. �► Ili//.•� .. ,.. 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Sa Burgess, S. o Preliminary Plan MESSAGE: -1 General Final Plat: Project Name / Topic: 1mos'& C.;At&U. 1 L: O W C� O.s..w � rr n 1' Qfl ii.✓ 4= �� �f �" tti �1 A " 'Y e't y'E' ri f' L'�F � � iS r. C SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: C). Kv (f 'J� t O'ee-r OJ �� RECEIVED JAN 10 1996 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I M E M 0 from the New Hanover County Planning Department 320 Chestnut Street, Room 403, Wilmington, NC 28401 TO: 0 Southern Bell / Whitaker SCS / Raif-Snyder Emergency Services / Summers NCDOT / McDaniel NC Coastal Management/ Barrett Corps of Engineers / Richter County Schools / Wayne Environmental Health / Harvell E911 / Hewlett F,11 Engineering / Kimbrell / Craig Fire Marshall / Rivenbark Environmental Management / Lewis Zoning Enforcement/ Hines FROM: = Avery, P. j�,�g Burgess, S. DATE: o Preliminary Plan Final Plat', Project Name Topic: MESSAGE: 0 General OA SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PRELIMINARY T I I I I I � I I I_ c a.•► �� , GI I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----4\ CC,,,) �s7 w momi I I I � I I @,) � ► I I PRELIMINARY ' rn r PRELIMINARY OUP---,Y- PRELIMINARY %� ► 1 I I 1 I W I I I ► � "0 I � I I 1 1 I I i I N36' 42 55'"E 460.11' I � I I I 1 I 1 I I I � I I I JI I I Lucc OL cc.�aY 1 o l.II ll � 1 I I 1 I o 1 I QJ. I I 1 � I 1 I 1 I !►! 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