Surety - Check ReleaseBurgess, Sam From: James Bonser <James.Bonser@cfpua.org> Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 9:27 AM To: Burgess, Sam; 'robin' Cc: lannucci, Jim; Steve McGowan; James Craig; Christene Mitchell Subject: RE: Saratoga Place Steve McGowan and James Craig reviewed this project and confirmed that both water and sewer systems are in place and CFPUA has not need to retain a bond for these utilities. Yo u rs. James E. Bonser Project Manager Imcepe fear �►lMI1� �tlltfiGy t1i1r'Ht�t Development Services Engineering Department 235 Government Center Drive Wilmington,NC 28403 p: 910.332.6560 f: 910.332.6353 From: Burgess, Sam jmailto:SBurgess(a)nhcgov.coml Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 8:28 AM To: 'robin' Cc: James Bonser; Iannucci, Jim Subject: FW: Saratoga Place Robin, Please note Jim lannucci's comments below on the Saratoga inspection. Let me know if you have questions. Sam PS: The large monetary figure on Saratoga (15K) has been sent to the CFPUA for their evaluation. From: Iannucci, Jim Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 5:02 PM To: Burgess, Sam Subject: Saratoga Place Sam, I visited Saratoga Place today. The future 0.25 acre pond to meet the pre/post requirement mentioned in the letter from Jack Stocks dated October 12, 1995 has not been installed. The surety in the amount of $1866.00 for the installation must remain in place. There is evidence of a drainage area and banks leading to the drainage ditch adjacent to the power line easement but no means of stormwater control. Thanks, Jim lannucci, PE, CFM County Engineer New Hanover County Engineering Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 160 Wilmington, NC 28409 (910) 798-7142 www.nhcgov.com Total Control Panel To: sburgess(@,,nhcgov.com Remove this sender fi-om my allow list From: iarncs.bonscr(@,cfpua.org You received this message because the sender is on your allow list. Loein Burgess, Sam To: robin Cc: James Bonser (James.Bonser@cfpua.org); lannucci, Jim Subject: FW: Saratoga Place Robin, Please note Jim lannucci's comments below on the Saratoga inspection. Let me know if you have questions. Sam PS: The large monetary figure on Saratoga (15K) has been sent to the CFPUA for their evaluation. From: Iannucci, Jim Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 5:02 PM To: Burgess, Sam 1 Subject: Saratoga Place Sam, I visited Saratoga Place today. The future 0.25 acre pond to meet the pre/post requirement mentioned in the letter from Jack Stocks dated October 12, 1995 has not been installed. The surety in the amount of $1866.00 for the installation must remain in place. There is evidence of a drainage area and banks leading to the drainage ditch adjacent to the power line easement but no means of stormwater control. Thanks, Jim lannucci, PE, CFM County Engineer New Hanover County Engineering Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 160 Wilmington, NC 28409 (910) 798-7142 www.nhcgov.com 1 Burgess, Sam To: robin@legacygroup.cc; lannucci, Jim; Chris Glover (cigloverco@yahoo.com) Cc: Clark, Timothy; James Bonser (James.Bonser@cfpua.org); Davis, Matt Subject: Coastal Carolina Sureties Robin, Jim & Chris: Thanks for meeting this morning. Below is a synopsis of our conversation pertaining to the CCD money that the County is presently holding. Saratoga Place: Phase 1 $1,866. (SB to obtain site plan & cost estimate if available) Hidden Pointe (off Harris Rd) 1,700. (may involve gate for emergency service located back project- RG/CG follow) Saratoga Place: 1 15,000. (SB obtain site plan & cost estimate if available) Saratoga Place@Hidden Pt 16,000. (road connection issue/trail issue/ grade elevation issue —TRC review) V Courtney Pines: 2 4,500. (to be released) . Courtney Pines: 5 14,900. (sidewalks: RG & CG to follow up) ve Brookside Gardens (lots62-67) 13,500. (water/sewer tap removal — RG & CG to follow up) Brookside Gardens 200. (fire flow? — County Fire to confirm) Courtney Pines (NCDOT Basic) 500. (May, 2003 — may be released) Courtney Pines: 5/6 (Basic) 500. (Oct, 2005 — may be released) Quail Woods:16 (Basic) 500. (Dec, 2001— see special notes from NCDOT— portion may be released) ✓ Whitney Pines: 3 (Basic) 500. (June, 2002 —may be released) v/Whitney Pines: 4 (Basic) 500. (Aug, 2002 — may be released) VParkwood Ext (Basic) 500. (May, 2002 —may be released) ✓Whitney Pines: 5 (Basic) 500. (Oct, 2003 — may be released) ✓Whitney Pines: 6 (Basic) 500. (Mar, 2004- may be released) Total Money $ 71,666. Printed: December 19, 2011 i Burgess, Sam From: Burgess, Sam Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 9:29 AM To: Williams -Rowland, Jackie Cc: 'robin'; O'Keefe, Chris Subject: Coastal Carolina Money Release Jackie, Please release the following funds being held by New Hanover County Finance to Coastal Carolina Developers. Please let me know if you have questions. Courtney Pines: Section 2 $4,500.00 Brookside Gardens (lots 62-67) 13,500.00 Courtney Pines (NCDOT Basic Letter) 500.00 Courtney Pines:5/6 (NCDOT Basic Letter) 500.00 Whitney Pines: 3 (Basic Letter) 500.00 Whitney: 4 ( Basic Letter) 500.00 Whitney Pines: 5 (Basic Letter) 500.00 Whitney Pines: 6 (Basic Letter) 500.00 Parkwood Estates Ext (Basic Letter) 500.00 Total Amount Be Released: $ 22,000.00 JACK G. STOCKS REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 211 N. STH AVENUE WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28401 PHONE: 763-8124 FAX: 762-5772 October 3,1995 Cost estimate Saratoga Place Rock 9000 sq.yds @$4.60......................................... $41,400.00 Asphalt 9000 sq.yds @$4.80.................................... 43,200.00 Catch basins 9 @$600.00.......................................... 5,400.00 280 L.F. •24" CMP @$18.00....................................... 5,040.00 460 L.F. 18" DIP @$12.00.................................. 5,520.00 Water main 3860 L.F. @$8.00........................................... 30,880.00 Fire hyds... 4 @$1200.00............................................. 4,800.00 Fine grading & seeding 1.8 acres @$2200.00........................... 3,960.00 Surveying& Engineering ............................................... 6,000.00 $146,200.00 JACK G. STOCKS REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 211 N. 5TH AVENUE WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28401 PHONE: 763-8124 FAX: 762-5772 October 12,1995 Mr. Jim Craig New Hanover County Engineering Dept. 404 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 REF: Saratoga Place Dear Mr. Craig: The drainage from Saratoga Place will be routed through a future pond designed by a professional engineer to meet the county's pre/post runoff requirement as required under performance development. This pond will be located in a future phase of Saratoga Place and be designed and -constructed at that time. In good faith, the developers will post surety in th-, amount of $1866.00 to cover a 0.25 acre pond in the area shown on the attac:,Fd plat recorded for said drainage area to handle flow from the project. The fictual design of the pond and outlet structure will be submitted in the future ,Ian of the project within this basin. Yours truly, e�G' -,07-44 Jack G. Stocks 5-0 r /c Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. September 25, 2009 Release of Bonds for Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc EMAIL Sam Burgess New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Market Place Drive, Suite 160 Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Sam, I am writing to request the release of the following bonds that are still being held by New Hanover County in the name of Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc.. Amount Date Finance Receipt # Planning Receipt # Included(for) I $500.00 02/02/00 67155 139419 DOT Basic Letter z $500.00 11/27/00 145393 73279 DOT Basic Letter 3 $500.00 05/23/05 92819 149649 DOT Basic Letter y $570.00 10/4/95 91210 "Inspect Street Signs" S $1,866.00 10/12/95 91213 $4,500.00 9/15/98 42785 118564 "Inspect for Seeding" 'j $500.00 4/19/02 68651 139939 DOT Basic Letter 8 $500.00 4/27/01 62108 135408 DOT Basic Letter Gj $500.00 6/21 /02 70061 144553 DOT Basic Letter $500.00 6/21/02 70061 144554 DOT Basic Letter $15,000.00 4/19/96 22914 94231 Dupilicate.of (154019) 7/18/06 Z $500.00 4/19/02 68651 139942 DOT Basic Letter 3 $200.00 4/19/02 68651 i-loO 139940 y $700.00 10/4/02 72185 145362 DOT Basic Letter I S $700.00 4/16/03 76251 138125 DOT Basic Letter ) b $700.00 4/16/03 76251 138127 DOT Basic Letter 2905 MARKET STRI-LET WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910) 254-4646 (910) 254-4715 FAX — 2 — September 25, 2009 As you can see the total amount I am requesting to be released is $28,236.00. If during the inspections there are any questions or you need any additional information on any and all work done please contact me at 279-3117 and I can answer all of your questions and or even meet someone out there if necessary. You can mail the check to our office located at 2905 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28403 after all necessary inspections and paper work is completed. Thank you so much for your help in this matter. If you have any questions please feel free to call Sincerely, Robin D. Grathwol rl cc: Tom Wilson TRANSACTION AGENCY CODE CR ACTION ❑ ORIGINAL ENTRY (E) ❑ ADJUSTMENT (M) BANK ACCOUNT CASH RECEIPT �� ..c-� PAGE Of CASH RECEIPT 7t 91213 TRANSACTION DATE M D D YT r -.T. PEACC� UNTING RIOD M M Y Y BUDGET FY YY • COMMENTS OFFSET CASH ACCOUNT 3S DESCRIPTION: 17 DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: D ESCR1PT10 N: DESCRI►TION: DESCRIPTION: RECEIVED FROM FOR PREPARED BY NAME RECEIVED BY NAME ENTERED BY NAME NEW HANOVER COUNTY ❑ CASH TOTAL AMOUNT $ TITLE DATE Al) -/:5 I TITLE DATE TITLE DATE CHECK, # �� ASH RECEIPT NUMBER, 9 12 13 TRANSACTION AGENCY CODE CR ACTION ❑ ORIGINAL ENTRY (E) ❑ ADJUSTMENT (M) BANK ACCOUNT RECEIVED FROM 0910 PREPARED By NAME RECEIVED BY NAME ENTERED By NAME NEW HANOVER COUNTY �'ju.,ro..�o�c.� �\ace ��c.-F-• CASH RECEIPT CASH RECEIPT N t:M M D D Y Y M M V Y 23 �. TRANSACTION ACC P?UNTING ®. DATE RIOD COMMENTS OFFSET CASH ACCOUNT ❑ CASH d6,-Y 3 PAGE OP BUDGET I v1v FY AMOUNT [NC'/,'+�� DEC, 10 TOTAL AMOUNT $ �S Q c5 c TITLE D A T E_�% TITLE DATE TITLE DATE ❑CHECK,# f46/0�-3�� CASH RECEIPT NUMBER wy-• �.. �.4 / ��� ���'� � ��•, TRANSACTION ODE CODE CR 14- 1 � AGENCY AbCTION T _CO3 ZORIGINAL ENT:R.Y.(E) •ADJUSTMENT (M) '�,V.FETERENCE INVOICE NUMBER LINE BANK A . CCOUNT ITY DESCRIPTION: A— �DES:CR:IPTION: DESCRIPTION: I DESCRIPTION: . I DESCRIPTION: — Lf= RECEIVED FROM FOR: T PREPARED By NAME 6 RECEIVED By NAME' ENTERED Ely NAME i: NEW HANOVER COUNTY 0 clr-1 CASH RECEIPT PAGE OF CASH RECEIPT TRANSACTION 'I m 0 0 v yl ACCOUNTPING BUDGET vv • DATE PER106 11.1 -9- .1 1lm,m Y YL Fy COMMENTS OFFSET GASH ACCOUNT CCT oll, �.OVIUEH B, r m 0 fAll 1-1 'Q'CASH TOTAL AMOUNT TITLE DATE TITLE DATE TITLE DATE CifCHECK,# 1 7, 'o CASH RECEIPT NUMBER AGENCY TRANSACTION CR CODE ACTION BANK ACCOUNT m ORIGINAL ENTRY (E) ❑ ADJUSTMENT (M) RECEIVED FROM FOR: PREPARED BY NAME RECEIVED BY NAME ENTERED BY NAME NEW HANOVER COUNTY CvA sr, SAP,00 CASH RECEIPT PAGE OF M M D D Y Y M M Y Y V V - CASH RECEIPT >s ACCOUNTING BUDGET 1.l 1 TRANSACTION PERIOD FY I DATE I COMMENTS OFFSET CASH ACCOUNT �S s—�oC-Kj CaAS—�2L �o o� x 2 Ik N— Fl f4h- — w i L_ /vC ® \ TOTAL AMOUNT $ TITLE S2 - �lciNn/P� DATE c� �- a TITLE DATE TITLE DATE ❑ CASH lZCHECK # 0 l 6 u CASH RECEIPT NUMBER 91210 CASH RECEIPT r PAGE OF n TRANSACTION AGENCY CASH RECEIPT C M M I D Y Y M M Y Y YY .� ^. -- -* TRANSACTION ACCOUNTING BUDGET CODE CR - : S�'t _ :'� �, DATE P RIOD FY T 1 ACTION COMMENTS BANK ACCOUNT OFFSET CASH ACCOUNT 0ORIGINAL ENTRY (E) ❑ ADJUSTMENT (M) 1 i f I - - �+ 'F Urvb. AGEIj1CY OR( ry• SUB .LA CTI r REV jSU� 1 NEPT- BS -1 '-OBJECT SU8 VEOR/ x� PT10 N- O O(1RC Is RE CqT ACCT OBJ �, - R �. n.I,. H I YI'•I.i` -;I� .I. Dt71DER.' .� ■-�-��� - "e IN D ESGRIPTION, DESCRIPTION: DESCRIPTION: RECEWED FROM FOR: TOTAL AMOUN $ S 7� v PREPARED BY NAME TITLE DATE RECEIVED BY NAME TITLE DATE ENTERED BY NAME TITLE DATE NEW HANOVER COUNTY O CASH CHECK, # 0 s-- CASH RECEIPT NUMBER M-z i n e tr T.? C..Frajec� jVumber. '��� :aZirion: axe salldinc, W H-A-N OVE R C 0 LT--�-T-iz DEPARTNIENT 41 ' CIHZSTNL7 S TRIEITI, R 0 0 tii 101 WilrningToa, .fC TELZ°Y01VE(919) 3-11-7139 4- ,7. 77? --'VrT77 PDate: 8 SUbjecL: c Prizes c shop DraWM43 C Other. calculada", P-- Approval — "' "formation C. Construction R Review/Comments F, 88e Remarks ks: C', dg-n e d.- *-ned: Adam Rahhal Civil Enc—rineer Burgess, Sam To: lannucci, Jim Subject: FW: Coastal Carolina Sureties (CCD) Jim, I was going through my records and noticed the monetary request list by Robin Grathwol. To date, we have not reimbursed any money but feel like we should. A good handful of these ($ 500) are for NCDOT Basic Letters which we have received. There are other amounts that involve other projects. Please advise when we can meet to discuss. Thanks, Sam From: Burgess, Sam Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12:29 PM To: Iannucci, Jim Cc: 'Robin Grathwol'; 'renee@legacygroup.cc'; O'Keefe, Chris Subject: Coastal Carolina Sureties (CCD) Jim, Robin Grathwol and I have gone over outstanding sureties that the County is holding on Coastal Carolina Development (Saratoga PI, Courtney Pines, etc). Robin's office has done a comprehensive study on the monies the County is holding and has provided a list with receipts displaying the amounts. I have a copy of the documentation. Please let me know when I can meet with you to go over these surety amounts and documentation from CCD so we can move forward and reimburse these funds based on a field inspection. Robin is also available if you (or 1) have questions or need a clarification. I look forward to hearing back from you in the next day or two. Sam I `v:30/vq Burgess, Sam To: lannucci, Jim Cc: Robin Grathwol; renee@legacygroup.cc; O'Keefe, Chris Subject: Coastal Carolina Sureties (CCD) Jim, Robin Grathwol and I have gone over outstanding sureties that the County is holding on Coastal Carolina Development (Saratoga PI, Courtney Pines, etc). Robin's office has done a comprehensive study on the monies the County is holding and has provided a list with receipts displaying the amounts. I have a copy of the documentation. Please let me know when I can meet with you to go over these surety amounts and documentation from CCD so we can move forward and reimburse these funds based on a field inspection. Robin is also available if you (or 1) have questions or need a clarification. I look forward to hearing back from you in the next day or two. Sam iCER) Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc. September 25, 2009 Release of Bonds for Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc EALML Sam Burgess New Hanover County Planning Department 230 -Market Place Drive, Suite 160 Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Sam, I am writing to request the release of the following bonds that are still being held by New IIanover County in the name of Coastal Carolina Developers, Inc.. Amount Date Finance Receipt # Planning Receipt # Included(for) $500.00 02/02/00 67155 139419 DOT Basic Letter $500.00 11 /27/00 145393 73279 DOT Basic Letter $500.00 05/23/05 92819 149649 DOT Basic Letter $570.00 10/4/95 91210 "Inspect Street Signs" $1,866.00 10/12/95 91213 $4,500.00 9/15/98 42785 118564 "Inspect for Seeding" $500.00 4/19/02 68651 139939 DOT Basic Letter $500.00 4/27/01 62108 135408 DOT Basic Letter $500.00 6/21/02 70061 144553 DOT Basic Letter $500.00 6/21/02 70061 144554 DOT Basic Letter $15,000.00 4/19/96 22914 94231 Dupilicate of (154019) 7/18/06 $500.00 4/19/02 68651 139942 DOT Basic Letter $200.00 4/19/02 68651 139940 $700.00 10/4/02 72185 145362 DOT Basic Letter $700.00 4/16/03 76251 138125 DOT Basic Letter $700.00 4/16/03 76251 138127 DOT Basic Letter 2905 NIARKHT STR1;H.T WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910) 254-4646 (910) 254-4715 FAX — 2 — September 28, 2009 As you can see the total amount I am requesting to be released is $28,236.00. If during the inspections there are any questions or you need any additional information on any and all work done please contact me at 279-3117 and I can answer all of your questions and or even meet someone out there if necessary. You can mail the check to our office located at 2905 -Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28403 after all necessary inspections and paper work is completed. Thank you so much for your help in this matter. If you have any questions please feel free to call Sincerely, Robin D. Grathwol rl cc: Tom Nilson STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY May 8, 2003 Arnold Carson 406 North Third Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: Basic Letter for Section 4 of Courtney Pines Subdivision In New Hanover County Dear Mr. Carson: This is to advise that Section 4 of Courtney Pines Subdivision has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on June 12, 2002. Section 4 of Courtney Pines Subdivision meets the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base, and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in an acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Walking Horse Court, south of Maple Ridge Road and a portion of Maple Ridge Road, east of Grizzly Bear Court, will not be considered for addition until they intersect another road or NCDOT approved cul-de-sacs are constructed. Sincerely, Daniel R. Cumbo, P.E. District Engineer DRC:mjd cc: Anthony Law, Acting New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning Department 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910)251-2655 Fax: (910)251-2759 STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NUCHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR October 26, 2005 Arnold Carson, RLS 406 North Third Street Wilmington, NC 28401 SECRETARY Subject: Basic Letter for Section 5 and 6 of Courtney Pines Subdivision Dear Sir: This is to advise that Section 5 and 6 of Courtney Pines Subdivision have been constructed per the revised preliminary plan approved on February 23, 2005 with the exception of a portion of White Road. This section is located 400.78' west of the intersection of Courtney Pines Road and is 119.15' in length. This section of road has not been built per the revised preliminary plan approved on February 23, 2005. The roads in Section 5 and 6 Courtney Pines Subdivision meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. Roads in these two sections must intersect with another road or permanent cul- de -sec meeting NCDOT standards before being considered for addition. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, ff6-4*d� Daniel R. Cumbo, PE District Engineer DRC:jpp cc: Anthony Law, New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910) 251-2655 Fax: (910) 251-2759 .W b I 3 S �o'T:-' STATE OF FORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR December 14, 2001 Arnold W. Carson, PLS PC 406 North Third Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: Basic Letter for a portion of Section 16, Quail Woods Dear Mr. Carson: SECRETARY This is to advise that a portion of Section 16, Quail Woods has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on August 6, 2001. The roads in Section 16, Quail Woods meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base, and pavement except for a portion of Springer Drive, Retriever Drive and Thetford Court. As of this date, 70.74' of the western end of Springer Road is not completed, 85.00' of the western end of Retriever Drive is not completed and 72.84' of the southern end of Thetford Court is not completed. Therefore, these incomplete sections of roads do not qualify for basic letter. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state System. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must \ have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in an acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, Daniel R. Cumbo, P.E. District Engineer DRC:mjd cc: Scott E. Cooke, P.E. , New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning Department 124 Division Drive, Wilmin.aton, N.C. 28401 (910)251-2655 Fax: (910)251-2759 � Ll STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF 'TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOvERNOR SECRETARY June 26, 2002 Arnold Carson, RLS 406 North Third Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: Basic Letter for Section 3, Whitney Pines Subdivision Dear Mr. Carson: This is to advise that Section 3, Whitney Pines Subdivision has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on June 14, 1999. The roads of Section 3, Whitney Pines Subdivision meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base, and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. Newbury Way east of Hastings Court cannot be considered for addition until if intersects another road or permanent cul-de-sac meeting NCDOT standards is constructed. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in an acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, Daniel R. Cumbo, P.E. District Engineer DRC:mjd cc: Scott E. Cooke, P.E., New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning Department 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C, 28401 (910)251 2655 Fax: (910)25 1 -2759 STATE OF NORTH'CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 16, 2002 Arnold Carson, RLS 406 North Thud Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: Basic Letter for Section 4, Whitney Pines Subdivision Dear Sir: This is to advise that Section 4, Whitney Pines Subdivision has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on June 14, 1999. The roads of Section 4, Whitney Pines Subdivision meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base, and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. Woodhall Drive north of Tarbert Court cannot be considered for addition until it intersects another road or permanent cul-de-sac meeting NCDO T standards is constructed. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in an acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. S incerely, Daniel R. Cumbo, P.E. District Engineer DRC:mjd cc: Scott E. Cooke, New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer { New Hanover County Planning Department 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910)251-2655 Fax: (910)251-2759 -11 "-- 1399Wa- STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY May 7, 2002 Mr. Arnold Carson, RLS 406 North Third Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: Basic Letter for Parkwood Extension Dear Mr. Carson: This is to advise that Parkwood Extension has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on. October 14, 1999. The road in Parkwood Extension meets the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base, and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in an acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. S incerely, V,C'� Daniel R. Cumbo, P.E. District Engineer DRC:mjd cc: Scott E. Cooke, P.E., New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning Department l -)dDivicinnDrivP WiImin ofnn NC ?RAOI (QI()1?SIPi /Q11_971M STATE of FORTH CAROLS lA MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY October 31, 2002 Arnold Carson, PLS, PC 406 North Third Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: Basic Letter for The Cottages at Sun Coast Dear Mr. Carson: This is to advise that The Cottages at Sun Coast has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on September 3, 2002. The roads in The Cottages at Sun Coast meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base, and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. Sun Coast Drive east of Farrington Farms Drive cannot be considered for addition until it intersects another road or a permanent cul-de-sac meeting NCDOT standards is constructed. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in an acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, Daniel R. Cumbo, P.E. District Engineer DRC: mjd cc: Scott E. Cooke, New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning Department 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910)251-2655 Fax: (910)251-2759 r- STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DMSION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY October 8, 2003 Arnold Carson, RLS 406 North Third Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Subject: Basic Letter Section 5 , Whitney Pines S/D Dear Mr. Carson: This is to advise that Section 5, Whitney Pines Subdivision has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on June 14, 1999. The roads in Section 5, Whitney Pines Subdivision meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, �2 Daniel R. Cumbo, PE District Engineer DRC:ajm cc: Anthony Law, New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910) 251-2655 Fax: (910) 251-2759 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATI LYODN IIPPETT MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SECRETARY GOVERNOR March 4, 2004 Arnold Carson, RLS 406 North Third Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Subject: Basic Letter Section 6, Whitney Pines S/D Dear Mr. Carson: cted er This is to advise that Section 6, Whitney Pines Subdivision cWhimey Pines the preliminary plan approved on June 14, 1999. The roads 1n Section 6, Subdivision meet the minimum construction a gment.eAll other drapnage must meet artment of Transportation for basic drainage, base and p Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. ic rig ,hts of way must This is to further advise that utilities located within odth elcated state maintained road system can have an encroachment agreement before addition be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, rA U"J'-Jo Daniel R. Cumbo, PE District Engineer DRC:jpp cc: Anthony Law, New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910) 251-2655 Fax: (910) 251-2759 Development Amount Date Receipt # Receipt # Finance Planning 84 Luhi6er/Airport 30,000.00 05/13/05 92617 149644 Arnold Carson Lot 39 500.00 06/08/05 93166 149660 Arnold Carson NKIP #108 500.00 06/14/05 93315 149678 Arnold Carson NKIP sec 3A 595.00 12/15/05 crp 4835 151387 Arnold Carson PLS-406 N. 3rd St. 500.00 11/24/04 145870 89122 Arnold Carson PLS-PC/Kirkwood Townhomes 200.00 08/22/03 79105 141637 Arnold Carson/ N. Kerr Ind Pk/phase 3, sec 1 500.00 12/15/06 crp 15794 155354 Atlantian & Capital Ideas-Waterf. 190.00 75607 Atlantic Brokerage-V. Software 95.00 02/29/96 21936 93660 Avalon West/Sherwin Cribb/Hydrant Bond 4,500.00 02/16/07 crp 17542 155865 Avalon West/Sherwin Cribb/Surety 30,140.00 02/16/07 crp 17542 155867 B&B Coastal Prop/Fern Bluff 8,500.00 11/28/06 crp 15122 154184 Bayshore Estates Marsh Oaks 4,000.00 01/17/02 67155 139409 Bayshore Estates, Inc 6,560.00 03/31/04 143066 83854 Bayshore Estates, Marsh Oaks Sec 11 D 2.095.00 07/26/06 crp 11457 154026 Beasley Associates/Avalon West 21.220.00 12/06/06 crp 15442 154194 Beau Rivage Plantation 2.500.00 03/21/97 30520 102861 Bella Serra @ Vineyard Plantation/Norris, Kuske, & Tonstall 9,258.00 08/23/06 crp 12255 154059 Berman Dev. Co. 75.00 11/11/87 Bill Clark Const Co. Crown Ridge Ph 3 430 Eastwood 250.00 10/15/04 145842 88228 Bill Clark Homes-Basic,WaterFlow,St signs 200.00 11/16/99 51649 131355 Bill Clark Homes -Palm Grove Ph 2 3,553.00 07/01/09 crp 0810 162325 Bill Clark Homes -River Oaks 200.00 04/16/04 143081 84454 Bill Clark Homes-Tidalholm-4 200.00 06/12/97 32415 105016 Bill Harris-Dal-Har Const-WestBay Estates 500.00 03/16/99 46928 123897 Brookside Gardens 200.00 11/21/01 66114 137426 Brookside Gardens/lot 62-67 13,550.00 02/12/03 74632 138245 Cambridge Heights, phase 3 500.00 03/21/01 61381 134929 Cambridge Heights, phase 5 500.00 07/08/02 70355 144573 Cambridge Heights, phase 6 500.00 10/15/02 72345 145372 Camellia Estates/Crowotan Rd 10,000.00 07/28/00 56596 133280 Capeside Devel: Capeside V. Sec 1 1,800.00 08/13/93 75621 Capeside Devel. Whispering Pines-Univ Gr 380.00 08/25/93 75629 Carl Thompson 2,500.00 03/09/06 crp 7669 152275 Carolina East Developers -Avondale -Phase 1 2,100.00 04/21/99 47353 124109 Carrington Woods/Ph 1, Bill Clark Homes 1,500.00 01/22/08 crp 10196379 158098 Castle Oaks 95.00 04/02/01 61381 134938 CEG Assoc -Greenville Sd, Gardens 1,000.00 02/12/98 37928 113403 Charles W Smith/North Chase Park Lot P 2,850.00 09/17/02 71805 144847 Charles W Smith/North Chase Park Trademark 1,800.00 01/02/03 73839 138211 Coastal Carol Dev 500.00 02/02/02 67155 139419 Coastal Carol Dev-Courtney Pines -Sec 4 500.00 11/27/00 145393 73279 Coastal Carol Dev-Courtney Pines -Sec 5 14.900.00 05/23/05 92819 149649 Coastal Carol. Bldg. -Coast. Carol. 570.00 91210 Coastal Carol. Bldg. -Saratoga -PI 1 1.866.00 10/12/95 18687 91213 Coastal Carol. Dev-Courtney Pines-2 4,500.00 09/15/98 42785 118564 Coastal Carol. Dev-Courtney Pines -Steele Rd. 500.00 04/19/02 68651 139939 Coastal Carol. Dev-Hidden Pointe 1,700.00 04/27/04 143090 84533 Coastal Carol. Dev-Qual Woods-16 500.00 04/27/01 62108 135408 Coastal Carol. Dev-Whitney Pines 595.00 04/19/02 68651 139941 Coastal Carol. Dev-Whitney Pines, Sec 3 500.00 06/21/02 70061 144553 Coastal Carol. Dev-Whitney Pines, Sec 4 500.00 06/21/02 70061 144554 Coastal Carol. -Saratoga PI 1 15,000.00 04/19/96 22914 94231 Coastal Carol-Parkwood 500.00 04/19/02 68651 139942 Coastal Carol -Potomac Woods 200.00 04/19/02 68651 139940 Coastal Carol -Saratoga PI @ Hidden Point 16,000.00 07/18/06 crp 11137 154019 Coastal Carol-Suncoast 700.00 10/04/02 72185 145362 subdiv deposits page 1 contact: E. Lorek Development Amount Date Receipt # Receipt # Finance Planning Coastal Carol -Weaver Woods 900.00 04/23/02 68855 139944 Coastal Carol -Whitney Pines -sec 5 700.00 04/16/03 76251 138125 Coastal Carol -Whitney Pines -sec 6 890.00 04/16/03 76251 138127 Colorado Coastal Development Co 180.00 11/28/07 crp 10121261 158068 Daclar Inc/Sapphire Ridge 95.00 02/08/05 147045 90628 Dal-Har Const 900.00 02/12/04 142670 82633 Dal-Har Const 500.00 04/29/05 92407 149631 Dal-Har Const/Hollifield Sec 4 700.00 08/04/04 143534 86698 Dal -Knox Inc, Bldg 6, Unit A/N. Kerr Ind Pk, Sec 2A, Lot 78 1,500.00 07/08/05 crp 91 150354 Dallas Real Estate -Street Sign B. 75.00 56927 David Greer Const 10,000.00 09/11/02 71640 144842 David Greer Const/Edgewater Trace 500.00 12/17/08 crpl0493719 162368 DLH Dev Corp-Glenridge 190.00 03/07/97 30056 102835 Dominion Land/River Breezes 5,500.00 08/16/05 crp 1352 150393 Dominion Land/Willow Glen Ph 1 4,000.00 10/14/05 crp 3238 151426 Dominion Land/Willow Glen Sec 3 12,384.00 06/16/05 93315 149681 Dutch Square Ext, Lot 23/ Terry Clelland 2.500.00 05/08/08 crp 10292174 160121 East Coast Properties 690.00 80856 Eastwood Devel: Lauren PI-2 5,000.00 11/21/96 27634 98180 Eastwood Properties 10,250.00 03/27/97 30725 102870 Emerald Coast Dev.-Mason Bend 90.00 08/21/95 17425 89173 Epic Const 95.00 10/13/06 crp 13825 154130 Farrington Farms Dev. Corp. 300.00 04/10/96 22762 94212 Farrington Farms Dev-Farr. Farms-2 1,000.00 10/25/96 26965 98798 Farrington Farms Dev-Farr. Farms-2 4,800.00 10/25/96 26965 98799 Farrington Farms Dev-Section 6 500.00 04/24/01 62108 135406 Fedler Division 4,400.00 01/14/09 crp 10543579 162375 Forest Grove Subdivision/Ed Hill 500.00 04/04/03 76251 138123 Forest Grove Subdivision/Sec II/Ed Hill 2,500.00 04/20/05 92184 149627 FST Inc 200.00 04/07/04 143074 83990 FST Ind Kirkwood Sec 4 2,870.00 01/29/03 74438 138230 FST Inc/Kirkwood Sec 6 190.00 03/05/04 83233 142695 FST Inc/Kirkwood Sec 6&3 700.00 03/09/05 91270 147079 FST Inc/Kirkwood Sec 7 500.00 07/28/06 crp 11709 154033 FST Inc/Kirkwood Sec 8 975.00 12/23/04 145900 89699 G & F Const.-Churchill Estates 1,725.00 07/16/91 51849 Galarde Co. 200.00 05/12/00 55088 132770 Galarde Dev. Bel Meade Plantation Sec 1 690.00 04/18/05 92086 149622 Galarde Dev/Bel Meade Plantation 190.00 11/02/05 crp 3753 151439 Golden Road Group 3,100.00 11/10/04 145853 88774 Gulf, Worsley C Prop -Landfall 180.00 12/16/97 36813 111594 Gulfstream Shop Ctr/Central Car Sk @ Junction Pk 2,200.00 08/14/03 78933 141626 Gulfstream Shopping Function Creek 2,200.00 01/11/02 67155 139403 Gulfstream Shopping Junction Creek/Lots 16,17 2,200.00 04/24/03 76487 138135 Hanover Design -Brewster PI -Sect 4-3888 500.00 05/30/00 55463 132783 Hanover Design -Cypress Island 285.00 11/12/03 80918 142048 Hanover Design -Farrington Farms 285.00 10/10/96 26595 98783 Hanover Design -Maxwell Place 95.00 09/20/96 26075 98759 Hardison Bldg, Inc/Westhaven 45,560.00 12/13/06 crp 15659 155351 Harley Ford 2,500.00 02/17/06 crp 7056 152255 Henderson park/ Johnson Farms 22.500.00 12/05/05 crp 4627 151370 Hobbs Div -Shannon Dr 2,500.00 07/07/04 143498 85996 Hobbs Surveying-Haleyon Forest -Ph 2 600.00 01/17/97 28825 101458 Holiday Dev LLC/Alamance Subdivision 500.00 09/09/08 crp 10359783 160521 Holly Tree Investments/Henderson Park @ Johnson Farms Ph: 17,655.00 06/30/08 crp 10319342 160145 Holly Tree Inv/Henderson Park 500.00 07/01/08 crp 10322496 160146 Hollyfield/Sec 2/Arnold Carson Pis 500.00 07/11/03 141248 78127 Horizon Homes Inc: Cassemer Com. 90.00 02/28/96 21703 93654 IC Holding LLC 1,500.00 06/14/05 93315 149679 J & S Miller, INS -Signs 190.00 06/20/96 24324 94188 James R. Burris Const. 8,000.00 42499 Joseph W Taylor III 718 Fairlie Ct Lot 101 1,050.00 09/22/04 145824 87664 Joshua's Landing 2,300.00 11/03/97 35890 111542 subdiv deposits page 2 contact: E. Lorek Development Amount Date Receipt # Receipt # Finance Planning Kaecb LLC/Forest Grove Sec 200.00 02/13/03 74866 138246 Kaeco LLC/Forest Grove Sec 1 900.00 02/11/03 74632 138239 Kirkwood -phase 1 200.00 09/26/02 71935 145352 Kirkwood -Sec 5, FST Inc. 900.00 07/10/03 141244 78127 Landmark Dev: Lords Circle Sec 4 3,240.00 05/19/97 31950 104981 Landmark Dev-Georgetown Lots 5,750.00 05/11/01 62375 135417 Landmark Dev-sect 8 Sentry Oaks 200.00 04/15/02 68651 139934 Manly Dev: Highgrove Water Flow Calc 200.00 02/18/97 29706 102813 Manning Camp, LLC/Pilots Ridge 2 5.500.00 12/04/06 crp 15329 154190 Marsh Landing Place 690.00 04/25/06 crp 9250 690 Marshall, Williams & Gorham 1.800.00 01/04/01 66717 137447 Masonboro Assoc -Vineyard Green -Sec 3 195.00 07/28/97 33511 106620 Masonboro Forest Inc 95.00 11/14/00 58848 134066 Masonboro Forest-1900 Eastwood Rd Ste 11 1,200.00 09/08/00 57501 133566 Masonboro Forest-Monck Court 3,000.00 08/29/00 57205 133558 Masonboro Forest -phase 2, sec 5 1.000.00 05/29/00 55463 132782 Masterpiece Builders -Sherwin Creek 250.00 12/23/96 101416 Medac Health Sery 7.600.00 09/05/02 71509 144835 Mooresfield LLC-The Cottages 90.00 05/02/97 31563 104963 Muff & Bob Partnership-Hollyholm 200.00 08/15/96 25368 98824 Myrtle Grove Investments/Tidalwalk Phase 1 74,002.50 10/08/08 crp 160537 Myrtle Grove Investments/Tidalwalk Phase 1 6,688.15 05/13/09 crp 10642596 Nature's Walk 500.00 05/24/07 crp 21023 155844 Nature's Walk 6.523.00 05/24/07 crp 21023 155843 Newsmith 500.00 Norris, Kuske, Tunstall/N Kerr Ind Pk, phase 3A 380.00 12/15/06 crp 15794 155355 Ogden LLC-Fields @ Wendover 500.00 07/19/99 49196 124823 Ogdenvillage Utilities, Inc. -Stoney Brook 1,500.00 03/10/94 78294 Old South -Whispering Pines 7,500.00 09/28/95 18371 89237 Old South -Windward Oaks-2 600.00 09/18/95 18164 89225 Peter Davis/N. Kerr Ind Pk/Sec 2A, Lot 80 1.500.00 07/08/05 crp 91 150353 Pioneer Dev. Co. -Common Sec 1 1.500.00 05/12/89 30546 Porter's Neck Cc 2,000.00 01/07/06 crp 5325 152205 Porter's Neck Co/Champions Run 5,000.00 02/18/08 crp 10230605 160015 Porter's Neck Co. Inc. -Phase H 225.00 05/23/94 80314 Porter's Neck Co. Inc. -Phase K 2,000.00 05/23/94 80314 Porter's Neck Co -Bishop Park 300.00 81218 Porter's Neck Ventures/Vineyard 6 500.00 05/21/06 crp 9814 153224 Porter's Neck Ventures/Vineyard 6 13,350.00 05/30/06 crp 9814 153227 Porter's Neck Ventures/letter of credit P003128 76,622.91 04/02/09 crp 10610741 p003128 Porter's Neck -Fairway Commons-Phl 22,200.00 10/12/00 58095 133595 Porter's Pointe/CF Commercial • 500.00 04/26/07 crp 20064 155826 Potomac Woods 500.00 04/11/01 61550 134947 Raiford Trask Jr. -Plat Fee 9,000.00 Jan'94 77836 Rivenbark Const/Belmar Forest Phase II 200.00 Oct-02 72584 145375 River Oaks, section 7, phase 1 B 2,750.00 06/06/01 63082 135438 Robert S. King -Whitehall 1,800.00 08/06/91 52473 Rockford Partners/Sunset Reach/ph 1 285.00 03/28/08 crp 10258024 160040 Roland Place/Carolyn Kerby, TRC Submittal Rockhill 500.00 04/24/07 crp 19934 155824 Ronald Gregoire 2,144.34 02/28/06 crp 7056 152266 Russ Vending/NKIP Lot 39 4,000.00 06/08/05 93166 149661 subdiv deposits page 3 contact: E. Lorek Development Amount Date Receipt # Receipt # Finance Planning Ryall-itivestments/Williamsburg PI 95.00 04/10/07 crp 19359 155812 S & S Devel: Lucia Point 3,000.00 01/10/97 28675 101444 Saieed Const 10,325.00 01/13/06 crp 5944 152213 Sanco of Wilm-Sun Coast Vill.5 200.00 11/10/98 44269 123258 Sanco of Wilm-Sun Coast Vill.6 500.00 09/03/99 50071 130233 Sanco-8400 Sidbury Rd -Sect 5 1,193.00 08/31/99 50071 130229 Saturn Dev Corp -Brewster 300.00 02/26/97 29885 102822 Saturn Dev Corp -Brewster Phil Sec 1 500.00 10/01/01 64954 136926 Saturn Dev Corp -Brewster PI Phase 2 Sec 2 500.00 08/14/02 71052 144814 Saturn Dev Corp-Brewster/Ph 2 Sec 3 500.00 05/24/05 92950 149653 Saturn Dev Corp-Brewster-1 285.00 02/05/97 29342 101492 Schroeder Builders/Sycamore Grove Ph 1 500.00 09/18/07 crp 10027281 155435 Scott Griffin Motor Sports/NKIP Sec 3A 1,500.00 12/15/05 crp 4835 151389 Scotts Hill Venture 95.00 10/12/98 43451 118510 Seahawk Dev/Sherwin Cribb 14,102.00 08/24/07 crp 10023494 155421 SECOF/Snows Cut Landing 1,095.00 03/30/05 91755 149601 SECOF/Windswept, Ph2 10,000.00 09/20/07 crp 10027281 155436 SECOF/Coral Ridge 10,000.00 06/15/09 crp 10664059 162317 Shepard Partners/ Registry @ Vineyard Plantations 13,161.00 08/22/07 crp 10017804 155420 Sherwin Cribb 75.00 Sherwin Cribb 95.00 01/08/97 28631 101437 Sherwin Cribb -Lake Renaissance 400.00 04/07/00 54628 132191 Sherwin Cribb -Lamb's Bluff 200.00 12/12/97 36633 111592 Sherwin Cribb-Marymont Phase 9 500.00 04/11/00 54628 132194 Sherwin Cribb-Roymac 500.00 04/27/00 55088 132751 Sherwin Cribb-Settl. Land 200.00 77813 Sherwin D. Cribbs-Blue Point 200.00 01/26/04 82229 142500 Sherwin D. Cribbs-STA Maria 75.00 08/27/94 64980 Signature Homes/Stones Edge/NC DOT Letter 500.00 02/07/07 crp 17542 155859 So. College Assoc Prtship/Lk Johnson Fm-5 9,340.00 09/24/98 42930 118580 SSP Inv/Plantation Landing/Ph 2 Sec III 600.00 06/11/04 143479 85559 St. Andrews Ltd -St. A. -Landfall 150.00 01/16/95 20785 91319 Stocks & Matzke 75.00 46470 Stocks & Matzke 285.00 76303 Stocks & Matzke-Peppertree 95.00 12/01/95 19772 91272 Stones Edge/Ph 2, Signature Homes 6,500.00 01/24/08 crp 10203707 160001 Stovall -Belmont Assoc -Green. M 180.00 03/19/96 22257 93692 Stratton Village-1900 Eastwood Ste 11 200.00 09/29/98 43182 118583 Summerset of Wrightsville -street signs 270.00 09/08/97 34543 106675 Sun Coast Townhomes-Sec 4 700.00 09/09/97 52678 131386 Sun Coast Villas Sect 7 500.00 09/10/97 53367 131873 Sun Coast Villas Sect 8 700.00 09/11/97 51649 131354 Sycamore Grove -Ph 2, Atlanticon Inc 680.00 01/02/08 crp 10164142 158086 TBR Dev/Daniels Trace/1134 Edgewater Club Rd 1,865.00 01/19/05 147025 90121 Terry Turner & Co. 190.00 86151 Torchwood Dev 500.00 crp 7056 152261 Torchwood Dev/Garlington Heights @ West Bay 500.00 07/20/07 crp 32052 156792 Torchwood Dev/Copperfield Ext/lots 101-110AT 6,875.00 10/23/08 crp 10399541 160541 Town Country Dev-Cambridge Hts,Johnson Fm 500.00 03/02/00 53673 131897 Town Country Dev-Cambridge Hts,ph4 500.00 04/19/02 68651 139938 University Group -Beacon Woods 2 B 5,000.00 06/20/96 24324 94186 Veterans Park Commons 2,500.00 10/10/03 80158 142024 Vineyard Plantation Sec 1 600.00 12/21/04 145897 89598 Vineyard Plantation/Steven Saieed 500.00 02/15/05 147056 90706 Vineyard V/ Steven Saieed 10,937.00 07/01/05 crp 61 149693 Vineyard West/Shepard Partners 500.00 02/16/07 crp 17542 155866 Willow Glen 3/ Dominion Land Corp 600.00 04/12/05 91925 149614 Willow Glen/Beau Rivage Sec 2A 33,161.00 09/02/09 crp 10706033 162348 Willow Prop/Lalce Brewster/Ph1 500.00 09/09/05 crp 1691 150429 Wilmington Properties 150.00 Woodlake 1 B-1 95.00 05/15/09 crp 10648646 162312 857,630.90 Total as of 09/30/09 subdiv deposits page 4 contact: E. Lorek Burgess, Sam From: James Bonser <James.Bonser@cfpua.org> Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 3:52 PM To: Burgess, Sam; 'robin@legacygroup.cc'; lannucci, Jim; Chris Glover (cigloverco@yahoo.com) Cc: Clark, Timothy; Davis, Matt; Christene Mitchell; Steve McGowan Subject: RE: Coastal Carolina Sureties Chris Glover came by CFPUA to discuss status of the water/sewer tap removal in Brookside Gardens Lots 62 thru 67). CFPUA sent Steve McGowan, Construction Inspector, to the site and he determined that there are only one water and sewer services to each of these lots. The extra services were abandoned. CFPUA has not need to retain a surety for this work. Yours James E. Bonser Project Manager ZF! IM Cape Fear P01111iC Itl0111ty AtAtholity Development Services Engineering Department 235 Government Center Drive Wilmington,NC 28403 p: 910.332.6560 f: 910.332.6353 From: Burgess, Sam [mailto:SBurgess@nhcgov.com] Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 11:00 AM To: 'robin@legacygroup.cc'; Iannucci, Jim; Chris Glover (cigloverco@yahoo.com) Cc: Clark, Timothy; James Bonser; Davis, Matt Subject: Coastal Carolina Sureties Robin, Jim & Chris: Thanks for meeting this morning. Below is a synopsis of our conversation pertaining to the CCD money that the County is presently holding. Saratoga Place: Phase 1 Hidden Pointe (off Harris Rd) Saratoga Place: 1 Saratoga Place@Hidden Pt Courtney Pines: 2 Courtney Pines: 5 ✓ Brookside Gardens (lots62-67) Brookside Gardens ✓ Courtney Pines (NCDOT Basic) Courtney Pines: 5/6 (Basic) Quail Woods:16 (Basic) Whitney Pines: 3 (Basic) Whitney Pines: 4 (Basic) $1,866. (SB to obtain site plan & cost estimate if available) 1,700. (may involve gate for emergency service located back project- RG/CG follow) 15,000. (SB obtain site plan & cost estimate if available) 16,000. (road connection issue/trail issue/ grade elevation issue —TRC review) 4,500. (to be released) 14,900. (sidewalks: RG & CG to follow up) 13,500. (water/sewer tap removal — RG & CG to follow up) 200. (fire flow? —County Fire to confirm) 500. (May, 2003 — may be released) 500. (Oct, 2005 — may be released) 500. (Dec, 2001— see special notes from NCDOT — portion may be released) 500. (June, 2002 —may be released) 500. (Aug, 2002 — may be released) 1 .VParkwood Ext (Basic) ./ Whitney Pines: 5 (Basic) Whitney Pines: 6 (Basic) Total Money Printed: December 19, 2011 Total Control Panel To: sburaess((Dnhegov.com From: iames.bonsenftfpua.org 500. (May, 2002 —may be released) 500. (Oct, 2003 — may be released) 500. (Mar, 2004- may be released) $ 71,666. Remove this sender fi•om my allow list You received this message because the sender is on your allow list. Lo in C�J� i t i Burgess, Sam From: Burgess, Sam Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1:08 PM To: 'Robin[LGj' Subject: RE: Subdivision Field Checks (Surety Release) 12 OK, message confirmed. S From: Robin[LG] [mailto:Robin@legacygroup.cc] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 12:57 PM To: Burgess, Sam Cc: 'Tom Wilson'; 'leon'; darrylmills@att.net Subject: RE: Subdivision Field Checks (Surety Release) Thanks Sam- I appreciate your help. When you have time, please call me regarding Torchwood as well. Thanks Robin 910-279-3117 From: Burgess, Sam [mailto:SBurgess@nhcgov.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:25 AM To: robin Cc: Iannucci, Jim; Davis, Matt Subject: RE: Subdivision Field Checks (Surety Release) Robin, No word ...yet. I have two major presentations — one today and one tomorrow. After Wednesday, I will contact the County Engineering office and County Fire Services to determine what the status is. Thanks for your patience and hope you are doing well. Sam From: robin [mailto:robin @legacygroup.cc] Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 5:32 PM To: Burgess, Sam Cc: Tom Wilson Subject: RE: Subdivision Field Checks (Surety Release) Hi Sam, Have you heard yet from any Depts. regarding field inspections? I know you asked them to respond by to the 5th. Just a friendly reminder for follow up. Thanks for your help. Robin 1 From: Robin Grathwol [mailto:rdgrathwoll@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:06 AM To: Tom Wilson (Tom@wl-eng.com); 'renee@legacygroup.cc'; Darryl Mills (Business Fax) Subject: FW: Subdivision Field Checks (Surety Release) From: Burgess, Sam [mailto:SBurgess@nhcgov.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 10:52 AM To: robin Subject: RE: Subdivision Field Checks (Surety Release) 1 No word yet on the sureties. I will follow up. I received your voice message and will connect with you either late today or tomorrow. I have two deadlines I need to meet. Hope the weather is nice out in Colorado. Sam From: robin [mailto:robin @legacygroup.cc] Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 12:06 PM To: Burgess, Sam Cc: renee@legacygroup.cc; Tom Wilson; "Darryl Mills \(Business Fax\)" Subject: RE: Subdivision Field Checks (Surety Release) Hi Sam, Have you heard from any of the Depts. yet re: the field inspections? Please call me when you get a chance re: Torchwood connection. 279-3117 Thanks From: Burgess, Sam [mailto:SBurgess@nhcgov.com] Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 12:39 PM To: Iannucci, Jim; Davis, Matt; William Pinnix Cc: robin@legacygroup.cc; O'Keefe, Chris; renee@legacygroup.cc Subject: Subdivision Field Checks (Surety Release) Jim, Matt, & Bill, Robin Grathwol (Legacy Group)has requested a field inspection to determine whether infrastructure improvements are complete. Several of these projects have been around for awhile and improvements MAY be complete. Please respond in writing on the status of the improvements to our office for each project by May 5, 2009. Saratoga Place: Phase 1 @ Coastal Carolina Hidden Pointe (off Harris Road) Saratoga Place: Phase 1 ,/Saratoga Place @ Hidden Point Courtney Pines: Phase 2 i-n u-2 (97j 4J,.�UC7�Z o • c1�? G-rMd t..n/.� � .�'',.�,2 #,Qa.vJ� $ 1,866. C ', rc fie,,,,,,,) ,i1,700. �15;000. 161000. J 4,500. Cc—, b� ��Qz�..��c� e. I14)ctoo ( CIA, P,+ y Az—... 2 i3) 550. (� e,.�i. t 7 .w tti zy) 200, Thanks, Sam !SIG:4a09abdd236021434857025! Sam Burgess To: Adam Rahhal/NHC 03/25/02 09:56 AM cc: cc: Subject: Development Field Inspections Please conduct a field inspection on the following developments within Coastal Carolina and advise back. Developer Bill Grathwol is requesting inspections on projects dating back to the early 90's and wanting money returned pending completed improvements. Saratoga Place 570 Saratoga Place 1,866 Alamosa Place: 3B 4,500 Alamosa Place: 2 3,750 Courtney Pines 10,000 Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 Britany Lakes: 3 7,100 Newbury Woods 32,675 Saratoga: 1 15,000 Quail Woods: 16 500 Need complete NCDOT Basic Letter Alamosa Place 2,700 Potomac Woods 500 May need NCDOT Basic Letter Potomac Woods: 3 500 May need NCDOT Basic Letter Thanks, Sam 4 •3. 2 Andrea Jordan To: Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC 04/03/02 10:29 AM cc: (bcc: archive) Subject: Newbury Woods TO: Sam Burgess FROM: Jim Craig CC: Adam Rahhal RE: Newbury Woods We have inspected the above subdivision and found all improvements complete. Release all money. 4-1-2 0 Q- b 1,--e V-00. G-tetik-z. js 2�0, c Adam Rahhal y�'03/25/02 12:35 PM C)", t •- 5 b-0-ea"\" k CcC'E E.•wv- �`r�C«i, a—Cl CVA -{ C" ,S.�y� c� C�k ccj Vie•, v.,h N (' Atct 5�i3 223`S j. 1 To: Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC cc: (bcc: archive) Subject: Re: Development Field Inspections Sam, you may release the following from the list: -- 1. Alamosa Place 3B ($4500)--el• 23-ac+ C02LA5' 2. Alamosa Place 2 ($3750)\/0 g, j . q-7 t uz-6-4y,_ % i i Sj -Iq 3.Courtney Pines ($10000).-' og, tu- a�, C1'169" "1 4.Alamosa Place ($2700).•e"0?,. owl• acl ►�OEOL 5.Britney Lakes 3($7100)../ Vb. ou-a-7 to5oos Sam Burgess OC'{z Sam Burgess To: Adam Rahhal/NHC@NHC 03/25/2002 10:05 AM cc: Wyatt Blanchard/NHC@NHC, Jim Craig/NHC@NHC, (bcc: archive) Subject: Development Field Inspections Please conduct a field inspection on the following developments within Coastal Carolina and advise back. Developer Bill Grathwol is requesting inspections on projects dating back to the early 90's and wanting money returned pending completed improvements. Saratoga Place 570 Saratoga Place A_Ia.�Ga Plara•�B.,�d 1,866 ,F,OfI Alamosa-Wace ��7-50• Cou4ney-IP Res----=—=1-0;000-- Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 B 7—, +O • Newbury Woods 32,675 Saratoga: 1 15,000 Quail Woods: 16 500 Need complete NCDOT Basic Letter A Potomac Woods 500 May need NCDOT Basic Letter Potomac Woods: 3 500 May need NCDOT Basic Letter Thanks, Sam CASH RECEIPT:_`, gLfCRf�TIb Ni.' - jC+1(C�„L +\;��?s•-�„ PAGE I OF YY BUDGET _ FY .;. •�l I t)(1 1 n #k ' i ! _ Tim i { _ [ _ •. ( f 2 ly 3 ROM f4 �x i i C t. • / rl LS 0y � - t UN yw� } TOTAL AMO T -Mid--� C I f DATE - r 1f ; r GATE iz rp . 7;. ,. AME ' [ c .TI74E DATE yg �. _ .. .. : )VER.000NTY':❑#CASHC�ECK CASH RECEIPTNUMBER C A14-17-2002 THU 12:5e PM COUNTY PLANKIN: FAY, FAx N0, 910 341 4756 AbW. P. 01 I Fax Name: Organization: Fax: Phone: From: Date: Subject: Pages: Gentlemen: Bill Grathwol & Arnold Carson (OfJ 762-1723 & 772-9128 [Phone] SEun Burgess 5aM January 17, 2002 Coastal Carolina Development Bonds 1 As requested, a complete list of bond monies held by New Hanover Comity on Coastal Cal ' na is displayed below. This list was last updated by our Finance Office in November, '01. Dui I., the number of bonds, field inspections may be required before releasing funds. In order to exp• -11 e the process, Carson's office may have easier access to DOT Basic Letters, etc. Please adv: e e n how you would like for us to proceed and which projects money is requesting to be release,!. Coastal Carolina s a-i-o-sc 570 Coastal Carolina: Saratoga 1,866 Coastal Car. -/' F'22� 4,500 Coastal Car. 8,27G i 39500 Coastal Car: Alamosa Alamosa:2 3,750 - Alamosa: 84, 85 2,500 ✓ Alamosa: 2A 7,25U Alamosa: 3A 5,600 Courtney Pines 10,000 Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 Britany Lakes:3 7,100 Newbury Woods 32,675 - ;�e�,b,; ? 10,861 8,645 Coastal Car 7,645 Potomac. 2 Saratoga: 1 15,000 Quail Wds: 16 500 Cvct_, 1 C c(_i-/�P P , ivo r'c� i-c7 v n c x.c� VV o 0 cl 5, �; a Fax Name: Bill Grathwol & Arnold Carson Organization: IN Fax: 762-1723 & 772-9128 Phone: [Phone] From: Sam Burgess 5AK Date: January 17, 2002 Subject: Coastal Carolina Development Bonds Pages: 1 Gentlemen: As requested, a complete list of bond monies held by New Hanover County on Coastal Carolina is displayed below. This list was last updated by our Finance Office in November, `01. Due to the number of bonds, field inspections may be required before releasing funds. In order to expedite the process, Carson's office may have easier access to DOT Basic Letters, etc. Please advise on how you would like for us to proceed and which projects money is requesting to be released. Coastal Carolina 570 Coastal Carolina: Saratoga 1,866 Coastal Car. 4,500 Coastal Car. 8,270 Coastal Car: Alamosa 3,500 Alamosa: 2 3,750 Alamosa: 84, 85 2,500 Alamosa: 2A 7,250 Alamosa: 3A 5,600 Courtney Pines 105000 Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 Britany Lakes 7,100 Newbury Woods 32,675 Newbury: 2 10,861 Coastal Car 8,645 Potomac: 2 7,645 Saratoga: 1 15,000 Quail Wds: 16 500 j'"Q-a 5 Q-Q, cLq c,-cL-e--A Coastal Car 2,700 Newbury Wds: 3 6,500 Potomac Wds 500 Potomac Wds 500 Sam Burgess 341-7165 �`12 - qt2� • ECEIVE , STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRFrARY December 21, 2001 Arnold Carson, RLS 406 North Third Street Wihnington, NC 28401 Subject: Basic Letter Section 1, Whitney Pines S/D Dear Sir: This is to advise that Section 1, Whitney Pines Subdivision has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on June 14, 1999. The roads in Section 1, Whitney Pines Subdivision meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. Thurgood Road south of Valor Drive and Valor Drive east of Whitney Drive cannot be considered for addition until they intersect another road of permanent cul-de-sacs meeting NC DOT standards are constructed. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, n Daniel R. Cumbo, PE District Engineer DRC:ajm cc: S. E. Cooke, New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 23401 (910) 251-2655 Fax: (910) 251-2759 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR December 14, 2001 Arnold W. Carson, PLS PC 406 North Third Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: Basic Letter for a portion of Section 16, Quail Woods Dear Mr. Carson: SECRETARY This is to advise that a portion of Section 16, Quail Woods has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on August 6, 2001. The roads in Section 16, Quail Woods meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base, and pavement except for a portion of Springer Drive, Retriever Drive and Thetford Court. As of this date, 70.74' of the western end of Springer Road is not completed, 85.00' of the western end of Retriever Drive is not completed and 72.84' of the southern end of Thetford Court is not completed. Therefore, these incomplete sections of roads do not qualify for basic letter. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in an acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, kLuL) Daniel R. Cumbo, P.E. District Engineer DRC:mjd cc: Scott E. Cooke, P.E. , New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning Department 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910)251-2655 Fax: (910)251-2759 v � - �; - Arj STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR December 21, 2001 Arnold Carson, RLS 406 North Third Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Subject: Basic Letter Section 1, Whitney Pines S/D Dear Sir: SECRETARY This is to advise that Section 1, Whitney Pines Subdivision has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on June 14, 1999. The roads in Section 1, Whitney Pines Subdivision meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base and pavement. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. Thurgood Road south of Valor Drive and Valor Drive east of Whitney Drive cannot be considered for addition until they intersect another road of permanent cul-de-sacs meeting NC DOT standards are constructed. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minirnum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, - Q Daniel R. Cumbo, PE District Engineer DRC:ajm cc: S. E. Cooke, New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer Hanover County Planning 124 Division Drive, Wihninpton, N.C. 28401 (910) 251-2655 Fax: (910) 251-2759 1/23lo l?' Sam Burgess.- 01 /23/2002 09:17 AM To: Adam Rahhal/NHC cc: Subject: Field Inspections Adam: Bill Grathwol has requested a field inspection on the following projets. Please conduct a field inspection and advise back (within several days) on the following projects we are holding money on. A few of these projects date back several years. Saratoga Place @ Coastal Car. 1,866 dollars Alamosa: 2 @ CC 3,500 Alamosa: Lots 84 & 85 2,500 Alamosa Place: 2A 7,250 Alamosa Place: 3A 5,600 Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 Newbury: 2 10,861 Potomac: 2 7,645 Saratoga: 1 15,000 Quail Woods: 16 500 Newbury Woods: 3 6,500 Whitney Pines 500 Alamosa: 3D 500 Thanks, Sam Y FRW FAX NO. • Jan. 17 2002 01:08PM P1 Pr[ 'VOl1"l'('Y Pi.i1W-11HU F'h X H.X Vii. Calu 341 455v. I'. UIIU ' Fax Nwcae: Bill tarathwol & Arrwid Carlon MgAatioo: 762.1723 & 772.9129 i>?'as: rU 'V' . Phone. [Phool FMW! Sam SWVSS AK Date: jetivary 17, 2001 Caastai Carolina Devolopmertt 13onds Subjeot: Paces; 1 Gantiemed: As requagW, a oo�Lplete list of bond monies held by New H=over County all Coastal Camlia is displayed below. This list was last updated by our Pittance OR, co in November, `01. Dw to the aumiyer of bonds, field inspactioO tray be roquired before releasing funds. In order 10 expedite thG pro�sa► C f� bus to roceul andior access to DOT which proy ecfv mnnacy is r�,t� to be TeledNige nsed, on how you would P _�. COitSW Carolina, $70 1,966 -�- Coastal Carolina:Sueoga —� Coastal Car. 4,500 Cowl CU. 8,270 --7>- Coatttal Car: Alamou 3,500 Alatnaea: 2 3,750 84, 85 2,300 _�►lmmdsa: 2A 7,250 S,b00 -, Al&mom 5A -Courtney Pine$ — Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 aritauy Lakes 7,1W �>,- NewburyWoods 2675 30,961 --� Newbury:2 I9,645 gams —� Coastal Car 7,fi45 —�- Pototuaa: 2 15,000 •—� �ttcsga:l _ Wdrs 16 500 FROM FAX NO. .Jan. 17 2NO2 01:09PM P2 JAN~11-20U2 'I'E{�► 1 � s 53 F'1 ""CUN T `( NL aM,; 1 IrG FAX FC.'r( NO, 0,110 341 fi65E: 02/02 comW Car r� tgcxbuxy Wdb; 3 ? Potoman Wds �otc�tuac 'V 4 .sue Sam Bulge" 341-7163 2,700 6,500 300 Soo Q pea STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY December 14, 2001 Arnold W. Carson, PLS PC 406 North Third Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: Basic Letter for a portion of Section 16, Quail Woods Dear Mr. Carson: This is to advise that a portion of Section 16, Quail Woods has been constructed per the preliminary plan approved on August 6, 2001. The roads in Section 16, Quail Woods meet the minimum construction requirements of the Department of Transportation for basic drainage, base, and pavement except for a portion of Springer Drive, Retriever Drive and Thetford Court. As of this date, 70.74' of the western end of Springer Road is not completed, 85.00' of the western end of Retriever Drive is not completed and 72.84' of the southern end of Thetford Court is not completed. Therefore, these incomplete sections of roads do not qualify for basic letter. All other drainage must meet Department of Transportation standards at the time of petitioning for addition to the state system. This is to further advise that utilities located within dedicated public rights of way must have an encroachment agreement before addition to the state maintained road system can be considered. Also, minimum residency requirements must be met and the roads must be in an acceptable state of maintenance when petitioned. Sincerely, Daniel R. Cumbo, P.E. District Engineer DRC:mjd cc: Scott E. Cooke, P.E. , New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer New Hanover County Planning Department 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910)251-2655 Fax: (910)251-2759 C C ' I I © Q /2_-/CI-[%e AiG lL �_►�}.�� (iti/al�C �. e) L IL-1 I-o I m -� Ey0 C STRUC-110N �i \�J _I/%i A ! T C` /L G?/C... - I Z - -� 'f/ N3418'49'E 229011' END C,NSTRUCTION 50 D.E. .. - — _a81 �'� 1].]el . - . ... wV ]Sle � J:1 ara - . " . . -..,� ... �.._ ... wv ]J.ee 446 1 to -. .-�_ �_ __'� -- --4J? � F - --- _ 111 « aa3 at2 441 `t0 4J5 <JB of 4J7 aJE 4J5 4Ja of I 4JJ � I I --- --- --- ------ / � hjp `4 az Orr <r° 409 �0 1 "=� 1 11 YE LOW BELL kOA I le .�, "I'I� e wv Jzeo �A=37.5 �.ew....... C UBL)C; • wv Jsn t I�9.> /�V a7l �-- '". f •.. .... . 1 _ A- 9..3 Q \ .�,.f • ^—y'��wv Je In ' f_ r. —a C z O <a, <°8TI \ i / f60 \ \\ 459 t5B I I 4t7 lo: I S •Z_ <2497 O `JO• I r I•, 1 1 I� I I I ` 4Ja Of I•I \ £� • soz G, \.��}o ''� \\'• \ +,� I 1 1 /.ice �� l\ az9 �`1 407 I 9vlo. 47B 4 448 J � 422 O ,. CD 30' O.E. I d (: ]ss 10 E CJ i5}1'}6.07 w 406.45 � �. • /, \ f_°/ /'O ? \].� < 4t9 /MG\ \ 411 S. \ a25 �.! / '• 5 }J�� _ - - _ � - - - ._ - - -, • �'• \" ''%/vo° \'\ y -l: to <ze ;.1 <-•i�Be� I % I cc <76 >.z '• �'D'` 1 427 9 OUAIT yN is J70\SECTIO4 r5JE9Cyyy0 LA E J66 3 \ ,0. 367 368 i I % ! <75 / O 'Q q O \ _ !•" t n- �P v. ,1 I J77 j \ \ Ja: i /DE- �� es \9•\ \ •` �jx�St-�+'Q \re-],c _-� ' \ :N' \ \t, �` ��� \ - <St'\/VCOURT ^ . v>IJa,r\\ \ r <65 \/:r/W F l:µ \SOo�372 SD 475\\/5,' \/7 ` \ `' •1 I \\ _`R' / 375 374 I J73 r. soi ]J.so Q/ ,11 \ \� ///, i �•�s\�<.��� /// �,y / \ �', J764 ..`J5.A I ` •�0° I_ \a,J'. 36JR I \ `pC 0 AIL WOODS I �J-5 �--" —i '•— — r" — -- - Gi G SECTIOWN5 1J9.J0M5 'I . S3124'w J753 I 12'.99' L ?52R G J56 f I cu: L i 000s - L / \ SEC11ON ,5 \ �i C s68 \ C85'<J'o -r I I \ S 378 J90 COASTAL CFROUNF \ ;.SAD G_ - - _ - i J57 i' i J38R J59R JeCR r— �i �'I 377R J73 I . DEVELOPERS INC. 1 I I I 47 J552 g, \P ouAIL w000s' SE TION114 � /l � JSr i •.l .. r 1 Adam Rahhal Te A 01/29/2002 11:52 AM To: Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Re: Field Inspections In ,A. Alamosa Place (lots 84&85) : You may release the bond $2500. ,/2. Alamosa Place 2A: You may release the bond $ 7250. A. Alamosa Place 3A: You may release the bond $5600 ✓4. Alamosa Place 3D : You may release the bond $7770. .15.Newbury Woods sec.3 : You may release the bond $6000. 6.Witney Pines: The $500 bond mentioned in your E-mail, not for Engineering. 7. Quail Woods sec.16 ; The $500 bond not for engineering. Sam Burgess 3 Sam Burgess y .. ` 01/23/2002 09:31 AM To: Adam Rahhal/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Field Inspections Adam: Bill Grathwol has requested a field inspection on the following projets. Please conduct a field inspection and advise back (within several days) on the following projects we are holding money on. A few of these projects date back several years. Saratoga Place @ Coastal Car. 1,866 dollars Alamosa: 2 @ CC 3,500 Alamosa: Lots 84 & 85 2,500 Alamosa Place: 2A 7,250 Alamosa Place: 3A 5,600 Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 Newbury: 2 10,861 Potomac: 2 7,645 Saratoga: 1 15,000 Quail Woods: 16 500 Newbury Woods: 3 6,500 Whitney Pines 500 Alamosa: 3D 500 Thanks, Sam Adam Rahhal / 01/29/2002 04:45 PM To: Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Re: Field Inspections IQ ✓1.Potomac Woods sec.2 you may release the $7300. ,/ 2. Courtney Pines sec.3, you may release the $8645. Sam Burgess Sam Burgess ' 01/23/2 02 09:31 AM To: Adam Rahhal/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Field Inspections Adam: Bill Grathwol has requested a field inspection on the following projets. Please conduct a field inspection and advise back (within several days) on the following projects we are holding money on. A few of these projects date back several years. Saratoga Place @ Coastal Car. 1,866 dollars Alamosa: 2 @ CC 3,500 Alamosa: Lots 84 & 85 2,500 Alamosa Place: 2A 7,250 Alamosa Place: 3A 5,600 Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 Newbury: 2 10,861 Potomac: 2 7,645 Saratoga: 1 15,000 Quail Woods: 16 500 Newbury Woods: 3 6,500 Whitney Pines 500 Alamosa: 3D 500 Thanks, Sam Adam Rahhal / 01/30/2002 09:28 AM To: Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Re: Field Inspections n1,R V�am, you may release the bond $10861 for Newbury Woods sec. 2 . Sam Burgess Sam Burgess 01 /23/2002 09:31 AM To: Adam Rahhal/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Field Inspections Adam: Bill Grathwol has requested a field inspection on the following projets. Please conduct a field inspection and advise back (within several days) on the following projects we are holding money on. A few of these projects date back several years. Saratoga Place @ Coastal Car. 1,866 dollars Alamosa: 2 @ CC 3,500 Alamosa: Lots 84 & 85 2,500 Alamosa Place: 2A 7,250 Alamosa Place: 3A 5,600 Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 Newbury: 2 10,861 Potomac: 2 7,645 Saratoga: 1 15,000 Quail Woods: 16 500 Newbury Woods: 3 6,500 Whitney Pines 500 Alamosa: 3D 500 Thanks, Sam Adam Rahhal A 01/30/2002 09:31 AM To: Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Re: Field Inspections 2 ✓Sam, you may release surety for Alamosa 2 @cc ($3500) Sam Burgess +_. f` .... Sam Burgess 01 /23/2002 09:31 AM x To: Adam Rahhal/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Field Inspections Adam: Bill Grathwol has requested a field inspection on the following projets. Please conduct a field inspection and advise back (within several days) on the following projects we are holding money on. A few of these projects date back several years. Saratoga Place @ Coastal Car. 1,866 dollars Alamosa: 2 @ CC 3,500 Alamosa: Lots 84 & 85 2,500 Alamosa Place: 2A 7,250 Alamosa Place: 3A 5,600 Courtney Pines: 2 4,500 Newbury: 2 10,861 Potomac: 2 7,645 Saratoga: 1 15,000 Quail Woods: 16 500 Newbury Woods: 3 6,500 Whitney Pines 500 Alamosa: 3D 500 Thanks, Sam Sam Burgess 01 /25/2002 10:28 AM To: Adam Rahhal/NHC cc: Subject: Field Inspection Request cl , Adam: Please add Newbury Woods @ Coastal Carolina Development to your field inspection list. The County is holding 32,675 dollars. I inadvertently left this project off the list several days ago. Looking forward to hearing back from you on the status of the Coastal project improvements. Sam